Which JoJo's are circumcised?

Which JoJo's do you think are circumcised?

Here are my personal theories on the matter but I’m open to other opinions

>In the late 1800s circumcision in Britain was mainly done on boys caught in the act, in order to make masturbation less pleasurable and more difficult
>Jonathan doesn't even know how to wank so probably wouldn't have been circumcised

>Joseph would probs have been circumcised by Lisa Lisa but she fucked off before she had the chance to catch him wacking it to her and Erina didn't have the heart to do it to him
>got it snipped later for Suzi Q's sake since she thought it looked weird

>Was uncircumcised during SD but circumcised himself with star platinum later in life to improve his hydrodynamics

>Circumcised at birth for medical reasons but restored his foreskin by accident when he did a stand wank

>The doctor snipped it when he was born because Italy but when he got his stand it grew out again and now matches his hair

>She probs would have been though if she was born in the 1800's

>Same time period as Jonathan but he's never needed to jerk it since he's been either drowning in it after winning the Kentucky Derby or crippled and unable to feel it
>his dad cut it off anyways to reduce his weight on a horse

Has 4skin:
>my boy gappy didn't just get extra nads
>killer peen: soft and wet edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck is wrong with you

>josuke healed himself
Why did i even read this, fuck.


josuke wouldn’t be circumcised because japan has a nearly 0% circumcision rate

His single mother needed money so she probably took him to the local jew.

So they cut the top of her clit or what?

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what is jolyne referring to in the first panel

Nigga what the fuck

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I mean they could have...
she shouldn't even be in the list.

fair enough, however circumcisions are sometimes done for medical reasons such as Phimosis rather than cultural or religious reasons, Also his character is somewhat based on Prince who was apparently circumcised so I thought it would fitting homage

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Apparently its only mutilation when it happens to women

t. bitter bunless hotdog

uncircumcised means they didn't cut off her clit

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>Circumcised at birth for medical reasons but restored his foreskin by accident when he did a stand wank
Josuke can't use Crazy Diamond on himself you idiot

No jojo after part 3 can be circumcised because stands are your soul energy and circumcising means selling you soul to the joos

Going by methods and clasification yeah
its nowhere near as bad

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could future josuke jerk off and heal young josuke's foreskin or would it technically count as masturbation?

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I mean, countries are moving towards making circumcision illegal as well, the only reason there is any difficulty at all is the Jew but since they do it at home anyway, I think it should just be illegal for doctors to do it and that will leave the problem only to the crazy religious who were going to ruin their children anyway which is how FGM currently works.


What do you mean match his hair? Does it have like three coils around it? Does it look like pic related?

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This is weird thread but I LOVE BRUNO

I was imagining something like this

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Bruno can circumcise and then uncircumcise himself whenever he wants w/ sticky fingers making him one of the most powerful characters in all of Jojo

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Josuke can't heal himself with CD dumb ass

Please stop

But Josuke can't heal himself with Crazy Diamond

Circumcision is extremely rare in Europe and Asia and practically unheard of for any reasons other than medical. Third world shitholes do it for religious or ceremonial reasons. America is really the only country where boys are regularly circumcised for no reason.
None of the JoJo's would be snipped except for Johnny, because he's the only male JoJo born in America.

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Poor Tom?

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I don't remember this Star Wars character

is that thing at the top of the head a hat or hair?
are those tattoos or a shirt?
inb4 >rationalizing Arakis desings

Probably the straight thread on 4channel, tbf

Apparently circumcision only become common after world war I when the military began circumcising soldiers in their late teens and 20s because they thought it would make the less susceptible to venereal disease. These soldiers then returned home and had kids and were asked if they wanted them snipped, so they said yeah to avoid them the pain later in life. Even though he was born in the US, since Johnny was born in the 1870s, he probably wouldn't be circumcised by default as the procedure wasn't very common at that time

Holy shit op

The real question is if Shigetchi is circumcised

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He's circumcised. Only cutfags care about this kind of shit.

If he is, could crazy diamond find the remaining piece of foreskin and restore his body?


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The real question is if his foreskin has spikes like his head.

What about Okuyasu?

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It doesn’t matter because he erased his entire dick with The Hand.

I reckon he could probs use this technique to restore the body, but not shigetchi's life force

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If this were true could Pearl Jam be used to grow him a new one?

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>people with foreskin are actually people
You're hilarious.

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How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

This but unironically

I know you're mad that you were robbed of the best part of your penis and that it was likely rubbed on an elderly Jew's face to reduce wrinkling, but seething won't bring those 20,000 nerve endings back.

Sorry but you can tell by Giorno's personality that he's been uncircumcised since birth. You just know,

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posting in an epic bread

Is this what JoJo threads have been reduced to?

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This. Uncut penises are fucking ugly. It makes you look like a nigger, you wanna look like a nigger user?

there are a few different methods of female genital mutilation all as disgusting as male genital mutilation.

Just realised Hot Pants is literally a flesh bender and can add and take away foreskin at will and can even add extra foreskin by substituting other flesh making her as powerful, if not more so, then Bruno

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The most important question is, can she make a futacock with it?


Seeing as how she can perfectly make lucy look like scarlet she could probably craft any cock imaginable as long as there was enough flesh cream

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Buddy the best part of going on tour in the Phillipines was having all the chicks there panic that I have an "animal cock" because of my foreskin. Slapping them to leave a smegma-covered mushroom stamp on their foreheads was bomb.





Americans didn't do Circumcision until very recently(the 1900s like the 1920s). Brits had a surge of circumcision around the same time but they grew disillusioned with it way faster.

Just so you know Johnny probably does have a uncut penis.

Then again he is based on Prince.

>Diamonds are cut
Of course he is. Penises are like gem stones, you cut them to make em pretty

>got it snipped later for Suzi Q's sake since she thought it looked weird
Italians weren't brainwashed by the Jews in the 1940s. She sure as hell wouldn't have said a word if he was intact(but might have kicked up a fuss of he wasn't).

Do you think Cinderella could have done the same?

What about the villains of JoJo?

Primitive tribes probably just nicked the dick without chopping off the whole skin.
Does losing the whole cock(along with your body) count?>Kira
His dad probably prevented his mom from trying to control his masturbating to hands that way.



kill yourself please, im begging you to stop wasting more space and oxygen

kill yourself




Lets unpack this

Why'd you post josuke's savior and role model when talking about a time traveling josuke?

t. triggered cutlet

The correct answer is: none of them.

dude seriuosly, just off yourself


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All dicks are good so long as they work.
'nuff said

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not again please, this autistic /r9k/ tranniery should stay hidden in the deeps of hell

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Nice image user

Hot pants’ stand always grossed me out. She just carries around a fucking perfume bottle full of flesh wtf

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>this whole thread

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Josuke's restorative power doesn't work on him, ya dingus

jojofags everybody

Pillar people probably circumcised their boys

cuz op don't think it be like it is but it do

So every JoJo is uncut

Kira is defo uncut cuz it grows longer whenever he gets his urges

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Seriously, can anyone tell me why being uncut is bad? Is this an American thing?

>This whole thread.

Damn it, Yea Forums.

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If you become the Ultimate Lifeform, do you have a foreskin in your default state if you were cut before ascending?
Does becoming the Ultimate Lifeform heal all your wounds?
Can Crazy Diamond undo circumcision?
Can Crazy Diamond make your dick hard again if it's failing to stay erect?
Can Crazy Diamond make priapism a non-issue by "fixing" the blood in your dick to have the necessary oxygen?
If Kira were circumcised, would he keep his foreskin preserved like he did his fingernails?

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>If Kira were circumcised, would he keep his foreskin preserved like he did his fingernails?

mutilation on children creates mentally ill adults who would have known, not the kikes not the americlaps... unless you are talking about female mutilation now thats evil shit

not just any flesh but stem cells

don't make threads again

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You're in the club and this guy slaps your ass and asks to see your foreskin - what do?

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Do stands have foreskins?

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If Yukako was being accurate, they have dicks, at least.

I'm so glad I'm not a nigger or abrahamic savage and didn't get ritualistically mutilated.

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peeling back mista’s foreskin and licking his dick cheese

The women who support the practice are the dumbest of all. The foreskin's presence makes going in dry a painful experience for the male as well, which actually makes rape harder.

Piorngu Piovanna

This might be hard for sandniggers to understand, but there is this thing called washing yourself.

Pucci did whole Made in Heaven thing to uncircumcise himself

So apparently Zenyatta Mondatta, Kanye, Shigechi, Caravan Serai, Mista and Tarkus participated in the Steel Ball Run race

Thank you Araki, very cool.

You're forgetting that NEETs never bathe and don't realise most people do bathe frequently

yfw mista is just an uncircumcised kira

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I might have, because I never let myself go that much as a neet. Not even when I was homeless.


Could a stand impregnate another stand then? How would this affect the user? Who would the baby stand belong to?

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xForts has superior neanderthal genes, his foreskin cannot be damaged by any tools

Cool, but long are they?

Jonathan is long and thick
Joseph is short but very thick
Jotaro has japanese genes so he has a short dick and compensates with the tough guy persona.
Same with Josuke, he compensates with the pompadour.
Giorno has barely hit puberty but he's long.
Johnny doesn't matter because his dick no longer works. Otherwise he was average American dick.
Gappy is an abomination

wouldnt johnnys dick start working again after he walked again? He did have a kid afterwards.

Dude looks like a lady - Aerosmith

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God, I want Narancia to fuck my ass while I'm fucking J. Geil.

Was Achtung Baby born invisible? Is that why her parents abandoned her, because they couldn't fucking find her anywhere?

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Because it only makes things worse for them and can make child birth harder as well as sex unpleasant. Guys can still get off without a foreskin.

Studded for her pleasure, user. He would've been quite popular had he not been a manlet.

It was quite literally a Jewish conspiracy to stop masturbation in the USA, the tradition continues to this day even though the average person doesn't know why it started

>Your ass would not survive

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I wonder what happened to Naranciafag

imagine showering with the part 5 gang and then you go to sleep and when you wake up you noticed you're now circumcized because Bucciarati swapped dicks with you while you were asleep

Couldn't Giorno just make a new dick for Bruno, however he'd like?

yeah you're right. Giorno could even make a business out of selling his created cocks to people in need.

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Giovanna-Bucciarati Penis enhancements ltd.

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I hope this image makes this thread less gay.
It’s probably not gonna work but it’s worth trying at least.

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How many circumcisions has Cioccolata performed against his patients' will over the course of his medical career? Many of them were probably Passione members, maybe even the boss himself which explains why he hates Cioccolata so much.

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>Uncut penises are fucking ugly
What are you gay?
Who the fuck cares except for raging homosexuals as yourself?

Considering the massive damage Okuyasu sustained to his genitals, he'd likely need the help of both Pearl Jam and Cinderella as well as the abilities of every other stand user in Morioh in a scene that would play out like pic related

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What the fuck is this thread

Who fucks the most?

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Johnny (pre-injury)
---Power Gap---

Canonically based on known info, Joseph, since he even had a wife and mistress and seemed to indulge relationships with a lot of women. Not sure of the others though.

>Johnny (pre-injury)
The holy trinity of sluts I see.

>tfw damn near everyone in Part 5 is gay to the point that the main villain Doppio/Diavolo actually ends up sticking out like a sore thumb for actually having a relationship with a woman
I know people kept saying that Part 5 was JoJo at its gayest but I'm still astounded.

could Gappy circumcise people with his bubbles?


part 7 is the gayest because it has Johnny

I want Jolyne to tie and wrap herself around me using Stone Free.

Dio can make his peen what he wants it to be, the same as the other vampire villains.

Valentine has foreskins or not depending on universe he came from.

Diavolo got circumcised but didn't lose his foreskin because of king crimson.

Kira canonically does not have a foreskin.

Pucci wears Dio's foreskin over his circumcised cock at all times.

This makes the most sense.

Gappy has a normal dick

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Shigechi's Harvest could collect all the foreskins, thus making him the head rabbi.

Actual ranking :

Slut tier
Johnny (pre-injury)

Intercourse for the sole purpose of procreation tier :

Virgin tier :
Johnny (post-injury)

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You know that the practice of circumcision was originally instituted as a means to mark slaves, right? That is straight up the reason why Jews and Muslims circumcise themselves--to show that they are slaves to their Gods.

Any nips ITT? Or anyone who lives in Japan?
Is Jojo actually popular there?
I've seen vids of japs doing jojo poses and stuff, but I figured those are cherrypicked.
How does it compare to other shit like SnK?

Gappy regularly circumcises random passerby around town and the entire story with people wanting the rokakaka is his fault.

holy shit hot pants is the best waifu
>can give herself bigger tits and ass
>can give herself futa dick if you ever get bored of vagina

It seems to me it's popular in the same way Star Trek is, it's an old cult classic but not much merch compared to other stuff from that era (like DBZ/Star Wars) or new stuff

Bro I fell for the circumcision meme because I got teased as a teen and begged my single mother to let me be “normal.” Any doctor caught circumcising babies should be hung. Idk why I haven’t kms yet

Is the sun worthless or was it just used improperly?

Lol they circumsize teenagers and adults ? I thought it was only done to babies because who in their right mind who want to chop a part of their body of

I ship them so you failed.


>tries to make thread less gay
>posts yuri

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it became common in the us because the guy who invented cornflakes convinced everyone to do it as 19th century nofap

he could but he prefers to do it the old fashioned way

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But what about the anime? Are people hype about the coming final eps and stuff?
I can't really tell from Twitter, since most of the reactions are retarded gaijin

There are events and pop up stores being held regularly around Tokyo for the part 5 anime, not to mention the art exhibition last year. It's not the most recognizable series out there but if it wasn't doing well in Japan it wouldn't have made it this far.

when you cut off your foreskin and stop masturbating cuz a god fearing cereal mogul tells you he can help you achieve godhood but then he ups and dies and you realise it was all bullshit so you reattach your old foreskin and have your first wank in 30 years

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The Sun is more or less incapable of circumcising anyone.

it could make people strip their clothes because of the heat, thus making it easier for another stand user to circumcise the victim

imagine someone with a stand like Yukako but instead of hair, it uses the person's foreskin

That's actually good to hear. It sucks when an anime I like is popular in the West but Japan doesn't care for it and thus never gets a sequel or if they do, it's like 8 years later. Deadman Wonderland remake when?!?!


That doesn't sound very practical. Would it make their foreskin elastic as well? That's the only way I can see it being useful.

yes and he could catch people with it. Maybe he would also be able to absorb them, imagine it like how Cell absorbed the androids in DBZ.

If Arabia Fats mirror was reflecting empty desert landscape instead of a landmark the Crusaders would have died there.

I know Meti probably lurks here; tell us bro foreskin or norskin ?

Crazy Diamond can't heal its user.

What's the best stand for forceful circumcision tho? Has so be Hierophant Green with his mind control, right?

Diver Down, it just works


none is a fucking Jew

the worst part is probably you thought typing all that shit was funny in some way

> Dio prepares an elaborate plan to frame Johnathan for masturbation and get him circumcised
I'm sad Araki dropped that arc

Probably Vitamin C desu, Damo could just melt you and slice it off with a piece of paper

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Marilyn Manson.
There's big money in foreskins, so that's probably the first body part it would go for.