Despite the times Reiji acted like a psycho was he a good parent?
Despite the times Reiji acted like a psycho was he a good parent?
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Firstly, that's not reiji, if you make a thread about him, why not actually post a picture?
Also he's a great parent, and you should specify whether you're talking about the anime plot or the manga storyline, which are both divergent
last thread wasn't mine, also its not like im a mod kek
ii genuinely dont have any screenshots with him in kek, just needed a thread topic
i guess more the mango since he doesn't do much bad shit in the anime, although his good qualities are fairly similar between the two
google fu?
>Despite the times Reiji acted like a psycho was he a good parent?
Seeing how he managed not to rape kkona over like a hundred chapters, yes. He was a saint.
He tried I guess. I didn't watch the anime though
That's only because he was playing the long con
Welcome to the internet. Back before you were born, there was a saying called Don't Feed the Trolls.
makes no difference he'll report the bread either way
he probably would have is aoki didn't move in temporarily
does that actually happen kek, i thought mods jsut banned whenever they got the chance
it's a whole system that would take too long to explain just for this
here's some rin
whys she so perfect?
Good character development, pretty sure that came first, then the design grows on you
i dont really think the design is that bad i sorta like the style, it's nice compared to how similar most stuff is currently
I like kuro's development arc a lot, I would've enjoyed seeing more of her relationship dyanmics with her mom
That bit at the end with the principal felt kinda forced. Actual molester out of nowhere.
surerly there wouldn't have been much to see since she rarely saw her mum, she didn't seem to care about kuro at all
i think it did a good job of making your fear for kokonoes safety though and to also see aoki be a sorta hero despite arriving a bit late
I think their relationship improved after that dinner kruo and shiro had in the mango
>all these KnJ threads lately
You know it has achieved cult status when it's still being talked about ~12 yrs later
It's not very amazing when you realize they are made by the same poster. My guess is that waifufag who used to spamm threads about butts on other boards.
To be honest i don't even remember anything about Reiji or other characters, it's time to read it all again.
The faces are kinda weird in the anime. They didn't really translate her style too well.
I also agree that it was a little bit random. It was there to give some eleventh hour conflict. I feel like it could have been set up better
I was genuinely surprised that Rin and Aoki get together. I was so sure it would be Boin sensei.
>I was so sure it would be the one who literally gets ignored for a joke at almost every oppurtunity
Does Juju like KnJ?
It was a long time ago and my delicate burger morals couldn't grasp that it would actually have the loli end.
I've never watched or read the manga tb h. These threads always remind me of a dude who recommended it to me as a bad joke, selling it as an interesting drama, so I decided to read a few pages at random and it looked like just lolicon fanservice so I dropped it.
Nobody important, user.
I think you would really like it
He was good enough for a Japanese parent. He still lives in a society that incentivises parents to work 18 hour shifts instead of balancing their work and time spent with their kids, but he's alright. And he wasn't really a psycho in the manga.
Rin is TOO sexy, why is this allowed?
Nah, it's not my jam. Honestly the key of the story doesn't bother me, teacher x student stories are very common and enjoyable. Looks to me like the author simply used the age of the characters to create controversy and make a tool of it to make the story more well know and mixed it with lolicon fanservise, all of it disguised under a melodramatic story.
That's too bad, you're really missing out. Maybe I could come over and we could watch it together?
It's actually a coming of age story, for like all of the characters, not just the young ones. Lots of the focus is actually on the teachers, not the girls, and there's no relationship really, outside of the student teacher ones, at least until the end. There's fanservice sure, but it's mostly drama about growing up in various fucked up situations and how adults are still growing and learning too.
It’s like a law in stories about pedophiles that there must be another less sympathetic pedophile. It started with Lolita I guess.
Oh, it was you. Nevermind.
Say, I kind of know the ending so, even if it was good or not, I already ruined for myself. Be honest, someone who isn't a lolicon can actually enjoy this manga?
You really should read it, despite the draw, it's a lot more than just a fanservice loli romance. In fact I'd say it isn't even the main focus
Which is why I would say knowing the ending doesnt matter
>Be honest, someone who isn't a lolicon can actually enjoy this manga?
Absolutely. Personally, I found a lot of the stuff was really interesting to read about because at the time I was an education major myself. There's actually a lot of good drama in there. There's tons of loli fanservice though, and that's why I initially picked it up, but that isn't at all why I stayed. KnJ made me cry multiple times. From my eyes, not my penis. If loli fanservice would put you off, you'd want to stay away, but there's way more depth to KnJ than the loli fanservice might lead you to believe.
Yeah actually. There are a lot of emotional moments that transcend the face value subject matter.
>Rin's mom dying
>Mimi being emotionally abused by a teacher
Is it really? I might read a few chapters then, I suppose. I was looking for something different to read honestly.
If the brainless fanservice gets too heavy I just can drop it, we'll see. As long as the story is good I might ignore it.
Thanks for the answers
The only way you'll dislike it is if you go into it expecting to get angry about loli service. If Rin holding up the sign doesn't bother you then the story is legitimately good.
The author is a woman right?
user no!
Just self-insert as Rin. You are basically the same person.
Rin is such slut
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The 00s were a golden age of lolis.
>tfw no precocious Rin gf
How do you guys cope?
All these KnJ threads recently have been great, the only problem is they remind me I will never have Rin with me to love and protect. The feel gets worse as the years go on lads, how do I make it stop?
Yes. A lot of authors who write daughter-wife stories are women.
Reiji should have lost his mind, Aoki should have been fired and thrown in jail, and Rin should have ended up being a teenage mother that got knocked up by a delinquent.
That's your own fault for not having the guts to go out with someone while you were in elementary school.
Short answer: You can't
Long answer: We can't
Cheer up, you'll eventually move on from your waifufaggotry and you will stop feeling sad.
I don't know but I just wanna say that I love Noa-chan and want to take her on all kinds of cute dates desu! That is all.
Kill yourself J*******
Watashiya had the same scenario in the first pilot chapter, so I guess she wanted to reuse it in the proper canon. Doesn’t do much but add some melodrama near the end.
Yes user, all that hatred you feel will soon be go away. Btw, my name is Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. but since we are friends you can call me user.
Shut the fuck up, Juju
Juju is the perfect example of being so dumb it's cute
The ED is so good
Why are lolis so lewd?
but the long answer is shorter
It's not too late to change your lolicon ways, Yea Forums.
Aww, who am I kidding. It's not worth it.
>It's not too late to change your lolicon ways, Yea Forums.
My dude I was crushing on Rin in middle school, I don't know anything else
What a sexy little girl.
hag rin is gross
noas a whore, the type to cheat on you because someone tells her shes cute
What are you on about? He never acted as a psycho in the manga, only in retarded anime original episodes.
He was doing his best for Rin. As for his plan, he backed out as soon as he realized with the help of Aoki that Rin doesn't like him that way and wouldn't be happy.
the obsessive wanting to fuck rin moments
Please do not assume it is rape without asking if the girl consent. age is not a valid argument
He never wanted to fuck loli Rin, but thought she's going to grow up to look like her mother whom he still loved.
if I want to get into this series should I watch the Anime or read the Manga first?
mango first
Everyone has issues and we, as the readers, were able to see Reiji's but it never developed into a bad thing for Rin, so yeah, he was a good papa
>Also he's a great parent
He wasn't that great...
>didn't fuck her
>didn't hit her with a frying pan
>fed her food
>made sure she went to school
He was a good parent.
what's with all the KnJ threads lately
Baiting Juju
>e-celeb wank on an anonymous image board
manga only here, Reiji was grooming her in the first part of the manga
Juju isn't really anonymous nor an e celeb. She's just the queen of Yea Forums lolicons
>implying she
nobody cares
She's 100% female
They're little girls.
> but thought she's going to grow up to look like her mother whom he still loved
Kinda funny how that really didn't happen in the slightest
Imagine Kodomo no Jikan but with Juju
little girls make my pee pee hard.
I go outside I see a 10 year old girl my pee pee hard I want that cunny on my face to lick and sniff it
Imagine you fucking off.
Please kek yourself
not that idek who juju is
Kokonoe probably got pregnant before her 20s
Aoki still couldn't put it in her when she was like 16, doubtful
so should all women otherwise their kids will be autistic like you
>still couldn't put it in her
>Implying that he didn't tried again right after he jumps on her and hug her
It probably tastes and smells like piss, man.
> It probably tastes and smells like piss, man.
Like loli piss. There's a difference.
Juju self admittedly lost her virginity at 13
the double fake out was great, time skip but keep her a loli.
She is a lying cunt. She sad it was at 8 a couple of years ago.
is a bonus chapter where it basically says that they stopped trying to put it in(that day), and instead he goes down on her.
>ywn lick Rin's c*nny
why even live?
Is that really so weird? Shut up already.
I never said that, what I said is that I got my first at 9, not 8. This whole bullshit is off-topic, quit it out.
Tbh it's my fault, I mentioned it out of exasperation that no one talked about it anymore, posted the links to it, and now we get a thread every few days
feels good man
My first kiss I mean.
>when you realize you can actually influence Yea Forums if you post something enough
>whether you're talking about the anime plot or the manga storyline, which are both divergent
How does the anime differ from the manga anyways? I only read the latter because of it being the original and assumption the anime would have to censor shit quite a bit.
Not really, remember Sakura Fish? The mods will end up killing you for spamming.
Nah. You just have to be sneakier and more creative with your OP's.
Not really, remember those autistic threads about that anime with coffee vs tea or whatever the name was? The mods will end up killing you for spamming.
mods plox no delete bread, thank
>dude gonna legally hit prime tier bucci
>tfw missed out on teenage sex
If you don't want mods to delete threads, then you shouldn't act like an idiot.
the webums fine, last bread was 404'd for off topic
I know, the pedophile's fault, but looks like he's gone, so your thread will be fine.
I love Rin because of her voice.
What's done is done, user. You missed your chance and you will never ever will be able to go back, but don't be sad about something that's irremediably far away from you now. Just think about your present and future.
>Is that really so weird?
Yes that's not normal at all
Fuck Juju
she definitely sound cute
Times change, grandpa. Not everyone still lives in the victorian era like you hamburgers.
Holy shit can you shut the fuck up with 3dpd
No, all I did was post the links and a synopsis once, that's all it took
>she lost it at 9
the anime production basically scraps entire plotlines, though I guess it still serves as ecchi fans service
do you know if theres any reason season 2 ended after 4 eps or was that just all they planned for it?
It's not really difficult to keep a thread about an old show alive in Yea Forums. The waifufags will gladly bump it for free until bump limit while you rest.
Me under the blanket.
no, rins cherry was intact until she was grown up
Did I say I touched her vaginahole?
You are not 2D, user, neither you have amazing wizard powers to become 2D. It has been scientifically proven that a human being can't become 2D.
he might do a lot of anons have wizard pwoers
How do you know? Are you a wizard?
Should i watch this anime?
>no wet stain
Then you can't prove user was saying the true, therefore he was lying.
Didn't you say you would stop coming to these threads? I guess your brain is so damaged you don't remember what you wrote a few hours ago
I was talking about the Colors threads, they suck and so you too.
I guess you really didn't understand anything you were told, or you do actually get off to the incest replies. Either way good luck with that autism
I'm not going to leave Yea Forums just cause some literal who is telling to fuck off. Don't mind me, I'm going to to ignore you.
But you'll still keep coming to threads that you don't care about, metapost and go for off-topic shit. I think you are forgetting these threads will also have insult towards you and the incest posting. The whole point was for all of that to stop but you're too dumb to understand that. Just go to the place where you might actually discuss something connected with the thread or the board or did your brain stop growing after first 6 years?
Damn. I Was fooled for 10 years
kids can't understand the concept of romantic love so all loli manga is garbage and feeds into the lolicons delusions
>kids can't understand the concept of romantic love
>all loli manga is garbage and feeds into the lolicons delusions
Loli manga is garbage but loli hentai is the best
nope I'm correct, they can't even imagine what romance really is. they just imitate what they see without any actual feeling behind it, just like playing a game which is okay
Kids may fall in love buts its only superficial, they dont understand shit
I don't watch or read that kind of thing, so don't expect me to discuss about it.
I fell in love several times when I was a child, I think the first time was with a kid during a parent's reunion in the church when I was seven. Maybe you weren't much emotional back then, but all people are different and feel diferent.
hentai and manga aren't mutually exclusive, dumb newfag
>no pee stain
Yes, it's just all just like a cute game back then, but the feeling never changed for me even now I grow up. I guess I was just weird then.
>I fell in love several times when I was a child
I thought the same when I was a kid and now that I look back at it I realise that was superficial as fuck and lacked romance.
Just thinking someone is cute isn't love at all. You were playing social games without even realising it.
That may be because the one that you are still fucking is your dad.
>eating her fish
What other good manga in this direction is there?
Just finished Miman Renai, guy is really autistic but the scariest part is I could totally picture old me acting as awkwardly as he did.
In the end the girl got aged up which kinda hampers the ending.