>Start reading because I liked the one with the maids
>Instant /ss/
This gona be gud
Start reading because I liked the one with the maids
Other urls found in this thread:
It is. Welcome to the no steppe waifu club
I already finished what is available
I only want Smith to be happy
What part of the world does this take place? Old Russia?
Central Asia, Kazakhstan and all round that sea that just disappeared a few years ago.
There is also Turkey and Persia
josei will save anime and manga
give steppe gf
That's you're waifu and not a mere gf, you philistine
>you weren't born in the right time at the right place to have /ss/ with cute steppe wife and then marry another one when you become an adult
user, I'm coming
The catch today has huge, help me get it inside!
The latest chapter on being bored and doing nothing was ~healing~
You think Mori is going to go the full Mandukhai/Dayan Kahn route? Have Amir give Karluk two or three kids and then find him a younger girl so she does not have to continue having children?
Ah yes, Kazakhstan. Best prostitutes in the region.
>sea that just disappeared a few years ago
What happened?
Is there like 2 good /ss/ manga
The soviets tried to use it to irrigate farmland for cotton, ended up fucking up the whole ecosystem around there.
Based soviets.
People were using more water from the watershed then was being returned for a long period of time and the sea couldn't handle it.
Karluk gained some pretty bro tier brothers-in-law.
the damn kulaks drank it all. they just drank it all up.
It's a fun series.
>I only want Smith to be happy
He should have been the MC
Tfw no steppe waifu
Shit I forgot that this was ongoing
this series just gives off strong NTR potential vibes
ntr doujins are already a thing
Karluk's mom the hottest milf.
persian and middle eastern themed stuff should be more widespread
I like how japanese seem to perceive it as so ornate and exotic
just like how westerners supposedly do
like both westerners and japanese are guilty of an orientalism when it comes to the middle east
Is Tibet fine too?
Translations WHEN!?
trying to farm cotton in a desert isn't a good idea
Borat forever changed expectations about Kazhs
What is this holy awesomeness?!
A very lucky guy's mountain waifu
Are there any other manga with /ss/? i'm currently reading chi no wadachi and watashi no shounen
>written by an autist who loves Central Asia, because he's an autist who loves Central Asia
>smug brown lolis
I've never read this manga but just from the thread it seems great
You should. Also her drawings are gorgeous.
Haven't read it since the end of the lesbo bath girls story.
Has the main story progressed in any way?
Update never
Let me see another chapter of nee-san in magical not-arab
Now read Shirley too for more Maids.
Only 7 chapters are translated.
That's all the chapter there is. We're already translating it on release date.
Strong young lad + decade older neighbouring lady > /ss/
You got more?
>written by a cute girl
shy, too.
When she came in Italy, she went around in incognito because she doesn't like attention
How many italians would recognize a manga author anyway? It's not a profession that gets your face put everywhere
>that one guy who draws doujins kind of mimicking the original art style
diamonds man
Googling it gave me chink boards.
>draws horse fucking Amira
/ak/ marketing departement?
>no steppe gf
Just fucking kill me
I need a link, for research purposes of course.
Smith's story progressed significantly.
>tfw found 7 volumes of this at goodwill for 5 bucks each
>those maid figurines
Got communism'd so hard even the seas starved
>qt wife to /ss/ with and then turn into a milf
>brothers in law are cool and teach you how to be a man
This kid is having a good life
>only 1 page in a 4-page doujin
I felt blueballed.
War is coming, tho. We know it, the author knows it. And we're all afraid.
We need more vanilla /ss/ with handholding under the blankets in a yurt, and less slavery NTR with a side of horse rape.
Kalurk will produce manny children and with Amira's top tier genes and nourishment they will become warriors at a young age
She is not too shy in her drawings
Steppe people had civilizations? They werent just nomadic horse murderers?
Aren't they all muslims? Where are hijabs and shit?
anyone know of any good stories with /ss/, cause i think this is the only one I can think of thats not overtly ecchi
They cover their hair, but steppe muslims have a different culture than saudis.
Hijabs are modern islamist garbage.
They are but if built on top of another culture, so their headscarfs are more than just a boring piece of cloth. In the manga women do feel shame when someone sees them without it, but they don't get Saudi-Arabia-tier punishment, just a "Young woman, cover your hair, there are people!"
Did she really draw this?
This is before the wahhabis started pumping oil
Can't wait for when they get dry and die of thirst in their shitty desert.
Climate change is a good thing.
Is tagged under "Self-portait" and the artist credit goes to Mori
The worthy ones will go back to being steppes, the wahh*bis will die
hijabs are a fundamentalist meme
>the wahh*bis will die
Modernity was a mistake
If you care about smith then a lot has happened to him.
Paya has also gotten attention
And Kalurk is on his way of becoming an even bigger chad
I believe it was more about italians being machos and hooting after attractive women. Judging from her self-portraits, the artist is one of those.
Those portraits are kinda weird wince she more often than not pictures herself as pic-related, in only three pictures I have seen her drawing herself as a hottie
This is pretty good so far, kind of similar in a way. Domestic mango.
Shame scanlations are slow or ded.
She's more of a cute dork maid autist than MILF
I guess those drawings are what she sends you when you ask for lewds
Cute dork, tho
>5 bucks each
That's expensive
What group of people are Amira's nomadic folk supposed to belong to exactly?
Game Over
Standard price for manga is around 6 euros here.
It says here
They're Kazakh or Kyrghiz. Descended from Mongols.
I know you're here steppefag
>5 bucks for a hardcover
I am late to the party, can I know the tale of this steppefag guy?
>interesting culture setting
>cute mangaka
>culturally appropriate /ss/
>available lewds
>polygamy /ss/
This makes me want to kill myself for not being subject to literal heaven but not before I get to fully indulge myself in this experience. Where the fuck do I sign up?
Be born in Central Asia like 200 years ago
And learn to ride a horse
Although, there are still some nomad tribes and central asians still can develop strong horse-riding nomadic legs.
Ara ara
She's cute.
You are cute
Trips of truth.
desu not bad though
they smell bad, user
It was the 1850's, everyone smelled bad
I enjoy my vaccinations and penicillin, user
Chillax, user, 3 volumes have been officially translated atm
we already got our yearly chapter lad
>twins are from Afghanistan
Today I remind them
there is no way a britbong girl will look like that.
found it, it's short but good
like my dick
It hurts, bro
actually it was the imperial russians who raped everything that had two legs and a vagina.
I just realized this is the only manga with real unironic Muslim waifus.
I think there is a spinoff on which Chinese, Japanese and Arabs duke it out instead of the Not!Zeon
Are they Muslims?
not if your country had basic plumbing and potable water, a lot of civilized countries had those.
>YWN read this muslim harem manga
most people in Central Asia are Muslims, especially in the time period of the manga
user, cities in the 1850's were smelly and terrible to live in, it's why the Victorians all went on long vacations in the country.
>Be gud
>they never do it
It's torture.
>mincemeat dumplings
I demand the head of the one who translated this.
Is that Pelmani or chebureki
Wasn't this the VA who just shares her name and not her? I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before.
They look like chebureki but those are from a different region closer to Ukraine. Realistically they're samsa.
I think you are confusing Kaoru Mori with the FMA mangaka known for using Romi Park as her avatar from time to time
Nah, feels like a year ago but someone thought they had a pic of Mori on hand but it was someone else with the same name. I think the image was sourced from some cooking show or something? It's been a while.
>Fried rice instead of plof
>Kabob instead of shaslik
>Pomegranate instead of terrorist grenades
>Flat-bread instead of naan
How heretical.
Anything similar to this but with the genders reversed?
This doesn't look like her self portraits though.
Pariya is a miracle of the universe
be born like 80 years before WW1
Lmao, almost all of Western literature and cinema
>She's built tough
It's like people forget pic in these threads
/ss/ so strong it turned the man inside Shut-Hell gay
Can't really think of anything this fluffy
>Status in Country of Origin
>1 Volume (Hiatus)
>Completely Scanlated?
The novel is great, though
Interestingly the Anglos helped the Saudis back during WW1 and gave them enough support that a couple decades later they managed to defeat their rival tribes and become the dominant power in Arabia, even though Europeans knew that Wahhabism was a fundamentalist version of islam. In fact a century earlier, in the 1800s quite a number of coastal emirates willingly became British protectorates partly because they were afraid of Wahhabi raids.
And of course the very reason why the Anglos were supporting all these Arab tribes was because they wanted to dismantle the Ottoman Empire. And quite amusingly during much of the 19th century they were constantly trying to prevent that same empire from ever getting dismantled, such in the case of the Crimean War.
The seal of Solomon was a common decorative motif in Arabian/muslim and jewish cultures before the jews completely expropriated it in modern times.
The middle east has been such a ridiculous fucking mess for so long it's a wonder that it hasn't in its entirety devolved into complete Mad Max land
>___ __ ______ __
lmao nope
Reminds me of Under the Rain
>Story about the lord of a calm town and his tomboy waifu.
>Comfy and heartwarmign as hell.
>Halfway through the story author decides to ditch the main couple, the only pair most readers gave a shit about and focus on side stories and flashbacks about secondary characters
>Shitty side stories cover more chapters that those about the main couple.
What the fuck was the author thinking.
Time for Kazakh's own traditional "tfw no steppe waifu" song
Life will pass in no time
It's good to have fun while you are young
Someone else's waifu won't be waifu to you
No matter how good you treat them
Oh this false life, false life
Oh this dream that never became true...
How hard sweetheart suitable to be my waifu
Makes feel my soul!
Atten oi atten oi!
How sweet this life was
So hard to see person you love
to be happy with a stranger
Someone is happy to turn in circles in the sky
Someone is happy to turn into a prophet
Who do you think is perfect?
Only a baby is innocent in this world.
>ywn read another volume featuring the Tajik twins
You say that but with Smith's reverse trip the story is being setup to revisit all of our old friends.
The greatest /ss/ work of all time. Prove me wrong.
Faith restored
And we see how they're all dead or suffering under glorious Russian rule.
Russia did nothing wrong.
Fuck off Judeo-Bolshevik.
I should watch Emma
Can anyone understand this? There seems to be vodka all over it.
Not just any vodka. Horseradish infused vodka.
This is your country under Sl*vtoid rule
Also, don't forget that Smith's reason for the return trip is because the Russians are coming soon and he wants to take as many pictures as he can before bad shit starts. We will definitely be seeing more of everybody at some point.
Would you like an anime of this? They would definitely butcher everyone's designs.
I'm a Kavkazboo so I'm hoping we get some nice Christian Georgian/Armenian wives on the way out of the Ottoman Empire.
>finally find a harem manga about a real harem
>ded and untranslated
Fuck this world.
Only if it's done by J.C Staff or the people who did the new Berserk anime series.
>you will never go on a trip to Kazakhstan with 40 year old Central Asiaboo Japanese mangaka
>you will never spend a night in a yurt
>you will never take each other's virginities as wind howls across the frozen steppe outside
Its an unusual kind of feel.
This has unironic Muslim waifus too. It’s got an interesting though sanitized look at Saudi culture too
where the fuck do you live
Probably Russia or Poland.
I'm pretty sure this was definitively not her. She's quite shy and I believe there's no face pics, only back of head from that one video and all of her self portraits
im on chapter 28 and its been really fun so far. layla and leili a cute. is there more of them?
Shame there's really not a lot of great books based on that area/time period beyond Peter Hopkirk's The Great Game. Although it's a great book, well worth the read if want to know the greater historical context of the series.
That series sucks as it's pretty much just T*rkroach dick sucking.
>a lot of civilized countries had those
user, we're talking about history, not /pol/ history
user, I...
Britain had potable water and toilets were already invented. Also in most European countries the concept of latrine was common.
Sorry user, your savage street shitters were not civilized back then and don't make me talk about current years.
>historical Tibet waifu series
>historical Central Asia waifu series
Yet there's no equivalent for Indochina with qt SEA monkey waifus is there.
>Also in most European countries the concept of latrine was common
Very true. The spread of cholera was very much dependent on the advanced sewage system built around the civilized toiletbros.
damn so when it said
>and they lived happily ever after
they really meant it
Sucky sucky five dorrah!
Interesting fact, sewage in Washington DC in the mid-1800s was a joke. The water the White House got was basically contaminated by sewage and it's strongly suspected that's what actually led to the early deaths of William Henry Harrison, James K. Polk and probably Zachary Taylor.
Why is /ss/ such a popular fetish on this board?
This board is filled with Yea Forumsnons that weren't cute enough to get molested as a kid.
Numbers never lie.
Based dumplings though. Momos are greatest.
I think Amira's momo is great, if you know what I am saying
she’s pretty good looking
They return for a quick cameo
Is there any Mori drawn character that actually looks bad? Even older, fatter, or "homely" looking characters don't look all that weird or ugly.
Feels bad all these countries are doomed to communism in the future
Isn't he though?
There are a lot of different stories, but he's the only one tying them together.
Fuck we need more middle eastern romance mangas. At least a middle eastern waifu manga
I remember Shut Hell. Good art, good characters, somewhat good plot. The only thing that bothers me is what's the reason they named her "Shut Hell" other than "it just sounds cool".
Any way to get the raws? I don't see 'em in the usual places, and I have already wasted 2 days looking for Endevi vol 3 raws unsuccessfully. Help a guy out.
>ywn work the knots out of those slim shoulders and graceful swan neck
is there any reason not to exit bag
They're married, you unbeliever. It's as halal bloodless lamb.
Then there's also the part where Pariya and her fiancé went to the mill unattended and their parents started flipping their shit, then post-facto justifying it with "they're engaged, that means they're practically married! That's halal r-right?"
>40 year old
Pick exactly two
Lad, it's Japan.
Yes, because Japanese women are magical snowflakes that don't trade pussy for money.
Steppe Muslims > desert Muslims
Imagine if the Steppefus hadn't been indoctrinated into the malevolent moon cult at all.
Looks hmong
>all those degenerate shoes
This makes me wonder if we're approaching the end of the manga or something, it just seems like something you'd do to give closure to every characters we met before.
Well, the only big baddy left is Russia, and the current stories around the little shota are about him becoming stronger, aside from that things are pretty paceful, so you just KNOW shit is going to hit the fan soon
I still want Smith’s new gf to get isekai’d and meet her new family in London. I want to see their reactions and the culture shock
sex work is really odd there but if your a filthy gaijin then no posh soaplands for you.
guy I worked with went to them every week. he was married too.
Before that happens Smith will need to explain why his wife is not dead to the VERY angry uncle. The uncle who nearly got Smith killed last time.
If you want to understand what's going on with Smith and the Russians, Read this book
Absolutely fantastic read, real indana jones shit in the 1850's equivalent of the cold war between Great Brittian and Imperial Russian.
before or after Crimea?
>if we're approaching the end of the manga
If the assumption that we'll get Smith going back through all the places he visited again, it's more like we're at the halfway mark or something. Presuming that the arcs in each place won't just be super short.
pick that up I think. thanks, user. and thanks for the cute manga
The ending narration to one of Karluk's training chapters implies that we'll at least see some bad stuff happening with how the author says something along the lines of Karluk needing the skills he's honing at some point.
I don't care about the Britbong
I don't care about sticc and thicc
I don't care about the brown twins
The only people that can make badly drawn characters are from deviantart or tumblr
Amira is setting him up to be the greatest fuck and bust the greatest nut he'll ever bust in his entire life.
It's not mostly /ss/ though. Most of the time is loli x shota and yuri.
No /ss/ yet but there is Totally Not Yuri
>don't care about sticc and thicc
But literal sister wives
I love the scan for the chapter where eyebrows girl is trying to figure out how to talk to her betrothed.
>"Bro. Water wheels."
That chapter is straight up the hottest thing in the entire story
Does it mention if they are salars?. or Khargans?
Nah, this was.
Mori really does think that kissing not sex is the most intimate thing people can do.
Isn't she funny?
We need more central asia mangos
My nigga, you speak to my soul
>that author
So older men want lolis and older women want shotas
Women make the best lolis user
well yeah once they get older they fantasize about that forbidden romance they could have gotten
how can men even compete
Too bad we're currently funding the wahh bees
I'd pay every dollar I own for a harem manga about a real Ottoman harem. Just imagine:
>obligatory beta MC is Ottoman prince trying to chose between girls from all over the empire
>obligatory bro-tier best friend is bishie blond Jannisary
>Greek girl = super tsundere, plot twist is that she's MC's long lost half sister
>Austrian girl = haughty ojousama
>Somali girl = feisty brown loli
>Slavic girl = buxom, bro-tier and alcoholic
>Jewish girl = also buxom, scheming Sephardi with ulterior motives
>Armenian girl = disappears halfway through
>Arab girl = whiny, thinks everything is haram, worst girl
>Circassian girl = stunning beauty, athletic and brave mountain warrior, best girl and ultimate winner
Any scanlations of this? I can't find a thing.
You are a gift from Allah
We need REAL harem, yes my brother
Pretty good. Throw in a sultry Hungarian who's good at horse riding and it can have all my money.
speaking of which anyone got the "sick wheelage" crop?
What you described is almost literally this manga
From the preview I read, it seems to be about a prince picking girls for his harem.
If it involves incestuous Greco-Turkish hatesex I will personally fly to Japan, kidnap the author and make them draw more.
None so far which is kinda odd seeing how popular Otoyemagatari, Altair and even Kusuriya Hitorigoto are when it comes to oriental stories
>you will never have a harem of japanese chrismas cake mangaka locked in a basement drawing harem manga
RAWs are in chinese but there you go:
Pochi Goya drawing a manga chronicling the sexual adventures of the Mad Arab when?
thanks bro
Thanks be to user.
Gotta say though, this manga looks a lot less well written than Otoyomegatari. And also less historically informed for sure.
>ywn have a Central Asian bro to peep sick water wheels with
May Allah preserve me and strike down my enemies but it ooks like it is from a light novel published by Pash Books and not a manga
Товарищи, это славная дискуссия для Матери-России?
I wish I had a Pariya gf.
Да. Вы тоже забыли процитировать S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Who's more the blame for that, the commies or Karimov?
>The lake the twins and their husbands made thei rliving around doesn't even exist anymore
Oh wow
It is canon to me
>lesbian wife having pierced nipples
>smith's wife getting mindbroken
Nah, it's fanfic that's mostly good but it's still fanfic at the end of the day
In reality there'd be no comfy harem manga since they're all hives of scheming, backstabbing, politicking, greed and other bullshit as every one of them tries to vie for the ruler's favor and produce the potential heir. If the ruler is rather weak willed then things spin out of control because usually the qualities that got that concubine to the top are multiplied and usually end up in tyranny and enflamed by vanity.
So a harem series could be good and interesting, just not as a Harem series. It's basically made for the type of melodrama you'd get from shoujo or josei.
Sorry, I meant to say that about the Tajiks section only
You called?
In that case I agree, they feel like the only brides that would have an exhibitionist streak in them.
This is anime Yea Forumsnon, it can be as unrealistic as every other harem show. The scheming and backstabbing can stay in Turkish soap operas where they belong.