Did you like this show? I thought it was great until the ending
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Manga was ok. Reading it with Yea Forums and speculating about the travellan yandere was fun. I didn't see the point in watching the anime since I knew what was going to happen.
When I was younger I loved it. Looking back now I just think its edge bait
I honestly love it. It obviously has its flaws but I think it's great at being entertaining and unpredictable.
I enjoyed it quite a lot, I think the ending was the best part, from his dad's death until the end was genuinely a fun watch. Definitely could have done a few things better but it definitely doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.
I liked the 3d adaptation.
I started rewatching this last night because of this chick.
Yeah, its still bad.
kill yourself
Entire show was carried by one single character
Yuno is cute.
Not a masterpiece by any means but I enjoyed it for what it was. Yukki and Yuno's dynamic really held the show together.
This. It was enjoyable, nothing more to say really
Age of Yan when?
Why do yanderefags usually reek of normie?
sounding like a normalfag yourself there user
Same here, loved it as one of my first anime and had my mind blown by The ending, now J know I cant rewatch it cause its definetly shit.
It's wholesome, I'd happily re-watch it again
Not sure, maybe because yandere usually involve gore and normals love gore. Or maybe because it gives them an excuse to blog about their epic crazy ex gf. (funny how EVERY single normalfag on the planet has a story to share here)
Regardless yandere has been my favorite archetype for years and I'll watch/read/play anything if I find out one of the girls are yandere. Its the ultimate fanservice for me. Happy Sugar Life sucked though.
The ending was the best part you barney
Came out at a time when everyone was writing about battle royales with time travel plot twist endings, but still kinda fun despite it.
Yuno has one of the top five hottest character designs ever.
Oh it absolutely did but auntie is my mom dom waifu
No normie stories to share here but if I ever have a girlfriend I hope this is what she's like
I liked it a lot, watched it 3 times already. The only parts I disliked were when Yuki's dad comes visit him, but then Ai and Marco came and made me enjoy the show again, the other part was the whole Yuki and Yuno collab with 8th to defeat 11th, it's boring up until they go to that big tower to go after him because a bunch of stuff happens. I thought the plot twist was pretty cool aswell, and the ending isnt as bad as most say it is.
The anime was a lot kinder to the characters and that made its ending acceptable. The manga's ending where DEUS from another universe breaks into Yuki's universe to give him a different Yuno was pants-on-head retarded.
There are two groups that like yanderes (for the most part)
One group is normies who like them because they're edgy.
The other group is lonely autists who have yandere waifus because they hate themselves so much that they can't believe that even a fictional 2d character would like them unless she was literally crazy.
I'm part of the second group
I like yandere boundless love and willpower. They're intrinsically interesting characters.
story on that pic?
I thought the end twist was great.
Throws you for a loop and then makes you realize it all the previous unexplained occurrences with Yuno makes sense.
I blew so many loads to her
God we're all so lonely.
I don't really know the story behind it, but it appears to be her saying "like" over and over again in blood, which should be pretty self explanatory
meant for
I enjoyed it as a guilty pleasure for a while. Then I had the pleasure of living out parts of it and now I can't really think about it without cringing/not feeling super great
>The other group is lonely autists who have yandere waifus because they hate themselves so much that they can't believe that even a fictional 2d character would like them unless she was literally crazy.
What's the story behind this? Link?
Yandere kanojo irl
I usually think yandere is a shit meme, but the show was engaging enough for me to overlook it.
Has an intense atmosphere. Personally I don't like yuno(yandere in general) but it was a fun show, atleast for 15 year me. Doesn't have good writting but i enjoyed the dark and edgy atmosphere apparently.
Must have been living under a rock when this happened? What's the story?
never mind, found this
What about the unconditional and all-encompassing love that only a yandere is capable of? She will never betray you. Except when it's about murder maybe, but that's fair game. Murder is the only way to get rid of her after all.
This. Those were the days, when Hox would translate everything.
I actually liked rewatching it way more than I remembered liking it. 7 years later it came off way more romantic. Back then I was liked it because of the edginess, now I think it's a beautiful and romantic story
>give him a different Yuno
In the Anime(redial) she gets the memories of the 1st/2nd world Yuno, are you saying that didn't happen in the manga? Or are you remembering it wrong?
Trash-tier show with trash-tier characters.
Yuno is over-glorified and Yuki is a cunt. Everyone in the show was so edgy I was more likely to get hurt by bumping into them on accident rather than getting stabbed by their knives or some shit.
Trash anime. 2/10.
You're gonna have to do better than that lmfao. Try being more subtle next time
I'm just saying it as I see it man. No baits, no nothing. Just a random guy on the Internet hating on this anime.
Another reason to like them is that yanderes typically have a tremendous amount of agency, as opposed to the mostly passive waifubait in a lot of shows. Yuno has tremendous influence on the plot.
This is why I never understood the people who criticized Yuki for being boring, too passive, etc. It would have detracted from Yuno, who was the only reason that Mirai Nikki was any good in the first place. Big Order had basically a more assertive Yuki yet was far inferior to MN. Yuki works because he is the average cowardly nip highschooler, which amplifies the effect of Yuno. He was the straight man to her insanity.
Lets be real, we all just wanted to fuck Yuno. She's still one of my go to faps, crazy chick after Yukis dick.
>All those doujinshis that will never get translated.
The pink hair man ,is her pussy hair pink?
I do not like her
This is the definition of a "loved it when I was young" show, loved it back then and thought it was perfect, looking back on it now I realise it was just shit
Yuno was great, but almost everything else was poor. The biggest problem is that Yuki is *so* spineless he's intensely irritating. And he's not just spineless and incapable of action - he's self-pitiful too. That's the single biggest no-no for a protagonist. You can give a character almost any other fault and still get the audience to root for him if you do it right. But self-pity in a MC is disgusting.
I literally thought the same thing two weeks ago and then I rewatched it and fell inlove with it all over again
eh, the OVA made the ending a bit more enjoyable for me. The fairy tale happily ever after ending it added felt a little out of place with the regular tone of the series but it still felt good to see Yuki and Yuno have a happy ending together
>But self-pity in a MC is disgusting.
I dunno man. Kazuma from Konosuba spends a fair amount of time wallowing in self pity but he's still an enjoyable character
Yes, but that's played for laughs. You can get away with it (sort of) in a self-aware, self-mocking sort of way. Woody Allen's whole career is based on this. But even then it's a narrow line - which is why Woody Allen ends up being more annoying than anything else I M O.
I for one think she needs more doujins.
Man, its been so long. I cant remember if that is from the abridged series or predates it. That motherfucker NEVER FINISHED ANYTHING HE STARTED
I think that line is from the abridged series.