Is he taking her to wonderland?

Is he taking her to wonderland?

Attached: Kimetsu-no-Yaiba-07-32.jpg (853x480, 80K)

He can breed with normal humans?

this is Michael Jackson and he is taking her to Disneyland

This villain is very charismatic.

Will he fight while doing the moonwalk and grabbing his crotch

all memes aside, if you really believe that MJ touched kids, then you've been jewpilled


he's a smooth criminal

You mean Neverland

Attached: 1558875486887.jpg (225x350, 40K)

You mean Neverland

Attached: Muzan kick.jpg (415x739, 41K)

He cute

Is this MJ anime good?

no that was last season


It's Bad

Predictable but still good kek

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sad that Muzan's best moment won't be adapted this season.

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>sue me, jew me, kike me
>they don't care about us
MJ was redpilled

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That's right, he also knew who was a pedo in the industry

Kibutsuji seems like a cool and well written villain early on, but later you'll see that he's just a petty asshole who's been hung up on the same shit for 1000 years.