OPM general

Is Saitama a tits or assman?

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>oppai shirt


he's a lucky man

i would take tatsumaki's ass over the other one's tits

Butt jeans when?

imagine her shitting all over his ear guys haha

Tatsumaki is literally wiping shit on his ear

And the award for dumbest fucking question ever asked goes to OP, the massive faggot.

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Yup he's got genos he should be

Why this faggot need to be in the pic to ruin it

Ironically, this.

Baldies have a tendency to stalk beautiful women.

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could be petite oppai


I wish that were me

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muh dick

What makes you think Fubuki doesn't have a ginormous booty? The only thing Tats has going for her is she doesn't wear panties like a whore.

But they're the ones who keep on going after him

he is always wearing oppai shirts so what do you think? also Fubuki has both so she is best girl

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aww be nice to OP, he has a learning disability.