ITT anime people pretend to like

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what the fuck is this anime even about

>He doesn't seem to understand

Patlabor Movie 2

Haibane Renmei

Is this the "post good anime" thread?

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You can't say this wasn't damn entertaining

I unironically loved it

its an anime that is enjoyed by mostly newcomers to anime or people who haven't seen much and then they get excited because this is better than the stuff on the front of CR where they usually browse

No that would be Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Many veteran anime otaku love Lain. It's much more well done and deeper than most stories.

I watched over 800 shows by now and both SEL and NGE are amongst my top 5 anime of all time. Get fucked pseudo-elitists.

Yeah Shinji dominated that folding chair. Oh, you mean the 2nd remake where the creator had psychotic break, or the movie, or the third remake...?

I think the recent remake has much less story and mostly action


Only trannies actually like Lain

It's really disappointing if people pretend to like this. Typically nobody even knows about it (unless you're in a crowd of dated otaku).

This show is so fucking good. It's essentially The Matrix, but better and way ahead of it's time on the current cyberpunk trajectory.

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stop larping, also one episodes ova's and movies dont count. Lesbihonest you've probably seen at least 200 if im being generous especially if you still praise lain


based girl trapped in a shit seris

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Gotta love how it became a meme to like it but nowadays you can find people that doesn't realize its a meme and actually "like it".
It wasn't.

>much more well done
ill stop you there, didn't read the rest. probably a quarter of each episode is a reused scene from the episode before it. and i mean episode 26 is still using the same fucking 5 cutscenes as episode 01. another fifty percent of the time absolutely nothing is animated at all, lain just standing there looking retarded. the entire series could have been condensed into a 6 episode series a-la furi curi and it would have been better prove me wrong

not enough ker-pow kayo blammo for you, action fanboi? back to your SAO

NGE is pretty bad and it gets worse at every rewatch. You can easily see that plot wasn't as deep as they pretended it to be at the end once you find the exact moment they ran out of budget and tried to wrap up something that needed at least one more season in a couple of episodes.

the series is 75 percent filler/flashbacks/reused scene how is that not a problem, its paced like a shonen despite having a clear cycle

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Who genuinely calls Lupin deep? Like everything there but that and Crayon Shin-can, so this is truly nice bait

Let's all love Lain!

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I could show you my MAL if it helps you believe that only entry-level pseudo-elitists think shows like SEL or NGE are bad.

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It's bait, don't reply.

Its me or this board is getting more retarded by the day

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50% of it is just bait, the other 50% are people who constantly see the bait and think it's cool to say that some immensily popular show beloved by critics and fans alike and standing the test of time for dozens of years is to be considered utter fucking garbage now because some memelord on Yea Forums said so.

>the other 50% are people who constantly see the bait and think it's cool to say that some immensily popular show beloved by critics and fans alike and standing the test of time for dozens of years is to be considered utter fucking garbage now because some memelord on Yea Forums said so.
More like 90% nowadays. sick OP

I'm sincerely convinced people don't actually enjoy this. It's visually interesting but the gags are so lame.

This. I've yet to see anyone express any sincere love of this trash. It's always shitposters going on about how pretty it is or forcing some meme.

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Good shows.
Overrated trash.

>its me
answered your own question

Half the gags by the author are so insanely culturally specific that pretending to like it is the ultimate validation of their weebness.

This image never fails to stay relevant.

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>Patlabor Movie 2
Seriously? How many DBZ and Naruto wall scrolls do you sleep under at night?

>Get fucked pseudo-elitists.

The point of the image is not that you can't like those shows, the point is that people are being pretentious when those are their only favorite shows (that they are admitting to).

The irony is that a lot of people like the same thing because those things are usually good. Its why Ghibli is internationally acclaimed.

Hello there normalfriend how are you doing?

Fuck off cuck

I've just grown up past my 2deep4you teenage years and realized I'm watching cartoons and I should enjoy them or get something out of them.
You'll understand someday kiddo.


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Sorry if I like Patlabor for being Patlabor. If I wanted to watch GitS, I would watch GitS.

>posts the literal opposite

Patlabor is always Patlabor. From the start it was meant to be a cross-medium project. People for some reason think the TV series is what Patlabor is though even though it wasn't even the first thing to come out in the series. The last two episodes of the original OVA were already proto-Patlabor 2.

Fuck off I love it

Oh, well at least you're not shitting on it for the reasons I assumed, though I still disagree with you. Personally, the TV/Griffon arc is my favorite, but I love everything, especially 2.

That's part of the beauty of Patlabor. The entire franchise encompasses everything from the seriousness of Tsuge's plot in Patlabor 2, to the giant alligator chase.

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Your favorite anime

Contrarians btfo’d

If he wants to please Yea Forums he should shit on it since all people do here is bitch about successful shows that are good and not in their tiny niche underground sphere

What is so good about SEL? its kind of confusing and theres really no story...

I love it when retards have to pretend like everyone else is playing one big game of deception just because they're too insecure about their own tastes.

Having said this though, this is pretty on point for me: How anyone can like VEG unironically is baffling.

Not bait. Whats VEG even about? I only ever saw that the animations good and that the supposed fans are retarded (which doesnt mean much coming from Yea Forums) why does it get so much hate?

It's mostly impressive because it predicted the kind of impact the internet would have before it was as widespread as it is today

Because like most KyoAni works it's pointless overdramatized (even for japanese standards) drivel.

It gets hated cause the fans are annoying with all their proselytizing about how good the show is; however the show is very mediocre in terms of plot quality. The show at times feels extremely melodramatic and crybaity as well because the show is ostensibly about a former soldier learning how to live like a normal person yet they don't manage to develop Violet's character enough for you to be invested in her arc (which isn't handled well either), so they instead rely on an episodic story structure with one off characters you never see again being overdramatic and pointing a gun at your head to feel the ebin feelz.

"""Ironic""" weeb is a literal Yea Forums term invented by actual zoomer teens who feel a need to justify their like of a degenerate hobby like anime for some reason.

No they need to be able to either disguise their love for anime or pretend to be weebs to appeal to a demographic (like twitch thots)

It's the same bland forced drama shit like everything else KyoAnus does. Not a single character feels even remotely like a real person, yet you're obviously supposed to treat this like some kind of mature work about the nature of humanity.

I know it's a meme around here but they really are one of the most overrated studios out there. They should stick strictly to comedies because they can do those really well.

>reading comprehension
No, "ironic" weebs aren't the problem, it's you Yea Forumsteens who get scared that normalfags buying dakis is going to make Jenny from Math Class reject you for being associated with that image by hobby.

I gave up on jenny a long time ago just as i have on pleasing people here. My problem with “ironic weebs” is that they are retarded and dont try to become more knowledgeable

no one pretends to like this garbage

Nichijou, for sure. It’s absolute shit. People only pretend to like it in order to be part of a club.

It's about the effects of the internet on human socialization and the implications it has for our future.

Nichijou is objectively a masterpiece just from an aesthetic standpoint, only tasteless idiots could not like it, on the other hand some other SoL like Azumanga and Hidamari, some people pretend to love just to fit in and appear cultured in Chinese cartoons.

Hidamari and Azumanga were pretty ok, but Anne Happy is way better, of course god forbid you say that out loud.

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Lain wasn't that bad if you compare it to other edgy shit. Especially Ergo Proxy or Texhnolyze. Or some western pandering garbage.

That would be NGE, newfags pretend to like it to seem deep but actually just obsess over self-insert shipping which Lain has none of.
NGE is needlessly convoluted for the basic shit it has to say
Go back to watching whatever "inspirational" shonenshit jerking off how "righteous" the mc is.

Here we go, boys and girls.

Objectively good SoL:
>Non Non Biyori

Objectively good SoL/Comedy:
>Lucky Star
>Ichigo Mashimaro

Objectively shit, total garbage:

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Was it right?

Yes, Lain is God and we should all love-worship her.

Or maybe people like NGE because it actually has a very competent director making it visually highly entertaining. Also I barely watch any "shonenshit".

Yeah, just look at what people are doing to feel relevant among billions thanks to the internet.

>Objectively shit, total garbage:
Shows people pretend to hate

Nichijou was boring, accept it.
>b-but it looks nice
Well ok.