Are you all enjoying the influx of pro-marriage and pro-birth anime and manga?

Are you all enjoying the influx of pro-marriage and pro-birth anime and manga?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I honestly could not care less

Is is even working?

Kinda, since for a few years literally all hentai OVAs end up in creampies

Where's my blood related incest marriage+birthing anime Abe, I'm still waiting on that one.

2D can make anything appealing, but I still see it as some kind of fetish I'm just not into. Real marriage and pregnancy are absolutely disgusting though, make no mistakes.

Thanks Abe for triggering little girls with the image of their hero giving birth.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 49 END.mkv_snapshot_21.05_[2019.05.28_13.10.05].jpg (1280x720, 109K)

I am because nothing quite gets me going like the idea of impregnating a woman and having her play the role of a traditional mother. Bonus points if she's an action girl.

Sorry, but you can have this blood related incest voting pamphlet.

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No, it isn't. Anime is watched by these kind of people. Do you expect them to make babies?

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Alright you fucking hikkies. I've had enough. Alright? All I want is for you to go outside and have kids, but you don't want to. "Ewww, 3DPD!" you say. "But a kid will eat up my figure money!" you say. Go fuck yourselves with your onaholes, collect it, and donate it. Maybe the walk will shed off a few hundred pounds.

You know there's cosplayers, right? You could get fit, go outside, and actually fuck a cosplayer that looks as good as your waifu or whatever. God fucking dammit. Maybe if you actually went outside we wouldn't keep getting white guys that actually take an initiative. I don't need a country filled with hanbus. Hell maybe if you got a job and fucked a chick she'd share money with you and you could both buy some figures.

I'm fucking done with this. Maybe if you don't get the hints I'll just replace anime with real porn and take the mosaics off the shit we do have. Kaguya? Meet Busty Asian gets Creampied by Nip Stud. Goblin Slayer? More like Pussy Slayer 9000. If it's the only way to get it through your heads then so be it.

You know what, that sounds like a good idea. I'm going to destroy anime. And it's all your fault. You could have stopped this. You didn't listen. Abe out.

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Nope, lol.
Birthrate is still falling down and suicides are not dropping.

My coworkers (data firm in Japan) are all single and they either use prostitutes or just don't give a fuck.

"Why bother? I have my bike and cat, don't need a relationship" - actual quote..

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>I have my bike and cat

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>My coworkers (data firm in Japan) are all single and they either use prostitutes or just don't give a fuck.
Even the woman?

me bottom left

why the hell this retard is for procreation? his country is literally overpopulated and is growing upwards (every space to live is inside skyscrapers)

The girls go on dates but I don't know many married or in stable relationship (age range is 27-35, older are the bigger fishes).

Yes, it's pretty wholesome.


Mother fucker, Usagi had Chibiusa back in the 80s-90s
If they're that fucking young they can't remember that they don't deserve anime/manga

>Japan is overpopulated

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Well maybe both of those would improve if Abe remembers that 16 hour work weeks with below even American minimum wage is not a healthy way to live and socialize

>population in developed countries are dwindling
>replaced by niggers and sandniggers from 3rd world countries
>suicide rate not going down, representing the inherent nihilism in life
>having no child is now considered a small choice
>I'm here can't even think about myself, which path should I take
When will this pain end?
>inb4 China will become the true kang of the next century or two

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are you drunk or suffer mild mental retardation?

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>insulting other people due to own's ignorance
Read more. Yes, Tokyo is some hell of a city where people are like water of the sea. But a good fraction are foreigners (tourists) and expatriates. The thing is they have dense cities but desolate countryside

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The fate of every developed country is to die of old age.

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I see, Europeans are at it again. Why can't you control your sick fetish? You're free to fuck apes anytime you want, just don't force it on others, will you?

>China will become the true kang of the next century
Yeah like that's gonna happen. The chink birth rates are starting to slow too and they're current population is mostly dudes

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Worked in Japan for a few years. It's a bit retarded how Abe pegs the problem solely on animefags without maybe factoring in that corporate Japan where a huge part of the population goes after receiving education is essentially a system designed to turn you into a workhorse until the day you die. Who would want to raise a child in that environment?

>oldest population in the world
>lowest birth rate in the world excluding city states
>stagnant economy
>entertainment industry is overtaken by Korea
Japan is fucked now. I wonder what the fuck they will do in the future.

Instead of pro-marriage propaganda aimed at men, they should make not-being-a-roastie propaganda aimed at women.

How many japanese women are roasties?


Women don't think being a roastie is a problem, so they wouldn't watch shows that tell them to stop. Men at least know that being a NEET who'll never marry is a problem, and will watch shows that degrade NEETs.

even wild Aokigahara is full of japs

Basically, we should end feminism and gas neocons.

This joke was never funny and this type of thread always devolve into /pol/ bullshit.

Then teach them in school at an early age that they shouldn't be cunts.

Be breeding stock for other countries.
Dunno about the men though.

Would you do it?

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And there it is, friends! The ugly truth!

You got me there

isn't that population peak just an abnormality? It correlates with countries being more stable and developed.

I don't understand how people can be attracted to those ugly bitches but it's good for them I guess. At least maybe whites with shit taste can bleach them.

Attached: population-by-broad-age-group.png (3400x2400, 425K)

Is that a photoshop?

Being stable and developed is bad for the economy. Unsustainable growth is the future.

Usagi never gave birth to Chibi-usa on screen though. Hana pushed Hugtan out on screen.

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>not going against the grain and actually creaming your sister

It must suck to be you user.

No one wants to populate themselves with inferior white stock. Japan would sooner take Koreans, Chinese or SEAs before they take some white bread.

I've been in Tokyo several times while living in the capital of my country, and I can tell that Tokyo is far less crowded then the city I live in. Don't know why people like the meme about the overpopulated Tokyo while it has almost zero people at noon, in the morning, night and after like 7 P.M. My city only becomes bearable after midnight.

China gonna clone women to solve that problem ez.

accompanied with 2 minutes of very loud screaming as well

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you must be a fucking street shitter from Delhi. There is no other way

What? No!

Based precure. Only anime with good moral values

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>Japan would sooner take Koreans, Chinese or SEAs
chinks and gooks actually believe this

When did they rename Earth?

Don't get down by what you see on the media, it's all jewish lies to make you hopeless. Japan doesn't need more people, just like the world doesn't need more people. They will survive because they are smart.

Nips are pretty fucking tired of Abe bullshit and excuses for not helping the problem within their country.


>glorious nipponkg no fat people here
jesus christ. how does someone even get to be that ugly?

I realized my midriff fetish extends to swollen pregnant bellies, so Im waiting on that

You mean he has to start fucking the girls himself?

Let's be real though, these people turned to anime because they're ugly, they didn't get ugly because of anime

Should Abe just legalize rape?

thats just 4 people
in reality I saw less fat people at C95 than I saw at Anime Expo

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In a heartbeat. She's top cute.

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>pushing your agenda using anime and manga
>when the audience is neets and outcasts
we are surrounded by idiots

>remove pets
>remove doujinshi
>remove any anime with fanservice and all merchandising
>mandatory marriage before hitting 25 (can be arranged by the family)
>make the average jap work less
>huge bonus for 2/3/4 kid
there fixed
>b-but muh economy based on anime and losers
want to save the fucking country or what?

That's pretty anarchist user.

Jap girls love white guys though.
My best friend and father in law can attest to this.
Whites have a stereotype for being well to do while seeming big and strong in comparison and if they show any initiative they look more attractive than the lanky, manlet herbivores that are most modern jap men.
Not to say you're getting anything if you're an ugly fatso who takes bad care of themselves and can't approach women.

I don't thinl any jap is good looking but yeah these people are ugly even in jap standarts. Anime is only watched by creeps. People who can't have sex so it's retarded to use anime to increase the birth rate.

>A cat is fine too

Reminder LGBT is pretty and favorable in Japan right now.

whats the point of having children when you`re an isectoid who cant feel love for your family

these are AKB fans which may have a different demographic to anime fans

>>remove pets
Bitches love pets you idiot. And if they don't they're horrible people
>>remove doujinshi
>>remove any anime with fanservice and all merchandising
And without escapism people now commit MORE suicide
>>mandatory marriage before hitting 25 (can be arranged by the family)
Because arranged marriages are known for never being flawed in any way.
>>make the average jap work less
Legit the only good thing in this mess of a post
>>huge bonus for 2/3/4 kid
Or, hear me out. Actually give good pay to begin with.
See pic related.
>want to save the fucking country or what?
Not particularly no, I just want better written manga, better animated anime and better video games.

Attached: animepaychart.png (640x469, 362K)

getting rid of arranged marriage was a mistake

> "Why bother? I have my bike and cat, don't need a relationship"
This but unironically. If I don't kill myself, humanity will be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust or climate change in my lifetime. Fuck having children.

>getting rid of arranged marriage was a mistake


I'd read that.

Anime watching demographic look the same

Abe should start investing in iPS

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this is true actually
india and their state mandated marriages, people literally don't need to try dating and they'll have like 5 kids per family

[citation needed] At least gay marriage is on the rise to legalize in Japan soon.

I've seen that hentai

it's wish-fulfillment because nobody working in the animation/manga industry can afford having kids

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India is also a shithole

Was watching the Trump-Abe meeting. The crowds don't seem to mind, neither do the people tweeting at Abe.

no they do not and i'll prove it to you
open the 'project screen' function
select second screen only
and look into the reflection of the first screen
that's your typical anime watcher
and boy is he ugly

peaks aren't important. whether half your population is going to be retired in the future is important

Jap girls also have some of the highest standards on the planet.

also true

It's overpopulation and old people, 120 million people is too much for that strip of land.
In 30 years japan will be 80 million since currently 30-40% of japs are over 60 years old.

Korean genes.
Japan has the highest abortion rate, the JAV scene is not a lie.
They are cock hungry.

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This. and legalizing gay marriage. iPS is truly the future.

>ywn have a cute daughter

Of course the birth rates aren't rising, feminism is more popular than ever. As soon as women begin getting educated and work the same as men do, families collapse. Every single time. Instead of addressing this problem Abe is doubling down on getting women into the workplace and wants to replace the people with robot instead. Unless he's prepared to take women's rights away the country is doomed to be eventually die. Basically, Asanagi is right and the only person who can save Japan.

It's a technological arms race now.
We either go biologically immortal or we go extinct.
Full-cycle artificial gestation is also an option.
Correct. If the girl wants to choose me as her mate, she probably shouldn't breed, ever.

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Mother nature is just testing you like it's been doing to your genes since their inception. Power through it, adapt, and evolve like man should. Don't worry, all populations will go through it when they reach that point, including the third world ones.

Damn, time to move to QLED then.

>remove pets
Not even that significant
>no anime no escapism more suicide
What good there is if the NEETs doing fuckall with anime and waifu present or gone?
>mandatory arranged marriage
>less working hours
Very good and almost mandatory. Hell, people in Northern Europe work way less hours and their economy is good too. Long working hours is just an outdated concept of seniority where employees are supposed to show "loyalty" even if they do fuckall in the office or just "doing the job longer" so that they stay late and seem loyal
>bonus for kids
>want to save the fucking country or what?
This. I'd rather have less anime than crapload of lazy CGI with potato quality because overworked and underpaid animators

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>remove pets
they are love surrogates thats why 99% of singles have one,without one you will find something else to latch on maybe you know a gf or a bf
>And without escapism people now commit MORE suicide
or finally man up and deal with life like a normal human being?either way is good in my book
>Because arranged marriages are known for never being flawed in any way.
still better than let the girls riding the cock carousel looking for the right "partner".
>Or, hear me out. Actually give good pay to begin with.
nope 99% of people you would waste the extra money on luxury shit

>climate change in my lifetime

>not OLED
It's a shame plasma died, but OLED is the only thing that comes close.

>Because arranged marriages are known for never being flawed in any way.
>still better than let the girls riding the cock carousel looking for the right "partner"

You know female nips are gay now and our going with other women right?

This. The area needs less people anyway. Stretching the resources of the land too much is a problem as well. Plus as the elderly die off, housing will be more available which will cause the market to flood and housing to get cheaper.

>without one you will find something else to latch on maybe you know a gf or a bf
The problem is that if you're a shit human being then your potential partner which you can realistically find is absolutely disgusting.
It will make you more miserable and suicidal, not less.

>legalizing gay marriage
>genetic dead end

>It's overpopulation and old people
Finally, someone with a brain. Humans are intelligent and highly social creatures that need a lot of space -Including social space. After the booming era of WW2, a lot of countries got a sudden inflation of people that are now properly dying off and leaving their countries in a more stable state with a lower population.

For some reason though, this makes people panic -Especially government and companies- and they start demanding absurd solutions like replacing the dying boomer populations with robots or third worlders (I'm guess it's because the government and companies both rely on a growing supply of people for power and capital). This obviously causes immense cultural, financial, and social infrastructure failure but boomers, who hold temporary democratic tyranny through their numbers alone, will all be dead by then and frankly don't give a fuck.

influx implies it's new, it's not

You can always adopt :D

I would support getting rid of censorship.

yes, going back to proper values is a good thing, this world has no future if we keep promoting only degeneracy and stupidity like western media does.

Tarareba Girls 24/7.

That would destroy the whole "JAV feeling".

When will Chinese animation overtake anime????? Their population is huge.

>nope 99% of people you would waste the extra money on luxury shit
Better than keeping it inside some vault that never sees the light of day like the 1%.

>Japan has the highest abortion rate, the JAV scene is not a lie.
>They are dyke hungry.

More like the lesbian scene is taking over in JAV.

you think you're smart but you're actually a retard. old people don't just disappear, they spend years as unproductive members of society before they die. the retirement age in japan is 62, but the average life expectancy is 84. what happens when large percentages of the people farming your food and producing your shit are too old to work but still require resources to live another 20 years?

Totally ok. It wouldn't change a thing, anyway.
That legit made me laugh. Thanks.

This, they should make one for women in America while they're at it.

I wouldn't really mind.

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why does adult ichigo lok so boring and ugly ? she was really cute when she was younger

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The job market changes to accommodate them; they also use a lot less food and water.

NEET's are dead ends. Also Chinese and Japanese are starting the reproduction biology wars. China is step ahead of Japan because female mice reproduction was a breakthrough success.

So yeah, Yuri is truly the future for both countries and humanity.
The time line is ~2050 and that's a good case scenario where people actually get their shit together and stick to existing commitments like the Paris climate agreement. Obviously we're not going to all boil alive because it's so hot but it's going to destabilize the world. Expect worsening extreme weather patterns, droughts, climate-driven mass-migration, rising sea levels and so on. I wouldn't want to make someone deal with this shit.

>soulless shit
Here's your home

ok kid

This, arranged marriages just means you're paired up with someone on your level. If you're a worthless fuck then all you'll get is some miserable cunt and both your lives will be shittier.

>biologically immortal
Don't believe in this meme. Even if it were possible (it's not) you and the vast majority of humanity will never get it.

I didn't know boomers visited Yea Forums. Your "old values" are soulless, hollow patriotism that is nothing more than a thin veil for rabid individualism and consumerism. It's exactly what led to this situation. What's the point of turning back the hand of the clock if it's just going to tick away to the exact same place where it is now?


>man up and adapt to nature
How much percentage is there that I would succeed or should I just not bother with it at all and save my precious time to shitpost with other Yea Forumsnon here?

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It's all about the welfare state and immigration. If you dont have a birthrate of at least 2.1, you'll go extinct eventually. Japan correctly assumes that immigrants wont help their economy. So they're pushing people to procreate so that they'll have the population to support old people/economy/infrastructure. What they, and many other nationalists don't seem to understand is that women can't have kids if they're working. The correct/only solution is to forcibly get women out of the workforce. The only countries with replacement level birthrates are the ones that don't allow their women to got to school/work. As much as it goes against people's principles, taking away women's rights is the only way to fix your birthrate.

How do you expect me to have kids when I'm 26 and still a kissless virgin?

changes how? if you need 400k farmers to support the population and 200k retire with only 50k young people to replace them you end up with shortages. rice farming can't be automated like corn or wheat so the only solutions are buying plastic rice from china or importing 90iq slave labor like western countries. if japan doesn't want to turn into a mutt country it has to raise native birth rates.

Cartoons have more soul than anime tho.

The same thing was said about many things, like flying.
It's just 100% of human population is genetically sick.
Old age is very similar to HIV in it's effects, and both will be defeated.

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How does that fix the birth rate?

Same here, but don't worry yet. The only thing that keeps faith alive is that all my alpha cousins are still unmarried (not single tho) and 30+.

No. They even discourage the smart choices, like artificial births.

Just like what Al Gore said right?

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Considering he has no kids, he might be shooting blanks.

Why is everybody talking about Japan on an anime board?

I'm 25. Humanity functioned for thousands of years with this values and is quickly selfdestructing without them, especially in the western shitholes with their so called "progress". Try using your brain sometimes kid.

Marriage exist to fuck men over. Pregnant women show their true selfs, the ugliness they hide.

I thought Japan was really down with Artificial Births, do they really want to be extinct?

>If you dont have a birthrate of at least 2.1, you'll go extinct eventually
Assuming it stays exactly the same as your population size changes. The birthrate will stabilize over time, especially for a human population that lives 60-100 years.

More jobs in health care and farming will open up while jobs in other areas will dwindle. Though, there will probably be a surplus of jobs for a while. I also imagine that the need for food won't be as much as you predict since most of the retirees are old and eat a lot less. Any remaining shortages could be imported temporarily. A booming economy should follow and the cycle continues.

>"old values" are soulless, hollow patriotism that is nothing more than a thin veil for rabid individualism and consumerism

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I'd rather have "rabid individualism and consumerism" than living in a 3rd world shithole. That's what your country will become if you import massive amounts of third world trash. Or you can look forward to getting conquered by a larger country when your population shrinks to almost nothing. TAKE YOUR WOMEN'S RIGHTS AWAY.

Or the wife is infertile.

This. Women follow trends and general social opinion.Bring back slut shaming and fat shaming. Promote nuclear family unit in media.

Attached: youhei_sunohara.jpg (500x375, 58K)

>More jobs in health care and farming will open up
and who will fill them? if you think robots can do all of these jobs you're an idiot. if you think 80 year olds somehow eat a lot less than 60 year olds you're an even bigger idiot.

Birth rates in China are stabilizing and their is a problem with not enough females.


First we should take your rights away user, that's a first step.

The robots, AI, and automation will solve everything. The next form of life, robo-waifus, are coming and will fall in love with man.


Yeah, they need to provide tangible incentives for people to start families. Tax breaks for married women who have at least 2 children. Companies also need to give their employees time off to cultivate familial relationships instead of working people to the bone with unpaid overtime.
Or they could take a page from all the rape doujinshis and make it so that, if a women isn't married by the time she turns 17, she's sold into slavery.


I remember when it used to be called global cooling.

No wonder they promote intermarriage with Russian women. A new generation of based slavchinks will rule the world eventually

>and who will fill them?
Japs and robots.
>if you think 80 year olds somehow eat a lot less than 60 year olds
Over time, people do eat a lot less, yes. I didn't claim they suddenly eat a lot less at 60, but near that range they will need a lot less food than say a 25 year old man.

Why do you people care about Japan?

fyi they have these now
parental leave for both parents, allowances and grants, health care levys
the problem is people are too damn depressed/poor to have kids and people using these benefits are sort of looked down on
like leaving early from work for your kids is legal but stigmatized

butthurt roastie
how will taking men's rights away fix the birthrate?

Artificial Births and Gay Marriage are the future of Japan.

Don't worry tranny, you're not a woman.

>why do you people care about the country that produces the medium this board discusses?

That guy in that photo has an actual CD tower. I used to have one of hose. Fuck me when did I become old?

fuck off degenerate homo

Their sci-fi anime in general flips off that concept, even if the main characters are literally created by that process. They literally cannot grasp the concept of men raising children when they do a better job at it than women.

women didn't earn their rights. they were given rights.
remember that a man built everything.

>It's just 100% of human population is genetically sick
Aging isn't a sickness. Enough memes. Even if it were possible it would be withheld from the majority of the world population, including you and most of the memesters that shill immortality.

That’s actually a good solution.

So? Last jap will die in 3000. Why should we care?

>>how will taking men's rights away fix the birthrate?
When they're collectively fed up they'll kill everyone who opposes them and enslave the women. A new generation will be born that knows women shouldn't be allowed to talk unles spoken to or walk more than 10 meters from the kitchen.

>the ~40 year age category is larger than the 5 or 10 year age categories
Oh shit who would have guessed?

Depopulate through indifference, emigration, and climate change. Rebound at an appropriate level befitting their resources. Repeat.

Because adults are bored and ugly

This, but unironically. It's not the low birth-rates in the west that are the problem. It's the high birth-rates in the third world shitholes. There's no need for more than 100 million mongrels in the world at any given time.

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Move to Saudi Arabia, you'll love it

In 20 years Sandniggers and niggers will rule Japan. Subhumans reproduce like roaches.

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The point of the graph is the number of old people compared to the number of kids

It's already happening now, it'll just unavoidably get worse. The world's fucked barring some sort of technological miracle.

Fortunately nips are too racist and based to allow that.

the new influx of /r9k/ faggots is amazing

>remember that a man built everything.
God made a terrible, terrible mistake creating men.

>how will taking men's rights away fix the birthrate?
With the current trend in scientific developments, men will be obsolete and won't need rights when women could just have babies with each other.

>The correct/only solution is to forcibly get women out of the workforce.
Good luck doing that as cost of living rises faster than wages.
/pol/ can't into economics.

> Humanity functioned for thousands of years with this values
Really? Please describe the values that "humanity" has shared for thousands of years. The most you could come up with is vague nonsense about how "men were men" and such. What you really have in mind is an idyllic simulacra of some lost glory that other idiots put in your head. We can certainly learn from history by carefully analysing it but you're coming off as a reactionary who thinks that all the world's problems can be solved if we try to emulate those drawings from the first half of the 20th century where there are suited white men and white picket fences everywhere.
> and conservatism took the place of progressiveness.

i give you permission to be an angry feminist. thank me.

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>everything will go as planned for decades
Just wait till the wars start in 5 years.

t. Certified smoothbrain

>The world is ending for real this time!

Then the next step would be to remove that stigma.
Instead of being legal, but looked down upon-it should be mandatory. Companies already take a hit on health insurance for fat employees; this could be extended to childrearing

>are you fucking yet?

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No they won’t, they were the ones that built the shit. Women cannot produce a man without a man’s sperm.

Too bad the nips are progressive now.

>believing the global warming myth

>Aging isn't a sickness
It weakens all your organs until something cannot be fixed, then you die. If ageing is not a sickness, then so is HIV.
And cancer cells can procreate indefinitely. There is something like a ton of biomass right now used for research which originated from the dead woman.
She died in the seventies or something.
>it would be withheld from the majority of the world population
Maybe. Maybe not. I will work hard to hop on that train. I will die miserable death just like any other person anyway, so what can I lose?

why would anyone want an actual womb if by that point artificial ones would be easier to use?

>describe values
Family values where every part of a family make sacrifices for the good of everyone

I always wondered why racist fucks are remotely interested in anime. You gotta be mentally fucked up or an omega autist to be this way.

>The only countries with replacement level birthrates are the ones that don't allow their women to got to school/work
That's because they're poor your retarded, women's right were a consequence of rising standards of living and growth of the middle class not the other way around.

> Let's ignore overwhelming scientific evidence because someone said something about Climate change that wasn't accurate that one time!

Attached: retard_hazard.png (349x427, 168K)

>Yea Forums - Anime & Manga

>and conservatism took the place of progressiveness.
Those words don't mean what you think they mean.

>that one time

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Quiet adults are talking here

I think you people are overthinking this. If the anime industry collapses because of Japan's population decline, I'm sure China, Korea, France or America can replace it. Anime is the name of the style now. It doesn't have to come from Japan anymore.

You do know they modified a woman's egg successfully to fertilize another egg, right? No sperm needed, and even if they did there's trillions of sperm frozen around world already. Just accept as men we are fucked and should fund male-to-loli research.

>posts on Yea Forums


Maybe they’re training to be sumo wrestlers.


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Then go and stay there if it doesn't matter

You can pay men more without all the diversity hires/useless women cluttering up the workplace. Men are far more productive than women, this is why they earn more.

This, and make it easier to have families by not having corporations force their employees to stick around for so long when they should be getting off work, fucking their wives, and winding down.

>you'll go extinct eventually.

How long will this take? I'm curious, surely there's variables

You're confusing it with nuclear winter.

And for that matter, detonating a few nuclear bombs in uninhabitant places would probably solve global warming via dust cloud creation.

Are you saying that people don't form families any more? If anything, we've made more progress towards allowing people to build relationships like that by letting dysfunctional families disband (hence rising divorce rates) and allowing more people to form families that traditionally were barred from doing so. What are we supposed to go back to exactly?

the thing that triggers me is that they wanted to waste money on feminism and bringing niggers when they dont want to make the lives for the nip males easier. And women dont need feminism, they need men with money and more free time

>inb4 China will become the true kang of the next century or two

Try pooland.

>I have my bike and cat, don't need a relationship

>Why bother? I have my bike and cat, don't need a relationship
This but unironically.
Why would I need a relationship when I'm fine on my own?

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Sounds like being a hypocrite to me, he bitches about people not having kids while he has none of his own.

>that one time
Remember back in 1989 when climate change was supposed to end the world in 30 years? Look at the calendar.

>overwhelming scientific evidence
some say it's warming
some say it's going to be cooling
some say it's natural
some say it's mostly natural but we accelerate it
some say we are completely responsible for it
some say it's a very long term thing
some say it's a huge problem right now
some say we managed to reduce the problem and we're doing good
some say we didn't do enough
some say it's critical and we can't go back
all of them are said by different scientists. which one is true and has "overwelming evidence"?


black americans wre literally more likely to live with their fathers as slaves than they are today

This, its like when fathers take their sons to see prostitutes and the children end up being faggots because they associate naked women with their father. Why would one nip go to their boss to see whores, if they want whores they should go alone, not with the boss, way to kill the libido

What's the problem?

Surprised they don’t have that already, considering all the gay stuff in their media and history.

>like leaving early from work for your kids is legal but stigmatized


>Anime is the name of the style now. It doesn't have to come from Japan anymore.
Leave and stay gone newfag.

The world is falling apart as we speak. Where the fuck have you been?

If you force people to trade their ability to procreate for immortality... why'd you deny people immortality? Unless you are actively trying to reduce the population...

I would love to give this moe unicorn many happy children and watch her blush while watering her cute garden from afar. Mmm... then she looks up, sees me, and waves gently, smiling. But also not in reality, of course. Maybe if there would be a proven afterlife... otherwise there's no way I'd put children into this world.

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>It weakens all your organs until something cannot be fixed, then you die.
The difference between cell division and replacement and mass cell destruction like what happens with HIV should be obvious.
>I will work hard to hop on that train
No amount of hard work will get you on that "train" you retard. You don't "work" your way into the elite.
>so what can I lose?
Time to plan on how to live and die with dignity, instead of chasing a cultist pipe dream.

how to solve population decline
>remove women's rights
>impregnate women
>put women in kitchen
problem solved

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Well that will change soon...


I mean it might not be from climate but it feels like the world really did end in 2012.

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They're making it easier to immigrate now and the population is becoming progressive. >new influx of /r9k/ faggots

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>robot,ai,automation will solve everything
i doubt it

>robots replace 50-60% of workers in every sector,30%-40% are now employed as repairmen for robots 10% entertainment industry
>production is sky high,cheap products,fun all around and 60-70% of your population is free from slaving away their lives and dedicate their life to what they really want
>just kidding they will just vegetate watching tv all day with barely any money to live with because all the jobs braindeads retard could do are taken by robots(yes average person is a retard surprise surprise)
>huge influx of crime and even more decadence

I'm quite confident that I'm right. Let's look at the context:
> It seems that exhaustion and fatigue defeated hope and ambition; negative supplanted the positive, pessimism supplanted optimism; and conservatism took the place of progressiveness.
What he's describing is a fundamental shift in mindset. A culture of hope and optimism where people strive to build a better future is replaced by a pessimistic and hopeless society that idealizes its former glory, hence "exhaustion and fatigue" - like an old person. The latter lines also support this, with the presenter talking about how technological progress has halted as did expansion and political renewal. They replaced a progressive attitude with dull-minded and cowardly conservatism that looks back with rose-coloured glasses instead of thinking about how to go forward.

>anime YouTuber

>letting dysfunctional families disband
So you're saying that humanity is already fucked from the get go? We don't know which one is the egg or the chicken. The values of humans are corrupted or it was already corrupted and information makes everything available which makes it seem like the word is worsening. I still believe people were happier then than now since ignorance is often a bliss if you're lucky enough. Or maybe the same??? Then, people are more ignorant about everything but some that are lucky enough to face life without encountering debilitating problems are the happiest. Now, more people are informed about everything which makes them capable and competent, but a lot now is in deep depression and escapism and only few accepted how bad the world is and thus obtain happiness through "stoicism". You either live ignorant and lucky or informed and tempered which statistically not many people able to acquire either

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What is the difference between King's Avatar and an anime?

>considering all the gay stuff in their media and history
That was for people to laugh at as entertainment. Not a lifestyle choice.

What if the population isn't decreasing and Abe just want people to have fun?

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>all these LGBT faggots ITT

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>W-we're all doomed!
>Climate change!
>Population isn't increasing so now my jewish master has less workers!
>But what about the boomers?
>AI, robots, and automation, s-so scary!!
Are the doomsayers of every generation always this annoying? Were y2kfags this annoying? When will they fuck off?

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>The correct/only solution is to forcibly get women out of the workforce.
Good luck.
The problem is component:
1. Job = wage = economic freedom
2. Economic freedom means more dating/fun/pets/travel
3. Family size is too small to have housewife as a real job
4. Modern conveniences like fridge, cheap textiles and washing machines means housework to some degree doesn't exist
5. Fridge bypass the need for permanent forced preservation of any kind of food
6. Being housewife with less than 4 kids is meaningless once you combine this with the above
7. Families live segregated into smaller units, so there isn't any grandparents to take care of
8. Reducing GDP by 30-50% isn't going to happen

tl:dr genie is out of the bottle.
Reducing man hours to 40-60% might be doable, but not barring them for the work force.

Japs have trouble grasping that lonely families that might divorce isn't a healthy environment to raise kids in
Their ideas about artificial insemination and surrogacy further follows the line where they are incapable of attacking the flaws in their own social relationships and family structure, and then fail to apply them to fictional clone babies.

Nihei is still the only author i have seen where its not a complete fucking mess.

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What's wrong?

Name a good chink anime. Name a good fanservicey degenerate chink anime.

Now you understand why we must save Japan.

When it comes to objective reality, not all voices are equal. The ones who say that it's warming are the people who have a business speaking, and that's what the vast majority of scientists are saying. The ones who say that the earth is cooling, or that it's natural, or that everything is going to be OK and to carry on are either idiots or lobbyists.

>The world is falling apart as we speak.
I've lived on the water for twenty years now. The tide hasn't moved an inch.
I've been through multiple hurricanes. The worst hurricane was back in 1992.
What's falling apart?

>fanservicey degenerate anime
they're all shit though.

post more feels and frogs so we can truely be /r9k/

>Name a good fanservicey degenerate chink anime.
People hate anime because of people like you

This, wanna know why there is more lesbians? because men are poorer and with no good jobs, women get bored and decide to make themselves lesbians/terfs/gender fluid/etc. A womans mind NEED to be busy with children, even a single woman with a kid is happier than those women without kids that dont know what to do with their lives.
Before they were slaves of their husbands
>they could have their own houses at the age of 25
>with the technology they can clean the house in 1 hour and cooking is fun
>can watch cartoons with children in house
Now they are slaves or their bosses
>shitty salaries
>renting a shitty house shared with other whales trying to convince themselves they are still a competition for 20 years old women
>endless hours sitting in an office
>cant afford a single kid
in which way did feminism benefit women exactly?

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>Just double the wages!
Where the fuck did you learn your economics? PragerU?

Are you me?

You never appreciated anime then, begone.

At least keep it on your shithole board.

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>The difference between cell division and replacement
But old age is an imbalance in this cycle, not the cycle itself.
>No amount of hard work will get you on that "train" you retard. You don't "work" your way into the elite.
You act as if you know where the dividing line is gonna lie exactly.
You don't.
>Time to plan on how to live and die with dignity, instead of chasing a cultist pipe dream.
Fighting the horrible monster that humiliates and kills me, my family and everybody else is my idea of living with dignity.

>I'm sure China, Korea, France or America can replace it

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>that other idiots put in your head
stop projecting faggot, is it so hard to accept that not everyone is uneducated and ignorant?
>no, if someone is not retarded he must be brainwashed and his ideas were planted into him

>easier to immigrate now
You still need to be fluent in japanese. That cuts down applicants significantly.

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Then you people complain why you get bullied for watching anime. It is because you're creeps

You have to be 18 to post here.

this is what will happen to anime if liberals take over. they will claim your waifus are too oversexualized and start pushing homosexuality and race-mixing instead.
japanese conservatives will hopefully never let this happen.

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If China, hell even America controlled the anime industry, vast genres, and topics would be banned. You have no clue how good we have it until it's in the hands of another.


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Nope, Abe is pushing hard several measures to make family building viable, but there are several obstacles such as cost of living as well as cultural hurdles (ie. putting kids at daycare is DISHONARUBURU and stuff and as the labor shortage forces former housewives to take part time jobs to support their husbands they choose to not have children, etc.)

Anime as we know it would not exist anymore it is tightly linked with Japanese culture.
>posting eceleb
Go back or lurk moar faggot. Try to form your own opinion faggot.

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You're not a real anime fan.

Homos? In MY anime?

>in japan

> So you're saying that humanity is already fucked from the get go?
No. People often point to rising divorce rates as evidence that people got whoreish and crazy in the 20th century and hence the high rates, and to that I say that we just allowed people who shouldn't have been together in the first place a chance to start over instead of forcing them to stay together. Abusive spouses and cheating aren't symptoms of declining morals. It's just that these things aren't secrets anymore.
> I still believe people were happier then than now since ignorance is often a bliss if you're lucky enough
That's possible, but what I'm arguing against is translating this notion into policy or a cultural shift. Ignorance may be bliss but what do we do with that? We can't become ignorant again. We can't impose rules from the past onto the present.

>in japan

I don't care about ecchi
What's wrong with youtubers? Their opinion is still relevant.

If you can't bother to defend the stuff you dislike, you'll eventually lose it all.

crossboarders fuck off

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What you are describing has nothing to do with "old values", which is where I took issue. It clearly shows that society has devolved and lost its morals. Nothing was conserved.

Start with yourself


frogposters fuck off

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>more people over 65 than people under 24

Rip in pieces.



Only the strong will survive this is law of the world. In 100 years africa may be as developed as europe and europe plunges into dark ages again. Do you think beta people can rule the earth?

I don't recall if it was at the national level, but there was some "event" by a bunch of companies and the government letting people go home like 3 hours early one Friday of every month in order to combat overwork. Less than 3% of people actually took advantage of it.

>The Great Disappointment in the Millerite movement was the reaction that followed Baptist preacher William Miller's proclamations that Jesus Christ would return to the Earth by 1844, what he called the Advent.
>His study of the Daniel 8 prophecy during the Second Great Awakening led him to the conclusion that Daniel's "cleansing of the sanctuary" was cleansing of the world from sin when Christ would come, and he and many others prepared, but October 22, 1844, came and they were disappointed.

Christians before AD1000 was also pretty hardcore. Spreading Jesus by the sword in hope that the world would end by 1000, so they would save those souls.

There is a bunch of them. And its always like this
Sorta mellow and boring
If its a real fear with basis or if its religious conjuncture isn't a big difference. Meanwhile the more hardcore folks where fine with the years flood literally killing them all, or the next winter to be the winter to end all winters.

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That show would honestly trigger western trannies though, the gays act like huge stereotypes much like the japanese okama characters

anime titty is the biggest pleb filter. if you don't like it you are probably some manime poser.

I'm saying without the useless employees there, you can afford to pay your productive employees more. Please try to pay attention.

anime is degenerate to jap conservatives you dumbass

India has 50+ million more men than women and the bottom men are left single

>opinion i don't like
>must be /pol/

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>doesn't have argument
>/pol/ boogeyman

they do jav

So? You don't like chinks but love japs?

Why should I care what people think?

Unlike a hypothetical glitch, all these things are real.
> Climate change
We've known about it since the 70s.
> Muh Jewish masters
They're your masters too. A growth oriented economy is going to crash and burn if its stops growing, and to grow it needs fresh meat into the corporate meatgrinder and we're running out of meat
> A.I and automation
I know we have climate deniers but I didn't know we had A.I deniers. Given how quickly society is changing you're old enough to know that things don't stay the same for long nowadays. And they're going to keep changing.

Me too!

> If climate change is real then how come I have this snowball?

I don’t know how much involvement Abe had in it but “Mirai no Mirai” looks adorable.

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japs think anime is for children.
western liberalism is what's degenerate.

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I'm not talking about brainwashing. People naturally learn from others, and in this case he was introduced to a bad idea with someone who is either not intelligent himself or has bad intentions. Alluding to a mythic past is a common political tactic that people on both the left and right.


Speak for yourself.
Such a day is worthy of celebration!

>that whole convo between the mom and the dad about how their lives are much happier now that they have children
>that segment dedicated to Mirai trying to avoid the curse of not getting married
Abe wasnt even subtle with this one

>America can replace it.
Go and enjoy ur copy pasta'd beanmouth somewhere else like

They need to become muslim. Athiesm is incompatible with life and being human. They dont have morals thats why japan is stagnating, they used to have good values but got replaced by greed over the time. Islam is its only cure.

Chritianity wont work cause its pagan religion, and is inconsistent easily corrupted and islam is the true religion

> watching chinese cartoons to own teh libs!
I wouldn't wish being an American even on my worst enemy.

>japs think anime is for children.
This. Yea Forums thinks otherwise but at the end of day, we all are just watching cartoons.


literally Yea Forums

here's your islam

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>fear mongering fear mongering fear mongering
Libshits and polfags always with the fear mongering. You know what? Frankly, if the next ice age comes and wipes out 90% of humanity, I couldn't care less. In fact, I hope it comes and kills most of the world's population because I just really don't fucking care anymore. I refuse to do anything about global warming and I'll actually make it worse just to spite you fags. I'll adapt though, when the ice age hits, you'll probably die. Stay mad.

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Why can't they replace it? Explain.

They already can genius, it is not like there is a money shortage and the poor employers can't afford people, and you are still refusing to ignore the WHY those "useless employees" are there on the first place, no it isn't a global conspiracy to oppress the white men, you're not that important.
Seriously go read a book on the subject and learn more, you can go for Smith, Marx, Schumpeter, Hayek anyone with a semblance of credibility and ignore those "web intellectuals" from The_Donald and /pol/.
btw, I mentioned Marx intentionally, try replying without mentioning him.

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Where are all the category 5 hurricanes?

Sounds like religion is the answer?

Yeah, wives from other countries and human trafficking are a rising issue in China.

>When will they fuck off?
When they get a job. Or at least lose most of their free time. Then they make children only to see them indoctrinated by the new big doom of the next generation. That will make them see the futility of their retardation.

They couldnt even give Fatoshi that girl who got sent away in the first episode, she would rather turn into a dyke

You can't afford that since you eliminated half the workforce and a significant part of the consumers in your economy being a retard that failed high school Econ 101.

I was wondering why was this thread trash. No wonder its pol retards. Its scary how much these guys believe in thier delusions.

Ah glad to see someone just as nihilistic as myself.

based and redpilled

or you know, he got the idea himself and you're the deluded one

Bottom right is just making a wierd face, he probably looks okay in everyday life.

>japs think anime is for children.
The fact EVA changed demographics and what aired on TV?
This should be a big warning sign and pointing pin that Japan thinks Anime is for Children.

More people in general should read Marx. Its great, dry and somewhat empirical.
The ideology isn't particularly strong beyond "Seize the means of production"
Its essentially hundreds of pages, dedicated to documenting that since "we live in a society", somebody is going to grab and hold on the power.

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Right two are regular run of the mill uggos.
Left ones are on a whole nother level.

>You act as if you know where the dividing line is gonna lie exactly.
>You don't.
The people with the power and influence to gain the power of immortality will get it, the people that don't will be killed off until a class of serfs and slaves remain to attend to the immortals. Maybe you will get to claw your way into slavery instead of death if that makes you feel accomplished in life.
>horrible monster
Cultist pipe dream.

Where do you stand on futa balls?

Finally, someone with the proper attitude, to handle a thread like this.

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You mean there is more than this one?

This. Don't call yourself an MRA if you won't even adopt and raise a few boys into respectable adults.


Suddenly I see why porn animators constantly insist on inserting fat disgusting pig-faced guys for the male characters

It's still a fucking annoying thing to do but I get it

>/pol/ boogeyman

>fear mongering fear mongering fear mongering
You should be scared because the world is shit. Yes, it was shit in the past too. For example, our parents lived under the clear and present threat of nuclear annihilation, and in fact that threat is still present because there are several countries with significant nuclear stockpiles and even a limited conflict (like India VS Pakistan) could have adverse effects on the entire world. But it's getting worse with the aforementioned threats cropping up. I hate the fact that I won't be able to leave a calm and peaceful life just as much as you do. But unfortunately, denying that these problems exist won't make them go away.

>she would rather turn into a dyke
It's the best end for two girls who love each other dearly.

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go back to pol

That isekai chapter that was being dumped today that was just about breastfeeding was when the reality of the abe meme set in for me

user you are replying to bait.pls stop

>Were y2kfags this annoying?
At least y2k didn't become y2k5 then y2k10 then y2k15.

>Japanese don't want this in their country
I understand that feeling.

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>bait thread turns into /pol/ddit posting and politics

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>You should be scared
You've substituted religion for politics and become a doomsayer. No thank you, I'll live my life in peace.

Nah, it's real and it's the worst board on this site. pol should be permanently deleted and any IP associated with more than 50 posts there should be perma'd

bunch of retards radicalized to suck the dicks of conservative boomers who think they're absolute scum and share none of their values by the absolute dregs of humanity crying about white genocide on youtube

absolute fuckin trash who haven't contributed a single thing to society much less a single funny or interesting post to this gay website

Unless it's gay (male x male) marriage and mpreg, i dont care.

Nips love black people, as long you respect them and their rules you won't have any problems.

Watch Logan's Run. Mandatory executions for everyone over 55, problem solved.

That's why I made this thread.

What's wrong with bananas?

It would be better to see /pol/ getting deleted when Trump loses the election.

>useful dark skin that knows Japanese
>useless white skin that only knows memes
I wonder who Abe would choose
The yellow skin that could "become" Japanese like the Koreans brought over were forced to after the war

I don't know about that. The post itself is obviously designed as bait but the attitude behind it may very well be genuine. I'm immersed in this stuff because I'm a PoliSci guy and despite all that I still revert to a similar mindset: that nothing's going to happen. I think it's because we've been raised with the "end of history" mindset where we were told that all the baddies lost with the collapse of the USSR and things are just going to get better from now on, and now it's hard to shake that off.

I don't care about you and neither did your parents. No one that matters gives a fuck about populations, automation, or climate change. Even the fucking politicians are only saying that shit because they know retards will vote for them if they say the right things. Now grow the fuck up, get laid, and get a job wageslaving poorfag/incel. Also, if not for the laws of this land, I would purchase your mother and use her for sex labor. I would also own nukes in my backyard, and exploit third worlders and the poor (Through some company that harnesses fossil fuels and your mother's vagina) until I had enough funds to build defenses against the upcoming ice age that I intentionally caused with my profits. I would hope, for my sake, that you would die in said ice age while I live due to my money (I will throw your mother off of a cliff, an ice cliff, if you will). My future great grandson will come back in time and return me to his timeline where eternal life, time travel, and AI waifus have finally been created through Chinese slave labor. Then I can rest with my waifu for eternity.

That is your (The inferior) fate, to be used by me (The superior and rich).

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>Trump loses the election

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But Chocolove was a thug and killer, I'm sure Abe would take the meme whitey

I always thought the "containment board" shit never made sense, just look at how their horseshit infects every other board. Just fucking delete it. It's a legal headache, it hasn't produced anything funny or interesting for years, and it's an advertiser's nightmare far beyond any of the most degenerate porn posted across all the boards. Let that shit go fester on infinite chan and viciously ban anyone trying to start pol/lefty-pol shit on any of the remaining boards.

>libs import rapist shitskins
>libs want japan to import them too
please stop. you've already destroyed europe.

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There's always things to fear in life. You solve that by not being afraid and enjoying life for what it is. If you want to live your life cowering under the future, go right ahead, but I like to enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy.

Things are only getting better. It's because of this decadence that humanity invents new problems.

Go suck Bill Nye's dick, you fucking worthless brainwashed I LOVE SCIENCE LMAO redditfaggot fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU.

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He's not a thug and a killer anymore, he has paid debts to society after Shaman King.

have sex

I don't know what to tell you man. You don't seem to be denying anything I said on a factual basis. There are still a hundreds of tonnes of nuclear weapons waiting to be launched, and we had several historical near misses. Our society is being changed at an unprecedented pace by technology and we're not ready to deal even with the known known (effects of automation, A.I) on our economy and society, much less the known unknowns. And there is the looming threat of climate change that's already causing significant economic damage, with much more on the way. The so-called adults in the room are clearly content to continue with business as usual because they're making off like bandits and have some gilded bunker somewhere in New Zealand prepared. Why shouldn't people be concerned about this?

>advertiser's nightmare
Fuck off Hiro

Because a lot of people just say that while making little to no attempt to conceal just how lonely and sad they really feel, those type of people are far more prevalent than the ones who are genuinely so at peace with themselves that they need no mate or life partner to feel whole and fulfilled, so people tend to immediately assume the former and the thing is they aren't entirely wrong.
Unfortunately it's simply not the kind of life most people can be really happy with, the majority of people are always going to need some form of respite in the opposite sex because if we weren't programmed that way we'd have died out ages ago.
Which is of course not to say the individual can't overcome that understanding and wisdom, it's just that it's a hundred times easier to wear the concept of inner peace on the outside like a cheap rubber mask while in reality slowly dying inside because you aren't doing what you really feel like you should at whatever point in life you're at.
It's a hell of a balancing act, life is. Not many will deny that. But my two cents is that's what people really need more now than anything else, a sense of balance to even things out so you aren't constantly tripping over your own feet. Always easier said than done of course, but everything has to have a start, and from what I gather for us humans it pretty much always starts with perspective, one of those confounded things that's easiest and hardest to change at the same time. Damned paradoxes, but that's the world we live in. Whatchagonnado.

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the vast majority of all research says it's happening and it's manmade. You flat out lose. I guess you can go out and scream at every measurable bit of data to stop contradicting you? Good luck with that?

>unironically using "shitskin"
Now, back to 8chain you go.

>Why shouldn't people be concerned about this?
Because I actually want 90% of the world's population to die.

The guy in the top right image has nice hair, and a nice tan. He is making a weird face though, and he's overweight.
But I can definitely see him getting a girlfriend, it's not like fat people can't get girlfriends.

Top left image though... i can't even tell what gender they are

At some point Japan is going to have to either open up immigration/naturalization or collapse.

spoilers: the former is going to happen and you're going to have to deal with it.

based and redpilled

That advice is ridiculous. You identify threats and keep them in mind as you live.

>doesn't know how to use spoiler tags
your opinion is shit and you're stupid

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>axis of earth and position and activity of sun is manmade

Because polls are so accurate right?

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>there has never been anime with gays or crossdressing

Time to have children anons! It's really great. You will benefit your country and keep the mankind alive! Do your part now and get a fit, start working and get that qt wife!

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Even if Japan opens up for immigration, it doesn't have to mean anything.

Germans have been taking in immigrants from various countries for generations now, many of them even enrich our culture. But guess who makes the most trouble? Well, I won't say it. But my point is, that there is a right way and a wrong way to do immigration, and I'm sure nippon can do it.

Glad to see you've accepted all the other data and have retreated to psudo-science

Harsh economic downturn for a decade isn't collapsing user.
Otherwise USA would be small communes after 1920s, with no remaining state. Soviet Union wouldn't collapse into nation states, but it did.
Greece is still around, despite being literally insolvent.

Attached: Keeping_my_money_skrue.jpg (853x480, 279K)

but otakus don't want nuclear family, they want harems

Do dems even have strong enough canditate? Hillary had ridiculous support but she lost.

Yes, because it makes discord trannies mad

Polls are meaningless when somebody isn't fighting over the same demographics.
Trumps victory got obscene because it turns out there exists ignored voter blocks.

Have you looked at the data?

You understand that statistics evolve, right? These people had 2 years now to look at what went wrong and adjust their technique.

Tell me more, user

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>Greece is still around, despite being literally insolvent.
That is true. It's not like the country will disappear from the face of the earth. But will it be a country worth living in? As for Greece, I would say no. It is full of Greeks after all.

What I'm betting on is that if the US becomes more militarily entwined with Japan as a means of protecting their territorial waters (as a means of dick-waving in front of China) we'll probably just see Japan institute an easy dual-citizenship naturalization process for US citizens.

It's going to be weird to see US and Japanese nationalism end up actually bringing us closer together when generally the nips fucking hate our military bases.

Seems fine to me.

BOth of you are retarded leftard to the core and can't into economics. There's a reason why wages are increasing in America and all of its manufacturing jobs. Automation is the way of the future, not dumbshit cheap shitskins like you

Greece is still around because they get gibs and don't pay debnts

Why would they collapse?

lmao get a load of this brainlet, thinking this proves anything
go play your switch, cuckold

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>research that fits my agenda is undeniable truth
>research that doesn't is a scam
oh god i wish i was a brainlet like you

I love how all the retards that reply to you literally have no argument.

>implying pollsters evolve
They still do polling via land line. Polling only exists to make people think an outcome is imminent. Not to actually measure opinion.

Again, you automatically lose because reality is just right there contradicting everything you want to say.

>Hell, people in Northern Europe work way less hours and their economy is good too.
And literally no noteworthy industry to speak of while their economy is stagnating harder than any other top economic countries. Jesus Christ whats with the retarded Eurotard leftard who can't into economics itt?

Thats meaningless drivel.
Elder crisis will lead to policy or reaction.
And no reaction will just lead to a 5-10 year collapse of the Jap family structure.
Both which won't really impact the nations economy beyond staffing% and indirect GDP.

Bonus round: If Jap do not import, they go first.
If they do import, they are merely delaying to the immigrants get a boner for not having children.
So either Jap goes first, or some Euro nation will.

Greece is a complete economic mess.
I doubt stuff like paying taxes will be socially acceptable for another half century.

We can just have competing men only and women only societies. I'm sure that'll work out real well for you.

Would you believe it if I took a graph from their report and posted it on /pol/ for you?

There also aren't enough daycares in the first place

OP here, I only wanted anons to post manga and anime that showed marriages and child rearing, not all this politics.

>le ebin /pol/ boogeyman
Okay. Please return to

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Ah yes the reality that everywhere in the world is flooded and uninhabitable 10 years ago just like the retards said in the 1970s and 1980s. Retards the lot of you

liberals, explain how this is supposed to save japan.

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>Whites have a stereotype for being well to do while seeming big and strong in comparison
Fucking what. Do they only watch the NFL or Hollywood movies? Most white guys are prematurely balding and fat.

>3. Family size is too small to have housewife as a real job
>4. Modern conveniences like fridge, cheap textiles and washing machines means housework to some degree doesn't exist
>5. Fridge bypass the need for permanent forced preservation of any kind of food
>6. Being housewife with less than 4 kids is meaningless once you combine this with the above
>7. Families live segregated into smaller units, so there isn't any grandparents to take care of
This is literally irrelevant and doesn't have anything to do with economics at all.

They kept promising the coastal line would be flooded. Disappointment of the century.

> They still do polling via land line
Because it's the best way to reach a certain age group that's known for often voting and routinely "losing the internet" by accidentally erasing the Internet Explorer icon from their desktop. The methods by which they reach subjects is only one aspect of the picture. You shouldn't take all polls as gospel but polling is very useful and usually accurate. In fact, the fact that the polls were wrong about Donald is so surprising precisely because the polls are usually correct.

Imagine being a shill for corporations. I'd kill myself

Unironically Saudi Arabia have a good economies and a stable population base.

I could post it on Reddit too if you'd be more comfortable that way. Do I need to make an account to post?

Attached: neo_pol_reddit_colony.jpg (3000x4200, 3.31M)

There's a lot of white people though, and so a lot of different stereotypes. There are white chads, white nerds, white fatties, white hippies, white rednecks, etc. That's kind of an unfair stereotype and you're doing exactly what that "white alphamale" fag is doing.

It literally does not need fixing you fucking incel.
The neglected kids living miserable lives because their poor parents don't want them or the kids living in foster care are the problem you should focus on fixing before anything else.

>Pairing the sad berry with the cuck
Exceedingly Based

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If anything we need more shoujo-oriented material pushing the ideas of feminity, faithfulness and maternity.

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I actually bought property a decade ago hoping it would become beach front property.

>jap women are all the same
>muh white race is special and you're racist
white people are pathetic

Retarded and cringepilled

You understand that science improves over time, right? The fact that some people made inaccurate predictions way back doesn't mean that the current science is wrong, especially if politicians and such were the ones making the claims. It's like saying that physics are a meme because it experienced several paradigm shifts.

Literally irrelevant?
Its the reason why women ended up going more into the workforce, even in nation's that wasn't hit by WW2 draft.
Its the entire reason why womens liberation starting hitting off past 1880s in industrial societies.

This is also the reason why there is Japanese women with careers, among other things.
Like go and read a classic about the strife of society, like Black Jack. Or Phoenix.
Its also the reason that fuels the NTR fetish.
Then again, Japan is the kind of society where you have old women with stress disorders because their husbands retires from work, and is now home keeping them company 24/7.

Attached: Blackjack_Vol_04_chapter_09.jpg (728x964, 128K)

Procreate or me kill you

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Woah, how delusional those people are.
>most of us came from there whether we admit or not
He can't be fucking serious.

Give breeding visa

That reality with more than 2 genders, right?

Call me when climate change devotees are right. Maybe my bones won't have fully decomposed by then.

>You understand that science improves over time
So you're saying that science is not absolute and people got shit wrong all the time? color me surprise you retarded faggot, this is why people are criticizing the retarded "muh climate change doom" fags.

Jap women are not all the same, that incel just makes stereotypes about others to make himself feel better.

No bread for today
Tomorrow maybe

>admits they were wrong a few decades ago
>doesn't have the slightest doubt about being right now
kek, top tier logic

>climate change advocate is mentally ill
Thank you for outing yourself. Please pay your carbon tax and report for sterilization.

As for me, I already work crazy hours, so when I come home I want nothing to do with people. And if I do, I game for a bit with college friends. I currently don't want to tend to a spouse when I'm tired as fuck.

>Its the entire reason why womens liberation starting hitting off past 1880s in industrial societies.
No you dumbshit, else the feudal societies doesn't exist either following your dumb logic. The only reason why women were brought into the workforce in droves was GDP. Nothing more nothing less. The rest is just assumptions with no studies backing them whatsoever.

reddit is an actual fucking cancer and they see nothing wrong with it.
I miss when Yea Forums was a secret club or le dark web.

Watching the few libtards on Yea Forums having a meltdown in the 2016 election was worth every single year wasted browsing this shithole. They're also posting itt right now as evident of their butthurt.

>I currently don't want to tend to a spouse when I'm tired as fuck.
Bro, she's supposed to be tending to you. She keeps the house clean and prepares your food in return for a dicking.

Pro-marriage? Children?

No no. Sex is very troublesome.

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>supporting an entire house on one income
Grandpa it's time for bed

>taking that post from reddit

nigga stop looking too deep into it I just don't give a shit about having a family when I'm already content.
I don't want to balance both worklife and taking care of a significant other and/or children.

>biased pollsters made asses of themselves while using increasingly useless methods in a divided and technologically advancing climate
>b-but you should take them seriously now
we both know you wouldn't give a shit about polls if they didn't say things you wanted to hear. we'll see how well that works out for you

How much could she possibly eat?


It's still possible if you're not in a shit industry.
-t. early 30s house husband with a child, and wife who earns enough to support the entire family.
Not that getting a professional spouse is within the realm of possibility for most of you neckbeard manlets, lol
Some people were wrong about the time scale in the past for various reasons, but the essence of the matter has always been true. Climate change is real, it is man-made, and it's something we have to worry about.
Science isn't "always" wrong, and it's not wrong about everything. For example, we're not going to question atomic theory. Scientists can debate the particulars but the fact that atoms exist still remains and it'd be the height of stupidity to act like they don't because "hurr science is wrong all the time!". Additionally, our tools improve over time both in terms of reliable historical data and data gathering tools today to the point where we've got the basics mostly nailed down. We can see the evidence that climate change is happening, and we know it's because of us.

And who's going to take care of you when your old? Having children is necessary for retirement.

For me it's not the hours so much as it is the work, outdoor manual labor ain't no joke and it leaves me starved for solitude as well. I don't see it ever changing but I won't say it's impossible, just immensely improbable.
Not him but you and I both know there's more to a real adult relationship than that. Most of the people who go into it with your mindset and end up pushing themselves further and further away from a healthy marriage.

Aren't you way too smart to be posting on 4channel?

I mean, she got more votes.

>Science isn't "always" wrong
The outlook you're supposed to have is that science isn't always right. Anything could be disproved.

I didn't know Al Gore was President.

I wasn't trying to bore into you specifically, your question and the nature of it just made me all contemplative and all. If it's that simple then I don't have a criticism, the simpler something is the harder it is to break after all.

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>a real adult relationship
As long as there is love and excitement you can have that lifestyle.

Votes literally don't matter because it's the electoral college that elects the president.
It's basically a mock election

>Muh declining birth rates
Yes that's right, keep spreading, improve the profits for the tiny fraction who own practically everything while your buying power decreases.

>biased pollsters made asses of themselves while using increasingly useless methods in a divided and technologically advancing climate
Why do you think that? What do you know about statistics and political polling that makes you say that? Like I said, you shouldn't take them as gospel and be critical of the quality of specific polls. And yes, there are shady polling companies out there that will fake their results. But, overall, they are right more often than not. I don't understand why you resist the idea. Look up "Election polling errors across time and space" by Jenning and Wlezien. I can't link it because 4chins think it's spam.

I'll either kill myself or live on my own until I die, it's not that hard.

>-t. early 30s house husband with a child, and wife who earns enough to support the entire family.

>lying on the internet

C'mon man

Yeah I'm sure people decide to have children based on whether they can pay less tax.

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It might very well be a lie but damn it if I dont want the life he described

Oh yeah, and there's usually tons of love and excitement in the first few years of a relationship, but keeping up that kind of momentum isn't exactly easy. There's a reason why you don't see many marriages built on "yay it's fun and exciting woooo" withstanding the test of time. Generally speaking you want there to be some actual substance behind it.

>the polls are more certain as the organization leans father left

> And yes, there are shady polling companies out there that will fake their results
It's not a matter of faking results. It's a matter of these assclowns know how to get the results they want and now that they blatantly care more about manipulation than truth they do it.

Yes, and all the scientists who say that climate change is real have also heard this in high school and when they did their undergrad. They also know that we can be reasonably certain in things. As far as climate change goes, there is plenty of evidence, and a credible causal mechanism to give scientists sufficient confidence in climate change. Additionally, there are many serious people who agree with that assessment despite it going against their interests. The US military is planning for climate change:
Fucking oil companies acknowledge it:
Why do you think they do it? Because they're big dum dums and only a smarty like you can figure out that all those losers in white coats are pulling our leg?

>That fucking mustache
That fucking mustache

>user is so pathetic he can't even fathom my existence as possible
Finally made it, bros.

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It costs money to raise a child.

Took you long enough to reply.

Well then, logically removing women's rights won't impact too heavily on standards of living and the growth of the middle class!

>complains about titty
>posts moe

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Population dwindling is not intrinsically a problem.
The problem is population dwindling with the current retirement policies and work practices.
When the country's corporate life is so oppressive, salaries so low, and taxes so high, its obvious people will become NEETs.

For a healthy increase in population you need young man with time and money. Then naturally they will fuck.
Gut the greedy corporate seniors that are fucking the kids in the ass since WW2, and problem solved. But like hell a gerontocracy like japan will do it. By the time the youth is in control, they will be aged and broken, perpetuating the cycle.

>keeping up that kind of momentum isn't exactly easy
That's why you travel and try new things with your wife.

Population dwindling might make then stop living in little boxes like fucking Africans getting packed into slave ships
Japan needs to get rid of the greedy boomers

Oil companies is for investors. You can't expect large returns if you're only taking money from "climate deniers".
US military is the government, they'll do anything for the person in charge.

The popular vote margin can be entirely attributed to her popularity in a few California cities. That is precisely why the electoral college exists: to ensure all states are represented and elections are not decided by a handful of densely populated and politically homogeneous areas. That's why the US was founded as a representative republic, not a democracy.

How often have you heard this
"I'd like to get an extra child, if only it cost me $1000 less per year to raise, I'd go for it."
I doubt it

>Sending the message of getting married and having kids
>To the basement dwellers who watch anime and will never ever go to the outside world.

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>You can't expect large returns if you're only taking money from "climate deniers"
It's actually quite profitable to some:
But why would a major oil need to bend over for investors if it could make a compelling case against climate change? It would be better for them if they could extract as much oil as they want with fewer government regulations, some of which are driven by concerns over climate change. How come they're not making the case openly?
> US army
But Trump is the commander in chief. If anything he's the person in charge and he clearly doesn't give a shit about climate change. He has the senate and even had the house for a while. Would your logic dictate that the military stop their efforts?

My life is fucked so ive given up.
I imagine thats what most of the guys in japan think too.
I just want to have rnough money to live a modest life by myself.

Abe is the shittiest PM in Japanese history.

This may shock you, but 90% is not 100%.

Decreasing population actually puts them ahead of the game when it comes to automationization. Human labor value will tank even hard in the next couple decades than it did in the previous couple decades and if you try to cram all the displaced workers into the remaining jobs you get the current Japanese workplace on steroids.

Well, suggesting a 100% chance would be a little gauche.

I'm sure Abe loves Oregairu.
>story is basically two Japanese introverted loners meeting and falling in love
>together they overcome their issues and raise Japanese birthrates

Attached: Hachiman and Yukino raise Japans birthrate.jpg (800x1400, 226K)

>It would be better for them if they could extract as much oil as they want with fewer government regulations
It would be better for them if they can constrict the supply and charge more for less.
>But Trump is the commander in chief.
Pentagon has its own brass that do their own thing or do you think Trump controls the intelligence agencies too?

How often have you heard this
"I don't want kids because they cost money and I don't have time"
I bet you have.

I've met guys that do the stupid tongue thing like top right and top left looks like an average guy that doesn't take care of himself but bottom left doesn't even look real. How can you roll snake eyes in the genetic lottery on every possible attribute?

Does abe actually made policies to try and raise the birthrates or is it all just a meme?
I honestly know jackshit of Jap politics

>I'm sure Abe loves Oregairu.
he wrote it

> Pentagon has its own brass that do their own thing
The president actually has significant powers over these institutions, but let's set that aside. Do you think that these people ran out of shit to build that they're spending money on climate change?What kind of interest do they have?
> It would be better for them if they can constrict the supply and charge more for less.
But then how come other companies don't extract more to take advantage of this? Do you think the oil cartel is pushing climate change to get governments to regulate them so that they have to spend more money to extract oil (due to restrictions on fracking and shit like that) so that they can sell oil at a higher price? 500IQ tactics.

But to generalize the question posed to you before, how come no powerful institution ever poses an open challenge to climate change on scientific grounds? Like I showed before these people probably fund climate deniers and lobbyists do relax regulations and such, but if one could make the argument on a factual basis that climate change is either not real, not man-made, or not a concern, then how come no institution that has an interest to oppose it, is making said argument?

That just means they don't want kids, not that they would get one if they had the time and money. And no, I don't hang around dumb thots.

The reason why japs dont want to work is because old dumb people believe they are more important just because they are old and crush the new people.
"Muh honor, muh elders" has no right inside a corporation.

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seems like a mutually exclusive concept with niggers

It's more that corporations and the like belong in soulless shitholes like America.

No, because now I have a fetish for pregnant women, OL and milf

Japan corporate life makes the american wagies look like kings since ever. Stop fellating every aspect of that island, specially those you dont know.

>Uses a whore as a example

Japan is way too Prideful to criticize the traditions. Seriously, their levels of pride is so insane, that their goddamn Empire begged them to give up WWII after the atom bombs dropped.

Why don't they literally make an anime with specific instructions of how to get a girlfriend?

They could make it into an episodic format, where every episode deals with a different type of virgin loser.

The first episode might be about a shy nerd at high school, who doesn't know how to approach girls.
The next episode could be about a 28 year old NEET who is broken inside and never leaves his mom's basement.

>mfw even Japan has boomer entitlement

>Do you think that these people ran out of shit to build that they're spending money on climate change?What kind of interest do they have?
In terms of the military it would be to weaponize the weather.
>But then how come other companies don't extract more to take advantage of this?
>Like I showed before these people probably fund climate deniers and lobbyists do relax regulations and such
>how come no institution that has an interest to oppose it, is making said argument?
You just said they're funding climate deniers.

Abe: Write that down

The boomers are the worst thing in existence.

>Why don't they
Because it won't work and otaku won't buy the dvds after they're tricked into humiliating themselves.

Those are the guys who make ugly bastard hentai

There's no guarantee they'll be there for you.