Isekai Quartet

Episode airs in 1 bong and 30 bings

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Other urls found in this thread:

Beach episode?

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>Write something popular
>Expect that it won't be translated by gajins for free since there is no paid translation available
>Get mad because exclusive content gets shared
>But he keeps saying that he wants to keep his wagecuck job when Overlord is one of the most popular LN franchises and a best-seller one.
God, he is such a crybaby.

>would rather wake at the crack of dawn to slave away in a cubicle all day than wake up whenever he wants to and "work" on what is pretty much fan-fiction tier literature
I hope his wish comes true.

He should learn from Re:Zero's author, the guy is keeping his WN updated and not crying about it.

You already got multiple bait threads out of this fuck off already.

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There is an official English translation for the volumes, I doubt he was unaware of fan translations but in this case it's mostly because of the Evileye volume that was only available to a small number of true fans that bought all 3 BDs. He didn't want it getting out and he was also the one to suggest that it be an entire volume to his publisher instead of a short, very short leaflet.

>Worrying about fan-translations
>When we are less than 5 years away from machine learning translators that will make it easy to translate entire books in seconds like it was a professional translator
Japs are going to be so cucked when their moonrunes aren't save anymore. Specially with all the manga and WNs.

That's what happens when you spend a decade writing soulless garbage for no other reason than to reap profits from NEETs who have never seen a good fantasy book in their escapism-filled lives.
Its like making clickbait-Minecraft videos for retarded kids, eventually you will get tired and disgusted with yourself and your fanbase, despite all the shekels you are making, you'll want to do something else.
So, good on him.

>1 bong and 30 bings

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>we are less than 5 years away from machine learning translators that will make it easy to translate entire books in seconds like it was a professional translator

>He didn't want it getting out
What a retarded mentality, he must be some sub 80 IQ idiot who doesn't understand how the world works.

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How is that retarded? Not caring that other nip fans of your story are without the side story you limited but then you find out foreigners translated it all for free. This man is not a cash grab. He said it himself that he wasn't confident in writing a boy meets girl story

ln writers barely get any money from it

It is retarded because only an idiot would assume that you can actually limit such things, especially if you don't offer it to 99% of the world.

>aqua making fun of eris padding her chests in front of albedo and shalltear
>albedo's sides go into orbit
best interaction so far

it was limited, you could only receive it if your address was in Japan. Who would expect the Chinese to get it, post it on Baidu and then for someone to take that Chinese runes and translate it to english.

Endcard by Aoi Yuuki

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>it was limited
in its distribution but that's irrelevant, you can not limit what people do with it that's why it got translated because someone is always going to release it because limiting shit is a scummy practice the only times where limiting things actually works is if the object is physical or no one cares about it.
>Who would expect the Chinese to get it
Someone with a brain.

>limiting shit is a scummy practice
No, releasing a non cannon story by the bulk just to fill your pockets is scummy
> you can not limit what people do with it that's why it got translated because someone is always going to release it
You do realise that you needed all 3 BDs just to receive this volume. Who would go out of their way to use all that money just to share it online for free? Call him an idiot but he wanted a limited release for a few fans, all it takes is just a human heart to realise you shouldn't share it
>Who would expect the Chinese to get it
I said you had to be based in Japan, last time I checked China isn't.

A human heart full of caring would share the story they so love with those unfortunate enough to never be able to see it otherwise.

>No, releasing a non cannon story by the bulk just to fill your pockets is scummy
No it isn't no one is forced to buy it and those who want it can buy it and the reason is utterly irrelevant.
>Who would go out of their way to use all that money just to share it online for free?
You make it sound like you lose the book if you share it, some people are like that they do things that don't benefit them this has been a thing forever and i am surprised you find it so weird.
>all it takes is just a human heart to realise you shouldn't share it
Well sadly for him people don't tend to have the heart to value such wishes if they have to buy 3 BDs of a shit anime just to get the book, if he had given it out personally i would agree, but even then to rely on the "human heart" of a population is retarded, especially if the loss you suffer is just "uh it's not as limited as i wished it to be".
>I said you had to be based in Japan, last time I checked China isn't.
I know this is really really weird, but a Japanese person can buy something and give it to someone else even if that person is not Japanese.
I know weird right, damn mate there are whole industries that do that same thing.

You are being even bigger faggots than usual when the episode is already out. Is there an unlabeled thread where there's on-topic shitposting?

Oh God poor Tanya

At least the most based konosuba character got isekai'd to this show too.

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I hope we get to see Ainz wearing a speedo next week

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>bullying episode
That was great.

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Shalltear pads her chest!

smug also pad

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Well at least Albedo and Shalltear jabbing at each other through the Konosubas was fine but the rest of the episode was dull.

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Someone vector Shalltears head and paste it on Eris body

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Way better than last week

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What did Aqua meant by this?

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Full OP an ED out

this episode feels like a major tone shift

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>aqua did something other than being an aggressive bitch
Better late then never, I guess

In what parts

all of it

TLfags please translate the rest of the girls talk

yes, a very welcomed one, it went from borderline souless to having a soul.

EVERYTHING about this episode was great, but it does once again emphasize that character-wise the Re:Zero cast is the weakest.

Still, this episode was fucking great and reminds me how much I missed Aqua's "ksu ksu ksu!" laugh.

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Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about. Its still just jokes.

I didn't expect this to happen but I'm perfectly fine with it.

by not giving the screentime? konosuba got the most screentime and they just repeat the same joke over and over again, Overlord is the best part in this shit anime


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Damn, this episode was all about roasting.

yes, but now there was real banter between the casts instead of disconnected off hand comments.

>they just repeat the same joke over and over again
nigger? re:zero cast does that even more and it's not even funny
>emilia being clueless
>subaru being a beta orbiter
>rem being a cuck
>ram telling subaru to shut up every time
every single time they show on screen

the fact that they all seems to be too chummy with each other out of no where when even in the last episode it felt like people were still too unfamiliar with eachother
not complaining though it just felt wierd

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Best episode so far, hopefully it indicates that the staff got a grasp of the different characters after writing a few episodes and the banter will continue to flow.

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Shalltear x Kazuma needs to happen
poor Kazuma

>only 4 more episodes
I'm going to miss this bullshit meme show

Exactly what it means.

Look at this padding flattie.

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Best Episode so far, the interactions were pure gold.

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Aoi yuuki can draw?

Loved this episode and desu I love this whole series, I came onboard to see Ainz and Tanya talk and Subaru and Kazuma talk and already got that, now I just want more of it.

>Kazuma losing his shit over the succubus hotel meme


>Kazuma ends up attracting all the lolis from each series
Can't wait for that to happen.

Finally, Shalltear is in character now. She didn't seem like she was in chracter before in the earlier episodes of this show.

I have to agree, this episode felt different in a good way, like the writers finally found their groove.

>they made Eris even more pretty than Aqua
Based, shitqua fans will defend theirs shitty pseudogoddess

>possibility of duck in a frilly one piece swimsuit
Time to get my dick ready

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I don't blame him. Have you seen how pretty Albedo is?

I like the way she approached Kazuma. I don't know how to put it into words, but it was nice and really fit her. A weird combination between acting classy/dignified and "let me tell you about this bitch over here".

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There's always one girl in beach episodes who wears a regular school swimsuit. Which one is going to be this time?



Obviously Tanya.



Amazing how much better the episode is without focusing on Emilia.

this and jojo are the only things I'am looking forward to tbqh

What else did you try watching?

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>more cute Emilia and Albedo
Good episode

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Why re:cucks hate Emilia? Ive never seen the anime or read anything, just curious. Are all the haters remfags?

I hope Tanya

extremely bland character

She is just insanely boring

stupid midget poster

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This was cute and fun

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No it's just that the anime and the LN fucked up her characterization which turned her into a boring perfect waifu without any particularly interesting character traits.
The WN Emilia is perfectly fine

>the rude idiot girl

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>Are all the haters remfags?

>im going to insult you by posting images of the girl im mocking you for liking

She's so cute

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>very little Re: Zero
>all the jokes were spot on
Hopefully it keeps up this pace, this episode was pretty fucking stellar.

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>Telling people that your coworker is a virgin

What an asshole

1. Visha
2. Albedo
3. Darkness
4. Aqua
5. Shalltear
6. Mare
7. Aura
8. Megumine
9. Little Duck

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>WN emilia is perfectly fine
Her character traits being only counting stairs and stacking rocks is not fine.

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Imagine you had a wooden door as a character, that's Emilia.

>Best Episode so far, the interactions were pure gold.
The episode was shit, except for the overlord/konosuba part while shopping. Finally they did something (they went shopping), and finally the had a talk with each other, outside the fucking class room.
Just further goes to proof that the writers have no idea what they're doing, despite great comedic potential, and that the fucking school setting was a mistake. And the execution of it all is just lackluster.

I love Emilia

>Chad shalltear Vs. Virgin Albedo

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Maruyama hates you for not being a nip and will end his LNs because people like you read it. Imagine being a fan of someone who hates you openly

subaru kills this anime, even the shield cuck would be better

Question. Are Albedo and based Aqua best frends forever now?

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Shalltear is a virgin too, she's only had experience with her lesbian vampire harem and that doesn't count
And she pads her chest

And will she go visit Kazuma in his dreams, so she can ride her stupid pony already?

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So all lesbians are virgins?

What's the deal with Albedo's wings? Do they start from her butt?

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In the sense that they're pure maidens yes

just above the butt I think

I see Tanya has chosen her time period-correct swimwear.

*Saves your anime*

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They get 10% like every writer around the world.

>she cant even save her own series

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>that doesn't count
Are you implying that homosexuality isn't real sex?
>pads her chest
I think she literally pads her chest, as in she shove the pads into her flesh.

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Rem and Ram.

>Shitposters memed Aqua and the bicorn so much that she became friends with Albedo

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If it's not Tanya I riot

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I can't enjoy overlord anymore now that the author is a whiny bitch that will end the series quickly and drop all the plotpoints.

No, god no.
They're usually the filthiest whores and have cunnies that are so blown out and used up that they can't even grip a dragon dildo anymore.

I've never watched Overlord, how the fuck does she fly?

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Fuck off hetfag incel

>Are you implying that homosexuality isn't real sex?
It's just assisted masturbation

It really wasnt that good anyways and i read it all expect for the newer parts.

Magic. The wings are just for show.

They want to see Ainz -sama dick bones.

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As if it wasn't obvious enough already. Either way. Based and axis pilled.

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I own 4 of his LNs. And I will buy more when I finish them and have the spare money to do so.

Maruyama is honestly an idiot for thinking that people won’t pirate his works because of exclusive releases. Just looknat touhou. Zun has neglected possibly millions of dollars worth of revenue by not releasing his games to the west for the last two decades, despite the fact that the are way more fans of Touhou in the US, Oceania, and Europe than Japan. What we have done to get his games is pirating them and using fan translations.

There are dozens of examples beyond touhou. But long story short regional exclusivity only incentives people to become pirates.

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Pic related.

Magic just like any other succubus. Something as large as a human can't use wings to fly.

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It is a good horsey after all.

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>small number of true fans
Funny how people will feel a sense of pride over being tricked into spending a completely unfitting amount of money for their garbage.

>Aqua making fun of Kazuma again
Can't beat the bonerlord.

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>now that the author is a whiny bitch that will end the series quickly
ahaha, what a faggot. What happened?
>and drop all the plotpoints
Well, so much was clear from the get go. Still. I do wonder what was all about that kubriks cube. It's the key to everything, isn't it?

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hetchads will always win

Fox, meet grape.

He got butthurt about people fan translating his LNs. Specifically, about people fan translating a limited LN that normally only nips who preordered all the BDs of S3 could get, or something like that. So, it's not even something that's actually legally available


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>he pulled an metallica
holy shit, do japanese hispter still napster?

A true fan wouldn't buy such an insulting adaptation with such laughable CGI.

>Tanya choosing a man swinsuit

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Aura and Mare.

>small number of fans
>bought all BDs
There is his problem. He is restricting his content behind an obscene paywall way above the market rate for his works. Then you have this trend where the most die hard otaku’s buy everything they can, and then pirate and share so they can obtain all of the media despite doing so legally would be well beyond their means.

If you guys are going to shitpost at least stay on topic.

but he is a man

I'm using T60

There was not enough of this in the overlord anime. They should have dedicated at least 5 minutes per episode to shalltear and albedo getting drunk in bar and fondling each other. But no, what did we get instead? A shitload of literally who's doing literally what. And lizerds. And goobers. Holy fuck. The goobers. The fucking blew it.

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Not even close. Try reading that post again.

What is the goober’s?

>artist throws hissy fit because people pirate his shit
no, I think I got it

goobers. as in goofy goobers. they did a whole show about it. maybe you should watch it. they do have a catchy song, to say the least.

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>virgin succubus

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Overlord is part of the topic. I knew Maruyama's anti-piracy butthurt would invade the IQ threads when I found out
IQ threads have always been not only about the episodes themselves, but also shitposting any of the 4 shows. And Maruyama's butthurt is prime shitposting material.

She'll simply show up in uniform, call it now!

>There is his problem. He is restricting his content behind an obscene paywall way above the market rate for his works. Then you have this trend where the most die hard otaku’s buy everything they can, and then pirate and share so they can obtain all of the media despite doing so legally would be well beyond their means.
You do realise that for most series if you buy the BD you receive some sort of add on, it's either a pamphlet, art or something else. All Maruyama did was request his publisher to turn this side story into a book rather than a short story including in the BDs.

>Albedo kidnaps Kazuma and demands to know the secrets to make a fully functional fleshy lich

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Not because people pirate any of his work, but because they pirate a small piece of bonus content that should only be available to dedicated fans. There's a huge difference here.

>There's a huge difference here.
Not really.

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The small piece was a whole 400 page volume.
Fuck him and power to the pirates.

>virgin succubus
ainz-sama is one lucky son of a bitch

admittedly the bar for fine is relatively low considering the alternatives.

>KF died for this
so tell me Yea Forums was it worth it?

>i should get this happy meal toy for free because i ate a free mcdonalds burger from the trash can once
the absolute state of amerilards

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The show NEEDS Wiz and Pandora's Actor.


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The pirates did the right thing

>being a fan of the author
such people are retarded
the only thing that matters are the books and if he is an asshole then there's just more of a reason not to give him any money.

He isn't a lich though. He is an Overlord and a lich would be a downgrade for him. If anything she would want to make him into a demon

>food analogy
off yourself

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You can’t make media exclusive with the internet anymore. People are going to share it eventually. Even if you autisticly vet who buys your work at a place like Comekt people will still redistribute it.

Maruyama should have gone with tangible merchandise like figurines, a board game, a costume or anything that you can’t simply scan or rip and upload to the internetz.

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They really like repeating jokes.

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>wasting a big chance for lolicon fanservice in a season that had a loli sex scene
If I were the producer of the anime I would fire the director right away.

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still better than Aqua

"dedicated fans" aren't the kind of retards who buy anything regardless of quality
"dedicated fans" would refuse to buy a shitty adaptation
So, fuck him for wanting fans to pay for such a shitshow
Imagine if Masada complained about people not buying the Dies adaptation
Imagine if Nasu bitched about people not buying the Tsukihime adaptation (Yes, doesn't exist and all those memes)
Imagine if Haganeya bitched about people not buying the Demonbane adaptation

>nip man is mad because people are translating his dnd fanfiction

wtf is this

Tanya is not a fanservice character
Hell, the reason for her anime design being so different to her LN and manga design (also applies to Visha) is that the creators didn't want people sexualizing her
They failed, yes. But point is, you don't compare a loli from a fanservice ecchi show to the MC of a war story that has 0 fanservice in her original show, because sexual fanservice isn't the point of the work

It's understandable that he got upset at a bonus volume that was supposed to be exclusive to a few being accessible to way more people than he intended like this, but yeah the entire issue is with him being so naive that he didn't expect this to happen.
Still doesn't excuse all the shitposters insisting that he hates all piracy and gaijins or all that but I guess that's just how /va/ is.

Nobunaga fucking one of his loli wifes.
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma


Why is he acting like a whiny ass bitch?
Isn't he rich from making this shitty series?
Whats his fucking problem that a bunch of autistic niggers poorly translated a work of his?
Jeez, talk about being a fucking crybaby

School swimsuits count as uniform you know.
Can't wait.

Fuck off, shill. Stories shouldn't be limited like that
If he doesn't make it legally available, piracy is OK.
Also, holding the story hostage to declare you need to buy a shitty adaptation with shitty CG to be a "true fan" is retarded

Visha was so hot in the manga/ln

Attached: Visha Vol1_Ch3_Illustration.png (1116x1600, 1.98M)

That s not reason for not doing fanservice.
The whole reason that this show exist is to SELL and fanservice sell, loli fanservice sell. Not doing it because some retard dont want is being even more retarded.

99% of people here posting about Maruyama's tweet really don't know what they're talking about
>BDs generally have an add-on included, art, pamphlets, etc...
>Maruyama requested for this story to be turned into an entire volume
>Fans buy BDs and receive it for free
>Maruyama finds out it was translated it for free
>Sends out first tweet being angry about it
>Sends out a second tweet people ignored expressing his apology to the people that actually spent money

Attached: file.png (444x440, 265K)

It's the creators of YS, not "some retard". You're acting like western moraltards, wanting the creator's wishes to be ignored to pander to you
That this show is made to sell doesn't mean they should just ignore the creator's wishes

Please try to read and comprehend entire posts before accusing people of being shills, thanks. He's right to be upset at this, but the entire fault lies on him for being so retarded that he never expected this form of piracy to exist. I never said there's anything wrong with the piracy part happening.
Now please go back to the general thread about this subject and let people talk about Isekai Quartet thanks. Here's a link if you can't into catalog:

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.36_[2019.05.28_13.21.50].jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>character-wise the Re:Zero cast is the weakest.
Youjo Senki still exists.

Anyone buying BDs of that abomination for the bonus isn't a fan
Should've been more upset at the anime being such a shitshow or not commented

Kek. Tanya would quite literally nuke their ass

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>not "some retard"
CZ is a retard. He hates YS and he hates Tanya.

character wise retard

You forget that regardless of whatever episode was airing the Japanese fans love it and it boosted BD pre-orders as well as made Overlord #1 selling novel of 2018. So you shouldn't force your views on them.

Tanya alone isn't enough to raise the average of the whole cast however.

OPM just keeps disappointing.

This is business, user. He is informed about it before the show is actually made AND is not something canon, crossover made for the sole purpose to sell, if he agreed, he agreed to give someone the write about his characters. So he is aware that they will do fanservice scenes about it.
Also, this:

You're talking about Maruyama. If you want to talk about creators hating their own work
Piracy is just an excuse. Dude quite literally is tired of Overlord, and piracy is just a single reason

tanya and visha make up for the other filler characters

You had to buy all 3 bds then buy the bonus vol at full price.
Fuck maruyama

Which is the best way to enjoy each series? I've already determined that in the case of Overlord and Youjo Senki the LNs are the way to go, but what about the others?

>You're talking about Maruyama.
No, I'm talking about Carlo Zen, the guy who actively dislikes Youjo Senki's popularity and has already started another project.

I want to baby Shalltear.

No cz hates anime style and isekai but made the story like that so it can sell.
His other normal garbage never sold enough.

The distinct lack of YEAH bothers me.

Attached: cunt.gif (256x250, 1.58M)

They don't have to. He agreed to a comedy show, not an ecchi fanservice show
You're the one who said people should be FIRED if they DARE not do fanservice of Tanya just because Nobunaga-sensei exists, like that matters.
Not wanting fanservice of your character in official media when your story isn't fanservice isn't hating your story
Selling out and allowing said fanservice for money is what's a true signal of hating your story

>LN writer
LN's are cheap as fuck even cheaper than a fucking manga, they are not doing much money from it,

Attached: Isekai Quartet - 08.webm (1280x720, 442K)

Pick one and only one.

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The walking garbage.

Beatrice, I want to have a daughter that I can care for.


Attached: Tanya garbage.png (545x724, 378K)

He hates the popularity because of all the retards calling Tanya a nazi. Goes out of his way to make sure the Empire is WW1 Germany and retards associate it with WW2.
Still doesn't mean you have a right to sperg out if Tanya shows up in some non-erotic swimsuit next week

The filler characters act as great straight men in several jokes, while Tanya and Visha are amongst the best characters of the anime. There is objectively nothing to remove from the Tanya cast. If nothing else, they haven't got enough screentime.

Valve was right, piracy points to a problem with the service.
>LN doesn't get translations for several years
>then releases are still delayed for several more years
>fan translations done through two different languages with memes put in are still better than official
>make bonus story with even more convoluted release
What the fuck Maruyama

Albedo's the only one with tits

I wish he'd still shut the fuck up though.
he's acting like a nigger child.

>10% royalty
$4 = .40 cents
5k = $2k
10k = $4
Overlord vol sells at $12 and sells 200k
1.2 x 200k = $250k

>>Maruyama finds out it was translated it for free
1500 yen is totally free especially after being allowed to pay 15000 yen for QUALITY
oh and i just checked you can get the normal novels for around 1000yen so not only do you pay for the bd you also pay 500 yen more for the book.
Truly fans receive it for free.
>don't know what they're talking about
Yes you truly don't know what you are talking about
>expressing his apology to the people that actually spent money
fuck that shit, he should apologize to the people who want to give him their money but can't because he is a bitch about it, but who cares about people buying books that are vastly overpriced, they are not real fans who don't really spend money.

Yeah, I said that because I'm talking as if I were the producer, failing to sell something because some retard dont want it is failing in your job. This show is made to sell and not doing fanservice that can actually sell for nips, means you're not doing it right. Also, other shows matter, because if someone did a fanservice scene that is a huge no in the times we are in and it passed, that mean we can possible do it too.
You're the one that is failing to understand it, I'm not talking about the creator or the fan, I'm talking abut the producer, director and company side of it.

Good news everyone. Albedo it is!

Megumin is so OoC it's clear they don't know how to use her

All the other shows are built for comedy, even Youjo Senki has a lot of ironic comedy at the expense of Tanya, no wonder the writers have a harder time writing for Rezero.

Beako forever

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based and aquapilled

>He hates the popularity because of all the retards calling Tanya a nazi.
He hates the popularity because the premise was a joke and it's his most popular work. It's not his fault Enterbrain was dumb enough to accept the title of Youjo Senki and emblazon it on the works nor was it his fault on Jewpress translating it to "Sage of Tanya the Evil" Like the dumb EOP fucks they are.

With Konosuba you can go with the LNs too, ReZero you should read either the WN assuming you know nipponese or read the first 7 LNs and then the WN since for some reason the first three arcs were not translated yet, the LNs after 7 are dogshit because they were changed to appeal to anime onlys which lead to extreme cuts.

Why is he concerned about bandits hijacking ships?



>MTL and localizing

because he's Japanese
they're all like this. i think i've seen maybe one or two cases where an author found out that there's a fan translation of their works and they haven't exploded in anger.

outside of writing, this is a mindset that holds true with the Japs even in other forms of media. especially mods for games. full blown autism there, let me tell you. Japs will password lock their mods with secret riddles that are made to keep foreigners out, and if they find out regardless and mirror their mod on some other website, they will explode and DELETE all of their mods from the internet and never make anything again. you might think i'm exaggerating but it happens all the time. something about the Japanese mindset makes them extremely asshurt about sharing.

Okay, thanks!

best episode so far desu

No you idiot. You had to buy all 3 BDs then send your proof so that you can receive the volume and your address had to be in Japan. Stop spreading lies

Is it wrong that this scene made me hard?

Attached: screenshot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

>so that you can receive the volume
after you paid them 1500yen

>something about the Japanese mindset makes them extremely asshurt about sharing
I blame American influence. They're fucking poison.

No. The volume is not for sale but a bonus

I wouldn't really throw Nasu's name in there as if he was better than this. He has, on more than one occasion, thrown shade at his original fanbase that aren't too happy about the direction of TM and frankly speaking I would consider his actions throughout the years as infinitely more harmful than what most creators are capable of.

Masada is actually a pretty cool guy, though, and it's too bad Light died.

they should be more angry at the Chinese than anything else. most Japanese piracy is only possible thanks to the Chinese. and Russians.

Albedo is making her a huge favor

Attached: 1557855867711.jpg (1276x718, 157K)

Yes it is a bonus but you also HAVE to pay for it it is not a free bonus.
How is that hard to understand?

This scene baffles me. Two demons are unaffected and a vampire who is less vulnerable to holy is taken out while a skeleton who is more vulnerable is still standing.

>In order to acquire the bonus novel, it is necessary to buy all three Overlord III Blu-ray bundles. Contained in Box 1 and Box 2 are tickets showing proof of purchase and subsequent orders to buy the next Box. The last Box 3 contains an application to order the novel costing 1500 yen.

Get it through (YOUR) thick skull. The volume was a BONUS, you did not have to pay for it, nowhere did it say so.

It was a turn undead spell I think? Demons aren't undead but vampires and skeletons are.

Link faggot?

also to further this point: the fan translation that he's angry about was translated from a Chinese translation. so some Chinese fan got their hands on it and uploaded it to the internet, which was the only reason it was possible for it to be translated to English in this instance.

>nowhere did it say so.
It did on the nice piece of paper in the third Box

You got a ticket to purchase the bonus vol, PURCHASE

The wiki faggot

What is to be baffled about? The spell literally was

>turn undeto

kek. If you don't have a Jap link get out with your BS
next time google it yourself you retard

It was covered by the subs but Visha had boob jiggle while walking this time, though not as prominent as it was with Rem.

She uses her turn undead or her sacred turn undead on demons and undead. Also the vampire is down while the skeloton is still standing

paper cost

Got a stiffy from this one, not gonna lie

Attached: Screenshot_20190528_134312.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

Kys faggot. This is a blog of someone's summary of the novel. Next time use your brain

That's what 90% goes to.

Reminder that people that say Aqua wears no underwear when compared to Albedo, don't really know Albedo doesn't wear one too

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

>entire thread derailed over this shit despite this faggot already making numerous threads over it

that's common knowledge though?

At lest she wears a long skirt, unlike that hussy goddess.

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>says that it costs 1500yen
Well what more than that do you want? do you expect someone here to buy the japanese BD just to show you a scan of the order application?

Wait wasn't there something about him being a communist?
All his works are sarcasm and make non commies look like war starved cavemen.

Fixed it.

Attached: 1559067274349.jpg (1280x720, 474K)

She's saying it's ok to not have sex

you can also read through the reviews, virtually all of them say the same thing, and in addition the ratings for it are pretty shit.
Looks like nips are not satisfied with this shit either.

That's just unsubstantiated bullshit about some comments he supposedly made

What have you done to be proud of today?

Attached: be proud.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

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Attached: AQUA'D.jpg (460x450, 49K)

I made a convincing lie on why I missed an appointment. Praise me, Aqua-sama!

Ram is into walking garbage.

I heard he was more of a Nazbol or something equivalently retarded or joke about it as satire.

I doubt Carlo Zen is an actual commie since Youjo Senki does a very good job at explaining why communism is bad or at the very least why the USSR was bad.

If he tried making Youjo Senki to have pro-communist messages then he has failed miserably at every step. Its literally Anime equivalent the Pinochet and Chang Kai Shek memes.


>it's okay not to pay for something because it's shit
Piratefags, everyone.

Attached: 1555186318037.jpg (680x453, 36K)

This is lewd

This is just the template I did sometime ago that better represents Ainz (White/Silver-ish instead of yellow)

Attached: papa_bonedv2_template.png (685x828, 267K)

Good job user!

Attached: 1535815111192.png (597x599, 535K)

Tecnically, Shalltear is one too, she doesn't know what D is like, only Vs.

Jesus christ those thighs

just won the champions league with dinamo zagreb on fm19

Kek, you couldn't one shot Shalltear even if wanted to. She could use pseudo-Subaru tier [Time Reversal] to heal back instantly.

Drove into brooklyn to pick my brother up. Also didn't kill myself despite the demons

Hoping for a satisfactory amount of bouncing in the beach episode.

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How do you know Shalltear doesn't have a D of her own?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Overlord III - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.02_[2019.04.11_21.23.42].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

she's been a purely supporting character in s1, with barely any development
it'll be fixed in the later part of s2 tho

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Honestly, I can't think of anything.

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this shit is pissing me off

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.51_[2019.05.28_12.01.39].png (1280x720, 763K)

What if Albedo sama crushed them as a joke ha ha

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I guess you haven’t read the LN?

>It's not rape if we're both screaming

They're saving the 'same VA' joke for the last episode

I would pay for the book if i could, alas i don't live in glorious nihongo, so it quite literally is impossible for me.
And it is okay to not pay for something that you can't pay for.

Megumin is cucked in Isekai Quartet. All dialogue goes to Aqua and Darkness

I walked my dog for 2 hours.

That'd just be silly.

Attached: just an idiot.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

She has 0 screen time after episode 4 or something. Some people simply hate Subaru for being a shit character and by extension hate his waifu.

>things that only happen in games
user, aqua hates NEETs

wait this might be a real possibility.

I for one can't wait for the death match between tanya, shalltear, beatrice, and megumin.

aqua and darkness have funnier gimmicks than megumin, who's the most normal of the trio.

When the FUCK is Subaru gonna return by death?

Don't vampires usually have some transformation abilities? Can't she just make it so she has bigger breasts?

When Megumin becomes relevant.

How would you tell if he did?

>acqua and albedo bullying shaltear

This. It'd make this the perfect series.

boring character gets too much screentime and retard author shills her out of desperation and that's annoying

According to some anons, he already did in order to get Emilia elected class prez

Because it's not that good of a joke.

It's implied that he already did it to make sure Emilia became the class rep

So never.

The way you usually see her is already her transformed form.

They might pull a "lancer ga shinda" in the last few episodes and have an entire episode of him dying.

>when you see the OPPs

Get the Glocks, it's time for a drive-by.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.35_[2019.05.28_12.09.32].png (1280x720, 736K)

I woke up and plan to work as little as possible today.

Attached: time for jack... to LET 'ER RIP.gif (640x360, 1.11M)

Both of them have good taste, but Tanya needs kid's floaties to go with her outfit.

Attached: 3.png (800x450, 522K)

Crips, more like Crypts

Attached: 18235814231.png (800x450, 379K)

Honestly, if they waited till the next season of Re:Zero there would be several characters that would fit perfectly

This show is giving some good, unexpected chemistry. I hope it keeps on throwing these weird chance encounters out there.

Albedo having hot kinky sex training with Aqua when?

Tanya, Megumin, Shalltear, and Betty in the kiddie pool when?

I speedwatched this shit, how was it implied?

yamada indeed is a fag

>i speedwatched a 10 minute episode
The absolute state of reddit

He had a smug look after she was elected, which Ram commented on.

Why are are you picking Shalltear over the dark elf twins?

How fast were you watching, x8?

Aqua unexpectedly giving sound love advice to quell the banter between Shalltear and Albedo was pretty neat.

Who should meet up and interact next? Feels like there needs to be more for Rem and/or Ram with the rest of the crew.

Holes and gaps are sexy.

I didnt literally speedwatched it, I just meant that I watched all the episodes at once and didn't pay that much attention
I was gonna just say binge but that gay word is reddit

Her loli form isn't her real form.

Some shittubers and redditors made a theory about it.

Shalltear > everyone else

It's going to be the last line of the series, just like Costanze speaking in LWA.

Mare in a swimsuit with Beatrice.

He probably does everyday to keep the school life going despite the plot holes

Duuno why but somehow I just will bad that I bought his books. Don't get my wrong i Like this series and I started reading on fan translations and I'm now buying His books whenever they come out in my local language (9 volumes so far). But it fill wrong when He is mocking ppl just because they read fan translated version when they had no way of getting original version.

Do japanese thirty-year-old salarymen usually know how to swim?

>Ainz casually shutting off megumin and darkness suggestion

They should have the next episode cold open with Albedo aggressively seducing Aqua and then just as they're about to kiss it cuts to Aqua waking up in her bed and going ' was just a dream...'

don't most kids get shanghai'd into pool exercises in Japan? Besides they could just wade around in the shallows

One loli per series. Also, for bullying.

>remilia: I've got to go to the intercom room
could be hype for next episode

>how to swim?
How much of a fucking Nigg do you have to be to not know how to swim? My first time I just jumped in and learnt then and there.
Anyone would.

>subaru will never die and see this
Why does he live?

Attached: Y1l0OH0.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Only one of the twins qualifies as a loli anyway though.

He lives to die to live.

He sees Satella every time he dies

any japanese can draw

>subaru is still annoying as fuck

The real question is do swimming pool even existed anymore? Ainz's Tokyo is polluted dystopian.

Slightly lower than middle point between shoulder plates and hips(tailbone more accurately).
It is most stable and functional place for wings on a human body to be.

Subaru is cringe as fuck.

Maybe it'll be a gag.
>Getting lost in the afterlives of other series and having to ask for directions

have a pity (You)

Aoi Yuuki can do anything

Attached: unrivaled va.png (864x484, 596K)

Do bones float? I'm not sure if Ainz would be able to swim.

It's a theory by people who speedwatched even faster because there was a scene after the election with Beako and Roswaal that implied either Roswaal or the force that brought them to this world rigged the election.

Is the guy who writes Tanya a huge fag like the Overlord guy? I hope not.

she can't be my gf

Attached: 1558384011463.png (1024x576, 731K)

An honest to God Renascence woman. No wonder you fags are so in love with her.

She broken as fuck, pls nerf

He's a commie; you decide whether that's good or bad.

Luffy is always right user.

She was already nerfed

Attached: Untitled.png (228x85, 2K)

I just think she did a really good job voicing my waifu, but it is pretty cool.

I hope the doujins for this will come out. I wanna see Subaru raping Albedo.


I fail to see the downside.

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I thought I'd never have a waifu. But seeing how large my Tanya gallery has gotten over time I think I've finally found the one. Congratulations on your great taste.

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That's a feature, not a flaw.

He never worries about it.
He says there were only saunas available to him

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 785K)


That'd be pretty amusing, he dies and meets Eris and then Satella walks in and they start arguing over him, then time stops and Being X starts talking to him like 'worship me and I'll bring you back to life' and Subaru's like 'I think you need to get in line?'
Then you hear Ainz saying 'it's all right, I have resurrection magic' and a bony hand reaches in and grabs him

I never got into overlord. Though, us NGNL fags have it much worse. Imagine your favorite author having both cancer a family to tend to.

Man, I'd like to subscribe to this philosophy. Who's with me?!

>Constanze in LWA
when did this happen
why do i dont remember my waifu speaking?

The skeleton has a maxed out holy resist setup which is probably the only reason he's still "alive."

Like I said, it's the very last line of the TV show, just after Akko finally manages to use a broom.

>famous photos taken before disaster

>That mall scene

Honestly just remove Re:Zero and fill the empty seats with more Konosuba and Overlord characters. Jesus.

Vanir too

Attached: moitouchethyou.jpg (1920x1080, 757K)

Nah, he's wearing his fire resist gear. But Shalltear is in casual clothes without much defenses so it still makes sense.

Vanir and Demiurge never

Attached: buh.png (933x720, 587K)

He wasn't wearing it and shalltear didn't have her gear on either.
It just wasn't a deadly blow to ainz.

This vampire is too cute.

Attached: shalltear.gif (282x416, 133K)

He has very high magic defense, second only to Albedo I think.

Attached: 1556739290609.jpg (788x1064, 232K)

I wanna paizuri Albedo in that perfectly made paizurihole

I want to poke that fang.

>Wiz, Vanir, Yunyun
>Sebas, PA, Pleiades of your preference

>Uses his magic defense and resists to nuke himself with AOE spells
Battlefag Ainz still makes me laugh.

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Wouldn't that hurt your finger?

Attached: shalltear2.gif (209x226, 55K)

The shitting on Subaru alone makes this show is 100% worth it

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this episode was kind of cringe, ngl

Attached: 21423.png (343x487, 273K)

You're saying she's 14 years older than she should be?

>his waifu is a husbando

the literal legal loli

>tfw no Vanir-run school store
>tfw Vanir will never read Ainz's thoughts
>tfw Vanir will never have intellectual discussion with Demiurge
>tfw Vanir will never tease Tanya
>tfw Vanit will never make fun of Subaru's white knighting
why even watch?

Attached: 1530238031928.jpg (348x346, 74K)

>she's older than me by a couple of months
Marriage material boys.

>>his waifu is a husbando
Has a real vagina; good enough for me.

She's 27??? WTF


Attached: chadd-zuma.jpg (770x720, 150K)

I just spent 50 minutes fapping.

Strong Orgasms as great.

This. It's an essential part of being Japanese.

Fuck every aqua in this series shouting for the bright edit that every aquafag do, do they know about it?

Ainz says he could just walk on the Ocean floor if he wanted to go traveling, so he can't float. He does have a spell that lets him walk on water though

>entire books in seconds like it was a professional translator
It means the real strong AI
>5 years
I fucking wish. Add a zero, and then it's "maybe".

>tfw Vanir will never devour Ainz's emotions right before the emotion suppressor kicks in, making it effectively useless


Attached: 156983687865.gif (574x534, 442K)

Probably. But it'd be worth it.

>Emilia mocking Subaru
how nice

>the great cuckening
And so it has begun...

Attached: chad-zuma.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

Why is Aqua so aesthetically pleasing to look at?

Soft colors and a very sexy figure.

>the only thing that matters are the books and if he is an asshole then there's just more of a reason not to give him any money.
I have read the tweet he made about it. Sounds more like a simple joke (with a hinge of sadness? It's impossible to tell).
A lot of people are twisting his words or outright saying stuff he didn't even mentioned.

>Kazuma cucking anyone
Literally reminded again about his tiny dick.

Attached: 1528699246197.gif (510x662, 232K)

He is wearing his fire immunity gear, holy spells go in roman numerals, Ainz has [IV]. His gear contributes NIL to his holy resistance, while Shalltear herself is a holy caster, her resistance may as well be [I]
>Makes sense
There is a reason Ainz didn't show up in his fight against Shalltear with cheat holy weapons by the bulk and shove it down her ass.

I enjoy this image.

Attached: kazuma.gif (448x338, 915K)

>Vanir with X on his forehead
>PA sperg about german supremacy
>Wiz cause chaos in the class for being a lich with flesh.

but wait, there's more!

Attached: chaddzuma.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

That reason being that his class is antithetical to divine casting and using those weaker weapons to get a lesser effect than the gear he already uses would be a waste of Nazarick resources.

He can't read his thoughts, Ainz is immune. Not even Pandoras Actor who does the same thing can. I feel that Vanir would stay away from Demiurge, since Vanir pretty much decided to turn into a jew and drop his violent demonic acts

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Reminder that the konofags are the most annoying out of the four fanbases.

That's so not true.

Attached: 15982783759.jpg (682x720, 106K)

I heard You Only Live Twice.

who gives a fuck about overlord

>That reason being that his class is antithetical to divine casting
Although Ainz’s karma value was extremely negative, he would not have a problem summoning angels, whose karma values were highly positive. There were some classes which had the penalty of not being able to summon monsters whose karma values were too different from their own, but Ainz did not have such classes.

Yeah, its not.
Its aquafags.

He gets around that slightly with dark wisdom, but he's not spamming revival spells without costing him dosh since it REQUIRES him to have a wand.
There's also the fact that if he overspecialized vs shalltear he'd get ganked by any theoretical 3rd party waiting to ambush him while in gear that's shit for general purpose fighting.

>she's a confirmed shotacon
I wish I was young again

>No matter who she fucks, she's somewhat homosexual
I can't tell if this makes it better or worse.

I do sir!

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all women are bisexual so if anything it's normal at least from outside
on the inside Tanya only wants to fuck being X and go back

He loves _Jesus_

Who made that man an Overlordfag?

I did sir. He is my brother.

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And who is user?

By riding her magic pony.

Probably however Icarus flew. But with out burning and dieing.

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That is not Dark Wisdom nor did it say so, not for this spell or [Fallen Down]. Dark Wisdom is a skill, the quote literally says he doesn't have a class penalty for summoning angels which is a holy spell. Also a revive spell is something he does not have nor was it stated to REQUIRE dark wisdom. Shalltear herself is a holy caster but it was never stated she could revive, the only ones who can are Pestonya and Pandora's Actor.
> he'd get ganked by any theoretical 3rd party waiting to ambush him
He had Mare and Aura for this. Also being low HP I doubt anyone really has to try that hard to one shot him, overspecialisation would have ended the fight much sooner.

>riding her pony
Very funny

Attached: tenor.gif (220x239, 32K)

We are all Anons!

Attached: 58165CF1-13DD-49B9-B012-89C40E38C0EA.png (350x192, 137K)

>ne, ne, kazuma
>it's my turn now

Attached: chadzuma.jpg (646x653, 139K)

She just needs a little help from Kazuma.

Attached: 1556729864126.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Albedo used to wonder what Friendship could be.

>We're right at the shore and you're right next to me, how are you fucking this up?

But I thought kazuma was in love with the megaman??


Attached: 1555442654266.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

I knew it, I'm surrounded by anons...
Keep shitposting Overlord anons!

Reminder that Kazuma has a small penis and thus, wouldn't even satisfy a virgin like Albedo.

>pedantic powerleveling taking precedence over funny gags
Why must you do this, Overlord fan?

It doesn't count as cheating if it's with a succubus.

Tag team fucking fucking when?

Attached: chadzumah.jpg (1280x720, 244K)

What if you do it with the succubus, but not at night in your dreams, but in broad daylight, where anyone can see?

Attached: 1557499512490.jpg (738x720, 265K)

not anymore

reminder that albedo belongs to daddy old bones and no one else

>slutty goddess that gets drunk all the time around a lot of adventurers
>crusader that wants to be captured and raped by monsters
>chuuni girl that might go after the first guy that can cast a bigger explosion
Who are shitposters trying to fool? Kazuma is the biggest cuck here even if you take Subaru into account.

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Even if it's Slutbedo, she will kill them in the process either via the level drain or just by crushing them during the orgasm.
Demi almost broke his hand after striking at her abdomen and she barely felt a thing.

sure, sure, whatever

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That'd probably be a crime. But still wouldn't count as cheating.

Rem and Megumin having a sperg out

Im drunk

What a great episode. We actually got some good interactions between characters this time around.

>turns out the explosion midget would be way happier with mana daddy explosion bones, and kazuma with the slutbedo succubus of his dreams
funny how life just takes a turn every now and then

It's fine because it's just a dream.

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albedo triggers my urge to drink

Aqua is the strongest in class!

>We actually got some good interactions between characters this time around.
And just how many shit episodes had to pass until finally people do something, even if it's only shopping. All of this should be like this short overlord-konosuba interaction, starting with episode 1. But they fucked it all up, and at this point, giving us some nice interactions is like throwing salt in the wound.
>we actually could have been funny all along
>but we chose to not do so
>because fuck you
>that's why

DND should sue, they didn’t give him the rights to write his fan fiction.

>It's fine because it's just a dream.
but it really is not this time, that's the whole point

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I honestly liked all of the episodes up to this point. Your forgetting that this is a chibli spinoff and not the real thing.

Just finished OPM, what have I come is it that these editors can't see Albedo is laughing?

I know that feeling one of my favorite erogame makers hates gaijins and puts "gaijin filters" in his games.


She's laughing at him not being able to penetrate her max defense pussy

Konosuba fucking carrying the show again.

Also Re:Zero has been criminally misused. Why the fuck are they playing the characters, especially Emilia, straight? Bores me to tears.

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>Emelia talked shit to Subaru

It's fine as long as you believe it's a dream.

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I always figured Shalltear's gummick was her 3 Forms for 3 Floors thing. A Raid comes in and fights Gothloli Shalltear, kills her, Second floor they get Ghoulish Shalltear, kill her, Third Floor Jenova Complete starts playing and Battle Armour Shalltear shows up TPK GG NO RE

It's fine, It's just a dream.

>Tanya is not a fanservice character
You know there's more than one kind of fanservice right?
Tanya is not for lewd, but that doesn't mean the series is without it's otaku bait.

Like with GuP, the real fanservice is the tanks.

she is one devoted roleplayer

what a fag

Not really. She has 2 forms and she is more like a test, 'if you can't get past her the. You're unworthy to go any further' type of thing. Vampires are considered front line fighters because of their speed, strength and regenerative abilities but shalltear takes it to another level, you can't one shot her and to kill her you have to make her use up all her skills, especially the ones that heal her and then you have to avoid getting hit by her weapon, each hit she lands heals her. The more allies/summons you have, the more hit she lands and the more she heals, this is why Ainz will never bring out summons against her. Also her special skill brings out a copy of herself with the same stats

>decide to watch Re:Zero
>think Emilia is a satire of the bland perfect LN heroine
>finish it
>realize it wasn't

She's bland because she hasn't gone full Satella yet. She's hiding her true identity.

For some reason the author has major autism when it comes to Emilia’s writing. It’s the only character in the series that has the problem and it’s baffling

>that witch at 1:48

How are the translations coming along so far? I think I remember reading the later portions of Arc IV and thinking it was passable and then dropping Arc V due to blatantly obvious machine translations. Should I just wait for the LN instead of the WN?

After reading the WN there's so much subversion of LN tropes in Re:Zero that I refuse to think that Emilia being perfect and Subaru being autistically attracted to her isn't there for the author to pull a surprise near the end of the story where it turns out the witch's magic was blinding him or something.

>Should I just wait for the LN instead of the WN?
If you want the inferior product, yes

So realistically if Aqua was serious, she could actually beat Ainz? That seemed like a weak turn undead and if I remember she can spam that to no end and use a more powerful version. That one seemed to 1 shot Ainz and Shaltear at the same time.

You are taking this chibi series too seriously user.

>just turn your brain off bro

Guess I’ll wait for chicken to catch up then. Feel like it’ll be a few years until that happens.

It's very likely that it is not meant seriously.
The problem is he tries to justify his lack of desire to continue the series by shitting on his fans who just want to be able to shove money into his ass.
Originally he wanted to write like 30 or so novels, then he reduced it to 20, and then again until he reached 17
This is just another shitty excuse to push the fault onto the evil foreigners after all
>i totally would have written more but alas i can't because of such and such
If he wasn't such an asshole he would just plain say that he doesn't want to write more books instead of this bullshit.

But Tanya is always sperging about killing commies.

Realistically Shalltear would use [Time Reversal] to instantly heal as if nothing happened while Ainz would stop time and bring down spells on Aqua, on the 0.0001% chance she doesn't get frozen in time, he'd be shocked and use [Nuclear Blast] to give himself some room only to find out Aqua and Kazuma are dead.

Unironically yes. There isn't any reason to be upset that this chibi short series isn't going the direction you want it. Just have fun with it while it last.

You miss typed" Aqua" saying 'it's all right, I have resurrection magic'.

Do you enjoy being angry all of the time?

>Time Reversal
What kind of shitty vrmmo were they playing?

Would be funny if Aqua was able to sniff out Subaru's curse.

Probably. All the konosubas are strong as fuck but held back by having intelligence of 2.

One with shitty devs that allowed someone to have a crazy one shit skill that cut space and time. I don't know how that works

Would be funny if she would cure his curse, and he'd try to return by death just to die for real.

I swear their powers are like that shitty fat kid you used to play swords with as a kid and he always made up shitty random OP powers to get out of getting his ass kicked.

Yes. I dab on the tears of Takumi cultists.

I literally can't turn it off. There might be something wrong with you if you can.
What makes you think I'm mad?

>and you suddenly saw that I stopped time to negate your cool sword that could actually kill me, and I insta killed you with my magic.
I love this show but sometimes it annoyed me how strong they were.

>decided to turn into a jew and drop his violent demonic acts
That´s an oxymoron.

One where the devs simply gave no fucks, one of the world items let you contact the devs and change the magic system, another lets you ask the devs about a change in the game in general. There's even one that lets you delete someone's character from the game in exchange for your own.
Have you seen the Re:Zero power levels? Most of the stuff in that is in absolutes.

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He shits on communism any chance he gets.
He makes up reasons that let him shit on communism.

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>Most of the stuff in that is in absolutes.
You failed to mention world class items are absolutes that overwrite other absolutes.

>literally LARPS as a commie on Twitter all day

Overlord is shilling communism, Tanya will eventually turn Karl

I think is pretty obvious thats the case. The author is going to pull a zero no tsukaima.

Oh, you mean the guy whose previous work was about running socialist countries?

World Items were so rare, virtually no one ever used those, this showed itself that when someone changed the game system everyone with one such item got compensation because they didn't expect anyone to actually use it that way.
The devs were not just not giving a fuck, they were literally unable to consider consequences of allowing an item to do such a thing.
TL;DR shitty devs where exactly that shitty devs, that's probably why they closed down the game.
I could larp as a magician that would not make me one.

>tweets on a joke twitter account that satires the communist party

How about Albedo being fucked by Albedo?

It’s pretty clear it was p2w gachashit garbage

>personal twitter account is now a joke twitter account
EOP pseuds from /pol/ please leave.

I've checked old tweets where he talks about socialism and the sort and he seemed to me like the average commie that dislikes Stalin, the USSR, etc.

That nearly all Jap games. Also in Yggdrasil paying for items only helped you, the OP items or classes were obtained through effort. Doesn't matter what you pick up in the game, you'll still get wrecked by Touch-Me because he earned his class by fighting in a tournament. Doesn't matter how much money you spend, you still wound't obtain a world class item.

>can't play up her poverty
>no yunyun for her to bully
>didn't even give her Chomusuke to play with
They didn't give her much to do in this series. I hope she gets to angrily slap some tiddies next episode.

>he'd try to return by death just to die for real.
>Meets Eris in the afterlife

>actively dislikes Youjo Senki's popularity

How much does she charge for her rolesç?