Seriously though season 3 when. Also Horizon thread

Seriously though season 3 when. Also Horizon thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw I never understood anything that was taking place in this show
I got to read the LN...

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Perpetually happy crazy person declares war on the world to get back his robo waifus emotions. Also titties everywhere. Just look at em. Holy shit,

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>watched it with Hadena subs
What a ride.

lol k

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>Also titties everywhere.
Kimi's are my personal favorite.

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Im all about Asama. Would love to put a whole bunch of babies into her.

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So any novel readers feel like spilling the beans from what it looks like the OVA is up too? Im seeing bad future kids coming back to do shit.

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The OVA are random scenes from the last two arcs thrown for the sake of it.

>Also titties everywhere. Just look at em. Holy shit.

More like Horizon in the Middle of My Pants.

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How can she stand next to her and not feel insecure?

She used too but then her flatness gave her mad dodge skills.

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Drills and flat chest is way better than generic cowtits.

Oppai miko is love.

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Which ones are the ones animated?

Good luck lad
1A and 1B on first season, 2A and 2B on second season.

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The evasion buff that flat chest gives her is really useful

I want to fuck these witches.

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I can't believe this isn't porn.

Where is this Prostitute Miko Asama from?

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You have to be a girl in wanting to join in a threesome.

Serious question, is she really a harlot that requires sleeping around to offer tribute? LN is too long for me to read.

Her tribute is just to be erotic. you don't have to actually take a dick. being a tease is enough.

Oh, that’s a shame and a relief. Seriously since learning that novel have different culture and morals than any other fictional stories, it worried me a lot, like the issue of dead historical people and their open mind in front of nudism.

Fuck whoever god did that.

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So any reason why this ova is about the novel ending? Feel's so weird seeing characters from many vols ahead of anime.

Fanservice for novel readers

It was made to promote a boxset and the final volume of the LN.

S3 never but hopefully we'll see another one of the author's works adapted at some point. An Owari no Chronicle movie series would be kino.

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Have you seen Nate's mother? It seems like an everyday occurrence like that will numb you.

Even her bad future daughter is stacked as hell

Should I start with OnC?

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>season 3 when
Never, stop asking.

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Never! I am convinced my petulant whining on a gaijin image board will catch the studios attention and give us the show we want!

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>wanting another season of this trash

>Literally have LN material for at least 10 more seasons
>Will never do more anime

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Just, believe.

>they adapted 10% of the whole thing
>the 90% will never ever be adapted

That bikini is gonna explode

user, you know, the publisher could've just give the 3rd season to JC Staff?

It really isn't necessary for understanding Horizon, but it's a great read on its own. So yes.

bakuhatsu body is best

at this point I'd take that and worse

Imagine being isekaied to the Horizon setting.

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Honestly I'd prefer if they went full 3D (ideally with the company doing the amazing CG of the first two seasons) over a terribly animated mess. Though both are still preferable to nothing.

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>at this point I'd take that and worse
>Though both are still preferable to nothing.
You don't know shit anons.
Nothing >>>>>>>> Shit adaptation

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What was her fucking problem?

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Don't you even fucking joke, that is some monkey's paw bullshit.

Its for his own good, she doesn't want him to get a cold.

If I was isekaied in, I'd be wondering if that's what everyone's deal was since everyone is pretty much going about an ordinary life with a pseudo-Medieval veneer.

>Horizon thread
God bless you guys, I never get tired of these threads.
Superior dodge skills.

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I don't even know this series but honestly what the fuck could be going on about Fat Tits to write so much about it? Just curious.

This show gave me an appreciation for all boob sizes. I've even had some surprising fun with transmen and other mastectomy recipients, thanks to Seijun.

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Horizon is about everything, from romance to action to politics to economy and a lot of different shit, the execution of everything is really good too.

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Please, it's not just about tits. There are butts, too.

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Not to mention the dicks

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>the one time the staff caring TOO much for the source material killed a sequel

im confused as fuck here. now they are fighting with their children for some reason? and apparently all of them get some dick from that battery whore dude.

Int he future MC died and had his DNA extracted to his sister, miko, werewolf and robot

That OVA is a bonus for novel readers with some scenes from the last volumes animated.
Actual spoilers below about ether slut.
Toori is a fucking based semen battery though, dude turns into a god through having sex 1500+ times in one go.
>You will never fuck these two until you become a god

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Hexennacht OVAs could have been fun as well

You can't say these things and not post the passages to go with them, user

>turns into a god through having sex 1500+ times in one go.

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actually was not 1500+ times, the rule was that cumming counted as fuck, and cause shenanigans with his contract to link to everybody, every thing he came, it counted for as much as all the guys liked to.. BUT cause it as being held in some spiritual type place or some shit, he would in deed cum the amount.

and all that sex and cum had to handdled by Mito and Azama alone


Her tributes involved a range of stuff.
From her dancing to her flirting, even the very action of her putting on fashionable clothing(as she always does) and putting on makeup counts as offering tribute to her god. With constant tributes like that she basically has permanent buffs going on. That's why she is so strong despite being a "dancer".

> and cause shenanigans with his contract to link to everybody, every thing he came, it counted for as much as all the guys liked to..
What kind of cuckshit is this?

Hell, Toori had a contract with his god where as long as he messes around like a dumbass and keeps being a boke, he would be immune to any tsukkomi in the form of any physical attack on him.

every time* he came, it counted 1 X all the guys he was linked tru his contract.

but he would ejaculate the same amount as if all those people did...

I can still see them when I close my eyes.

>but he would ejaculate the same amount as if all those people did...
>all that sex and cum had to handdled by Mito and Azama alone

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So its his semen not the other guys semen?. Well, its kind of acceptable

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how was the sale for S2? imagine how confuse if this get an S3. which probably ends up like index S3

The story of how Margot and Naito got together was pretty amusing.

>Margot: She was looking pretty cute, so I violated her

Both seasons sold record-breaking numbers, sales was not the issue so much as the pure difficulty of adapting the books.

i loved this series, still haven't finished S2 though

Both of them sold 20k+ from what I remember, which is especially impressive for a sequel.
The issue is VA availability for a cast of 50+ is a goddamn nightmare as well as other issues.

The box release last year sold another 6k


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cant imagine they could ever fin adapting the books. at this point i just wish they cover more interesting arc and make it 24 cour.


That feel when no one talks about the amount of incest cummies this girl gets.

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Nigga, I knew they were extremely long books, but not that long and not so many.

I wonder how that went

That feel when this thread is full of people wondering what the hell happens and only finding out the bare minimum to alleviate super spoilers, only to have people assume the worst because the super spoilers aren't said.

God speed to you anti-spoiler fags.

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muh dick

the lack of S3 is killing me

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To be fair, there is quite a reason if you read the books. Nate-Momma is quite a whore.

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I fucking lost it when I discovered that when Toori was crossdressing, the shota who got a crush on him was his own son.

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So did Toori have sex with more girls then just ?

Because Nate gets to ride Toori's dick just as much as Asama and Horizon.
In fact, I'm pretty sure Horizon makes sure they all get fucked evenly.

>huge tits
>huge hips
>huge drills
the best

She isn't a whore, she's a priestess of the god of Strippers.

Yoshy is the cutest
That's all

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>the Turbo-Lesbians couldn't make a comic without a dick
Things that make you go "Hmmm...".

As far as I know the confirmed ones are Horizon,Nate and Asama his harem seems to be Horizon,Nate, Asama,Suzu and Kimi, Kimi being in a weird spot
Suzu is a safe bet because of

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You're forgetting that he's dead in the other timeline

Oh right, I'm still hoping because I would feel really bad for her otherwise.

Nate and Asama while he was dead, then Horizon dragged him off to play catch-up.

Thanks, anons.

I want to touch Kimi's weird spot.

And that is a problem because...................

I know how it is.
I mean, her only other options are the flat girl that smells like dogs, and sharing the Captains with the old man.

Are you her brother? If not good luck.
>tfw an entire section dedicated to deepthroats and how Kimi and Nate mama know how to do it

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I want to montages of Futayo barhopping for sweets and getting mad when one of the unneeded buys all the cream puff and her eating stuff as preparation for the Sack of Magdeburg! Also I wanna see her fight against Katsuie!

Explain further

I know Masazumi's her cousin, is there another blood relative aiming for her?

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Do you see a third season?

Nope, you hit it. There's a full Kawakami endorsed doujin of their kid.

Why does every Horizon thread on this board end up in "WHO FUCKED WHO"?

Of course, how could we forget the butts

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Oh, I thought that the fat fuck who wants to marry her is revealed to be her cousin or relative, so that makes 2 cousins shipped with her.

Abliss makes good vanilla douji-
>There's a full Kawakami endorsed doujin of their kid.

What, like a tankoubon of Futayo goodness?!

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>thread still up
Post more prostitute Miko!

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Lewd Miko, without a doubt, but she's not a prostitute.
She's only a slut for Toori.

How else do you think she gathers faith?

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what a fucking BOD

Probably because despite everything else being really fucking good Horizon is still surprisingly lewd.
>Based dragon boy scored right
I really like how the side characters get their romance too, with most of them scoring absolute 10/10 girls.

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The character designs in this series were so great. Big tits, small tits, every size of tit you can imagine. And the most perfect asses on top of it. Truly a masterpiece.

that is literally every thread on this board

And all of that packaged in tight, shiny package.

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>thta puss

>Based dragon boy scored right
By tearing off her arms and legs.
I have to wonder if he didn't talk to Munishige before the battle.

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A combination of her natural charisma, perverts that just want to watch the cute miko built like a brick shithouse wave around one of those sticks with the paper zig-zag, and preaching the good word of whatever god she's backing.

Also it's not her fault that she's so lewd, it's perverted osmosis.
Toori has stored so many eroge under her house that the eroticness of it all has seeped into the woodwork and corrupts the poor girl while she sleeps.
That, in combination with spending her free time with Kimi and Toori, and a Miko's natural inclination to anal sex, it's inevitable, and not going to take long at that.

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Doesn't she review porn materials to make sure it's safe for her friend to wank?

That's right, isn't it sweet of her?
So, if she has to filter out the safe one, that means she's played every eroge that Toori has, at least since he made the contract.
It stand to reason that a few have not passed muster, so now Asama is consuming more eroge than the nudist king that ground his dick against the holy sword Excalibur.

Keikaku Doori, motherfucker.

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what's the point with those oversexualized character design?

From what I understood and then read in the wiki afterwards they are their children from a bad end future. The class teacher is the mc's daughter

It gets better, MC's sister is the surrogate mom of MC and Horizon's daughter.

Episode 1 spoiled everything by focusing on Makiko's pendant which is similar to Toori, Makiko comparing Kimi to the lady who used to do her hair and her looking like female Toori.

Nah, just retweets literally every sale of the doujins. I think they've had their picture together as well; she's cute as fuck standing next to an old man behind a mask.

10K+ years of evolution.

Here's how the Speers breaks down.
The turbo lesbians are the daughters of 10zo and Mary, and the angels respectively.
The rest are his children by Nate, Asama, and Suzu, who used his DNA to impregnate themselves after Toori and Horizon died in the bad timeline. The teacher is his daughter with his sister Kimi, through the same process.
One of them is Futayo's daughter, but the father is unknown, presumably Seijun.

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The issue is sunrise being greedy bastards and releasing only love live for years instead of doing sequels to other series

I want more 4komas.

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>pretends to go for the other girl
>girl lowers her guard
>"everything was part of my keikaku, you are the real oneesan"
Based and oneesan pilled

Le shit?

Are these novel illustrations or what?


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>she had the general aura of an older sister, but lacked a younger sibling
>so he decided the only thing to do is adopt her into his family so she'd be HIS older sister
The fucking madman.

best newtype poster ever

Wait, really?

No joke, it's been few years since I followed anything about Horizon.

>all that incest
Based kawakami

>The teacher is his daughter with his sister
Oriotri is the child of him and Horizon, Kimi was the surrogate mother

Ne er underestimate the passion of spanish half dragons

Yes, after they collected all the Armaments of the Deadly Sins, Horizon finally had Lust, so on the night before a big battle, she fucked Toori. Asama was going to record it for personal archival reasons, but accidentally broadcasted the audio across the Musashi.
Some time after that, Toori realized that he wasn't fulfilling his contract, so he died.
So Asama and Nate pulled some bullshit to get to the realm of the dead, and through some interpretative mythology, decided that if they fucked him enough, he'd become a god and be able to return to life.

So am I half right, or two thirds?

How did this make sense? I'm sure it makes sense in the books, but it sounds retarded on a short post

He cried for being fucked by his main love interest?

Ask the Kawakami thread on /jp/ for better details, but this is generally right.
There's a myth about how some god creates 15000 or so many new souls a day.
The problem is, all those souls have an intended owner.
If they can reach that level of babymaking, and one more, there'll be enough for Toori to slip back in to the realm of the living.

Also Asama's patron goddess had to witness all of this fucking.

He realized that being happy all the time isn't the same as not being sad.

>How did this make sense?
Fucking Kawakami in a nutshell, it's really fucking impressive how he makes a lot of shit work really well.

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I didn't come here to feel, fuck you.

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And Asama and Nate had to beg the goddess to make Toori cumming count like 10 sex or something because he cums 56x as much a normal person would. Goddess agreed at the end but they ended up having a total of 1800+ sex!

>sold well
>popular series
>lets just not make an S3
Why Sunrise.

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They raised the bar too high in terms of animation/sound/work/etc for themselves and they said they don't wanna keep doing it

No, right.

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>tiny werewolf girl
>hair is 50% of her volume
>fat round ass
>awoo's at the moon while grinding a sword impaled upon an immortal shapeshifter's head down the side of an iron tower
She's great. Also likes to be hand fed meat.

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okay here's the real question:
odd number of drills or even?

Find an image of the doll and count.


A-any Neito lewds?

So did Tenzou and Mary fuck? And what about that girl who cut her breasts off?

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Those are some big fucking drills.

boob envy


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Neito is so sexy, still dropped that show because it was shit

Does Toori use his power of sharing for something unexpectedly useful?

They do eventually, he just has to wait until they're married because if he knocks up the Queen's sister out of wedlock, he's going to have the full force of the English Armada aimed directly at his ass.

heavily considering a re-watch

i'm definitely going to
post more pics for the love of god

I've been thinking about hosting a rewatch stream for a while now

wait till after my exams please

Can you hook a brother up with an imgur or wherever you found the ln scans at?

I don't know when your exams end, user

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Makes sense. And the breast-reduction girl?

They're pretty lewd, alright


There is no way right? Wouldn't that be incest? Or is it NBR?

I remember dropping it when I was just 1 episode in when it aired. I want to hit my old self so bad right now.

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This series utterly lack paizuri content.

well the original broadcast version hardly made a good impression when it had light beams censorship everywhere.

Do I gotta read the books before watching this? Cuz I'll read em all if I have to.

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To be fair with your old, retarded self, the 1st 2 episodes were in fact weird, it was ep 3 in which this thing hammers the fucking gas and never lets go.


As long as you pay attention during the infodumps at the start it's ok, you can read the LNs afterwards

does the author suffer from some disability that prevents him from keeping track of the plot?
what could possibly go on for so long without getting watered down with fanservice and pointless gags?

Japanese history lessons

>Wouldn't that be incest?

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Jesus christ why is Neito so hot

>no love for Adele... still

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Yes they are related and that is never in doubt at any point, the reason I said she's in a weird spot is because as far as I'm aware she doesn't get involved in the sex, even though it's pretty obvious that she's lusting after him, it seems like she is satisfied with just being around and seeing all of them happy, she does tease a fucking a lot though, to the point that any of the doujins with her aren't that much of a stretch at all.

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Have the novels been translated?

I like her

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Yes, on baka tsuki, translations are on 7-B, novels finished a few months ago at 11-C. There's quite a few side stories too.

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I like how aerodynamic she is.


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I see, interesting. Any chance of Kimi getting some love too? Are there more novels coming out?

I want to have a rigorous and sweaty sex with Futayo then hit the showers together and compliment her for the great sex!

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Do you think that Kimi's brother would realistically want to have sex with her?


The Chinese light novel publisher was going to translate this series into Chinese but they are scared off by the translation and publication cost

the novels ended a few months ago, the thing is we just have spoilers, so it's not like we know everything that happens in detail.
in my opinion if she advanced on him he would take her, because he's the type that wants everyone to be happy, and I doubt the girls would mind it either since Horizon is like that too. Horizon herself said that if you date Toori, Kimi comes together in the package because you can't separate them.

It's nice reading compliments towards her, it warms my heart that there are still people out there who likes her.

It's a shame that the girl who draws lots of cute Horizon drawings deleted her old drawings of Futayo eating sweets and various cute horizon doodles and continued drawing swordbois. I mean she still talks about Horizon on her twitter but it's hard to backtrack her old posts for Horizon content

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What is this supposed to mean.
If you're happy you can't be sad.

>tfw following Kawakami on twitter.

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Are they still releasing LNs or did it end last year?

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I'm an anime only pleb. Did any of the other guys manage to land a smoking hot girlfriend like Tenzou did?

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It ended last year but Kawakami's still doing web chapters of Musashi's hijinks.


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Noriki and Urquiaga also hook up with their ideal girl

Us LNfags got some other great pairings.

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Noriki's girl is picrelated.
Urquiaga got

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Need more Animated breast envy.

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TFW you will never know the agony we went through hoping this will become real.

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>One of them is Futayo's daughter, but the father is unknown, presumably Seijun.
I thought the implication was Futayo succeeded her father's name and became Tadakatsu and in her search for someone to be the wife of Honda Tadakatsu picked Masazumi who carried their child

>Clesta did 2 Mary doujins, 3 Nate Doujins, 3 Asama doujins and 3 Kimi doujins
>Even side girls get naked ass and titties solo pinups
>Futayo gets none, not even a solo nude pin-up
>Horizon 3 never so Clesta might not do another Horizon doujin

I wish he did a vanilla one and epilogue would be Malga trying to sell her a doujin of herself like that Mary one where it's revealed to be a doujin within a doujin.

In the web novel, Masazumi pieced it together and thought of ways on how to confess it to Fukushima that she's the mother.

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How does Owari rank against Horizon? I’m almost caught up on the current translations and hadn’t read the former yet

It's real good, some prefer it over Horizon so you'll have to try it and decided for yourself.

Personally I didn't like some of the main characters too much because of very 90s/early 2000s overplayed comedic violence but the story and Sayama as MC were excellent.
It's also much more contained than Horizon in a way that you don't have to remember dozens of characters and events at all times. All in all I enjoyed it a lot.

Same. I watched it for the tits when I was a newfag

>Love everything about Horizon
>everything except Toori

You good senpai. No one in the story, outside his harem, likes him. Its a goal to kill him by 90% of Musashi.

They are willingly feeding his comedy powers

I just find his personality really annoying. Whenever I rewatch the show, I have to skip around and only watch the parts I find cool, just to avoid him.

Sounds like Toori is too deep for you

>overlord author finds out people are translating his awful shit
>throws a temper tantrum
>kawakami finds out people ripped and scanned the encyclopedia
>impressed and pleased
He's just so based, I can't not love him.

I'll let you not like Toori only if you let me not like Sayama.

Yeah this sort of reply is what I usually get when I express my dislike for him. Which I dont understand, its not like I'm attacking the series, I'm just disliking a character.
Go for it, its not skin off my back.

I'm not offended for your attack, I'm offended for your low iq

Counter argument: my IQ is higher than yours because I dont like him.

stack to aru majutsu no index too its p similar.

Index is way easier to read

I'm busy on most weekends in June anyway so it's gonna be July at the earliest

What do you guys think about that Edge web novel? Think it will be turned into a LN?

Watch the anime twice, then read the books.

Index has more pages than your average light novel too, but it still averages around 400~500 pages, still doesn't compare to Horizon's 800+ pages books.
Though if you stacked them it'd make a fucking pyramid just because of how many books there are.

Do it and actually pay attention to the plot instead of the huge tits.


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Adele is clearly made for bestiality

Attached: hungryAdele.png (563x607, 170K)

I never understood why they would throw the money to the ground before taking it.

Isn't it just like that old prospector bit where they bite it to make sure it's real

>Masazumi and everyone else turned toward the sudden voice and saw a 15 cm dog-like creature beyond Tenzou and Scarred. Masazumi knew it was a kobold, but she had never seen one in person before. Scarred and Tenzou exchanged some words with it and Tenzou pulled a 5-yen coin from his wallet and handed it to the kobold. The kobold forcefully threw the coin to the ground.
>“I will take it,” said the kobold as it put the coin in its mouth.
>“Kh!” groaned Tenzou. “If I get mad, I lose!”
>“Don’t you lose either way?” muttered everyone as the kobold left.
>Scarred turned toward Masazumi
>“It seems the hot spring and bathhouse are ready.”

whats the name of Nate's daugther that shows in the OVA? she lookks pretty hot, any other image of her, does she appear in the novel illustrations too?

So it's just to spite Tenzou? Nice.

Thread have been living on intensive care, is sad to see another of my favorites being forgotten like this.

Attached: Horizon in budget 3d.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

Yeah well, joke's on them, he's the one that has a big titted blonde girl trying to crawl into his bed at night.

Yeah, but they have great fun with Adele in the doujins.

/jp/ has a 24/7 thread so most the time an Yea Forums thread is pointless

Sadly not much different, current thread have been up for nearly a month.

>It's another MC fucks all the girls
I'm surprised the Japs haven't boycotted this.

Why would they? Shut in neets are more terrified of the opposite.

Sunrise already said there will be no season 3, it's too much of a pain in the ass to adapt Horizon.
There's that short for last volume or something tho.

They already aren't getting that, or the ideal ending is one girl.

>all the girls
user, 4-5 girls in a series with at least 20 of them (can't be assed to check the actual number) isn't "all of them."

Tenzou and Mary are so cute together! I love their interactions since you get both a comfy moment along with some Tenzou bullying for the aftermath.

Supposedly Kawakami is/was interested in some sort of proper English release of the novels, and was asking for help to get in touch with potential translators on Twitter some time last year. I have no idea if that ever went anywhere, but I do know he's pretty well aware of it's cult popularity in the West.
If you ever tweet at him a picture of your Horizon collection, he DM's you lewd art. What a guy.
Also, blame Love Live for no Season 3. Sunrise had plans to do Season 3 for 2013, and there was actually a few promotional illustrations floating around in Fall 2012 with the Horizon III logo, but it was canned for idol shit. Studio 8 got rebranded at some point to just do nothing but Love Live, and Sunrise has consolidated and shut down multiple studios since 2013.
The director, and many of the episode directors, all have left Sunrise and are freelance now. I know one of the mecha designers had a blog post around 2017 talking about some of the designs he did for Season 3, but I don't remember who it was, other than it was an Fc2 blog.

>Xebec is now owned by Sunrise
Is it possible for them to do it?

So did the anime ever show nipples? Seems like a waste with all those tits.

Yeah. Bunch of times. You get a good look at Asama's in s2.

I only watched season 1 so that sounds nice because they copped out there. Although are they detailed, or just lazily done?

I feel like her nipples should have been bigger but it's a long extended bath scene.

So it's only one scene in season 2? Shame.

I want to say there where more scenes but that's the only one that stands out.

My nipple sense tells me it's only one scene then. Nipple scene always stand out in anime, especially when they cock tease you the first season.

So how is Makiko the MC's daughter? And the angels are 10zo and Mary's children? Did they somehow go back in time from their bad end to the one that we see in S1?

That is exactly what happened.

A series made up of 25% military tactics, 25% diplomacy and 25% fight scenes, and all people discuss are the 15% romance and 10% big titty fanservice.

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