Why is he so nice compared to most other characters that were unnaturaly strong? Yujiro is a psycho...

Why is he so nice compared to most other characters that were unnaturaly strong? Yujiro is a psycho, Musashi is a monster, Baki and Sukune are bona fide autistic. Only Oliva and Guevara are somewhat reasonable and nice - is it because they're not from Japan?

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Hanayama is a nice guy generally, though

He literally pisses on Baki. Did you also forget the time he get a boner when facing the shotgun guy?

He was initialy presented as a big absurd retard. Almost as a joke character in a series that was already full of joke characters but he ended up being the purest of them all and the only one with a justifiable reason.

This dichotomy elevates him from a really amusing character to also a relatable and loveable one. Based Oliva!

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Too bad he's nothing but a jobber in the face of glorious sumo. Nippon stronk, am I right? :^)

true, I stand corrected

Baki fucked with him the entire time before, it wasn't as bad.
>he get a boner when facing the shotgun guy
So? Yujiro ltierally gets a boner and threatens to rape the first female (a horrid goblin) to come in sight.


There's also Doppo. Doppo is an outright good person. Maybe Kaku.

Maybe you could say that Pickle is nice? He doesn't intend for the bad stuff he does to be bad; he usually has no idea what's going on, and seems amiable when he does understand the situation.

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true with Doppo, but I just posted the upper echelon. Katsumi, Retsu, Shibukawa, they all were at least decent in the later parts. Kaku I don't know, he seems he could be a malicious old man but at least he has humor and respect for some others.
Pickle is clueless and innocent while feral, as seen with ther gay fucking supper with Musashi

I mean, the only time Kaku has ever been visibly angry was when the people he'd hired to spend more-or-less 100 years to come up with decent Kaious recruited a bunch of people who got beaten with one punch or less. And, in response, he just cut off their dominant hands and yelled at them. That doesn't seem too malicious to me. It isn't nice, but it sure isn't evil. I'd say Oliva's done a lot worse. Plus, he mellows out hardcore after that, just like Retsu. Retsu's first fight featured him capslock screaming about the superiority of the Chinese people.

So are you saying Pickle counts as nice?

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>strongest of america
>also strongest IQ, for some reasons
>read 9371501357 books too btw
>beaten by raw power by a 17 years japanese boy

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blacks are good in Baki
not other peoples

retsu became an absolute fucking bro after the first tournament, i really liked him

the whole Baki is summed up in this picture

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Didn't really get his whole boxing arc, only for him to go back to chinese fightstyle and die.
Also let's talk about how Gaia went from "second strongest dude after the Ogre" to complete pushover over the series

This is a martial arts battle manga, unless you're a proud nippon warrior fighting with proud nipponese martial arts you have next to zero(0) chance of being too relevant.

yeah, Gaia was assfucked by the powercreep

Japan stronk america weak sumo strongest martial arts nippon banzai

>This is a martial arts battle mang

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>Yujiro doesn't give a flying fuck about martial arts, openly mocks masters
>is one of only two constantly relevant characters

Can't wait for him to btfo the sumo guy

Tough also makes a bunch of shit up, but even then it's still martial arts-oriented. Not nearly as far fetched as, say, DBZ or Hokuto.

Olivia is generally a chill and funny guy. I liked his interactions with that Japanese investigator dude. He has relatively more pure intentions and goals and tends to mind his own business.

where I can read the last 30 chapters of the Musashi saga?

Only on Yea Forums in the archives.

oliva is a very relatable character i love him, its a shame now is a jobber like the late Retsu.

almost everything is bullshit. It's just powerlevel up the ass.

myes, but I think that's inevitable in a setting where you have Baki's and Yujiro's endless power creep. I wonder how Oliva would've fared against Pickle and Musashi though.

we'll be done with it soon enough
I got pretty sick and wasn't able to do much for a couple weeks

What makes you say he's relatable?

he has actual human feelings and quasi-normal life other than fighting autism

So does Doppo. More than anyone else, actually.

I think the real jobber is Jackhammer.
Dude rebuilds his body to almost Space Marine tier and still manages to job badly

Yeah, but then again he had decent showings first clowning Sikorsky and then against Pickle, despite getting his jaw skinned. I hope he'll get at least some love in the future though.

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I know his motivation (unless i'm mistaken) was to avenge his mom's rape but i don't think she approves of all the hell jack puts himself through. maybe jack's happy ending is to not give a crap about yujiro anymore and live his life?

Can't wait for Maria to crush Sukune for breaking her husband's ribcage.

I just hope we eventually find out whether or not his Maximum Tournament transformation was supposed to be permanent or not. It never seemed like it was, but we've never seen him do it again, which is kind of like saying we haven't seen Jack at full strength since the first manga. If it was permanent, then he built up a lot of muscle on top of what he actually needed in a really short time.

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Space Marine levels are kinda good description, dude should replace some of his organs, or get additional ones and he'd be good. All in all he needs some love.

nah, if he could do it again, he would've against Pickle (I suppose)

max willpower

true, scenes with his wife and how proud he is of Katsumi are so sweet

He was pretty pissed too when his 100+ years martial career was mocked by Yujiro's strenght.
That's the point where he sort of threw away his martial skills and just hammered Yujiro with brute force ( Or so it is assumed ) even if in the end he regained composure and faked his own death.

>brute force
how? won't his full force punches be worthless?

retsu says that those were still martial arts, and chinese martial arts at that, just that he couldn't recognize them. the punch in the beginning was hella impressive though

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but he was using shaori for that right? talking about during the end where he just stops using martial arts and just attack wildly.

is the secret to actually beating yujiro is to one-shot him?

He specificaly says " It's the kaku kaioh doing it so it must be martial arts " when he goes ham on Yujiro because even himself can't tell the difference anymore but respects the Kaku Kaioh too much to simply say " Nah he's just going bat shit crazy ".
At least that's what I figured from it. Perhaps he's still using whatever that technique was that allows him to " contain " his openent's strenght and release it back at him but it certainly didn't look like he was doing precise movements or using any techniques at that moment.
Even Yujiro states " That's better " as if he was praising kaku kaioh for letting go of the ways of martial arts to try and overpower Yujiro in strenght alone since that's what he believes to be the only way to truly be the strongest.

>just attacks wildly
Retsu refers to it as an 'original [style] different enough to be unrecognizable as kenpo' and, when Baki somewhat rhetorically asks him if what he's watching is kenpo, he tells Baki that 'it can be nothing other than Chinese kenpo' - Kaku Kaiou is doing it. Indicating that it's high-level and/or obscure enough for not even Retsu to know what the hell it is in specific terms. And, as I recall, it's the only thing in the fight to make Yuujiro bleed.

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I should add that he goes into it after monologuing that he has stayed the path of martial arts longer and more deeply than anyone else in the world, which can be taken to imply that whatever he's doing is just lost to time.

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Makes you wonder if he would've won if he was a bit younger or the key to his strength is his extreme old age.

Holy shit this series is fucking gay as shit

Maybe you just can't handle muscular dudes?

Pickle raped a girl he is not nice
Yuujiro gave a sign to a kid i think he matured a bit but he is an asshole because being nice is not something he can do
Most of those guys would be nice to average people i think even musashi just killed people that challenged him like those cops he even gave them a chance to walk away.

And eating people alive isn't nice either. My point is that he doesn't know the difference and isn't as accountable as is someone like Yuujiro, who always knows exactly what he's doing.

Isn'tthat hand the same shape as the one that doppo came up with?

He is just one of those fags who think muscular = gay.

>Not nearly as far fetched as, say, DBZ or Hokuto.
Didn't Oliva punch a dude into the ground so hard it fucked up every GPS system on Earth?

I think you're the first person I've seen notice it in like 3 years.

I've only seen the death row arc anime adaptation. How is the rest of the manga? I like the world building, designs, and fights, however the author seemed to lose focus in the arc and I've heard people say that's a common theme.

nice anons, nice. When have Doppo come up with it?

Katsumi mellowed out after he lost an arm

Yuujiro respects Martial Arts and masters. Another thing is that he believes they are below him (which is true). He even knew the trick Kaku pulled on him of stopping his heart and dying to avoid confrontation. Same with Ali Sr. He respected him as a person and his dream to create a new martial art.

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>When have Doppo come up with it?
During the fight against Shibukawa and he used the same technique against Dorian.

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At least Hokuto characters looks more or less realistic, height excluded.

>he didn't use this against Sukune
what the fuck Itagaki

He could have, if he'd let Sukune put him down instead of trying to flex his way out of trouble.

who was behind the door?

Doctor bodybuilder

I´ve always asked me that. I guess the author wanted to foreshadow someone and forgot. Maybe it was Oliva.


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either the bodybuilder (not likely) or Shibukawa

Oliva, Guevara and Hanayama have job, family, friends and lives, of course they are are healthy people and not idiots how live to kill each other

>family, friends

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I'm just waiting for the day someone outright dominates Yujiro, I want to see his cocky ass in fear

Retsu boxing is Itigaki blow is how dick
Itigaki start M.As with Kung Fu (kenpo) and fight in amateur boxing

You're a phoneposting ESL who is speaking on a topic with which he isn't familiar. Could it get much worse?

Never gonna happen, his striking power is too much for the sumo guy and he was never caught off guard with Musashi. A legit supernatural creature would be needed I say.

No one, it's just locked.

>A literal oger shows up and absolutely destroys him in a fight right before forcing him to mature and become a responsible and loving father, showing his children care and respect and letting them follow their other passions unrelated to fighting, finally stopping the violent conflict of the Hanmas.
Baki becomes a professional chef and Jack a best-seller science fiction writer.
Yujiro dies at the age of 93 of lung cancer surrounded by his loving family and friends.

I think this picture manages to capture the otherwordly atmosphere the best.

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Oliva wanted to fight Sukune on equal terms like a gentleman.
Besides, his Pacman can only work on those smaller than him, don't see him crunching up the absolute unit with that.

an army of skeletons



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The canon power triangle is Yujiro > Sumo in general > Memetobe > Yujiro

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>There's also Doppo. Doppo is an outright good person.
Maybe, but he's also a shameless self-promoter. And the fact that he granted a blind man sight with karate magic before plucking them out again always seemed a pretty dick move. Granted, the blind man asked him to take away his sight again, but fuck, buy a man a drink first.

He also likes to squish testicles in friendly matches.

I feel like there is a word/phrase beyond 'to love'. Like 'Feel Bliss' or 'Euphoria' (insert hat tip meme), possibly even 'Ecstasy'

>Never read Grappler because I didn't like the artstyle at all
>Force myself through it the other day
>I can't wait to see how Motobe will fuck up this Sumo guy
>Gets completely BTFO
What the fuck guys?
This is literally his one and only other semi-important appearance through the whole series and he jobs to sumo but thousands of years later he's the only one capable of doing shit to Musashi. I don't even. What is the deal here?

Been interested in Baki for a while
Should I start with the manga, the 2000 anime or the Netflix anime?

>Retsu died while thinking about how he will win and what he'll do next time to win
It's not fucking fair Retsubros...

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Netflix is the 3 season of the anime, so dont start there. I would go with the manga, the anime starts with the childhood arcs (it comes a little later on the manga) and its kinda boring.

Weapons suddenly became super dangerous during the Musashi story arc and Motobe has the power of weapons and memes on his side.

10 to 1 match up

Sumo counters Memetobe too hard.
He is the master when it comes to weapons and playing dirty but against pure martial art, he is weak. Sukune would wipe the floor with him.

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>Olive, Guevara
we will never get to see that damn rematch are we?

he adapted after that loss.

Every chapter we don't see that woman alive I fear that she isn't

plausible since we know hanayama maimed a girl when he sucked on her titties. from prim to saggy in seconds...

>Pickle raped a girl he is not nice
He's a dumb caveman who has probably never saw a girl in his life.

Shibukawa and Doppo both pick fights with random punks who have no chance against them just for the jollies of beating the shit out of them.

Hokuto characters don't even use any form of actual combat techniques, they just have really fast hands and hit the secret pressure point of suckyfucky and win.

He moved so fast the GPS that normally tracks him 24/7 went out of wack. It's not actually that crazy of a feat.

guy with tranquilizer gun

>It's not actually that crazy of a feat.
GPS tracking systems can track a target moving in an airplane. Thats pretty fucking fast

Of course. But it's not even comparable to the other interpretation that he literally moved the entire World.

>>A literal oger shows up and absolutely destroys him in a fight
But Yujiro IS an ogre.

Who would win in a fight, the World's Strongest Creature has made the most powerful martial artists and entire countries bow to him, or 4 guys with tranquilizer guns?

As i am watching dragonball now. Kid goku was the best if i can find a good torrent of z i will try to see if my nostalgia goggles are on too tight cause honestly im only watxhing for vegeta

And baki spanked a kid with his veins out

It wasn't nice of Baki to do so, but it was for the better because he truly taught him what it means to be a man.

I dont get it

How Che got up from that is both awesome and stupid.

That boy is the son of Yuujiro. That sort of puts a whole fucking lot of things into perspective, being directly descended from an oni/devil/asura in human flesh.

oh man i remember that one.
wait is that the one where the main character is actually a SOB and evil who ends up holding a martial arts tournament and being an utter dick to people?

I think tough is the one with 3 father figures who all have a different foot. Dragon foot. Tiger. Monster foot. I got into series because it was wrestling vs karate then it became karate vs karate

WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat

also I can't believe this man got swole just so he could lift her, Oliva is actually the best character, shame about his back though.


Where can I read the part about the Maximum Tournament?

That tuxedo is amazing in its own right.


I want to point this out before we let the thread go, because I'm not going to remember this the next time we have a thread.

Even though Itagaki says that he doesn't plan things in advance, he seems to have planned a /lot/ of Musashi Dou in advance. In volume 3, Musashi makes a comment about how long it's been since he's held a sword. Tokugawa wonders in his head about the meaning of Musashi's words, and reminds us that everybody knows Miyamoto Musashi as a master *swordsman* - but that issue isn't addressed or even again acknowledged until more than halfway through volume 10. All the while, Musashi has been using physical swords to smack people down. That's kind of strange, isn't it? From someone who says that he doesn't even know who will win a fight until he's drawing it, that's planning of more than a year in advance.

I'm not going anywhere productive with that thought, but isn't that just kind of strange?

It's making me wonder, now, about how long it will be until we find out what Sukune's real deal is - since, Itagaki also said that he only pushed the Musashi vs Yuujiro fight to be as early as volume 10 because his editor made the suggestion, and he agreed with the editor and thought it would be a novel and interesting concept to put the fight between the two (apparently) strongest characters as one of the first fights. Let's suppose that the editor doesn't make a similar suggestion this time around. Does that mean that we won't know the entirety of Sukune's spiel until, say, 2022? That's kind of a scary thought.

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Musashi looks better in that look. As for Sukune, the whole "make sumo great again" seems to be his goal at the moment. I don't think "sumo is the strongest style in the world" is even plausible.

>sumo is the strongest style in the world
I don't think that Sukune's asserted that. And, like you said, restoring sumo's prestige is ostensibly his goal - but only Koike has made that claim. Sukune himself hasn't mentioned anything about it.

wonder if he'll develop some sort of sumo based MMA

>Dying of lung cancer.

He will peacefully ascend back into the heavens on his own will, user.

Should have shot him in the nuts

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>yujiro needed musashi to soften motobe up first before smacking him


wouldn't work
he's got Balls of Steel

can't find the exact page but having intimate relations with hanayama will seriously mess up your looks.

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That's what she is imagining will happen; it's the page subsequent to , whereupon he is asking her to take out her breast. He's already shown her his penis in a very strange, egalitarian display of honesty, asking her if she would be okay with his size if they were to become lovers.

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only saw the scene from the actual manga (saw a couple of scarface volumes at a japanese surplus store) and i have no idea what was going on. thanks for the clarification!

so i'm guessing she backed off after this?

The whole thing's in the mega if you want to look at it. But, yeah, she bails; telling him that she wants to break things off. And he just thinks to himself 'fuck, I'm good'.

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thanks for the heads up. didn't even know there was one.

As someone who recently finished Son of Ogre, the first series Grappler Baki is the best. The anime version of it is good if you haven't read the manga but once you read the manga it is completely lacking in pretty much everything. The Maximum/Greatest Tournament is the best arc and the final fight is wonderfully drawn. The last 10 volumes of New Grappler Baki are better than most of the Death Row arc in my opinion, it feels much more focused and characters actually develop. Son of Ogre starts good, gets a little rough with the Prison arc but the Pickle arc is really darn good and returns back to a good level of gore fans haven't seen since the end of the first series. Retsu taking up boxing is one of my favorite parts and just such a comfy little diversion. The final fight in Son of Ogre has some pretty good moments but you might disagree on the conclusion.

I always thought it was Hanayama but that would be too much foreshadowing.

>Retsu taking up boxing
I just reread some of that arc the other day for the first time in a couple years, and it has some amazing pages that I'd forgotten all about.

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Oliva has a waifu he loves more than anything, hobbies other than fighting, a job etc.
He's still fucked up in the head but unlike the rest of the cast sans Doppo he has a life outside of fighting.
Sumo is like kryptonite to Memetobe.

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Nah he's just gonna start pulling E.Honda shit

i'm pulling this out of memory but wasn't E.Honda's deal was he was using a bastardized sumo for street fights and the kabuki make-up is to signify that he's not fighting a pure sumo match anymore (some sort of reminder for HIM not to go all traditional or else he'll lose).

Not him, but "traditional" sumo is not the same thing as archaic sumo. Tradition, in sumo terms, means deferring to the rules they codified around the end of the Meiji. Sumo from like 1200 more-or-less just meant 'a fight that people came to see'.

poor guy, easy to forget how fucking young he is

his only hope is somehow there's a female hanma out there.


wasn't really necessary