Is it better subbed or dubbed?
The eternal debate
Only people who pick the sub are ESL or unironic weaboos who should fuck off to /jp/.
Why do people like Stocking?
She has the most disgusting fetishes ever
It's better dubbed you useless faggots because the jokes land better with their accents and this is a COMEDY.
Such balance
Because she'd be more than willing to be down with any kind of degenerate fetishes you have as well.
Fuck you, bondage is patrician.
Because they think there's only 2 options.
Then the true patrician taste shows up.
or the original viewers of it who can't be arsed to watch a show that uses a lot of jap language specific jokes dubbed
>22 votes
but agreed it is objectivity an even tie.
She loves anal.
fucking kill yourselves
you dont belong here
>greentexting incorrectly
You don't belong here
Kill yourself
nice try dubfag begone
>The Nicktoons Channel.
I'm sorry what?
Wait what the fuck
Lurk moar newfaggot, stop posting when you're clearly not part of this community.
I wouldn't trust wikipedia
Ive been here for 7 years. Fuck off dubfag scum.
no anime is good dubbed you faggot
No you haven't. You've likely been here since 2017 at max, given you're typing like a teenager and greentexting meme arrows incorrectly. Seriously, read this
and then come back here. There's nothing wrong with being new, just actually learn what the culture is before pretending to be in it. You probably haven't even seen Chrysanthenum, right? No, cause you're a fucking newfag
pure autism off yourself schizo
Refute the argument brainlet. Get called out and now you're having a panic attack? Pathetic
Calm down user, we're trying to help you
youre just making a bunch of assumptions that you couldnt possibly know you sound insane and im not replying to you anymore
ive been here since 2012 i really dont give a fuck if you believe me holy fuck you guys are stupid
Alright Mr.7years, what is one event that Yea Forums took part of in 2012? I'll give only a single clue. Deaf kids
Why are you still typing like a brain stunted teenager?
Kek, stop it user, he's clearly had enough mental anguish for the day, look at his god awful typing
>calm discussion
>calls people schizo
What the fuck?
2012 is still newfag retard
Holy shit, at least research the site you're on
This show is honestly only watchable with dub, and I'm almost exclusively a subfag. Tried watching the sub and fell asleep.
Just testing him out fellow user
>referring to the Japanese dub as "the sub"
Are you fucking retarded?
This yotsuba's going down the drain, user-kun
Hoo boy user-kun. I guess it's time to pull out the old reaction images
>Panty and Stocking turns 9 years old this year
>It's almost been a decade
These file names as well make me feel old. Goddamn, the Transformers episode loosely based on the second movie show its age too.
I posted this Suiseiseki derivative the other day and the person didn't understand it. I honestly want to kill myself being this old, captures the feeling
Damn this picture is old as fuck
God damn. It feels like just yesterday that these released. I feel old as shit user-kun
>Old post box
>Around the time when noko was needed
Can't remember if captcha was in 2010 or not.
PSG is the one case where the dub feels more like it's the original version
it's just better by a landslide
>the dub
Yeah, the Jap dub feels like the original because it is. You're pretty fucking dumb, eh?
don't forget space dandy
technically the english dub aired first anyways
2010 summer I believe, but who knows, I was autistic then
I picked sub exclusively because the dub doesn't have RUUURS. In all other respects they are equal.
This show feels like a Western cartoon and it almost feels like Drawn Together with how crude it is so it was made for a dub, also this
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who have no idea voynich hotel exists, one of the best comedy horror seinen to ever exist, was forgotten years ago. Let that sink in
Since we're reminiscing of the past, might as well post a classic
dub has better writing and doesn't just use the same 2 swears over and over, the sub has better voice acting
the show is short enough and has enough of that imashi "shove a bunch of shit on the screen for 1 frame" direction that you should watch it twice with both
Leek spin was the reason I got into Miku Hatsune, so take that as either a blessing or a curse
>watching PSG only twice
RosVamp isn't even old, but it's been forgotten. It hurts
I hope they remake it. The anime was nothing like the manga. Tsukune turning into a ghoul in the manga looked cool as fuck.
The manga's actually good, the anime served it's purpose as meaningless ecchi
Anime has an amazing soundtrack though, I recommend listening to it again
The only good thing about the sub is the rurus, and there's already a compilation of those, so the sub is completely pointless.
Will do user. It's been a good while since I heard or saw anything about RosVamp.
really good for a pure ecchi
Season 2 might've been trash, but that op was really really catchy
OP so good it bankrupted the studio
God bless their souls
We all agree she was the best
Why would I want to watch a voice track that the show's director didn't, you know, direct?
I haven't even seen the stupid show and even I can tell.
Only if you can explain that thing on her leg
>watch a voice track
Less stupid than "watch the dub"
Kek shut up faggot, you already got blown the fuck out with four words
>watch a voice track
>watch a voice track
>posts newfag moeshit
God please nuke rddit
You must be over 18 to post here
>watch a voice track
4channel was a mistake
Imagine the ____
Funny story, Imaishi and crew actually instructed Funi to go crazy with the dub because they wanted to learn new English swear words.
>watch a voice track
The belt? Maybe a fashion trend within her race?
>>watch a voice track
God I thought 2012 was a bad year for Yea Forums, then I thought 2016 was, but now newfags just have no shame
Yes, everyone knows that story.
>seething dubfags
The dub is good, but I prefer the subs because personal preference. It's one of the only dubs where I won't tell you to jump off a dock if you prefer it.
>the absolute state of subfags
Wait, if I watch the Japanese dub with no subtitles, am I watching it dubbed or subbed?
Remember guys season 2 isn't that far.
Producer team still interested in new seasons
>the eternal debate
Yep, this is a Reddit thread all right.
You almsot fit in faggot.
But next time don't forget to use more meaningless buzzwords
You almost fit in, faggot.
But next time don't forget to use more meaningless buzzwords.
>h-hey guys look at me shitposting am I cool yet?
You're fucking pathetic, keep seething subfag
>being this assblasted
>enters thread to just call it reddit
>y-you are assblasted
I'm pretty sure it never aired on TV in America. I remember it was offered to Toonami, even with a safer to air cut, but it was refused because the faggit in charge hates fanservice.
So no idea about that Nicktoons thing if that's accurate.
Stocking > Garterbelt > Kneesocks > Scanty > Brief > Chuck > Fastener > Panty
I can't stand Monica's voice. That said, never saw it subbed.
Whats wrong with bondage?
I hate to say it but I don't really mind her in this dub. Monica is a bitch but her voice actually works well for Stocking because she's a bitch too. Can't stand her in most of her other stuff, especially Youjo Senki. But in general the dub was good and captured the essence of the show pretty well.
Do they still go FAWK in the dub?
Filthy slut or Hime cut?
If you have to think you take it in the butt.
The cursing is more fast paced and has an expanded vocabulary. Some people don't like it compared to the nips doing their awkward impression of western style cursing, but it is more natural. Think of one of those shitty dubs the VAs didn't care about and flooded with low brow curses as "humor", but actually done well and fits with the source.
My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did PSG not get a sequel? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want PSG to have a sequel and save anime. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought it was hinted at really well???? This is so fucked. I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid? You know what you deserve this. you deserve a french mecha shitshow. you deserve to all burn to the ground. You allowed trigger to do this, no one spoke up. Now they wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose PSG. My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything. when people say there moving to another board but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty board with shitty trigger bitches. Fuck all of you.
If you prefer the dub you should unironically leave Yea Forums forever.