Why it doesn't have the same hype as the two previous seasons?

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Shit adaptation. Uprising arc was butchered hard. Only the last two episodes of this season were good.

It was split in two cours.

aot is dead


The people that were interested in aot read the mango
Those who weren't enough just simply forgot that it exist


Because all the events already known (after part 1 of season 3 almost all the fans turned to read the manga)

Because we are very close to the point at which the manga turns to garbage, the basement reveal.
After that the viewer count is gonna plummet anyway.

Um, this week's episode was gilded like 200 times on reddit, get with the program.


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Everyone caved in and read the manga.


>highest rated episode on mal
>highest rated episode on imdb, which has movies and other normalfag media
>adds tumblr to the filename for no reason
you're showing your insecurities
the episode was fucking great, just like the entirety of aot
t. brainlet with shit attention span

the entire internet is enjoying this season and are glad that one of the best arcs in all of manga is getting adapted, while you jaded cunts are being cynical about small details and will go to compare sales and ratings and other shit, while having an inferiority complex to a number of communities who are enjoying shit while you've been here for years, unable to genuinely have any emotions ever again, a husk and shell of your former selves.

They hate us cuz they aint us. These retards wish their derivative garbage had a fraction of the attention and popularity SnK gets

tedious and boring
like the walking dead after the first season
why would anyone watch it? The story has already been told. Zombies. Titans. Cool. Then it's done. No one gives a shit about some tedious background story. People wanted to see sum kuul shiiet and they got it. Now the cheap entertainment has been consumed, people will look for new flavors in the walmart of the mind that is mainstream anime.

Did you even watch the fucking show? This post reeks of bait.

this episode was one of the best in the whole anime so far

Is that supposed to be a question or did you just forget to write your statement?

Yes, I watch the show, and it's boring and the plot is uninteresting. Nothing new has been shown, only the pointless little twists and turns and the world building of a fantasy world that already was shown before. The author has shown the titans already. So what's the point in explaining how they came to be? Nothing. Titans are fantasy, and he thought about them. I despise the fantasy authors, who think their work has to have a grand scheme and explanation for everything, when they weren't constructed like that. First came the gig. Then they build some bullshit around that. But no one gives a shit.

Did you know that only titan is the magic element, and the protagonists race is yhe only one able to became titans, and for this reasom the entire world and the true "mankind" hate all of them as spawn of the devil? And did you know that the entire world is ww1 and only the island where the protagonists live is stuck in the 19 century while the entire world is in early 20s (there are zepelins,tanks,airplanes , warship etc .....)

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Yes. And it's garbage. And I don't care about your opinion. Any average isekai has better plots and world building. If you are that amazed by this plot you are an utter pleb.

Is this a pasta? Did you actually watch anything past episode 1?

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Just give up, this guy is a fucking contrarian.
He is aware also of the marley, timeskip etc... And still he considered the series shit.

Everything that happens after the basement reveal is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. It's like the writer wanted to write a new series but kept the characters from the first one.

Why does that poster look so horrible?

"Here's a whole bunch of new characters from 'bad guy land' but you're supposed to care about them and morally grey, etc," Fuck off. Burn Marley to the ground.

It's pasta, he posts it in every thread like the schizo he is

This is just autism, the writer of this show was smart enough to expand his premises before the titans got old, he made the enemy bigger and bigger and the story ever evolving which is how it managed to stay on top of itself.
It's the only plot driven manga currently releasing and recieves continued success, you're in la la land.
This is literally just a contarian Yea Forums thing, even Yea Forums is sucking this shows dong, and every other avenue of the internet is enjoying it.

So this "muuuh dead hype" is just an Yea Forums thing, and it's just you 10 anons who don't even read it at that, or you feel threatened by it's success and feel the need to try and downplay.

Because the serum thing is gay.

>hating on the most praise arc makes me cool and special.
Some day you will grow up, retarded contrarian

i'm over 30 year olds
you are the underage

So you are a metally underaged 30 years old who keep hateing the narrative arc who is considered as the best timeskip-arc and one of the best arc in manga history.
GGWP contrarian.