How do you feel about the hero raping a princess?

How do you feel about the hero raping a princess?

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Bile fascination.
The story is shit.
The characters are repugnant.
Mostly poking my head in once in a while to see how far the shit goes before the author gives up.

Why is "MC get betrayed and deus ex machina-ed back into existence to seek revenge" a subgenre?

Attached: the fuck gsn 2.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

>Bile fascination

If she's a princess she unironically wants the hero to fuck her.

Thats what she wanted to do initially and then he rejected her, causing this whole situation lmao

You know I am just waiting for the author to say "psyche! It's all a fucking dream!" but it never comes.

whats the title of this manga again?

>Goddess is willing to give up her divinity to let the MC have his revenge

This is so badly written.

>I translate to pay for my sick mom's medical bills! DONATE TO ME!

Why does this sound suuuuuuuuuper familiar?

this trash is already in hiatus, right? you know you dun goofed when you copy a dozen other ripoffs just like it and don't know where to go from there.

It doesn't happen enough

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>not leading the monsters on a crusade to eradicate humanity
>not relying on keywords orcs, tentacles, eggs, princess, rape
>not creating a harem of slave monstergirls
>not paying for my sick mom's medical bills

Because one person did it well enough that they made bank so eveyrone wants some of that pie

Wait, princess wanted sex, he said no, bad things happen. He goes back and sexes princess as revenge?

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No, princess tried to blackmail him in to becoming her concubine by killing the village he saved and blaming it on him. She said that she could save him if he became hers, but instead of turning in to a quivering mess like all of her other servants, he spat in her face for mistreating him. She then had him imprisoned, had her guards hunt down his pregnant sister, and kill her and the unborn child as punishment for spitting on her. And even that wasn't enough to break his will, so she decided to threaten him with death. He refused, and she killed him in front of everyone. As she was being hacked apart, he swore to come back and get his revenge. He then died from dismemberment and blood loss, tricked a literal retard goddess in to resurrecting him, and then came back to rape her just so he could kill her and her unborn child, just like she did with his sister.

Does it end there?

I hope it does.

That's apparently as far as it's been translated.

people have revenge fantasies bro, don't pretend you never had any

pretty good

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A brilliant subversion

almost kafkaesque...