Ai Vs Queen tomorrow. Who will win? Hint: Yoshida is writing the episode. Also, we finally get our first Tag Duel against a Vacuum Cleaner?

Episode 105: 迎撃 – Geigeki
Ai launched an attack against Queen. In order to steal the code necessary to infiltrate SOL's system, Ai also sent an advance warning to Akira. Playmaker is filled with conflicting emotions after learning that Ai has started attacking humans. Meanwhile, Revolver sets up an anti-Ignis AI known as "Pandor," and heads off to fight against Ai.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Roboppy: Takahashi Minami
Zaizen Akira: Yamamoto Shoma
Zaizen Aoi/Blue Maiden: Nakashima Yuki
Dojun Kengo/Blood Shepherd: Okuda Takanori
Bessho Emma/Ghost Girl: Kamakura Yuna
Onizuka Gou/GO Onizuka: Hamano Daiki
Hayami: Ikki Chihiro
Shima Naoki/Brave Max: Sawashiro Chiharu
Pandor*: Kim Hyang-Lee

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin

Episode 106: がんばれ!!ロボッピ – Ganbare!! Roboppi
(Fight on!! Roboppy!)
Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl encounter Roboppy. They then start a Tag Duel.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought they blocked their twiitter?

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Let’s hypothetically say that season 3 ends up being above average and vrains ends on a decent note.

Would that make up for the other 2 seasons being garbage? Has a series ever salvaged itself in the finale?

No, but it's much better to be mediocre to bad at the start and end on a high note than to have an amazing buildup and then start eating its own shit at the end.

>two other season being garbage
They were great in my opinion. A little slow but the duels were exciting and the characters were really interesting.

Attached: Aoi specter by Cocco.png (1024x656, 851K)

>What is Lightning vs Blood Sheperd
>What is Lightning vs Specter
>What is Lightning vs Revolver
season 1 had multiple great duels too.

Attached: Jin ligtning dance dance revolution.webm (852x480, 556K)

Is only available for high quality people like me

Attached: 1480405141367.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

I mean, what can even make S3 kino at this point?

Depends on how good S3 is, to be honest. So far it sounds awesome but who knows. If S3 ends up being amazing in every single way then it will officially beat ARC-V for me

Attached: D7eyPydUEAAkwTn.jpg (1200x1200, 138K)

They only locked it to followers only. You do follow artists on twitter, right?

Attached: D7gpBH5UIAE6wdX.png (800x491, 105K)

Based Lightningbro

Better villain than any of Arc-V's jobbers

Attached: DpBGMbfV4AEg3ZA.jpg (862x1200, 92K)

no it won't salvage vrains

Pic related.

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It can't make up for the other five series no matter what it does.

It'd be like ZEXAL, where you can watch it with a chart.

When are we gatting our duel date episode?
stop samefagging, nostalfag.

Attached: Сute ф.png (600x480, 243K)


I don't follow people, that's pathetic

I think you interpreted the post wrong.

you are pathetic

user, I think you might be dumb.

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I fucking love yugioh!

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As I said before, to me it's better to have a bad quality/mediocre first seasons and a good quality/decent final season than the other way around. The final season is the season I'm gonna remember the most so it better be memorable not leave a bitter taste in my mouth for years.

So far vrains' openings haven't lied to us. We will eventually have to get an episode focused on building up Yusaku and Aoi's relationship in real life.

Who is the artist?


We just need the bits and pieces from the small scenes.

Thanks user

So this tweet appeared on my feed...
Who's behind it?

Attached: truepotentialofAI.png (893x735, 342K)

Vrains has been surprisingly on point with making SOL do some horrible shit in the name of advancing technology. Just keep it up so AI rampaging against them stays justified, just give me more stuff like what they did to Go and Earth

Attached: 1558546386824.jpg (600x637, 83K)

dont worry about it AI becomes racist quite fast.

Feel the wrath of goukis.

Attached: 1558525787562.jpg (1280x720, 524K)

What’s a Gouki anyway?

It has to be more than above average to salvage the first two seasons. Vrains honestly has one of the worst starts of any ygo series.

strong ogre.


A type of wrestling where you're allowed to use an ax.

The only thing Vrains had going for it was the three way conflict, mysterty plot, and world building.

Characters sucks way too much in this series to be invested in the plot.

I hope Ai's new voice is the edgy cool one the VA pulls when doing more serious characters

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This seems like it could be pandor.

Attached: robot.png (1280x720, 552K)

>Revulva hates Ignis
>AI are just perfectly fine

why is he so smug?
He's going to join Ai's army isn't he? Revolver will totally worsen the situation as always.

Lightning was the problem that corrupted the other ignis, remember? Might as well use his ability to make artificial intelligence for what he perceives as good.

>revolver literally going to job to Ai in one episode
Ahhahahahahahahha good fucking job retard, nice structure deck retard

I tried to but they blocked me for a whole month instead,

Attached: 1545173538040.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

and now I'm afraid of trying to follow them again.

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Maybe he's just on the trail of Ai.

>season immediately starts off with a bang with Ai btfoing queen in 1 episode
>oh nice maybe they can continue this action
>lmao nope more exposition featuring your retard shitvulva
every fucking time he ruins the pacing

Why did they block you?

You have a lot of time to do this every single thread.

I don't know, I tried to follow them, and then the next day, I go to their page, and get this user has blocked you. Since they unblocked me, should I try again?

Good question, I'd create another account and try with the new one. They block you once they block you twice.

Ai should have stuck with the ancient ghost avatar

Attached: ancient ghost.png (1280x738, 647K)

Don't forget those Zexal jobbers as well.

>ancient ghost
He's only a few years old.

>Hi, honey, how was your day?

Attached: 1505627782262.jpg (2048x1448, 205K)

Good writing, great OST, and lots of intensity and emotion. That's why GX S3 and the DOMA arc was so good.

any anime where the Hermapthrodite wins gets a thumbs up from me.

GX season 3 was hackjob.

Wasn't Yubel a girl in her previous life?

No the dragon part is the girl.

>They then start a Tag Duel
>Tag Duel
>in Vrains

Then who is this girl? My apologies I haven't watched GX so I'm confused. Wiki says she used to be a girl

Attached: YubelPerson.jpg (340x233, 12K)

That's a boy. The wiki is going by the dub.

Man you were so close. Just had to not include fanfic trash like DOMA.

revolver vs ai

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 103 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.52_[2019.05.22_23.35.28].jpg (1280x720, 340K)

Finally pulled my courage and asked for a follow, now all I do is wait.

>fanfic trash
gx season 3 was written by a lot of the same people.

Drones and Altergeists are a great combination.

>Hair color of its male side
>Eye color of its male side
Gee user

It was the best arc in the the anime though. It had everything anyone would want in Vrains S3.

No way, why didn't make Yubel a girl? Is it supposed to be one of those japanese unusual fetishes?

It's some devilman bullshit or something, I don't really care. It's stuck in his head forever.

Yoshida wasn't in charge of GX S3.

Wasn't it so good because Kazuki decided to get involved personally after seeing Judai being nothing like Yugi/Atem? I've heard Kazuki said S1/S2 Judai wouldn't last 3 minutes against Yami Marik so he felt compelled to get involved

He was definitely on staff. Just like Junki Takegami was for DM.

>just make him like the last protagonist
I don't see how that's a good thing.

DOMA had MONSTAA CARDO, Yugi vs Rafael, Jonouchi vs Valon, and Yugi & Kaiba vs Dartz. It had a fucked up plot but it was nonstop hype until it ended. I would add the Dark Signers arc but practically the entire series got carried by the animation and OST in the first place.

Where are you pulling this from

>I've heard Kazuki said S1/S2 Judai wouldn't last 3 minutes against Yami Marik
He's Ono levels of retarded. Without even getting through all the painful duels Judai had, he was basically Jonouchi as a protagonist and he still stood up and almost beat Marik if it wasn't for Ra's bullshit. I mean damn Judai went up against Ra himself in a filler episode when he was basically Marik 2.0.

Judai wasn't normal or a fighter.

I actually dropped GX after Season 2 because Season 3 got too serious and I missed my cozy slice of life high school show.

Attached: 1516322939358.png (808x1112, 27K)

Been so long since I watched GX, I don't remember, was Judai an alien?

No, but he technically created some aliens.

No, just like the reincarnation of an ancient king

Maybe he was Pandor all along

Attached: piggu.png (183x254, 63K)

That's stupid. Why cant you just have a character who is a normal fucking high school student with weird shit going on around him. Not every protagonist has to be the chosen one.


>normal fucking high school student
I don't know if that was the case. Even before the reincarnation.

I don't remember, I know I read it somewhere, I don't even know if it's true, that's why I'm asking. I just remember I read Kazuki was in changed of S3/S4 because he felt Judai had to be a better duelist that's why S3/S4 feel so different from S1/S2. Once again I don't know if it's true, take it with a grain of salt.

It's supposedly from the 10th anniversary art book. But that's in japanese.

Literally the chosen one to create AI that would eventually want to go and attain God Program status

Found this, this is what I remember about Judain not being able to beat Yami Marik. It's interesting because de dark stuff in S3 onwards and the supreme king feel more like something coming from Kazuki

Attached: 8052019154912.jpg (1080x295, 86K)

Even the fucking oracle and master of all things chosen one bullshit said "nope completely normal"

Attached: ChronoShindouGZ.png (854x480, 308K)

They haven't described how he was chosen.

>Less than 24 hours to finally hear him speaking
I feel this week has been so fucking long I am so fucking hyped for it.

Attached: EdbAEjI.png (848x480, 408K)

you mean 12hrs

>Ancient king
Literally what? Judai was just a normal person who had the hability to interact with spirits like many others like Manjoume could. What on earth are you referring to?

Have you not finished the series?

I mean 12 IS less than 24

oops my bad

Just watched Judai and Johan vs Fujirawa/darkness. : 0

GX got really edgey.

Attached: Screenshot_20190528-181116_Firefox Focus.jpg (1059x838, 435K)

Then you're not paying attention or something.

You get it back for S4 you big baby

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Is very sad to think we are never gonna get DM/GX/5D's levels of edginess ever again

Attached: 541681.jpg (458x640, 88K)

They should be in vrains hanging out around the virtual hotdog truck.

>Advanced Darkness
Fucking hell, I still get a good laugh out of that shit
That showdown with Jaden and Crowley is the best shit ever

That's not right.

Attached: seal of orichalcos.png (325x442, 353K)

>ai's human form is basically yusaku without the dead face and with fancy clothes
i never thought he would look so good just by being more expressive


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So evil decode debuts in this episode?

Attached: decode vs evil decode.webm (853x480, 1.68M)

Attached: Jim Crocodile Cook.jpg (640x480, 176K)

Jayden. Judai. Juden. Judas. I don’t give a fuck.

>Ai smirks as he link summons dark decode
>everyone: buT tHaTs PlAyMaKerS mOnStEr
cap this

The only one in the audience is going to be roboppi.

Vrains was pretty close

Is that Decode with another skin (like Arkana's Dark Magician) or a completely different monster?

Revolver never hated A.I. as a concept to the degree Blood Shepherd does, he just viewed the Ignis as a mistake by his family that needed to be corrected.

What about Kuriboh hair ?

Attached: jadenrap5.jpg (512x381, 23K)

I'm going to say its a new monster.
Here are my guesses for it
>LINK-3 with the same arrows as Decode
>Same ATK gaining effect, more offensive secondary effect (maybe something like tribute 1 to pop 1)
>If it arrives in Chaos Impact then it could be called Chaoscode Talker or some shit

Looks like it would be a different monster just to push more product.

It isn't over yet. We might get to it in season 3.
That'd be so fuckig rad. I really wish that's the case.

Should Aoi play trickstar and Takeru play geminis? Because Ai will play even more generic cyberse support.

Will Takeru even revert to playing his old deck? Salamgreat is too good

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Seems kind of average to me.

>t1 deck

Kasuki is referring to his personality and competence, not his overall character background.

Why is Ai Popuko and not Pipimi? He's the tallest.

I was responding to that user's comparison of judai to jonouchi.

visuals wise, when an anime is stonewalled by limitations with what it can do animation wise, then they have to fall back on wringing out what they can with good storyboarding, sound/music direction, and color palettes. Basically, the directing of the show.
But I don't really see that kind of effort being put into Vrains now after 100 episode of mostly blandness in all of its aesthetic decisions

>all the usual jobbers are going to job right from the start

that's honestly not a good start for the new season

That manga is mostly words it doesn't need good animation.

That's relevant to vrains the anime how...? I'm using 1999 HxH as an example because that's the strategy the staff and director took when they had limits on what they could do purely animation-wise for the adaptation

that's a good thing though, no more shitvulva to endlessly shit up the pacing with his bullshit expositions and we only focus on main characters that can do something useful aka playmaker, soulburner, aoi, go

The writing is Digimon Frontier 2nd half level of bad. Jobbing here and jobbing there. Yoshida really did a good job to keep shitting on those characters and their fans.

>their fans
Yeah, all ~4 of them for each jobber!

I was just commenting on the video and manga.

Can you at least stop with your hatred for Revolver and think that the ones that are jobbing are others, please? I am not sure if you are autistic or simply retarded, for fuck sake. When did they mention Revolver? He hasnt even had a duel for in the previews.

pretty sure the only people who would be seething right now are revulvafags, after being forced so much with booster pack covers and their own structure deck all they get is constant jobbing and BTFO

shitvulva-user has kept this up for like a year straight. No one really knows why so it's just easier to filter and ignore

>When did they mention Revolver
when they said jobber lmao?

>This is revolver hater logic
You know that this shit thread isnt the only place with fans of those jobbers right?

shitvulva-user keeps the vanguardfags away

>get multiple booster pack covers
>get a structure deck
>get a sound duel cover
>get promoted at multiple events with posters showing us he is a main character
>STILL jobs
ahahahahahahah absolute state of this forced shilling

heavily doubt that most here would shed a tear if vrains got canned suddenly tomorrow and ygo7 announced on the same day. Maybe 4 is too generous in terms of real die-hard fans who have their own dedicated folder of blood shepherd fanart

>shedding tears over anime
When does that ever happen?

Anyone else remember how Jonouchi lost to Bakura despite becoming a true duelist?

Generally when a person develops sufficient sympathy with a character.

But who actually cries about it?

The person who developed sympathy.

Same user and yeah you got what Kazuki was concerned about mixed up.

I didn't post about what kazuki was concerned about.

I guess it's because Popuko is usually represented as the leader of the duo

When will people learn that win records don't matter to japanese writers?

The thing is Vrains so far hasn't been anything more than average at best. It may get canceled and it will pass unnoticed, not worth shedding a tear about it. It is not even as Arc-v that it's been years and people still remember it (not in a good way but they remember it), I am not saying I don't like Vrains it is just that so far it is not something I'd say is memorable. I want Vrains to be good, I hope this season gets better and I hope the writers give it a decent treatment.

At least Yusaku and Revolver aren't getting their asses kicked by the same cucks for 15 episodes straight and everyone else gets to do shit here and there. Compare Arc V with Frontier instead since they're both the worst that each franchise had to offer.

Having the main character and secondary character get their asses kick and when they won, got their ass kill again by the new bad, then it just a giant big fuck you. This is not counting all other characters are useless and sidetracked with zero action. Seriously, fuck Frontier and I condemn anyone that think it good.

I've never watched any digimon past tamers, but didn't xros wars go to shit in a not so different way from arc-v

Is it memorable or will people never stop talking about it like DM?


it's been like 2 years since i heard this OP. early arc-v threads before the worst of the autists came in and it was just normal autists were the peak yugioh threads

>xros wars
it was always shit but the shills gave it a spinoff series which went to shit pretty fast and killed the franchise again

The arc-v fiasco would've been enough to kill the anime of any other franchise, for at least half a year out of losing public face. But this thing runs on autopilot and no one over at NAS bothered to flip the off button or shake things up

Kemono friends proves you wrong.

should've said long running franchise, kemono is a baby franchise if it can be called one

I forgot how dapper Whip Snake was. I miss ATK manipulation entame.

Because despite everything, a pack of cardboard with some pretty art work and a functional game rule is very profitable.

Well, we need to wait and see how everything plays out. I want Vrains S3 to be so good like no other yugioh series has been before and people to keep on talking how good it was.

My God stop your hatred boner faggot. And Arc-V may be literally the Xros Wars/Savers one, those are either extremelly loved or extremelly hated

>not getting his ass kicked by the same cucks for 15 episodes straight
but he is though?



Attached: 1447717159472.jpg (583x252, 24K)

Four plus six plus three, that's only 13 I think.

You never finished school did ya?

i finished the school of not being hung up on random anons' use of capitalization. i dont care enough on Yea Forums, especially here

At least they'll look good.

Attached: queen.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>Hates Frontier
Get fucked buddy

Will Ai and Roboppy make robot babies?

Attached: robobabies.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Only 8 hours to know wether Roboppy remains a cute maid robot or becomes yet another boring shota.

peak yugioh moments or duels have a lot of style to cement them as memorable, some kind of cool visual imagery in the way the set piece, characters, and monsters all come together.
vrains is so matter-of-fact and dry in almost everything it does visually that i don't see it having the production quality backing it up. even if by some miracle the writers suddenly became amazing all-of-a-sudden

They remind me of Cyber Angels

How many duels have we had with no Cyberse monsters at all?

Yusaku has one, Takeru had one, Go has one, Emma had two, Aoi had three. I can't remember anymore.

even the way they try to sell speed duels and duel links was so half hearted. if i was a NAS exec i would've been making sure they were SELLING that moba as hard as possible, if it means more money in my pockets

>He likes only two unattractive girls, absolute shit quality for animation, and we are the digimon
I bet you ship Sora with Matt you filthy cuck.

where are you getting 6 from?

Rent free

the second speed and master duel with playmaker.

>I bet you ship Sora with Matt you filthy cuck
I don't ship anything in Digimon and if i remember right there was nothing saying Sora and Tai would end up together. Stay mad forever and ever

Attached: 1548020764146.gif (500x281, 371K)

that's 2 though?, 4-2-3

Now that you said that, I have only watched the first digimon series and it was a long time ago. Is it true that Mat and Sora end up together? I thought Sora had a crus on Tai even in on movie she said she felt something for him

9-12 first speed and master duel.
41-46 second speed and master duel.
96-98 revolver vs lightning.

You're insane if you think the MC getting cucked by his goddamn rival was a good or predictable thing. And I'm not mad about the cucking, I'm mad about atrocious the writing was for the cucking.

Matt cucked the everloving shit outta Tai by taking his bitch, Sora. It's been 20 years and he still hasn't apologized for that bullshit.

But why? It doesn't make any sense Tai and Sora were close and Mat was cold and distant. My memory is kind of blurry but I don't remember Matt and Sora ever interacting, they had no chemistry at all. Why would the writers do that? In the movie she said she felt something for Tai, why would they betray the fans? I shipped Tai and Sora so hard

yeah 4-2-3, i'm talking about record

Hirota Mitsutaka wrote some digimon stuff and most of the bohman duel.

I was talking about number of episodes in reference to this post.

>but why
>And even though, you may think, this is the way that things should be, It may not always be that way.

Attached: 1551144616778.jpg (800x800, 68K)

Every series except for Adventure and Tamers were terribly written but even the best ones were utterly retarded in alot of areas.

>I thought Sora had a crus on Tai even in on movie she said she felt something for him
That was a dub addition.

Tamer would be a 10/10 if this fucking faggot didn't exist at all.

Attached: 140px-Ryou.gif (140x320, 17K)

Well there goes a part of my childhood, I'm glad I only watched the first digimon series. For now yugioh is enough for me
Darn dubs changing dialogues

Apparently, Kakudou, the director of Adventure, wanted to make about Yamato and Sora because he didnt like the main boy and main girl couples, that and he apparently throw some hints in Adventure althoug they were really hidden

Would it be better if he is replaced by Rina or Mirei?
Also he was quite based, maybe more than Crow

Will we get more shots of her?

Attached: 1558523364256.png (1280x720, 552K)

How is savers? I hear both good and bad things about it

Is it time for edge?

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I wonder by "attacking humans" means that Ai is just trying to take over SOL or whether he's actually going to attack random civilians.

Carmageddon 2

Will they help Yusaku be more social and open?

Attached: airoboppyyusaku.jpg (1507x1273, 332K)

No, they aren't his friends. Only their former forms are his friends.

Attached: D7tUN20UwAAoJbq.jpg large.jpg (853x480, 48K)

I fucking hope so.

But they don't need to be his friends to help him be more social, actually by not being his friends Yusaku would have to rely on other people to help him, wouldn't he?

But Playmaker already has a bunch of nakama now.
He said so few episodes ago.

>Tamer would be a 10/10 if this slut on the left didn't exist at all

Attached: Pregnant Digisluts.png (359x409, 55K)

Judai was never normal. And very few characters could talk/see spirits.

You can always watch Pokemon from OS to SM while skipping BW and XY. It's alot more entertaining than that Digimon bullshit.

>Skip XY

Why would u skip the series that actually ramped up the animation and gave us some of the best fight scenes in Pokemon?

Indeed I like Pokemon better, I'm just not watching Sun and Moon because I don't like the art style but I am looking forward next generation and next Nintedo direct.
I was so hyped when all the gym leaders teamed up to fight Lysandre, never been so hyped since Kanto and Johto gym leaders teamed up in the manga

Attached: season19_ep43_ss01.jpg (578x327, 62K)

Did Ono blackmail you or something you punk bitch? Get off his and hat shitfest's dick already.

Xros Wars is also obviously one of the best Digimon series since it actually had animation that doesn't make you cry tears of agony and disappointment.

RIP Queen. It's not fair, bros.

>no YGO series will ever be as good as Tamers

Please by some miracle have Konaka be the next head writer for YGO.


Literally 5Ds

5Ds is better than Tamers, pleb.

your delusions were all so hilarious, so nice to see you all get BTFO

5Ds had a shit ton of drama behind the scenes which greatly affected the quality of the show. Tamers was consistently good throughout. There's no contest.

But Queen will be the Final Boss, user.


Looks like dueling on treadmills is gonna be the trend for all those doomed donuts Yugioh ARC OW!

*android AI Queen

pandora will

We get it. You don't like fun.

Queen and her Inner Yubel!

this season is already starting off fun, better than all those fags delusions

>a Kogami creating an AI
I can tell that this will turn out well

Except there was no cucking. Theres not a rule that ways the hottest girl has to end with the MC. Is all in your head

I'm sure that only happened in the dub version

Only dub Sora had "feelings" for Taichi. Throughout the original, it was heavily implied Sora had strong feelings for Yamato. She spoke in a very quiet and gentle tone whenever he gets mad or upset, tries to get him to stay with the group in the Dark Masters arc, treats Takeru as if he were her younger brother (not treating Hikari as a younger sister). Taichi and Sora are like childhood friends.

Literally DM (The Manga) and 5D's to some degree. And those actually had an ending unlike Tamers

>Tamers was consistently good throughout
The kid from the video game appearing alone makes Tamers imperfect.

I swear if queen loses I'm dropping the show.

Me too, user.

Attached: 1436189058056.jpg (793x982, 116K)

It was boring as fuck the entire time until 5 episodes after XYZ and it was still a snoozefest half the fucking time. There's only 7 good battles anyway and you can just go to youtube for that.

SM doesn't even need to have battles to be entertaining but they're still very much appreciated as you can see here.

Attached: 1557544108916 (1).webm (720x405, 2.85M)

That Vaccuum cleaner is ready to suck some shit on the Mecha Phantom level in human form. I bet a Hungry Burger that Roboppy will beat Ghost Girl and draw with Blood Shepherd.

Mew three!!!

What's with the sudden appearance of Queenfags here?

I swear Aoi and Akira likely to duel Roboppy cause Blood Shepherd will have an AI score to settle if Emma’s data is deleted by AIs new tactic boost through Roboppy!

Well Yoshida wrote the episode so take a hint

Unlike Jin, a possibility of being relevant,

Attached: love.png (1846x2000, 2.72M)

>instead of using the 3 hanoi knights to job to roboppi, they use ghost girl and blood shepherd

Did I say I cared about the ship? Of course not because I already said getting NTR'd by your rival is one of the shittiest things you could possibly do to your MC.

How would every other protagonist deal with Pegasus if he has a fully updated Toon deck with or without Thousand-Eyes Restrict and the power of the Millennium Eye.

Attached: Pegasus_Crawford.jpg (315x387, 28K)

Well good thing it wasn't NTR then

First female lead villain and she's going to immediately job. How wonderful

>lead villain

How do you figure?

tamers was edgy garbage

Looking forward to Ai's debute.

Attached: D7K_aJ4UcAAYH4H.png (700x546, 220K)

Because ai and roboppi changed costumes?

yeah, they've been with us since the start, unlike your shitty plot devices jin and miyu, also the show is called vrains so of course the majority of settings would be vrains, not irl

I don't own any characters here. I just have a hard time believing in "fun" when that's not really what yugioh does.

Attached: D7th0OAWkAE7GnO.png (500x281, 236K)

>Ai's voice
based sakurai

Shota Roboppy

Haru was a flawed concept.

>boy's voice

it begins

I like the filter better.

So the duel is actually in real life.

>there is blackjack in the YGO universe

rape time

>ai just barging into a girl's room
lol what

lol nope

mind control?

wait what? Ai can hack brains?


Man extend was boring.

I mean Lightning could do it

>Allure Queen deck

>skipping turns
How irrelevant can a duel be?

Ai already getting tired of Roboppy

Another anime only multi attribute cyberse deck?

Ai won.


>negates trap and banishes it

>Queen's duel was so irrelevant that they even skipped some turns


>queen stole revolver's gimmick
lmao cucked
>Ai can negate traps
ahahahah thinks are looking worse for revolver every second now

ending had some changes

He sounds like a regular anime dude now.

it's sakurai, have you never heard him in other anime?

No I watch bog standard shonen mostly.

Attached: monst104.png (280x364, 103K)

name them

Attached: what you expected a dark archetype lmao.png (1246x705, 1.16M)

What do you think of him now?

Attached: D7uZJmZV4AEHy3t.jpg (1130x636, 39K)

disappointment, I thought he was a girl

The lesser partner of the main villain pair for this season.


Still my soon to be Darkfuild Deck

Roboppy uses "oira" to refer to himself, so yes.

What is the new Code Talker name? I missed the episode

Did you not watch the episode?

dark knight ignister (it is not a code talker)

Recently? Last 50 or so episodes of one piece, dragon ball super, that phoenix wright adaptation, and some isekai.

>Queen already lost in her first featured duel

Based Yoshida

She's just a regular old human.

He's cuter as a robot.
The bit where he interrupted Ai's summon chant was hilarious though.

>no woman voice
>no flat chest
I didn't knew Vrains could fall deeper in the disappointment hole

At least this one could be printed.

If he were a girl, she'd be irrelevant and job in her first duel. Being a Shota is a blessing.

You know that doesn't make a god damn difference.

Attached: haru.png (900x750, 1.1M)

That's ONE time. Shotas in Yugioh have better track records than the girls.

He reminds me of Tsukashimas lackey from Bleach.

Not particularly.

And what shotas have this track record you're speaking of?

Lol sakurai's take on Ai does make him look like tsukishima

Looks like Go showed up to the gathering.

Better to end on a good note than a bad one (see: Arc-V) or a constant downhill

They haven't given up on new summoning methods I guess.

>dark = link
>light = xyz
>wind = synchro
>fire ?
>water = ?
>earth = ?
sooo what are they going to be?

give it up arcfags pendulums aren't coming back

where the fuck did you ever get the idea that i'm an arcfag?

only summoning methods left arc ritual fusion pendulum, assuming you meant it's going to be a different one for every attribute
if you didn't it still applies to delusional pendulumfags so I don't care

bro you're actually fucking stupid holy shit can't even start a discussion with some dumb fucking nigger shitflinging

fire will be gemini.

>arcfag in shambles
I'm sorry sweetie but someone had to tell you your shit summoning method is dead. let all the anger out it's fine

Weeps do translate Ais cards

nigger i'm pretty sure you've argued with that retarded avatarfag/arcfag so you should know my writing style is much different

FUCKING DROPPED. Fuck Yoshida and his homolust.

What was that episode where ai buttfucked Roboppi?

yeah but I'm still baiting that faggot so I can btfo him again

then don't call me an arcfag you fuckign retard

so did you drop it?

queenfags dropping waiting room

probably hasn't seen it yet.

Calm down Ai.

>had most of her first turn skipped
>got otk'd after cheating
lmao queenfags

>there are people who didn't realize Roboppi had been turned into a shota
>there are even some who can watch how Vrains has treated its girls, now including Queen, and not be happy Roboppi might have a chance to do well

>there are people who praise another two male villain pair when they've done twice already and the lesser partner has been a disappointment both times

his ignis form is better by a long shot.

Attached: decision.png (1280x720, 844K)

oh no no no no ahahahahahah

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.59_[2019.05.29_23.04.19].jpg (1280x720, 463K)

oh no no no no anti irlfags

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.58_[2019.05.29_23.06.46].jpg (1280x720, 409K)

He must have been promoted by the board.

Attached: promoted by the board.png (1280x720, 498K)

>social commentary

Attached: automation.png (1280x720, 688K)

I really liked how the government finally got some balls to close down Link VRAINS

Fire= Fusion
Water= Ritual
Earth= Tribute summon
since they want everyone to forget about a fucking mistake that is arc-v, they will never bring pendulum to Vrain.

yeah, that's neat and I'm surprised they actually did it

It only took what probably amounts to millions in healthcare and what must have been an enormous media backlash

This would be better if he wasn't human.

Attached: spectacularly.png (1280x720, 960K)

Something felt off about that first conversation of the episode, I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Yuusaku just sounds super awkward.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.55_[2019.05.29_23.23.53].jpg (1280x720, 378K)

Attached: @ignister pikari.png (1280x720, 575K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.15_[2019.05.29_23.25.41].jpg (1280x720, 518K)

Here's your not decode talker.

Attached: dark knight @ignister.png (1280x720, 889K)

Now I can really look forward to S3

>outside your deck

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.24_[2019.05.29_23.34.49].jpg (1280x720, 379K)

how can Ai beat Yusaku with such shitty cards?

Imagine Roboppy stabbing you while making this face.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.18_[2019.05.29_13.26.50].png (1280x720, 1.01M)

They're really spammy just like his.

new ED stills

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.32_[2019.05.29_23.39.48].jpg (1280x720, 504K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.36_[2019.05.29_23.40.04].jpg (1280x720, 418K)

Why didn't Queen just make her skill reduce the opponent's LP to 0 if she already has no problems cheating?

It's been a while

Attached: Ai.png (1276x721, 835K)

>Sakurai Takahiro was voicing Ai the whole time.
Huh. Never would've guessed through Ai's AI voice.

Attached: background dancer.png (1280x720, 570K)

He's just been using the same voice filter as the one used for Tentomon.

Attached: @ignister light dragon.png (1280x720, 972K)

Sure, but even under that he wasn't using his usual typecasted deep ikemen voice which I'm too used to hearing

Holy shit
SOLtises are literally hIEs

This is basic Duel Links shenanigans though.

Why the frick did Queen go first when Allure Queen is focused on equipping the opponent's monsters???

So Ai could attack on his turn.

>akira invites an impressive roster

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.49_[2019.05.29_23.42.08].jpg (1280x1440, 328K)

Attached: @ignister wind pegasus.png (1280x720, 977K)

Lmao. Maybe the second scene in the entirety of VRAINS that really got me laughing (after BRAIN HACK).
Really loving their dynamic.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-29 13.46.57.png (1600x900, 816K)

Attached: starship linguriboh.png (1280x720, 863K)

Now I can't stop hearing Reigen everytime Ai speaks

Is this the biggest plot twist in the entirety of VRAINS?
Not even Lightning or Bohman detected him.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-29 13.36.30.png (1600x900, 1.22M)

It's funny for now but I can feel it grating before long

I suppose.

Attached: how rude.png (1280x720, 586K)

Where are they anyway? Isn't Link Vrains shutdown?

Ai's own world

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.22_[2019.05.30_00.08.49].jpg (1280x720, 369K)

VR Shadow Game World

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.03_[2019.05.29_23.12.51].jpg (1280x720, 443K)

he didn't kill her.

Attached: queen hospitalized.png (1280x720, 766K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.37_[2019.05.30_00.10.13].jpg (1280x720, 369K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.19_[2019.05.29_23.18.32].jpg (1280x720, 425K)

Hey, that red hat guy is a legendary duelist!

So now Ai is targeting Zaizen because of his promotion?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.39_[2019.05.29_23.32.59].jpg (1280x720, 389K)

Wait until he empties his linguriboh as well in you

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.40_[2019.05.29_23.37.07].jpg (1280x720, 348K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.47_[2019.05.30_00.17.13].jpg (1280x720, 369K)

Attached: over 100 times.png (1280x720, 509K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.51_[2019.05.30_00.17.41].jpg (1280x720, 388K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 104 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.55_[2019.05.29_23.37.28].jpg (1280x720, 430K)

Great episode.
>Ai is being treated as MC, despite being antagonistic
>Ai and Roboppy are still fun
>Ai's deck is an actual archetype instead of random Cyberse
>other special summoning methods aren't forgotten
>new Allure Queen support
>Jinfags and Queenfags being bfto
I guess Roboppy could be a tomboy, but I don't really care either way. Still qt!

>Ai's deck is the D/D of VRAINS

>Ai is being treated as MC, despite being antagonistic
>Ai and Roboppy are still fun
They were better off before.
>Ai's deck is an actual archetype instead of random Cyberse
Linguriboh is random cyberse
>other special summoning methods aren't forgotten
Doesn't matter.
>new Allure Queen support
That's just a random archetype, not good or bad.
>Jinfags and Queenfags being bfto
Your perceptions are unrelated to the quality of the episode.

Hayami best waifu

>draws a girl(boy)
>calls it a boy(girl)
What did they mean by this?

post yfw Ai pulls out a CXyz

A Reiji that is actually present and not off-screened. Pretty good


I mean PM's sort of got his own "archetypes" through the Firewall/Code-Talker cards. We've been getting the baby code-talkers too like micro coder

Is it? Yusaku, Revolver, Soulburner and Blood Shepherd all used multiple summoning methods besides Link and probably will get more of them by the time series ends. Except maybe Yusaku, I guess.
I mean, Revolver already confirmed to get a Fusion Borreload.

Man you really don't want to see that user enjoying the new episode

my affection for roboppy is gender neutral

>tell people that roboppy calls AI Aniki because it's a boy
>no you are wrong
Who is laughing now... I think..

Attached: IMG_20181107_231156.jpg (500x1072, 76K)

Yusaku definitely, not revolver though, it's impossible for random dork dwagins to pull link synchro fusion xyz in one turn like how Ai sort of did and how Playmaker sort of did vs bohman 4

>Who is laughing now... I think.
I'm laughing at you miyufags

People said you were wrong because calling Ai "aniki" doesn't necessarily mean that he would be a boy, smartass.

So Ai had sex with a boy

Yes. The episode followed him and he wasn't shown to be clearly antagonistic.
>They were better off before.
Subjective. They didn't change that much really, it's just they have to do more stuff.
>Linguriboh is random cyberse
Nice cherry picking.
>Doesn't matter.
>That's just a random archetype, not good or bad.
It does matter if you are here for the card game itself.

We are because you're still a Miyufag

Because it is wrong. If you want to talk about gendered language then you should've at least picked up on Roboppy using oira.

I mainly meant main deck cards. Extra deck being a toolbox of whatever is fine, really.

>Yes. The episode followed him and he wasn't shown to be clearly antagonistic.
It's implied through episode summaries. You're not going to get nuance here.
>Subjective. They didn't change that much really, it's just they have to do more stuff.
Their voices were better before.
>Nice cherry picking.
That's not cherry picking. Linguriboh isn't apart of any archetype.
>It does matter if you are here for the card game itself.
It's not an anime archetype.

Vrains has been pretty spot on with most OPs and EDs unlike other series where there's usually a few standouts with the others being consistently bad/mediocre

>Honey trapping is an investigative practice that uses romantic or sexual relationships for an interpersonal, political or monetary purpose to the detriment of one party involved in this romantic or sexual affair. Investigators are also often employed by wives, husbands, and other partners usually when an illicit romantic affair is suspected of the "target", or subject of the investigation.

>still images
>good tunes like the previous series
>suddenly vrains ost are the best
kek, stop being so desperate for appoval vrainfags. In 1 year this shitty ygo will be over and we will move on into the next shitty ygo series.

You unironically had to look up what a honey trap is?

Eh, I'm not exactly sure how rokkets are played, really, but I really doubt it's impossible, especially since there are a lot of ways to revive ED Borreloads from the grave.

I was talking about the songs/tunes, Vrains' animation has always been jank

why did it take this long to get more character dynamics other than Yusaku and Ai

Because you don't consider dynamics with the opponent for some reason.

>Duels will be IRL aside from AI ones
>but they STILL change to avatar while dueling

bohman was so mind numbing he overwrote all my memories of previous vrains antagonists

Attached: golden allure queen.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

>It's implied through episode summaries. You're not going to get nuance here.
It's not. Episode summaries are just that - summaries. Too dry to guess the actual direction of the episode before seeing the characters in action.
>Their voices were better before.
You can still hear Ai in current Ai's voice. Roboppy's voice just wouldn't work. All in all it's absolutely fine, especially considering how good their new voices are.
>That's not cherry picking. Linguriboh isn't apart of any archetype.
The rest is a part of @ignisters. Having one random monster that has plot reasons to be there and fits the deck is absolutely fine.
>It's not an anime archetype.
LVs are anime archetype.


>hopt boot sector launch that actually makes you go minus 3 to summon a link 2 if you have 2 rokkets or rank 4
>no ss from deck except rokkets END PHASE effect or quick launch
>no cards that actually give him +1's
>link 4's require 3+ effect monsters
>no lvl 7 so synchro requires at least 3 cards
>fusion is self explanatory, requires 3 cards 1 being unsearchable
I advise you to actually watch his duels and see how much he minuses when he summons a boss in 1 turn without any setup previous turns, it's actually insane
>revolver vs ghost girl (uses 4 cards to summon bomber dragon with no additional card left to activate it's effect)
>revolver vs go (used 4 cards again to summon bomber dragon, required go's monster to give him draw 2 and an extra normal summon, drew 1 card with his own card effect)
>revolver vs lightning (used 5 cards just to summon borreload, required lightnings monster to draw 2

>Yubel is a boy
>Rally is a boy
>Reira is a girl
>Roboppy is a boy

Yes. He went after Queen for her key code, which is what all top executives have. Zaizen is now the #2 in SOL, so he will have a key code too.

No, this is more Attribute based and doesn't deal with LP reduction.

>It's not. Episode summaries are just that - summaries. Too dry to guess the actual direction of the episode before seeing the characters in action
This plot is not complex. Ai is the bad guy here. This anime is dry.
>You can still hear Ai in current Ai's voice. Roboppy's voice just wouldn't work. All in all it's absolutely fine, especially considering how good their new voices are.
I can not hear Ai in his new voice. While their voices are fine. They were better before.
>Having one random monster that has plot reasons to be there
Linguriboh is generic cyberse, there's no reason to care if he has random cyberse or not.
>LVs are anime archetype.
This sub archetype is not anime original.

Attached: @ignister dark knight.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Yugioh is great.

Attached: mokuba.jpg (640x480, 37K)

So.. this is important,

will we some ____tits___ in S3?

Attached: [MonoSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V - 010 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.50_[2014.06.17_07.47.37].jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Also since we're on the topic of Ai's deck being the D/D of vrains, what being the D/D means if being able to get out multiple summon methods turn 1 with no setup, Ai has shown us he could do that, link 3, s7, r4 only using 4 cards, Playmaker has only shown us link + ritual in 1 turn speed duel no setup but I'm sure his deck can do more than that since they have actually shown us he uses master link cards, however revolver definitely cannot, that's just his deck being bad minusing hard

Pretend that Guardragons are random dark dragons if you are going to build a Revolver deck then. In anime they are going to do whatever Hikokubo wants either way.

>Ai leaving a calling card like kaito kid
but why?

>set cards that aren't in your deck
Series 7 mechanic revealed!!!

guardragons are cheating, we are talking about revolver's deck, not guardragon ft rokket deck

I like hayami.

Attached: hayami blush.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

Welp, Roboppy confirmed to be losing to Aoi.

the duel disks somehow transport someone's mind into link vrains without even coming into contact with the head, so only needing skin contact to take someone into a virtual space isn't that much of a stretch with how computers = magic in this show

>how to make vrains great
>dump yuzacuck
>make the mc likeable
This is probably the best vrains episode.

so duel disk is more advanced that nerve gear SAO ?

Attached: 1465116390294.jpg (854x480, 45K)

definitely feels like the first decent vrains episode in a good while


who ?

then again I was remember, its blue jobber

Attached: 1440567288414.jpg (1891x1323, 1.93M)

Ai btfo of Yusacuck by showing that you can still have a likable personality even when going on a revenge rampage. Fucking autistic robotic MC ruined Vrains.

unironically yes

>Ai is the bad guy here.
He'd go full Bakura if that was the case. We are getting Shark 2.0 instead.
>I can not hear Ai in his new voice.
Get better ears.
>Linguriboh is generic cyberse
It's edgy main deck Linkuriboh, a monster that was associated with Ai in S2.
>there's no reason to care if he has random cyberse or not.
No, but him getting an archetype is important to everyone who'd want to run his deck.
>This sub archetype is not anime original.
I don't see how that is important either way. Allure Queen getting support in 2019 is nice - that's all. Props to anime team that decided to use her.

>then again I was remember, its blue jobber
You were remember? I don't get it.

>Printing cards

>mfw have an entire season of build up just to get the Obelisk Force treatment

>We are getting Shark 2.0 instead.
Shark was a bad guy.
>Get better ears.
It sounds like a generic anime bad guy now.
>It's edgy main deck Linkuriboh
It's a link monster. And it is a generic cyberse.
>No, but him getting an archetype is important to everyone who'd want to run his deck.
Generic cyberse will end up being better anyway.
>I don't see how that is important either way.
It means they used less original designs.

Fuck off SMfag we don’t take your kind here

>build up
to me she always came across as corporate business first, everything else second. but i also found her boring from the start

>This is the current state of Aoihaters
Fucking lame, learn english before posting

yugioh isn't very layered at all but you do realize even yugioh characters aren't starkly black and white on the morality spectrum
why are you so mad about that one user praising the episode in the first place

That's because bohman wasnt a character. He's a plot device

>>Reira is a girl
What year is it?
Since when is Reira a girl?
Where all those Yuya/Reira shippings straight?
What really happened in that hotel!
I need answers to very important questions!!

>make the mc likeable
Ai is not the mc. There have been episodes where Yusaku has gotten even less screentime than this. And no one called the characters being focused on in those episodes the MC.

>Shark was a bad guy.
Shark was more than that.
>Generic cyberse will end up being better anyway.
Yeah, no.
They will win in anime, but having plot armor doesn't mean being better.
>It means they used less original designs.

>evil linkuriboh

This is Queen's Voice Actress.
Say something nice about her.

Attached: 5tAVP4Tz_400x400.jpg (400x400, 36K)

>yugioh isn't very layered at all but you do realize even yugioh characters aren't starkly black and white on the morality spectrum
Yugioh doesn't give a fuck about motivations when defining villains.

That Bohman Hand “Approves”
If Bohman was present at the casino he would have absorbed Ai for cheating contradicting himself.

is it the same angry linkuriboh that Ai saw in the fake cyberse world made by windy?

It's a shame that there's no way that these new Allure Queen cards will actually get released given Vrains' track record.

>sitting next to water
Very in-character, nice.

But that's blatantly false. They're just not exciting or interesting since now they just have the character state them in the most bland way possible

LinkGrrIboh for what AI summoned to extract revenge on Queen for killing Earth.

>Shark was more than that.
That doesn't change his villain status.
>Yeah, no.
You're assuming an archetype can make anything better.

I doubted Queen would use Naturia cards on that note or even Cosmo Queen.

Attached: 1540749723383.jpg (1600x2000, 267K)


Attached: IgnisterProminencetheBlastingDracoslayer-CORE-EN-UR-UE.png (310x450, 383K)

The link might get lvp treatment?

When did she get so fat? Is she pregnant?

Attached: 58154499-0137744.jpg (1280x720, 233K)

0 defense points lol.

Maybe they are from Chaos Impact? If /Assault Mode got support - anything can.

>SakurAi with normal voice

Also the new OP gives me GX vibes for some reason

What I mean is that villains are villains because of their actions and not any of their motivations. Bakura's village was slaughtered but he's still the villain because he goes after Atem.

That’s cause she doesn’t work out because her avatar has taken her true form.

All those hot dogs had to go somewhere

She has a bun in the oven.

It's an Anime card though, and Konami hates releasing Vrains anime cards not used by the main characters.

Jin has a new lease on life. Kusanagi will definitely give Aoi the most hot dogs of the day.

>yfw ghost girl and blood shepherd tag duel vs roboppu also gets the same treatment as queen vs ai
>yfw everyone but playmaker, ai, soulburner and aoi gets rushed/skipped turn duels

Could be a preview of cards to come. Think there's a set coming up that's probably going to include gemini monster stuff, so they could be revisiting old mechanics.

Roboppi deck might play with ritual robots and fusion tech.

I protect thy Queen as a stone wall Trump!

Attached: EAF60A59-46E0-4D41-93BA-AB84A430C4F0.jpg (400x580, 87K)

You mean the structure deck r warriors strike?

>That doesn't change his villain status.
Don Thousand and Vector were villians.
Shark was more like an anti-hero with opposing goals.
>You're assuming an archetype can make anything better.
It makes getting good support for the specific deck easier. As is, support for Yusaku's playstyle also concerns other Cyberse deck.

Attached: D6soGCqXoAAprtQ.jpg large.jpg (720x799, 40K)

>lightning actually made jin better thanks to his "cheating"
Good boi dindu nuffin, revolver btfo yet again

Don't bully me Buster Blader!

Yugioh structure decks are as far as outdated old TCG hopefully there is no dragunity remastered deck made by them need something different like Hidden Arsenal archetype structure deck with a reboot.

>fusion tech

Attached: [MonoSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V - 047 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.40_[2015.03.17_18.31.22].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Buster Blader cuts your card into pieces.

Think so. That's supposed to have new cards, right? Or is it just rereleases.

Buster Blader is ready to slice your salami with its blade of destruction.

>Shark was more like an anti-hero with opposing goals.
No he hurt innocents. He was an anti hero earlier on.
>It makes getting good support for the specific deck easier. As is, support for Yusaku's playstyle also concerns other Cyberse deck.
Because Marincess will end up great.

That's just remake of warriors strike, which is phoenix gearfried, it will contain a theme around a remade phoenix gearfried

I kinda like how the more the show goes on, the more the ED song applies to Ai's situation

This calls for TGS Anime Youtubers ignis cake recipe on a Soulburner cookware.

now he knows exactly how yusaku felt when he wouldn't stop talking

Also Spectres Rapeface!

>Because Marincess will end up great
>self sufficient link spam that recurs their own Imperm each turn which grants immunity
Marincess are unironically fine, drop the memes for a second

Marincess with just rira support are better than rokkets even with structure deck

>joked that Lightning would delete part of Jin's conscious as a final fuck you
>he deletes any chance Jin had at relevance
The Light Ignis...so cruel...

>Because Marincess will end up great.
Yusaku.dek unironically can't get good support because of how it can break Marincess and more importantly Salamangreats.
Also @ignisters look pretty good even with their current line-up and it's like the half of it.

Only after becoming a baby.

Much like Yubel became a herm. Because dragon heart.

>paladin on a pegasus
Ai's deck can't be just nu-Dracopals, r-right?

Attached: MajesterPaladintheAscendingDracoslayer-PGL3-EN-GUR-1E.png (678x990, 1.95M)

code talkers are better than marincess are currently.

They have master link and can extra link quite consistently, with a good enough hand they can get darkfluid with 4 counters and conflict along wuth extra link, or they can go the magician quantum lock route or clock dragon otk route, yusaku.dek already has good support and is good enough

Would you fuck Roboppi

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>Only after becoming a baby.
Nice headcanon.

I wonder what AIs expression will become losing to PM or vice versa!

not for lewd

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Turn her into a old hag.

Not only Roboppy is a disgusting robot, he's also a boy, so no.

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How sickening Queens confidence melting like a snowman!

Roboppy losing to Soulburner!

>The robot maid who wanted to bang Ai was a boy.

Miyu found a friend in Roboppi

Attached: @ignister light dragon.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Earths partner never mentioned AI has turned against humans. Declaration of Crime vs War.


Do android asses clap or clank?