There's nothing stopping you from being a mangaka in Japan but yourself

There's nothing stopping you from being a mangaka in Japan but yourself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Except I have worse artistic ability than ONE when he started, can't speak Japanese nor can I afford to learn it, I can't afford to fly there and live there, I'd be discriminated and get less money in an economy that already isn't fulfilling, and would probably be first on the chopping block when it comes time to weed out series to make room for new ones.
But you know, besides those.

I'll never understand why gaijin put all this effort into something that ultimately rarely looks/feels like genuine japanese manga, and ultimately becomes another literal who comic on the shelf.

learning japanese is free look up matt vs japan and go on DJT threads in /jp/

Can't be worse than trying to gain ANY traction on the western market without devoting years making capeshit until you get noticed.

Why not just publish in their home country?

I am not an artist nor do I speak Japanese. Learning the latter and just making a LN would be easier.

Is that a white chick with a japanese man on the cover? she drawing her life or fantasy?

Like 90% of light novels and manga.

yeah, the german comic industry is widely renowned and super profitable

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Why work in a dying industry?

Belgium is just next door.

I mean you can try to make the best damm capeshit you possibly can, and then be free to do what you want with your name, like Mike Mignola did before making Hellboy.

You can be more successful in this side of the globe doing like 1/100 of the work right now you know

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She let herself go. A shame, she was such a cutie.

My artistic ability or lack thereof is what's stopping me. Beside, if I were to make a story I'd rather write a novel. It's a much better format in my opinion, mainly because it allows the author to create a complete story on their own terms rather than being forced to slog along until their manga gets canned.

Don't pre-teen comics like Smile sell millions of copies? Simple comics sell well when they have a real target audience

Even mangakas are realising and are copying the simple e-comic style

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The market for webcomics is flooded and competitive, but it's way better of an alternative

I wouldn't consider two tankobons successful though

why would you be a mangaka anywhere but from the comfort of your own home.

Not to mention France.

I once read the journey of this American girl who was assistant for Takeshi Konomi's Prince of tennis, such a cool thing to be a fan and then helping drawing the manga that you love

>Can't afford to learn japanese
Internet isn't just for shitposting on 4 Chan my man.

Everyone has their own talents. I am pretty good at math, good at computer programming, decent to fair at music and musical instruments, average at learning languages, ok at writing, but atrocious at drawing. Even after mutliple attempts to learn to draw in different ways, both on my own and in a class environment, I have barely progressed beyond stick figures. These days I accept that will never change much as it pains me.

You know several mangaka's aren't from Japan right. You should know a few.

yes. it's also for shitposting on 4channel

>can't speak Japanese nor can I afford to learn it


Nigger just google "how to learn japanese" and start reading, it's really not hard it's just a time investment.

>learn drawing
>study Japanese tapestry
>get working visa
>get in contact with Chinese Communist Party
>draw very patriotic manhua

bocchi is korean ain't he?

>matt vs japan
>youtube bullshit
kill yourself

For fucks sake WE WON THE WAR.

instead of being a mangaka what about pitching an original anime series (or an OVA/movie)?

Not everyone on this website is a mass-murdering mutt.

Nukes can't beat superior 漢字 folded over a thousand times.

Get fucked

>There's nothing stopping you from being a mangaka in Japan but yourself.

In that case that's one good thing I've done.

>She let herself go. A shame, she was such a cutie.
It's just proof that hate and nazi ideas will destroy you. She deserved it for being a nazi.

Attached: Sarah Scribbles interview.webm (982x554, 2.82M)

>Draw manga as a webcomic
>Get picked up, go legit
>Work my arse off to get published monthly
>Series gets scanlated, people overseas start talking shit about my work
>It's too foreign, so gets culled
>Leave Japan angry and bitter, but hey, I could draw well
....Yeah, I like my chill job where I get $80,000/yr

She was so cute wtf happened?!

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what are you talking about? she's more cute now

get your eyes checked

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what series?

Manga is dying industry. Just got to Korean and do a webtoon if you want to make it big.

it's called learning new things and not being a pathetic faggot

How is Yea Forums free

Not in Japan but I'm working on getting an anime-styled webcomics myself.

She is a nazi and get justed for it.

Fuck off

>Learning Japanese for a non-professional reason
I couldn't imagine anything more cringy
Even the toy general on here is less cringe

You don't need to live in Japan and know Japanese to make manga. If you go through all of that then you're retarded.
Just make a webcomic that looks like a manga. No one gives a fuck that you're not Japanese, they ONLY care about how good your manga/webcomic is. If you're work is good then a publisher will find you. If your work is popular then fans will translate your work for free.

What the fuck did Klandersen do to herself? She's not even 30, the wall was a distance away.

Smile "sells" millions because it's sold through Scholastic. No idea how much are actual copies sold to real people and how much are shipped though. I've never seen anyway mention her comics though despite how apparently popular they are.

But I'm a 3D programmer, why wouldn't I stop myself from being a mangaka in Japan?

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The idea of Japanese anons translating western comics makes me feel uncomfortable.

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She turned into Arya.

Is it retarded if an english webcomic reads right to left? I've seen my fair share of it but I can never tell if it's a good thing or not since I'm so used to reading manga anyway.

Their appellation d'origine contrôlée will measure my benis, and will stamp my mango with the "weeb trash substitute" denomination

I draw my webcomics to read from right to left because I only read manga.

If it's written in Japanese it's fine otherwise it's just weird.

I know that there are people who translate xkcd to japanese. Must lose like 90% of the puns though.

Being an ideas-guy barely ever cuts it unless you're a slave driver with the right connections.

>lose like 90% of the puns though
So no different from us translating anime/manga then

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Do nips have subs vs dubs arguments?

Unironically ask Murata.

Why the fuck would I want that?
Japan is fucking shit.

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>only 3dpd girls Yea Forums likes are mpdgs
it all makes sense

Crossboarders from their shitholes don't count as Yea Forums

>western female mangaka
I think I'm going to vomit.

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i like to sleep more than five hours daily, so yeah maybe that's right but i don't really feel bad about it.

Shimimaru is a chick? Any pics?
I love her art.

Give me a list please. I'd like to draw inspiration from these people.

>Learning something new is cringe
Stagnate and rot

Nu-Yea Forums in a post

libshits plz go

Being a mangaka is not a common line of work for most japanese people. Being a gaijin mangaka is even more uncommon and weird.

Good for the ones who made it, thought.

Yes she's a girl

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>white women
Every fucking time...

Go learn something useful like meteorology
God, you NEETs are insufferable

dude, furry gay porn is one of the most profitable markets in western comics. You can make a shitload of money and if you do commissions you can even make more dosh, get a Patreon and you are set. You will be selling your soul and mind to Slaanesh but hey, you will have enough money for cocaine and whores to numb the pain.

And being Japanese.

I want to marry her.
And she wrote

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You say this, but really the only distinction people have is whether the characters have that tumblr nose

bahahaha its great to see nips have virtually the same quarrels as westerns.

Felipe Smith, is that you?

Honestly, working conditions for a serialized manga are terrible and if I got it right, you have to pay your own assistants, to then compete with tons of other comics. It's good if tou get popular. Otherwise, doing a webcomic when you have the time can be as fullfilling, although updating regulary to get an audience if you get it is another can of worms.

Oh look, it’s the same as us

She uses her self insert character quite often in porn

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This, people have no idea how much MAD MAD MAD money you can make if you forsake your pride. Furries are desperate people with more money than reason, who will toss away any amount to make draw their depraved shit

I know someone who gets people to pay him 300 bucks to draw something HE WANTS, and then he draw the furries OC face on them.

I like how the replies only focused on the whole speaking Japanese part but ignored everything else, laugh out loud.

Wait she’s a legit nazi? What the fuck

You didn't do shit fucking idiot.

I will while also learning japanese you intolerable faglord
>learning something new is libshit
Stagnate and rot repubican

I always hear about furry porn artists making a lot of money, but what sites do they do it on?
I'm curious how much money they make in comparison to the quality of their work.

You replied to the wrong person.
Its almost as bad as people that go to university to learn to draw manga. Yes, there are universities in Europe/Italy that teach people how to draw manga. Its admirable but also funny as hell.

Furry porn arent that bad as long as they have human penises and close to human faces

>ultra jump
Aren't all her works adult? Or did she do a cover or something.

It used to be tumblr, but now that's dead, it is fur affinity/twitter/some other shit i don't keep track. If your art is remotely good, you WILL make money, no exceptions, you just need to churn out some examples to bait them, and if you can do painting, then you are set to retire early, because every patron i checked of those people has them earning over 3000 a month while drawing fuck all every once in a while.

Why has Yea Forums never produced any good artists?

I knew learning to draw would be worth it. Granted i only try to draw at work. But ill get there. Thanks anons

fuck that, namasensei is the way to go

I think big capes like dc and marvel have official jap releases

>Aren't all her works adult?
She has a serialized not porn series currently

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I hope you are fond of drawing stuff like this

Draw it? I fap to it!

As long as its not a barbed. Pig. Dolphin penis im ok

There's nudity in it. It's still adult.

Poor girl, victim of a smear campaign

But I hate NTR.

In 50 years we'll get brain chip implants that increase manga drawing efficiency by 20%.

Same, it's nothing fantastical but it's about something I'm really passionate about so hopefully I'm able to convey that. But I want it to be fairly realistic so not having a perfect idea of how certain things are executed means I start getting second thoughts that I can portray it right.

Didn't she draw a ton of racist comic strips?

>my cat eats my silicon dildo

My dream is to go to Japan and become one of the 5 black guys who does interracial JAV porn.

I'm well over 6 feet tall, well built, and have a 1 nigh 10 inch dick and can...anyway.
My dream is close at hand.
Going to get down to 8% bodyfat and get some dental work.
In a year or so I'm moving to japan and going to start try outs. I'm really nervous but also excited.
Wish me luck bros and ladies.

What the fuck.

A joke.

How do reconcile the fact that the Japanese culture you love so much was considered honorary Aryan?

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So were africans

and he loved islam too lol

It's never been an ambition of mine, despite enjoying anime and manga I've never been one of those people that wants to make my own.

is this a hentai version of bakuman?

>being this new

Why would anyone want to be a manga in Japan? You can just upload webcomics at your own page instead of being a slave to publishing companies.

Why can't westerners seem to get down a pure authentic manga/anime style and it's always gotta some weird imitation of it? Correct me if I'm wrong I haven't exactly searched intensely to know. Do you really need to be asian to get it down??

I don't know why but it just seems so alien to a lot of them. Maybe being exposed to so many American cartoons doesn't help either.

>that one mangaka that got impregnated by her editor

Because instead of finding thier own manga style they try to copy other mangakas. That's also why you shouldn't ever copy other artists if you want learn how to draw, not just the japanese ones.

This is true. For the most part, mangaka aren't really drawing in a "style", they're drawing however way they want to draw hence why comes naturally to them. Trying to emulate a style too hard just doesn't come across as genuine from the artist.

>literally a /pol/ smear campaign
Off yourself /pol/lock you're lowering board quality.

OP cover art doesn't look that far off desu. It's close to some slightly stylized manga.

isn't this the girl who wants to repeal the thirteenth amendment?

Boichi you mean

>implying I'm not doing that
here, rate my OCs Yea Forums

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Looking great, user. What’s the hentai’s name?

but who will pay for my comic then?

Ad revenue

And how do i get more traffic from a liteally who?

I used to fantasize about being one a lot and had a lot of fleshed out lore and characters and key scenes even worked out in my head, exactly how it would look but I don't have the patience to draw it.

Focus on making your content worth a read for the audience instead of bitching about being unpopular.

Everyone has to start at a zero.

Spam on Yea Forums

I'll consider it.

fuck you america

War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise


>These days I accept that will never change much as it pains me.
>Glenn Vilppu
>Michael Hampton
>George Bridgman
>Andrew Loomis
>Henry Yan
>Michael D. Mattesi
Look into these names.

if i was able to draw, i would have been

you based bitch

Western Artists are instructed in a very different manner than Japanese artists. Western artists are instructed to exaggerate poses as much as possible, and typically place a greater emphasis on anatomical realism, three dimensionality, and proportions than Japs do. Artists become so trained, and these notions so deeply ingrained in their instincts, that it can be very difficult to do something different, hence the weird look of anime styled art drawn by a western artist.

>typically place a greater emphasis on anatomical realism, three dimensionality, and proportions
Old school sure, but I don't know any recent mainstream comics or cartoons that are that way, although I don't really watch or read western shit.

This will probably trigger someone, but it's because authentic anime styles are made by deforming Asian facial structure. This is why the only non Asians that can pull off an authentic-passing style live in Japan.

I already live in japan, and my art is decent. But the thing is, i suck at writing and all my concepts are dogshit.

You talk to famous artists all the time. You just don’t realize it. Fag.

Yuu Kamiya's stuff looks fine to my eye.

post art

Visual library. Different cultures grow up seeing different things Day to day, from the faces and clothing around you to the television you consume. This builds up through childhood into adult hood and is impossible to truly change even after years of expanding it. I’d say a gajin born and raised in nippon would be able to, etc.

>falling for /pol/'s tricks

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That's the dream. I know there's a snowball's chance in hell of it being successful but after moving there to teach English and master the language I want to at least plan out a full manga before I kick the bucket. Nothing sounds better to me than putting all your effort into something you at least can feel proud of.

>western female mangaka
>still more successful than the sick user
Show her where her place lies by putting in half the effort a womyn put to get to that place. I don't even give a shit about gender or identity politics, do something with your life instead of bitching all day you mongrel. You know damn well you could land in the same, if not, better position than her if you tried.

where do you even begin with drawing? I've planned out a manga right down to making character profiles, planning story arcs, the beginning and ending, etc. I feel like I could make a great story in terms of writing and characters but conveying the story in any medium other than a visual one feels like it'd neuter the entire thing.

It's not real manga if it's made by a German roastie who can't even detach herself from her national culture, and writes a comic called "Guten Tag" and even puts the German flag in there. The art style doesn't even look anything like manga.

The only thing this has in common with manga is the fact that most of the text is presumably written in Japanese

What constitutes as a "real" manga then? Would a foreigner have to include elements of Japanese culture into their series to make it an authentic manga?

I hate to tell you this, but if you think that conveying it in a non-visual medium would neuter the story or characters, then neither of those aspects is particularly strong.

Good stories and characters will work regardless of medium and you should absolutely focus on getting the story to that stage if you can't actually draw. Then you might have a chance of hiring/partnering with someone who likes the work and acting in a 'gensakusha' like role

if you're interested then leave a way for me to contact you and i'll help you draw it out.

Get punched Nazi

Perhaps I should've elaborated a bit. I feel like the characters and story are strong on their own, I want to integrate them into a type of manga that I feel will fully accentuate those aspects even further. I love visual storytelling to death, I've read so much manga and watched so many different shows to see the many differences in how things like visual style, exaggeration and so forth can make something stick, either due to memorability or how perfectly the art can compliment the story. a manga like Oyasumi Punpun for example could stand alone on its story and characters but the way everything is portrayed through the manga's art is what elevated it to make it such an impactful read in my opinion.
but I do get your point, I suppose I just feel like I'd regret not making something for the medium I've enjoyed the most for years.

i don't suppose you have any examples of art you've done user?


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no, i want you to have complete and utter faith in my drawing ability without any examples.

Joke's on you, I can't get arrested for reading this.

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Crab plz go and stay go.

>There's nothing stopping you from being a mangaka
So like, there's nothing stopping me from morphing into papers and drawings?

I know Hellboy got translated over there as Yu Gi Ohs author was a big fan

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Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to find something cute to post but i couldnt find anything but this in the bottom of my art folder.

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All I have is some really cool scenes I keep looping in my head but everytime I write something down and try make it a story I realize that it's not all that original and cool if it wasn't animated by bones' best team.

It would be easier to just be a woman and go back in time and get knocked up by ZUN before he even met his first wife.

Live off Touhou bucks for the rest of your life.

if you can have the same faith in my writing then I'm willing to put my trust in you for this. i've been planning on making this manga since I started college

If even a rotoscoping hack like Paul "Otaking" Johnson can make anime why can't you?

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Italy belgium and france are the only countries that can rival Japan's high ratio of paying comic readers and spiteful pirate comic readers.

Two Words: Cal Arts

Cal Arts is a cancer that mass produce Cal Arts clones of the teachers who teach at Cal Arts.

There are pictures of Western artists who posted their artwork before attending Cal Arts and after attending Cal Arts and its really sad.

Also, young artists in America see all the money laundering going on in art directed toward only modernist art not classical art so like rich people want weird ugly shit and they want to get in on that money laundering action.

I can barely draw a page a week.
I'd be more successful if I made a webcomic for Patreon with a niche that's willing to pay, like some furfag shit. yes, i put complete and utter blind faith in you. just message me here and i'll reply when i'm not asleep cause i'm gonna sleep right now.

>Cal Arts style
fuck now I can't unsee it

Attached: cal arts.jpg (999x997, 83K)

alright, i'll send you a message soon. thank you user

Get patreon bucks by drawing your own niche web comic and racking fetish bucks.

>Rotoscoping is bad
If you're gonna talk shit, then talk shit about his pantsu-on-head retarded shading rant.

They're pretty stupid if they think they'll be next Jeff Koons.

We have an oldfag here everyone

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That's a comic artist. She's cringe for making a comic in Japan about Germans while being a german herself

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You must born Japanese genetically and born/raised as a Japanese in Japanese society.

Is no one going to say anything about that nose?

But it's okay when boichi does it?

As opposed to being born Japanese genetically and being born/raised as a Japanese in a non-Japanese society?

It's called constructive criticism. The rest he said was true and if you learn jap you can teach english to them online. Doesn't pay as great as teaching IRL but even NEETS could do the former. YOU could be skyping with a cute joshi kousei RIGHT NOW.

He only draws it, and he's Korean (basically Japanese)

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>skeletons are cool

>basically Japanese
The nips would be anal as fuck over you saying that, dorkass weeb

Yes. Like a blasian American.

Do black japanese people actually exist

>He only draws it

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The thing is, you actually can, especially if you're in Germany. Der Mangaverlag Hamburg, Altraverse, etc. Apply to those, but be good. By good I don't mean necessarily a literal Leonardo Da Vinci when it comes to art, but be capable of having a unique storyline.

As a side note, I knew this cunt in real life. She's the most obnoxious, self-entitled woman you'll ever encounter and completely abandoned her parents who wanted her to stay so one of them could go and take care of their grandma so she wouldn't have to go to the retirement home (where people are being treated like absolute garbage).

>being anchored down by your grandparents
no thanks man

>who wanted her to stay so one of them could go and take care of their grandma so she wouldn't have to go to the retirement home
I don't understand why they need her to stay.
So they wouldn't get lonely?

koreans are the little brother to a delinquent onee-san who she bullies, and she goes around destroying all the shotas things for fun

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Thanks user. Shitty blogpost time I'm shit at drawing even though I can tell I have the raw talent for it so I'm trying to apply for a scholarship to go learn manga and illustration in Japan. I doubt I'll actually end up being a mangaka and I'd just love to become a bit popular on the internet, enough to live out of commissions and such, but hopefully I'd get something to go viral and serialized one day.

Damn. Nice detailing and paint work.

That's pretty damn good user


Trust me, I know. The lewd and furry market is ridiculous. I'm honestly considering selling out

user don't put all your eggs in one basket. Treat learning how to draw and make manga as a hobby, it's not a guaranteed financial net. If you're an english speaker just learning japanese alone should give you plenty of opportunities for a proper job as a safety net

How do webcomics even gain traction in this era, anyway? I don't have any frame of reference for anything beyond just being noticed when making something.

Shill it on Yea Forums and forums and reddit.

They export a kind of art murder to control the creative's of the country. Its soft censorship.

Her books are literally "muh depression."

Pray you get noticed on reddit and Instagram. You do you. Although, meme humor and lolrandom humor tends to work.

yeah but not as funny, clever or helpful as hyperbole and a half

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Allie Brosh has psycho eyes.

i don't give a fuck what she looks like her comics are incredible

Have you SEEN one's dtawingz???

what user means to say is
>i wouldn't have the luxuries i'm used too

ONE is actually a pretty decent mangaka aside from his scribble-tier drawing skills (most of the time), his composition and panelling is really good and he knows how to make fights dynamic despite the limitations of his skills.

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being mangaka =/= being a successful mangaka

what have you made senpai? we're all little people down here, i'm curious

There is only one Otaking,
And this ain't him!

For me, it's Elsa Brandt

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Big tiddy sphinx gf

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White yourself and post censored versions to Twitter, Reddit and Pixiv.

heh gook

Fuck off. I attend Scuola di comics. It's an artistically fulfilling environment.