Progressive & Alternative

Hi my name is maki terashima furuta I'm the president of Production IG America

and i'm the fucking CUNT who ruined FLCLs legacy for some quick cash from cartoon network because I'm a cheap nasty whore.

Yes the creator told us to move on already and yes I'm a monneygrubbing hack who bought the IP from failing Gainax the moment it became available but you're going to watch it anyway you dumb White pig.

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Who even gives a shit about FLCL anymore

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if you wanted to preserve the legacy of FLCL, you should've paid them even more money not to make it

Clearly not Maki terashima-furuta, Jason DeMarco, Mike lazzo and all the other soulless cogs responsible for bringing this abomination of a """sequel""" to light

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There's never enough money to appease reptilian suits

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Toonamitards that can't get over nostalgia for dubs on cable TV.

>I believe it was 10 years ago when Jason DeMarco and Sean Akins from of Cartoon Network back then came to Japan to talk to Gainax to see if it’s even possible to do a sequel to FLCL,” Terashima-Furuta explained. “We met with the original creator of FLCL, Tsurumaki-san, and all they said was, ‘No, it was not possible.’ And we asked them why and creatively Tsurumaki said that he’s already done what he wanted to achieve in FLCL.”

>The original FLCL anime was a co-production between Production IG and Gainax. However, Gainax “held the rights to the original story.” Terashima-Furuta said she did not want to give up because FLCL was an anime she was “very passionate about,” and she knew this was something that “Cartoon Network really wanted to do, too.” She kept trying until one day the rights for the FLCL intellectual property became available, and she told the head of Production IG to buy the rights because she knew she’d be able to find a business partner to co-produce FLCL Seasons 2 and 3

Yes the creator begged us not to and yes FLCL was an allegory for male puberty which will now be starring a moeblob retard generic fuckslut to maximize profits but me and my business partners are just SO PASSIONATE about it!!!

Everyone within Gainax turning on each other like hyenas depresses me much more than the vultures picking around at the already desiccated corpse.

>Everyone within Gainax turning on each other like hyenas

that's okay user, give it another twenty years
you won't feel much about anything by then

you have to go back

>hurr dicks growing out of my face

FLCL was shit anyway. The only good things to come out of it was the smoking gif and the sakuga gif

Unironically this.

>On May 3rd, 2018, an Italian site reported that an animator working on FLCL Progressive tweeted about how the production was a mess. From the article, with the help of google translate,

>Although Alternative # 01 turned out to be a good episode technically speaking, this seems to be only the beginning of a troubled journey: One of the animators' supervisors declared through a tweet subsequently eliminated around the days of the presentation at the Chicago Comic Expo that the production is in difficulty "under multiple points of view", blaming American producers for a bad management of the project schedule.

We already knew that before the two new series even got made. I know they turned out as bad as expected, but I can't muster the will to be as mad you seem to be. What's the point to do that now? Manufactured likes on social media?
Also there are plenty of anime series that were born out of the desire to make some quick cash and turned out to be good because of external factors, it's silly to dismiss le evil moneygrabber as everything wrong in anime but things are rarely that simple.

That too.

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I like it.

Reminder that anyone who complains about shows like FLCL or Cowboy Bebop being "overrated" or "Yea Forums shit" is reddit cancer.

Alternative was alright. Progressive was shit, though.

Don't worry user, the original was bad enough that I could hardly could get through an episode or two. Clearly nothing of consequence was lost.

Who's Jason? The Fakku guy?

Is there any actual recounting of what seemed at Gainax that caused it to explode the way it did? Some of them off a long time ago to make Gonzo but that seems unrelated.

First Anno and Tsurumaki left to remake Eva in a way nobody wanted. Then Imaishi and Ostuka leave to make Trigger. Then whoever the fuck is at Gaina decides to take the money and abandon Gainax. What happened?

Blame the English voice actor. All her fault.

>utter SAO calber trash

It's just like that one scene from EoE; pottery in a way.

>an English article reporting an Italian news reporting an animator's tweet about a specific situation
Whoa super informative



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No, Jason DeMarco, producer of Toonami and director for Adult Swim. He was THE main instigator for the new FLCL, he first went to Japan in 2008 to ask Tsurumaki and Co to make a sequel and got turned down hard but came back 3 more times. "With Jason, he came twice and we said no twice. He came again the third time we said no. Then he came back the fourth time so we had to say yes."

Once Gainax lost the rights and IG bought them he immediately got on it to co-produce it with Production IG American division. Last year he states
"I was very involved in the show from the beginning.", referring to both sequels.

Later he deleted all his tweets post-2014 involving FLCL even though he was shilling it hard probably because he wanted to distance himself from what a complete flop it was. The script for Progressive was changed without the head writer even knowing it and wouldn't surprise me if it was all DeMarco's fanfiction. The original concept art was vastly different than what we got.

Nah; the only ones to blame are westerners unable to let the anime they watched on their teenager years go.
The studio just tried to fulfill a market demand.

It was no secret that the production was a complete mess. Just look at the credits for the finale which had 5 different animation directors and all the outsourced episodes. Also all the tweets by Mayumi Shintani, the script writer, and other people working on it detailing what a confusing mess it was.

You meant westerners like Production I.G. America led by Terashima-Furuta? Then sure.

No;. Westerners like you.
Alternative and Progressive exist due to people like you.
>muh 90s
>muh FLCL

Hang yourself faggot, I never asked for a continuation of FLCL in a million years. There are two Americans responsible for this, Jason DeMarco and Mike Lazzo and nobody else.

So, westerners like you? Glad we agree

When did I ever claim to be from the West? Don't respond to my posts again retard.

Anime doesn't come out of thin air. There are specific people who have to raise money to fund it and produce it. And clearly there wasn't a market demand because it flopped hard. Don't try to remove blame for who was responsible for this mess.

>The studio just tried to fulfill a market demand.
There was no demand for this in the state it was delivered. Tsurumaki didn't want to touch it and suggested they treat any new FLCL material as his Diebuster to Anno's Gunbuster. They didn't do any of that. Nostalgiafags didn't actually care enough to come back and diehards hated it.

I doubt you're Japanese; that makes you a westerner

They went all the way because they believed there was a market due to the westerners not shutting the fuck up about their 90's anime. The Watamote anime is another modern example of a studio being tricked by obnoxious westerners only to find that they're all bark no bite.

The Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya sequels and spin-offs are another example of companies taking advantage of nostalgic retards. Nothing wrong with wanting to make a quick buck

So is Gainax gonna be the latest studio to go bankrupt?


>that makes you a westerner
Pretty sure that's not how it works.

Very. Imagine on of your favorite shows gets raped by American corporate interests. How would you feel?

>getting buttmad over nostalgia cashgrabs

>What happened?
>First Anno and Tsurumaki left to remake Eva in a way nobody wanted
They just wanted to do eva again and again so they fucked off.
>Then Imaishi and Ostuka leave to make Trigger
They just wanted to do gurren lagann again and again so they fucked off.
>Then whoever the fuck is at Gaina decides to take the money and abandon Gainax.
They're just trying to survive at any cost.

Do the exact same thing for progressive that most Yea Forumsnons do with anime that shouldn't have been made. Pretend they don't exist.Westerners aren't the only people ruining a series for cash.

So where does the whole "turning on themselves like hyenas" comment come from? Those all sound like peaceful departures.

No idea. The only questionable thing is Anno suing the old gainax(this is what pretty much finished the studio). But IIRC he had full right to do it, so it isn't a scummy move or something.

>Slayers is one of my favorite anime series and one of the first shows I watched back in 1996
>Never bothered or cared with either Evolution or Revolution because I'm aware that they're cashgrabs made by different people

>Psycho Pass is one of my favorite shows this decade
>Never bothered or cared about S2 and the movies because the first series had a perfect ending and was a self-contained story.


>ruined FLCLs legacy
The only thing that is ruined is your ass. It is now as shitty and retarded as original FLCL was.

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What is it about the original FLCL that makes people so crazy? It's either the worst thing ever or best thing ever made, no middle ground.

>people overhype the show
>it is nothingburger at best

Don't forget how a modern cashgrab doesn't retroactive make the original shit.
I don't understand this "RUINED FOREEEEEVEEER" mindset.

brainlets think it's lol randumb
pretentious types overanalyze it

it's a lot like EVA

If anything it strengthens the original. You can see the difference between how the true passion project played out as opposed to a misguided cash grab.

which of you autists was this

FLCL was never that good

I still can't understand Jason DeMarco and Mike Lazzo's thinking. I mean sure money must have been what they wanted but even if I had all the money in the world I would not make a sequel or fuck with my favorite work of fiction in any way shape or form, doubly so if the original creators are not only not interested but also not involved. It's like if I came and painted a "new" Jackson Pollock even though he's dead and never even met me.

>I don't understand how a fanfic author could possibly think he could do better than original author.
You can't be this retarded user. I envy your naivete.

What would a "Diebuster" of FLCL look like in their hands, though?

I mean most fanfic authors don't have the money to convince chink jew company Production I.G. to haphazardly throw together an "official" adaptation of their fanfic.
I get your point user, I guess my questions was mostly rhetorical, I'm still guffawed by DeMarco and Lazzo's actions.