Shonen Tier

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All shit tier, shounen is literally worse than capeshit. Watching sweaty men fight is for faggots.

Akame ga kill isn't even shounen

What's Part 6 doing out of shit tier?

Weird way of spelling part 5


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>hokuto no ken not god tier


How come Yea Forums tends to hate on One Piece more than any other weeb internet culture?

Because One Piece is liked only by autists.
For you to put that much time in a battle shonen is a sign of autism.
Even the haters who keep up with it are autistic.
Yea Forums has always liked Bleach the most out of all of the "Big Three".
Yea Forums's favourite Shounen have historically been
>Hunter x Hunter
Historical revisionists like to say Yea Forums doesn't like the above 3. They also probably post in Naruto/Bort, SnK, DB and Wan Piss threads.

Jojo has more chapters than One Piece

Bleach is just a meme you idiot, people trash that series relentlessly

>God Tier
>Not Yu yu Hakusho

Also OP needs to be split into two. Pre timeskip in Good tier, and post timeskip in shit tier alongside Naruto and Bleach.

It's become Reddit: the anime

People liked the trainwreck

t. historical revisionist

JoJo manages to remain fresh by changing up over time though. One Piece has been repeating itself endlessly and the first sign of uniqueness, Marineford, is hailed as the best part of the series.
JoJo has differences between its Parts, and since each part is its own story and it isn't one long continuous one, it is less autistic to follow and keep track of it.
It tries with a heart of gold. One Piece tries for a paycheck and just ends up repeating itself. Naruto just had a massively retarded fanbase, but since then it has been replaced by Fujos and the Nardofags move to One Piece.
Good thing Yea Forums liked it before it became an anime.

Naruto is best shounen and also best ANime of all time as well :DDD

the most accurate list i can do, now stfu about this topic

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NPC: Popular thing bad.
This place is almost as bad as Yea Forums. Bunch of contrarian hipster faggots.

Go back to A reminder that plebbitors tend to like the following
>One Piece
>Shingeki no Kyoujin
>Naruto Part 2
And will tend to hate/dislike
>Dragon Ball

Over a third on the list aren't even shounen you absolute brainlette.

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SnK should be in top tier

who said that, DB is SHIT at this point, a commercial and non-sense saga, Bleach is asspulled powerups everytime the MC is in danger, shitty way to direct a shounen, Jojo is good for some reason actually and FMA is perfect

too lazy to say why OP and SNK is very good, the rest is meh and shitty tier, sooo

>Bleach is asspulled powerups everytime the MC is in danger

Enough with the FMA being in top tier, it’s a typical, cliché gateway anime with generic good vs evil shtick, and how dare you put it above One Piece and not put One Piece in god tier.

>DB is SHIT at this point, a commercial and non-sense saga
I talk specifically about the Dragon Ball manga.
>Bleach is asspulled powerups everytime the MC is in danger, shitty way to direct a shounen,
Sounds like One Piece.
Bleach at least had endearing spectacle.
>Jojo is good for some reason actually and FMA is perfect
JoJo is only good because you're afraid to say it's bad. It also has asspulls, an entire character is based around asspulls, so why does Bleach get shit but JoJo doesn't? Stop being inconsistent faggot.
>too lazy to say why OP and SNK is very good, the rest is meh and shitty tier, sooo
Actually go back.
One Piece sucks, it's only liked by people too fucking retarded for Naruto and Dragon Ball, SnK is normalfag's first anime.

>FMA is perfect
No it’s a overrated generic black and white Shounen.

>One Piece sucks

This is bait.

>stone ocean above Diamond Is Unbreakable

You either havent read those or you’re baiting

No one is that retarded

Why don't these threads get deleted on sight?

The mods don't care. This shit will probably reach the archive.

>cohesive plot
>actual character development
>fully fleshed out main villain
>better fights

Edens Zero is God Tier.

Hajime no Ippo is God tier

It does. If I wanted to watch a soap opera that constantly repeats itself, I'd watch American TV.

>SnK is normalfag's first anime.
Don't get fooled by its mainstream appeal due to the less good anime adaptation. It's genuinely a great manga as the story progresses. Do not get fooled or reduce SnK to what you can witness in the fanbase or even the general on Yea Forums. Outside of a few mistakes it's well written and has solid foreshadowing elements and characterization. Read the manga and you'll see by yourself

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enjoy your axed manga

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Shit taste