SEASON 2 NEVER, blu ray sells flop
Magnificient Kotobuki
More than I expected really
Still did a lot better than Girly Air Force, which is kind of surprising when you consider the fact that Kotobuki is an original while GAF was an existing property.
2k is not even a flop in 2019, just a low-mid performance, or slightly under. The industry is slowly crumbling.
the industry is crashing
The anime industry is as strong as ever if not actually growing, only that disc sales are becoming less important instead of streaming deals, merchandise sales, and event revenue. Disc sales are only part of the equation, and while bad disc sales can look bad, other revenue sources can save a series in the end.
>ralph below katana maidens
>total copies less than gundam
the absolute state of disneykeks
I'd rather support the shows I like with one good fig than buying complete season on bds to be honest. Complete seasons cost way too much and one has nost likely seen it at that point.
Yes but bacause sequel novel was announced
>reading about air combat
If I wanted to do that I'd buy books about actual wars.
This is pobably one of the if not the lowest selling mizushima series ever
what a shame, started great, turned out shit and cringey
>Dororo: 1912
The party is over.
Not really since it costs 3 times more than the normal BD's
>the literal shit that is kotobuki
I thought it would have sold no less than 3k at the very least. I'm sad.
That's because there's the whole 1st cour. It's better this way instead of the usual 2-3 eps per BD.
>Nobody wants to pay for some shitty CGI riddled crap
Isn't it only the first 6 episodes?
2k is about normal these days.
If game does well it's still a success. Disc sales don't matter that much anymore.
No, it's from episode 1 to 12.
Jesus christ, and I thought Run With the Wind was doing badly. It's only selling only a little over half as much but at least it only has a quarter of the content (soon to be only a sixth).
These guys just gave away half of their show and still nobody bought it. What a disaster.
Disc sales are officially dead. It's the industry's fault for going full retard on the anime over production to the point that almost all new seasonal anime suffered major hits in overall production quality and consistency; the encouraged mediocrity of newer inexperienced studios stepping into the scene also hurt. The rise of gacha/mobage in the biggest otaku circles, including the fujoshi was the final nail in the coffin. Look forward to a future of shitty anime films, abysmal gachashit anime, terrible uninspired waves of isekai LN anime and garbage that panders to Western audiences. When streaming money inevitably dwindles, anime will be in its worst state.
>shitty anime films
Done every year
>gachashit anime
Done every season
>waves of [trend] LN anime
Done every season
>panders to Western audiences
Done since the beginning of anime.
What part of this doom&gloom is the future?
Hehe guys. Anime is better than ever am I right? You are part of the mediocrity and you deserve it.
But nobody here buys anything.
Speak for yourself.
You do realize the total copies, right?
>Look forward to a future of shitty anime films
A few more flops and they will stop pushing the whole movie thing so hard.
Mayoiga did far worse. It didn’t even have sales figures to compare it. Kotobuki’s sales is modest at best in this declining BD sales.
>those numbers on Dororo despite having released the entire first cour at once
party is truly over
Loli yuri is the future
Good, I hated that show, all the girls just kept screaming at me.
It's Mappa, they pay their animators with chocolate so their profit is bigger.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure Kotabuki had some good streaming deals and viewer numbers.
Just wait for Project Aces game.
This season has less anime than usual, so your wrong and fuck off
Difficult to say, but it's mobage seems to be still going, and it had some collabs for WarThunder, not to mention lots of branded plane models.
>GuP with airplanes
>Fucked up by useless pricks
Why do these creators who made successful all girls show become retards eventually and their next shows flopped for having useless pricks and het bullshittery? Mizushima is a fucking dumbass like Namori and Trigger. Fucking based Wataten for not having those bullshits.
>Kotobuki and Akanesasu
>Both have a lot of girls but have shit pricks as the biggest flaw
>Akanesasufags joined in to Kotobuki threads
>Both flopped
How fitting.
2,500 isn't even that bad when disc sales have been on the decline for a while now. Actually a lot better than I thought it would do.
Oh it's one of the useless shits that got the show to flop. He's a shitstain just like that brother/captain/mayor/bartender
Meanwhile, Wataten made a lot money for not having male shits.
Don't respond to falseflaggers who don't watch the anime they shitpost about.
Was the 3rd season of Date a Live really that bad? Haven't watched it yet.
That's just a background male character, you dumb self-insert hetshitter. None of them show up every episode like the shitstains from Hetobuki.