Why the hell has no one ever told me about this before!? I'm on chapter 44 of this manga right now, and I've just about been emotionally raped over 10 times. It seems that I know literally no one who have even heard of this manga before, yet even recognise images of it. Why is this manga so criminally underrated?
Oyasumi Punpun
Oyasumi punpun is plenty popular my user. You just have been living under a rock. Also stop being overwhelmingly emotional in 2019.
Yeah it’s a top tier manga. Inio Asano is a genius. You should buy the double viz volumes if you enjoy it so much, great value for money.
Sounds like a newfag problem
Have fun reading babby's first depression manga
>Ranked 6 in MAL with 9.02
>criminally underrated
No lol. Everyone that's serious about reading manga has read this.
I'm currently reading it myself, but am only at chapter 7. Already hit me in the feels a few times.
Punpun gets discussed all the time here, where have you been?
Anyway it's a bit overrated but still a must read
Lurk more my niggy
IMO it had a lot of good points, but it kind of got to be too much at the end (I kind of checked out at the eye gouging scene)
Also the thing with them being birds was a dumb gimmick that added nothing to the manga.
>thinks he's been emotionally raped by chapter 44
Wait til you get to around 100.
>Also the thing with them being birds was a dumb gimmick that added nothing to the manga.
>When designing Punpun, Asano wanted to find a balance between making his male protagonist too handsome or too ugly and decided to let readers imagine his face.
Stop samefagging and spamming this shitty manga already, jesus
Also, it's not underrated retard
this but unironically
punpun is for emotionally stunted manchildren and spiritual whores who who have nothing better to do than dwell in the recesses of their minds
Can I enjoy this as a mentally stable normalfag with a gf and a job?
or is it just trite sadness for neets like NHK
No, it's not NEETproblems drama , it's mostly people being pieces of shit
If you feel that you've been emotionally raped at chapter 44, I'd advice you not to read any further.
Not OP, but I literally just did this, and re reading them hard copy is so satisfying. Something I would gladly have on my shelf.
What's the deal with making most the characters' faces ugly? I never understood.
it was meant to capture the true ugliness of japanese people.
>"OMG punpun is totes me. SADBOYZ GANG RISE UP!"
why should I read this
You read it if you decide you no longer want to feel joy
Everyone on Yea Forums knows and has read Punpun, and most enjoyed it. We don’t discuss it often because it’s been finished for years now and we prefer to discuss current titles rather than endlessly circle jerking titles (with a few exceptions like EVA)
I find Inio Asano's manga to be pretentious.
>anime character edited to wear nike clothing
what's the deal with this anyways
it's just how normal fags are
bro people here will fuck you up if you say that Punpun is good (an obvious fact), people think is forced emotional, just don't hear them and enjoy it yourself, also try to avoid spoilers
This is an anonymous board so there is no need to pretend here. Weirdly, still happens.
Probably but only for its comedy value. It's a seinen targeting teens "I'm mature for my age!" and "I don't read shonen titles, I'm an adult" audience.
enjoy chapter 50
Super newfag. Punpun is incredibly well known and was live translated regularly years ago.
It also has a bit of a less good reputation since the "eh" ending.
The chapter where he finds Aiko again was the biggest ‘oh shit’ moment I’d ever had with anything Japanese
And then she hangs herself
for those who don't know, seriously, these are massive spoilers not for new readers
Complete trash of a Manga. Only edgy preteens like this Manga.
When we find out the letters are from his mother all along I felt genuinely awful for hating her for so long, that's whole volume was expertly crafted.
Just wait till he starts reading pic related and starts acting like a enlightened retard.
I mean you don't have to be anything to enjoy it. Being like punpun makes it more relatable
Honestly, what's up with that dumb fucking cult. Did the creator just make that cult to just fill pannels in? 8/10 it was too much useless text that had nothing to do with punpun.
You know side stories is a thing, right?
user, every 13-16 year old chick I've talked to or spent some time at her place with has read and loved it. Not only that, it's one of the most popular manga. Maybe you've just been living under a rock. When I read it for the first time at 21, I didn't relate much, but after a really bad breakup I've grown to enjoy it and read it like once a year (I'm 24 now).
Oh, look. Yet another incompetent primate who misunderstood the brilliance of Johan and his divine motivations.
It's pretentious shitheads like you that made me dislike it in the first place. It's pretty average in my opinion.
I bet you actually fall for the "hunterchads" meme too
Nobody is surprised that an utter brainlet like you would dislike it, my dear friend.
I don't even enter shonen threads you subhuman trash.
Nobody here's ever told you about the sky either, but we assumed you looked up and noticed it at least once in your life. Punpun's fucking ubiquitous.
I don't dislike it. It's just average and very overrated.
Literal babby's first post.
>blames others for "acting like enlightened retards" and being "pretentious"
>being both himself
kys faggot
What exactly do you think pretentious means ESL-kun?
Lurk more, my dude. But it's a great manga, and a must read for everyone, even if it's highly depressing, especially around the last chapters.
Remember when that got spoiled? The shitstorm was fucking hilarious.
you mean the part where aiko kills herself?
You literally need to be a "depressed" normalfag to relate to punpun
user, punpun is incredible accurate at portraying depression especially during teens and early adulthood. I think you're being a pretentious loser who's salty that he never got to experience teenage love and the sometimes fatal emoitional costs and can bring with it if you fall for the wrong person.
>I don't even enter shonen threads you subhuman trash.
go back to sucking asano's normalfag-appealing dick
That explains your behaviour idiot. Atleast try to insult me properly.
>this realistic and psychologically feasible manga is bad because I can't relate since I'm an isolated loser who thinks normal people are dumb
Wow. Strong logic, friend.
it is good. Took me two attempts to read it all the way through due to how shit it makes you feel.
Seeing the MC go from being an optimistic, naive kid to a piece of shit adult was interesting.
Bait for people with the emotional range of shounenfags (a.k.a. normalfags). I will never understand what the appeal of these masturbatory "it's sad and everything sucks" type of works is. It's specially obnoxious because you know exactly what the author is trying to do.
You hating pretentious faggots while never realizing you're acting just like one isn't an insult, it's a fact.
I found Shimizu and Seki's story far more interesting than whatever was going on with Punpun and his family but I guess that was the whole point even if the cult stuff never really went anywhere. Always found it interesting both Shimizu and Punpun could see hallucinations but never told one another about them
>wah wah u a loser
nice argument esl-kun
are you really this mad I called babby's first debressun manga a normalfag fodder?
Just don't even bother, this thread brought out the worst of losers and brainlets.
>heh, normalfags
>heh, I'm much smarter than you
duuuuude you don't get it you a loser
this is saaaad like meeeeeee :(((((
user, nobody thinks like that. Jesus Christ.
>making a thread about a manga you didn't finish
But why?
Why are you going to 13-16yo girl's houses at 24?
Are you suggesting I should fuck them at my place?
Go back
That user isn't me.
I was 21 then. I'm at a different place in life now.
>H-he's just like me! A total fucking loser!
Oh fuck off.
Who are you quoting?
when I first read this manga it only took me 1 or 2 days. I abstained from doing anything but contemplating the manga and my life. I feel it was the closest I've been to turn around my life. It didn't work though. I remember not being able to sleep without having any blankets. I wanted to be cold. I don't know like a punishment or something? something to keep me focused? I really appreciated the manga. Don't let the Yea Forumsfags take away any value you see in it, it's yours to have.
This story is supposed to be relatable. I find that in my life I can't really articulate what I'm going through as well as when I am reading about some character. It was emotional for me because I could not help but realize real people in the characters I think. I really messed up. I think I wanted it.
No one wants to talk about it and relive the pain.
I'm not trying to make a statement by explaining the effect of this manga on me. it'ss just how it is.
I bought all the hard copies of the manga. So it's the only manga I own in its entirety. Thought about making a thread but eh. I figured everyone already knew about it, and knew that it's the best.
BTW: get tf out of this thread until you finish it. You're going to get spoiled if you haven't already.
Sadly the viz translation pulls its punches.
How was their version?
>I'm on chapter 44 of this manga right now, and I've just about been emotionally raped over 10 times.
What actually happens to do that by that point?
I'm pretty sure I dropped it by chapter 35 and can't recall anything major happening, although I assume my apathy toward to manga might have made me forget some events.
It's trite sadness for normalfags with a gf and a job.
what is it with this manga and blogposters
So who was the worst Punpun's dad or mom
As much as I love this manga, the fandom is full with arthoes, sadboys and pussies. It's meant to be relatable, as in: oh wow. That sucks, I've experienced a similar kind of pain. Damn, okay. Oh... a somewhat happy ending, well that's good. - And then you move on, remember the manga and that's it. Not base your entire personality around it like some readers do or did.
You know exactly where he's been.
Unironically the uncle has been the most relatable for me.
Uncle was the most based on the other hand..
i don't think anyone bases their personality off of a manga. There isn't a correct way to act or feel after reading. there is a limit to empathy, if you think a person is being extreme maybe you don't understand. its a state of mind.
Aiko's stepmom
blogposting bad
>i don't think anyone bases their personality off of a manga
Go on Twitter/Instagram and use the hashtag punpun. You'll agree with me in 10 to 20 minutes.
Its just larpers and bots and attention hoes. I don't agree.
It's an alright manga, but it really does attract a lot of normalfags
art and fans. nothing out of the oridinary.
one guy said life sucks. its aweful that people base their personalities on manga. he wouldn't have said that if he had never read punpun. what a pussy
>Why is this manga so criminally underrated?
It's not, you newfag.
It was higher a few years ago. it was over taken. happens.
Just read it. Don't read threads.
heres something I got recently the manga was just close to me
cute and well done
I always enjoy threads of people reading punpun for the first time, unfortunately too many troll or bait threads has appeared recently.
Anyway, Punpun scanlator is from Yea Forums so idk what are you talking about.
>reverse google image search
>50.759 results
oh well. Thought it could have been original for once.
user got me
The world was about to end and they prevented it. Pay attention
How this manga end...
Bad end for Pun
read it
I just read the first volume, when does this get good? It was incredibly boring, and I didn't feel anything.
>depression manga
punpun is sad, but its a human story and its main selling point isnt MC's shitty life, its the amazing, realistic characters
>All we want is to understand each other but we keep clashing thoughtlessly
>And you tell yourself, that's just what people are like
>every 13-16 year old chick I've talked to or spent some time at her place with has read and loved it
Dude. I have next to never met other people that read actual manga. Except a girl who was from Taiwan that I met. I don't mean to soud arrogant, but you should probably really try to expand or mix up your social circle. Just saying
She calls him crazy instead of retarded.
Everything remotely popular does. Get used to it. You're not a snowflake.
Only end he deserves
>I have next to never met other people that read actual manga
Sounds like you're the one who should
this lmao
>I have next to never met other people that read actual manga.
And neither should you
Can't stand it, it's the type of manga "depressed" teenage girls like
You must not talk to a lot of girls then.
>this is the target audience
Chapter 22
>I'm new to Yea Forums: the thread
Lurk more. Looking forward to seeing your thread about how "criminally underrated" dungeon meshi is in a week or two, though.