Shingeki no kyojin

This image holds so much meaning. Fellow SNKBros, predict the ending for the protagonist. Will be be able to hold his child before his inevitable death?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reiner will kill shitren Uchiha

god, the military's uniform looks so gay


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Let's be real, serumbowl was shit. It did nothing except for dickriding Armin and he has been useless since then.

>looks s-sweet

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I'm just looking forward to Eren's and Hange's speeches

>This image holds so much meaning.

Attack titan Gabi soon.

I rabu Piku.

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She will be mindbroken if she even survives the ending.


>This image holds so much meaning
certainly getting tumblr here

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What killed the hype?

Muh ocean.

>Levi will get an asspull (O MY PROMISE) and then he will kill Zeke
>Armin and the others somehow managed to get out from the jail and he will transform, killing Levi with the transformation

Screen cap this

>Eren speech


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How? He's a fucking cripple.

He missed his chance three times and got BTFO. He's not killing anyone or anything else till the end of the manga. Also his promise was portrayed as futile.

What do you think Marley would have done if the warriors gave up and turned back after they lost Marcel? Just try again with some more kids? Straight up invade? What are your thoughts?

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haha manletcuck

Ok degenerates give me the best examples of autism of snk-fags. Twitter, tumblr or jewtube, everything is valid.

>Armin killing Manlet
I don't like it

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Willy and Kiyomi

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Willy and Sister

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Reiner Bertholdt dogs

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Willy and Magath and Sister

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Willy and Magath 3

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>Open Yea Forums
>see thread

What the fuck is wrong with animefags? /snk/ has always been a pretty degenerate place, but i don't remember us to be circle jerking, dick sucking losers who brag about dumb shit sales or rating.
We just read and discuss in our self contained threads, this board has been aids thanks to the snk anime, can't wait until they are gone.

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Best Shingekis.

Willy and Sister 2

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Willy and Magath 4

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Rico and Petra

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Armin and Eren

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Bad news is that between the anime and manga ending it seems more people are picking it up

Historia and Ymir

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Yelena and Ymir and Ms Tybur

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Yumiru and Connie

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Willy and Sister 3

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Post cringe

Willy and Magath and Sister 2

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Well, i'll probably never post on Yea Forums again after the manga ends so idrc

that deviantart feeder!Annie with FATmin

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Goodnight everyone. I really enjoyed posting Willy and co.

Good night

Willy deserved better.

Thank you

Ok, this episode was pure shit. Totally anticlimatic and nothing like manga.

I mean, just compare Levi's "fight" from this episode to his fight against Annie

What the fuck happened?


Yumiru was made for Mike Hawk.

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I'm getting to be that way too. I drop things more easily than I used to and don't follow manga as much anymore. SnK is probably the last series I'll keep up with monthly.

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cmon fellas, SnK isnt that deep

I don't like the new reply chain format.

It's as deep as the deepest anythings, unless you have something that is deeper, which i;d love to read btw

This thread.

How many Magathfags are there?

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GODgath/Marley/Piifag here

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You call him "grilled Armin" despite the fact that he is obviously steamed.

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I support Magath, I don't like him though.

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Magath will save the Eldian race.

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I respect Magath like I do most stoics but I chose my side a long time ago.

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Magath and Pii will.

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Did levis blades get stronger? He barely cuts annie apart here yet he finishes zeke off in like a second.

The series is stronger than ever, you probably just have brain damage

Vs Annie the goal was retrieving Eren, vs Zeke the goal was destroying the beast titan.
He disables Annie, he defeats the beast.

The only man who can save the world.

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3 snk threads are up jesus fuck


jobner will lose against chadke uchiha


its literally only newfags and/or shipperfags who do that shit. they'll be the same posters who link to their thread in the old thread.

One thread is dying, one was made by a manletfag because they didn't search like a faggot and this is the other

1) Different fights, different durations, setting, objectives, etc. means they'll be completely different scenes

2) It was better than the manga, faggot

Can pieck harden too? How did she climb the wall with the artillery on her back otherwise?

I root for the rumblening but I respect Magath and if there's any way for a reasonable ending for both sides, it's through him

what's the invisible path bullshit that kruger talked about grisha?

There is literally a panel where they throw down her cannon from the airship.

>what's the invisible path bullshit that kruger talked about grisha?
Speedreader out

i can already see Magath as Helos

Speedreader out

>Man who openly criticizes Marley and its fabricated legend
Reiner has the obvious parallels to Helos this far, and like Helos' statue in Eren's flashforward in episode 1, Reiner too will lose his head and die

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>Wit is not going to animate BEST MOMENT IN THE ENTIRE MAGA

Feels bad bros, I want to believe the "we are done with SnK" shit means they already sat with Isayama and animated the ending (Isayama seems to be eager to end this as soon as posible), but that´s just wishful thinking on my part.

Which are the best and worst studios SnK could fall on?

Yeah but she gets her cannon on the ground and then climbs to the top of the wall to shoot eren

>2) It was better than the manga, faggot

What's the best moment, though?

Congrats, this is the first this shitty steamed hams meme made me laugh.

Grim reminder 2

Eren bursting through the building and killing Tybur.

I guess she can on some extent. It seems the Hardening ability can be granted to any shifter with a serum.


JC Staff when?

Now that I think about, Isayama saying he is going to reveal the AUDIO of the finale does hint at the finale being animated already, since apparently it was either recorded already or about to be recorded.

Or it could also mean the finale is never getting animated so Isayama decided to have the VAs record the ending as a consolation price for the fans.

>duck titan
>backpack titan
>weird ass titan

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What happens if a male eats the female titan power?

Eren finally getting to kill the CT was extremely satisfying in the manga

Followed closely by grim reminder 2.0 and the talk with Reiner leading up to it

>We will never see Gabi animated
Well, at least something good came out of this.

The man stays a mindless titan and the female goes to a random female baby

We called her mule and even then she looked different.
No one's gonna jump straight to Cartman

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>duck titan

They'd have tits. Other female shifter's forms are flat chested so I'd assume the reverse is true.

This is also a good idea

Cartman sounds so weird for the titan's name. There's no point to that being its name unless its entire identity always revolved around wearing something on its back.

>No one's gonna jump straight to Cartman

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I heard an animeonly youtube reactor call her platypus bitch

>Youtube reactor

>backpack titan
This one is wholesome. I like it.


She is going to Titan school

Scratch that. Frieda's titan had breasts as well.

uma delicia

They haven't gotten to that part you triple baka. Secondaries are just calling it how they see it

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she found this cool rock on her way to school

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>Founding Titan
>Female Titan

Never noticed but Colt is pretty handsome.

you have to go back


He's still here too.

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Shame she gave it to the school bully Zeke

He is.

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Eren planned to kill them since the ocean, speedreader

who and whoer

You should off yourself

>Pixis is dying next chapter
>not a single hot lady titan in sight
please, let it be this month.

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I don't know maybe the Female Titan is more connected to Ymir Fritz while the Attack Titan is to the Devil. The Coordinate is the deal they made.

Into the folder it goes.

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Post Erwin pics

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How does he properly use his ODMG with only one arm?

I don't have EM fanarts right now.

how does the "path" work?

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He manipulates the fluctuations of his balls weight to stabilize his maneuvers

maybe they also paradropped a big set of crampons


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I give you this fanart

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By being the best character in the series

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Is this like a naruto meme satire i don't get it :(

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Thanks user, cringy as usual.

They all flow into the coordinate that is the FT. The shifter paths are the ones visible in the sky which is why there are three paths flowing to the coordinate when Zeke sees the paths. Ymir Fritz can move in between the paths and acts as the force which rebuilds bodies using the sand.

Will Chadren feed Gabi to the dogs like Marleyfags did to his loli aunt?

I feel bad just posting a meme

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in those scenes with willy and his role during the reminder, magath is totally positioned in a way that's meant to connect him to helos, the man and the legend. that doesn't mean he's 1:1 or that he's the only one that evokes those callbacks or that they're going to follow the same trajectory, but the connection between two marleyan soldiers chosen and elevated as part of a tybur's grand act of political theater is pretty self-explanatory

Really good.

this is some dr. manhattan shit.

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Just started rewatching user. Why didnt Annie swallow Eren?

Stomach acid. He could have drowned or burned up

They needed him alive since he has the founder.

>>Wit is not going to animate BEST MOMENT IN THE ENTIRE MANGA
where the confirmation on this? i keep seeing you guys posting that but not one posts any proof

any shifter can harden, provided with the armor serum.

There is none, people are just assuming its true until its proven wrong.

its a rumor. just like the split cour being a rumor.

somewhere in a higher dimension

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When is she ever coming back, bros?

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F for Rii's explosion :(

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Pii's all ready for school

>they're all naked
EMA threesome confirmed

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Put some toast in her mouth too!

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It was always the endgame. Sorry EHcucks.


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10/10 post right here.

Could a shifter survive by cutting off an arm and eating it while the arm regenerates?


Depends on whether you gain more energy from eating an arm than you spend regenerating it.

Thanks user I hope you're having a good day.

Has regeneration ever been shown to be tied to the individuals energy levels? Wouldn't a shifter need to eat massive amounts of food to fit that theory?

>this board has been aids thanks to the snk anime
your underage newfag aura is to powerful

True i guess energy is more tied to transforming, if it doesnt cost anything then it could be possible.

Didn't Eren regenerate slowly during Clash because he was tired from his fights?

What was Yea Forums reaction to this panel? I just read all the manga this past week.

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>EHfags are newfags

Life hack 1: Stuck in the mountains? Just break out our handy dandy power of the 9 titan shifters and eat a limb.

Eren regenerated slowly because the damage to his body was so extreme. That doesn't mean it was his own body's energy that was being used for the regeneration.

Reiner's depression arc was incredible. He's a top 2 character afterwards

Hit me with your top 5 and reasons why.

I just really really like Reiner


I'm not even an EHfag. After reading it all, EH . makes no sense. There's no build up, no way it could happen, no time for him to get her pregnant, and no reason for them to have sex. It's more likely Yelena or someone else pressured her into to it, or she did it to protect herself. Anyone who is for EH is an idiot. Theres no possible explanation for it.

I can. Reiner went from what we saw as a big, intimidating powerful guy, to someone weak, vulnerable and pathetic, who is drown and guilt for fighting for Marley even though he knows he won't get his father love, even though he wasn't suppose to even be in Paradis, and even though he isn't suppose to even be alive because of Marcel. Then when you consider how he acts towards Eren and the rest of the 104's, its interesting that its probably the "happiest" he had been. He didn't have to be the weak version of himself he hated and suffered as, but he could pretend to be someone else people liked and he was happy about that. He also taught Eren the lesson of "Moving Forward" no matter what, which really messed him up when those very words were used against him. Last is how him and Eren are the "same". The realization that they are both just victims born into the world is messed up. But even worse considering Its ultimately Reiner free will that caused him the most pain.

EHfags killed the hype and the anime.

your days are numbered fujo

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>There's no build up
You read uprising right?
>no way it could happen
Just gotta put your dick inside and pee
>no time for him to get her pregnant
There was a four year timeskip
>and no reason for them to have sex
Sex feels good

Not a fugo either. Its 100% not gonna happen. Screen cap this so you can remind Yea Forums how much of a joke EH is.

>You read uprising right
Yes. They relate to each other a lot for their situations.
>There was a four year timeskip
user are you saying he got her pregnant four years ago or...? Because he couldnt have gotten her pregnant before Marley. 10 months so the baby should already be born

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I would buy every user a copy of Bad Rats if Eren is the father.

underrated post

So the thing is, why not just inherit the powers and take them back to marely... they would have every titan besides the jaws.

>There's no build up
We have had multiple chapters that show how important Historia is for Eren and we could see History being moved by the fact that Eren wants to protect her, without counting all the Uprising arc that shows how they formed a link and how they have so many things in their lives in common that are able to understand each other extremely well


Then tell us what ship makes sense to you

Based if real

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>video game dlc did it better

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Because they want one titan per shifter and they have no way of separating different powers.

what the fuck are you talking about

what the fuck are you talking about

Eren & Historia vs the world.

>cgi colossal tier shit movement and visuals, but all the time
No thanks

Is there any reason for Historia to listen to Yelena?

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how to get qt island hick gf

I miss these goobers

Being offered an alternative to being eaten alive in 13 years.

Offer her food

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Why Historia would trust Yelena?

Unironcally Hitch x Marlowe. They're the only two characters that were implied to mutually like each other.

But Eren currently has three, why would that stop annie.

Kaya needs like 300% more neck

Kiyomi x Udo

>newfag and speedreader
the lowest of the low

I can not take you seriously when you think it's more likely that Yelena was the one to convince Historia to get pregnant than Eren is simply the baby's real father

>dislike CR translations of Jean's dialogue
>hate Jean's VA and his dialogue in the anime

what if there's no difference and it's all in my head

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I miss her bros...

Annie has orders to bring him back alive, because marley want the founding on a separate person.

but why would she even trust her in the first place, and as we saw in this episode she had protection so it was very hard to meet her unlike eren who was weirdly absent in the survey corps meetings with the volunteers

Whats wrong with jeans va?

What is with the hate on Jean's VA lately?

There were a lot of lines in RtS I was looking forward to, but the way they're being spoken sounds much more aggressive than I read them. It's hard to word it really. It's also something you'd think I would notice before now.
Maybe the way I read Jean's character changed again in RtS. It shouldn't have, right?


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The real jaw titan

will next episode end at the basement or when armin gets revived?

Zeke's mouth was weird too

This episode went hard on weird faces. Even manlet was in turbo expression mode.


With the sword in his mouth? This was maybe my favorite shot of the episode.

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Teeth don't look like that or sit that far out from the face. Tho I did kek at the Beasts floppy lips when he hit the ground

Yeah there were some really cool expressive faces this episode, but this one was my favorite

It might just be how they censored it in the anime, since his lip and cheek are sliced in the manga.

user he's got like six fucking front teeth before you reach the incisor.

No, his lip and cheek don't get sliced till spiget finner puts it through his eye. The manga panel, while zoomed out, look virtually the same. Prolly just WIT copying Isayama's weak(er) art from the time.


I can't unsee this

He looks like he could be a fucking pirate

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And people don't turn into titans either, fucking suspense of disbelief ruined

You're a special type of retarded, you know that? Think about Zeke and every other character. Think about what I said. Then think about what you said. Be better.

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>I did kek at the Beasts floppy lips
That was a nice touch

Count your teeth user

>look mom i did it

Turn that frown upside down

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fucking christ

>when the birth rate is on a decline

Fix the tongue and it would be great

Zeke should pissed off a lot of the normies when he killed Erwin. Fangirls cried when Armie got roasted.

There's your problem pal

I think having the tongue on the roof of the mouth adds something

Just kinda ruins it for me. Meh

unironically looks better

Eren will die and will reverse all the titans and shifters from being a thing and the last panel will be grisha holding Zeke

Serumbowl is going to be insane this sunday.

>more and more armong tears

cant wait for next week, i think serum bowl was so great because arminfags are also erwinfags

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People don't turn into titans. Subjects of Ymir don't have people's rights user.

>arminfags are also erwinfags

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so underage school kid titan?

Kodak smile

Minute 46:40 and forward

This wins it, and man she is going to have a seizure with the serumbowl, hell it will probably divide the ENTIRE SNK fanbase.

The cutest!

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Not even the cutest nose!

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It's an eldian expression

Did they ever give a reason why they make warriors so young? Wouldnt it be better to create warriors in their late 20s instead of late teens for more battle experience, with a higher level of quality titan time?

Beast titan doesnt seem to be very good at close combat, considering it's only good at throwing things.

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Somehow this was the part of the episode that got me. I didn't think much of it during the manga.

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The size and power of the titan don't change with the age and kids are easier to brainwash or control than an adult that could have secret agendas.

>Anime Reactors
No way, that picture has to be from an alternative realitty.

So now that we've found 2 lies in the MPs conversation
>Yelena advising Historia to get pregnant
wrong, if that was the case, then Yelena should've told the 104th, and why would Zeke ask Eren if he's on board with plan?
>Historia fell in love with farmer
pic related doesn't look like love to me
so why do people still believe farmer is the father?

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I'm glad the CT's sendoff was done in 2D sakuga like this.

Annie has the cutest and most powerful sniffing unit.

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To tell a good lie you have to mix it with the truth

Who says she can only sleep with him, if she loves him. If he is the father, then obviously just because he is being used

but that conversation was the only evidence that farmer is the father and it's full of lies

what do you mean?

I think that is interesting how most animeonlies realized fast that Ymir was probably eaten, We had to deal with a lot of delusionan Yumirufags until ch93.
Also, Some of their thories are 385 IQ-tier, like the one of ZBR coming from the future or BR body-swapping.

So why would Historia choose him to be the father of her baby, it would be easier to simply choose someone with whom she does not have bad experiences,
>The last section of the Part2 list
>A somber and heart-wrenching piece of music
This has to be the ocean ending scene, and maybe even a farewell from WIT as a whole to the series if those exit rumors are true, it'd be pretty fitting.

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Barricades sounds to me like the Ocean OST
The lirycs fit, especially considering how ir happens after Eren's not wanting to sacrifice Historia-thingy.

I could also easily see it being played next episode for Levi's decision. I think I remember reading that Cinema Staff recorded a song for the ocean.

I just want them to be okay

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Yeah their album has a song titled ocean and one called farewell paradise. I could see them playing one for the final scene like they did for season 1. Then again it could just be an extra song.

Barricades is too upbeat. Plus it's Historia's theme at this point.

The pregnancy was an accident. Eren and Historia couldn't resist

>full of lies
So Historia is not doing this to save herself


based satan
>"If we kill the enemy waiting for us on the other side of the sea, will we finally be free?"
I don't know if I'd want that, It sounds a bit too hopeful and contrasting to that bleak statement.

They're s0iniggas, it all balances out.

He's going to eat Yelena i.e. a hot lady instead

>Call your name <Gv>
They are gonna put it when Historia reads Ymir's letter, aren't they?

The pregnancy only benefits Historia because Zeke could have been given to a random. The better option would have been Historia being a controlled mindless titan, use the rumbling and then give Armin to her before dying. Though being a mindless titan for 50 years would have been the best option for Paradis and AMJC and that way she wouldn't need to sacrifice her children, and she would know she could wake up in 50 years (unlike Ymir who didnt know she was going to eat Marcel)

Who knows, we need more infos, especially what happened before Historia approached farmer with a sad face. It's actually not the first time Isayama gave a character some happiness or confidence and then destroying it the next second. He even did this once before already with Historia

Could be the instrumental version of Barricades.

This is why I find the whole pregnancy weird. Zeke probably didn't even knew Historia was pregnant and he needed to act anyway before he died/the world united. Instead of going to Paradis he could have used Eren in Liberio, not like the world is going to be less violent against Paradis, more less after Eren attacking them

>youtube reactor


The conversation that Yelena had with AMJC made it seem like pregnancy was not part of her plan, I'm really starting to believe that pregnancy was a plan between Eren and Historia or it was an accident

we don't know but i lean towards the pregnancy is to save herself because eren told hanji they can't kill zeke so he 100% knows about the pregnancy

This is why I think the pregnancy was an accident meme doesn't sound so weird. Isayama has been developing Eren and Historia and even Zeke is against babies and too obsessed with his brother to receive the obvious karma.
Honestly I think Isayama gave enough hints, people just doesnt want to accept the mother would be Historia. These are also the best hours because fujos go to bed

I unironically believe the pregnancy was an accident

It obviously was, Why would Eren change his name and go to a different country?

That's a good sniff unit.

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i think the plan is to sterilize the eldians and then use the rumbling on the world's army to scare them until eldians die, that's why he told eren to attack the festival

I believe Eren is the father but I don't think the pregnancy was an accident though it wouldnt surprise me at this point

I was joking, dood.


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but why did he tell hanji you can't kill zeke? the only reason they can't kill zeke is because historia is pregnant

Here is some advice to you and other manga readers...

Let go of your autistic headcannons for the anime. Your interpretation is fine, but obviously not everyone interprets a scene the same way. You always have the manga, so stop having these retarded expectations for every minute detail of the anime.

Otherwise you will never be satisfied.

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I don't know, i could totally see the version that he posted to be used desu.

This would be too good to be true ;_;

Now i hope that the pregnancy was actually an accident, Imagine the memes.

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S-she's not gonna stay in that crystal until the end, r-right?

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Post more Annie with friends.

>On Annie
You're a disgrace.

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the baby wants eren's smen.
Keep in mind that eren jr is still in historia's womb

Imagine the butthurt and salt that would generate

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No matter what happens a shitstorm is brewing. I'm really looking forward to it.

I would read a spin-off based around the weeks spent bonding, making friends and finding out more about characters during the cadet training.

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Not shipping and probably not romantic but I would be disappointed if Isayama skipped their interactions, probably one of the ships that are not cringe for me

Pii and Nii are cute!

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I wonder if the salt would be the same as when Naruto ended up with Hinata and Ichigo with Orihime

I just want the result with the most salt posible, you which one is.

Nii is a silly nickname, I prefer just calling her Annie. I guess Marley still don't know if Annie is even alive or where she might be.

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This thread

The usual from EH ledditors, they tend to have that npc mentality

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The first one was expected but I didnt expect the second one, unlike EM Ichigo and Rukia had a nice chemistry. I'm not mad with the results because I wasn't too invested.
About EH if it happened the damage would have been MASSIVE...if Isayama revealed it months ago. It would have been better that way because it would be unexpected but after so many months more and more people are getting prepared. I don't know if that was Isayama's intention or if he had that autism of wanting it to coincide with some event in the anime. In any case EH didn't kill EM, this is like ErwLfujos, Isayama already gave enough hints that ErwL or EM weren't exactly a ship

But most praising it were manletcucks

Eren and the SL went to Marley together retard

I miss Godholdt Fubar...

Attached: the_chad.png (161x267, 53K)

>Didn't get the joke

>user didn't get the reference

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I would rather use the bullet for you

Careful with all those edges

>Paradis accepts inmigrants
>One of them is black
>Historia is now pregnant

Because your pic isn't edgy

I don't know if there's has been a situation where a ship can create this much salt in a fanbase before, i mean i know shipwars had always existed and reach retarded levels but this really somthing, just the POSSIBILITY of EH happening already triggers like 80% of the fanbase

>Implying I'm

i don't even know why people care so much about fictional character fucking another fictional character, i only started shipping EH because people repeatedly called me EHfag because i refused to believe Historia would listen to Yelena and i was proven right

Time to sleep ErwLmod

>Absolute state of this thread
user, you just wasting your times, niggers here would much rather shitpost about their favourite degenerate ships, than actually discuss manga or just not being annoying faggots

>just the POSSIBILITY of EH happening already triggers like 80% of the fanbase
Most people actually believe that Eren is the father, at least in Yea Forums or Reddit.
It's just a very vocal fanbase, you know which one.

I rabu Gabu!

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>i only started shipping EH because people repeatedly called me EHfag because i refused to believe Historia would listen to Yelena and i was proven right
Some anons are doing that too (someone post that pasta) because they were harassed or annoyed by the ErwLfujo/EMfag. I also stopped liking REfujos when that LEpedo caught her being the ErwLfujo
>We know Eren XDD
Can't wait for manlet killing Erwin again, ErwLwhale

>gabi's mom-sister

Attached: pii and gab.jpg (689x1080, 333K)

If the coated guy isn't Eren, then the only other possibility is it's Floch. He had Eren's coat and is the only one crazy enough to tell Historia to fuck some guy for the greater good

Gabi has parents, but Pieck would make a funny sister. Where she is sleepy, Gabi is energetic.

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A lot of people believe it without shipping too. Nips are way more closed but what do you expect when they keep ignoring Isayama

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Considering how Floch didn't had it in prison (and i doubt that he had it with him 24/7) then he got it from someone else or went to Eren's house and took it.

Floch only wants to revive the Eldian Empire and tu fulfill his duty as a messiah (finding the devil). I highly doubt he knows anything about Eren's plans.

Explain the backpedaling in 107 and the one year spent doing nothing aside from waiting for Hizuru's response.

But we are back to the first point.
Why tf would Historia listen to Floch, Yelena, Onyapokon, etc?
A threat doesnt work, Historia is not someone that would let a situation like happening so easily also the fact that she is protected by guards all the time unless she is with his friends

why would Historia listen to a random soldier like Floch or an untrustworthy person like Yelena, and what does Floch gain from getting Historia pregnant? the pregnancy only benefit Historia

Or from his own home. The guy who Yelena shot was also in close contact with the Yeagerists and probably told Floch what the military was planning with Zeke. He couldn't tell Yelena, since she was imprisoned.

Why did Eren spend a month in jail doing nothing when he could have escaped anytime?

It really makes me crack up the backpedaling Eren did, i am honestly surprised that so little people noticed that

Not sure if genuine or an elaborate falseflag to prove how stupid is posting something even more stupid.

presumably he was waiting on the Yeagerists to plan and assemble their work. They probably set a timeline to meet and set things in motion.

I find it credible that Zeke and Jaegerists will find out that Eren's personal reasons were way more personal than AMJC or the Eldian Empire. It would also affect Zeke in a very personal way

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Not that guy but shitstorms aside, I like EH because their relationship is actually well-built. Though I don't care much about shipping.

Seeing how obsessed Floch is to make Eldia great again and for that they also need Zeke, it was probably something along that line and at the end Historia agreed. She already agreed once to the pregnancy plan, to protect Eldia.

Guy-that-yelena-shot already knew about the wine and there's no reason to get Historia pregnant considering that they could blackmail the MPs with it.
I would say that Yelena's comment kind of confirmed that the marleynians weren't involved.

>be levichad
>watch anime
>see levi being a chad
Can't wait till he embarrasses Zeke a second time.

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Bros how will the anime handle none of the main characters being their for the first few chapters of next season?!

Stop ignoring this:
Not even Yelena knew it

I'm starting to think that the theory of Grice just informing Yelena of Historia's situation is most probably true

the Uprising treatment. the entire reiner arc will be condensed into 1 episode and the first cliffhanger will be Eren transforming.

Same, the rampage is just the cherry on the cake.

I doubt it user, it's obvious Eren and Historia are repeating the Grisha and Dina way (but the baby would be better than Zeke this time). Also she had a better way to protect her country

delete this

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no, they don't need Zeke they need a titan shifter with royal blood why would Floch prefer Zeke the guy who killed 90% of the scouts over the queen?

I miss GOD.

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That's really weird. All they needed to do was bring Zeke (given how Zeke and Yelena didn't seem to know about the pregnancy), give Zeke to Historia and then use the rumbling.

Yelena wasn't obviously involved. She was in jail and barely could do anything. At best this was Floch's doing. Also if the wine was to protect Zeke from being eaten, he would have screamed the second he set foot on Paradis, but he actually waited a month and only screamed after he made sure the people guarding him drank every single drop

i feel that people have still to get the fact that Eren FORCED the situation so only Zeke is viewed as a valid option, so nobody dares think about Historia

The manga mentions that Floch started acting like a madman after becoming Yelena's guard.
I doubt that Floch knew something that she didn't.

Was this just for "le epic panel xD" or did this have any meaning?

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>Also if the wine was to protect Zeke from being eaten, he would have screamed the second he set foot on Paradis
Eren probably told him that it wasn't necessary when he was in Marley.

It's proof that Bert is in there and that Armin knows Eren is right.

He probably did from Grice. Grice obviously couldn't contact Yelena that easily

It's to show the GODlossal titan sad that he went from GODholdt to KEKmin. It even exposes it's neck to increase the odds of getting killed and passed to a bigger CHAD.

This, I really like Eren and Historia too and it could actually link to the plot

Grice could had used Floch to tell Yelena or Floch could had told her about the pregnancy when they were setting the base in Marley.
I just don't see Historia trusting Floch, She barely knows him.

I just want to see Zeke playing baseball with his niece

there are still people who believe Historia got pregnant because she's following the 50 year plan, i don't know if snk has the most retarded fanbase or it's just that snk is more complex compared to other manga

Because EH is literally the biggest FUCK YOU to the 80% of the shippers

Eren doesn't want Historia to die in 13 years, she is just way too important to him for some reason. That's the trigger behind the final arc.

Makes sense, they have been harassing Isayama with retarded questions for years. I also discovered thanks to someone here that Erwin wanted to be a family man, you lose a lot of details because of fujos hiding it

She is not important, only Mikasa is idiot Pisstoria wasn't mentioned by Kruger as someone he needs to protect

Kruger didn't mention Carla either. Also Kruger said to find someone and have a kid inside the walls.

Post yfw Connie actually kills Zeke.

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>to protect Eldia.
You don't know that. If protecting Eldia was her top priority she'd have told everyone about Rod's memories but she stayed silent about lots of things.

>The realization that they are both just victims born into the world is messed up. But even worse considering Its ultimately Reiner free will that caused him the most pain.
I think the worst about this is that there was some fundamental misunderstanding on Reiner's part regarding what actually made him and Eren similar. They were both victims turned to perpetrators or the reverse at different times in their life, but he confused Eren's understanding of his plight for him claiming he was going through the same ordeal, which isn't and was never true. It becomes all the more flagrant when you look back on Eren's conversation with Falco and realize how well the distinction he makes between those willingly dragging himself through in hopes of seeing something greater at the end of the tunnel and the majority of other people who are dragged through hell by circumstances, their environment and other external factors applies to him and Reiner. Reiner is completely caught up in his own suffering so we cant expect him to examine his own mind much less someone else's whom he hasn't seen in four years, and his projecting his own death wish and misery onto Eren when they meet again in 117 was almost inevitable.

I think it's really interesting that this current which seems to sell "Eren's inner psychology" as the new basement, each character who used to be in his inner circle whether friend or foe and who assumed or were assumed to know him well/the best found themselves hitting a wall when their own preconceived ideas of Eren clashed with the reality of the person he'd become (be it Armin, Mikasa or more recently Reiner), while characters who should by all logic adopt a more neutral position came closer to figuring out what his deal was (Hange, Jean), even if there are still dots to connect. You could even throw in Zeke who thinks he's finally found a kindred spirit in Eren when his little brother actually came close but avoided ending up like him years ago.

>Find a wife
>Have a child

That was only to Grisha, also why would he mention Carla when she's already dead

Oh my sweet summer child...

>Ignoring Armin
Mikasa and Armin will always be family/friends to Eren, nothing romantic.

he was just repeating what grisha said to eren in his final moments,
>She is not important
if she's not imprtant why did he hide important information from the government and AM just to protect her?

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So how many times have the anons here re-read attack on Titan?

Wouldn't Grisha kill Historia? And if they found out someone sperging the name Historia they would probably kill Historia
Nah, I think it was for both Grisha and Eren

>That was only to Grisha
>someone may see them later

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Seek help EMfag. It's clear that you aren't even reading the manga anymore.

Why wouldn't Eren want to save his own mother?

I unironically think Eren is receiving memories of his future self and this became Zero Escape/Steins Gate

>he would have screamed the second he set foot on Paradis
He didn't want to resort to that, actually. If he screamed there, innocent people would have died but everyone would be on their knees.
Let's be pragmatic : the wine blackmail works wonder while Historia's pregnancy only forces them to have him eaten by a lambda until Historia is ready.
Meaning the pregnancy doesn't stop him from being killed, it only temporarily changes the identity of the next BT holder, whereas the wine completely brought the gov to its knees.

I wish

It's not even just lies (because whatever it is Historia told them about having a love affair with the Farmer is definitely one), it's full of DRUNK motherfuckers belonging to military branch known for its incompetence speculating on a pregnancy they don't actually understand while gulping down what just so happens to be their future downfall. The whole setup is already ridiculous as is but when you actually put Rogue's arguments under scrutiny in light of the most recent chapters you realize that most of them never actually held much if any ground at all which was why even a dense fuck like Nile who bought into the love story bullshit was able to shoot them down.

Did people actually missed the part where Zeke stated he didn't wanted to use the wine?

Will she survive the childbirth? Although it looks like her body matured enough post-timeskip to do so.

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I wonder if she lied to the SL about the pregnancy dates too? That waiting one month was suspicious, makes me think she will give birth and Hange will help (it fits because she was thinking if it was ok to doom the children)

she's going to survive childbirth, but she'll become a shifter inevitably

Look at her hips. She was already pregnant when she met Farmer-kun.

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i think people overcomplicate kruger's words, i think what kruger meant was grisha and future AT holders need to love someone inside the walls so they have a reason to protect paradis

>Look at her hips.
Not that guy but this isn't an argument. Historia was always a hot stacy.
At least, make a comparison to prove that her hips got significantly curvier.

You know what's sad? that most probably Hange and Manlet are probably feeling pretty responsible for Eren and Historia's situations, after all one way or another they were the ones that put them in their respective positions and were responsible of looking after them

kys yourself

>using Isayama's shitty anatomy as proof
You must be joking

yep that's pretty much it, but people think of Kruger as a more eminent figure hust because PAHTS, when that clearly wasn't the intention of his character


The og colossal looking disappointed with his new holder

Why is Levi cosplaying Erwin?

Yep, they wouldn't fool Erwin but manlet and Hans are more like parents/big bros for the 104

>she'll become a shifter inevitably
Eren would genocide the whole world rather than let it happen.

Not them but there's no logical reason for him to not want to use it aside from being unwilling to cause unnecessary deaths. Which is a pretty weirdly merciful reasoning to have if you had no qualms forcing the Queen of the island to have a kid just to save your own skin. And obviously, him not wanting to use the wine doesn't mean he wasn't ready to use if push came to shove, which he did. Also don't you think it's quite strange that Yelena didn't once suggest her involvement in the pregnancy or the idea that it was hers/Zeke's real plan to keep him safe (which is already ridiculous as is cause the wine plan was implemented from the start long before Zeke could have any clear idea of what was the current state of the royal family inside the walls and using a pregnancy that the Queen could refuse to protect himself relied on so many unknowns it's not even funny). Whether it be during her convo with Pixis or with the 104th a chapter later even though she was spilling the beans about Zeke's entire plan, just the wine.

Zeke's a conniving liar

Historia will leave Zolmes and Watsonlet speechless the moment she reveals she was the real mastermind

It was a inner monologue, retard

I think Manlet is more of case of him placing a lot of faith in Eren as the "hope for humanity's survival" because so many of his comrades died so that he could secure a future for the Walldians but it all came crashing down when he went rogue and it really showed in 105: to Manlet Eren was pretty much gone and had been replaced by one of the countless irredeemable pieces of shit he'd met in the underground (which isn't true but it's not like he would know).

Why aren't AMJC shown to atleast talk about Historia? It just feels weird at this point. I was expecting Jean to say something.

Jean did say something.

Poor Papalet
Isayama doesn't know how to write ambiguous dialogue

To an extent Manlet sees himself in Eren post timeskip. That's why he feels sad looking at him.

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>Read some random things on AOT wikia since I've been spoiled on a lot of AOT things anyway
>Read some things about Sasha
>Read Ymir
Isayama is a fucking faggot, isn't he?

Not about Historia, only Eren.

It looks like he's already trying to, it's more of a "will" than a "would".

The LEpedos sexualized the nosebleed scene with Eren but manlet did that when because Kenny abandoned him his nose was bleeding and he felt alone.

Momstoria is ugly.

>Isayama doesn't know how to write ambiguous dialogue
Or something did happen during that last timeskip year he's been blueballing us on for months. The silence is way too obvious to just be an oversight and no one will change my mind on this until we know what the fuck went down. Railroad ceremony flashback when?


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He meant post timeskip. It's even weirder because they know she's pregnant and isolated, and in 111 Pixis had even suggested the idea that Eren would target her as well, which none of them reacted to.

No but you are

>because Kenny abandoned him his nose was bleeding and he felt alone.
I never saw it that way.

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desu i think people overstate the mutual understanding on that scene in general

but those were the absolute cringiest.

>muh ocean

nigga, we just got wiped out by giant monsters who want to kill us all, no one gives a fuck about the ocean

>t. Isayama

It's the Frieda hair and dead eyes that get me.

Hange's one was good

Reminder that EHis are selfish cunts. I can't wait for AMJC+LH to BTFO them.

That's weird if you think about all the times Manlet's kicked the shit out of Eren

yeah with manlet all his turmoil about the situation is shown exclusively in the context of wasted struggle and wasted sacrifices, it seems like writing eren off on a personal level isn't really something that gives him much grief or regret

Isayama's obsessively hiding details of the pregnancy to the detriment of his characters.

Wait until she reunites with Eren. The emotions on her face will be priceless.

But what if something happened to Zeke?
I have no doubt that if that were to happen Eren will backpedal again, but it would be just a matter of time

titan shifters can see the future with the help of the magical paths.
Is this some bullshit or part of the plot?

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Unfriendly reminder that Jean and Mikasa are on Eren's side already and Armin would have to be a retard to not help him while Marley's invading. Connie's a retard but can't do too much harm on his own.

Honestly it's not that weird, because in their view she agreed to sacrifice herself for the plan in the first place. It's like that carriage scene after they leave in the cave in Uprising, when Eren says that he's willing to feed himself to Rod, no one objects except for Mikasa (and then Historia to offer an alternative).

The original user meant after the timeskip, but Jean did say something about Historia pre-timeskip.

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>Zeke dies
That's probably the worst case scenario. If that does happen Eren will have no choice but to use Historia if he wants to save Paradis. The question is, will he? We probably can't predict.



>Connie's a retard
Give the guy some break. He is too broken, having to see his mother in such a miserable form for years. While I don't agree with him, I can understand his feelings.

>Power of friendship

I'm from Liberio, and I say KILL 'EM ALL

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Not the future, they can see the memory of a future FT shifter, but only if that shifter send them .

The warriors should abandon Marley after learning the truth.
The fact that they still serve the enemy makes them worthy of death.

oh for fucks sake lads

Like Kenny probably did

It boggles my mind that his resentment for Sasha goes to Eren when Gabi's the one who killed her. There isn't a speck of resentment for Gabi. It's like he's stuck parroting what Jean said on the airship because he needs that tiny connection to tie the Jaegerbros together and drag Eren down with Zeke.

Stockholm syndrome is one hell of a drug.


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how the fuck is this even possible


So Hongo's lost her eye at this point in the anime, right?

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best be shutting the fuck up


Hail Godgath and fuck Eldia

Zeke is pretty much responsible for Connie's familys deaths and his mother's condition. And most of the people think Eren's siding with Zeke. It's not hard to see him feeling betrayed by a friend, especially Eren. He is not neutral enough like Jean to see the bigger picture.

>Jean and Mikasa are on Eren's side already and Armin would have to be a retard to not help him while Marley's invading.
They will help while being happy and proud of discovering that "he was just trying to fuck up Zeke's plan".
Then Eren will activate the collosals and try to rumble the world.

>Zeke dies
>Eren:pfft, is not like we needed the rumble anyway, r-right guys?

LH are the baby's grandpas!

They definitely do. Not sure if it's some people who are all too eager to see RE as the "best relationship in the manga ever!!!" at the risk of misreading their interactions and failing to understand what actually makes them interesting in the first place or something else. I'm glad Isayama followed up on what he started in chapters 99-100, though. For all the memeing about his 3/10 wits, Eren's always had suprisingly keen eye for reading other people (Annie, Historia, Reiner, more recently AM whom he criticized etc.) but it's becoming increasingly clear that the reverse isn't true for most of the characters who are or used to be close to him.

I guess GODgath finished an artillery academy before becoming head of the warrior unit

Rumble is the only route to a good end for Paradis whether Jean likes it or not

Thx the PATHS, the invisible and magical bound shared by all the eldians (and the main key for titan existance), and the Ft with royal blood have infinte controll over the paths (it basically the "nanomachine son" of snk)

this is like a nazi wanting to gas all germans. low Iq or major cuck

>has been useless since then
correct me if i'm wrong but didn't he completely annihilate the marleyan naval fleet and a bunch of other shit that wasn't shown

Anyone given the colossal could have done that

But what if the germans in question are degenerate communists and/or homosexuals?
They have to be put out of their misery to prevent the contamination of the gene pool.

Zeke’s plan doesn’t sound weird when you apply it to Africans and Abbos.

can't wait for this to get 10k upboats on reddit

Yeah, but Eldian waifus > African/Abbo waifus

eren's got a good enough handle on him in a general sense, but he does make the mistake of characterizing it as a general sort of product of the environment situation when the real weight of reiner's guilt comes not from the things he did in the line of duty but his own personally motivated role in it. but to be fair that's stuff only BRA and the audience could know.

speaking of the audience it seems like people get mixed up and conflate what the audience knows or is shown emphasis on with what characters know & are assuming, that's probably part of it

sure, but what else can a 60m tall titan really do? he isn't nearly as versatile as eren, reiner or anyone else really
personally i expected him to bitch out, not do shit and get eaten to make actual use of it

Reposting because I creamed my pants a little when I read this:

>goes catatonic because his mind can't handle the thought of all his efforts going to waste
>loses his marbles and rushes to Historia's farm to try and run away with her
>loses his marbles and goes on an indiscriminate rampage before getting put down by his enemies and former allies
>rushes to Historia's farm and explains everything in panic, tears blurring his vision, unable to make a decision; she accepts to sacrifice herself and he titanizes her, killing the baby in the process
No matter the scenario, Eren mindbreak route would be kino.

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No that would make him a nazi, Zeke is an antinatalist.

There is a fanart of that

notice the transformation of the warhammer titan, the meat was sent towards and inwards the center of the titan from a magical pipe

Hitler only wanted to genozide da jooz, He belived that blacks were a lesser race but not worth wasting resource for killing.
There were blacks living in Nazi germany, That one Nazi army was the most racially diverse one in the WW2.

>Eren is about to titanize Hisu FOR FREEDOM
>She was bamboozled to go through with it FOR THE GREATER GOOD
>Eren inserts the syringe in her veins
>Suddenly she slaps it away
>She then whoops his ass using Kung Fu
>SC + Warrior coalition who watched the scene unfold clap in the distance

What if the serum makes both the baby and Hisu titanize and the baby titan is significantly bigger than hers?



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doesn't matter, nazi ideology is to kill those deemed inferior.
antinatalism is to stop births because existence is torment.
Zeke clearly aligns with antinatalism.

>nazi ideology is to kill those deemed inferior.
No, not really.
I already told you why, They hated kikes and saw them as the biggest parasites in the earth.

They just wanted the others race to not be near the,. Hitler had big respet for Asians.

need I quote nazi "scientists" about eugenics.
I guess not, because I am replying to one.

Wouldn't baby titan rip Hisu titan apart from the inside, then? Kinda nasty to think about.

I don't get you:
Yes, Nazis believed that the Aryan race was superior
Yes, Blacks were a "lesser race"
Yes, They didn't wanted the "lesser races" near them
Yes, they believed in Eugenics
They wanted to kill jews (And the original plan was to just send them to Madagascar), Not everybody.

Look at that they did in occupied countries. They killed a lot of Slavs.

Ironically, The Nazis killed more whites than slavs and shit during WW2.
I'm excluding Jews, obviously.

The Nazi killed more Russians than jews.

Except it is the Marleyans that managed to create a great empire and surpass the Eld*oids in everything from technology to culture, all without relying on using themselves as bio-weapons

I wanna pick this manga up but what's the best order to read it in? A friend said that the 3 side manga get referenced in the main story at some points but if you read them too early you'll spoil yourself on the main plot/get confused. Anyone have a good guide on the read order?

Read from chapter 1.
Read the Manlet spinoff after the female titan arc
the rest is mostly non-canon or not important to the main plot

Don't forget to read Spoof after

I don’t think they even wanted to kill jews. War is hell and people starve. People in camps waiting to be forcefully deported starve first.