White Album 2

Today is Touma Kazusa's birthday. Happy Birthday, Kazusa!


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At first i though it was cum on her face

What the fuck is wrong with her eyes

i still love you
also fuck setsuna
eat shit and die

will they release anything new?

Well, there's the occasional drama CD

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Have you guys read the VN?

Best girl

I wanted to read CC before today, but had two presentations this week, so I couldn't. Such is life.

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It is? Happy birthday, gonna read the VN now.

so no :(

happy birthday best girl!

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Happy Birthday Kazusa!

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>S2 never

English translation for WA2 when?

Happy birthday second best girl.

Just learn nip
The VN is pretty easy to read

A patch for CC was released last year. Dunno about Coda's progress though.

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Amazing, thank you user!

Happy birthday best girl

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anime Kazusa has a huge chest.

I think that's from one of the game openings, actually.

Happy Birthday Kazusa, the breast girl.

Lifelike texture ;_;

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Only what's been translated. Pretty good.

I don't remember the VN using scenes from the anime.

Yes, I finished CC last night, Koharu's route last. And all I can say is Setsuna is such a fucking incredible character. Throughout all routes you just get so fucked up it's unreal, even having to experience the Hotel incident again is traumatic.

This part had me screaming at the screen desu,

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Ah right, my bad. It is from the anime.

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IC (as a route, why not) is best, then it's Setsuna > Chiaki > Mari > Koharu. Chiaki's was some real shit as I'm sure people who've read it can agree, not too sure on Koharu's at first but the latter half when they stopped fucking like rabbits was actually pretty good.

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Hot Take: The anime is superior to the IC port of the VN. The way they use th OST is amazing, we miss some juicy lines, bigest loss is Haruki's inner thoughts but still.

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Sucks there's no proper translation of the VN. Why doesn't this get picked up officially?

Aside from no Coda, what's wrong with the translation we have?

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I was told the translation was horrendous


I heard it got a total rework that fixed things. Trying to find the thread where someone looked at it a few months ago.

Dumb backstabber for betraying her friend.
Poor Setsuna.

Found this: 184774418
>Last year, when Setsuna route was the only one translated, the final 1/3 was an extremely EXTREMELY bad translation. They might've fixed it by now though; I've been reading the newly translated Mari route and nothing bad yet.

SHE was trying to hold back, it was Haruki who couldn't stop chasing her.

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I know. Setsuna may be one of the better characters I've seen. She is so manipulative and controlling to MC, but appears so sweet and kind to others, but has a poor perception of herself. It's a level of depth that you rarely see.

Yeah, while I played the normal ending with Chiaki before her whole route and that one hurt.

All good routes. Never had a complaint with anything other than occasionally there were too many sex scenes that it was getting ridiculous as I just wanted to continue the story.

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The scene where she sees through Chiaki's facade (because she herself is good at acting differently to how she feels) and then tells Chiaki to care for Haruki in her place is what sold her as an incredible character for me. That route is such a rollercoaster.

Translation is fine now, it's just Coda we're waiting on. If Coda was classed as a game the translation would be hands down my most wanted game for 2019 honestly.

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I'll get to it then right after complete grisaia

I died when I read this line. It had no place in the (excellent) way they adapted the sex scene as it was, but it's shame it didn't make it in.

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I just assumed it was decent but plan to read it again after I get a but better at Japanese. Sadly, I didn't think my text hooker worked when I tried it which will make it more challenging.

That is a pretty great scene. One of her best I agree.

user, what the fuck happened to the Chiaki pregnancy thing? Was this badly written/translated or what?

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I'm not too certain. I think it could be a poor translation, or a lie for attention, or her conditions could have been due to stress. I think it would have been a great ending to her route if she got pregnant and kept it.

It did feel like they never finished that subplot though.

I'l scoured the internet for answers to this and came up with nothing, just have to move on I guess.

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Fuck Takeya and Io in CC. By far the most annoying characters.

How is the translation? I heard that it was partially machine translated, is that true?

S2 when? Also Setsuna a shit.

Their entire purpose is to show how Setsuna is perceived by others and some minor tension relief. I never found them that annoying, but certainly uninteresting.

Yeah, nobody seems to discuss it anywhere.

It's fine up to Coda. Actually I tested Coda out (don't tell me I'm the only who tried that after that fucking hype ass Coda trailer at the end of CC?) and at the very least the first 10 minutes of Coda that I tried were translated as well.

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I tried for a bit, but my ITH wasn't working with it so I gave up pretty fast based on where I am with my language level.

What the fuck is wrong with your eyes

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Bro, if you hate Setsuna you're going to hate S2 if it gets made, lol.

>I never found them that annoying

They are overly intrusive, meddling and pushy. Haruki isn't even going out with Setsuna in CC and worse still, after the Hotel incident he had every right to move on. Yet they treat him like scum of the earth for doing nothing wrong, Io even slaps him in his own house.

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I'm a little confused. So Introductory, Closing, and Coda are 3 separate parts of the same game?

Anyone else think they executed the bombshell ending of Setsuna's CC route fucking perfectly. Whichever order you did the routes in, you're conditioned to accept that Kazusa is gone, written out of the story. The Setsuna route is well written enough that the reconciliation with Setsuna is believable and eventually it gets to the point where it's all settled and then boom, after credits.

The VN is a masterpiece.

Indeed, exactly that.

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They aren't on good terms, but from everyone else's perspective they're still "dating". That's all a result of how manipulative Setsuna is. They think Haruki is the one making this sweet/kind/ideal girl miserable. Haruki also never defends himself so they think he's just basically assuming all fault. They are overly intrusive and pushy, but I don't find it annoying knowing they are mostly ignorant of the whole truth.

Remember when Haruki rubbed his dick on Mari's ss and came on her tights then ran out the house screaming that he's a rapist? Fucking hilarious.

I had been spoiled to CC and Coda so I knew it would happen, but you're correct I was convinced it wouldn't happen in CC

Worse than Mihoko Yada? Who guilt tripped her best friend into having to go to a different University and lose all her friends because she 'stole' her crush.


> "Haruki-kun hasn't forgotten at all! He hasn't forgotten about you at all, Kazusa!"

Too good.

>tfw the scene is depressingas fuck in the VN and ot sexy at all

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Did anyone else feel really bad for Setsuna? She didn't do anything wrong. She was a good gf and a good friend who deserved better.

Coincidentally, Damekoi (also written by Maruto) was released in English recently.
what part are you at right now?
Are they still working on Coda?

In IC? Even she admitted she was on borrowed time, she knew they were in love. Regardless of whether you think she was right to act on Kazusa's reluctance to do so, she knew already that Kazusa stole Haruki's heart long before she made a move. This is why for my part at least, I don't hate her, she chose to move knowin the potential consequences nd WA2 being what it was, we got that amazing ending where nothing was magically handwaved and happy, but instead everyone's shit choices come to a head and everyone loses.

>Are they still working on Coda?

No idea, CC took ages to be made, apparently Coda's routes combined is longer than even all CC routes combined? If so, it makes sense.

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Imagine being Haruki in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Touma, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous baritone. I would totally have sex with you, both my role as an upstanding class representative and the real me." when all he really wants to do is make out with Setsuna in the back seat. Like seriously imagine having to be Haruki and not only lie in that bed while Kazusa bares her disgusting body beneath you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her eyebags and rotting teeth, and just pounding her, hour after hour, while she worked herself to climax. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone at school whispers how she's this COOL BEAUTY and DAMN, TOUMA KAZUSA LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to lie there inches away and watch her mannish fucking horse face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Takeya groupies and school idols and later alleged underclassmen for your ENTIRE ADOLESCENCE coming straight out of middle school. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe suggestively under you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to lie there and embrace her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard to mismanage in recent years. And then she grunts at you to fuck her harder, and you know you could strangle that fucking cello player before he could lunge for the doorway, but you grip the sheets and endure, because you're Kitahara fucking Haruki. You're not going to lose your future trophy-husband career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Happy Birthday, Touma!

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Best romance anime of all time

Our girl got fucked hard before leaving at least.

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Did they even use protection?

No, I don't have the screencap but he busted a fat ass nut inside her, I think she asked him to even. That reminds me of the scene in Koharu's route where he DOES buy condoms and then never uses them in any sex scene with her.

In CC he has sex for like a week straight with Setsuna in her route, without protection.

I saw a screencap in which she told him to "leave a scar that never heals" inside her, which sound both cringy and hot as fuck.

I had to turn the sound off for the sex scenes, not because I didn't want anyone to hear, but because I didn't want to hear. Apparently Japanese women don't moan in pleasure.

She does say that yeah. What I liked was that even in the anime, you see her dig her nails deep into his shoulder during the sex scene and the morning after he's clutching at that area afterwards because he still feels it. Which is from the VN. As far as cringy goes, the sex scenes aren't Fte/Stay Night bad, but they get kinda' awkward after a while, but I suppose they need to show how Haruki fucks to escape his misery

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For melodrama you can't beat the painful, teary, yet somehow beautiful 'last day on earth together' sex scene in IC.

Happy birthday Kazusa. Best girl and canon wife.

Man, Setsuna really stole the show in closing chapter. It's rare to see a female character with such depth in a romance eroge. Easily the best written from WA2. I don't hate Touma but she feels far more close to the anime female archetypes.

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The translation is watered down English compared to how it's actually worded in Japanese.
If you just want to know the story, then it's good enough.

> That's all a result of how manipulative Setsuna is.
Yeah Setsuna is a manipulative girl, but just read "The Idol Who Forgot How To Sing" for fucks sake. Your perception of Setsuna, Haruki and their situation at the beginning of CC is utterly wrong.

Ah, and Happy Birthday to Kazusa.

Happy Birthday, Kazusa.

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>Anyone else think they executed the bombshell ending of Setsuna's CC route fucking perfectly.
I knew about this scene beforehand, but when it actually happened, I was all shivering. At that point, I could easily understand what exactly Haruki was feeling.

How long does one need to study Japanese to appreciate the game?

Good night

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I'm still bitter

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>apparently Coda's routes combined is longer than even all CC routes combined?
No. CC is by far the longest part of WA2.

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It's kind of unrelated, but did anyone read Damekoi now that it is English? It's what Maruto wrote right before WA2 and you can kind of tell that since WA2 seems to take certain ideas from Damekoi and refine or expand on them.

So is Kazusa true ending the Canon ending? I just want Coda to be translated so I can get more Kazusa

All endings are canon.

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It's certainly what adheres to the 'Other Side of Happiness' theme.
Setsuna True doesn't show what's on the other side and Kazusa Normal is just suffering.

I’m waiting until Coda’s done so I can read it all in one go.

All endings are canon. Maruto doesn't have a preference. Heard haruki's VA prefered Setsuna.

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I'm playing Koichoco so I can justify my hatred towards Chisato.

sweet jump cut at 1:18

Happy Birthday Kazusa!

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I heard that recording for WA2 took its toll on Haruki's VA because of how fucking depressing it gets

Which ideas?

For those off us who can't read Japanese, may well be the most excruciating cliffhanger of all time

How burger it is?

Too long. Don't hope that you'll be able to start playing Japanese games from VNs.

Is it commie tier TL? Did these retards cut off honorifics?

>Did these retards cut off honorifics?
No, they didn't. It's always "Mari-san…"

In later "chapters" too, or only in introductory arc?

Of course I'm talking about CC.

WA2 is the last place I expected to see a JoJo reference

Post that walking scene


Has anyone heard the collection of WA2 songs sang by the VA of Kazusa? They're pretty good, especially Todokanai Koi since it was written for her, Setsuna still owns Powder Snow though.

We had a thread when it came out. Well, Nabatame isn't a vocalist, but it still sounded great. I liked her Closing and Answer.

Based Chisato hater

Didn't Setsuna's VA actually cry because she thought people liked Kazusa more?

Don't remember about her crying, but she was shocked when she learnt about it.


Just want to say Mari route is underrated

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>There's actually another funny story about that.




>Apparently Haruki's VA told Kazusa's VA that he preferred Kazusa then at a later date she overheard him telling another staff member that he preferred Setsuna so now Kazusa's VA hates him. They asked him the same thing on the radio show at a later date where he finally clarified that his opinion changed and he prefers Setsuna but it is a very close race. 51 to 49 in Setsuna's favor.

>Some WA2 staff trivia
>1) Haruki's VA, Mizushima Takahiro favors Setsuna over Kazusa albeit according to him the ratio is 51:49 in Setsuna's favor.
>2) Nabatabe Hitomi never got the full script for Closing chapter and only got lines for THAT concert scene hence for the longest time she had no idea what happened in CC.
>3) Yonezawa Madoka, Setsuna's VA seems to be genuinely depressed that so many of the players seem to favor Kazusa over Setsuna (from fan mail, a large majority of the players seem to be Kazusafags)
>4) According to the VAs during one of the radio shows, the majority of the staff who work on the anime favor Setsuna.
>5) For the longest time the 3 VAs thought Maruto was biased towards Setsuna until the very last few episodes of the radio show where Maruto clarified that he doesn't favor either and never intended for either to be seen as the "correct choice". It was always meant to be 50/50.
>6) During the recordings for the Coda's cheating route, Maruto noted that Haruki's VA was so completely into his role that he genuinely looked like crap at the end of the recordings. Maruto stated that he wrote the extra episode in the PS3 and Vita versions as a way to lighten up the ending of the cheating route and as an apology to Haruki's VA for putting him through that.
>7) The game director actually gave Haruki's VA a choice on the order of recording Coda's routes. Initially he wanted to go Setsuna > Cheating > Kazusa but the director shot it down since he didn't want to end the recordings on the most depressing ending so in the end they went Cheating > Kazusa > Setsuna.

There was a DL link for the radio shows, but it no longer works.


Who cares? Setsuna is pretty much the best written character from WA2. I can see otakus liking kazusa more as she close to the usual female anime archetype but Setsuna is the MVP of closing chapter.

Setsuna is the best character, but Kazusa is best girl. And there is absolutely no contradiction.

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>Kazusa is best girl.
I respectfully disagree.

Playing through IC right now. Planning on going through CC slowly and hopefully by the time I'm done Coda will be done. Luckily the devs have a guide on how to run the translation through wine.

It's alright. I like Setsuna too (in fact, you can't help liking her after CC even if you used to dislike her before), just not as much as Kazusa.

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Nah, Kazusa is just way more normalfag friendly character. Look at all characters like this. Utaha from Saekano and other ones, Yukino from oregairu or Suzune from youkoso jitsuryoku. They are always way more popular.

They are nothing alike besides having long dark hair.

That distinction is the most I've ever agreed upon anything

They are giving the same edgy vibe.

Mari was a nice person, imagine having a boss who cared for your mental health.

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) During the recordings for the Coda's cheating route, Maruto noted that Haruki's VA was so completely into his role that he genuinely looked like crap at the end of the recordings. Maruto stated that he wrote the extra episode in the PS3 and Vita versions as a way to lighten up the ending of the cheating route and as an apology to Haruki's VA for putting him through that

A western VA would never give themselves into a role like that.

Mari's route is genuinely bad. Maybe except for the final part.

That why people with properly functioning brains would never even put in consideration watching literally any dub.

Monkey's Paw: Closing Chapter is animated, but dubbed. DESU that's not a bad thing at all imo, if it means WA2 afresh in everyone's minds.

Haruki really is absolutely fucked up in Closing Chapter. It's interesting whenever you talk about or go back to IC/the anime and know he's about to head into a 3 year long clinical depression.

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>Kazusa is just way more normalfag friendly character.
Which is what said by calling her being close to the female anime archetypes namely kuudere. Normal Audience get drawn to such characters. Setsuna leans a lot on the realistic side of a female and how girls actually are in real life. That's what makes her stand out against Kazusa.

Setsuna is practically an Angel compared to other people, let alone other girls.

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user she is a flawed and selfish individual close to how women really are, that's what makes her journey as a character so much more relatable compared to Touma. I have seen dozens of rich talented kuudere archetypes who have been pampered to death in the genre. That's why Setsuna stood out to me, she felt real.

urgh this scene was amazing

I tried looking up the WA2 dub once out of morbid curiosity, but surprisingly, it's never gotten one. Not sure if disappoint.

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I like her After All. It was also the version used in the anime.

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>Kazusa will never kick you

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Is the VN worth playing ? Is it just boring girl routes ?
For the notice I hated EF a tale of two(anime was pretty good tho)

Yes. It's pretty great.

The anime was a faithful adptation, if you mean is it worth for the follow up story past the anime, then yeah.

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Too cruel

The only part of the anime I think went too far, though it at least makes sense.

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Find you a girl who will support and lift you up in times of uncertainty and insecurity.

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Where's this art from?

From IC to CC, she's actually the only girl who doesn't suck Haruki's dick. I imagine she does it a lot in Coda though...


I-Is that so? Now that I think about it, I guess she only got the one sex scene in IC before leaving.

>I-Is that so?

Yes, even Koharu deepthroats him at work after everyone else has left their shift.Then she tells everyone there as gossip when they both resign, which was actually really funny.

I can't speak for Coda but out of IC and CC the IC sex scene is the best by far.

Speaking of the sex scenes, the way the way the screen starts flashing white when Haruki busts a nut (complete with the CG showing it going everywhere) makes it feel so powerful, man.

Probably won't see this thread next time I wake up, but it's been fun. this and the Setsuna ones actually, I'm always surprised at how much people appreciate WA2.

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we had a great thread about three years ago that somehow lasted about four days. it was great coming back at night after classes and reading it again

Speaks volumes that the series is this old and we still to this day discuss who is best girl, who won in canon..etc

Anyone remember pic related and how much of a fucking tease it is?

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Unironically think that when I make my Top Anime of the Decade list later this year, WA2 is gonna be at the top

If I'm being boring I say that Neon Genesis is my favourite anime but any other time its WA2.

Both are great, just two different experiences

When is Coda getting translated? I'm too retarded to learn Japanese ;_;

That was right after I watched it and needed to pour out my sorrows. I really appreciated everyone keeping it alive that long.

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Indeed, WA2 at least has the romance genre on lockdown. Funnily enough its also the psychology of the characters that sets it apart for me amongst other things, so in a way it shares that with NGE

Yeah they both play around with the theme of needing to have a little selfishness. "all you gotta do is say yes"

>Apparently Haruki's VA told Kazusa's VA that he preferred Kazusa then at a later date she overheard him telling another staff member that he preferred Setsuna so now Kazusa's VA hates him. They asked him the same thing on the radio show at a later date where he finally clarified that his opinion changed and he prefers Setsuna but it is a very close race. 51 to 49 in Setsuna's favor.
Don't tell me they are actually fucking behind the scenes too. Haruki's VA sounds like he can be an eroge protagonist himself.

basically happened in the kara no kyoukai production. the two main VAs ended up getting married

happy birthday best girl!

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I did a double-take for a sec until I realized you were talking about VAs in general fucking, and not specifically the part about the WA2 VAs.

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How's that translation coming along?

thanks for the experience, I guess

Thanks for the therapy!

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Well, they released CC last year, and Coda's at 9.58% according to the progress link on their page:


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Have you rewatched since then? Whenever winter starts, I usually marathon it in a day or two, just wouldn't be the same without it.

No, reading IC will be my rewatch. There was also , but I guess I dodged a bullet there.

>think you're fully recovered after 3 years
>chest tightens at piano piece in
My body may not be ready.

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Damn, hope you recover from your illness soon.


Haha, I'm not ill, just using an outdated(?) meme. Sorry that came out melodramatic.

I think the anime did leave me legit depressed for a while though; the sort where you start reflecting on your own life and everything looks bleak. And part of you feels like you SHOULD stay sad, because it's the proof of a beautiful story. I bet that's an inkling of how it feels when a family member dies; like it'd be wrong to stop grieving them.

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I know you're not sick. Twas a joke ha

The "fuck my life" part wore off first, but I still thought back on the story a lot in the first year or so, esp. when winter rolled around, then Valentine's Day. Gradually this became less frequent/sad, and I considered myself fully recovered after 2 years. Can't believe it's been another year already.

Oh, good.

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I remember back when I read the game, the cheating route left me seriously depressed, Kazusa's true route wasn't much better, such an amazing game, hope it gets a good translation sometime.

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Megumi is more popular
Iroha and Yui is more popular than Yukino (due to the anime). even though she is not a romance heroine.
>Suzune from youkoso jitsuryoku
Is she? Fans boycotted the anime with having more Suzune scenes.

Introverted Yamato Nadeshiko types aren't normalfag friendly, and genki/tsundere types are more towards that. So that's false.

Maybe Utaha and Suzune, but Yukino? That's false.

I hear the later game sprites looked increasingly derpy due to a deadline crunch or something. I wish they had gone back and fixed them for the BDs, so to speak. There've been a number of rerelease editions, after all.

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I didn't like CC so I dropped it but I did read the coda summaries and like kazusa true end so I'll take that as my canon ending

Sad that there's no girls like Kasusa out there maybe


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Best girl

>tfw you forget her birthday

Attached: D7vjAcHVUAAunjl.jpg (500x500, 51K)

And good night again

Attached: D7vjCOZU8AAkUVG.jpg (500x500, 53K)

Attached: 74940675_p0.png (524x744, 159K)

Translations for the Mini After Story and other shit here: wa2analysis.wordpress.com/full-white-album-2-translations/

Thank you, user. Haven't seen this before.

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Got a link top that radio drama of Haruki and Kazusa. I didn't understand a word of it but holy shit did Kazusa sound happier than she has at any point in this series. It makes you realize all their pain worth it.

It's amazing how anything with Kazusa and Haruki post-Kazusa true is absolutely heart warming.

It feels like we've been with them through so much pain.

The culmination of this for me is the image of Kazusa in her wedding dress, about to Marry Haruki in the room where they first kissed. I don't have the pic but she looks good, the lonely prodigy finally marrying her soulmate

What didn't you like about it?

Attached: 267_2.png (1280x720, 1.4M)

That's it. Perfect picture, just look at that 'I can't believe this is really happening to someone like me' face

Was this official?


Attached: it's the name my mother gave me.png (1920x1080, 775K)

How can people say Setsuna is canon after all that

Setsuna got a fan-disk after story too which ends Haruki and Setsuna having a child
Kazusa does have more post ending stuff, but I think part of it is due to people thinking that Haruki and Kazusa were just depressed after Kazusa true so Maruto needed to prove them wrong.

Props to the guys that have been looking after this thread.

Non trolling question but do we knows the birthdays for the other heroines

Chiaki: August 6
Mari: January 1st
Koharu: November 16

Attached: WhiteAlbum2_kazusa_haruki_guitar_fanart_Amano1549.jpg (1593x1395, 261K)


dropped this, but did the song at the end of episode 1 ever get a full version released?

Attached: WhiteAlbum2_kazusa_popsicle_birthday_fanart_Ignite0856.jpg (776x759, 170K)

>Haruki with Kazusa
>has his guitar
Yep, that's fanart alright.

Could it be another guitar?

White Album with just Setsuna and piano? Not officially (dammit), although people have overlaid tracks from the game:

I think the piano still has a different sound from the anime's, though.

There's also versions that overlay a Haruki guitar track, but they tend to use a louder, twangier track instead of the one meant to match the voice and piano. A while back I extracted the relevant game tracks if you want to play around with 'em:

Includes the three 1:46 tracks for voice/piano/guitar, the longer/louder guitar track, and longer piano track. Also some versions of Todokanai Koi. (Guitar, slower guitar, guitar+vocal, and piano.)

Attached: WhiteAlbum2_kazusa_classicpianopieces-cover-scan_huge.jpg (2850x2814, 3.75M)

Kazusa is so generic, hime cut long black hair tsundere. It's always the worst archetype.
Setsuna on the other hand is lovely cute genki deredere that will always love you unconditionally.
I can't for the life of me understand how anyone would pick Kazusa over Setsuna.

Attached: 850c44992b095a60073fde7be3bca4be.jpg (1280x1533, 281K)

Who the fuck will make a happy birthday thread for Chiaki

Seeing as we're here does anyone need help installing the Visual Novel

The best fanart anyone can ever make is an older Haruki and Kasusa at home watching their little girl sit on Youko's lap as she teaches her granddaughter to play the piano

oh hey we're still here

Attached: MariRoute2.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Attached: WA2CC15.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Attached: WA2CC28.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

Hope Youko's cancer stays in remission

Legit the one story I'm worried about reading, hate reading about people with cancer in any form.

Shit sucks

It's funny because like Touma, I used to hate Youko. But for me it was because she took Touma to Paris with her and away from Haruki, but I know now that it was Touma's choice to feel like she had to, not Youko. Regardless, no one deserves to be given an ongoing death sentence like that.

Attached: WA2CC10.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

I just like the way she says "gee-tah kun". Tickles me.

I like that she shares Kasusa's love of 8 teaspoonsor so of sugar in her tea.

That shit is fucking disgusting though

They suffer no ill effects for it though.Touma genes too good.

Attached: KazusaVN7.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

Keeping dentists in business across the globe.


Attached: ghacca.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Is this why WA2 has a jojo reference?

Maybe, although it's not like they're not both referencing The Beatles anyway.

Takeya is quoting Dio in that picture though.

I know he is. What I meant that maybe WA2 just references jojo because jojo, not because of any specific connection to the title.

Oh my bad, fair enough then. I lost my shit at that bit though.

Unironically a great "localization" choice for the translator to go with the meme translation of that line, since it's what western readers would find easiest to recognize and the line itself basically demands that it be recognized as a reference.

Takeya is literally the MC from WA1. Fuck him.

More life lessons from Mri-san.

Attached: WA2CC17.png (1920x1080, 2.9M)

This is anti-japanese propaganda. Please delete at once

Don't worry she's a monster workaholic for real.

Abe approves

Attached: 220px-Shinzō_Abe_Official_(cropped_2).jpg (220x282, 13K)

It's just occured to me that I have no screencaps of Mari friend who only shows up in her route. I dunno' if anyone will back me up on this or not but she's one of the best characters in CC for me. I loved her jealousy at Mari bagging a toyboy boyfriend, but I also really loved that she tried to help Haruki get back to Mari after they split up because she knows it was killing Mari to be alone.

Fuck it maybe I'll make some screencaps, she was a great character.

Attached: WA2CC34.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Do as you desire. Isn't that the theme of WA@ anyway?

This was a savage break up.


Attached: MariRoute3.png (1920x1080, 3.06M)

You've activated my trap card!

Attached: WhiteAlbum2_mari_coffee_blackcock_mod.png (1280x720, 1.15M)

She had to get her release somehow in her constant jet setting for work...

Canned Coffee in Japan tastes like anal leakage

Kazusa is canon. She even gets an extra drama CD that none of the other girls got, not even Setsuna.

>I think part of it is due to people thinking that Haruki and Kazusa were just depressed after Kazusa true so Maruto needed to prove them wrong.
They also got an additional New Years drama CD in 2016 that is just so wholesome and heartwarming; something Setsuna never got.

Because one fell in love with you naturally, the other manipulated and schemed her way into being with you. For a board that is all about putting Thots in their places, you faggots sure would get strung around by them pretty fucking easily

Well both girls fell in love with Haruki naturally though.

Attached: rxn_notamused_Yotsuba.jpg (336x150, 11K)

Yea, but Kazusa's only crime was that she wasn't able to confess first. If left to their own devices, it was a fact that Kazusa and Haruki would have been together. Setsuna intentionally butted into that, manipulated the people around her by playing into her nice girl shtick, and all but forced Haruki to date her because she knew he was too nice to reject her. In any real world equivalent, a relationship made under those pretenses would end and never be rekindled because people who act like Setsuna typically never learn the errors of their ways. I seriously feel like anyone that likes her is falling for her manipulations too, because on the surface she seems nice, but underneath she is a rotten person.

At this point I've accepted that we'll never get a Season 2, but does anyone know if there's still a chance for an official VN translation? With all the other big names getting one I was hoping this might get one too.

Attached: wa2.jpg (400x567, 182K)

it's been 6 years since they announced the anime bros...

will they ever announce a CC adaption ;_;

Attached: 50 episodes of idols and drama.gif (510x266, 14K)

Nah. IC was most likely done as a marketing move for the PS3/Vita ports of WA2. Koharu's VA has also completely disappeared and who knows if Maruto would be okay with recasting her.

I haven't tried installing yet. Hope the patch works with the Extended Edition.

If it hasn't happened by now, it won't ever.

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Attached: WA2CC12.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

I read that as 95.8% at first and got really excited

Attached: 1484267008831.png (927x1075, 924K)

I'm sorry

Attached: rxn_donotwant_GE_ch024_p002crop.png (380x250, 51K)

Happy Birthday, Touma.

i want to CUM INSIDE setsuna!

I want to be by Setsuna's side when she is feeling lonely, and tell her that everything will be ok, that I'll be always near, so she can fall in love with me. And when she has opened her heart enough for me I'll kiss her gently and start making love to her, slowly and with care, hold her hands and see her face full of joy and satisfaction, and right when she is about to climax, when she's showing her most vulnerable and human side, tell her "I love you Touma" as I cum inside her.
Seeing how her face changes from extreme happiness to despair with just those words, would be glorious.

Attached: WhiteAlbum2_setsuna_pre_bed_kis_str_huge.jpg (3000x2000, 1.87M)

>Kazusa is canon
I mean you can decide your canon but as far as Maruto is concerned, every ending is canon. This is just like the fate VN scenario. Everyone prefer an ending over the other.

Am I the only one who was a toumafag after finishing the anime but became a die-hard setsunafag after reading CC? It's really hard to not appreciate her character writing. It's rare to see such quality writing when it comes to females especially by a male writer. Usually they either make them unattainable prizes or completly despicable sluts.

Can I directly read CC after watching the anime?

Wow the thread is still alive. God bless you lads


Yes, but you'd better read IC too. You will understand much more about Setsuna at the very least.

You aren't alone bro. Setsuna is pretty much the MVP of Closing chapter, even has great moments in other routes.

>even has great moments in other routes
She is the most important part of EVERY route in CC. I mean, Mari's route was quite average until that scene at the ski resort, not to mention THAT scene at the end of Koharu route.

Attached: mpgEMPR.jpg (1280x720, 278K)

>Mari's route was quite average until that scene at the ski resort

I think thescene where Mari goes berserk and trashes her own apartment is sick. Also, any scene with her friend, who is extremely underrated.

I think the anime is superior to IC, even if just because of the way music is used. It's the best adaptation I've probably ever seen.

Would slam

Haruki certainly did.

Attached: SpaceJam_welcome-to-japan.jpg (500x375, 19K)

Good night (morning)

Attached: [UTW]_White_Album_2_-_11_[BD][h264-720p][AAC][BD11A3E2].mkv_snapshot_08.56_[2019.05.31_06.31.33].jpg (1280x720, 145K)

>I think thescene where Mari goes berserk and trashes her own apartment is sick
I didn't really like it. It just showed how shallow Mari was.

Night, sleepyhead.

How so? Haruki was definitely taking the piss there. She had every right to be angry. Idon't she's shallow, but she's obviously incredibly insecure. And cute because of it.

Attached: KazusaVN3.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

Agreed. Mari is an insecure mess that needs lots of reassurance and love.

She's actually a good person too. Who cares for Haruki's wellbeing and mental health. Fuck Japan for thinking 25+ years old is too old though, wtf.

>How so?
I got the impression that the whole thing with Haruki was more like an affair rather than serious feelings for her.
>She had every right to be angry.
It's not about having the right, it's about her consideration towards Haruki.
One more thing is that she never met Setsuna. Maruto probably couldn't create an impactful scene for their meeting - because Mari wasn't actually as involved with Haruki as Koharu or even Chiaki were.

>I got the impression that the whole thing with Haruki was more like an affair rather than serious feelings for her.

That's why she was fucking pissed though, she was led to believe he actually cared about her. Unlike the way everyone gave Haruki shit for 'cheating' on Setsuna, here he really was just taking the piss with Mari.

>It's not about having the right, it's about her consideration towards Haruki.

Like he did to her? Come on man.

Check out this Kazusa pic

oopss wrong link before


It's like, wow, I never would have thought someone would mix those 2 visual novels.

The art is freaking awesome

Let's not get crazy now.

Attached: WA2CC56.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

People can have their opinions but Setsuna certainly loves Haruki the most. It was so hard to go through all the routes and watching her suffer.

Let's not forget, Haruki probably suffered more than Setsuna and Kazusa did, for three years straight he tried to work himself into unconsciousness every night because of how much the guilt was killing him.

Attached: WA2CC57.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

No kidding. I'd marry Mari in a second.

Thread is still up? Thank you anons.

Wait til you read the touma normal ending in Coda

I also heard that the firet IC translations back then were pretty good
But as a filthy ESL, beggars cant be choosers

All endings are canon
But theme-wise it has to be kazusa true end

Just watched the anime back then but planning to read the vn
Is the IC anime better than the vn or the other way around?

The hell happened to the translation? Havent had an update for years

She's not a bad choice for Haruki at all in my opinion, I think that's a credit to the writing that I can totally see that if Haruki can't have Touma ever again, the wedge between Setsuna and Haruki was too wide to close.

And it's really fucking cute that after Setsuna blew Haruki the fuck out of that Hotel and he felt like absolute shit, this dependable, cute woman who cares about him was there to comfort him, I think it's beautiful.

Attached: WA2CC25.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

They're both really good, but I'd say the IC anime is just slightly better than the VN, but the VN gives you more in-sight into Haruki's thoughts. The IC anime is probably one of the best visual novel to anime adaptation, but it was also a passion project for some of the staff.
IC and CC are completely done and edited. They're slowly working on Coda and have a daily tracking log on their site.

>fucking a girl so hard she has troubles walking afterwards
What a monster

>They're both really good, but I'd say the IC anime is just slightly better than the VN,

Agreed, I said it before but it's the music that edges it for me. The way Sayonara no Koto just comes in beforet he actual credits at the end, leaving you to just take everything in, in some cases a lot.

>Is the IC anime better than the vn or the other way around?
I liked VN better, but anime was still good.


>not gratuitous
>not censored (unless you watched the cencored version which isn't how it was originally)
>not too long
>furthered the plot

Literally best sex scene in anime imo. (excluding hentai)

I still find it hilarious how many people ended up watching WA2 because of that scene and had no damn idea what they were getting into.

probably. I really like the way that scene inverts the usual use of sex in anime. Rather than being a cumulative moment in their relationship, it ends up ripping them apart. Also the music is wonderful.

>I really like the way that scene inverts the usual use of sex in anime. Rather than being a cumulative moment in their relationship, it ends up ripping them apart.

And now I realised something else I loved about it, thank you.

Attached: WA2VN2.png (1920x1080, 295K)

Ironically i had vague understanding of what i'm getting into except i didn't knew about that scene.

Attached: 1546488520686.png (405x289, 121K)

he sex scene was adapted probably as perfect as it gets, but the VN version is fucking depressing as shit too.

Attached: WA2IC5.png (1920x1080, 293K)

Attached: WA2IC6.png (1920x1080, 296K)

must be a rough decision for anyone from an island nation like japan to go "out into the world", so to speak. cultures can be so insular

Good job she's a massive, rich, introvert. She had everything she could possibly want in life, besides Haruki.

rich folks suffer like the rest of us, I guess.

I'm posting these going backwards, but oh well. At what point do I need to spoiler these anyway.

Attached: WA2IC7.png (1920x1080, 323K)


That fucking lucky bastard. I wish he would die.

at no point, pretty sure everyone in these threads has seen at least the anime of that part

I feel your pain. Be happy for Mari-san, he really did make her feel loved and needed.

It's more that I forgot the rules for spoilering lewd content, but I suppose we're nowhere near that.

Attached: WA2CC39.png (1920x1080, 2.7M)

true. I have no idea what the rules are for lewd text images on Yea Forums. Maybe just spoilering explicit depictions of sex would work. Who knows what Kazusa is really kyaaaaaaaa-ing about? Could be anything.

True, if I ever get round to posting any actual sex cgs I guess I will do that. Also, a little late but sorry if I spoiled anything in CC too.

It's fine, thank you for keeping the thread alive

Cheers. I'm making the most of it.. Maybe someone will even get curious about CC which is a plus.

here you go, here's the line. It can seem quite edgy but I think it works. Judging from the walking scene, he succeeded too.

Attached: WA2IC78.png (1920x1080, 289K)

Nevermind I'm fucking retarded.

Attached: WA2IC79.png (1920x1080, 236K)

Well I guess he did

I know it's kinda redundant since she took his blazer buttons, but I like to think whatever lingering pain she was feeling as she walked out like that, she somewhat took with pride in a 'this is the proof that me and Haruki loved ech other' sort of way.

Yeah I agree. I think the physical pain is a bit more thematically relevant (all about love that hurts you) than just taking the buttons.

I suppose. The buttons were just a different kind of symbolic since I think they were like a physical representation of claiming someone. All I know is that IIRC Setsuna saw them missing when she came into Haruki's room, and probably almost instantly processed what happened, so they at least had that.

True, I forgot about that part. There's a lot going on in CC with physical vs emotional intimacy, maybe the buttons vs the scar is another example of that.

I liked that Kazusa had the presence of mind to undo the buttons from the blazer, even though she was feeling like shit emotionally and trying to not wake up Haruki.

Attached: WA2IC10.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

nimble piano fingers

10 hours a day, or something like that.

Attached: KazusaVN4.png (1920x1080, 2.88M)

Semi-related, but that kind of thing can really fuck a kid up. I remember reading Andre Agassi's (the tennis player) autobiography, and the training regimen his dad forced on him seriously messed him up.

Is this why he became bald?

Well in Kazusa's case, it was all she had and wanted to do. A bit like me playing vidya. I think it's a reverse case, her mother abandoning her already fucked her up and Kazusa replaced it with practice.

>Error:Duplicate file exists

Erghhhh, I'm finally here, posting so many pics I can't rememeber

Attached: KazusaVN1.png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

Coda won't be done.

No, that's genetics. Either he or his brother (I forget which) apparently used to hang upside down off the top of their bunk bed because they thought gravity would keep their hair growing

Might as well how to read Japanese. anyone know if it's accurate to say that It seems intimidating only because people conflate that with learning to speak and understand spoken Japanese when it's a bit easier?

I'm surprised people still see Baldness as a genetic defect.

well it was years ago, so not really surprising that he would think that

Well, 9.58% in 8 months is worrisome, but they did deliver IC/CC, so I wouldn't count them out just yet.

I would bet learning to speak/understand is easier than the written form, if anything. Everyone learns to speak as a child, not everyone learns to write.

I just meant in general really, I mean it is a defect I guess. But it's so normal now you can forget.

People don't want to lose a sizable part of their looks. It is normal, but generally attractive people don't have it.

From what I remember being in their discord, at first they had their hands full repairing the damaged reputation the initial machine translation left int its wake, and when CC was done some notorious autist came in and started nitpicking and shitting on translation quality.
There were some reddit threads as well and CC's release went very quiet for something as anticipated as WA2 translation.

Tfw got burnt out while waiting for CC so I got into another VN trilogy that left me more scarred than WA2 could ever do. Gotta revisit what's translated and finish it all up again some time though.

Attached: [Kirion] White Album 2 - 13 (BD 720p x264 AAC).mp4_20180316_024511.239.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Sounds like they've lost the heart for it thanks to entitled losers moaning about it. If I could I'd tell the people who translated it that them translating CC meant a lot to me, but alas. There's a a better VN than WA2 out there? Which one?

>9.58% in 8 months
>04 Jan 2018 19:47:51 GMT
>Coda: 2341/24209 (9.66%)
>29 May 2019 20:07:53 GMT
>Coda: 2350/24529 (9.58%)

TL drama... TL drama never changes.

Attached: rxn_rustled_tightlippedglare.jpg (960x960, 175K)

>actually went backwards in percent
It's never happening, is it...

You can join their discord, it's still active. The pace has died down significantly though so there's that. It's definitely not abandoned in any way so just be patient.
Cartagra -> Kara no Shoujo -> Kara no Shoujo: The Second Episode. It's got its own brand of suffering and murder mysteries/body horror might be a turn-off for some people, but I enjoyed these a lot.
The last VN in the series is being worked on as of now, there were news that they finished writing the script.

Attached: yande.re 389977 sample cartagra japanese_clothes kouzuki_kazuna pantyhose sugina_miki.jpg (990x1500, 328K)

I realized that estimate was the best-case scenario assuming they started from zero right after CC's release, but never imagined the % could've gone DOWN.

Attached: Z.jpg (191x264, 9K)

CC had gone through numerous passes and could've been released much earlier, albeit in significantly worse quality.

Thank you, I'm very much into VN these days. I've also been told Fruits of Grisasia or whatever it's called is very good, but that sounds cool too. nd I probably will pop by to say I appreciate their work on CC, I guess it sounds sad but WA2 is somen ext level series for me.

Dunno' why people would doubt their dedication to accuracy after hearing stuff like that. Does sound like they could use a hand or two though.

You have no idea how Maruto goes out of the way to keep using idioms to better the prose.
As mentioned in the thread earlier, if you only wanted to know what's happening then it's good enough but it still wouldn't be accurate.
And some translators can churn out volumes of LN every month at a decent quality. Considering this is a staff larger than that, this is very slow.
But I digress, if you can, WA2 is a good read in its original form as well.

I say again, if WA2 or just VNs in general could be classed as games, Coda translated would be my most anticipated 'game' release of the year hands down. One way or another, I'll be reading it.

So the radio revival was nothing more than an ad for the live event?

Is this really considered a Kamige? I hardly ever see it in Top 10 VN lists any more.

Attached: WA2CC1.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

Nice butt

you beat me to the bump. Heh.

Attached: Setsuna4.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

It's the thought that counts

> I got into another VN trilogy that left me more scarred than WA2 could ever do
Which one?

Had a mild panic when I got another duplicate image error and thought my blunder was going to be the cause of this thread being sent into the archives.

Attached: Setsuna3.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

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Thank you for your service.

I blinked at the sword, then realized she's cosplaying Dies Irae.


Always terrifying. I forgot there can be a Friday-evening rush that pushes it down faster.

Attached: DiesIrae_24_a_browne_blkh_sword_flames.png (800x600, 561K)

>in Coda
So basically never

Barely any fucking merch of this series.

Wait, you saying Touma never ever sucks Haruki's dick?

Let the thread die already Jesus.

Attached: slurp.jpg (390x390, 47K)

It's strange how they gave Setsuna a smaller chest in the anime.

Okay, that makes more sense. Can only imagine how hard it was for her to walk when Haruki presumably let loose the 5 years of pent up frustration and emotion on her.

iirc it's only in CC they get that big though. I think they look kinda' ridiculous but I guess that's just me.

I mean we'll NEVER EVER see it happen because coda will NEVER be released

To be fair, she's older in that screenshot.

>Check back on the "well-written female characters" thread
>Chiaki route spoilers
God dammit.

Attached: images.jpg (187x269, 10K)

Chiaki has probably the biggest gut punch in the entirety of CC that is unrelated to the main trio love triangle. It completely fucking changes your impression of her, and that's pretty cool imo.

How much trouble did Haruki cause here? A lot.

Attached: Haruki1.png (1366x768, 1.79M)

The only problem about cartagra is that i thought that the MC is the one who will solve mysteries but at the end the one who got it all right was his imouto unlike in kns you're THE detective of the story
Its a decent mystery though but my expectation killed it for me

WA2 threads usually are rare these days but they do last long


this any good?

Also Yea Forums is an imageboard and I'll post images on the board if I want to.

Attached: Kazusa3.png (1366x768, 1.74M)

Any straight guy would be a monster seeing this

the sounds all the girls make when being shagged made me mute the voices, let alone killed my boner. Dunno' how Haruki did it

>going from WA2 to KnS2
You must really hate yourself. The games themselves are soul crushing enough, but the wait for the next installments to come out is excruciating. KnS3 is being recorded right now, but it will take years before we have an English translation, if any.
That true end of the Second Episode, and the Obsession End are downright depressing.

Cartagra is Innocent Grey's first ever game, so they went with conventional eroge tropes more than KnS. Hence the MC of Cartagra being less capable and literally faceless.
The first game is very good, but in very different way from WA2.

Money truly doesn't make you happy. You always want more. In fact, often if you make a lot you've sacrificed a lot of your personal life to get there.

Think a study showed that anything after 75k is just a plateau in terms of overall happiness

To be fair, it was the mum leaving that made Kazusa so fucked up socially.

I can see that. I'm no happier now than 11k ago.

Exactly. Nothing to do with money. Personal life was a wreck.

>haruki became the househusband after marrying kazusa
He's living the dream

It's kinda disingenuous to say money can't buy you happiness, poverty sure as hell can't either. I think most people forget that Haruki and Setsuna are also richk ids, just not AS rich as Kazusa.

That's why they basically say after a certain point you're not happy anymore. Just look at KLK. Everyone was much happier in slums (peak happiness was middle class though) than compared to when they were rich.

I don't think setsuna is rich. Just middle class. Haruki is though. You're correct.

Maybe Haruki fondled them in spare time.

>I don't think setsuna is rich. Just middle class. Haruki is though. You're correct.

That's fair, I think I just assumed she was rich because they all go to a private school iirc.

Not really calling you out. It's a reasonable assumption.

Don't worry about it.

Dude you have no idea how content that motherfucker is. I dunno' if it's been posted but here's the radio drama of him living with Kazusa subbed.


This is absolute proof that are soulmates, they make each other so happy.

+400 post hype.

Attached: Kazusa4.png (1366x768, 1.54M)

Listened to that a few times now, heartwarming every time. The VAs have great chemistry too.

Does seem WA2 was blessed to have a whole ass crew that put their entire soul into the project.

Yeah, so many VN adaptations are absolute trash. Love the anime version of twinkle snow especially.

Good shit. Thanks for sharing.

Reminder that if Rina Ogata from White Album 1 had not recorded the titular 'White Album', the three leads in White Album 2 may never have got together, as it was that song that started everything off.

And before anyone asks, White Album 1 fucking sucks.

Attached: RinaOgata.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Always wondered why it sucks if it's made by the same game studio. Or was it a fairly different staff?

From what I recall, unlike WA2 they tried to shove all routes into one series? I know IC didn't have that dilemma to start with, but still, while I'm here I want to say I'd rather the 3 new heroines in CC get little screentime than try to fit their routes into a CC adaptation. Save that shit for OVAs.

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Isn't Sayonara no Koto anime original too? Or is it in Coda?

I don't want to see a CC anime unless they do a blend of all the routes until Christmas followed by OVA/ONA sequels for each heroine.

Did they ever do a duet of Powder Snow with Kazusa/Setsuna, the way Rina and Yuki did?

Same here. I really love this lyric video (which Youtube took down, bastards):

Attached: [UTW]_White_Album_2_-_12_[BD][h264-720p][AAC][3A2B600B].mkv_snapshot_20.20_[2019.06.01_00.16.59].jpg (1280x720, 164K)

nice, thank you for sharing

Different writer. A few Anons do swear by it though.

That's what happened to the anime, so it kind of wanders before all the plot threads come together, and the MC comes off as a huge man-slut. Watching it wasn't an emotional experience for me like WA2, but I think it's OK to check out if you're curious. It had its moments. Just be ready to settle in for a long ride.

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Bumping this one last time before I go to bed. Thank you Yea Forumsnons for the comfy thread, I'm glad we can have these once in awhile.

Good night! I'm installing the game right now, though I might not start it right away.

Attached: [UTW]_White_Album_2_-_11_[BD][h264-720p][AAC][BD11A3E2].mkv_snapshot_09.07_[2019.06.01_00.49.55].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Acoustic White Album when? I've been waiting years ;_;

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Coda patch when

>The patch installer fails if you installed the game in a non-default location
Fuck my life.

Attached: installthegame.png (389x147, 4K)

youtube.com/watch?v=xZ5ET_qjT_A Todokanai Koi lyrics

youtube.com/watch?v=SSSDZwkaYkE Sayonara no Koto lyrics

youtube.com/watch?v=MvqPHwYWR6I - Powder Snow lyric

I will suck your dick if you can find full lyrics to the full version of 'After All'. Despite that it's subbed in the portion it plays in the episode, I can't find the full version subbed. By the by, god DAMN those songs I posted have nice lyrics.

Or is it because I completed the game install as a non-admin, whereas the patch installer asks to run as admin right off the bat? Maybe the install location was recorded in the non-admin account's registry section, and the patch installer only checks the admin's section. Well, anyway.

Guess I'll figure out the rest tomorrow. Good night!

Maybe if I end up liking her route, or finish CC and want an excuse to talk, haha. (I think I'll actually be busy right around that time though, so no promises)

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And tell me again why would you pick official translation over fan translation? Especially if it comes to video games? Official translations are almost always nothing but hot garbage with washed out culture, various quirks arlnd tons of rewrites.

>sudden idea in bed
>temporarily change regular account to an admin account
>it works
Bingo~. Maybe I'll file a bug report in the morning.

You still have to pick the game folder as the target, since it defaults to one folder higher.

File downloads went smoothly until the last subbed video (mv010.pak, 15MB), which took like a hundred retries to work. Ugh.

And now I'm tired for real. Goodnight again!

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Attached: WhiteAlbum2_cast_fanart_Novelance.jpg (1055x700, 856K)

The anime already destroyed me. If I read the vn, I would die.