Nichijou dub

I like the voices so far.
Are you excited to watch this again Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>This video is not available.

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the dub is absolute shit mate.

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i excite


it's shit

>Nichijou dub
Stop making this thread.

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Not bad

I swear there was an official dub like 5 years ago.

its anime and thus is allowed to be here

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Nope. Nichijou was the first and only series FUNimation released sub only. They must have considered it a blight on their record to go back and dub it when it is too niche of a show to make its money back.

Dubs are all garbage

>the show is absolute shit mate.


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My only hope is that it's successful enough for them to consider another season.

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Do they really make money out of this? I'm not gonna argue wheter this is good or not but why? It's even weirder than if they started dubbed Shoujo Ramune, it just doesn't make sense, why would they do it, is definitely not for money, which scares me.

I don't know, I just wish they would stop.

Fuck off, shill.

>This video is not available.

Thank god

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No thanks.

Nah, they're just following Sentai Filmworks's recent trend of dubbing old sub-only anime.

Why does it bother (you) so much? You don't watch dubs anyway.

The Dub is less dramatic.

I think dubs are just so inherently bad in their current state, that they just shouldn't exist. Even though I don't watch them, the fact that these butchered versions are being bought and sold is insulting to the original work. If I were a Japanese director, I would be pissed to find out something like this exists.

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>this video is not available

shit sounds terrible. i don't know how people can watch dubs when all of them are trash. zero exceptions.
so terrible

Do they call Hakase "Professor," or is it weeb subs?

hakase. next time watch the video thats literally in the OP

>calling someone who's name is hakase still hakase because names shouldn't be changed
>lose the entire joke every time anyone interacts with her at all

Well its shit apparently so I would rather not even give it the views. Dont want anyone thinking it was a good idea. Hope they lose money. What the fuck is a hakase?

>This video is not available.

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Off yourself

Honestly, not bad. I don't watch dubs, and never will, but I've heard worse.

Wow they even managed to get the simplest shit wrong

why did she kill that cop and her friend over Yaoi?!

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dubs are so fucking intolerable. why do they talk in such a strained way? is japanese voice acting the same way and I just can't tell because it's not my first language?

kill yourself you subhuman tripfag. you are a failed abortion and your mother doesn't love you.


Weebs are stupid

where do you think you are?

This is too funny

>If I were a Japanese director, I would be pissed to find out something like this exists.
You're the only one who thinks this way. Japanese production staff and voice actors travel to US conventions and interact with their English counterparts all the time. They don't give a shit. Literally no one except weebs think an adaptation existing is an "insult" to the original work.

>giving a fuck about dubs
>getting EXCITED for watching a dub

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isn't this one of those series where half the jokes are obscure japanese cultural references and puns that barely even make sense if you're fluent? why would you dub this?

so now that we know they'll change the script to add shit like Jojo references, do you think this scene will be changed to be more WOKE

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Nip companies don't give a toss about foreign media sales

especially not KyoAni

>they shouldn't exist because I say so

Did I just walk into ANN?

Stop speaking engrish and start speaking Japanese.

This but unironically.

I said in their current state; Which is horrifically terrible. Dubs as a concept are fine, but they're all made by the same two shitty companies, with the same 5 shitty actors. If anything I wanna hit the re-do button.

>being a filthy weeb

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>with the same 5 shitty actors.
I guarantee you haven't heard of any of the people in the Nichijou dub except maybe Monica Rial before this.

>same 5 actors
Stopped reading there.

Have sex.

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every day they post a new dub preview

Why is Funimation trying to shill this dub so hard?
Fuck off and kill yourself, Funi shills.

interact with children

they made a jojo reference so now i like it

Fuck off retard. This sounds terrible.

>people actually defending dubs
get outta here

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Unless youre a newfag, you started out watching dubbed anime so shut up.

I started out watching dubs, and I can safely say that they're pretty much all terrible.

Dieses Video ist nicht verfĂĽgbar
fuck me right?

Sorry to tell you that, but I already watched it, in jap version. Thank you, bye

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just because you started with them doesn't mean you can't call them shit. Most of the reason people watched dubbed first was because they literally had no option

And I'm not a child anymore, your point?

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yeah, guys, let's just sit back and take every dub that comes out

They're just shills, the fact that they are crying about how terrible weebs are is only proving that point.

>a show who's comedy is heavily reliant on the voice actors as much as it is the animation
>hire actors not nearly as talented to voice the english version
you can even tell in some of these previews how bad this was as an idea, like in the Mio one, the VA's performance doesn't match any of the animations so it noticeably looks worse

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>calling someone retarded for not watching the linked video makes you a shill
fuck off retard. you're a shill for bumping this thread

yeah, im thinking dubs won

whats wrong with watching it again?

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I know it's daytime for burger children but the absolute state of this board.

I also started out eating baby formula but grew up and moved onto real food.

In runes of course

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>Yuuko getting bit by a dog/stabbing herself with a pencil
>Mio and Yuuko arguing over food
>the principal fighting the deer
>Mai in general

Yeah, I don't see how a dub could do any of these justice

they already showed the deer scene... and I think Yuuko refers to the principal by the japanese term for principal which is even more ridiculous

Sounds like the same 2-3 20-30 year old American women trying to sound cutesy wootsy

I was mishearing it, she was actually saying "HE JUMPED" but it's so muddy you can't even hear it.

>why would they do it, is definitely not for money, which scares me.
yeah, I really wonder what their end-goal is. really piques my pistachios

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English Hakase sucks

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Predictable, stubborn negative responses

Jesus Christ

I am sickened when I see people gobble this up and throw a fit when you point it out to them. I guess some people were just born to endlessly take in information and not evaluate any of it.

I can see it now:
>Scene where Mai jokingly confesses to Yuuko
>original: I don't think I understand! We're still a bit young we're only high schoolers after all!
>dub: Mai are you sure? I don't think society has caught up yet, and we're only kids, think of what they'd say!

I hate this shit, but there are still good dubs that don't pull this crap.

For me sub vs. dub depends entirely on the series. Sometimes it's fine and sometimes I can't stand it. I don't take either side 100%.

i never got this obscure cultural references from this show, i aways see the joke as "yuuko is dumb hahaha", but i still loving it

Fuck dub
Anime when ?

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Friendly reminder that it took two (2) months after the episode came for anyone to care about this and it took a fucking reddit thread for Yea Forums to notice. The entire thing is feigned outrage.

I look forward to buying the bluray and occasionally switching the audio to see just how the dub handles certain scenes but ultimately just watching it subbed

because nobody watched the Dragon Maid dub...

your point? it means they can sneak this shit past us and dubfags will eat it up

How is the sub anyway?
Only sub I watched was Underwater/Dess release

>The entire thing is feigned outrage
How can you look at that and not think the dubbers are retarded?

dubbers are simply paid to read a script, blame those who wrote that script in the first place

>Tyson Rinehart was criticized last week for writing the script which gamedropped the consumer revolt GamerGate in the English dub version of Prison School.

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Because it's one line out of thousands in one show out of hundreds. Also this is the same show that had a different line that made SJWs mad. It's almost like people are looking for things to get angry about because they think being mad means being right.

I think my mother probably loves me on some level. Just not as much as her other life. But regardless, that will never make Nichishit good.

Americans have a compulsion to shoehorn leftist politics into everything the same way a scorpion is compelled to sting. If that doesn't bother you you're probably a fucking commie already.

>shoehorn leftist politics into everything
>yet people have been complaining about the same two dubs for the last five years because those are the only examples they have
Really causes one to ponder.

Get off your high horse, weebshits.

That's what happens when you make a fool out of them. But they'll try again, two steps forward one step back as they say.

Of course you're gonna bring up that one fuckup just how EVIL dubs are. How cute.

>how EVIL dubs are
only american ones

no u

>this thing is happening
>no it's not
>that just proves I won
This must be that "trolling" thing I've heard so much about.

Guess who's behind this shit? Jamie "I want his head" Marchie! Leave it to her to come up with a super inaccurate script.

Shin-Chan's dub is completely fucked.

Why are you speaking English? Is your Japanese that bad?

What the fuck are you on about?

Did Vic sue those liars into oblivion yet?

Don't bring that shit up

This thread is already trash, who cares.

ah, the good ole "there's nothing outside of the USA"
besides japan, of course


>original: selamat pagi!
>dub: did you just assume my gender?

It's nothing to do with coping. I'm just tired of that shit after seeing it pretty much everywhere on the internet.

>it took two (2) months after the episode came for anyone to care about this and it took a fucking reddit thread for Yea Forums to notice
So its proof that no one on Yea Forums actually watch dubs and only reddit shits make these threads. My faith in this place is moderately restored!

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Hey Yea Forums

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But i'm a third wolrder so I have the excuse of have watched the superior latin dubs
Latin Dub > Original > Literally every other dub > shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> English Dub

You illiterate or something? It's not hard to follow.

Why are you speaking in English? Speak latino like a real amigo.

No way jose.

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this but unironically

well it's probably as best as it can be for a Nichijou dub, but it still doesn't even nearly compare to the performances done by the original crew

Hakase isn't even a name, it's a title. It's like if they didn't translate "sensei".

>Consuming media in anything but its original language

>calling people weebs on Yea Forums
Do you know where you are?

What if their mouths are actually animated to the English voices even though it's Japanese like those weird CG movies?

Cognitive dissonance.
Ironic weeaboos have to write off nihongo or else they'll feel like they're missing out on something, which they are.

>watching dub

Nobody gets called out when they say they're going to play Skullgirls or Borderlands in Japanese. "muh original language" is just an excuse people use to discredit English dubs wholesale without having an actual argument. Just admit you want everything to be in Japanese. You'll still be stupid but at least you'll be honest.

Looks like the Yea Forums-tard forgot what board he was on again.

>Nobody gets called out when they say they're going to play Skullgirls or Borderlands in Japanese
Literal low IQ post. Foreign dub of anything is guaranteed to be shitty. Since you mentioned vidya, I'll use witcher 3 as an example. The japs HATED the japanese dub for this game because if was bland as fuck. Regardless, it's a fact that the worst anime subs will always be better than the greatest dub.

Fuck Jamie Marchi

No. It's a name, which is also a pun to a title. I make more sense when she uses it on herself.

Dragon Maid dub is pretty good though, barring that patriarchy line.

dubs are shit


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Dubs are shit. Fucking kill yourself
You are correct but you don't thread your own post dumbass

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Dubs are shit. All of them. Even the good ones.

Nichijou has cursed Arawi, he will never get a season 2 or another anime adaptation ever again.

These videos pain my soul. It just doesn't work.

They aren't sentaiflimworks, but god damn they do painfully average dubs

Also nano scratchy dub voice is fucking annoying.

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Yes Jap voice actors are just as bad if not worse.

Stupid sons of bitches with stupid son of a bitch opinions are too stupid to realize this and instead believe that only Japs have ever figured out voice acting.

Go home ANN dubfag

Nano's is terrible.
Hakase's isn't quite nearly as awful, but it's still really annoying to listen to.

Their earlier stuff was pretty good, it's just in the last 5 or 6 years they've had to fill their ranks with a bunch of literally whos since the actual talent moved up the ladder to vidya or got out of the game.

Go to Japan, weeb.

you guys are incels



>Monica Rial

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Can't imagine how they'll translate the puns.
At least the card tower scene won't be sullied

I do not like dubs, and I will always go with subtitles over an english dub, even if the dub is "good".
But I have friends who feel the opposite, and I understand that differences of opinion in a subjective entertainment medium like anime are a given.

TL;DR who fucking cares, the subbed version isn't going away. Go masturbate or something.

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I'm more tolerated toward dubs than most on here, but funimation has extremely painfully average dubs stupid ANNfag.

Just because you aren't sentai doesn't mean you are good.

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Never really liked her voice but she always seemed pretty chill until all this crap happened.

I never thought this scene was done well with ANY voices, Japanese or English (more of a directorial mistake if anything), so I'm rather ambivalent towards its delivery. However I think the actress here is doing a pretty okay job to mimic the Japanese seiyuu's delivery.
Show me some scenes from Cubeworld or how the English seiyuu handles Annaka-san's "eeehhh"s, maybe.
And the dub had better taken the Pop Team Epic route and grabbed some well known VAs to do the next episode previews.

is that 'Anime News Network'
If so what the fuck does ANNfag mean? I've never visited that website so I am unaware of what that means.

I don't dislike her voice because of her going against vic, I just don't think it's a good fit for nano at all, they didn't even try looking for a proper VA for her.


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I mean she always at least seemed like a fun person. Yuri Lowenthal is even worse, but apparently he's super nice.

>hurr the english in the simpsons and south park is so cringy, only native speakers realize how bad it is
>durr no one says d'oh or tries to speak through their hoodie, actual people don't speak anything like in cartoons

>not even 10 seconds in
>"My resolve is like a diamond, and this diamond is unbreakable."

Really, niggers?

>hundreds of hours
>In anyway remarkable or impressive

Best opinion in this thread. Like whatever you want, and let others like whatever they want, because what they like doesn't in any way affect what you like.

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You misunderstood what I was saying. I am saying that Jap voice actors are just as bad as the Dub voice actors. And people are too stupid or ignorant to accept this.
I am not saying that the average Japanese person doesn't talk like the characters in a show about average Japanese person, nor did I imply that in any way.

Can't wait to see these scenes dubbed.

God the delivery of the lines fucking sucks.
Funimation must be paying minimum wage for their voice directors cause that's how all of their garbage has turned out. None of the characters even attempt to try and keep the mannerisms of the original characters, its just so grating.

Fuck you the 'Live and Let Live' attitude only leads to morons spreading the effects of their stupidity onto the rest of us - see anti-vaccers and ketchup fans.
People need to be shamed for being idiots, and heavily so.

The production studio handles the dubbing process. Japan's the target if you want to point any fingers.

Tell me the last time you sat down for more than 100 hours in a row.


back to your containment boards
Yea Forums
Yea Forums

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>reasonable perspectives
We don't take kindly to your type 'round here.

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>Forced animation gets forced voice acting

To be fair this is less Funimation trying to spread some sort of PC propaganda thing and more them trying (and failing) to localize jokes into more topical humor. The Danganronpa dub comes to mind.

I fucked my back in high school and spent close to 3 months practically sat in the same bed just chaining anime, I couldn't play vidya at first because moving my arms too much made my back spasm so it was TV or nothing.
Another time I took a load of cheap speed after a house party and spent nearly 3 days awake watching 4 cour maho shoujo series one after the other until I eventually passed out.
Granted neither of those were hundreds of consecutive hours, but the image is clearly hyperbole.

>believe that only Japs have ever figured out voice acting.
Oh no, there are plenty of good Western voice actors. They don't do dub work.

Why is it that the random extras are always fine but the MCs are god awful? What is Funi even doing?
I'm going to keep reminding them.

Operating on a shoestring budget, it makes sense. The people with talent or recognizable voices are the ones you want to give the least screen time to, while the godawful newbies who get peanuts on the dollar take the main roles.

Because dub actors are usually non-union so they're of a lower standard. The voice actors utilized in actual Western animation and the ones used in dubs are two separate groups.
Limitations such as having to match to set lip flaps (as opposed to recording lines first and animating to the lines later) certainly impede their performances as well but they're usually just not that skilled in the first place.

But also on a budgeting standpoint, making a good product will net you more money. Cutting enough corners leaves you with nothing.

It's actually the opposite, the union has a stranglehold on the anime dubbing industry. That strike a few years back really shook everything up though.

As has already been mentioned, it's a decade old niche show. They shouldn't be expecting to see huge profits from this anyway.

In what universe in the cop's performance in the clip that the post you're quoting was replying to measurably better than the rest of the cast? Not to mention that he's voiced by Zach Bolton, a bigger literally who than anyone in the main cast. Jesus christ you clowns will say literally anything to trash on dubs no matter how little sense it makes.

>it's a decade old niche show
But its a brand new niche show to the west now

>Operating on a shoestring budget, it makes sense.
If money a concern, they wouldn't be releasing a decade old niche show. Anybody who had any desire to watch this watched it years ago. All Funimation is trying to do is go bankrupt with terrible business decisions.

>(as opposed to recording lines first and animating to the lines later)
Anime very rarely does this even for the original Japanese track though. In fact the Japs fuck up matching flaps way more than English dubs do.

I thought having to sync lip flaps was something done for older anime, and even if that wasn't the case wouldn't there be more leeway for the animators to make it sync up if need be?
Sorry, I'm confused as to what part of my post is the "opposite" as you said.


The Japanese seiyuu industry is so centralized and regulated that you can use any actor in any kind of product (anime, games, foreign film dubs, commercials, narration for TV shows, announcements in trains). That leads to ridiculously tight competition which means you don't last long if you actually suck.
That is the complete opposite of west where everything comes down to money and as a result things like JRPGs and anime localizations have to make the best out of bottom-of-the-barrel tier actors (literal nobodies or weirdos with passion).

If you can't notice the difference in quality because it's in a different language, you might want to seek help for your autism since acting is all about conveying emotion, not reading scripts.

100% this

this is sadly not the last thread we'll see about the "new" Nichijou dub

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This is like saying that because Hollywood is so centralized and competition is so high that there are no terrible actors that are successful. Or the same thing for UFC, that there are no terrible fighters that are promoted. Or that there are no terribly animated anime that are successful.
We both know that these are all not true.

As for the emotion in other languages, I've listened to songs in foreign languages that sounded fine to me, only for me to do some research and see that people of that language think it sounds shitty. The difference in language patterns and standards can cause misinterpretations of what the people are like. - especially if your language has a different overall sound (german vs italian, english vs chinese)

>good dub

yeah... nope

They will change it to Spanish.
It should be fine. There still are people who never buy coffee at Starbucks.
It will be translated straight-up since nobody gets the joke anyway.

They are good at comedy. The rest is shit though.

Go to hispachan you stupid spic.
I'm not even a latin american native and I think it's better than here anyway

there's literally no way they could translate the end of vol. 4 to animation without ruining it

>They will change it to Spanish.
still doesn't really work if we're being honest here, even in fucking california with it's huge mexican population, people rarely just break into spanish.

You don't need to know a language to tell if someone is singing out of tune. Beyond that "sounding shitty" in music could be only about grammatical mistakes, speech impairments, or simply just a matter of style, all of which have really nothing to do with musicality itself ("I don't like this" doesn't equal to "this is shit" in acting, either).
If your excuse for not understanding something is "inexperience", then please don't go sperging around as if your opinion mattered; maybe you should "do some research" on how regular elevens (3DPD actors, comedians, idols, random celebrities, ippanjin) compare to actual seiyuu at voice acting and see what you yourself think about it.

I will say this— there is such a thing as a good dub, I think Bang Zoom and Discotek are pretty good for what they are, but for the most part Funimation dubs are an absolute trashfire and would be completely ignored if not for the fact that Toonami uses their dubs as a majority and all their voice actors have huge cults of personality.

The only thing that Funimation does "worse" than those guys is dub shittier shows on average because they do 10+ dubs each season. It's not like Bang Zoom would have done a better job with garbage like King's Game or Conception. On an equal playing field they can't compete with Funi. Just compare the dubs of Testament of Sister New Devil and High School DxD; the difference is night and day.

They're only good if they are jokes, like Ghost Stories and Panty and Stocking.

I'm an american and I fucking hate leftism and how much it fucking ruins everything.

>he thinks english is american
hahahahahahahahahahah holy shit you can't make this shit up

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she's fucking ruined

her fits don't have as much impact as original

there's nothing much to ruin there, just ok

Not Nichijou related, but thanks to your post I found out that there are still bugs in my room and I'm burning down the entire house

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I watched this series dubbed and actually thought those were the original lines and didn't give a shit. Now whenever I watch a series dubbed I'll be paranoid about shit like this


With that kind of mentality you are going to get nowhere.

The people that do dubs are almost always like current workers for the company. I saw one and it was like a communications vp and the other was just some lady that was married some guy that worked there, both like late 30s or 40s. They either do it to save money or they are living out some kind of actor dream but its just an anime they never heard of so they phone it in when their voice already doesn't fit.

>ages of the english va's

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Its not below the waist so it doesn't count.

He was great as obi wan

How the fuck do you manage to make this post and get trips every time?
And what do you mean by that?

this really stood out, too. it absolutely felt out of place.

>at least one of these VAs will probably be in the inevitable Bocchi dub
kill me before that announcement happens

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It means, deflecting a shit Yea Forums garbage insult

''Interact with children'' is Yea Forums's equivalent to Yea Forums's have sex

I see you commie faggot, unions are 90% trash

Considering that it's Funimation, yes.
Yes they will.

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Is that why Maidragon gets a second season?


>the same way a scorpion is compelled to sting
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post.

>hakase not translated as professor

Defend this, dubfags.

Hakase is a cuter word

This is a website made for fat autistic weebs, so fuck off normalfag.