I'm a fan of Overload. I won't forgive you guys!!!!!!!

>It seems that it has been translated and uploaded on overseas websites without permission. Isn't it better to take some measures?

>Is that for real? It feels like my will to continue writing keeps disappearing more and more. Maybe I should just get this series over with and go back to being an office worker. …Well, I guess I’ll aim for reducing one scheduled episode and finish it in the 17th volume for the time being!

Attached: 1.png (640x715, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=one piece all episodes
lmgtfy.com/?q=one piece all episodes piratesbay

What a drama queen, he should be glad that more people got into his work thanks to fan translations

Why do Jap creators get so anal about this stuff? Shouldn't you want your work to reach as many people as possible?

Then release it officially in english you fuck.

Literally because of "filthy gaijin, you no invade our culture" mentality driven deep into their subcultures they're creating for.

>Maybe I should just get this series over with and go back to being an office worker.
Do it then, go back to a stressful and mediocre job from winning millions writing LNs because you lost a small portion of your huge profit.
What a greedy bitch

shuddup and write slacker

This is so confusing, without those fan translations he would lose millions of readers, those fan translations are basically free publicity that usually costs a lot, how fucking retarded you must be to think it's a negative thing even from the most jew point of view, and even if it were he should be happy so many people likes his work.

Fucking piece of shit, just sell the rights already.

He was a free Web novelist, but now he publishes books as a professional novelist. It is only natural that a professional not feel comfortable about it.

10/13 volumes are officially translated into English according to wikipedia with the latest one coming out one week ago.

The side story was only sold for people who bought all season 3's BDs then had to buy the novel at full price too.
Fuck authors and fuck publishers.

>go back to being an office worker
to give up on his new rich lifestyle where he basicaly lazy around and do nothing, given his production speed he proly writes one day of the week tops, and go back to slave mode salaryman. yeah right

And here I thought middle aged American moms were the sensitive ones.

Piracy is the symptom of a service issue.

Almost as bad as this, behold.

Attached: 1556401388693.png (944x864, 191K)

Isn't this obviously a joke? Lmao at that translator group who deleted all their shit because of this.


Eat shit, filthy pirates.

make me, I'll keep pirating shit just because I can


>twitter thread

Attached: 1458835831446.jpg (508x524, 41K)

fuck anti pirates

well, overlord is just modern day dime novels

Good riddance

There wouldn't be any interest in buying Japanese LN's if it wasn't for the fan translation community.

Why does anyone even make these threads aside from a poor attempt at trolling?

you made this thread already you attention starved imbecile

I don't really see the problem with this

That seems reasonable to me

I read them online illegally and then liked it so much I bought them to support the author.
He shouldn't get his panties in a twist.

GoT was the biggest television series in the world and it was mostly pirated, but even then it drew in a larger crowd to end up buying HBO. The pirating spread publicity for the show because more people were watching it. If only HBO members watched it wouldn't have grown as much.

Oh, better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonius part,
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well to do,
But I'll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King.

pretty good idea

>b-but pirates gave it free publicity!! it gives them more money because more people get to see it!!
Prove it.

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What are you talking about? This is genius. I'd honestly have zero issues with all the authors of the content I like doing this.

What are you gonna do? Cry about it?

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Hell, he should have sued the translators for making money out of it



they made money out of it?


>non peer-reviewed """study"""

>literally who

what a bunch of dicksuckers

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Based cuckboy

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I'm absolutely sure there is more pirating in Japan than outside it.

Nope. You can give them legal means and half will still pirate. Gaben is a cuck that still get his shit cracked.

Read it again, he wants to charge anyone that illegally downloads his works $5.
10K people download a chapter you are sued and have to pay 50K

If there is an easy option to get something for free, it's only natural to take it.

does that account for china?

Couldn't he sue the translators for this if he wanted? Surely this breaching some copyright laws significantly if they're accepting donations for their work.

>Sorry for everyone who is "good money".
>"Bad money drives out good money."
>For now, it is difficult to finish with volume 16, so I will do it moderately.

Attached: ZKrbxsE.png (543x308, 56K)


Your forgiveness means shit to me
If author is just writing for a paycheck then feel free to quit any time

overlord is garbage Im just here for the drama.

>10/13 volumes are officially translated into English according to wikipedia with the latest one coming out one week ago.
And that didn't cover the content allegedly being pirated

>Reading Yen piss translations
Please kys. Fan translation is superior but there is no arguing with a Yen fag because of how he cites 'muh official translation' without actually looking at the mistakes it has

Yes. I see Japanese flag on my seedbox at a 30% rate.

It's only natural. Authors only know how to write. They do not understand markets, human nature, or how reality really works.

>being behind with a translation of a fucking LN by 3 volumes
why are the "pirates" the bad guys again?

You can't read niponese then. Stop being a cuck.

Many of them are other Chinese people using VPS

and why should they?

you can pretend that he's is nobody but it's still true


so they don't cry over this and cause muh hiatus drama.

That's the author's word

This mentality is why human civilization is collapsing. People who don't strive for knowledge are worthless leeches.

theres no such thing as truth

That's a bit snarky but fair enough.

Authors should only care about writing. There is no way the author of Overlord has money problems right now. But it's clear he cares more about money than the story itself if this makes him upset.

that's convenient for you

>frogposter in charge of having a brain

Don't see the problem.

>replies to everyone, even the tards defending the author
How can you be any more obvious with your bait, OP?

What a fucking scum bag.
Imagine if an author from a famous series did this.
You make the story you want to make and put it out.
Trying to guilt your fans into giving you more money or else your stopping the series is pretty shitty.
Even if the series keeps going it wont feel authentic. Either stretched out or shrunken down based on money.

Imagine if LoTR did this.

Sadly humanity has decided that money is the only thing that matters. We've become a worthless fucking parasitic species that will never know greatness ever again. Our cultural output peaked a while back. We still haven't gone back to the moon and now our airplanes are buggy, crashing messes.

We've removed ourselves from natural selection and we have suffered greatly because of it.

eat shit haruto

I don’t get why are people being so defensive when being called out for pirating. Like I pirate too but of course it upsets the authors/mangaka in Japan. They don’t care about free promotion overseas and just want to receive money after all their hard work. No one likes to work for free after all.

>volume 16
why does he keep saying this

99% chance these guys never would have gotten into the series without piracy


That's what all LNs are. Light Novels are literally popcorn reading. LN writers are the people who failed to get a deal with actual publishers to write an actual book.

>hard work

Since it's literally a crime it gives the normal illiterate fag an impression that it's actually bad, and in the case of some (most) people who are "affected", they have this shitty mindset that 1 pirate == 1 copy not sold thinking they have lost millions in royalties when all piracy does is expose your work to new potential buyers.

>noone wants to work for free
what are volunteers?
what are Yea Forums jannies?

>That's what all LNs are. Light Novels are literally popcorn reading. LN writers are the people who failed to get a deal with actual publishers to write an actual book.
What did he mean by this? Doesn't he know in Japan it goes from WN to LN?

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 720K)

this would be great for poorly cleaned scanlations.

>because you lost a small portion of your huge profit
It's the other way around, he gained a lot more thanks to those pirates.

What am I supposed to do. LEARN JAPANESE?! C'mon your on fucking Yea Forums. Most of us are either NEETs or living with our parents.Also your COPYING a work not stealing it. Being a pirate means stealing something. THEREFORE I am doing no wrong. It tis not stolen.


Never going to masturbate to Overlord related content ever again.

Funny thing, it's not only the case on anime but also anything Yea Forums or Yea Forums related, fuck, in Yea Forums's case only the hardcore fans pay for hardcopies while your average legal normalfag just uses youtube or one of those streaming services that are basically a legal kick in the balls to any artist.

Why hasn't the author of Overload payed his financial dues to all the fantasy series that he was "inspired by" (ripped off)?

>LN writers are the people who failed to get a deal with actual publishers to write an actual book
Its actually the opposite for novels like Overlord

If only every author did this. They could make bank. I have no problem dropping a few bucks to directly support authors

>I have no reading comprehension. Was he talking about WNs?
No, I wasn't. WNs aren't dime novels, WNs are free. LNs aren't real novels. The nips don't call all their books light novels they call the real books "books" and the shitty dime novels "light novels". WNs are just shitty writers practicing their shitty writing. Or, for a better comparison in terms of quality, WNs are comparable to online fanfics.

Imagine thinking you're popular overseas only to find out they're cucking you

Maruyama has been saying repeatedly for a few years now. He is getting tired and losing the energy to continue Overlord. Yes, he is probably disappointed about the fan translations. But he has known about them for a long time already, and not cared. He probably feels more insulted that it was his Japan only volume that reached over seas anyways. You do all remember the Web Novel right? He was initially writing the story for free online.

It is a common thing in fantasy worlds, it is called 'GM Block'. Gamemaster's write up a world and put a lot of work into it. They're excited and estatic to show off the world they made and everything in it. But once it happens and everyone is playing. Things have been beaten or seen, they no longer have that excitement. The experience of 'something knew' goes away, and they want to move on to other things. Maruyama is experiencing that very same, common feeling. And it's funny that Maruyama used to play D&D with friends while basing Overlord off of it. Plus, Overlord isn't the type of story he wants to be writing at the moment anyways. In previous interviews he has stated that if he were to make a novel after Overlord. It would be a high school wrestling series. The difference between the two already shows how skewed his interests are from his current activities. And as I said earlier. He has been saying forever that he is losing the drive to continue. In fact, this isn't the first time Overlord has been cut in volume numbers. Back then, Maruyama was saying he had enough content for 30 volumes. But later reduced it to stress and complaints from managers.

Basically retards he's not reducing it because of piracy but because of an entirely different reason.

Wtf I hate Overlord now.

Light novel is just a print format faggot.

Creative work is a dime a dozen, when a manga-ka or "novelist" complains, all the translators should just drop the shit to show them how much they are needed.

That will teach them to fuck with us.

Why don't nip authors who find out they're popular in the west just work with a publisher to have a simultaneous English release so people don't have to resort to piracy to read their fucking content as soon as it's available. That's what fucking Viz does with Shounen Jump

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First it was the tobacco industry denying any connection of smoking and health complications, then we had the oil industry paying literal shills to give wrong or distorted "scientific" data to try to unlink global warming and they work, when it comes to piracy we are talking of the music, television and gaming industry, of fucking course the middleman will do anything in their power to misinform people. How can people fail to see the connections? Also brb, downloading a car.

LN refers to the published version


>No, I wasn't. WNs aren't dime novels, WNs are free. LNs aren't real novels. The nips don't call all their books light novels they call the real books "books" and the shitty dime novels "light novels". WNs are just shitty writers practicing their shitty writing. Or, for a better comparison in terms of quality, WNs are comparable to online fanfics.
Jesus, where did this brainlet come from? Firstly web novels can be free or paid, author can paste his daily/weakly somewhere or actually get paid by some sites. Secondly point me towards an isekai or fantasy or anime material that isn't categorised as light novel.

>official translations/releases are slow as shit overseas
>blame people for pirating new volumes
>instead of realizing that it's a failure on the translator's part
>make vague threats on twitter about how you'll write less like a child instead of just shutting up and solving the distribution problems
It's like video game developers whining about Russians who have no legal means to buy their games pirating their shitty games. Like poetry. Humanity really is a hopeless species, isn't it?

Yeah, that’s why you are in Yea Forums now and only write replies instead of writing volumes of novels over the years. Being a writer is not easy.

imagine getting upset that people from all over the world are literally throwing money at your mediocre isekai series allowing you to keep a stable job.

Fakku snatched this author at the end.

It's a format created by the pubslihers to refer to anime inspired novels.
anime haters use it to hate on the writing since they can't handle that otaku writing is better than their western series.

Fantasy novels are kitsch. This isn't some notable work of mankind like lord of the rings or the fucking epic of gilgamesh. It's disposable consumer garbage designed to make money, nothing more. Modern "art" and "writing" is mostly a fucking joke. Difficulty of production does not correlate to value, or else all the shits I take after eating Tacos would be the most valuable things known to mankind.

You want value, go into STEM or accrue vast political power and actually start doing things to advance our species.

>because you lost a small portion of your huge profit.
Did he lose anything at all? How do you lose money in a market you don't participate in?

>being this big of a brainlet
You really need to check up on your reading comprehension, anons.

Yes and that print format isn't the same as what their actual books are like. Leave the YA section of your library/book store and you might understand.
>Secondly point me towards an isekai or fantasy or anime material that isn't categorised as light novel.
Those are all LNs, retard. I'm talking about the difference between actual books and popcorn reading material. LN is what the nips call their popcorn reading. LNs are comparable to our YA novels. Don't tell me you actually consider YA to be actual reading material, user?

>No one likes to work for free after all.
There are hundreds of scanlators that do exactly that or receive so little money from donations that it doesn't even matter.

you sure about that, user

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I have no idea what difference that would make on a cost level, but there would at least be a reason to buy shit then. The only LN I do pay for is one that isn't far behind


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at least the author sees that there's a market for his works in the west and attempts to capitalize on it and isn't just crying about people "stealing his work" on twitter.

For something to actually being piracy, you need to make a profit out of it. That's why people who are found out pirating always receive some text along the lines of "since you definitely did not pirate because of personal use but also received money out of it, we are charging you ~1000 USD" something.

>he was "inspired by" (ripped off)
which series are these?

It's a good idea. Shame he was so childish about it.

Meanwhile, from people that actually deserve their fanbase

Attached: Screenshot_20190527_223120.jpg (821x245, 54K)

Don't give me that bullshit. You think people go into LN writing because they have a interesting story to tell? Fuck no, majority of them want easy money for not a lot of work. They can just come up with a fucking shitty isekai plot nr 1354587321 and if that doesn't work, well then just gotta start again.

He's just making shallow excuses for his lack of will.

anime is charity. LN too.

Who is this?

He should just wrap up the series while he still cares a bit and give it a proper ending. If he forces himself to continue til the point when he can't stand it any longer, he may give Overlord a really shitty ending, or never finish it at all.

Yes, fuck Albedo. Give me Aura x Mara adventures or some weird fascinating shit about impregnating Entoma.

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Dungeons & Dragons mainly

Why are hentai artists so fucking based? Any other examples of artists or authors reaching out to foreign fans and being bros

>people still don't realize that fan translation is a thing
>people still getting butthurt that foreigners are enjoying their stories

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>Those are all LNs, retard. I'm talking about the difference between actual books and popcorn reading material. LN is what the nips call their popcorn reading. LNs are comparable to our YA novels. Don't tell me you actually consider YA to be actual reading material, user?
You said light novel "aren't real novels" and your point was that the Japanese separate LN from actual books which is something already done in the west but you're retarded claim of saying Japs call it "Shitty dime novels light novels" without actual proof. Your main point is that if you can't make it into a real book you settle for LN when in fact 'real books' are mostly 3d you faggot and you completely ignored my question


>tfw Slime Author is smarter then Overlords author

He's already written himself into a corner, and it's really apparent from the most recent volumes. He bit off more than he could chew.

Read those westernshit series people praise so much, they are the same wishfulfillment stuff as isekai.
Write or gtfo

Slime author is literally an engineer, of course he is. How was his interaction with foreign fans? I must have missed that.

Because that means you need to know someone who makes those deals or to learn English first, since that means extra work no one gives a fuck. In this case they "win" in exchange of selling their work for pennies, most fan translations dropping the work because there's an official translation coming, and the rightful publisher releasing shitty works in most of the cases while stagnating everything since they must catch up in a lapse of years, or just not releasing anything at all. This should spawn more pirates but something it doesn't, but now the author can't bitch anymore.

Then it's not noone.

There's the whoel world and the real world to explore, he's just so afraid to actually have his main characters fight since they might be beaten that he's ending the series and dumping all the plotlines.
It's a new level of cuck writing.

Actual retardation here. Wtf, how is your reading comprehension this bad? It's the same shit as when a writer is so shit that they can't get a deal with a serious publisher and settle for writing cheap YA novels for the rest of their life. Can you understand what I'm saying now? I really don't want to have to rephrase my point over and over again until some brainlet can understand.

difference is, Tolkien wanted to write stories and he even invented entire language for his masterpiece, Maruyama is just one ex-salary man who write shitty isekai-with-a-twist story

Loli bladder play fetishist mangaka
>had a screen from an English transition as his Twitter banner for a long time
>referenced the scanlation group that did his early releases
>gives out raws and points out mistakes

Attached: Screenshot_20190527_223659.jpg (523x209, 29K)

You are not white, you will never be white.

You're underestimating just how vast the amount of web novels is and how many will never be read by a couple dozen of people at most. As shitty as they may be you actually need an iota of skill (or at least luck) for your shitty fanfic to be picked up by a publishing company. The vast majority of people don't get that chance.

Damn, loliCHADs are like THIS? I thought through dick, unity, was a joke? Can ANYTHING stop these disgusting pedos?

>people still don't realize that fan translation is a thing
But user, how can people work for free with something they enjoy? That's outrageous!!

Is this the diaper manga dude?

>you are sued
>implying some fuck a thousand miles from where I live, who barely makes enough to eat, will bother suing people over chinese novels

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>I'm gonna say whatever I want without proof because you know, you know.
jesus you need a reality check. Authors in Japan don't try to get 'real published' to then fall down to light novels. This has never happened, you have no proof nor do you live in Japan. Nice bait

Dude, if t’s so easy then you do it and gain millions of readers. I’m not claiming these LNs are pinnacle art of literature, but they did spent hours thinking and writing the novel for days to please a lot of readers. It’s not hard to imagine that they entitled to feel that their works are not copied or illegally released at least for the hours they spent on their original work.

Except LN publishers are the biggest publishers.
Some LNs also get put in the normal book sections.

Yes user, we understand it's cutely retarded and only reflects how the author thinks how things work.

Bulllshit, literally every user here is capable of writing a novel. Whether it could be professionally published or sell to a general audience is another story.

Write 500 words a day every single day and before you know it, you have a 500 page epic novel. You can even self-publish and print on Amazon.

No, he does more outlandish stuff

It makes sense that the type of person to post wojaks would be this stupid.

He has a right since it is his intellectual property they are profiteering from. Regardless of his attitude towards the translators; the author should take their work and make his own profits off of it. If these works were free there would be no issue as official localized translated works take forever.

Show me all the novels and books you wrote, super easy right?

I'm not saying it's easy but it's not hard work.
>entitled to feel that their works are not copied or illegally released
Yes it is hard to imagine. This thinking that you somehow worked for nothing when anyone pirates said novel is dumb, especially if you already get fat money from it

YA writers are pretty big too. Just take a look at Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and the many many more shit tier novels that get popular. Writing shit is usually not the first choice of an actually respectable writer.

Here's a book for you:

Front cover: Suck my DICK.
Page one: Fuck you.
Back cover: Eat shit.

One thing is being mad because a rightful reason, another is being mad because of having an uninformed point of view, he is almost going full Jean Simmons.

>Look, it doesn’t affect me. I’m a rich bastard. I do well. By some standards, I’m rich and famous and all that stuff.
>Some more rambling about being filthy rich
>But imagine you’re a new band and you have your passion and your music and you really love it, you can’t do it. There’s nothing else. They can’t show up live, because they don’t know who you are, so somehow you’ve gotta get the music out there.
>But if you wanna earn a living, you can’t get the music out there. So you’re living in your mother’s basement, you have to have a day job and the kids get your music for free. ‘I’m just promoting my live shows.’ It doesn’t work.

>Hunger Games, Harry Potter
Oh you mean the works that are considered good writing by the general populace and critics? LN really are better than books.

Can you give an example of some of his works? I mean like the titles of some shit he wrote or a link to the translations. How bad is it?

>i-it's not easy unless you do it right here right now!

the manga was better

>And the people that killed all the new bands are the fans themselves. It wasn’t corporate America, it wasn’t aliens from space. The people that killed the music they love are the people who love the music.

Imagine being this misinformed and thinking that the industry works the same after 46 years.

This whole discussion makes me question why we don´t write an Yea Forums light novel and publish it.
Get a drawfag to provide illustrations and some anons with a business education to do some marketing and Yea Forums could be making bank.

If it weren't for those filthy, stinking pirates, I wouldn't give one rat's ass about this series. The author can do whatever the fuck he wants, but is he really surprised his work has been translated and disseminated online without permission? That happens to literally E V E R Y T H I N G.

Attached: Yuru Camp - Mushroom Cloud.jpg (1255x2300, 1.06M)

>muh bandwagon = good
Sure thing, retard. Never leave the YA section.

>Rimuru is a chill, friendly guy who would make the best bro ever IRL
>written by a chill, friendly guy IRL

>Ainz is an angry, bitter cunt
>written by an angry, bitter cunt IRL

Am I overthinking things or does this make more sense than it should?

Mainly the Oshikko Sensei series.
Filling loli bladders and bowels up to bursting with fluid, creating a mold of loli bowels, urethral sounding, stuff like that.

>by the general populace and critics?
Which are? Hunger games is a literal rip off, and Harry Potter is full of those flaws any young adult fantasy comes with.

>it's popular and well critic'd so it's not good
Guess all the classic literature is garbage now.

Americans don't read. LN market only exists because there is demand for it, even though most of the supply to meet that demand is shit. In America the target demographic (boys 12-~25) do not really read books. Hence why the YA industry in the west is so targeted and skewed towards girls.

rrrrright, and then we can give all the profit to the gookjew so he can blow it up for anything that is not the actual site

Sounds disgusting, but one must really respect how he treats his fans I guess.

It works everywhere but third world countries

>he would be nowhere without fan translations

Absolute. Utter. Bullshit. 99% of overseas Overlord fans got interested through the anime, not some shitty reddit machine translation.

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Really harder than herding cats, but then again there's The Orchestr/a/, KS happened, and fuck the closest thing that happened to what you are saying is (Gai)Jean-kun. I guess it's just a matter of persistence or luck.

Japs simply cannot envision the world outside of their island. This is why Japan was unable to capitalize on the interest in Japanese shit in the early 2000s thanks to the anime boom. Remember like 10 years ago when JASRAC got a bunch of PVs for popular groups removed form Youtube for violating copyright? This is why Korea has them beat despite being an inferior culture producing inferior entertainment. Korea realized there was interest overseas and rode the wave and weren't such anal faggots about it.

Some companies in Japan are starting to realize it too. The pro wrestling scene over there, for example. NJPW, Stardom, DDT and others have global streaming services. DDT and NOAH will upload matches and things like that onto youtube. The underground idol scene too seems to realize there's a benefit in making their stuff globally available.

The manga scene seems way behind the curb on it. Not all of them of course, Nico Tanigawa showed the benefits of acknowleding it and the "it's better for everyone to see your product than no one to see it" mindset. But so many mangaka truly seem to buy into the "one pirated view means one less purcahse" even though shit like Attack on Titan, Jojo, MHA or whatever would've never grown into the massive overseas successes they are without illegal fan translations essentially spreading the word for free.

Not possible with neo-Yea Forums. With old, pre-2013 Yea Forums, maybe. Yea Forums will never make a worthwhile creative work after the election hit.

You can really tell who does his work because he enjoys it and just wants to share his fetish, and who treats it as an obligation

Classic literature has a global acclaim for centuries or decades at worst, and you are talking about Harry Potter.

>hurr if you no like one popular thing that mean you no like anything popular
Wow, YAfags are really this stupid? Or is this considered smart for a middle schooler like yourself?
YA is generally shit. It's literally books written for preteens. If you actually think that shits good then I pity you for being stuck in the YA section.

I don't know why would you think that the popularity and criticism of classic books is in any way comparable to this millennial trash

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I came for season one and stayed for the LN. But I only pirated

Oh, you mean that other medium that flourished in the west solely because of piracy?

Thats what they should be doing by default. Who the fuck is sticking to one language with their product in 20-fucking-19, especially when its something alien as moonrunes.

>that flourished in the west solely because of piracy
geee I wonder why

Classic literature is full of isekai shit too

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>neo-Yea Forums
Nice usage of Yea Forums memes by the way.

Some people will never pay for anything but more people are willing to pay than not. But a lot of times releases are fucking shit too. Take Watamote: the release between English tanks is about 8 or 9 months which is about 8 or 9 months behind the Japanese release of each volume. Why is that acceptable? Wouldn't it be better to offer simultaneous English/Japanese releases at least for the individual chapters?

Then there's the price. Going back to Watamote, the price for the most recent tank is ¥589 or a little over $5. If I want to buy the Yen Press version it's $13.99 buying it from a store, about $10 if I want to order it from Amazon (minus shipping which I'll have to pay unless I'm a Prime subscriber). On Amazon.co.jp I can get a collection of the entire series for around $71. In America I would be paying double or triple that and guess what we're two volumes behind the Japanese releases too (they're at 15, we're at 13).

You have to wait forver to be overcharged for a product the Japanese paying at least twice as much less for and you're often times way behind where they are. Why would anyone want to pay for that?

They were the harry potter of their times which became classics, good to know you just hate LNs for no reason.

simulcasting killed anime piracy, so lol nice argument

>Pirate shit out of the ass themselves
>Cry when others do it
Dumb hypocrites

legitimately hang yourself

Not really isekai if the only thing that resembles it is an OP MC for a tiny fraction of the book(s).

>Wow guys don't you just LOVE Harry Potter?!? Like OMG it's SOOO good!

I wouldnt mind to pay 5$ for some doujins if they had same day english release and uncensored. With them still doing mostly physical con exclusive books, they have only themselves to blame.

>comparing HP to any other work that actually uses more than 2 cell brains
Do you want to get cross posted around the multiple boards of Yea Forums just to get laughed on?

Nigger, you are still at 14 only. for two years!

>bad money
>good money

No such thing. There is only money.

nothing wrong with this

also slime-san author react to fan translation as well

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Not really an isekai seeing as how it was all in the same universe.
Though it would be interesting to see how an isekai MC would fare in the Bible

>Imagine if an author from a famous series did this.
Im looking at YOU, GRRM!

How does something that arguably happened in the past few years invalidate something at the very start? No capitalization or punctuation lol poster?

>killed anime piracy

Attached: 1382218529382.jpg (720x720, 60K)

>Gets transferred into a different world by his God dad with cheat powers
How is it not isekai?

They're both self-inserts by the author. It's not _that_ surprising.

>muh old fantasies are so much better than new ones

Is it native isekai?

Samefagging but the solution, of course, is that American publishers need to be on the ball about publishing things in a more timely manner and making it more affordable. Work with Japanese publishers to offer simultaneous releases of both individual chapters and tanks, price them in the same ballpark as what the Japanese readers pay.

Creators should also do things like set up Patreons and use that to maybe work with the people doing the fan translations of their series to release an official translation approved by the author. The mangaka for The Skinny Girl and the Chubby Boy has their series officially translated by and uploaded to Mangadex for instance. Motoka Murakami has a Patreon to fund an official translation for Jin, completely cutting out the middle men and going right to the fans.

Things like that are the future. The publisher will be outdated barring people who want physical versions of what they purchase.

Pirating is worse the pedophilia and cp in japan. I'd rank it with doing weed

>Gets transferred
You can't do that when you have omnipresence.

why cant people like that watamote grill(?) that acknowledges her(?) overseas fans instead of turning them away because muh piracy?

Have you read any recent fantasy or sci-fi novels? They're mostly just pop culture shit. There's some good stuff hidden in there, but it's mostly just shit.
It's even worse when you try finding anything good in these genres when it comes to the YA/LN section. Or are you going to tell me that all YA/LNs are good?

You are the one claiming it, so it's on you to post how and why HP is on par if not better than the classic works, go on.

This hack should be the one giving me money to read Overlord.

this. When Nyaa got shut down, 2channel and Jap twitter were in panic mode. So much so that when Pantsu went online, they crashed its servers immediately

I guess you could define it as such. There are multiple MCs though depending on which section you are looking at and if you also include the fan made sequel (the Quran), all of which were granted powers by God.

Not really. Protags in western novels actually have difficulties and obstacles to overcome. Instead of "mob A is jealous pf my harem and OPness" Harquelin novels and Military wank novels are the closest to wish fulfillment but there mostly self published or cost a dollar

Based, fuck LNs

Tolkien wanted his writings to be read to all people, even his Apologetic essays and books

>Have you read any recent fantasy or sci-fi novels?
its been many years since I read a book

>Protags in western novels actually have difficulties and obstacles to overcome
So does LN mcs or you going to ignore their struggles because you don't like it for some reason?

Even the shittiest of ya novels are better then the majority of LN novels. Divergent for example has got to be the biggest pile of turd i ever saw but the author had the balls to kill of the main character. Which you'll almost never see in a Japanese LN

A real author, then. Not a opportunist primarily focused on making money.

Nothing wrong with making money from your work, of course. But for any creative output, it should never be WHY you're writing. You can tell the true authors from the businessmen quite easily.

>Even the shittiest of ya novels are better then the majority of LN novels.

>But for any creative output, it should never be WHY you're writing
This is so fucking true, it's really sad that people get into any medium because of the money, only a really tiny fraction of them are able to make something good.

LNs are the published equivalent of wattapad stories

Like Gabe have said, 'Piracy is a service problem'.
Provide better service (in this case, provide an easy access and quality TL of the manga) and you'll guaranteed to rake in that 'untouched' profits you're crying about.
Seriously, these nips can't into 21st century business mindset.

Anyone know of any books that'll let me transition from LNs to actual books? I can feel my brain being slowly fried by isekai and such. If i'm still reading this stuff by the time i'm 20 god help me.

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The issue would be that he's taking their translations and selling them himself without permission because he's mad people were making "illegal translations" of his work. The fact they take donations for it and are thus making money off of it themselves, yeah they're obviously in the wrong there. But to me the smart idea would be approach them, offer to let them translate your work with your approval and that they can accept donations but that he gets, I don't know, half the cut of them or some shit. Take the Caesar approach, be magnanimous and let your opponent look like a spastic prick if they want to refuse an offer like that.

I'm sure plenty of these groups who do it for free would be glad to keep doing what they're doing with the author's blessing.

>defends YA and LN trash
>its been many years since I read a book
I can tell.

Attached: haman.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

>Haha I'm gonna make harem and defeat demon king
>oh no noble A is one d bad ntr man
>I defeat him easily
>such obstacle I overcome

If unauthorized translations can discourage isekai authors from releasing their garbage into the world, then good job.

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I bet this post was made by his editor .

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Unironically YA novels.

Read something that your school asked you to, then move on to more relevant shit. Or just jump the shark.

LOTR is baby's first fantasy while also being well written. That should be a good start for you.

>hahaha one trope is all LNs ever
>haha LNs suck

I don't know which is worse: making every character dumb so the MC is smart in comparison, or treating intelligent people like wizards

It can be pretty overwhelming though.

No, don't do that to him. They're the same shit as LNs and many who enter into the YA section never return.

I'm not that guy
I think

Serves you right faggot

Think I'll try this. I'm no stranger to using notes to help me understand stories. I have good comprehension, but literal retard tier memory so I'm used to it. Thanks.

Like any good fantasy. It's best to avoid all the side material though.

YA novels are a good transition to regular novels. Jumping straight into shit like dune can burn you out

The LN owner doesn't own the right of his published work. The publishing company does, so any contract goes through the publisher.

They would be willing to give an English license out, for the right price.

Don't tell him that, he might wind up reading trash like The Scarlet Letter and be put off reading permanently.

It's interesting to see anti piracy fags claiming the same bullshit from thread to thread and then going silent after many anons tell them why they are wrong, are people that uninformed? Or is it just a mindset of good and bad? You can see the same happening on any shitposted loli thread too.

The red pill books are a good start.

There are acutally some good YA novels I enjoyed. Like Percy Jackson and A series of unfortunate events

Well yeah the classics don't hold up to our modern works at all. They're literally garbage compared to most modern works. You're not supposed to appreciate them for their content nowadays but appreciate them like artifacts in a museum. They are an outdated part of history Humanity has moved on to bigger and better things.

I think it's because they just joined in on the conversation about LN = YA.
I don't entirely disagree with those anons though. I like to pirate the digital copy of books before I buy the physical. That way if it's shit I won't buy it.

Dune is YAshit at heart though.

war and peace by leo tolstoy,
its boring, long and really depressing but allegedly its what smart people read.

Oh that guy.

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LN being the same as YA fiction is a meme and just not true at all. Nahoko Uehashi is a YA author.

The definition of "LN" is broad and meaningless, it's just a marketing label which can target high school kids, college students or adults (just like manga). It's like idiots saying all JRPG's are turned based rpgs with spikey hair anime dudes.

It has incest in the later books. And if it's really YA then I must have been retarded as a kid

You are right, I don't know what mandatory texts are anymore.

Fifty percent of all classics are shit. It's just that ninety percent of all fiction is shit so the ratio seems impressive in comparison.

>Expecting anything better from a fucking Power Fantasy LN author


Attached: my blood runs cold .jpg (1280x720, 47K)

it's a fucking joke that he complains about the fan translation of the bonus volume. the only way to get it legally, is to buy all 3 overlords III blu-ray bundles, one bundle alone cost nearly $100, also you have to pay for the bonus book as well, that cost $14 or so.

Attached: overlord blu ray special.jpg (609x305, 53K)

The first few seires were good. Then riordan went full "non binary gender fluid" in the Norse ones

Unironically slime tensei was the only power fantasy LN I really, really enjoyed, and that's because it's basically a civil engineer acting out his magical world simcity fantasies.

They're classics because they've stood the test of time, and critical acclaim rarely coincides with popularity. Go look up bestseller lists from 50 years ago and you'll probably never have heard of most books or authors.

Reminds me of the time the Log Horizon author came and took questions and answers.
>I-im sorry for pirating your works and for being a poorfag.
>Considering what I am, I can't really say it in a loud voice, but...
>You shouldn't worry too much. If you ever become rich, make sure to buy many great works!

Attached: Based Mamare.png (1830x554, 42K)

>It has incest
Sounds like YA to me.
What do you think of FootFall?

Attached: elephantwithgun.jpg (318x453, 47K)

Of course he's based. He evades taxes, he's cool as shit lol.

That's because most people just don't read. Look at movies, most people know Star Wars and shit, and I can guarantee most people will remember the MCU fifty years later.

>Power Fantasy LN

I hated the little kid. Was such a cunt.The mother should have aborted her. Would have solved all the problems
>goes autistic when the mom removes the A
>despite the mom roasing her as good as she could with all the jeers
I would have drowned the kid then and there

That's fucking vile, but the one in OP is still worse since he's literally threatening to hold Overlord hostage because of fan translations.

It's actually really good once you start remembering all those stupid Russian names.

That's why I said they're like artifacts in a museum their fame is the only thing still notable about them. They fall laughably short of modern works in every other aspect.

Because they are selling a product, even if it's to a publishing firm.

I read the Manga version in middle school and I still dont get it. The preist was the father right? And she was married to another really old man?

It's also illegal.

You can't replace Americans that way because an American is a cultural identity, not a genetic marker.

>literally who
He's pretty famous writter user, you may not know him but he's far from being a literal who

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i've got it for you firm

Novels written during that time were weird. I remember a novel about a women who got raped and in the end she got executed. And it was framed as something good

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You would think those narou faggots that got popular thanks to writing their isekai shit and uploading for everyone to read for free would realize that such piracy helps them in the long run and people would still spend money on it if they like it even if they could read it for free.

I see Japanese authors are also whiny ass bitches on twitter. You can't take anything authors spout on social media seriously.

Attached: Overlord - s01e11.mp4_snapshot_22.07_[2019.05.04_20.21.39].jpg (1280x720, 61K)

The Japanese are just backwards in general. Their birth rates are cratering and they still don't take the quick and easy solution of mass immigration.

Creative types are truly the worst of the worst on the internet, they are always shifting the blame onto someone else. Even big Hollywood stars do this all the fucking time.

to study for the GRE I read books that were suppose to be full of GRE words
of those that I read I liked the sparrow and Indiscretions of Archie

Didn't someone make one called Fuck Quest?

LN's are bad, because they are more often than not, terribly written. They are the works of idiots who watch anime, play VN's and read manga, and then decide that they are authors now and start publishing their first shitty writings. To be a good writer, you have to read real books, you have to write for years, without publishing shit, until you got your style down and enough experience to actually write something good. But no, most LN authors jumps straight into writing, without knowing the first thing about it. And that is how we end up with terrible metaphors, god awful prose and laughable style. How am I supposed to take what they write seriously, when it reads like something a 6th grader threw together in an afternoon? They are untalented hacks who get pushed by big greedy companies and read by teens who lack any sort of taste. So yeah, LN's are the absolute bottom of the barrel, when it comes to literature.

Read Kipps, it's Yea Forums wish fulfillment fantasy.

You know as however bad LNs are they can never be worse the CN novels

>When he woke up, Li Te found that he became an American agent.earning tens of thousands of dollars a month, enjoying all kinds of benefits,having the right and money, and having fun, but when he had not had time to be happy, Li Te found that he is actually in Marvel world.
Yes, that's right, he is in the Marvel Parallel Universe. That Thanos snapping the fingers,will kill half the people in the world.
Just when Li Te was desperate, suddenly get a super download system, can download other people's ability.
Download the top agent's fighting skills.
Download Hulk's invincible body.
Download Iron Man's latest Mark Battle Armor and inventing ability.
Download the Captain America's Super Soldier Serum.
Download unlimited gems?
Download the udder of the black widow? .......
This is shameless too much.

I thought that was lolita?

>"Albedo the birth rate of the Sorcerous Kingdom is extremely negative, therefore I've rallied a group of immigrant demihumans to rape you and get you pregnant...10,000 year plan"

Attached: images(19).jpg (739x415, 23K)

One isekai less in the world

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I read that novel thinking it was about forbidden love or something,
there was no love there,
guy was just a legitimate sexual predator.

kill yourself already.

Can they even try a bit? This has go to be the laziest plot device. And fuck the translators for deciding to machine translate a 12 years old fanfiction

>every user here is capable of writing a novel.
No, not even.

CN novels?

What's illegal? The fan translations were illegally created. Even if they technically have copyright for their translation, the translation itself is not legal. And as this is a civil matter, the translators would need to bring suit to the author for taking their translations. And then the author can sue them for creating them.
There's pretty much 0 risk for the author here, should they actually go through with that.

Chinese novels

people translate those?

Kipps get to have both, a loli and MILF

The problem is that people buy them. All you need to be a pro is to make something that sells, not something that is good. And web novels have created the millions of monkeys on typewriters phenomenon.

Rate my novel

>user , the Elf
A Fantasy Novel
by roberto

In a bungalow there lived an enchanted, ill-meaning elf named user . Not a sticky tender, solid bungalow, filled with spells and a wicked smell, nor yet a sensational, frozen, derelict bungalow with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was an elf-bungalow, and that means happiness.

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I remember the translator of an eroge sent the creator an email saying that he would be free to use his translation even to sell it as a localization
guy declined and in the end paid for a service to translate the game(badly) to localize it.


Novelupdates is full of those

That's actually extremely reasonable.
I don't care for people profiting off other peoples work with "donations". He wrote it, they took his work and translated it and made money off it that he didn't see jack shit off, he took back what was his.

> Name of the Wind
Why torture him by getting him on a book series that will never finish?

Sounds like you're jealous writelet.

It's not particularly deep, but it is fun and keeps your attention. Real page turner.

Attached: 81tZufOGaZL.jpg (1651x2485, 500K)

Holy shit, a lot of people ITT are such retards.

The man is essentially running a business. He's not drawing his manga for fun, and he doesn't care if some gaijin overseas get "exposure" to his work.
If you don't want to pay for his manga, that's fine with me. I don't care. But don't act like you are ENTITLED to read his shitty manga online for free, because you aren't.

kind of curious now, of what kind of stuff people in an authoritarian Orwellian society fantasize about.

The problem here is also that the big companies make it possible for inexperienced authors to publish a lot of copies.

No fuck the japs. This is for pearl harvojr. There lucky George Washington didnt rape there country to the ground after that

Have faith, user.

Unironically A song of ice and fire. It's a great read for anime watchers as it has incest, edge and fantasy, while also being well written and deep.

>But don't act like you are ENTITLED to read his shitty manga online for free
Who's even doing that
At most people are saying "well you're the one not releasing it in english so get over it"

>Hey, I just brought some doujin on this winter comiket.
>Seriously!? What the actual fuck they did make some doujin of my work and even sell it without my permission, oh gawd I lost my motivation now.
>last event, comiket 95
Woow, nice.

>fan translations spread positive influence and interest in your work to millions of non-japanese-speaking peoples
>muh lost royalties, muh lost motivation to work

Why can't you be more like your friend, the creator of Log Horizon?

Attached: Log Horizon chat.png (3010x2081, 1.78M)

and get busted for tax evasion?

How do Doujinshi even get sold? Isn't it like a massive copyright case waiting to happen?

Goodwill of the creators.

don't forget the fags here are gonna like the yaoi too.

That was the best day ever.

>official translations are always at least a year behind nip releases

yeah fuck that

technically illegal, companies could pursue people and win easily,
but they look the other way around since it is mutually beneficial.

did it go downhill from there?

Yeah, that's exactly it.
That's really what it comes down to. These scanlation teams don't even give the japs a chance to make a translation or have it licensed in other countries, because they immediately start to translate it within 24 hours.
But then pull the argument "well you didn't release it in english lol" literally HOW

He's just learning the lesson that anime learned years ago. If you aren't selling the product people want, someone will create it illegally. He's complaining about people pirating a translation that they can't buy. If there was an official translation, at least some of them would have.
He's just pissing into the wind, and if he actually loses his motivation to write (sounds more like an excuse not to write) then he's just hurting himself, not others.

>don't forget the fags here are gonna like the yaoi too.
But there was barely any yaoi there. There were literally two gay characters, and both are dead or dying now.

In a certain way, yes.

I can't support him after this.

Not at all. That was a during a different time for Yea Forums.

How many fansub groups compete with Crunchroll/Funimation? It's not like the novel went from his last pen touch to shipping the next day. There's plenty of time to produce a translation for simultaneous release. I don't recall anyone even attempting to do that.

Loras isn't even confirmed gay in the books

>if he actually loses his motivation to write (sounds more like an excuse not to write) then he's just hurting himself, not others.
it's true, i see your point.
The world can live without his manga/LN/anime.
But can he live without the income?

I despise overlord, this is great.

The entertainment market is different from the commodity market. Think of all the thousands of failed novels each year, it's fame or nothing.

>These scanlation teams don't even give the japs a chance to make a translation or have it licensed in other countries, because they immediately start to translate it within 24 hours.

Foreign translations are always months behind due to knuckle dragging and contract negotiations. Plus, publishers often gauge interest in what to license by seeing what unofficial translations are popular with the weebs.

Besides, most English translations stop when it gets licensed, so it's a moot point.

Just write user, any kind of author is a slave to the reader.

This reads like a goofy bum making a dumb joke to excuse a lackluster effort.

If you make a manga only to sell it then what's the fucking point?

No you fucking dumbass, yen press will never catch up with the volume releases.

Why wouldn't they if they see that people like their stuff?

Literally syosetu. Overlord came from there and so did nearly every Isekai you see (Diablo's is a rare exception). And they all relied heavily on online free sharing culture in order to make their first cent, so of ALL content creators, it's web novelists who are the most hypocritical of all to complain about online piracy.

These "translators" are NEETs living in their mother's basement. What is he going to do? Throw them in jail?

For real? What happened?

>buy and read only officially licensed animus/mangos/LNs
>get to discuss content with Yea Forums years after everyone else already read it

>Besides, most English translations stop when it gets licensed, so it's a moot point.
This. Fans translate series in their free time, it builds up popularity, a company like Yen Press buys the license for it because of the community and popularity it has, they take down fan translations, then spend years very slowly releasing their shit, constantly staying several volumes behind. How many LNs can you name which that has happened to?

Fuck this piece of shit author/

If he wants to be an overworked office worker, let him.

thank you god i translate to portuguese
nobody in japan cares or even know that any of his work is being translated to portuguese

Reddit translators lack fucking balls.

A bunch of cowardly betas.

Anime Fansubbers had bigger balls than these nu translators from reddit.

>oh, you want a copy of my doujinshi I published a decade ago and it's unavailable to purchase anywhere?
>here, I'll upload the .psd files for you, in full resolution, so you can share it with everybody else!

Attached: DkZ2imnVAAIRJvy.jpg (1536x2048, 1.47M)

This is the reason yenpress fags are seething so hard in this thread. They want everyone else to be as far behind on content as they are.

how so?

China and Korea pirate far more often than Americans.

Why isn't this cuck author going after the chinese.

The author went into detail about his guro and scat fetish

>>buy and read only officially licensed animus/mangos/LNs
>>get to discuss content with Yea Forums years after everyone else already read it

The solution is clear, isn't it?
Everyone on Yea Forums has to master the Japanese language, and buy the official Japanese LN/Manga/Anime from Japan

i tried that

doo doo is gross

Tolkien would have disinherited his grandchildren.

You know what happened. Tolkien's son got ousted by the family.

They forced out the 90 year old man who hates Hollywood and then immediately sold the rights to Amazon.

This is pure fact. Go google it.

who is the enemy

wouldn't it eventually become public domain anyway?

Overlord is shitty, I hope he stops writing it

Maybe I exaggerated a bit. But in the Norse one theres a character who's a shapeshifter and non binary and hes the love interest. I wouldnt have minded so much if he dodnt talk like a tumblr blog every time he opened his mouth

And then wierldy enough with all this stuff going on there a 17 year old girl whos in an arrange mairrage with her 26 year old cousin. And that's presented as a good thing. Youd expect someone who is trying to be that socially aware would be against incest and pedophilia

Is working office hours makes so much more than being an author of a world-renowned isekai LN? Overlord didn't brought that much money to the table?

If that's the case, you're better off bud.

Did Yea Forums enjoy Lolita?

Yes, I'm in my way.
Yeah, this is my second years learning rune.
Indeed, I'm fucking retarded.

Log Hirozon author is Based.

He evades taxes after all.

Its Franky annoying translators have lost there spines. Old groups did not give a single shit about this stuff.

The grandchildren didn't want to wait for their grandfather to die.

How would Maruyama react after seeing his hard work's translation loaded with yuriniggers?

Imagine lolita as a manga and was written recenlt
>Humbert did nothing wrong
>should have fugged the mom too

>incest and pedophilia
maybey overreacting there

>people actually praising this idea

He's being snarky and mean-spirited.

no I did not

Sensei Squishy Balls is on a completely different level.

Attached: 1556397950044.jpg (900x1200, 216K)

Reading this made me angry

I don't like how this guy writes his tweets, you don't even know if he is serious or not.
And I thought Japanese people are polite.

Every user really enjoy that, don't you think so?

Nothing is ever going to enter public domain. Not as long as Disney throws a few million bucks at congress every decade to get the copyright period extended again.

Attached: oh wait, you're serious.gif (288x198, 1.45M)

>youtube or one of those streaming services that are basically a legal kick in the balls to any artist
The big artists make deals with official channels like Vevo, so they don't get completely fucked. Honestly, if they don't make a deal with some channel (or make one of their own), they only have themselves to blame.

>And I thought Japanese people are polite.
Hell, we are already living in 2018.
You can easily find that wasn't true, aren't you?

>Who the fuck is sticking to one language with their product in 20-fucking-19
Someone who doesn't have the time to do it themself, and doesn't have a company to translate it for them. In other words, 99% of content creators.

Actually decent person.

Maruyama is a piece of fucking trash.

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Strike_Witches_Operation_Victory_Arrow_03_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[DD6E3C0D].mkv_snapsho (1280x720, 1.72M)

>"When he called up Professor Tolkien in 1964 and asked if he could publish Lord of the Rings as Ace paperbacks, Tolkien said he would never allow his great works to appear in so ‘degenerate a form’ as the paperback book."
Tolkien was a firm believer in the class divide and thought his books were too good for poor people. There used to be a legitimate stigma towards paperbacks in literary circles. An American publisher found a loophole in the copyright and published them in paperback anyway, without Tolkien's approval, just to stick a middle finger to the guy. This is also a major factor in how LotR became so widespread and influential.
>Ace’s editions were a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies, which angered Tolkien and his publishers. They complained, and as early as May 1965, Tolkien began to urge the fans who wrote to him to inform them that the American copies were pirated: "I am now inserting in every note of acknowledgement to readers in the U.S.A. a brief note informing them that Ace Books is a pirate, and asking them to inform others."
So no, Tolkien would be whining on twitter about piracy all the same if he were alive today.

>Why do Jap creators get so anal about this stuff? Shouldn't you want your work to reach as many people as possible?
Writers barely get any money as it stands, more people reading for free means even less money for him

We need to kill Yen Press. Other publishers are figuring out that digital first is the only way to get books out at a reasonable speed

For fucks sake

I don't think its fair to compare a twenty minute anime episode to a full book. There's the obvious difference in word count, and more complex writing than just dialog to translate

>I don't recall anyone even attempting to do that.
The closest thing was J-Novel launching the first part of their Arifureta Zero translation at the same time as the full JP novel release. Apparently even that much was a huge hassle and didnt help sales

He looks so ... absolutely handsome ... I want him to bang my wife

as expected of the beast

Based degenerate letting everyone enjoy his works.

Mid 20th century science fiction i.e Asimov or Heinlein. Some substance but most of the language is simple


dude they've exhausted that already,
its why they bought marval and star wars.

>patreon TL
and that's why is reasonable this particular case

Why the fuck do people, but especially the Japanese, get so pissy about this shit?
I've spent over $1k in doujin goods that I would have literally no idea they existed if it wasn't for piracy.

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Why is he wearing his wanted poster as a shirt?

This guy sounds like a complete cunt, but I don't see the problem with doing it.

The Egyptian, by Mika Waltari. It has a wandering medic dude travelling the bronze-age world.
Also the Neverending Story by Michael Ende.

love me free content.

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I think this would be difficult concerning the copyright.

Sure, the original work is his own, but he is Japanese and his work is licensed in Japan.

Since his work isn't licensed in the west, he cannot sue the gaijin to begin with.
On the other hand, the gaijin hold intellectual property over the translated sentences, in the west. So the author cannot publish them in the west.

he's not scared of getting caught

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You want a cute shota to bang your wife?

I only allow fat bald ugly bastards to bang my wife.

>But don't act like you are ENTITLED to read his shitty manga online for free
Eh, I disagree. Ownership of an idea is an artificial construction; if someone makes it available, anyone is entitled to consume it as they see fit.

I guess he´s barely amking it to the end of the month, and he sees every pirated viewer as another $ he ain´t getting.
Anyway, anime and manga wouldn´t be what they are now if there weren´t pirate sites

because watamote was literally saved by western fans

Cry me a fucking river. Hopefully he never writes again and Overlordfags fuck off for good.

Tumbling down tumbling down.

agreed, that nigga would make bank from the sheer amount or merch they sell.

Would never have purchased a single volume of Manga unless I saw it on scanlation sites.

I dont think its even about piracy, but more about the mental state of the writer. He is tired and depressed. This was just the Last straw. I have to say one thing though. Piracy is still stealing and even if 1% pays for it, the rest 99% are still leeching it. There is no justifiable reason for it. We are all thieves anyways, so accept the fact that we are scums

It's at least better than that faggot who had a failing manga that people on Yea Forums only cared about. The translators literally begged him to let them translate it for free for him to sell in the west He was being such a bitch about it saying he wants it to be popular in japan and that it should only be sold on some Japanese website that no English speaker could navigate and the translation could only be a transcript

>There is no justifiable reason for it.
Are you retarded? Of course there is. Often times the paid product is far inferior than a free pirate alternative, so paying is absolutely ridiculous. Make a product worth paying for.

I really don't see the problem, as if the EOP fags would have bought books in a language they don't understand. They never even planned for people overseas to consume their works, how can that be "lost" revenue?

Watatome would have been cancelled without the scans making it popular in the west

>people pirate work
>"This is terrible. Time to do the one thing I can, punish the people who actually pay for it"
>pirates just move on to whatever else is available
The always brilliant conclusion.

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>Piracy is still stealing and even if 1% pays for it, the rest 99% are still leeching it. There is no justifiable reason for it. We are all thieves anyways, so accept the fact that we are scums

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r u ok?

>Piracy is still stealing
This is quite literally the dumbest thing ever said on this site.

This. The official translations are shit. Though I'd say it's better to still at least buy the Japanese version of the LN so that the creators still make a profit and you won't have to support the inferior product. That's the optimal way to do things. Except for when it comes to the bonus volume. Having to pay hundreds of dollars just for one book is bullshit and as such it should be fine to pirate it.

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What's funny is he's probably using this as a way to finally stop writing. The volumes he said that would conclude Overlord kept becoming less and less with longer release intervals. Bitch just wants a way out for whatever reason.

to your scattered bodies go .

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>Though I'd say it's better to still at least buy the Japanese version of the LN so that the creators still make a profit and you won't have to support the inferior product. That's the optimal way to do things.
No, that's terrible and anti-consumer. Corporations need to be taught a lesson, that they're our bitch and if they don't comply we'll just pirate their shit. If a company refuses to embrace globalism then so be it.

>pirate defending piracy
Please stop. You know its illegal, so why do you try to glorify it? If People are caught, they get huge fines. There is something wrong if you think its given that you get stuff for free and cant see anything wrong about it

One random ass test case does not make it an honest attempt. Piracy is almost always a negative extornality as a mean to deal with what a legal means lack. besides, Pirate fags will always find an excuse, but if they where not stupid publishers would submit the english translation a couple of weeks after initial release. Outbreak Company is already fucking done but english is still at volume 8/12, Fuck that.

It wouldn't cost anything in fact publishers would have to pay them for the rights and they get a cut of the sales
It's practically free money but jap authors are too retarded to figure that out

>Though I'd say it's better to still at least buy the Japanese version of the LN so that the creators still make a profit and you won't have to support the inferior product.
Guy you're responding to. This is absolutely retarded, I'm not buying some shit for the sake of
>s-support the creators :(
make a product worth paying for and I'll buy it. I've spent over $10 grand in figures and other merch over the years.

Piracy for personal use isn't even illegal in many countries, but aside from that, call me what you want but at the end of the day you're the retard paying for shit that I get in better quality for absolutely nothing.

>Holy shit, a lot of people ITT are such retards.
Include yourself for not reading the thread.

>Yen Press is translating "The Sorcererous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown" as "The Kingdom of Darkness"
>Ainz isn't the "Sorcerer King", he's the "King of Darkness"
>Momon's adventurer group is still called Darkness
And into the trash it goes.

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I hate reading though do they do these in audiobook form?

I like to have physical copies of things though. I can't pirate a physical copy of the book for free and I don't want to support the shitty translation. So the next best thing is to buy the Japanese physical copy and read the unofficial translation in pdf form.

He mistakenly though the company he was publishing his work on had to took care of those, he apologized and paid what he had to pay as soon as he could and nothing happened.

But what's the point if you can't even read it?

You retards. How can official translations be worse than fan translations?
The official translations are made by trained translators. People that went to college, studied language, and everything.
You retards.

>Please stop. You know its illegal, so why do you try to glorify it? If People are caught, they get huge fines. There is something wrong if you think its given that you get stuff for free and cant see anything wrong about it

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so he didn't go to buttpounding prison?

>>Yen Press is translating "The Sorcererous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown" as "The Kingdom of Darkness"
>>Ainz isn't the "Sorcerer King", he's the "King of Darkness"
>>Momon's adventurer group is still called Darkness
wait what the fuck

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How new/retarded are you?

Is yen pressing implying that dark is evil because they're of different race? Isn't this racism?
This is just the things Nine's Own Goal sought to fight against.

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Him going to prison is basically a meme at this point.

And then you have people who think I've bought most of the Yen Press translations for the sake of having it on my bookshelf, but now I feel like skipping what is objectively the one of best volumes.

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I am actually a university educated translator for German/English, and my translations are far superior to anything that some 12th grade high school kid could whip up.

I assume it's the same for Japanese/English

>y-you retards

Ah, so in the end you're just a newfag that has no idea how it actually is. Got it.
Feel free to fuck off now.

And this is why people pirate.
Corporations and writers/artists need to stop being such colossal niggers and accept that if your product is subjected to rampant piracy, the problem is either you or the product.

>retard paying for shit that I get in better quality for absolutely nothing
Dont get me wrong now. I also pirate things, but I sometimes buy volumes/merch for things I really like, but that is irrelevant. What I'm meaning is that you faggots are praising piracy and can't see its fundamentally wrong and by extend won't admit any faults in doing that. Funny, how people can't say or admit they are leechers

Nigger, someone literally posted various examples a few posts up. Are you retarded?

I have no idea why but somehow nip attracts the biggest retards as "professional" translators.
For some reason they're unable to simply translate shit, format it like a normal human being and be done with it.
Yet they always choose to meme it up.

Because fan tranlations are made by people who actually care about the series instead of it just being another day of work they want toget over with.
You absolute retard.

What about the No Game No Life author, Thiago Furukawa Lucas?

Sorcerer King, King of Darkness, who cares.
You only prefer one over the other, because the fan translations chose one for you.
You can't even think for yourself

>The official translations are made by trained translators
Yes, just like all those "official, professional translators" over at CR that definitely weren't fansubbers before that.

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>How can official translations be worse than fan translations?
i dont know you tell me.

People praise piracy when it delivers objectively better products, this isn't hard to understand.
I know this thread is more about manga/LN, but this is even more pronounced with anime vs streaming.
I stand by the fact there is nothing fundamentally wrong with piracy, ESPECIALLY when it is better than a paid alternative.
As I've said above, if you want me to pay for something, make a product worth paying for, and I will gladly do so.

The translation is literally incorrect you retard.

>Did you heard, this Mr. Pirate stole our favorite book that was online and now nobody can read it!
That's how retarded associating piracy with stealing sounds.

That user is indeed retarded, but posting shit like that is retarded too.

if you get big enough to become cultural thing you can get away with a lot

Lol Korea is going to massacre the Japanese when it comes to international comic sales

They're not, 99% of people saying this are EOP and mad that the official release didn't use terminology coined by the fan-edited machine TL

>incredibly popular fantasy series

Seems doubtful. If true, it's his fault for taking a shit deal from a shit publisher.

Based moonspeaker can you show us the errors of our way?

I remember the official translation for monmusu quest had problems like keeping the name of characters consistent.

>Lol Korea is going to massacre the Japanese when it comes to international comic sales


Because gaijins are cancers. Once gaijins know about your work, they become mad and want Japan to shutdown your work because it triggers some of their social taboo. Once gaijins know about your work, gaijins will demand things from you without pay. Death to gaijins.

Why not just take the fan translations, put them in an epub and throw them on Amazon? It's not as if the translators could sue him.

Sorcerer King is also what they translated in the English dub. Yen Press are the only ones who fucked up, to the point where it changes the story.

maybey he took it all in percentage of profit and they used creative accounting to screw him over.

I will never understand why so many Japanese become retarded when their works become popular out of Japan.

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What does EOP mean?

>literal EOP calling others EOP
Epic my man, neck yourself.

>You know its illegal
So was alcohol, and being gay. Now kill yourself for being a braindead faggot.

He unironically seems to prefer his wageslave salaryman job. Its kind of hilariously sad.

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fucking based

People have been arguing about this for over a decade on Yea Forums now. The reality is that pirates have come, gone, even some have died. Yet they continue. It won't stop and complaining is pointless.

because gaijins are evil

>retarded goy newfag is confirmed for newfag

>Ex-salary man.

Do we know he actually isnt anymore? Because if he keeps this up and shortens his own income by releasing less he´s quickly sitting back at his desk.

>He's just making shallow excuses for his lack of will.

This really. A writer starts a long running series, runs out of enthusiasm half way through writing it but cannot quit because he is making so much money from it. Just a Jap version of G.R.R.M.

you would be too if it happened to you

Yeah, I am a goy. So what.

>underground idol


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>Outbreak Company is already fucking done but english is still at volume 8/12
And fucking 5 of those were released in a single year.

Overlord? More like OVERRATED

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Haha dude you're a real oldfag, I can tell because of the troll picture you posted xD

Then why continue? Again, if he's getting screwed on a popular series he can just threaten to tank it now unless they renegotiate his contract to be more fair. Acting like he is a slave is stupid, labor rights protect him.

>and can't see its fundamentally wrong and by extend won't admit any faults in doing that
People ITT have already argued and even posted evidence that piracy in itself must me making a profit to be considered piracy in the first place AND that it actually helps to grow the demand on ANY fucking market, plus you are the living evidence that any pirate is more likely to actually buy something than any casual faggot. What you are doing right now is posting "it's bad, don't do bad things pls understand" without giving any evidence or source as to why piracy is bad besides it being a crime. If you have nothing to say keep your mouth shout and inform yourself before posting.

>the new fairy tail ep has 1 million views on youtube in 2 days
This is the piracy you want, this leads to no revenue.


>labor rights

Well, he has the right to feel that way. What people are doing is illegal, by translating without his permission, or the permission of the copyright holder. So he has every right to be angry.

No, I'm American. We're not retarded when it comes to making money. If we see a market that will be profitable then we capitalize on it.

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>so why do you try to glorify it?
t. guy who uses a term for robbery on the open seas to describe copying files illegally

J-novel guy has said that sales for the volumes of Grimgar that already had a fan translation were worse than the later ones that didn't

leting disney get away with this is the real bullshit

he thinks illegal = immoral

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10/10 bait, made me look for one of my favorite smug images.

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>piracy = stealing
>literally unlimited copy of something

user, he´s pretty much angry about people translating stuff we wont get for another long time in english. Thats basically being pissed about having fans.

Despite whats pirate´d, many still buy the volumes anyway to support the author. In this case especially its crying about stuff where piracy is the only option given to read it without learning another language.

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Honestly this doesn't surprise me considering the target audience is teenagers without much pocket money

everybody should know english in 20-fucking-19 as well

piracy leads to gaijins buying your shitty series's products

its like starwars; the money isnt in the movies, but the merchandise. westerners who would've never had any interest in you or your series, since its in another language, buying and funding it through merch is a good thing, since they wouldn't give any money to you without pirating.
if you fail to market to a specific market, don't bitch when the revenue you get from that market is low and based on unofficial advertisements and interest.

im not autistic enough to buy models, but ive bought a few jap light novels just for decorations and because i like them enough

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As long as piracy exists, why would anyone pay for the work?
Think about it. You guys often use the argument "well if it wasn't free, i wouldn't pay for it", and that is true.
But there are people who WOULD pay for it, but since it's free (pirated), they don't have to.

Do you get it? Piracy is hurting the business

Is database man the only author that is cool as fuck with piracy and fan translations?

>I-it's not a bad translation!
>Huh? Yes, I am a translator, why?
Get back to translating things that have already been translated, dog.
This is why the official translations are so far behind. The translators are too busy shitposting to actually get any work done.

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And yet if those didn't have a fan translation, the later volumes would sell much worse.


There's dozens of Yea Forumsnon's who are writing light novels. Go look at RoyalRoad for some of them.

Absolutely worthless if it's non-paying shitters.

gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8

I am staying soley for So-bin and the possibility of Kadokawa finding a replacement writer in case Maruyama really goes the sabotage route

Arguable, but what i'm wondering is what if the whole series had been fan translated?

This. Game developers realized this long ago with freemium games. Pretty sure the anime market is basically the same too, everyone watches stuff for free on TV and the companies make the money back with merch.

>There's dozens of Yea Forumsnon's who are writing light novels.
are any of them good?

piracy takes effort and goes against people's desires; it is almost always a service issue
whats easier, going to torrent anime and deal with possible malware and shit, trying to find someone nice enough to seed as well as upload, or paying crunchyjew like 3 bucks a month?
its bullshit hard waiting for someone to "illegally" translate your favourite series; i'm still waiting on kotoura san all these years later
if i could buy the last few novels of that series for $130, i would. but there is no supply, official or unofficial.

would i pay $20 for a day one english release of a light novel? fuck yes i would, i could avoid all the spoilers, shit translations, fatigue from trying to find it in epub within the first weeks, etc. all that and i get to support someone whose work i like.

Poor Mashima already lost 1 million dollars, only considering 1$ per episode sold legally. Right?

>or paying crunchyjew like 3 bucks a month?
Most people still use shitty malware infested pirate sites though

>for robbery on the open seas
Robbery, rape, kidnapping and murder on the open seas.


if a market is pirating due to a lack of access, you have no right to complain; the only two states are you having no one reading your shit and no interest, or some people reading your shit and having interest.
the later is obviously better than the former.
not really.
sure, when you're a kid whose parents go
>Son, why are we paying for these Japanese cartoons?
and you have to justify every purchase on your parent's dime, you'll resort to piracy.
but 3 bucks a month to avoid all the bullshit when you don't have to justify the purchase to anybody but yourself?
its an easy decision.

The final red pills is that Maruyama self inserts as salaryman Ainz.

>whats easier, going to torrent anime and deal with possible malware and shit, trying to find someone nice enough to seed as well as upload, or paying crunchyjew like 3 bucks a month?
That's what most normalfags end up doing, what is funny is when they try to argue that their 3 bucks are the pillar of anime foundation that keeps it alive and that piracy is wrong.

>upload the episode yourself and run ads on it
Damn I figured out how to make money with your anime properties better than the nips

>sure, when you're a kid whose parents go
Have you ever read Yea Forums talk about Crunchy?

>Imagine if an author from a famous series did this.
like GoT one?

I'm not willing to pay for a bad product, nor are many other people. If officially subtitled anime and officially translated manga/light novels are being pirated in numbers large enough to be a concern, you should be looking at the company responsible for the translations as well as the translations themselves.
Media piracy is 200% the fault of one or more links in the supply chain and when someone involved in the creation or distribution of said media is complaining about piracy, all they're doing is attempting to shift the blame and avoid taking responsibility for their own faults.

TL;DR: The thread.
fuck the overlord author, redditors and the user making these threads

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>This thread again
He's been saying for years he's reducing the volume count because he can't be arsed? He even made a joke about this the day after

Why would I want to read fanfics of some faggot on Yea Forums?
A short manga maybe, but a book, hell no.

You forgot to add "LN = YA" to your TL;DR.

>How can official translations be worse than fan translations?

No they don't. Look at Horriblesubs's download numbers on nyaa. At best you have about ten thousand for the most popular ones.

Torrentfags are niche, look at Kissanimes success

That's the idea. That's what makes it based. He profits from it and gets his shot in at the same time.

there comes a point when its cheaper to suck it up and pay rather than pirate; your time is money.
the only really big downside is the only reason i've been forced to using crunchyjew is because of crunchyjew; corporations taking interest in stomping and curbing pirate sites because the more uncomfortable piracy is, the more people don't bother and end up paying up.
only true reservation about it desu. i hate the corporation, of course, even hate the site, and would rather watch anime like the old days, but reality is once any market gets too big, corporations will jump in and start getting access - as well as making the access worth it due to making piracy uncomfortable.

do i like buying shitty health insurance for unreasonable costs? no. but it's better than the headache of not having HI.
efficiency, low prices, and headaches, can drive consumers to buy products they'd otherwise pirate.
watching anime without pirating is not worth more than 5 bucks a month effort to me.

honestly it's starting to get this way with alot of services, i'm no longer a young guy in his room or small apartment: i have a house, sometimes i just wanna stream anime to my basement while im using a treadmill, sometimes to my couch; piracy is too time consuming for setting up across the house.
so i suck it up and pay crunchyjew

The vast majority of web traffic is from mobile. No self-respecting iPhone user will suffer through the adshit and malware of Kissanime.

>troll picture
his name is cool face you newfag

Wrong, someone buys it and reposts, just like official translations. It's exactly the same, maybe more moral.

that and casting is cancer with those sites

>there comes a point when its cheaper to suck it up and pay rather than pirate
It's free and automatic tho, or are you too stupid for RSS?

doubt that the olf fat guy retake the series after the money that receive from GoT, ending never fucking ever

It literally takes less time and effort to just download what you want to watch than it does to watch shit on CR, you subhuman shill.

i watch old ass shows; one piece was what broke the camels back for me, as i had to spend so much time trying to find episodes to download and dealing with shitty streaming sites

>OP anime
Yes, you are stupid. Also it literally gets new compilations every week with each new episode.

in the same degree that exist good doctors and bad doctors, only that translating is the dump choise

yes, while my lazy ass is on my treadmill, i should head upstairs to my computer, download all episodes of an anime, come back down and figure out how to stream my computer to tv, and have no control over the playback.
or i could just get on my treadmill, spend ten seconds clicking three buttons, and start my exercise.

They also buy more often than Americans, there's a reason so many series come out in Korea pretty much simultaneously as it releases in Japan. idk about Chinese buying books but Chinese streaming money is often mentioned by people in anime industry as a major source of revenue, it's also the reason for some second seasons for shows that didn't sell many BDs; Overlord sold well but it's one of the most popular shows at China. By the way this happens because Chinese streaming is free for users so people don't bother pirating unless the show is too lewd for the censors and gets banned.

Western popularity usually only translates into significant money when the series break their way into the normalfag circles (not really the case for Overlord), which actually buy manga and games. I have no doubts Yea Forums has spend much more money on their dragonball/SAO/naruto games than Yea Forums has spend on anything anime/manga.

i've yet to find an hd compiliation with any seeders
show me it so i can cancel my subscription to the jews

TL;DR: Maruyama is a hack

Oh, so you're just a literal retard who can't comprehend anything more complicated than a Google search.

One minute in Nyaa should do it. Already found it.

go to honeyfeed.fm

Attached: b316c918-268a-46cd-a363-2c41249af29e.gif (325x244, 615K)

lmgtfy.com/?q=one piece all episodes
lmgtfy.com/?q=one piece all episodes piratesbay

yeah, lemme deal with that shit, real genius idea there

cropped remaster

Like the quality matters in the fucking OP anime.

>Not as long as Disney throws a few million bucks at congress every decade to get the copyright period extended again.
I was under impression that they do only for micky's case

it matters when you're going through hundreds of hours in it on a 4k tv

He promised the next book by summer 2020.

>watching one piece

>Believing GRRM's deadlines

its a good ass way to kill time on a treadmill desu
reading anything on a treadmill is kind of hard, subtitles only differ because of how short and automatic they are

You could watch something better. Seriously.


i've watched most of what i'm interested in - even reached the point where i cant remember all of it given even an hour to think over all that i've watched.
that and its a good way to build in routine, i think of watching one piece as treadmill time - so i watch a few episodes, use the episodes as motivation to finish, end when the last episode ends, and move on with my day to repeat tomorrow.