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Other urls found in this thread:

aaggh snek save me!


fuck that filler character and fuck this whole filler arc. I'm glad JC staff is "animating" this season. Hopefully another better studio will pick it up next season when the arcs matter.


>In the manga, this arc lasted a year and a half.
Based JC Staff.

oh man, and here I thought you were going to link some Cinderella. disappointing.

>fuck that filler character

>Yea Forums triggered by a chad


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*Saves your season*

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No contaban con mi astucia

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God damn, they really stretched this out longer than it should have been. I've been trying my best to like this, but it's just bad.

only decent show this season

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Why did Murata make this stupid martial art tournament arc and monster cells?


because that washed up hack ONE forced him to

Heh? you posted him, that build up and scene was great.

wasn't enough filer space

I enjoyed the Genos v SoS Sonic fight 100x more than this gayass bullshit.
The MA tourny should have been 2 episodes max.

I liked the monster cells, but the MA tourny was lame.
If they wanted an original throwback DB style tourny they should have made a heroes v monsters tourny at the monster lair.

Sonic literally needs his own series. Wondering if we'll ever get sonic and light fighting each other so he can stop sperging over Saitama beating him and realize just how many people can stomp him.

this episode was unironically great though

he's a shitty filler character


This whole thing feels like some ADD kid's fanfic. Why the fuck couldn't it focus on Garou only? What's the point of all this other shit happening while the Garou ark hasn't even gone anywhere yet?

Angry mom is better

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Sonic would be better if he was a girl like he looks like.

I will look down and whisper

Garou is an edgy manlet

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It's like vegeta all over again, when will they ever learn?

>I watched this shit every week for 10years

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JC Staff is plunging you into the depths of despair before saving you

y-yeah the save, haha it's coming...
any day now...
any day...

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How the fuck is OPM s2 so much worse than s1 animation wise?

s1 had a dream team of animators working on it.
s2 has... not that.

man i loved this shit
still canon to me that superman must be horny to cum fire out of his eyes

they ended this episode too fucking early

they should had ended with the decapitation scene. that would had been kino

Oh boy I forgot about this fucking shit.

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Dororo too.
Both have been rides so far. Yea Forums ignores them because no fanservice.

This and dororo.
Eastern fantasy/myth setting is officially in.

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mob psycho 100 > one joke man

One joke man got shitty animation to match the shitty story


based, who needs anpanman

At last the anime community has finally shown their true colors, by demonstrating how many of you never really care about OPM "great" story, groundbreaking characters, funny comedy, and overall being a fantastic "deconstruction" of the superhero genre. In reality it was all about the over-the-top sakuga.

welcome back

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One of these days I'm going to catch you and beat your fucking ass you hear me?

But first....
You will have to catch him.

Who wins

Garou vs Suiryu?

Erm, it may have started as a "deconstruction" of the superhero genre, but it's morphed into a standard superhero story.

attack on titan has no fan service and it's infinitely more popular so your logic doesn't follow.
kimetsu is just super boring and generic so no one cares.
Dororo is almost completely filler shit.

At last the Yea Forums community has finally shown their true colors, by demonstrating how many of you never really care about user’s "great" story, groundbreaking characters, funny comedy, and overall being a fantastic "deconstruction" of the anime fans genre. In reality it was all about the over-the-top user sakuga.

Obviously Garou. The real question is Orochi vs Non-MB Boros?

At best, Suiryu gets some good shots in before Garou gets another mid-battle power up and mops the floor with him.

Who beats Garou then except Baldman? Genos?

Depends on what version you mean. For the demon? Probably no one else.

Not really

To be honest this scene was probably one of the best in the season

Orochi obviously. Orochi removed his limiter, boros still had his. boros would lose to garous.

orochi has beaten him in the manga.

forced animation

that would take another 3 or 4 minutes at least, they would've had to skim off quite a bit

> heroes v monsters

How is that not a cheesy Fordo filled "Why didn't they just kill them" type scenario?

AoT isn't this season you retard, that's roll over.

>Garou and the monster clowns would all get obliterated by Boros
>We're supposed to take them seriously somehow
Not a single post Boros monster was strong enough to destroy the earth. Boros was God threat level, everything after him was varying degrees of Dragon. ONE fucked up by introducing Boros too soon, and if he introduces some one even stronger, it would make the supporting cast and other monsters feel even more irrelevant and helpless.

Where'd you get that Orochi has no limiter? There's nothing to indicate that's been the case.

If Saitama can move so fast, why does it take him so long to get there? Even if he had to get his costume, he could have just moved at the speed of light. Why doesn't Saitama just run around at the speed of light like a superpowered photon and kill all the monsters in the blink of an eye?

Orochi beat garou, who removed his limiter, and you don't think he had to have done the same to beat him?

He got it from his ass. No monster (or other character really) will break his limiter aside from Saitama. It shits on the premise of him being unmatched. The only exception will be Blast, because Blast serves as Saitama's future reference, or some asspull that's they're related whether by Blood or some sort of time travel bullshit.

because that would take all the fun out of it, retard

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Gyoro said that Orochi was her success at trying to break the limiter on things as well.


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seriously, and people complained about anime being slow

The theme of this entire episode and season

>season 3 would catch up with the manga if it was to come out next year
Imagine them pulling from the web novels to finish it up,

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Everything up to this episode was acceptable, but this episode was the narrative equivalent of a garbage compactor. You got the MA debriefing, Dog guy fighting Meatfork guy, Mumen Rider jobbing, pic related, that clusterfuck with the monster cells, and SNEK AND RAIDEN getting team rocket launched and then coming back to get their asses kicked.

I mean where was Poochie?

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Tourney was Onepunch's snakeway equivalent.

if you're gonna stream, at least crop the screenshot

Centichoro is God-level and is an underling

No, you elitist incel

Pretty sure he was just dragon.
Borosn't god. They're not going to introduce a God tier threat until the final boss of the Manga. Who will almost certainly be "God"

>ONE fucked up by introducing Boros too soon
Im pretty sure this was intentional. It was to show that there will never ever be anyone that's close to a threat to saitama. Which is the whole premise.

JC Staff is here to kill the season.


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Garou never removed his limiter; not even close in fact. He may have done so eventually under different circumstances, but his willpower was weak and he chose a process similar to monsterization.
>He got it from his ass.
That's what I figured.

Neither did Saitama.
He's close.
He knows that he can get stronger and wants a reason to break it. A true challenge.
But he knows that he'll never have a reason to break beyond his limits and really push himself in a battle.

When he does, when he finds his own OPM tier obstacle to overcome, if he survives he'll become a living god.

>Garou and Saitama never broke their limiters
What the fuck am I reading?

I know I may have speedread a little bit much near the end, but wasn't this "limiter"-thingy a quick justification for Garou and Saitama, who are "mere humains", to have such powers?

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Saitama is a god/stand in for the reader
Garou is a 90's era delinquent WSJ shounen hero
Their powers are meta in nature.
Limiters are what the others have to overcome to gain new powers.
Except for the robot/cyborgs and monsters.
Robots/cyborgs can continue to improve if they get upgrades or have one of those self repair and growth systems.
Monsters just...I dunno. Eat other monsters.

Saitama and Garou have to overcome story/personal limits to reach their peak power.

No, it's the narrative explanation for Saitama's effectively infinite strength. Wouldn't necessarily call it "quick" since there's pretty much an entire page given to explaining it to the reader. Garou never removed his limiter. He is, however, a prodigious freak of nature. He never broke his limiter though - as Saitama points out after defeating him, Garou took the 'easy' path.

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get out pedo.

Also, Hykkimaru getting together with a kid 10 years his junior is creepy.

>get out pedo.
Cool it with the antisemitism there buddy

Oh, now I feel like a dumb fuck.
I'll have to give it a re-read sometimes, because I totally misunderstood (or already forgot?) that part

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Was it worth it?

They really screwed the pooch on the Watchdog-Man scene.

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you rang?

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Come on man, I don't even like the guy that much, but use a better example to prove your point.
Being a pussy when you're scared doesn't make you a bad character, the contrast is actually interesting

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Get out homo.

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Too fat

>white background

I hate these lazy techniques.

I want to feed Dororo rice until she's fat!

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Garou never became a monster so he indeed broke his limiter, cope

Mangafags deserve the shit that they get.

Kill yourself retard, you're too much of a brainlet to see the bigger picture

Absolute morons, this will all tie into the new arc in the webcomic you bottom of the barrel retards


Unironically based.

Doesn't mean it's good? Not any of them but come on it's filler shit

Is this fucker involved with the one punch man anime?

So, they will fix most of these episodes in the blu ray release, right? Right?

The Tourney went on too long in the manga as well.

The tournament had no purpose, It added nothing to the story whatsoever, keep guzzling ONE's cum you half-brained ledditor faggot

Filler? I swear he was in the first season, i think episode 4.

already taken care of

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Absolute fucking state, their won't be another Anime arc if this shit continues to be so fucking awful

Because he was taking a dump, user, duty calls brown shit falls.

cope. ONE is a whore, he's not writing for quality anymore

This. ONE essentially became a sellout.

i don't understand, can you explain?
I think ONE was threatened to let JC staff animate season 2 of OPM.

i thought OP was reffering to smallville, why is everyone so surprised lol

so what is a shonen main char left to do if you remove power leveling as a theme?

His talk with King after the tournament (check the manga if you dont remember) is determinant to Saitama's character arc and what his motivation as a hero going forward will be

muratas cum*

>AoT isn't this season you retard
Then why did you let dororo slide?

It's over right? Thank god it's over.

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Murata please draw more crossdressing Sonic thank you

not that user but from my experience it had that very noticeable drop in quality as the season progressed

like most shows
it was good at the start then it just got dull on the end


Mangafags demanded an anime. Not even the webcomic has enough content to last a season. They were forced to pad it.

I can't find the real picture because I never name anything properly, but it was a more fleshed out version of this sketch (as in not just his head)

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Gouketsu's voice was weird. I was hoping for a deep calm voice and the VA sounded like he was reading his lines in a hurry.

found it

Attached: sonic2.png (500x701, 324K)

i think that's just fanart

Bullshit, they could have easily made 2 cours out of the Garou arc. Will probably need to pad it a bit but that is easily doable.

now that's a blast to the past

what if anime studios just put out the number of episodes an anime needed?

Because it's a fucking comedy series

>somebody save this season
Kimetsu no Yaiba and Daiya no Ace is doing it already

sonic is best girl

4 at most
When will they make Superman great again?

That would suck

does Suiryu ever appear again, I like him

fucking hell really? no wonder people were so pissed at it

i remember thinking the CE vs phoenix man fight was dragged out

I don't know how much you're trying to fuck with people but I was the sucker because I tried to look for him.

I hate Orochifags so much

Yeah, he's one of the few calm and collected monsters

Dororo is ugly as sin though. They had me in the first few episodes but it just got worse and worse until they finally brought the guy who directed episode 4 of TTGL in to direct an episode and I jumped ship. Fuck that guy.

50 years between adaptations and the lack of quality in this one genuinely has me wondering if the 1969 version would be a better watch.

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>Dude manages to make most hated anime of all time

How is he still able to find any projects that take him?

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Yeah, Murata seemed to have been really busy around that time and was releasing very small updates, that was until 2016 where he went crazy then and started pumping them out like a madman and delivered Garou vs Heroes/Genos/Bang&Bomb in a pretty short span.

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>brought the guy who directed episode 4 of TTGL.

How do these keep finding work, its the same with the sound director here now, nobody sane would hire the guy that did the sounds for Berserk 2016 and its CLANG.

also my memory is shit but were these characters ever revealed? Was it Metal Knight or Drive Knight?

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At this point the Organisation is still ominous, all we know is that Genos Professor somewhat recognized the tech.

they're just random dudes from the organisation.

i cried

boros would had lost to the giant centipide and that thing dies before the s heroes invade the base



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