What is the point of this shit? What is the message?
What is the point of this shit? What is the message?
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Human experiments are bad.
War bad? Bureaucracy bad? Don't give manlets telekinetic powers?
if you don't ride a motorcycle you're a cuck
There isn't, it's just an animation test.
When we give up our humanity, bad things happen.
what's the matter, OP? Too deep for you?
I learned to stop looking for meaning in anime long ago. he Japs are too retarded to make a coherent story. Even blockbusters like Akira, it's just a generic action movie. Destruction porn.
The manga at least ends with some Japanese nationalism shit that kind of felt out of place to me but maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention when I was reading it.
>Explosion porn
I mean look at Ponyo. They take a bunch of familiar things from everyday life, put them in a bucket with pretty visuals, stir it up, and splash it out onto a canvas. Just a bunch of random ingredients meant to evoke a reaction from you.
>He doesn't understand the negative consequences of power.
Since when does everything have to have a meaning?
Why can’t we just have entertainment?
meaning is a meme, watch anime for beauty
Because intellectu/a/ls constantly tout it as the best thing to come out of anime, you'd thing it would have some deep or thought-provoking message instead of it just being vintage eye-candy
Nothing because the anime is a cheap juxtapose of the manga. The message in the manga is that you shouldn't trust the government, that it's the main enemy of the individual and that it's trying to fry your brain with illegal drugs which it itself traffics, that doctors in service of the government often violate human rights through human experimentation due to their autism, mainly social and psychological experimentation (all points being indeed true to this day).
In the manga Tetsuo wasn't just unjustly experimented on, at one point he calmed down and tried to cooperate with the military because he though he can either handle them or profit from the whole project if he keeps his cool. But in the end he was the victim of the experiment. So the message was that you should stay rebellious, conforming is bad you neutered faggots.
It's a highly anti-governmental cyberpunk plot and it succeeds in it's message very convincingly in the manga. That's why you should read it you homo and remember scenes from the manga whenever you overdose.
Motorcycles are awesome, especially red ones.
Stories without themes are boring as fuck.
The movie is eye candy and the manga has much more character development and reinforces the themes the movie merely touches on.
Adding to this: Otomo grew up during a time when progress was put ahead everything in Japanese society, and alternative/student groups were fighting back violently. For example the Sanrizuka struggle exploded through the 60's-70's leading up to the olympics.There's a great blog post about it here: throwoutyourbooks.wordpress.com
tl;dr on Sanrizuka: the government decided to build the Narita airport on farmland it didn't own. The government didn't even ask the land owners, it just told them to accept the money and move out. They fought back and new left groups joined them.
I think a lot of Akira's meaning is lost on younger or foreign viewers. The Showa period was intense and Akira is a manifestation of all the fears of that society: the fear of another war or another bomb, a tyrannical government going unquestioned, overpopulation and isolation, the breakdown of Japanese family values, and violence in youth culture. Forgive me if I'm forgetting a few.
Anyway, yes there are a lot of messages and on top of it Otomo is a visual genius. Read the manga if you want the messages, watch the movie if you don't care and like animation. The first ten minutes of the film are better than the rest imo. It sets the scene beautifully and succinctly.
That strong leaders and survivors will rebuild society after everything falls apart
>I only watch MCU cuz japs dunt make n e thing I can understand
there wasn't much of a meaning in the anime, or the manga for that regard. Pretty much all anime/manga doesn't have a message it tries to give to its viewers. Shit pretty much all all media these days, tv, music, movies doesn't have a message to it. It just tries to be entertainment. They might have some small moral dilemmas to it like, "there are no black and whites, everyone is just a various shade of grey." but that's just a small feature used to make it more entertaining.
read the manga faggot
That even one of the most fondly remembered anime movies was a rushed adaptation with a made up ending because the source material wasn't finished yet, and that Japan needs to stop adapting incomplete products.
Nuke bad
>Don't give manlets telekinetic powers?
this definitely
Fucking kill yourself back to Yea Forums, scum.
t Yea Forums
Why does it need to have a message? IT's a story.
What is the point of this thread? What is the message?
The message is to fuck off until you've read the manga.
Yeah, sorry that a movie for kids didn't have some profound commentary on the meaning of life.
>The first ten minutes of the film are better than the rest imo. It sets the scene beautifully and succinctly.
That's exactly why it's the best part of the film. It builds up mystery and tragedy that was never touched upon in the rest of the movie.
>and alternative/student groups were fighting back violently
True what you say about the student protests, I didn't mention that because I thought it's implied. It's a shame that such phenomena is gone today, the only thing that's left from that time is drugs and nothing more. All the controversial issues it deals with are still an issue and the situation is even worse than ever. But since there's no rebellious subculture today we're all stuck sucking cock and the antifa faggotry.
Blogpost: When I was around 7-9 there were still leftovers from this subculture (this was the end of the 90s) and young delinquents in my neighborhood drove the same cheap racing bikes as in Akira and would do drugs on certain spots. They were good guys though as hard as it may be to believe.
Disney ain't shit compare to glorious nippon sakuga
>What is the point of this shit? What is the message?
Read the manga. film is cool and beautiful at some parts (especially the beginning) but reallly weird because most of the time you don't know what is going on and why most things are happening
>t. average hamburger
>Even blockbusters like Akira, it's just a generic action movie. Destruction porn.
You know blockbuster is a negative term, right? It literally means brainless cool action made to appeal to everyone and generate a lot of money.
>Don't give manlets telekinetic powers?
This is an exception.
>No rebellious subculture
You're posting in one, no one wants to point out though because rationalizing it invokes cringe due to the 500 million layers of irony surrounding it.
the biggest problem in the universe is non-porn porn