Moshi. Moshi. Snek, desu. Yes. The Pino lewds. What do you mean there are no Pino lewds out yet?

Moshi. Moshi. Snek, desu. Yes. The Pino lewds. What do you mean there are no Pino lewds out yet?

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Lewd poporon

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That's not Pino?!

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Where's s2?

I'd rather have lewds of the snek

I accidentally read piano and for a second i tought it's some kind weird meme fetish

like snek playing piano with her tail?

Pino. It's Pino! Not piano! Piano, piano now!!

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>bolt on titties
>micro bikini
Seriously, what else do you want?


it's eeh urine

There are few, I just don't need a vacation right now

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bet her butt smells nice

It smells like poop.

silly user angels don't poop

angels don't poop

Based and slut idol pilled

You heretics, God would never make something so disgusting as a creature that does not poop.

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cloaca chocolate

demons don't have cloacas. also, she's not even a real snake

>she's not even a real snake

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How long will this thread last?

We just don't know.

Not so long. It's just a sidestory snek bread about a super lewd boobie angel that didn't even appear in the show yet.

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Maybe season two will encourage more manga translation.

>manga translation
I don't give a shit. All I want is to see Pino's Pino's animated. On the big boobie screen.

For ever, just like jashin.
best thread on Yea Forums right now.

Last one died when I was sleeping.

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It would be funny if the snake died while it was sleeping.

Snek is cancelled.

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But Pekola's anal rape is right on schedule.

When will the manga get localized?

Who cares about pino, she can fuck off

I do. Did you even see her huge boobs? Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Whats her actual name?


Pino Penis

Pinot Grigio

Snek can only die in combat. Dying in your sleep is for the feeble.


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well, it's technically incapable of rational thought

But is it capable of irrational thought?

every single day

Boku no pino