Anime that starts out as a generic shounen but turns out to be AOTY and makes madoka look like the piece of garbage...

anime that starts out as a generic shounen but turns out to be AOTY and makes madoka look like the piece of garbage that it is

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Sekiro = Bloodborne > Darksouls

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Demon's Souls>Everything else.

>Bloodborne>Sekiro>Ds3>Demon's Souls>Ds2>Ds1

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Sorry user, Demon's Souls just wasn't that great.
It's honestly ds2 tier.

Shit taste.

Das1>Bloodborne>Sekiro>Dark Souls 3 >Demon's Souls>shit>Dark Souls 2

>DS1 Last

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>if ever a more obvious bait existed

>Great fucking games with some flaws that do things differently in little or major ways for better or worse:
Dark Souls 1-3, Demons Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and all their DLC
>everything else:

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It was really fucking good thematically, and the gameplay was serviceable at the time tho. But it aged like a chopped ass under the sun.
Nah user, the game aged like shit.
>New hotness > Old and busted

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>DS2 over DS1

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Demon's = Dark Souls = Bloodborne > DaS3 > stubbing your toe on the corner of furniture > then killing yourself > DaS2

True patrician taste.

Is Bloodborne the only reason to buy a PS4?

I bought my ps4 because of Yakuza

Used to be, now that PS5 is going to be backwards compatible there is literally no reason

But Madoka is the Dark Souls of anime.

No (You)'s or pop-ups for you, cunt

A remake of Demon’s Souls with all the new gameplay upgrades would be absolutely amazing. I started the series with it and still have great memories of it. I felt real fucking proud as I was beating the bosses.

Is this still Yea Forums? Anyway, I have around 1000 hours on all three Dark Souls games and I don't get the irrational hate of ds2, as long as we are talking about the SotFS at least. Each is unique in its own way and presents some unique mechanics, lore and atmosphere. Ds2 in particular also had great PvP.


sotfs is just as shit, if not worse

Can someone explain to me what Yea Forumsshitters doing here and why no one their shit out?

Skyrim >>>>>

souls is anime

k then