Does Yea Forums like Idolmaster?

Does Yea Forums like Idolmaster?

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those are children you sick fuck

those are children you based fuck

my penis is hard


i only like them for twins and anal queen and tomboy

Who cares? Post more feet.

Ami > Mami

Ami = Mami

Update us on the status.

What happened to their legs?

>That momo doujin with Yuki fucking their brains out with her massive dong

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Who doesn't?

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>Does Yea Forums like Idolmaster?
Considering the constant generals for years, probably. Footfags can get gassed though.

The original group 765 Pro was good. The later versions were not.

Great character designs, but Idol shit is extremely boring. And idol culture in general is cancer.

post Iori feet

First cour yea

no, just puchis

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Only 765 pro stuff, not mobage crap.

boobs too big


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Takane itsbest waifu material

Yukipo is DUMB

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I love Ritsuko!!

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It's not a murder if you got the license

But my girl is right there and you are walking AWAY from her, dumbass

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Mayu Sakuma

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I like Hibiki, but all the idols are nice.

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Not even in the Top 10 Hibikis.

The twins are love.

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What's the appeal of the show?

Cute girls singing.

It's like Love Live, but with a plot and good music

Makoto is best

had sex with 12 year olds after seeing the image, they were pretty cool and it felt great

I like Honda.


Actually, they're drawings.
Get your facts straight.

OG-Idols or bust, Makoto is best Idol but the twins would probably be fun to play video games with

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THIS. Post qt Makotos

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Pretty good taste

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The cutest

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Idol is very superior to the shit of Love live.

Old hag!

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For fapping reasons, yes.

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765 Pro still relevant right?

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The catest

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Challengers appear

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Still trying to find the doujin where producer wakes up an idol (Chihaya?) with a surprise fuck and she shouts "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS!?"

Kotori a cute

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Challenge accepted

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This is a pretty cute Makoto

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How does she do it, lads? Best girl with best scenes and most heartwarming doujins?

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Why is that boy wearing a skirt?

Im going to tell my wife and she is going to kick your ass and then ride me like a bull

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They come as a set you fags.

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Because it's not a boy

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OG will always stay the best idol cast.

>Xbox 360 and PS3 emulators slowly being able to emulate the Idolmaster games.

Can't wait to play the Idolmaster games in 4k.

>not SideM

Ami and Mami are sure pretty tall for their age.


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Haruka's also welcome.

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>not even part of the cast from the beginning
>still one of the three poster girls for the franchise

How is she so effortless popular?

Superlative taste.

>in the game Miki basically isekaied producer
>they changed it to Haruka killing producer for the anime

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