>Light Novel author Maruyama Kugane has expressed shock over the fact that overseas fans are releasing free translations of his #overlord series and threatened to give up on writing.
And nothing of value was lost.
>using hashtags on #a
I will never get why these author are not allowing translation. Its free advertising, after few volumes out, research on potential market and license it overseas
really hope Akatsuki Natsume doesn’t do the same
Literally would be nothing and irrelevant in the western market without these translations.
Sounds more like he wants to give up regardless and is using this as a scapegoat.
Seeing the same retarded takes posted here getting btfo in the replies on twitter is great
What a faggot.
>ignore foreign market because baka gaijin despite foreign interest in your product
>baka gaijin starts translating on its own because interest
>you can't profit off of the baka gaijin's translations because you ignored them
overlord is already licensed though
Downloading Overlord pdfs now to make that author stop
overord fags btfo
Why Japanese are so bad at marketing?
They could translate directly in English and sell international epubs at the same time they release the japanese version
light novels only get picked up for official translations if fan translations exist and are popular
Sounds plausible. Dropped the series early on, did it feel like he was stuck or did the story have a lack of actual development during the last seasons/volumes?
That's what happens when you don't organize anything to keep up with an international market.
In Japan offices still use fax, they are really stupid
>Man angry at internet for being the internet
Yeah, this is dumb. In any case, Yen Press could hurry the fuck up with their official translations to try appease him.
Already posted yesterday, faggot.
Without censorship too.
I think last thread someone said the official translation is 4 volumes behind. Why would anyone put up with not being able to read the most recent material when someone is translating it and releasing it for free? The point of piracy is it's more convenient. Official releases can't be worse than piracy if they want to actually be successful.
no one buys the official release because of fantls, they buy it because of the anime and/or manga
licensed lns usually have a swarm of brainlet ESLs whining there won't be anymore translations
>waaaahhhh filthy gaijin get to read our LNs at the same time
I’ve bought every overlord book that has come out in English, sounds more like he’s was just looking for an excuse to finish early
Because the country is still run by aging Showa era salarymen who haven't been able to read the changing times since the 80's, but the rigid hierarchical work culture means their word is final regardless of how backwards they are.
Fan translations are literally what made Overlord popular in the West
It's been years and how far is the official translation?
this is the 3rd or 4th time you've made the same thread, we get it
Link to yesterday's thread? Also, did someone sent him a fax telling him go fuck himself?
yeah, it definitely wasn't the very popular anime or anything....
This is honestly true for most politcians though. In my country they still don't really get what the internet even is to begin with and are always busy creating some pants on head retarded rules to restrict it because it gives evil millennials to much power.
use the archive newfag
Yeah 90% of anime watchers don’t read the LN or manga in the West
This is old news like almost a week old
> did it feel like he was stuck or did the story have a lack of actual development during the last seasons/volumes?
There's only like 1 to 2 nation arcs left.
>did someone sent him a fax telling him go fuck himself?
I hope so. Authors who bitch at overseas fan translation of another language, one that made the author's series internationally popular in the first place, deserves to the middle finger.
I think there's less crossover between anime watchers and manga/LN readers than you think.
>people enjoy my work
>better quit because I can't jew as much cash as possible
Not a true artist.
The worst part is I’m fairly sure a large portion of people who read those translations are his biggest fans in the West and also buy most of his stuff
So this is how Isekai dies with thunderous applause.
Mothers basement is probably going to make a vid on this and then anons here are going to make nonstop threads about the mothers basement vid.
I am sure he will give up easy money writing bottom of the barrel mobile fan ficks turned "literature" to go back to do some soul crushing desk job.
Yeah, for sure.
Yup. Sabotage yourself
God I hope not, he’s insufferable
I hate newfags.
>oh man, why are they pirating my stuff?
>why can't they wait several months to pay for the official translation
Pirating will always be a thing but if you can't give the people who would give you money a reasonable way to do so without betting blue balled then what do you expect?
>Light Novel author Maruyama Kugane dabs on isekai-reading shitters AND reveals himself as a yellow Jew
Based and cringe desu
As far as I understand, he never actually quit his office job, because apparently he likes being a wage slave. How ever the fuck that's possible.
Log Horizon >>>>>> Overlord
Author is based as fuck
RIP Overlord. We waited so long, but I don't feel too bad over this. Maybe it's the desensitization working.
No other authors are based enough to come here.
Yes, that's exactly what he should think.
guess it's time to pirate
Aren't they tabletop buddies? Marmalade-San should smack some sense into Maruyama.
You're autistic.
why does it always have to involve clapping stupid burgers
those who support the creatives will always find a way. those who won't never will. accept there are pirates and stop being a bitch, corporate shits.
shitty excuse for just ending the LN asap, if he is sick of writing the story he just should said it and take a break or so.
I think this is some cultural difference thing, I noticed that japs in general seem pretty strictic about pirating stuff, they love their physical media (which means that they buy everything), that's why online streaming is just very recently becoming popular there.
Without piracy, no one in the west would care about Overlord. He wouldn't sell anything at all, do you understand?
I think the most annoying part is he’s upset about the West getting it when it’s literally the Chinese who are the ones giving it to us. Why aren’t they mad at the Chinese as well?
no not really western people are more annoying if not worse than them
Most people in the west learned about Overlord from its Anime, not the Manga or Light Novel.
Otakus pirate tons of stuff. How do you think westerners get some of the most niche stuff?
because the chinese buys the books to translate from
And most people in the west who watch anime only watch the anime.
One person buys the book and uploads it for everyone else to read translate
And you think the majority of the ones watching do it on Crunchyroll? What about the physical releases of the LN? Do you think everyone who buys that reads it for the first time through the Yen Press release? The only person I know did it to support the author after he had already read the fan translation.
I get the feeling that he wrote himself into a corner and isn’t sure how to proceed so he’s looking for an excuse to stop.
Because it's western otakus go to Japan and buy that stuff?
The Touhou games get uploaded from /jp/anons despite the Comiket being a japanese event.
The Evil Eye side story isn't and will never be officially translated because Maruyama is a retard who doesn't want it to be available properly.
What a little bitch. Be glad people are even interested in your shit story you fuck nugget
Not to defend Maruyama, he's a fag, but I don't think he gets to decide that.
in this butthole's eyes, one book is one million and he probably feels the west isn't doing even that much BECAUSE of the slow translation.
>Black Lagoon creator said anyone who pirates their works deserves to get cancer of the anus
>I still bought that faggots anime CE after pirating all of it and reading the manga scanlations because I like the show
pirating is very rare among otaku you moron
different user here. He can also decide to stop writing. If I can't read anything officially I'll read the fan translation.
You would be right if the thing preventing its release overseas was lack of licensing interest but the problem is he intentionally is not releasing it in Japan either, the story is and will only be available in that shitty 3 BD deal.
It was something about wishing to give back to his biggest fans or some such bullshit.
From Corean pigs.
He 100% decided to make it a bonus for buying the overlord season 3 dvds instead of making it a separate thing
Jesus, imagine if anyone in the west did that relating to whatever kind of media. Everyone would purposefully pirate and not buy anything just to spite them. Japs are special kinds of autists.
Hiroe is another lazy-ass using muh piracy as an excuse when he isn't releasing shit.
You’re crazy if you think this, nips pirate tons
Don't speak if you don't know what you're talking about, young man.
I didn't like that at all and I still have one bought, protest ownership technically. Thinking of getting another Ln, but it's not in English at the moment officially.
is not a TL it's a fanfic, please understand mr #overlord author
Metallica is a prime example of this, they still look like idiots two decades later
>The backlash was immediate and severe against Metallica, perhaps because to bolster their case, the band tracked down 335,000-plus usernames of people they alleged downloaded their music illegally and asked Napster to block them. (The company complied.) As a result, the lawsuit started being seen as a personal attack against fans or a greedy move, not a matter of principle or a disagreement between businesses. "Some artists are in it for the pure art of music. Others are in it for the money," student Wayne Chang, who managed Napster's online community bulletin boards, told CNET. "Metallica just showed which side of the line they're on."
>make a small bonus chapter for the people who bought all BDs
>it obviously shows up on the internet and gets translated
>shitposters omit a ton of key elements in order to make this look much bigger than it is, then spam daily threads about it on Yea Forums and infest every thread that tries to discuss the series with it
What a surprise.
Fax still is used in the entire world, retard.
>another underage isekai LNshit with MMO mechanic
Who fucking cares
Not all nips are otaku.
>>make a small bonus chapter for the people who bought all BDs
it was a complete volume not a small bonus chapter
>muh honorable nips and otakus would never pirate stuff
You’re deluded
The Japs are such snitches.
A complete volume? How many pages?
That seems a lot of work to put behind a big paywall that probably not everyone will see.
Post more smug shalltear
Still doesn't change the fact that people are blowing this out of proportion by implying he's upset at all kinds of piracy instead of only that bonus volume. It being a whole volume makes the situation more understandable too given the amount of work he put in something that should be exclusive to only a few people, but damn it was really fucking naive of him to not expect it to show up online regardless.
Just start downloading any RAW anime torrent on Nyaa and look at the peer IPs. The significant portion of people are from Japan.
But, as a counterexample, Nips buy shitload of shit almost no one in the West does, like fucking audio CDs and Bluray at nip prices. Also, they are more willing to tolerate such anti-consumer business practices like store-specific preorder bonuses, and pay to win microtransactions in full priced games started in Japan way before the West.
400 and something, it's longer than many other light novels for that matter it's longer than some of the main novels, the first one was 389 pages
If this is real, then his passion must not have been much if that is enough to make him give up work.
Are all nips this buttblasted about piracy? They should be glad that some nerds here care enough about their works to translate them for free so other nerds can also read them and eventually waste their neetbux on merch
Yeah I think people thought I meant pirating meant they didn’t buy the stuff, just like tons of pirates do buy the products they often pirate to try/get stuff early
That seems to be his issue, he put so much work on something that was only means to be read by the people who are so dedicated to the series that they spent money on those BDs and yet every single person this side of the world ended up having access to it.
Iirc when log horizon's author was here answering questions someone asked him how he felt about people here reading/watching pirated and fan translated versions of his series. He gave some non-commital answer about it and that he is aware that those things occur but he didn't actually seem too upset about it.
Log is boring as shit though with dropped plot lines everywhere.
I severely doubt he is upset at all, i think he just doesn't want to write more books, considering how he constantly lowered the estimated book count for the series.
It's just a shitty excuse to lower it again.
It's been known for a while that he doesn't give a shit about Overlord and wants to end it quickly so he can write shitty romcom drivel instead, which will unavoidably be shitty because he's only good at worldbuilding, not storytelling.
He put way too much effort into it for a bonus, I'm impressed that japs didn't fought against pratices like this, BDs are really expensive there and if you didn't buy the complete set you would feel like missing a noticeable chunk of the series (even if it's just filler/fluff, it's still a lot of content), should just have made 60-100 pages and be done with it.
>this thread again
> who are so dedicated to the series that they spent money on those BDs
You mean Japanese, he doesn't care about dedicated fans, he just wants to boost the shit anime so he gets another season.
He could have just as well done a normal limited release, which actual fans would actually care for since they wouldn't have to buy BDs of a shit show.
No one would have cared about this if he didn't start crying about it.
I've bought them because of fan tls. Watched the anime first but there are good anime with bad LNs, and then there are LNs good enough to keep me hooked on the story long enough for an official translation to come out.
Without passing judgment on Log Horizon,
>dropped plot lines everywhere.
have you even fucking read Overlord?
In fact, it was nasty dickmove meant to force people into buying S3 BDs despite anime being giant pile of shit and QUALITY.
I mean, it takes real dedication to be willing to spend money on that S3.
>"Oh man, really? My motivation to write has been going down the drain. Maybe I should finish Overlord and go back to being a company employee... Well, for now, I'll cut down on the planned story content and aim to finish the series at volume 17!"
He's clearly taking a piss at the situation and yet people are overreacting like this?
What worldbuilding? The fact that MC is in generic videogame rpg land and just builds it's systems off that? That ain't worldbuilding son.
It’s a real world and there’s the other continents left to explore as well as the beastmen plot line, grand alliance and the real world plot line which all will get thrown out.
Would like to know whether the one who tweeted the author was even a fan to begin with. If he was, then it kinda backfired.
Fanboy: "Oh boy, I'll let the author of my beloved series know that the filthy gaijin steal his hard work!"
Author: "Oh le outrage! Now I'll threaten to dispense corporate punishment that affects all and make my series worse for it!"
Fanboy: "Yeah show them that...wait, wut?"
That sure worked out well.
>He's clearly taking a piss at the situation and yet people are overreacting like this?
It really doesn't sound that sarcastic in Japanese. ANN translations are weird sometimes.
The translated volume in question could only be acquired by buying BD sets and emailing the publisher with proof you bought the Anime BD Sets
It obviously was just an advanced shitposter.
>hey author-san I'm pirating your exclusive content! what do you think?
>isekai "author" with 0 training and below average skill
>I'll stop writing, that'll show them!
it won't show anyone, and his series will be forgotten.
season 4 when
Hopefully never considering how garbage the quality in 3rd season is.
Reminder that maruyama makes a quarter of a million dollars for each volume.
>he wants more QUALITY CG and reptiles fuckign
imagine reading a "novel" written by someone who's so out of touch he doesn't even know about piracy
We should make an online petition demanding kadokawa to buy off overlord right from the author.
Let the editor write it from now on.
You would think he is joking about "Oh, I am so offended, I will go back be a big business drone", but no, this is actually his genuine response. Go figure.
Give up then.
The faggot needs to be ProJared'd.
Yea Forumsnon, I like your idea but how about we ask Kadokawa to hire a couple of writers to work on Overlord spinoffs. Lets be honest, Overlord is something that lends itself for multiple stories set on the new world or the dystopian world
its overlord so who really gives a shit
How many times do I have to download the translated copy to make him end the series right now?
Over 9000
The absolute cucked state of nips. This is your mind on government brainwashing.
Like who the fuck in their right mind would react like that when discovering someone gets out of his way to work for free and translate in another language your fictional work so that more people can enjoy it?
>getting mad becasue people are translating your DnD fanfiction
That's actually what the author wants too, he's constantly saying he wants other people to write overlord fanfic.
Just sell the rights if you don't want to write anymore.
>Fax still is used in the entire world, retard.
Sure thing, pajeet.
You can't sell something if nobody wants to buy it
I’m actually more angry at the snitch, who looks to be just some bot on twitter advertising gacha games
>wants to end it quickly so he can write shitty romcom drivel instead
In other words he following yuri trend since Bloom Into You is in a huge success from last fall season.
go away Maru
This author is a real piece of shit. I have never seen someone whine and bitch like he does.
>no season 4
Threatens to quit
>pirated scans
Threatens to quit
>editor demands him to work faster
Threatens to quit
I hope he gets the japanese sickness and keels over.
Like others have said, Maruyama is just looking for an excuse to stop writing. He's been making shit up for three years now.
It is used for a tremendous amount of government work.
I don't understand how people see this shit and don't think of 1984
I wonder how Kadokawa will react to all this? I hope this won't mean more region blocks and such
What is this even about?
The UK is an Orwellian hellscape where shitposting online can get you sent to jail for a year. They take mean words more seriously than crime like minors being coerced into sex trafficking.
They have on a writing quota per day/week so he actually writes stuff he tweets about reaching the quota sometimes so I assume it's true
Oi, mayt. Yoo gotta loisenc?!?
Then he is just a fucking roach slave, i don't see why anyone should take him seriously.
One guy that writes some other isekai drivel said some shit about chink worms and got into hot water because of it.
His wife is a whore that literally sells her nudes on twitter, maybe something will come out with this degenerate.
This, you have two options; either coordinate near-simultaneous international release, or get left in the dust by fan translators, this is how it has been forever.
>even the author is getting bored of overbored because nothing happens every volume
Damn, that's funny
It's like i am back in 2011 or whatever year it was and Infinite Stratos is becoming semi popular.
Fuck the "secret club" mentality for internationally-known IPs. Oh no, foreigners are so interested in your work that they'll translate it for fun!!
EOPs are subhuman
fantranslations of LNs are made by SEA monkeys
It's always funny to how absolutely out of touch with the world Japanese are. That's what happens when you live in such a sheltered nation. When it comes to topics like sex, drugs, global politics, different cultures, history, etc. the average Japanese adult has the intelligence/wisdom/critical thought of a little kid. Especially the post-war generation. They are naive to a retarded extent.
Guess the one thing Ainz can't beat is digital piracy
Oh yeah, that was a thing. France should have won
>boring meaningless politics anime
>tax evading faggot author
bawww cry me a fucking river
>I can't think of a way to end this trainwreck
>I know! i'll give it a half assed ending and blame it on the gaijin
>t. Hirohito
To the government officials that's the joke, they think they're being ironic when in reality they're putting in practice the very same control instruments. That's the comedic and sad part about it.
There's plenty of bullshit propaganda like this around, it's fucking scary.
Tv license, it's a tax you pay if you own a tv that funds public tv. It's a Euro thing. We know pay it automatically with the energy bill, seems like brits don't.
I see.
Who actually owns the right to Overlord in Japan? Is it Kadokawa, Enterbrin, or Maruyama?
Afaik its split between Kado and Maru.
What an fool. Twitter enables idiocy. That platform was tailor-made for flame wars.
Kadokawa and maruyama should have equal rights, each can buy more rights though so we don't know what the % looks like now.
What about So-bin?
>being surprised that the stinking gaiko Donalds steal your IP
How new is he?
Do they actually own different parts of Overlord that add up to 50% each or is it like it would need both of their permission for anything to go through?
Publishing houses in Japan are huge companies and they don't bother. Oligopoly in publishing is what kills interest.
In Japan you have a TV tax to support NHK too.
Japanese seem so isolated. Are they really that surprised people will pirate their stuff and upload it to the internet? Especially if it can’t be readily available.
But the rest of the world acts exactly the same.
I guess internet is still too new for most old to wrap their head around that people will put stuff online.
The latter I think, some authors end plans the company has since they don't like it though the company gets most of the profit since they finance everything.
If you want more money you buy more right like the sao author.
No. Muricans seem to be so tech illiterate. Do they really believe that having a twitter account makes you the representative of your country?
His MC is literally a salaryman who loved being a salaryman.
based translators BTFO reddit machine translator ESL scum
What? No, it's made quite clear that Satoru's future is a shithole corporate dystopia and he only cared about YGGDRASIL.
You can buy CDs cheaply in Japan if you buy them second-hand, which almost always means 'like new'.
>literal who desk jockey has an opinion
Why would you even want to buy CDs there days?
Because I prefer physical copies, with nice booklets with pics and lyrics.
Spicy latinos already got 2 volumes (with a more faithful translation) in less than 3 months
>wahhh the better translator who does it for free ruined everything
I fucking hate these people
A man got phoned by the police for liking a anti trans poem from twitter. Really. They had nothing better to do, no crooks to catch but time for that stuff
>anyone other than the creator having any power on matter
>author makes big money, but he will decrease the number of volumes as if he is hurting anyone else, but himself
He sure taught them!
some people prefer them to downloads
>no muerto
I know that's the correct translation of 'undead' but man, does it sound stupid.
yes please.
Yeah, how dare hard-working mangaka demand COMPENSATION for their art, I should be able to read it for FREE like the stupid spoiled pissbaby child I am!
"El Rey de la Muerte" (King of Death) sounds better and think that is the chinese name for Overlord (不死者之王)
So this is the dipshit who translated shalltear into a bunny and translated "heteromorph" into "bugfolk" or some shit I dont remember.
Fucking worthless walking talking garbage.
Have a bad day? Mommy yell at you to get a job again?
Go back to CR, Mothers Basement
"Grotesque" instead of "Heteromorph"
>Japan has tons and tons of super strict copyright laws
>Western retards are actually surprised when the creator's take offense to their stuff being passed for free
Shut the fuck up you cucks. You're the kind of people that put absolutely zero value into art, which is a high level skill that you could never possibly even achieve.
So basically what you're telling me is that if I don't like Overlord and never planned on buying any of this shit, I can download the fan translations to bump up the download count, which will then result in the actual fans who do buy this shit getting punished for it by delaying volumes?
>value = cash
Isn't it your bedtime?
>light novels
>high level skill
There, there, Shill-san, you sure taught us cucks a lesson. Now lemme drain the missus pipe while you play on the switch
They still use audio CDs? I don't believe you.
How new?
>You can only be a true artist if you let everyone get their grubby, greasy hands on your art and should be honored that people are even glancing at your art while you do it all for free as well
You're a fucking sociopath.
You okay, buddy?
Artists have to work to eat and live user
the one that read only the pirated stuff are never going to buy it. its not a lost of sales.
>"It's not lost sales if I say so!"
>So what if the artist/manga in question is obscure and only gets maybe few dozen people supporting them, how dare they even ask for monetary compensation for all the hard work they do slaving in front of a desk day in and day out putting their heart and soul into their work only for people to pass it around for free! I'm the one that should be able to eat happily and sleep in a nice warm bed, not them!
>dime novel author
Next you're going to tell us your Chinese kiddie porn comics are art too.
Cool story, bro.
Nice argument, bro. Oh wait, you didn't make one.
"the ones tat read ONLY the pirated stuff" there are other that find out about the material by the pirate translation, they find it interisting, they buy the merch. an obscure autor beneficts from this.
USA and Japan still uses fax
aka two of the biggest economies in the world
that doesnt mean they are the better option.
>>Japan has tons and tons of super strict copyright laws
Like any other country. Your logic is retarded.
please dont project your reading habits onto me user
Pirates are paying the price the Author sells it at, which is $0 since he isn't selling it at all you retard.
One trash isekai less.
watch this, my small brained friend
Considering how dumb the author is, you may be successful if you do it.
It's not lost sales if buying it is not possible you retard
Best part about all of this is, it's entirely reddits fault.
Strange dichotomy, where they have cutting edge hi-tech on one side and such ancient relics (by now) of earliest IT era.
Who in the right mind wants filthy gaijins to read their work? I remember SAO's author having said something like he wished SAO wasn't as popular in the west because westerners and their political correctness was troublesome.
>Having to jump through this many hoops just to justify not paying for something and then having the fucking gall to say that the hard-working mangaka or any artist for that matter doesn't deserve compensation for their skill that they are making use of
Tell that to the people that aren't well known by the masses and aren't supported by companies giving their products licenses that are just trying to make a living through their passion.
>"B-But if they were truly passionate than they shouldn't be asking for any monetary profit at all!"
I guess chefs who enjoy cooking also shouldn't be paid for their work. Or literally any other person that works a job that they actually enjoy. They shouldn't be getting paid by your retarded faulty as fuck logic because you're literally too stupid and naive and act like entitled children that criticize anyone who isn't 'with them'.
Shut the fuck up already, Summer children.
And no other author is retarded enough to accidentally evade paying taxes.
Serious question, how bad IS the official translation for Overlord?
I'm not a corporate expert, but what's wrong with free publicity? As an author I would be happy.
No it was because he got called out for his shit writing of doing nothing but rape and ntrbait over and over again to the point even the normalfags hated it.
>didn't watch the video
okay retard
>Watching a video that literally everyone has already seen before because it's the go-to example that coping piraters always fucking post
so why don't you explain why he's wrong?
He was TOLD and rightfully so.
>Who in the right mind wants filthy gaijins to read their work?
Someone that's not xenophobe?
Because that video literally only applies to major companies and advertised/well known things being pirated, not someone like a mangaka with a relatively tiny following that literally depends on their stuff making a profit just to put food on the table.
You're either underage or a burger flipper that has never been to an office
>He says as he's being extremely xenophobic as fuck to Japanese people just because he's a whiny little piss-baby about being told that he's not allowed to have something for free
Imagine thinking a best selling author saying piracy ok is the same as a translated japanese authors work with an audience of a few thousand at most. Every lost sale counts with an audience that small and no this isn't like video games/music where muh word of mouth. People who are going to read overlord, now and in the future are people who watched the anime.
why do you think that? wouldn't it apply tenfold for someone with a tiny following? how can you remain unknown with a tiny following and simultaneously be read by thousands of evil pirates?
>lost sale
No such thing.
Just because a mangaka with a tiny following gets their work pirated and then translated, doesn't mean that they instantly see success or get popular. You clearly have no actual basis or comprehension of any of this aside from one meaningless video by a best selling author.
Shut the fuck up already you coping faggot, good fucking lord. I hope that if you ever do decide to do anything meaningful or creative in your pitiful cynical existence that people give you shit for it just because you ask for monetary compensation.
Are you done yet?
Not until you give an actual example.
Do it faggot
Show me a lost sale.
You can't.
I am not. I judge their behaviour and ideas, I don't think they're intrinsically inferior. Their ideas are very dumb most of the time.
>imagine thinking you can actually own an idea and stop people from copying a sequence of 1s and 0s
You're pissing into the wind
I really don't get why authors get buttblasted over fanslation or never get arsed to localize some popular work despite ton of demand of it and having other works localizated.
Fate get everything except the VNs for example.
Someone reading something for free due to pirating it is already a lost sale.
It's called narcissism
>Literally the definition of what copyright is
Piraters are so fucking stupid.
It literally is.
I would have bought stuff like Pun Pun, Franken Fran and numerous other manga if I didn't read them already/official volumes got scanned anyway.
What are you rambling on about idiot?
You can't pay for it if you are not Japanese, you literally need to have a Japanese residence.
>take someones hardwork and give it out for free
>probably asked for donations too
>why get mad lolmao
Literally untrue, fucktard.
It's completely fine, there are several names that are translated in a subpar way, like sorcererkingdom which is translated to kingdom of darkness or some such shit but there are no actual issues with it.
The people who are stupid are those who think copyright actually makes any sense and is enforceable
Don't forget the LNs, Type-Moon are just lazy fucks, they could probably make it impossible for the licensees to translate their shit if they wanted to.
Glad you agree
>I would have
Prove it, penniless NEET.
This reminds of asgar getting assmad that gaijins were playing ROBF
>Everything should be free because I can't be arsed to pay for anything
>I should be able to use any property I want for sale
What are you, Chinese?
>doesn't mean that they instantly see success or get popular.
Of course not, first an english company has to license that manga, then translate it and release it, yes it's horrible that it takes long for the return to come but that's how the industry works.
jaja chúpala chino huevón
What's the point of a law that you can't actually enforce?
As someone who pirates shit, some of you can be very fucking obnoxious. I haven't seen this much fart sniffing in text form since Yea Forums threads talking nintendo taking a shit on Emuparadise
I'm not uploading pictures of my purchases you stupid nigger.
pasa la feria, guey
Yeah, give up on writing because people are so interested in your work that they spend a shitton of time to translate it and give attention and publicity your work overseas.
Fuck Overlord, more like Shitlord.
>property can be immaterial
>>probably asked for donations too
Translating things is legitimately hard work especially in text heavy works like visual novels.
People like that deserve compensation.
I accept your concession.
>doesn't mean that they instantly see success or get popular
you're saying that new people reading their shit doesn't increase their popularity? what is the definition of popularity to you?
now give me one example of an artist getting fucked in the ass by pirates and remaining unknown
What do you expect, most of these type of obnoxious pirates are third world ESL scum.
Nice try you illiterate nigger.
Entertaiment inudstry is done for and internet destroyed the copyright laws. Only idiots or overly passionate creators would join a field that will destroy them mentally and possibly physically. That is the price for the creators.
And most of the people here are talentless poofag scums like Yea Forums should be. If you are actually working, then good for you. You are marginally better, than the user next to you. Isn't it great when you dont have to work to earn anything?
And often times that shit never happens. You literally have no idea how lucky some people have to be.
Literally the dumbest statement in this entire thread. Holy fuck.
Any Joe Schmoe can read anything for free, but you have to have actual influence within the industry to make this shit happen.
You really think that something is instantly popular just because some random guy named Billy read it? No, you fucking putz. Unless it somehow magically catches wind by some big name studio, then it might as well not exist.
That's a pretty big fuckup.
Didn't they also say Satoru was a teenage boy when the official translation was announced?
>I'm a working slave
>look at how much better my life in debt is
Shouldn't they just hire or buy the fan translators scripts? Saves work and better results. Most of them ask to buy the original novel to support the creator anyways, so they wouldn't be against it, even if it's morally gray area to buy/use "fan" translations
Keep getting mad because you were proven wrong.
>And often times that shit never happens.
And whose fault is that? The pirates? How the fuck can they affect english companies that just plain don't care to license some things.
>ignores the request for examples
as expected. also yes, if Billy likes it he might recommend it to friends or discuss it with others online, which is how things spread and by definition become popular. but you seem to believe the only way things can become popular is through marketing.
>Literally the dumbest statement in this entire thread. Holy fuck.
So you don't actually have an answer to that question. Understandable, because the only answer is one you don't like. Copyright law is virtually unenforceable as far as common piracy is concerned. It serves no purpose.
Maybe we should reconsider how artists are compensated rather than futilely cling to the concept of digital "sales" and "theft" of the immaterial.
>That's a pretty big fuckup.
I don't really see it as that bad.
>Didn't they also say Satoru was a teenage boy when the official translation was announced?
I don't know i just read the books, and i don't remember such a thing being in them, in general i don't take promotional bullshit seriously I've seen quite the grave errors in some that where not in the final product.
But i am aware that such translations are quite the problem for some, but that's what the fan translations are for.
Hah dude was just looking for an excuse to drop it. Overlordfags have to live with the knowledge even the author doesn't like it.
>all the torture represented the author's own feelings towards having to write this series
Mind blown.
Reminder: never feel bad about pirating or translating Japanese works, all the authors are whinny cunts who can't get over the fact that some gaijin is reading their works
Callad, gachupines, que el Señor Maruyama anda encabronado, joder
Way better than living at home, except I don't even have debt. I just pay monthly rent. I'm still a scum though, but at least I know that by shitposting here
It's a boring cycle of people getting stomped no challenge by Nazarick and edginess
>LN writers are pathetic delusional betacucks who have absolutely no idea about the world around them
This is what escapism does to you.
Reminds me of Abgrund throwing her fit over piracy. She did stop drawing traps though
Wich is why Overlord is being sold in various languages all over the world, because the nip author only want nips to read it. Sure.
Well, thanks for giving a fuck about your friends.
I'm glad I stopped then.
The only current LN writers I have respect for are the Re:Zero and Konosuba authors. Nagatsuki even works/worked at meat shop. They can actually write good stuff, while many LNs are just super lazy and trash. It might be that some ghostwriter (aka editors) even write those novels for the lazy authors, when they can't bother anymore. It's better than doing nothing and not trying, but still disgrace against professional writers
Could be literally anywhere
So if this are his actions against piracy, you can call it anti-piracy.
And as always, anti-piracy hurts paying customers the most. Imagine being like this guy and having bought all of this only to learn the author doesn't care enough to write a proper end.
Go back to where you came from, retarded newfag.
Who are you quoting? And are you having fun with your hallucinations?
>All that and he hates your guts to the point of quitting writing
>He gives money to Japanese authors
You're trying to sound smart but there's not even a point in your dumb post.
Based. I'm not against piracy, because I do it myself a lot, but seeing how anons think it's their privilage is really obnoxious. At least try to be thankful for the "free" content you are "given", instead of acting like spoiled brats and bitching about the quality all the time
I don't think the author gets to decide what the publisher does with the license once he sold the legal rights. This are japanese contracts we are talking about
Remember the Zuckerberg and Google thing in court where they kept asking stupid questions like "can you tell where I am in a room without my permission" and he'd answer and say "well no the technology isn't advanced enough for that" and the guy would repeat the question louder until he had a yes or no answer, they only seem to deal in absolutes "is the internet good or bad?" "It can be used to save lives like drones using it to navigate and communicate blood deliveries and it can be used for bad to sell drugs to kids" "I SAID GOOD OR BAD!?!?!?"
>Maybe we should reconsider how artists are compensated rather than futilely cling to the concept of digital "sales" and "theft" of the immaterial.
Artist here. What do you propose then ? When we sell shit, it gets pirated, when we set up crowdfunding, it gets pirated, when we set up a platform where you can read the start and the latest chapters for free it still gets pirated. The only model that seems to satisfy people is getting shit for free, during an age where internet ad revenue is completely unreliable.
How do you think we should be compensated when even the easiest and cheapest way to support an artist is ignored ?
Fuck, I am mad for you. I will get Maruyama for you and make him write a public apology to his fans, both nip and Western.
Anything you want to do or say to him when I capture him?
What a cuck.
>mfw I almost bought PSG because I was hyped for season 2
Haha, joke's on them ;_;
He doesn't have papa bones dakimakura
>When we sell shit, it gets pirated, when we set up crowdfunding, it gets pirated
So you do get money from sales and crowdfunding after all, I don't see what's the issue.
That's for the bed, not the shelves.
On a one hand, this looks shitty.
But it's also looks like an instant knee-jerk twitter reaction.
We will see.
If only all authors could be driven out of industry this easily.
And this?
Your fault for buying garbage, friend. Get some fucking standards.
What's the problem? If the crowfounding succeedes why would you care about pirates?
Being mad at the Chinese is a default state for the nips.
>How do you think we should be compensated when even the easiest and cheapest way to support an artist is ignored ?
The options you namend are all perfectly functional what else do you want?
You have either the choice to fuck over your customers with unreasonable drm or you accept that some people are not going to pay and thank those that support you.
At least doing the latter will mean you don't get left behind by people who are willing to pay
> silicone makes it more authentic
That's a stroke of genius.
Oh so you already got paid then.
That's what you get for supporting a piece of shit hack author.
and nothing of value was lost
Pirating is perfectly adequate for me, I don't want any official products.
Sell the licence for me to pirate your stuff, and I will buy it.
I l-learned my lesson! No bully!
>posts another garbage title
I highly doubt it.
What about these?!
If it wasn't for those fan translations nobody on the west would know shit about Overlord and Yen Press would't have licensed. Exactly what does he expect to gain from this complain? Are we supposed to expect for official releases that take years while all discussion for it dies out?
It's like he can't see the big picture.
>It's like he can't see the big picture.
No shit, it's the squinty eyes.
What do you do for people that live in remote areas, with no access to your merchandise?
order online? That's not even an option.
Entertainment is a luxury, not a necessity, and especially not a right.
>Shitty western porn artist
no one cares and I wish we could delete your art off the internet instead
Don't you have anything that's not commercial shit? I ask again, do you have no standards?
trying too hard
You don't get to decide. Fuck the law, it was literally made for greedy jews.
he said the complete opposite, Reki is a westaboo who plays Elder Scrolls and hobnobs with Ernest Cline to the detriment of his already poor work
Well clearly payment is also a luxury since I can avoid it
As if anyone lives that far away from a single post office or can't bother to pay delivery to home. It's very easy and I have ordered bunch of stuff online. That's really not a good reason unless you literally live in countryside with your grandma or you live far away from the downtown with your mom in a super cheap apartment house
There are tons of options if you do live in a remote area though. Crowdfunding sites like Patreon, Enty, Fantia, online platforms such as Manga Plus and Book Walker.
So if then people pay and 1000 people leeches off them then it's alright somehow ? You guys don't see the issue with all of the potentially lost revenue that could allow the artist to make a living or invest in more shit to produce more, you know they're not doing for free right ?
>tfw my country produce more movies per year than america
Post your work so we could laugh at the trash you're trying to peddle
>You guys don't see the issue with all of the potentially lost revenue
What lost revenue?
You think they would have paid for it if not given a free choice?
Anyone getting money for producing entertainment is also a luxury. Get over it.
Produce some indoor plumbing, Poojeet.
>single post office or can't bother to pay delivery to home
Some places don't have these.
Not everyone lives in burgerland.
>online transaction
There's no credit card in many part of the world, even japan rarely use it.
And you don't see the issue with free advertising. I think it'd be appropriate to demand payment whenever someone mentions or shows your brand.
You don't know what that means. I assume you don't speak English natively.
>lost revenue that could allow the artist to make a living
That money never reach the artist.
Well, I do have my own stuff, but what would be appropriate for you? A magazine?
>people defending copyright by saying it's against the law so it's bad
Modern copyright law is the most jewish shit because of Disney and the music industry. Things don't enter the public domain anymore because of just how long it takes and it only benefits corporations instead of creators since corporations are the only ones capable of hiring armies of lawyers to argue for them
It's the whole fucking reason why everything is a reboot, sequel or adaptation now, without new shit to draw from public domain without getting worried about being sued, nothing new is getting made.
Whatever you say, shitter.
If you need to ask someone what's not shit I can't really help you.
You don't know how many people would have paid if they didn't have a free choice either.
I've worked on 2 animation movies so far (Ethel & Ernest, The Breadwinner), and Im currently working on a third one.
Please tell me this is an ironic post.
Do you live in Asian rural area or Africa or what? If it's Europe, Australia or America they should have post offices at almost every town. Where do you even live, if there is no post offices nearby?
I talked about crowdfunding as well user, please explain to me how the money people give on Patreon / Enty / Fantia somehow never reach the artist. Also you're wrong, the money do reach the artist, that's why highly successful manga authors are rolling in money and have crazy battlestations why the others live in misery.
>Talks about standards
>posts this
My sides.
Yes, user, no one can compete with your loli doujinshi. What's the thing that triggers you the most, tell us.
So apparently this is about a bonus included in the bluray release. Is this bonus also available in the US/Europe bluray release? If not it's kind of stupid to complain about people reading your thing for free if there's no way to get it in your own language by paying.
>muh piracy brings them more money, why can't the Japanese understand???
Just look at this thread.
I'm pretty sure ANY author who isn't poverty tier would be happy to give you your money back if it means you fucks would stop following their series. Japan isn't the only sane ones in this world.
I'll take that as you draw furry porn for $10
>You don't know how many people would have paid if they didn't have a free choice either.
Then why dwelve on what ifs? You have no way to prove whether any of them would have bought it, or even heard about your art, if the pirate option wasn't there. What you do have is those who buy and can focus on that market instead of harming it with tantrums like it has been mentioned already.
Ebin friend.
I'll never be able to recover from your superior LN taste.
Also what if you're someone that only reads the LN and doesn't give a shit about the anime? Someone may not want to buy the anime just to get something they want to read but I imagine it's not sold separately.
>>You don't know how many people would have paid if they didn't have a free choice either.
I know, though. Exactly 0.
Why would they give me my money back if they want money form official translations?
I actually support this idea, but the problem is fan translation groups are not legit companies and you get that whole legal thingy like who owns the copyright for the translations work etc.
I always vastly prefer fansubs work compared to official subs (like I enjoy all that karaoke TL okay) but there seems to be no way for them to coexist peacefully with the original creator at this point.
Everything. And the fact that you don't get that disturbs me. Shouldn't you be posting on Yea Forumseddit?
No bait posting. Thought you were serious.
Artist create art solely for the sake of creating it, not because they can monetize it, a true artist will make art even if they are the only person that ever looks at it.
>Good taste
>Supports the industry
>Hypocrite with shit taste
>All money goes straight to the foreign license holder.
>buying isekaishit merch
You deserve this
>Things don't enter the public domain anymore because of just how long it takes
And Disney keeps pushing for it to take longer whenever one of their IPs is close to expiring.
It's only available, if you buy the whole BD set of the third season, which is the lowest point of QUALITY you can reach with CGI and MADHOUSE's 2nd team.
I bet the op is glad this at least third shit thread still gives him easy yous.
Fuck off, Maruyama.
You thieves should die and spoil the front
>writer of a retarded power-fantasy novel gets angry when he doesn't get what he wants
You should get paid once, up front, for your work. You shouldn't expect to get paid in perpetuity for your one time effort. Once your creation is released out into the ether, it no longer belongs to you regardless of what the laws says.
You are too butthurt, that's why. Off you go, into the fire.
I can list them all and they're all dumb. I've been on this goddam board for 10 years, don't think even for a second I didn't know how you retards would have reacted.
I take joy in you retards crying when you see Nurutu. Or when you realize it's localized. Yet I was responding to some faggot bought motherfucking light novels of all things, the garbage of all garbage, and posted merchandising (not even the actual thing) of another light novel, plus some garbage generic shounen manga. Better ignore Tatsumi, Otomo, Kon, Iwaaki, Kaneko, Taniguchi, Furuya, Nagano, Matsumoto, Kamimura etc., what people read has got nothing to do with taste amirite, friend?
I doubt you've even read 5 of them.
The lowest of the low. You're the equivalent of cosplayers.
>supporting garbage
I don't buy stuff for the authors, I buy it for myself.
Someone should send him links of all the other languages doing the same thing, to get him to have a stroke
you mad?
You have to pay over 400 € for the Japanese Blue-Rays to be eligible for the extra novel, which is a limited item to begin with.
You can get the novel on Japanese auction sites for 1.4k €.
>10 years
Newfag. You weren't even here for Geass. Don't reply to me again.
The point of copyright was to encourage creative works by rewarding investment with a particular period of exclusive money making rights. This was a time when said period was like 30 years and the only form of piracy was some guy with a printing press selling unlicensed copies somewhere. The idea of someone giving out a story or art for free was beyond anyone's conception given the economics of the time. It was to allow people to make a living off of art without worrying someone else would be able to then freely make their own money with no investment.
Nowadays, things are very different. There's basically zero production costs to a digital work so free piracy is the norm. But on the other hand we're still largely acculturated to value paying for and receiving something. There's zero evidence piracy, as a free option, has any real effect on industries willing to make themselves more accessible through digital distribution. There's specific instances where a negative influence can be seen, but these are the exception, not the norm.
america won world war 2
Thank god for that. Geass is trash.
Christ this board has no standards.
That's true, they make practically nothing from official translations, so they have nothing to give you back anyways
Almost everyone - especially here - once wanted to become an artist.
They abandoned it because it is among the most unrewarding, difficult, and soul-sucking disciplines you can ever enter into. You are as dispensable as any corporate cog, part of an oversaturated media complex which would take many lifetimes to experience, and your viewers/readers/etc. can always turn to it if your work fails to satisfy them. Give up, your audience will merely shrug before turning to any number of alternatives ranging from a mindless video game to reality TV to the new hot book.
Your sole hope is that you will reach the hearts and minds of just enough people that they will consider paying money to encourage. Money which they earned by sacrificing their own time and effort. Money which will always be in short supply and high demand from any of the alternatives listed earlier.
And even if you do succeed in creating a great work, good luck at having it recognized, from among the many many other works which are superficially similar but poor quality. And you'll always wonder, if unsuccessful, why other works succeed despite having no apparent artistic value, while things you poured hours of sweat and blood into failed.
There's a reason why the most famous mass-murdering dictator was a former artist.
It's not really a problem that has a clear solution. And while slapping a stricter copyright law on the internet gets favored a lot in creative circles, it's really not certain whether or not that will benefit artists in the long run. Since it assumes that people have large amounts of money to throw around, but don't because they are greedy. As opposed to the idea that most who pirate are NEETs or wagecucks with little disposable income.
Sorry for the long post, I hope it doesn't sound too bitter.
Keep pretending you belong here, we're all very convinced.
I posted pics I made years ago. Why should I take pics of my full collection when it was clear, that you'd never be satisfied with anything?
>some garbage generic shounen manga.
Are you talking about yourself? You bought nardo, not me. I didn't even post a shounen manga, nigger.
Thanks for clarifying that you have no idea what you are talking about. Eternal newfag.
Why are there herbivores in this thread asking for attention?
Then they need to work faster, fucking plebs doing this as a hobby are releasing them faster than their "official" team.
The offical translator works very hard to be an activist on twitter.
Why did you blank out the twitter handles?
The best method I've seen is "It's completely free but give me money depending on what you think it's worth!"
People like free things and those that really enjoy something will put money out for what they like.
Piracy will ALWAYS exist. That's life.
It's how you deal with it that will determine success.
An example being Hotline Miami, the game was being pirated and the pirated version was bugged so they straight up released a patch for the free version and their sales sky rocketed.
Being aggressive cunts gets ruins your name, I've seen many artists, music/art/games, that get bitchy and say "reeee guess I'ma quit because they stole muh stuff" and they lost profits from both quiting (then usually returning like nothing happened to make money again) and from being whiny about something they can't control.
Cause and effect.
Arigato sushi free anime sugoi
I don't need to pretend anything, this board is finished now, it's just an endless cesspool for shitposters, there isn't a single quality thread anymore, all Yea Forumsnons watch or read is trash, you're proof of that.
>haha localized manga
>haha nurutu (out of 300 otther titles)
You don't even have the balls to share your garbage taste with us.
>I-I have other manga I swear!
Yeah, I bought Naruto, so what? I started reading manga long ago when I was a kid in 2007, you know, that's what happens when you make experience. I don't see anything wrong with that, I've bought a lot of trash back in the day, I've evolved over time. Meanwhile you're still stuck at garbage.
>I didn't even post a shounen manga, nigger.
This trash here sure looks like something with a shounen target to me.
You have all the acrylic Pleiades, I am jealous.
Don't insult my foxy wife-mother or you'll get bit.
You'll always be an entry level newfag, kiddo.
At least it's entertaining trash.
You're insulting yourself by enjoying it.
Sure thing.
Here's all Nurutu just for you, don't have a stroke, friend.
Sad that people like this call Yea Forums home now.
i feel like my IQ increase 10 points each time i watch a new episode of loli wife-mother
Is this a crime?
you should go to a used book store and buy some Yea Forums material so you can attempt to convince women that you're an intellectual and not a fat virgin.
Faraway Paladin and Monster Girl Doctor were never fan-subbed.
Most fansubs also just translate the Webnovel version as well. Like for Slime or Tensei.
just put her back where you found her if you get caught
This just makes the Log Horizon author even more based.
Can't be hard when it was 50 to begin with.
You're my bitch.
I already have great Yea Forums thanks. Machiavelli, Socrates, Steinbeck, Salinger, Dosto, Vance.
>Kusokawa publication might be discontinued
Yes, now. You're a newfag. Deal with it.
Aren't you tired of looking retarded? Or are you hard M?
I paid for all 10 volumes.
Are these dumb pics not a bannable offense anymore? Says a lot about the board.
>triggered by 1kb .jpg
Neither is being an unironic narutard, apparently.
I'm not a Narutard though, I read Naruto, learn the difference. Now I read other stuff. What do you read anyway?
You are most assuredly a narutard. All you do is follow whatever is popular, that much is obvious. Sad.
((( regulating board quality )))
Japs are the only people I've ever seen pull this shit
>notice there's a demand that's people so far filled by unoficcial means
>should I invest into translations? Maybe there's profit to be made from this??
>nah let's halt all production for both sides and fuck everyone over
>All you do is follow whatever is popular, that much is obvious
What? There's hardly anything "popular" in the first picture, are you retarded?
Nice /pol/ speak.
Who are you trying to fool, exactly?
Has Nigel said anything about this yet?
Any link to past threads? I'm interested to know what the author did to warrant being called based
What's popular? What's the ratio?
Only retards think popular works are bad. Is Tolstoy bad? Cretin.
Historie is popular? Wet Moon is popular? Children of the Sea is popular? Taniguchi is popular? Five Star Stories is popular? Kakugo no Susume is popular?
>yen press barely making an effort to stay on top of translating the LN
>most of your western fanbase consists of spics and beaners who probably weren't going to buy anything anyway
>somehow surprised that fan translations are a thing and that they're fairly popular
this is like when book publishers get buttmad that nobody buys their shit because they come bundled with intrusive DRM
Keep embarrassing yourself.
it all makes sense now
Well, if you lived next to a shop that sold every single piece of weaaboo merchandise you could dream off, wouldn't you buy it too? Even better, if there was a street literally named hentai manga.
Being so close to the wares really pushes people to do that jump. Meanwhile we have to hurdle through online shops and availability.
Nice argument.
I remember these two if it helps
What exactly makes Overlord so much better than other isekai that it somehow justifies the author acting like a massive manchild on Twitter about it every other day?
>and threatened to give up on writing.
lmao like anyone believes that shit. cringe and yikes.
sounds like the cheap lies you rmother tells you when you're 6.
I accept your concession, champeroony.
I'm buying both, panini translation is better but english is hard cover and looks really nice
>Black Clover
This is getting depressing.
The advertising group that works for the publishing company.
Good sales and popularity all depends on advertising and nothing else.
>>tax evading
I did and now I regret it bc maruyama ks a fucking asshole and wont give us a proper finish. Fuck him.
>Not liking black clover
That's ok, everyone have different taste, i hope you have a good day user
And I hope you find your way to reddit where you belong.
Nothing, So-bin carries the series.
nips are pretty backward minded. If they cant do it the old way they won’t and their social structure makes it hard for people with newer mindsets to become shotcallers
Manga is up to vol. 10, released this month.
Light novel is also up to 10, which was also released this month.
I dropped the anime bc its boring as fuck. How much better are the LNs? Why is the author based?
He visited Yea Forums and did some ama's back when the first series was airing. Pretty sure he also said fan TL's don't bother him because there's nothing he can do about them.
Dicklet here, what's the best way to experience overlord? I'm planning on reading the manga
This is not threatening to work because no money.
This is more like an "holy shit the whole world is reading the bullshit I'm writing".
Remember he's not a professional writer, he's just embarrassed.
if I knew this would be his reaction I would have made the effort to translate them myself.
read the book and the dramas and the short stories and hope maruyama doesn't hang himself because he doesn't want to write volume 17
Do people seriously think he'll give up Overlord because of this? He has talked about wanting to be done with Overlord multiple times now and it's not like the EE spinoff or volume 13 were exactly great. The series has gone downhill since volume 11
>Entertaiment inudstry is done for and internet destroyed the copyright laws.
For all the grandstanding and whining about piracy, the entertainment industry still rakes in billions and individual artists millions. You're an idiot.
It's actually better than ever since the majority of normalfags are just too lazy and too stupid to pirate anything. They want to open their browser/store all in one, press a single button, and have the latest rap album delivered with a complimentary Bigmac. I mean anyone with a brain that's used iTunes knows what a huge piece of shit it is, but it's also the most popular music platform in the world.
I'd be more upset about the official translation being shittier than the fan TL.
Yeah but it could earn, 2, 3, 6! times that amount without you shitty pirates.
LNs though honestly idk if theyre a good investment if maruyama is gonna fuck the ending like it seems he will
>this retarded argument
No it couldn't, most pirates would never buy it in the first place and if anything piracy causes MORE sales because the pirates participate and promote the product on the relevant internet communities.
>author gets mad that shit eating westaboos are reading his garbage work with shit tier art for free
This is why you give 100 times more credit to the artist instead of the author in LNs, this moron is just lucky his shit tier aesthetics series even sells because of shit eating western fags
He's just looking for a reason to stop writing Overlord though.
Not always true e.g. Goblin Slayer was licensed before any meaningful fan-TL came out.
Wait didn't he write in side-story afterword that he convinced publisher to release it as a regular volume?
He's just fucking with fans, we were btfo at vol12 when side-plots started to get axed out of nowhere.
Just put your series on hiatus you lazy shit and write something else.
>20 volumes tops
>maybe 18 volumes
>eh I make it in 16 volumes
It's going to be 30 volumes how can you retards not see the fuckery?
>high level skill
Read the WN. Editor is the one with actual skills.
Doesn't Japan hate mp3 for whatever reason?
No, that’s what the artist who can actually draw pictures makes and the art for this series is complete shit made for retarded westaboos
From what i have heard he had written that the original plan was a normal short story ~50-100 pages and he convinced them to make it a proper volume.
>what is a quote
Fuck you.
shit too late to say it's bait
oh well here's a You
>potentially lost revenue
Not when Jew Press licenses it it's not. I wouldn't touch their TL with a stick so no loss there.
At what point he would just twit that he's stopping writing right now because he's not got much leeway between vol13 and vol16?
>artistry doesn't pay
What else is new?
Aren't a majority of profits from merch?
He's just fucking with fans.
>15 month of 2015
>release is in a year of my calendar
>Overlord will be finished in 20/18/16/n-2 volumes
>I wonder what would happen to that major plotline because I will never write it, DIY
>one less isekai in the world
Based spics.
>tfw I also read black clover
Strange fanbase overlap.
>no no no why won't people pay this ARTIST to write about a skeleton curbstomping everyone with no stakes or challenge
Makes you think. Not really, this entire genre sucks.
Uuuuuh sorcererkingkeks?
>witch king
That sounds like a pretty pathetic thing to do. Would you recommend that he pick up a fedora while he's out shopping as well? Seriously, though, it's funny how anti-owning-fucking-anything people are on this site lately. I know it's just younger people being okay with everything being a service these days, but the rage at people having anything that they didn't steal or access through a service gets kind of silly at times.
He just meant foreign fans reading Overlord too is extra expectations he cannot bear already. Retards.
t could not make madokami account
This Why did you assume it's monetary? He's just getting stomach ulcers from all the pressure fans exert at him and now he learned there're even a bunch of gaijins who read him.
I've got no problem with pirating. I just don't see why it can only be one or the other, or why people get so bent out of shape when they see that people buy shit.