Our emperor is a beautiful one, her anime may have been shit but her beauty remains intact.
Our emperor is a beautiful one, her anime may have been shit but her beauty remains intact
no hips
She can just use Imperial Privilege to be as wide hipped, fat assed, big tit as you want
This is my queen
She's very smug.
Drake thread?
Good idea
So what was their poppycock explanation for why Drake is a woman?
God damn is that a good doujin.
Alright then.
At first they wanted to make her Queen Elizabth in disguise in Extra, but later dropped that plot point and simply said she acted so manly her crew couldn't see her as a woman or else it would hurt their masculinity.
Your emperor is a whore
That's dumb.
>Almost all the girls in the franchise are whores
Its kind of pointless when you think about it all.
Teased for eternity by BB!
>she acted so manly her crew couldn't see her as a woman
what about the boobies?
I don't really ask questions.
It's Fate, don't think too hard about it.
Agartha in 3 weeks
I think they didn't really matter when she could drink anyone under the table and swear hard enough to make a sailor blush like a virgin.
She has been my favorite gyaru this year.
Fuck off don't remind me with that shitshow.
I love this emperor so much.
Your servant is nice, but can she race queen?
She isn't too bright is she?
Can I just worship her ass?
Can I worship her everything?
Bride form is my favorite.
Help me out here senpai, can't saucenao a crop reliably
How can Illya even compete?
I wish we had more Liz
>wanting a flat lizard
I want servant idol performances.
I heard shes weak to anal.
Why does she have Angelica’s hairstyle?
It's a secret.
We already have too much Lizshit.
I still love foxes
While I love the Emporer, the King has a certian charm to her as well
Not too mention she gets what she wants...
>Worshiping the literal Whore of Babylon
But she loves being a whore. Its one of her strengths, like being an exhibitionist. If anything NOT paying attention her might actually weaken her.
She is cute, I like the emperor because she is fun
Both at the same time. You know if this were any other anime, these two could be sisters.
would you obey a fat emperor ?
I would follow that fat ass any where.
I'll stick with the Chibi Kingdom, Thank You very much.
I'm the Scatman!
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub