Kemono Friends 2

The first Blu-ray for KF2 sold a whopping 458 copies in its first week.

Were you one of the privileged fans who bought a copy?

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Other urls found in this thread: died for our sins comp/brlsLoe/

What's good place for sales figures other than someanithing whose homo owner refuses to list 3D anime?

Kemono Friends 2?
But we're still waiting for Season 2 to come out!

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Is kemonothon here? Are you gonna stream KF dubbed?

I love Kemono Friends so much I would even be up for this.

Please don't let the friends die.

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stay buttblasted Mcfaggot

but they're already dead

How many had weed smoke sold at this point?

The fuck are you talking about? Why does asking for a sales data source make me buttblasted?

Oh no

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You actually are!
Congrats on your 3D garbage ignored btw

3D anime isn't garbage and there's no valid reason for him to ignore it.

user are you okay

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>**,458 けものフレンズ2  new!

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>458 copies
How on earth did it manage to sell so many

Everyone at Kadokawa's animation branch was told to buy a BD or else they'd get fired.

>sold like 35 times less than Kemurikusa
>they will still need to divide the money between a bunch of animation studios and all their staff
>Kemurikusa sales will be divided between lke 15 dudes

Half of them were bought by Hosoya.

Compare Kemono Friends Tatsuki 1
巻数  初動  2週計  累計  発売日
01巻 *5,768 12,650 33,292 17.03.25
02巻 *1,233 17,224 27,786 17.04.24
03巻 16,555 **,*** **,*** 17.05.26
04巻 20,803 27,372 **,*** 17.06.26
05巻 24,658 **,*** **,*** 17.07.26
06巻 21,187 **,*** **,*** 17.08.26

けものフレンズ 初動5768枚

けものフレンズ2 初動354枚

Someone should buy it to scan the encyclopedia.

No. Absolutely anything even tangentially related shouldn't be remembered or even taken as canon.

Doggo is now top 5 best friend of all time though.

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Friendanon here, you better believe it

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There have been many abandoned series and such before, but I think now, it's time to abolish copyright of series and characters and such.
Obviously copyright of the individual work, so that you can't just re-sell the anime, but anyone should be free to make a second series or a prequel. Obviously, you have to make it clear who made it and who made the original.
We have doujins and it works well for manga, it's time to do the same with full-on anime or game or whatever you want, no more restrictions on ideas.
Music, models, pictures, and other such assets that are part of the work are a bit of a gray area, with no clear line to draw that I can think of.
(because there's no such thing as the spirit of a law, we live in a society)

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>time to do the same with full-on anime or game or whatever you want
Nigger do you not understand Japan already does this? Doujinshi anime and games have existed for decades and is how Irodori started off.

Didn't it come with an event ticket of some sort?

No, I have no idea how doujin works. I don't know the subtelties - what's the difference between that and Tatsuki and co crowdfunding a S2?

Doujinshi works are self-published and created not with the intention to make a profit, but as a hobby. Sure, you can still make money off of it. The reason ZUN is still considered a doujinshi creator when Touhou is a multimedia franchise is because the main aspect of it, the games, are still the product of a hobby. The reason Irodori is doujinshi is because they create self-published anime for the sole purpose of creating the stories they want and profiting from them is an afterthought, with that mentality continued to be carried into the mentality of Yaoyorozu.

Because of that mentality, I don't ever imagine Tatsuki and co. turning to crowdfunding. If they happen to end up with an even smaller budget, that's what they'll work with. If they have to pay out of pocket, that's what they'll do to create the story they want to make, as Tatsuki continues to do with the post-season shorts.

So will it do worse than Fractale?

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Cute Serval

Kinda want the Arai-san/Fennec and Masayoshi versions of the op.

>People absolutely loathe Kadokawa but continue to buy their products. Kadokawa own too many properties. It is the biggest employer of light novel authors in the country. You basically half your access to anime if you boycott Kadokawa.
One company should not be allowed to grow so powerful.
Its size may have caused the whole debacle as well, as some disagree with the decision to fire Tatsuki, so getting too big/streched-out causes problems. In addition to the stagnation and arrogance that happens with too much money and power.
Ah, that makes sense.
Besides the misunderstanding of doujinshi, I stand by what I meant.

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What actual bird looks most like the Kadokawa logo?

They're suffering a fate worse than death.

Attached: Kemono_Friends_S2.jpg (1000x1688, 446K)

The last sales update for the first volume of Kemurikusa is 14353, meanwhile the highest sales data registered for KF1 first volume was 33292.
So yeah, the drop from KF1 V1 to KK V1 is currently at 56,89%, meanwhile tre drop from KF1 V1 to KF2 V1 is currently at 98,62%, so that must be a new record of biggest drop from S1 to S2.

Kadokawa also has their fingers in merchandise and video games. You really can't boycott them unless you're willing to abandon a massive chunk of content.

It's worth mentioning that by the time KF vol. 3 released, volumes 1 and 2 had sold a combined total of 120,000 units. That's only the first two combined. Approximating the possible sales of the rest of the BDs along with the additional sales over the following weeks, KF has to have sold a metric fuckton by the time the last guidebook was released.

Printed != sold. When will this meme ever die.

Yes, that is a big problem, Printed Units is not equal to Distributed Units and Distributed Units is not equal to Sold Units and Oricon only does report about Sold Units, then the extra problem is that not all stores or sellers report to Oricon, so the Oricon numbers will be always less than the real sales number, for how much is always unknown, unless the publisher decides to publish the sales data.
So to make those comparisons more fair the people tend to use the Oricon numbers, because you will get always featured on their reports unless you sell really low.

So the little snippet printed on the cover of the vol. 3 guidebook claiming that volume 1 and 2 sold more than 120,000 copies is not at all an indicator of any number of sold volumes at the time of its release?

>Doujinshi works are self-published and created not with the intention to make a profit, but as a hobby. Sure, you can still make money off of it. The reason ZUN is still considered a doujinshi creator when Touhou is a multimedia franchise is because the main aspect of it, the games, are still the product of a hobby. The reason Irodori is doujinshi is because they create self-published anime for the sole purpose of creating the stories they want and profiting from them is an afterthought, with that mentality continued to be carried into the mentality of Yaoyorozu.

I heard irodori sold their discs at a loss until they became big after KF.

Where did that come from? As far as I knew no number besides the 120k thing was ever released.

Pretty much anything Yaoyorozu/Irodori sells is guaranteed gold at this point. They could put out an anthology DVD of all of Irodori's earliest works at 100 yen a pop and make a profit.

It wasn't "sold", it was "copies in print". I understand that this concept is very hard for animefags, but if you will ever follow manga or LN sales, you will know what it means.

Yes, that's why they need to be broken up. Due to how multi-media works it would be grouped by a few franchises each, not by media type.

It may very well be true that irodori did not earn money with their DVDs before KF, maybe only enough to cover the making, printing and distribution costs, but nothing more.

For example, on each Comiket there is like 35000 circles, of those circles roughly 70% lose money and 15% break even.
Source: Page 20
The data is from around December 2010, but it should be pretty similar even now.

Funny enough Keifuku-san is still selling, because recently sold 287 copies and on April sold 747 copies, so since it was restocked has sold 1034 copies, bringing a grand total of 6181 copies sold since last year.

And yeah, a compilation Blu-ray with all the works by irodori should be great as fuck, but it seems they are not interested on restocking pre-KF works, a shame.

There is people tracking the Oricon numbers the best they can, so that 33k number is the last time that KF1 V1 got featured on Oricon.
If you want a source:

Specially true if we have in mind that KF1 was sold as books, to be more precise, as guidebooks and not as Blu-ray volumes, so it is not strange to see big selling franchises printing huge stocks so they can last a good amount of time without needing to reprint every week.


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I'm really worried that there were 458 people who thought that this thing was good enough to buy it.

I still don't get why that yurifag salesfag refuses to acknowledge the existence of CG anime and blocks anyone who even attempts to bring them up. His explanations on the matter have been pretty vague too.

>OP from the first season plays during that scene
Jesus fuck, I'm getting angry again.

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Well, there is a guy that bought 3 copies of the first volume, so do not underestimate the craziness/idiocy of a Mafure (KFP/KF2 asslicker)

*saves your franchise*

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Because that idiot says that anime is it only Japanese 2D hand drawn animation, so CG-only Japanese animation goes outside of his definition of animation even if we are talking about KF1 and KK and not of hyperrealistic things like the new Lion King movie.
Still, there is things like Protonmail and VPNs, so that should be enough to paid that guy a good amount of visits until he waves the white flag.

>Printed != sold
>It wasn't "sold", it was "copies in print"
>Oricon only does report about Sold Units
>the Oricon numbers will be always less than the real sales number
>so that 33k number is the last time that KF1 V1 got featured on Oricon.

so it's safe to assume it still sold a metric ton but we don't really have a very specific number then?

Yes, even 33k is a metric ton and that is the highest number you can say that is a based on the compilation of real sales data and not based on estimates or projections, then there are the numbers provided on the obis of the guidebooks, but we do not know if those are about printed or sold copies, but they are normally taken as referring to printed copies.

It sold a lot, but it wasn't the "best selling anime" like some people trying to paint it. If you think it sold better than something like Yuri on Ice or Love Live then you're fucking delusional.


I want to squish these moths.

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So how dead is KF3?

As dead as Kaban's Optimism and her Serval.

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No tatsuki, no tanoshi.

Based nips actually sticking it to Kadokawa for fucking over the one who made Kemono Friends great in the first place.

are you happy now kadokawa?

>Moose on top
wonderful taste

They are now that the money-laundering scheme has finally worked as it was intended to work.

I think money actually comes out pretty dirty when you flush it down the toilet.

I still don't understand why they existed

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Probably Peacock

Holy shit. Was it because it was much worse than S1, or did the otaku show unity against Kadokawa?

Kadokawa wanted to push the idol angle even more, but everything went to shit and even the penguins are not selling that much anymore. So they ARE completely pointless, but kadokawa already casted the girls and did the research and music and shit. It was kinda late to remove them at that point.


Most likely both


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How does one stop the rapebird problem at Japari Park?

What lesson is Kadokawa taking from this? Is it:

>Shit, we fucked up. We see our errors and apologize and do naked Kaos dogeza. We'll listen more to creators and fans in the future. This will never happen again!

Or is it:

>Fans are unpredictable. Stop doing high risk S2s. Let's make more low-budget crap shows, one of them will hit the jackpot and make us tons of money in return for no investment. Now hand me that the list of isekai WNs that got more than 100 views!

Give the source to that Pastebin, from what I can gather from the image I see that thing is a yearly top 20 ranking spanning the period from 2016/12/05 to 2017/11/27, so KF1 V1 got place 19th with a grand total of 40813 copies sold until 2017/11/27, around 8 months after going on sale.
If those numbers are really based on data provided by Oricon, then that means the situation is even more shameful than I thought before for KF2, because going from 33k to 40k is not a small difference.
So the drop from KF1 V1 to KK V1 is currently at 64,83%, meanwhile the drop from KF1 V1 to KF2 V2 is currently at 98,88%, someone call the Record Guinness because we have a record here.

>Fans are unpredictable. Stop doing high risk S2s. Let's make more low-budget crap shows, one of them will hit the jackpot and make us tons of money in return for no investment. Now hand me that the list of isekai WNs that got more than 100 views!
Guarantied to be this one.

>naked Kaos
Hopefully the first if we get that. It would be really nice if they actually listened more and learn to recognize the things that make them money though.

Hopefully the first one, based on Hosoya getting fired. I feel bad for anyone who considered the fans unpredictable, especially after they decided to air it simultaneously with kemurikusa.

>Make Kyururu's gender unknown
>Show flopped hard
If Kyururu was a girl, this could have sold 75% of KF1's sales

>able to do anything good

Not so much Kaban's gender was also somewhat ambiguous, although at the end of the series there was no doubt because we know she is a friend and all the friends are automatically female even if they were males on their original animal form like what is suggested with Emperor Penguin.
Simply put, KF2 was a series full of assholes, both its main character and the staff making the series, so the people gave it its deserved treatment.

Satisfy them. Good luck with that.

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But that's too dangerous, can't they just place a bunch of random windows around Japari Park for the birds to walk into?

She learned how to break them.
Doors too.

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That's why I didn't see it in the top 20 this week?

Birds are really terrifying creatures

They weren't even idols in the show, they just showed up in the last three episodes jusr to say some cryptic bullshit.

I bet all of the were from the staff and renting stores.
Buy one if you have the chance, the price will increase 10x more in a couple of years as kf2 gets a classic status as one of the most cursed anime of all time.

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They were the first thing that was advertised for the show, even before the caracal video that got massively downvoted, yet they failed to make them a thing and ended up being as annoying edgy cryptic birds.

What a waste. I really liked them.

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Peach Panther brings me life

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Now that the dust has settled, the only things that I can say I liked from KF2 could be the asobi asobase dolphin, the cute doggo, the beep and Caracal's huge ass. Everything else was either a turd or wasted potential.

Help her.

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No way, she's a creep.

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The hotel trio was great, of course they ended up having their home and livelihood destroyed since the likable characters aren't allowed to be happy in KF2.

Rape isn't creepy at all.

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What a weirdo

>Kemono Friends S2
>no guys
>yuri undertones
>bombs extremely hard, now a laughing stock

>male MC
>het ED
>already one of the best selling shows of the year, and with a small budget too

>prickposter so assblasted he had to go to a Kotobuki thread and blame its underperformance on "het"

How will prickposter recover now?

Attached: laughing serval.png (846x900, 884K)

*het end

The hell is a prickposter

She will apply high tension on your dick too

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Yurifags have no salvation

That depends in what's raping what though

I wonder if KF3 will actually be able to do anything aside from delaying the inevitable

Mayo wolf time!

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Where can I check out the S2 manga online?

I don't think it's been scanlated at all

This dork exists for the sole purpose of being bullied.

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What are some good foods to put mayo on?

Ky*ruru might be a guy after all.

What would happen if you cum inside a friend?

I'm pretty sure it isn't but I know I've seen some shots on these threads before, namely when Caracal tells Kyururu off while the giant cerulean stands behind her, and also Caracal's ass shot in that swimsuit promo

Impregnation, obviously. The real question is whether or not they keep the animal traits from their mother

I hope the author has the freedom to fix episodes 6 and 9.

Rin is the main character, Wakaba is the deuteragonist. But yeah, funny that at the end Kemurikusa was a love story with two hetero couples, with the main one getting an happy end, so that was the demise for the yurifags and prickposters, because they got a reality check that says that Tatsuki works are not only of the type of CGDCT.

>making me remember prickposter

user! user! Let's play!

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Any news about Hosoya and co amd the entire yakuza thing?

Even though I kept my promise to Otteranon and didn't watch KF2, I still want to rescue this doglet

Okay Dog-chan! Let's play!

>Serval's general posture (being more straight and upright gave better vibes to an actual Serval)
>Dolphin and Sea Lion in general. Reward gimmick was entertaining despite being a bit fucked
>Cute Doggo
>Hotel Trio, especially Habu
>Spheres, notably their capturing of Brap and the way they'd roll up when in danger
I think that's pretty much everything I could come up with

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didn't know he was still around
Thought Zombieland killed him.

Kaban's appearance at the end of episode 5 was well done, too bad they completely dropped the ball afterwards.

No. You're going to watch her suffer and you're going to like it.

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Yeah actually, I forgot about that. Genuinely had me excited.

Not so much, Hosoya has gone completely silent since the air date of the last episode and if we take his name being removed from all the series he was working on and he being moved to a section of TV Tokyo not involved on the making of anime, then we can say he is completely done, unless the lawsuit currently being worked against the infamous pro-KF2&KFP/anti-Tatsuki&Kemurikusa account makes a clear connection to Hosoya then he will be really fucked.
The latest and hottest scandal is this one:
The gist of the shitstorm is that KFP may have broken the law, because they were promoting a special exchange program where you could get an exclusive disc as a present if you buy all the volumes of the anime, but when the people got their copies of the first volume they found a paper saying that they must pay 1000 yens to get that special disc, being the problem that at no moment before the paper they informed about that hidden fee.

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So the people is already contacting the Consumer Affairs Agency to denounce that incident. KFP has the right to ask for that 1000 yen fee under the excuse of things like shipping and processing fees, but they are obliged to inform the people all the moment and on a clear way about the fees you are due to paid, if you do not disclose or make difficult to get that information and use words like "present" that may easily be construed as something completely free of costs, then you may get accused of lying to your customers with misleading information.

he appears from time to time just to get btfo by based infoanon

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This would have bothered me at some point in the past but right now it's pretty clear that KFP is full of scumbags.

It's amazing how he keeps showing up and saying the same exact things, I wonder if there's something actually wrong with him

Yes, there is the Mafures (KFP/KF2 asslickers) trying the best they can to deflect the blame and do damage control saying that to pay that fee is something pretty obvious and normal on that type of exchange programs and that to "forget" to inform about that fee is a no problem, but there is the thing that you as a publisher, seller, publicist, etc have responsibilities and one of them is to inform properly your future or potential buyers, so to neglect that responsibility is a big no-no, that may get you on big trouble like a fine.

I have no words...

Attached: serval1000ydStare.jpg (780x1078, 107K)

>those sugois that sound so dead inside
>that whole video
Holy shit

>those sugois

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Hosoya's name wasn't present in the credits of the latest WtJP episode. We can now be sure that he has nothing to do with KF anymore.

How could you fuck something up this badly

Beep is so damn cute.

Is there any art of Saiga?

Dark Fennec, Doggo. I also was glad to see Caracal even though she was butchered.


The only two things I enjoyed in the shitshow that was Season 2 were the Alpaca Cafe post-credit scenes and the memes that came out of the roadrunner.

I want to kiss Peach Panther's butt!

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Shaved Ice.

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Never forget

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Didn't know there was a model of the Nexon Japari Bus, neat video.

Here is another Cerval one

Attached: Cerval_68dbc8_6372971.jpg (1200x750, 181K)

>Serval smiles a lot.
>I'm going to smile too.

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In a different timeline, a pic like this would have coused massive hype

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The Cerval backstory for those who don't read Moon died for our sins comp/brlsLoe/

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Literally nothing but Youkoso Japari Park. On loop. It’s like Kadokawa noticed KF2 doing poorly and decided to maliciously overpromote the first season.

This is a good piece of art actually.

i am fucking in awe at the omnishamble gigabotch of KF2. this is like, game of thrones levels of hyper choke

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Serval didn't forget Cerval. She was hesitating whether to kill Cerval(and save Japari Park) or not. Margay's movie helped her to sort it out. Serval ate the charged salt the twin gods gave her(that would return the sparkle Cerval stole effectively killing Cerval) which knocked her out. Dumb cat.

Can we please talk about how rapable Emperor Penguin is?

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pics of Caracal's huge ass?

I would even say Caracal's colossal ass.

Seeing all of those live performances where the audience is riled up and the VA's look like they're having a blast makes me want to cry, the good times are gone and they're not coming back...

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I hope you know Mandarin

lemme get that for you user

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I noticed one improvement.
In the anime Ky*ruru tried to drown Serval in the ocean.
In the manga she jumped in the water in her own because she's a dumb cat.

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Arigathankyou, both of you

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I don't really know all of what happened to GoT, was it really as bad as what happened to KF? From what I heard that's just poor writing direction, unlike what happened with KF2

I unironically like futa kyurururu art

Kyururu is cute!!!

>Ky*ruru tried to drown Serval
What the fuck?

Watch at your own risk



Pay the Oricon membership fee yourself if you wanted to know it so much.

Why is that monster allowed to exist

no, no it's not

Imagine making that father a mother

That's my fetish.

He's probably Hosoya's or Mine's selfinsert.

Some Mine's magic.

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>doesnt this music remind you of when you loved this?
>don't you remember?
>PLEASE remember
Go FUCK yourself.

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I want to feel silver's silky thighs so badly

Toki got a friend!

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The cutest goddess

Sugoi but don't you want to sugoi remember the sugoi times user? Please give us your sugoi money or Serval's VA will get a sugoi bullet in her head

I'll never forget LO dolphin!

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I remember watching the live show in Osaka and all the VAs looked like they were having a great time. Even though it was after 9/25 there was still hope at the time that the people behind KFP would do the right thing and save the franchise.

Ostrich is asking for help.

It wasn't even HARD
They just needed to make 12 episodes of Kyuru petting the Friends

I want to make kittens with Caracal!

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Tsun is best

If only they were alive, they wouldn't have allowed KF2.

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Oh cool buddy
Are you gonna stream this saturday?

>Less than like 500 BD sales of the first volume
>Merchandise and events seem to have done similarly poorly.
>The new idol thing flopped.
>To push this shit out on time they had to pay to outsource it to multiple studios.

Is it safe to say KF2 was just an all around loss for the investors at this point?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I think that the damage to the fanbase and reputation was even worse.

I want to dog

>even musashi has been desecrated by Kyururu
is there no god anymore?

>Everyday since 9/25 you wake up knowing the best anime since Evangelion was killed over the jealousy the creator had for the anime's directer.

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What did they expect when they made a shota lead?

>shota lead
If at least they made a show about a shota being molested by big tiddy onessan friends, I'd have watched that. But it didn't happen.

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There are a lot of problems with S2 worth talking about more than the lead ambiguously having a trouser friend.

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>pack your things user, we are going straight to the love hotel. No scales.

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Not really, when it comes to sales, having a shota lead it's certainly a huge miss factor for the first season's fans.


Does anybody really cares for disgusting shit like KF or Kemurikuso? It's like watching Dora the explorer in the worse 3DCG ever.

Looks like the people won

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Yes, 40000 persons cared for KF1 V1 and 14300 have cared for KK V1, meanwhile there is still anons like you that are still assblasted by Tatsuki's sucess.

No, the first miss factor was to change the director and the studio, the second miss factor was to change Kaban for Kyururu and the final miss factor was all the shit that happened on the series and with the assholes of the staff.

It's nice to see the love for KF never dies, despite whatever shit these suits throw at it.
Btw, if you like otters please join us tonight on (you know where)/r/ottercine.
Happy World Otter Day!

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>If Kyururu was a girl, this could have sold 75% of KF1's sales

I wouldn't say that I'm assblasted but disgusted, I can clearly imagine the kind of people that enjoys this shit. You can easily see in what this board as evolved in this lasts years when there is no one calling off Kemonofurryfags.

Ky*ruru is su fucking ugly that even if he was confirmed female, it wouldn't sell for shit anyways.

Please go and stay go. You don't want to miss the next support card your friends there are sending to Kimura.

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dumb newfag

Well, there is not furry on Kemono Friends because they have the exact same body of young human girls, but with animal ears and tails made of Sandstar, so this is not MLP. Besides Kemurikusa has not got girls with animal characteristics besides Ritsu with her animal ears, so what attracted the people was not only the cute and friendly girls with animal characteristics, it was also the writing and direction by Tatsuki, heck, even the visual style is called as one of the charms.

That shit was doomed to lose at least half of its sales even before the series started airing, but well, they pulled all the shits one could imagine, so now the drop is over 98% and I doubt that drop will be less than 90%.

They're just girls with animal ears and tails, user. Tonnes of anime have them and I don't see you calling them furry shit.

Because we consume 1thread at a time, does not attack other fan, killed the stalker threads, and brought a mega corp to its knees.

Meanwhile you're here, pissed that people like something you don't
Go watch your kyoani and act high and mighty or whatever

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Well, it seems the sucess of KemoFure was so big back on the glory days that the fan community has become autonomous, so if they do not throw a new turd like KF2, then it seems this franchise will live some years more, even if the activity level is not so lively as on its first year.

It's not a reddit link.

It is nice to see they boycotted successfully not only the Nicovideo ratings, but also the volumes sales, because those Nicovideo ratings does not hurt them so much, but to sell less that 500 copies and with a drop of currently over 98%, that must sting like an attack of killer bees.

yeah dude ESLs who don't even watch anime definitely aren't the problem lmao

Nico premium users are leaving fast

>You can easily see in what this board as evolved in this lasts years
Is this like a game where you cram as many grammatical errors into a sentence as you can?

Well, they could recoup part of the money with things like streaming, rentals, music, merchandise, events, collaborations, etc, but if you are a late night anime and you sell less than 500 copies that is normally considered an huge flop, so you should sell at least 5000 to call your series a success and start thinking about a new season. So yeah, if we only take the volumes, then this series is already a big loss of money for the production committee.

>Hentatsu BD arrives tomorrow
I literally couldn't care less about all the salesfag shitposting that these threads solely consist of anymore, I'm surprised all 84 of you are still rustled enough to give in to that.

We're celebrating,user

Ah yeah, to the point that a lot of high ranking guys renounced or were demoted or transferred to somewhere else, meanwhile Dwango went from a company at equal level than Kadokawa Corporation at Kadokawa Dwango Corporation, to become a whole owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, so they really fucked badly both Dwango and Nicovideo.

My bad. I just realized what the link was. Happy Otter Day, anons.

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Hentatsu is a DVD, although I would like if they go the extra step and release the next short as a Blu-ray, but it seems things like the doujin scene, hentai anime, visual novels and eroges do not want to make the move from DVD to BD only, even if we are already hitting pretty close to 2020.
If we take Keifuku-san as reference, then Hentatsu should sell like 5000 discs on its first month.

What's wrong with stating the official channel to get those numbers?


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Assholes aren't supposed to be this cute

I bet that cute asshole has a cute asshole

Maybe but that's for Pronghorn only

pronghorn only has two horns and she has three holes

That's why man with his single horn is supposed to help


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I hope we get an updated video

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Beep only gets to watch.

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There's a dub? Sure, I'll watch it.

>shoebill just barely sneaking in there

>Kaban's gender was also somewhat ambiguous
... but she had tiddies?...

> logo covering up cracal's asscrack
> also logos covering kyururu's bulge
really makes you think


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Honestly I wouldn't mind Futa Caracal

i don't disapprove

30 minutes

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Yes, but she did not know what type of being she was and she did use some words like the pronoun boku instead of watashi, so both the friends and the people watching the series took her as female by default and that supposition only got its undisputed confirmation with the last episode when they showed that she is really a friend and as consequence she is a female.
Talking about tiddies, on Kemurikusa there is also a shot focusing on Riri's tits, so Tatsuki may be a lolicon with Kaban/Riri as his favorite type of loli, lmao.

>Tatsuki is an ass man
>The loli has a huge ass

Attached: jesus christ.png (1280x720, 646K)

Tatsuki's self insert seems to have a body like that too. He has great taste

>all this talk about Caracal's ass
>nobody appreciating Serval's cat tats


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Yup, Onimusume, the avatar of Tatsuki on Hentatsu, has got wide hips, so we have Kaban, Onimusume and Riri sharing a similar pattern on the shape of their bodies. Rin is not a loli and has even got breasts of a good size, but she is clearly more bottom-heavy than top-heavy, so that is again Tatsuki love for ass on display, maybe living as a child on Kenya left him imprinted with an inclination for a certain type of women.

Tell me, why did the director of the first season got sacked?

I think the only thing that got Tatsuki and Mine on the same wavelength was on making the friends as sexy as possible but still being child friendly.

because of this

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1883, 388K)

Tatsuki has such good taste and talent, even making his self insert the perfect girl for himself so others can learn to appreciate that sort of character. The way he was treated is a crime

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Creator got jealous, production committee wanted stricter control, typical big corporation incompetence, take your pick. Its all the same outcome in the end.


Why do the best things have to be cursed?

What's the appeal of those masks to you, user?

Cute otter!

It looks so cute and huggable!

Wan wan

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Cute dog! It must be hard for her to play all the games she used to though

So why Kyururu didn't just stay with her? Kyururu was looking for her home and she found it, everything after that didn't made any sense, now this is shit writing.

Because Ky*ruru is a dick

Nigga got caught

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Because the dog is unreliable and weak.

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I need an explanation.

It sucks that Serval is so lobotomized she doesn't even realize she's traveling with two assholes.

As long as the doujins and fanart keep coming out, KF3 will always be welcomed. Not watching a single moment of it though.

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I thought KF3 was a game?

Dhole will mess you up if you don't!

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It also should be noted that almost everybody went back to drawing S1 Kaban.

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That's not ok!

God I wish that were me.

The beep should fear the strong

Detective giraffe origin story pretty much, too lazy to translate right now


Happy Otter's Day, anons

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This dumb child shouldn't be dressed like that. Something bad may happen. Where is her mom?

>something bad
Like what?


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She might scratch her legs and knees on some twigs! She should only go into the wilderness wearing thick protective pants!

In Japan only?

That doesn't look like the wilderness to me, user

Poor Mine. I did enjoy Keroro and his gundam girl arts.

Sudoku when?

Yes, that's how you kill the goose of the golden eggs.What a bunch of fucking idiots.

Is there a dub of S1?

Supposedly one is in the works

Please give Hippo a sultry MOMMY voice, please.

Haven't KF fans suffered enough?

>wanting to hear the characters and not just read what they're saying.
Oh lord help us.

Apparently not, I hope you're ready for more pain user

"Unsuccessful rapper and Otter-chan"

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Imagine S2 Dubbed.

>Kemono Friends 2: Eternal Punishment

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Don't you have ears? Or did you mean 'understand' instead of 'hear'. Reading is good for your memorization and you can feel the emotion in the voices better if you don't understand it auditorily. Some people turn their brains off when watching media and some people multitask I understand, but in the former case why even invest time into something you're not even paying attention to? Knowing what the hell is actually happening on screen makes the enjoyment much higher.

Wait did everyone fucking die and get rez'd or something?

>the emotion of the voices
This is probably one of the biggest things for me. Hearing it in English wouldn't be too bad but the voice actors are typically shit. Meanwhile in Japanese, not only can you use it to help practice the language and understand more, generally there's a lot more effort and emotion. It makes me feel a little bad for people who watch shows dubbed

This is the most apologist shit ive heard in a while.

Reading is somehow better than looking at the animation in an ANIMe? The fuck?

>Kemono Friends 2:
Never happened. Okay, it did, but it wasn't what people expected.

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if you think thats the most apologist shit ever, go check out the Kemono Friends discord, its filled with KF2 asslickers

Official KF discord? Got a link?

Reminder that , if you were to visit the park, you wouldn't get to choose a friendfu. The first friend that gets their hands on you would likely mark you as their property.

Attached: __serval_kemono_friends_drawn_by_hanya_hanya_yashiki__92920ccd4b00ec79a46e4d061f7db56f.png (800x800, 586K)

But if you're decent at reading you won't be spending the entire time looking at the words or can process them without having them as your primary visual focus, meaning you can still pay attention to the animation. Besides, audio and dialogue are important too, and you'd be sacrificing those just to look at the visuals more. Dubs can help for some people but they're almost always low quality

It isn't official in any sense. It's the discord of the Kemono Friends Reddit who claim to be the largest English KF community.

>Reading is somehow better than looking at the animation in an ANIMe? The fuck?
If you can't take in the subs with your peripheral vision while you watch the entire screen, you shouldn't call yourself a human being, user.

This is why it's better to be attracted to fit, strong Friends like MOOSE who are more likely to be successful when claiming a mate. Sneaking around Japari Park and avoiding rape to reach your ideal Friendfu sounds like it would be a great stealth game

Glad Kemonoshit is dead. Now all the seasonal VAs can get back to real life.

Do you think Moose would let her girls get any action?

I'm going to masturbate to this dumb bird and then go to bed.

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>The first friend that gets their hands on you would likely mark you as their property.
I'm not seeing a down side here, user. After all, every Friend is sexy.

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The arcade version.
Familiar sprites.

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Yeah, it's not like KF3 exists or anything.

Probably not given Moose are one of the many animals that fight for mates. It would be best for her girls if they were to work hard and get their own mates anyways.

>Shoebill finally gets a boyfriend
>Moose rapes him

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cute otters

Delete this Lion propaganda, Moose would probably never do something like that! I'm sure she'd allow her girls to keep their mates to themselves if they worked hard to catch them

I would agree with you if Kemono Friends was the kind of show that demanded having your eyes on specific points of the screen all the time like in monogatari or sayonara zetsubou sensei, or if the seiyuus spoke so fucking fast that the subs beat your reading speed like in excel saga. But KF has actually a really good pace. I'm going to guess that you're american and you're not used to watch stuff with subs since most big movies and shows are made there and english is the primary language and having subs is a weird thing, but for the rest of the world we're really used to subs on pretty much everything from middle school onwards.

Komodo Dragon is cute when she's lusting after (You).

Have they shown what the mobile version will be like yet?

Not much yet

I'll admit i liked a lot of the new character designs. The redesigns were all terrible. Beep's episode was fun, pigeon is cute, and the op is fun. But i have zero desire to ever rewatch

Look at Kaban. She looks dead inside.

Attached: file.png (2048x1446, 2.78M)

Jesus what the fuck did they do to Serval and the real Kaban

Has GIANT tsuchinoko tits been realized yet?

Seems kinda cute so far, I wonder how different it will be from the arcade version and how many Friends they'll have
Sadly no

Giant Tsuchinoko boobs are the only thing that can save Kemono Friends anymore. #notitatnictsuchinokotitsnotanoshii


Serval died again and became even more sugoi

It's not going to happen, user

cute fennec

Well, the Kemofure VAs still work on seasonal anime like Yuka Ozaki (Serval) with the protagonist role on Anima Yell on the 2018 Autumm season, but yeah, it does not sound like the Kemofure VAs will change or that the franchise will be coming to an end soon, so they will still be working on Kemofure for some years more.

Well, he could have earned the hearts and admiration of the fans if he took Tatsuki's side and tell KFP to go and fuck themselves, but no, his jealousy was bigger than his call to take responsibility as original creator and save the franchise and instead took the easy way of becoming nice and obedient to KFP to get rid of Tatsuki.

Dear God, that's a lot of money.

One of the folks that spammed Otter facts since episode two, it became my duty that no fellow Mexican bought S2, many of us bought at least one copy of season 1 and I both 2 physical and even the steam digital for the lulz.

I'm still angry they stole our Tanoshi.

They will never find solace in only lewding past the unless they lewd those in the present as well.

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The only girl woke up, but I'm not sure what she's doing right now.

He just got home or returning from vacation to do a new project?
Funny how he made a post after kkf2 flop was confirmed

If I'm not mistaken the tweet is about the 3 of them packing DVDs to send on delivery. Although I can't confirm that since my moonrunes reading is really bad, mdoh's pic is kind of related.

Attached: file.png (1200x778, 281K)

Mine just came in a couple hours ago.

>Thank goodness, it looks like the Hentatsu copies have started arriving safely! The reservation demand was so unexpected, the three of us have been falling over ourselves making and packaging more! We have some now, so for now that's a wraap~

So head to the lodge first, fine with me.

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thanks for translating, user. Have this cute otter butt!

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Just stick to the water; there aren't many strong Friends who can swi-

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I want to be Jaguar's property!

>458 copies in its first week.

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>meanwhile, Gendum is doing pretty well with 42000 copies sold on first week

PROTIP: Don't piss off fans

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Has Kimura said anything recently? Or did he learn to shut his mouth after his pal Hosoya got BTFO.

Don't piss on fans and don't make the obvious main girl a slut.

I still remember the arson attempts.

I really gotta hand it to Kadokawa. Without their shit management we wouldn't have gotten Kemurikusa.

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>main girl is a slut
What are you talking about

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Beware. Friends in heat can smell virgin prey up to a mile away.

Tabenaide kudasai!

>an actual human
>has a two-storey house
>his hat doesn't have holes in it
>has enough balls to say fuck off to annoying Friends
>knows that he's better than anyone else
>has been Serval's friend for thousands years
No wonder Serval chose him.

Attached: 1559220229403.jpg (400x295, 22K)

This pretty much confirms that Servals are satanic cats

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Well, even Hentatsu, the 12 minutes anime he did with his two partners at irodori on their free time will sell much more than KF2 V1, so that is one more humiliation for KF2 to add to the list.

Funny enough Fukuhara did the packaging of at least the first batch of the first volume of Kemurikusa putting on all the packages a note saying sorry for the trouble with the short supply of stock and now Tatsuki and his two partners at irodori have handled the packaging of the Hentatsu's DVD. With things like that they are demonstrating that they care about the fans and are good people, not like the assholes working with KFP and KF2.

So is there any way to get around Japari Park safely?

Hello I'm a Jap user.
The situation around KF2 is fuckin' messed up, so I'd like to share what's happening today around the KF2 as long as I know.
How much do you know about the problem of the KF2 staffs: Hosoya, Faneru, Kato, and Yakuza (Japanese mafia)?
Nowadays the flames are extended into the improvement of the labor conditions of the animator.

Not so much besides when animation producer Numata at Tomason said in the houseboat collaboration event that he would like to work on more anime of Kemofure be it a sequel or spinoff or whatever and Kimura agreed with him on that matter and then Numata said that thing would depend on the sales of KF2.
Then there is the thing about the 2000 years shitstorm, where Kimura did not know or did not want to answer about how much was the time separating KF1 from KF2, so that is when Numata said the infamous "2000" line, that was taken as meaning " KF2 is set 2000 years after KF1", but supposedly was mean to be that KF2 is set around the year 2000.
Meanwhile Kimura has been acting a bit more carefully on Twitter, at least he has not got on a new scandal like when he called Tatsuki a braggart.

Real jap user here, this guy is eikaiwa (english teacher)

We would have still got Kemurikusa or something similar, but that would have been after Tatsuki was completely done with Kemofure, so unwittingly KFP and Kadokawa helped to fasttrack the making of a Tatsuki original work at Yaoyorozu.

I don't think we're familiar with Faneru or Kato but we've heard a few things about Yakuza and definitely a few things about Hosoya

With how differently things could have gone, if we did get Kemurikusa later on it's likely we probably would have different VAs and more too so I'm a little glad, I really like the Kemurikusa we already have. I wonder what he's going to make next though

Never forget freedom bird.

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I think the former presumably was Hosoya's anti-Tatsuki account.
I don't remember who's Kato though.

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Crow's face is amazing

Faneru was a troll twitter account insulting Tatsuki and KF1 fans including VAs, CEOs, and giving hate speech to Korea, Amazon, and many more. He posted the image of Tatsuki's "IEI" (portrait of a deceased person).

There is the rumor that he may be the second account of Hosoya.
Faneru was sued for defamation by the CEO he insulted as one of the KF1 fans, and we are waiting for Faneru's identification.

ah that one, that one is wild
thanks for the reminds arnons

Guys how do I get to Japari Park?
I need to impregnate some Friends.

I refuse to acknowledge this friend

Kato is the CEO of Age Global Networks, which invested money into the production committee of KF2. He involved in PRIDE (Japanese MMA) and it was closely related to the Yakuza. If he has kept connection even now, the money you used for KF2 will be used for DPRK or drug dealing.

He plagiarized the script used in the audition of VA and threaten the scriptwriter, and the scriptwriter has never been heard of since. There may be further crimes of him.


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Also AGN's writers are shit.

Tsukihime or KF2; which anime never happened?

You can only pick one

Likely KF2, but at the same time changing that and potentially 9/25 could also remove or delay Kemurikusa so it's hard to decide

ah I see, that's wild

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Even if there were a way to get to Japari Park, impregnating a specific Friend would be too hard since you'd have to avoid Friends wandering around the park and sandstar exposure

I'm going to the Japari Mart. You friends want anything?

Attached: ToyJapari_Mart_Model.png (330x330, 7K)

Well, that is the problem, how the making of a Yaoyorozu KF2 could have affected the development of Kemurikusa, that is, if we have got the same story we have right now or if the story would have changed to distance it from Kemofure and to avoid looking like the third iteration of a group of similar story scenarios
This thing may apply even now, so Tatsuki may be unwilling to work on a Kemurikusa second season or even on an true Kemofure second season if he gets the offer, so he may like to work on something completely new so he avoids to typecast himself on the same type of story scenario.
But well, they have not talked yet about future plans so we do not know what will happen next and I doubt we will get news before the July 20th Kemurikusa special event or the first day of the Summer Comiket on August 9th.

Porno mags

Anything else?

My Serval went there for cigarettes 2 days ago and I haven't seen her since. If you see her, please tell her to come home.

I'd like a MOOSE please


Attached: Ds77gxnU4AE9GoJ.jpg orig.jpg (1200x1000, 151K)

How non-threatening. She must be the least wild among all friends!

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One full size Shoebill onahole doll please.

Here you go. It's very high tech, so don't be too rough.

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He said FULL size. Here let me help

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>not asking for the real thing
They're practically the same anyways

>Pronghorn has a doujin now

Attached: 282827A9-3F05-4FE8-AE5D-365EE703248F.jpg (1272x1822, 318K)

Oh, the fit Pronghorn doujin finally was posted?The art style and previews looked great, I wish there were more fit Friend doujins in that art style but with Moose, Aurochs, or some other great Friends.

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Serval is a refined lady.

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Reminders that Oishi initially refused to work on KF2 and when he finally agreed Mine belittled him

Thanks for sharing. Watching this reminded me of the feelings I had while watching the original show for the first time.

>when he finally agreed Mine belittled him
what now

Mine told him not to worry if he couldn't make something as good as Japari Park

that doesn't feel like belittling to me

I know everybody blames Kadokawa for everything but it sounds like AGN played a big role in KF2 being such a shitshow. I wonder if they had any role in the initial Tatsuki firing.

>Meanwhile Kimura has been acting a bit more carefully on Twitter, at least he has not got on a new scandal like when he called Tatsuki a braggart.
I remember that, the idiot had no idea when to shut his mouth.

There’s one with Aurochs

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I know, though I like this guy's style a bit more. Plus from what I understood it's not an old fat man tricking a cute Friend into sex. I'm still waiting for fit Moose though

Reminder that this comes out next week

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Time to fap

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What kind of tea would you like?

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Can I get some coffee instead?

Ice tea

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I want her instead.

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I still dont understand what actually happened that this huge controversy in the first place.
why was tatsuki and the producer fired in the first place?

so what the fuck is this about yakuza? I know it was a joke during season 1 that the show was just yakuza money laundering, but you're telling me they were actually involved in s2?

I don't think we've been given the exact details but it seems like trying to take complete control of KF, some disagreements between KDKW and irodori, and jealousy.

Wish I could hire a nip girl to do doujin ASMRs for me

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>that thing would depend on the sales of KF2.
Makes me laugh every time it gets mention

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He said something on an interview like "you can't always hit it out of the field twice", in a sense of "your second work is not as good as the previous one, but i had no expectations anyways"

You know that KF2 staffs treated Tatsuki really badly, but now we realized that in Japanese animation industry there are more or less such a shitty treatment toward animators and actual working people.

KF2 and many other animes were made under the production committee formula. Various companies invests money into the anime production, but they poke their noisy opinions into the anime. That's one of the reason why KF2 become this shit.
And animators cannot get the sales of anime and its related production. Hosoya and Yakuza takes 99% of them and animators are starving. In addition, Hosoya refused to pay the rest 1% to the animators. Hosoya have never paid money to Tatsuki for writing stories of KF1.

I'm a little sad that Kaban isn't at least top 3, but all of those are good girls regardless.
>Lowest rank is Kyururu
Fucking deserves it.
>Ocelot above Kyururu
When did the best gunslinger show up? I don't even remember Ocelot at all.

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She was one of the Friends who briefly showed up in episode 2.

that does feel like belittling

Skyfish is too cute, god damn.


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I would make her read a thin book with the promise of letting her play a video game afterwards. I'd make her play Sengoku Rance.

Do you have any geimus on your phone, user?

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I want to record Toki while she's singing in public!

Don't do it, she might molest you.

Not like this...

VA of bird-of-paradise twins were determined through the audition, and Age Global Networks was responsible for it. Requirements were 18-20yo girl with good looking and good BWH measurements, and the recordings of their voices were not required. The script AGN used in this audition was the stolen one, and its original writer (not KF2 scenario writer) was ERASED. Once again, CEO of AGN has a connection with Yakuza.

>the writer that they stole from was ERASED
That still disturbs me, poor guy didn't deserve any of that. I'm glad Tatsuki and his friends weren't found dead and that one KF news guy didn't disappear

It would not be a good idea for Sega to change the name of Kemono Friends 3 for another?. If it were me I would not like to be linked to a dead weight.

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Kemurikusa was made under the partnership formula, which Fukuhara (Yaoyorozu) propounds and recommends. Anime studio like Yaoyorozu owns the rights of production, and Amazon, Nissin and many other companies pay the fee for use to Yaoyorozu. The anime studio has to take responsibility of the sales and so there is some risk, but it will succeed if it has Tatsuki.

Under that formula, TV station cannot make noise into the anime and it cannot absorb the benefit using anime studios for free. That's why Hosoya hates Yaoyorozu and fired Tatsuki.

KF2 is the exaggerated one, but almost all animes has the same problem as Hosoya. The problem started when Hosoya's boss Kawasaki monopolized the broadcasting rights of Naruto and Naruto cannot be rebroadcasted in any TV station but TV Tokyo.

I was under the impression that Fukuhara didn't come up with the partnership system until after Tatsuki got fired.

Young Japanese animators are paid about $600 per month even if they are involving in the mega hit animation
Treatment against the animator is one of the largest problem. If it won't resolved, anime industry in Japan will disappear in 2-3 years


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[_] Bully
[_] Ignore
[_] Molest

Can I do all the options?

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I want to draw a picture of all the Friends met in her episode, but exclude her!

Stop it Kyururu, you know she has self esteem issues.

>skyfish speaking
My canon...

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Easily explained by her being too shy to speak up normally, but she got spooked enough to say something.

I think I'll start with the bullying, go to molesting, and end with the ignoring. Maybe add a few things after the molesting

So now that KF is ded, are we gonna see Arai san starring on some JAVs? Dem raccoon milkies need to be put to good use.

I hope not, Arai's pure VA doesn't deserve to be treated in that way and there was effort put in stopping her from getting fucked by the Yakuza. Maybe some official KF hentai though

>effort put in stopping her from getting fucked by the Yakuza

Such as?

But that's exactly what happened, she was protected from the Yakuza cock

I'm a cheap bastard, but I would pay through the nose for some porn of Fennec and Arai's VAs.

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It's good to have her do some reading, user!

Their VAs look nice and all but I think they've gone through enough. I'd rather just take 2d lewdstuffs and let the VAs stay relatively pure

Damn, just watch this for the first time, compared to the snippet I saw from the original, it lack soul and everything feel like a robot acting, than a live being

>KF1 first guidebook keeps selling out at the preorder stage
>every time they open new preorder slots it gets sold out within minutes
Comeuppance feels great, bruvs. I guess this is the original form of their yakuza money laundering scheme before that darned Tatsuki made the show a success and ruined everything.

>everything feel like a robot acting
That's an insult to robots (including Lucky Beast) and you know it.

>that darned Tatsuki made the show a success and ruined everything.
I remain convinced that's why they drove him out. An unplanned for runaway success is more work and more expensive than an expected failure.

Fuck you user, KemonoFriend's isn't a furry. Let alone a monster girl. At worst it's a girl with animal theme cosplay. There isn't enough fluff or even snout for it to be called furry.
I have been trying to seek out furry porn in Japanese only to for it to be directed to kemono friends fan arts instead. It's enough suffering alone in itself. Don't you dare make it worst by muddy the words further.

It makes perfect sense given how the production staff seemingly keeps trying to antagonize fans and the overall low quality of the finished product, like they didn't care how it would have turned out.

>Once again, CEO of AGN has a connection with Yakuza.
can you please fucking explain this?

>Faneru was sued for defamation by the CEO he insulted as one of the KF1 fans
Sound insane. Where can I learn more about this?

...lucky beast, I'm sorry.

Lucky Beast was bad mother
Shut your mouth

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Look, it's her mating call again. She sings all day but never finds a partner. It's a bit sad.

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She should be quiet, Friends might be sleeping

Maybe they should stop being so lazy and help her find a boyfriend.

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Half the friends are nocturnal, somebody's always gonna be sleeping. Ganbatte, Toki.

Where is she going to find a boyfriend in Japari Park? Are you planning a visit to help her user?

Toki's legs make my peepee the big peepee. Bad grammar aside, her design is just too god damned perfect. Rarely are tights other than the usual black, white, or brown any good, but she really rocks those red tights good.

If I let you touch them will you be my mate?

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Why is Lion such a slut?

>Does that every day
>Suddenly her lacking crew shows up asking for orders when she's enjoying herself
>Lion gives them orders, face flushed while giving out orders
>They think she's angry, flee with all due haste
>Lion laxes out and just goes numb because of how embarrassing that was

But user said director doesn't matter.

user is wrong

Lewd! This is why MOOSE is better than Lion, cats are always sluts

Moose is...

Pure and my husband-wife!

She's actually Cool, user

meanwhile, Gendum is doing pretty well with 42000 copies sold on first week

MadGuns ALWAYS does well. Outside of G-Saviour, of course.

I know, Moose is pretty cool!


Before he found AGN, Kato worked at Dream Stage Entertainment(DSE), which promoted PRIDE. PRIDE was a Japanese MMA championship and was dissolved because its involvement with antisocial forces was reported. CEO of DSE died suspiciously, and many people concerned found dead. One year after DSE dissolved, Kato founded AGN.