ITT: Post your favourite manga PAGES
ITT: Post your favourite manga PAGES
Other urls found in this thread:
Not my all-time favourite or anything but I really like this
Truly based
who wins in a match between old man Koito and Chen?
Not even enough decency to kill himself.
You just cant not hate every one of them across the sea.
>you guys
Armin's "Finna bust a nut" face makes this page unintentionally very comedic.
based and ADVENTURE-pilled
>tfw they had to wait for Agni for immeasurable millenia
back when the good edge was paired with kino moments like this, fucking ishida betrayed us with the lackluster of a sequel i will never forgive him for that
the thread just for me
>serumbowl in 1 week
>spoilers in ~2 weeks
underrated page
AoT has some of the best foreshadowing in any series
It has also some of the shittiest art I've seen from a monthly series
How do you enjoy manga without sight, user? I'd love to know.
Based Jägerists
it's literal low effort trash for a MONTHLY series, fuck there're enough weekly series that have better art than this
This manga is criminally unpopular for how good it is
And yet SnK is one of the best current running series out there despite Isayama's artistic skills not being as overly-detailed as other mangaka with volumes that consistently sell well within the top 5 every time it comes out. The series stands out on its own merits with the art style and it perfectly meshes with the story being told, you should probably take off your Yea Forums-lens of "hurr if it's not extremely detailed its bad!!", user.
How can one old man be so based?
You know, if this were a few dozen chapters earlier I'd say you're over exaggerating SnK and that it's a merely okay manga with some strong points in it.
However, after the kino Grim Reminder 2.0 it's really become an incredibly strong manga in it's own right.
>muh sales argument
means nothing in the era of one piece etc., i'll judge the art by its quality and snk's art is objectively bad. just imagine you're an artist who has been drawing for at least more than 5 years and still can't get basic human anatomy right, how crazy is that?
also, when did i ever mention that detailed art = good? fuck off with your strawman and read better manga
Fuck, I got excited. I'm in search for some romance manga, this page is really cute
Exactly, and more and more people are starting to recognize the series as the modern classic in the making it truly is.
Imagine making blanket criticisms such as "t-the art is bad just because I said so!". If you can't appreciate just how good Isayama is at conveying emotion, scale and pure dynamic action so consistently while only improving as time goes on then you're genuinely nothing more than a brainlet. He isn't the best artist out there, but his style is umistakeable and iconic with the series for good reason.
>Imagine making blanket criticisms such as "t-the art is bad just because I said so!".
I told you exactly what one my many complaints regarding his art is, here for you
>just imagine you're an artist who has been drawing for at least more than 5 years and still can't get basic human anatomy right
you not adressing it, just goes to show your immaturity and lack of critical thinking without degenerating into bland fanboyism
im pretty sure you're the only person in the world who feels that way.
>just imagine you're an artist who has been drawing for at least more than 5 years and still can't get basic human anatomy right
Post examples of this from recent chapters. I love how this is your only argument as well, perhaps try reading more than 10 manga before thinking your criticisms are hot shit
here you go, it's also one of those pages you kids love to hype ironically
>SnK cancer doesn't even know what a OPT is
Not surprising
Good taste
What's wrong about the anatomy? Are you going to say Eren's arm? That's called perspective, user. Again, perhaps you should read more manga before embarrassing yourself like this with your """objective""" criticisms.
>brainlet automatically assumes every thread is an OPT thread
Not surprising
>Are you going to say Eren's arm?
the fact that you don't even see that there's obviously something wrong with reiner's hand to head ratio, is enough for me to conclude that you don't know a thing about art. then, trying to lecture me about perspective etc, is just the cherry on the cake
>Dishonest Paneling
>Post-Isekai inversions
>Grating indefinite amateurish line-work
>Gatcha Game Iconography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as NEET/ entertainment/Herbivore Powerplay
>Neo netouyo hangups: scene schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Structure syndrome
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic ToC fetish
Elevated taste right here.
>Demonstrates that he doesn't know what a OPT is
>snk's art is objectively bad.
false. its good. not the best, not terrible. there are parts where he shines, and parts where he doesn't. that aside, art doesn't make a manga good or not, so don't say read better manga when snk's story is easily one of the better written shounen of all time.
I'm still so fucking mad the fucking useless child is still fucking alive holy shit
>Reiner's hand to head ratio
>In a shot purposely skewed in the perspective of Reiner
Are you retarded user? Genuinely asking.
Nice word salad
>Once again, user believes every thread with the word "page" in the subject is an OPT
you forgot:
>hack writer, the main villain literally fucking revived his lower body got blown the fuck out
Way to out yourself as a dumbass with 1 word
>the fucking useless child
Gabo is endgame.
>If you can't appreciate just how good Isayama is at conveying emotion, scale and pure dynamic action so consistently while only improving as time goes
haha this kid thinks manga is drawn by one person.
It must feel weird being Isayama's assistants and adding high level detail to composition notebook level art.
>main villain
Based retard
>still doesn't know what a OPT is
>doesn't know the dishonest paneling meme
Based user laying the SMACKDOWN with undeniable proof that Isayama's work is all done by his assistants
You guys are everywhere huh?
Nigga was the hot shit bad guy through 100+ chapters
Literally poisoned the people with his shit
And got revived by god only knows who
>>In a shot purposely skewed in the perspective of Reiner
this is the pov of reiner you absolute moron, you are trying to justify that failed image by throwing words around you don't even understand. please get your hands on a beginner's artbook, you're just wasting my time right now
>Still pretending to be retarded
how do you make it so obvious that your only experience with the series is through the wiki or Yea Forums threads
He was dead, he literally couldn't survive that shit.
Who said anything about him surviving?
>too shy to ask what a OPT is
t. Edgy teen
arouses me infinitely
>hurr durr it’s not bad, it’s perspective
No user, even with perspective it is wrong. Isayama has wonky anatomy and isn’t good at foreshortening, his art and characters are hit and miss. Stop sucking so much dick and learn some drawing fundamentals, Isayama gets away with mediocre art because he knows what panel and pages to focus his efforts on. There are times when the art look good and in general it’s extremely uneven.
What's an OPT
Ironic you try and run away with a vague non-criticism without even trying to elaborate, as expected of a retard who throws around the term "objectively" as if he knows anything
Who literally said that?
My point is that the writer is a fucking hack for making a guy almost dying, blowing half of his body out and, in the same chapter, getting out of this bullshit without a single damn consequence .
user. more than 50% of the stuff posted itt. is "edgy"
it means One Page Thread, user!. its what this thread is, right now.
What a slut
That was a really neat transition. 106 was a strong chapter.
>My point is that the writer is a fucking hack for making a guy almost dying, blowing half of his body out and, in the same chapter, getting out of this bullshit without a single damn consequence .
He did die. But the girl on the paths, presumably Ymir Fritz, used one of Zekes Titans (which is connected to him via his beast titan) to heal him by relocating the titans matter into him and crafting him a new body. Now, Zeke feels vindicated in his convictions and probably believes that god directly intervened in his death so that he can carry out his goal. The consequences are that Zeke is feeling emboldened, galvanized and vindicated whereas countless others stand counter to him and his goals.
That's good writing that sticks to the established canon, hack writers don't do that.
106 was super, I agree
I want to cum inside not!Saber.
Powerful page
>But the girl on the paths, presumably Ymir Fritz, used one of Zekes Titans (which is connected to him via his beast titan) to heal him by relocating the titans matter into him and crafting him a new body.
not that user, but this is headcanon. hasn't been explained why he lived. and anyways, even with this explanation, its still an assupull. if it was indicated beforehand that bucketgirl had these powers, it wouldn't be an asspull.
This one too
>that page
You do realize every single mangaka as successful as Isayama has an assistant that draws the backgrounds, so you might want to find out who it is and jack him off instead.
It might not be explained, but I think it's obvious that this is what happened and I don't think it's an asspull. And "bucketgirl" is, insofar as I'm aware, meant to be Ymir Fritz. I'm not going to try and convince you to believe me, but it would be fun to talk about this later down the line regardless of whether I'm right or wrong.
pretty awful imo dess
>tfw fellow based snk chads just hijacked the thread
>And "bucketgirl" is, insofar as I'm aware, meant to be Ymir Fritz.
i agree. i only said bucketgirl because its not confirmed.
what? they got utterly destroyed by an actual artfag
A little embarrassing, rather. Do you guys read anything else?
To me, I don't think something needs to be officially confirmed, for it to be confirmed. Who else other than Ymir Fritz could be living on the paths? It doesn't make sense for anyone else to be there. It's why I say with confidence.
Page had a little more but this is fav of mine.
>Do you guys read anything else?
Yeah but there's nothing else going at the minute that's as interesting as snk
more like the thread was a failed attempt to jack off SnK by pretending any of its pages were high enough quality to be part of a OPT .
>To me, I don't think something needs to be officially confirmed, for it to be confirmed.
ok esl-kun
This is why SnK posters have spent six years in containment threads
Rational people believed in the notion of gravity before it was established as a constant because the evidence was compelling. It didn't need to be officially confirmed for it to be confirmed.
The evidence for what I've said is compelling and it fits the canon. I don't see why you find that notion strange. I'm also not ESL.
So you don't read anything else huh?
>Do you guys read anything else?
>Yeah but there's nothing else going at the minute that's as interesting as snk
Out of all the incredible pages in that manga, why that one?
>Do you guys read anything else?
>Yeah but there's nothing else going at the minute that's as interesting as snk
This one is truly kino. Isayama is very good at paneling.
He literally says "I don't want to die". That's the biggest death flag imaginable, might as well be saying "this character will die"
what is the source and do they actually rape him?
filename and yes
that ending gave me cancer
past the midpoint the manga committed sudoku
thats not the foreshadowing the user was talking about
SOL with the lesbos and fucking his sister was nice.
I still wonder if it going off the rails was deliberate and a really meta acknowledgement of the death of the director.
>he didn't like the sun meeting with the moon
>Sun meeting the moon
>Agni meeting the Judah
It wasn't really real pottery tho
this page is really fucked up and i like it
Too much despair for me, thanks.
>not that user, but this is headcanon. hasn't been explained why he lived. and anyways, even with this explanation, its still an assupull. if it was indicated beforehand that bucketgirl had these powers, it wouldn't be an asspull.
What you mean wasnt explained?
You see him be torn apart, then a mindless titan comes and rebuilds him. Its clearly none of the current nine titans as they ether died, are currently doing something else or wouldnt save him even if they could.
And yeah, we only know of one girl who is supposed to have full control over titans, the first titan, Ymir.
Also her introduction makes sense as we slowly wrap up and explain the nature of titans and its history.
>>he didn't like the sun meeting with the moon
I rather fallow the flying naked chick.
Fuck me, the story felt like its going somewhere and then out of nowhere EVERYBODY die offscreen outside of the protagonist.
>private Pyle.jpg
Sounds about right.
Netorase here.
no, he isn't
>posts chainsaw man
>thinks those manga are more interesting than snk
yep. this guy fucks dudes
>mfw there are retards who unironically think that now
Based and Chainsawpilled
Another ongoing mystery manga more interesting than SnK.
>he doesn't know the thinking man's fetish meme is technically true
Cucks can't get off to imagery, they get off to scenario. That's inherently a more thought-intensive process.
Consider yourself cuckpilled.
>Cucks can't get off to imagery, they get off to scenario. That's inherently a more thought-intensive process.
Nigger, everyone gets off to scenario.
That they're cut off from the animalistic part of it makes them less than human.
But smarter
>Everyone gets off to scenario
>But they're smarter because they can get off to scenario
Because of the complexity. There are a lot of moving pieces. It ain't
>I like you, I like you as well.
>Lets procreate
>Ah ah ah ah
>I came
>Because of the complexity
>I want my wife/GF/etc to get fucked
>procreate with this other man
>Ah ah ah ah
>They came
>twice as complex
Also literally no cuck worth a damn finds type C good.
>>twice as complex
everybody got shit tastes but me
Her having the ability to control titans could also help explain a lot of the coincidental events in the series, like a titan with royal blood just happening to be in the right place at the right time for Eren to use the coordinate, and that same titan refusing to eat Bertolt. It could just be that it has strange behavior, but maybe she was manipulating that one to take certain actions so that specific events could occur.
more glorious pages
Except you do since you posted their worst work. Ran is the definition of a thot.
>Being this new
Reddit might be more your speed, little guy
Vanitas no carte
Did you reply to the wrong post?
not my waifu don't care
just here to enjoy the eye candy
Her brother was pretty chadpilled
not him but imagine being this autistic and insecure
I honestly had no idea that Galko's mangaka was actually a Kaoru Mori level artist.
don't project onto others
Early one piece had so much heart. So does middle and late One Piece. I really like One Piece.
Greatest Love Story Ever Told
t. edgy teen
It's just so amazing
Wasn't sure where to ask this but i remember seeing a thread a long time ago about some manga series that had basically turned into a hentai but wasn't one initially. I believe there were tentacles involved. Anyone have any ideas?
Probably my favorite page.
This manga is hard to read.
I'll shill Ragna right along with you user.
it still hurts
t. samefag