I'm about to watch this as a 20 year old KHV NEET with a cute girl folder

I'm about to watch this as a 20 year old KHV NEET with a cute girl folder.
What should i expect?

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The anime is bad, read the manga or the novel instead.

a little sad and a lot of filler

Expect the struggles of a fake incel who is actually a chad


Krumpel Hannover volk. It's a nationalist working classmen political party in Germany.

Normalfag main character LARPing as a hiki

to kill yourself.

but the author of the novel was literally a chad who became a hiki for a time. he was in movies and shit.

Suicide attempts by every woman in the show. A chad main character and his gigachad neighbor. Puru puru pururin. Cute Misaki.

He meant HIV

Brush up your /r9k/ dictionary user. KHV means kissless hugless virgin.

MC wasn't a hikki for that long of a time, so he still had some normalfag traits

Why watch anime when you can kill yourself

>What should i expect?

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I thought it was kissless, handholdless vagrant.

Well you can't expect accurate meaning from urbandictionary tier.

the future seriously i was a NEET a few months back

I see, i guess it truly doesn't get the nature of a NEET
I will just play Persona 5 i guess
Have a cute girl from my folder

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Kill yourself

Does the manga have all that extra shit with the Internet suicide cult and the pyramid scheme?

Lucky kraut digits

Don't let them throw you off user, he's still a very typical mentally disturbed NEET/hiki, but it goes with an Abe ending.

>Abe ending
There is no impregnation

A great anime. Assuming you don't actually think of yourself as superior for being NEET, at least.

Expect the tfw no misaki depression when you finish it, honestly I wished I watched it after moving on from my NEET life, does more harm than it helps.

Replying for good fortune
Bless you little Yea Forumsnom

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I was hit harder by senpai cucking him

What do you mean filler? It's a bloody slice of life anime. Sure it goes into other genres too, but even if there was filler, then the filler itself is good.


I just finished reading the manga, Misaki felt more crazy and unlikable.

Why would any real neet read/watch it when you can just look in the mirror? I assume only larping normalfags and ironic "im such a neet every weekend xD" neets like this shit.

>Misaki felt more crazy and unlikable.
I'd honestly probably have better time stomaching a Misaki whose bitchiness is more equivalent with her intentions when it came to getting close to Satou, if that makes sense.
However, I'm assuming the scene on the cliff where Satou tells Misaki that it's the world's fault she's the way she is or something along those lines happens in the manga too, since it happens in both the novel and the anime so it's guaranteed to be there. I already hate that scene as is so seeing it said to a more unlikable Misaki must've sucked.

>being a NEET at 20

you literally have your entire life left at least try to make something out of it

fjuck you
after a depression meal consisting of one (1) rice in room temperature and a banana, i'm gonna give it a try
i'm trying man

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alright, finished the first episode and all i can say is:
>very relatable
>tfw no girl will ever magically appear on front of your door to take you out of NEETdom

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