The Great Debate

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Other urls found in this thread:

The first half of Berserk is obviously higher quality but I'd rather something that progressively gets better instead of worse and actually ends.

SnK is great but Berserk is transcendent

Unironically SnK. It improved over time while Berserk legit is trash post-GA, no different than any typical Jump manga. The mermaid/pirate arc in would fit as anime filler in naruto

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Unfair, since one will end by next year and the other will end who knows when.

I want a spinoff where Guts goes to slay titans. The conventional way. Hack them to pieces until they don't move anymore.

Fairy Tail is better than HunterxHunter because it has heterosexual fanservice.

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The Great Debate

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Berserk used to be my favorite but SnK became my favorite instead not too long ago

Stop comparing literal trash to berserk

What's wrong with comparing trash to trash?

i love how it's always snk vs X lol, the question answers itself.

Berserk got worse over time, but it's highs are better than anything in SnK and it's worse parts are still much better than the garbage that is The Uprising arc

Fuck off huntercuck,both of these are better than your retarded shit. Stop spamming this shit thread.

you are comparing garbage with a masterpiece who slowly become into garbage

>You are comparing something mediocre slowly becoming a masterpiece with a masterpiece slowly turning into garbage

Isayama couldn't write a worthwhile character if his life depended on it.

Shingeki No Kyojin isn't in a fucking hiatus because the Author is a Lazy ass faggot.

SnK is good but not as good as Berserk, but both of these are far superior to HiatusxHiatus

there's no need to seethe so much about us, friends

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Best part of SnK is still worse than worst part of Berserk

Berserk is better but fma is superior

How is Berserk a mastepiece? The protagonist literally takes it in the ass by a giga nigga at some point, i can't see anyone other than homos liking that shit.

Fan service is literally all fairy tail’s good for. Almost any other manga does a better job keeping me engaged.

This, but unironically.

what kind of bored autistic friendless loser retard makes the same fucking thread 24/7

SnK obviously, Berserk readers unironically need to have sex. Edgebaby rape fantasy garbage.

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So these The great debate OP is the new ESL thread template?

Hunterxhunter is better than both of them

Yes, it transceded into something good, to something shit.
To be fair, even it's highest highs where never as good as SNK.

What debate? It's a scientific fact.

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Miura just needs to stop playing Idolmaster and finish this series.

Berserk is still better than SnK, hiatus included

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I read berserk and SNK, the two are super similar, just snk has a plot, and proggress, and stakes, and intrigue, and excitment, like the writer actually seems interested in his own project.

That being said, i would trade isayamas worth ethic and creativity, and all of the WITT studios work on SNK, and put that energy into berserk in a heart beat.
Imagine a universe in which berserk got the snk treatment by it's mangaka and anime studio.

but in our universe? Snk>>>>>>>>Berserk

Sorry to break it to you, but both of them have turnes to shit nowadays


Unironically this.

There are people now on Yea Forums that unironically think SnK is better than Berserk.

That's it. After 15 years I'm finally done. Goodbye, f/a/ggots.

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>there are adults who still pretend berserk is good

take me with you based user
If you have austim there's a place called Reddit specially made for you

go back


Berzerk is for edgelord kisslessvirgins who get turned on by muh brutality and suffering. Basically the grown up version of Tokyo Ghoul fans.

>leddit go back go back stop telling the truth
Absolute cringe at the state of this emasculated fanbase, composed of edgecucks.

SnK has been adapted once. The adaptation isn't even finished
Berserk has at least three (3) different adaptations.
Checkmate nerds.

you are talking like shitgeki is not edgy.
At least berserk is good edge, made for adults and not emo teenagers.
>my mom's dead REEEEEEEE

Eren's a whiny little faggot

>There are autistic manchildren who believe being contrarian and shitting on Berserk and praising SNK gives them a personality


Fuck off.

Not that user but
>they haven’t read the manga

>>my mom's dead REEEEEEEE
>matures and basically becomes leader of the free world
No more retarded screaming and frustration, just a calculated man, knowing he has the faith of the world on his shoulders.
No petty vengeance. Just a man with a great mission.

Damn, Bersekfags are pretty insecure.

SNK. Berserk has been dragging it's feet for over a decade.

>No petty vengeance
And Guts basically let go of his vengeance as well, but you wouldn't know that because you are too busy here shitposting.

Eren eventually getting over his ragetard onesided thinking and finally grasping different perspectives and developing an ends-justifies-the-means mindset was great. Can’t wait until we get a full grasp on his plan and for his psychotic hobo self to get animated. Also can’t wait for one of the most hated characters at one point, Reiner, to become loved by most. I want to see an animated rifle in his mouth along with his kids already.

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uhh are you alright?

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>sees Griffith
>becomes ragelord
Don't fool yourself.


I love snk but Eren had a ragetard moment last chapter due to Reiner projecting his suicidal tendencies into him last chapter. i love both series btw

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>good edge
>made for adults
>good edge

*at sucking

Also I loved seeing Eren finally display emotion again. Can’t wait for his nii-san to fuck things over

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Berserk until JRPG party shit starts is great but then it becomes garbage further and further you go, same with the artstyle.
SnK is improving a lot and is now pretty good but I doubt it can reach Berserk heights during it's prime.

Eren was getting gangbanged by three titans at once. Reiner is a JUST character who, apparently, orchestrated that whole invasion.
That's a look of despise.

werid concidering they call themselves grown up

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>what happened in vritannis

I, of course, must vouch for Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

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Reiner was never initially meant to inherit the ArT to begin with to be fair, but even Porco is a JUST too. Eren can only strategise so well now due to the clusterfuck of memories and perspectives he has (which has not only increased his IQ likely, but everyone knows that to strategise well you can’t think from one perspective, right?) He also obviously has an insane amount of power now too. I’m betting that with nii-san by his side too he’ll win.

I want to say Berserk, but if Attack on Titan actually gets a real ending, it'll be Berserk that'll have to live up to it.

that's a fair point, but considering neither has an ending as of yet you should judge them without that criteria

Shit like Berserk and HxH will never end. Fanboys should just face it.

I think something crazy will happen. Seems like Eren already had the upper hand, for the most part. With Zeke there, something has to happen, outside the norm. Just winning seems too simple.

SnK threads were a mistake. They should get closed in sight.

I also agree. I’m entirely sure that the last panel is a red herring, Isayama will mindfuck us all whether we like it or not.

Couldn't get into AoT because of the shit art, so Berserk has a massive advantage there. Will probably give it another shot eventually.

debate this

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where does his dick go
male apostles have been shown to have dicks, is his between his rear legs or something?

wyald's came out of his mouth
so this one can come out of his horns or between them

The first few chapters look really bad but the guy improves fast.

maybe the whole thing is one

What if his entire body is his dick?

so does he nut out his mouth or what

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Maybe it comes out of the ears. Not like he needs two pairs.

Both are good and are one of the best manga ever made, fuck off spammer.

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>giga nigga
Donovan was a nigga, but giga he was not. Unless he was giga where it mattered, which is why Guts is using the biggest sword now to compensate.

What debate? Obvious best girl is POWER.

SNK. Even golden age arc cant compete against snk arcs wich are top tier. All of the. And Eren is way more based than that other fag Who let his ass get screwed by some dindu.


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>i can't see anyone other than homos liking that shit

Shut your mouth bitch. Can you even remember a good chapter of Berserk besides the Griffith getting bitch slapped?

Neither can I.

>The most hilariously delivered reveal in history of manga
>MC grows from ragetard protagonist into calmly psychotic master planner anti-hero
>Main "rival" turns from one of the most disliked into one of the most pitiable and likeable characters
Say what you want, but it's hard to top this.

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this is the only good post itt

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This shitposting needs to end.

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I see no problem with any of those, snowflake.

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Older Berserk > Older SnK
Newer SnK > Newer Berserk

Lol, are you being serious, snk is trash.

>implying anyone gives a shit about which is better
Literally no point on saying shit like "great debate". Plus it only incites fanbase wars which is a Yea Forums tradition.

>t. butthurt berserkbaby

>coming, historia

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Fuck off,samefagging huntercuck pretending to be a SNKchad.

>seething edgebaby seethes
Literal pottery

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This is supposed to be used ironically, retard.

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>Erwin was good

He was

>He was

SNK's manga is better that Berserk's manga, but Berserk's first anime is better that SNK's anime.

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>The mermaid/pirate arc in would fit as anime filler in naruto
This. That arc was the most boring thing I've ever read

Why not just combine it?

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Berserk is infinitely superior

SnK is so boring i've fallen off the manga multiple times within the last year alone on a monthly publishing schedule, that is fucking terrible.

Not enough rape for you, huh incel?
Have sex. OH WAIT LOL.

Looks like something for children.

>starts Berserk
>"Edgy ultra violent plot filled entertainment for adults"
>hell yeah
>three pages in a little fary becomes the obvious comic relief character making stupid fucking faces and breaking the Fourth wall like a retard.
>D R O P P E D

>Berserk legit is trash post-GA

I'd say it went legit trash post Sea-God. Went downhill ever since they picked up that WMD answer to all problems magic loli. Tower of Conviction was still good as was Lost Children.

You take that back about the fairy king.

It has both an improved version of Casca and better titans though.

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>better titans
you mean the generic zombies?

>Generic shonen trash AoT
>Anywhere near Berserk
The absolute fucking state of anime.

Still better than mechs

Fairy King?
More like, drama queen.


I liked puck at the start, he was like a shard of innocence in the world persevering and keeping a man from the brink of corruption. Dude was also the team healer. Sad to see him regulated into being a full time meme spouting machine and becoming obsolete as a healer.

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>HxH vs The Office
It's not even close.

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There's nothing good about modern Berserk, the last enjoyable arc was conviction and it has been steadily declining diarrhea running down Miura's leg ever since. Meanwhile SnK, with its many faults, has remained consistently engaging and has had some superb development, and is actually fucking reaching its conclusion before it overstays its welcome. Anyone stuck in
>Muh Berserk is one of the classics! If you talk shit about Berserk you don't belong here!
is a delusional insecure faggot trying to fit in way too hard

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The holy trinity.

Reminder that hunterfags, snkfags and berserkerfags are the greatest allies. The smartests hunterfags also enjoy the other two, and the so-called hunterchads are just shitposters.

Best of Berserk is many times better than best of SNK, but overall SNK.
Anything is better than Fairy Tail.
SNK, no contest
Part 5 > Part 3