Kimetsu no Yaiba

>the fucking See-Through World
So is he just going to keep conveniently remembering stuff from his past that'll let him counter everyone?

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That's how it's been ever since spider mountain my dude

Dont worry, its just tanjiro learning ultra instinct after he read it in dragon ball z.

Wow thats so cool user, I'm read this fight right now too!

>he just going to keep conveniently remembering stuff from his past that'll let him counter everyone?
It doesn’t even happen that much don’t exaggerate

It's the culmination of all that 'line of interval' stuff we got earlier in the series. This kinda thing is an eastern martial arts concept that would be familiar to japanese readers. can't say it came outta nowhere

Yes, thats pretty much how all his fights since the the one against the spider demon had been, this series will be remembered as "FLASHBACK: The Manga".

Good, than you also understand how asspull every fight in this series has been for over a 100 chapters. I guess the decision to jump into the final arc was a good one, stretching this plot out any more will make the bullshit obvious.

what's wrong with "asspulls" again?
I only think something like this is an issue if it trivializes the entire conflict.

If a character has been struggling against a foe for a while, and then figures out a new move or a technique or whatever, then what's the issue? He still struggled, and the rest of the conflict didn't just stop existing. This is his reward for lasting that long.

It just feels like people just treat every instance of something like this as inherently bad. The story behind the see-through world is good too, and ties nicely into Tanjiro's father, so I think there were definitely worse ways to go about it. The fight was still climactic and intense and had a solid ending.

It's just one guy who doesn't understand basic storytelling and calls everything an asspull

Kimetsu has powerups, but because the powerups are virtually all foreshadowed they aren't asspulls. Moreover, the powerups don't get characters out of bad situations singlehandedly - Tanjiro didn't beat the spider guy when he got dance of the fire god, and he didn't beat daki when he got the mark.

Dont lie, it happens in every fight of the MC since the spider demon arc.

You act like every fight ends solely because of O, my flashbacks when it doesn't really. He keeps being pushed to his limit every fight and grows after each one which if you weren't this dense you'd realize that it's a concept that applies to Demons as well with Hantengu gimmick being that he'd asspull a new form every time he's pushed to the limits and Akaza by the end of the fight just became one massive immortal asspull. There's way more to the fight than just the flashbacks and all the fights he had with Upper Moons always end up being a chain of coincidences that ultimately lead them to defeat the demons.

>high school student art skills
Disgusting that people unironically enjoy this shit.

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>People that still act like HxH has good art

> then what's the issue?
The issue is that this will trivialize the stakes and make being invested in the series impossible for anyone with any reading comprehension.

>Upset that the good guys will eventually get power ups and win in shounenshit.

You can't possibly be this autistic

> MC asspulls his victory
> you just dont understand the nuance
Are you for real? Defending bullshit writing people shit on in Naruto and FT? Man this fandom is becoming MHA-tier really fast.

> doesnt understand what good buildup, execution and resolution mean
Go read more manga and stop being a underagefag, maybe you will than understand actual criticism.

Its just a progression of his line of interval nose shit.

>Still whining about shounenshit in a shounen manga.
What's next, complaining about gay couples in fujo mangas?

You mean like the entire training arc we just had to develop his senses and reflexes leading up to that moment? The fact that's he's encountered this demon and his compass/see through world bullshit once before at the end of the train arc and that fight had a major impact on him?


Akaza was the literally living asspull and yet you blame that muh flashbacks ruin everything. Even by cutting his neck, Akaza was still regenerating and ready to kill anytime. The see through world didn't do shit at the end, only leading Akaza to kill himself.

except most of the times he does get these powerups he still loses. Do you even read this manga?

Not the other user, but you're going overboard with feigning indignation over this. His dad and his teachings being connected to the sun techniques has been a Chekhov's Gun for some time. It started when we learned how he used to perform the fire god dance or whatever and has been a theme for a while now. There's also Muzan freaking over Tanjirou's earrings, hinting that something about Tanjirou connecting to something in Muzan's past. Tanjirou learning new meanings and techniques from his recollections of his time with his dad fits with the revelations that we've been seeing, even if a bit lazy in its convenience, but nowhere near enough an offense to go die on a hill for it.

Lack of killing intent is what helped him beat Akaza (Inosuke conversation/dad like a plant). The invisible world is more of a teaser of what he will need to perfect to beat Kokushibo.

The whole theme of the fight was that they were both close to ascending to the next level but are not there yet. Akaza rejected it, Tanjirou stood there like a mong when he was being attacked

Except in those titles people just Nakama power their way through everything and their major power ups is the sole reason they win fights they wouldn't otherwise.

Sudden Power ups are and will continue to be one of the staples of battle shounens but Wani in the very least manages to make it entertaining by not making it so most fights just end there solely because of their power up. Tanjiro stills gets wrecked by Gyuutaro even with the mark and only wins because everything lines up to give them a single moment to cut him down.

In the Akaza fight even if he managed to get a clean cut thanks to it, it didn't really matter because Akaza was on another whole level and would have destroyed both him and Gyuu if he wasn't made out to be that rare case of a Demon being actually a nice guy who fell to Muzan's blood, it's a unique resolution to a fight you're gonna see again in the series.

>beat Akaza
Land a hit. Not beat. If Akaza didn't sudoku he would wreck them both.

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animefag here, i just caught up to ep8 and came to complain about the
>ps the guy you're looking for is named blabla pps he's the only one who can make demons
guess it's time to drop it

Btw, I really like how Tanjiro has contributed more and more to every moon fight.

Against Rui he was a weakling and only just bought himself time
Against Lower Moon 1 he was just a normal mook following orders. He didn't really need to be there.
Against UM6 he's clearly incapable of taking on Gyuutaro directly but does what he can to support Uzui and they wouldn't have won without him
Against Hantengu he almost singlehandedly figures out how to beat the guy, even though the hardest part (fighting Hatred) was left to Mitsuri.
Against Akaza he was actually more important that Tomioka

It's nice to see this sort of progression, not just in terms of power levels but of Tanjiro's place in the demon hunters.

What was bad about that scene that you want to complain?

you dont think revealing the mystery identity of his family's killer in a fucking flashback is bad?

Akaza admitted defeat
Protip: all demons smell like Muzan

>Protip: all demons smell like Muzan
And it seems UMs can make demons too.

You are assuming every info you are told is true. The demon hunter org is not an All knowing being, many of the thing they say are incomplete information.
Spoilers for you, There is no confirmed killer, and muzan isnt the only demon that can turn humans to demons.

>revealing the mystery identity of his family's killer
That's what you think

doesn't matter if its true or not, he believes it
the point is it was shown in a jarring flashback during a fight to justify why he was going to ask the demon about him, instead of simply during his training
and to make it worse, he meets him the very next episode

Not the guy but I think his issue is how the writer chooses to exposit obviously important information through the characters having flashbacks while it's crucial, instead of just establishing the info ahead of time.

Simply having Tanjiro have a conversation with Urokodaki where the guy explains Muzan to him is fine - but instead, suddenly we get a flashback in the middle of Tanjiro's fight which has Urokodaki explaining Muzan to him. That comes off as far less organic and more contrived, because it patronizes the audience and makes it seem like they can't be counted on to remember the details - instead details will just be brought up as the story needs you to know them.

Same deal with Nezuko apparently having been placed under a suggestion, and that not ever coming up until Nezuko is needed to do something - or Tanjiro's father knowing any sort of dance that could be useful, until the boy's near-death and we get a flashback placed right there which tells us something so unbelievably specific and convenient.

I do love this series to death and I personally don't find it a dealbreaker but I can't blame people for being bothered with that. It'd be far better for the writing if Gotouge could just plant seeds and plot out events and refer to them /later/, instead of giving us a flashback containing information that we just conveniently needed to know and have never seen until now.

the guy here
yes, this

You all getting mad the first mention of Muzan is with a flashback. But if they had shown the talk Urukodaki had with tanji, you all would be getting mad because "muh exposition"

A lot of Urokodaki's expositions being told through flashbacks has everything to do with the rushed pacing in the early story. It was obvious Wani wanted to rush to the action in fear of being axed. That's why she only brought up the details as needed. Thankfully we have seen the last of those Urokodaki flashbacks.
Now regarding the stuff Tanjirou suddenly remembers on the verge of death, I agree that Wani could have done a better job foreshadowing them earlier. They only happened twice over 150+ chapters though, nowhere as many as some people suggest. It didn't even help him the first time.