Kaguya 150 (Korean)

The other thread hit bump limit, I'll dump the pages so far, so gookbro can keep doing his thing.

>I'm saying it's fine if it isn't perfect
>even if you don't want to give me this present I will not let go of it
>I don't know what you're talking about
>Hey Fujiwara say something
>Huh, Fujiwara san?
>Where is Fujiwara san?

Attached: 01.jpg (745x1080, 399K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>as expected the president wants to hide his present
>the president is always like this
>he overworks himself
>Quite recklessly
>He prepares and goes through great troubles
>To show me something perfect

Attached: 02.jpg (744x1080, 482K)

>I want to know the imperfect side
>I want to see it
>I want to dig it up
>I have you cornered
>President and I run at the same speed
>With you carrying that you can never escape
>Give it up
>No way, I can't give this to you
>Seriously, you are such a stubborn person

Attached: 03.jpg (744x1080, 323K)

>the president bought this for me so it's mine now
>No, you can't have it, stop being so persistent
>I see how it is
>The president actually dislikes me, that's why you won't give me the present
>Tell me the truth, you hate this violent and ill-tempered girl
>That's why you won't give me the present
>Even though I showed you my real self so that I could get to know your real self...
>What are you talking about?

Attached: 04.jpg (742x1080, 342K)

>Isn't that how it's supposed to be?
>Aren't you supposed to show your true self to people you like?
>People you like? Huh?
>I don't want to hide anything from someone I like
>After sharing everything
>And understanding everything about each other
>Is there anything more wonderful than that?

Attached: 05.jpg (742x1080, 333K)

>Shinomiya, are you saying...
>Recently I've been trying hard to be loved
>but when you take off the facade you get this
>Someone selfish, ill-mannered, and violent like me
>If I hid these I didn't think I could reach the next level
>So I showed my weak side!
>Because I wanted to be understood
>So I want to see president's weak side
>I thought I was being extremely obvious

Attached: 06.jpg (742x1080, 304K)

Keep going, sweet user.

>I finally understand shinomiya's recent behavior
>I get what you're saying
>If that sort of thing were possible, that would be ideal
>However, I think the opposite
>Isn't it because you like someone that you can't show them your weak side?
>Is that so?
>That's just what I think
>If you show them your weak side they might be disillusioned
>Or perhaps they'll find something about you that they can't overlook

Attached: 07.jpg (741x1080, 315K)

>And since they're someone you like
>You really don't want to show it
>Because it's someone you like?
>That's right
>I understand your logic
>But I showed you my real self
>So president should show his
>Otherwise it'd be unfair
>You're so persistent
>You keep treating this as something that can be exchanged
>But it's not like that

Attached: 08.jpg (740x1080, 351K)

>At first I thought you looked down on others and kept your distance
>But when I felt that you kept people away so you wouldn't hurt them
>I thought that was cute
>So from the start I never disliked that side of you
>Therefore, I can't show you my weak side just because you showed yours

Attached: 09.jpg (742x1080, 288K)

>If I'm careless it'll all fall apart in an instant
>If only I were cool to begin with
>If I don't keep up appearances, I'll look bad
>So stop trying to get me to show my real side...
>We're at an impasse again
>Whatever please show me
>No wait
>It doesn't matter what the present is
>Really, it's not a big deal as you think it is

Attached: 10.jpg (741x1080, 346K)

you're good
>Why in the world is the present a kendama?

Fuck, I forgot the pic

Attached: 11.jpg (740x1080, 317K)

>I didn't know what to do to begin with
>Shinomiya would have all luxury items
>She doesn't have any hobbies
>There wasn't much time until the party
>But I couldn't buy something cheap
>So by process of elimination: a classic kendama...
>how strange!

Attached: 12.jpg (741x1080, 343K)

>Now I understand why you wanted to run away
>It really doesn't suit Christmas Eve
>It really doesn't fit the mood
>You're laughing so much, isn't that a bit...
>But look
>Do I look disillusioned to you?

Attached: 13.jpg (740x1080, 382K)

>How silly
>Why are we bickering so much on Christmas
>In this dark park
>This wasn't what I had in mind
>On Christmas Eve, a more proper place, and with shinomiya
>This is plenty
>I don't need lights or ballons
>Of course, those balloons were amazing and romantic...
>But they're not necessary

you have one fucking job user. click choose file and upload. we arent on reddit, you get no upvotes for being fast. relax and do it step by step.

Fuck, forgot the page... again.

Attached: 14.jpg (740x1080, 208K)

>Even this ordinary place
>I think it's romantic
>ordinary... huh
>Excuse me, president
>It's the night of Christmas Eve and there's a boy and girl together
>In that case, what would they normally do?

Sorry mate. My laptop screen isn't that big, so I tend to get lost in it sometimes

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>then it'd have to be this right?

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What the fuck was he thinking? Gotta admit that it's a more original present than flowers, makeup or perfume though.

Ice-guya screams with glee.

Even if it's not ultraromantic, it's plenty

>It also says full moon above that line which I don't understand because the moon isn't full in the image. I think it's supposed to say "half moon' which in korean is spelled similar to full moon so it might be a typo
And that it. Thanks based Gookbro.

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What the hell is this chapter? Gonna be honest, I did not expect this manga to drop in quality so badly this far in.
Aka needs to take a break and really reevaluate his work. To see if this is where he wants to take it.
But I guess it's hard when you have due dates for your chapters.

Not much he could do with the story besides end it as well. I predict a further quality decline until it gets axed.

>literally "if you can't deal with me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"
Kaguya is confirmed to be a SJW slut.

Based pastabro.

>The Heart

Thank you, gookbro.

t. seething otterfag

it's fine. thank you for the dump user, and BASED GOOKBRO for the TL.

This chapter is very heartwarming and elating.

There is one more chapter for this arc right?

Ice is the best.

As is Pres

Gets a pass because at least she says she doesn’t deserve him if she can’t accept him at his worst either.

Next one is the end of the ice arc.

Cool this is going to be good after this chapter.

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Good one! Hope it ends the drama shit and gets back to Ishigami tho

>Prez and Kaguya just bailed from Fujiwara's party without saying a word to anyone
She is going to snap any moment now, I can feel it.

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Shit is so fucking KINO. Firework and this is the kinoest, why is Aka so fucking based?

>Ottercucks BTFO
>Maidfags BTFO and destroyed

Great day.

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>inb4 she followed them and watched the whole thing

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Woulda been nice if the panel was exactly half the page, but that's kino

fuck you my filename is better

aw, my heart

This is embarrasingly bad compared to the first kiss.

You are such a girl user.

God you are fucking worthless

u wot m8

Shut up chika

Lino chapter next?

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It's normal.

Just like Ice wants it.

I hope not

post it

c'mon prez no need to be down on yourself like that

>implying chika wouldnt love this
you people just hate her for no reason

Feels good man


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This chapter was fantastic.

Next chapter is the the end of the ice arc. It's possible Tsubame's party will be shown, but it won't be central to the chapter. And we won't get the chapter for another two weeks.

El Observador de Estrellas y Princesa de Hielo profesan Amor.gif

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Oh look another maidcuck trying this hard.

Someone brought up a good point in the last thread regarding her use of "disillusioned". His fear was that if he reveals his true self then she will become disillusioned with him, and she's putting him at ease here.

You are just jealous Moeha

Attached: Smug Moeha.png (500x450, 164K)

Post pic related to prez and kaguya

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That's the fucking point you retarded piece of shit. It's supposed to be a really normal and non special kiss compared to the ultra romantic first kiss they had. Shinomiya fucking spelled that shit out for fucks sake.

Straight up romance with no contrived bullshit (for the most part)

I want to fall in love like this, toool

> inb4 she followed them and watched the whole thing

That's what I'm expecting, honestly, as it's good sequel hook for the next arc. Her watching in utter disbelief, getting left out of love stuff AGAIN. And thus starts the long overdue Fujiwara arc.

>implying she wasn't helping them out the whole time

>And we won't get the chapter for another two weeks.
Wait, why?
When is the break?

Unconditional love is not real user. Give it up. Just find some you can put up with and vice versa.

Next week.

>When is the break?

I want a Hayasaka arc next, just introduce a new boy for her, Aka. No need to be shy.

Attached: Haya.jpg (203x359, 35K)

Good job at completely missing the point. It's not like it would be bad anyway but it looking inferior to the first kiss is intended as a normal relationship is what Kaguya wants.

That's gonna take a while still. The new staff that's coming to help reduce her workload is showing up in Spring, which is still 3 months or so away.

The help doesn't come until spring
We still have quite the long road

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That's the fucking point, Speed Gonzales.

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I can't wait for the next part of
>Kaguya tells Hayasaka about their progress
No way she fucks it up.

New help could be involved with Kaguya instead, he/she was sent by her sister in law after all. Maybe some family spying?

I do agree that the next arc will probably center on Fujiwara. It feels appropriate.


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Next arc should just be these retards trying to have a real romantic relationship instead of preludes.

I wonder if it was tonguerape or a "normal" kiss. Knowing prez he probably tried extra hard because it's what Kaguya wants.

No it's gonna be like

>We both opened up to each other, we bickered, we laughed
>Then he took hold of my face, leaned me closer and gave me a simple kiss
>I've never felt so fulfilled in my entire life, i'm in bliss

It will somehow make Hayasaka even more embarrassed, because it's just so pure.

Attached: Hayasaka can't handle it.jpg (309x373, 56K)

being a third wheel is better than literally being left out without a word

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It would be pretty funny to see the next arc focus heavily on Fujiwara, Iino and Ishigami, while Kaguya and Prez go full Kashiwagi and Tsubasa in the background.

That will probably be covered in the regular one-off comedy chapters. Not an arc, per se.

>Princesa de Hielo
> La Reina Muscular

Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes she was helping, sometimes, she was really disruptive. It could really go either way.

Although it would all her training effort into perspective:
> flashback where asked Kaguya what her perfect man looks like during a sleepover (maybe in middle school)
> she loves Kaguya so much that she grooms Prez into Kaguya's perfect man

And then Kaguya is going to drop her like a hot potato once Kaguya and Prez become a couple.

Attached: La Reina Muscular y El Observador de Estrellas.jpg (600x847, 333K)

upscaled with noise reduction. will do better when the quality scans come out. but for now enjoy

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You mean
>annoying as shit
Karekano did that and the whole arc was straight up garbage.

STILL better than yours

god this manga went downhill fast

ishitgamifaggots are delusional

Nah fuck that Hayasaka arc should be about finding a new job.

>It would be pretty funny to see the next arc focus heavily on Fujiwara, Iino and Ishigami, while Kaguya and Prez go full Kashiwagi and Tsubasa in the background.

A change of pace would be nice for a few chapters, although not a full arc. The current arc was way too Kaguya/Prez heavy (yes, they're the MCs, but still...).

Call it autism but it really bothers me how they and the bench seemingly change location every panel.

Kill yourself.

>And then Kaguya is going to drop her like a hot potato once Kaguya and Prez become a couple.
this sentence hurts me because of how true it is

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Okey Okey. everything look great after that last panel but did they got to a certain agreement? It feels like they kiss just because the mood and kaguya was being very straightforward. It feels like prez still havent given up in his bullshitery of perfection.

Last page gave me diabetes but open shit like that scare me the most.
I understand that, what kaguya said and did its supposed to prove her point but we just dont know...

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agree, she's been saying that kaguya doesn't appreciate her enough

wait for high quality scans if you want a high quality gif

She might curb her embrassment this time until she's out the room, then throw a small fit like Kaguya did when she came in second on grades.

Karen's hands are shaking as she is videotaping them

They both confessed, technically, not like they'll ever admit it.
Next chapter is the end of ice arc so we'll get something a bit more final.

fuck yeah

Stop being a cunt.

She just need a new job then she will be with Kaguya as her friend/big sis.

>Quits being a Kaguya's maid
>Starts working in a maid cafe instead

Attached: Maid cafe.png (1138x1615, 106K)

I'm curious to know how you interpreted the last page being a single panel on an entire page compared to a full-page or even double-page spread for the kiss. What kind of meaning did you derive from it immediately upon seeing it?

user, Karen's dead. Get over it.

Attached: Karen's mind is an enigma.png (992x669, 654K)

This chapter is extremely fucking cute and enjoyable. Thanks for dumping.

She'll have two conflicting streams of desires: on the one hand, she'll be so envious she could die, and on the other she'll still want to hear EVERY last juicy detail.

>I've posted my real self, answer me

>Ishi sitting in the corner
>First time?

Attached: 1555871658143.gif (299x317, 536K)

Hayasaka truly is the best mix of nee-san and best friend.

With all her money she can probably open her own maid cafe.

>the biggest future dramas come from F and Haystack which is allegedly Kaguya's best friends
how the fuck did she managed to do that?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You forgot a page, and the translation you posted here is the one from the page you forgot, see pic related. The true translation for page 9 is this :
>You say your personality is bad
>But I already knew that and I don't think it's that much of a minus
>Do you like people with bad personalities?
>No, I don't think it's like that
>Someone who's always kind and acts nice to everyone is normal
>But someone who's the opposite but tries to act kind is admirable, aren't they?
that's what i mean
>I don't understand what you're saying

Attached: true page 10.png (628x927, 501K)

FUCK this Kaguya is melting my heart

No it didn't

>when you are confessed to but are too obsessed with the guy to notice

>the moon showing both sides

What's this chapter's tittle?

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calm down fag

That's so obvious I don't think it was worth pointing out.

>She jus confessed
Manga's over boy, please read aka-sensei next work!

I hope next chapter is them arguing about who confessed, because it'd be funny.

>next chapter is Prez waking up with his face planted on his desk remembering that he pulled another all-nighter and that night was a dream

> in b4 the Shinomiya group opens up a maid cafe franchise

>I thought I was being extremely obvious

Can anyone seriously defend Iceguya after that?

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She's a huge idiot, so that's in character.
At least she properly communicated for once in like 8 chapters.

I rushed to get it done before the other thread died. Next time i'll calibrate plot points.

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>Prez somehow pulls off the stunt he was planning right after

Attached: IMG_20190121_231521.jpg (631x542, 53K)

The title is "Ordinarily Romantic"
To contrast with "Ultra Romantic"

Attached: 01.png (811x1200, 588K)

Calling it, the start of next volume will be them worrying about how to act with the rest of the council but no one pays attention to them since the "big news" are going to be Iino dating the glasses rando.

please be patient with her she's an aspie

>2.5 million volumes since this chapter
God bless the anime for that.

>not Tsubasa barging into the stuco room like Soviet Army in '45, running straight to Prez and telling straight in Miyuki's face: 'I need help, i think i've got Nagisa pregnant'

user, that's too soon for that, they can't even be aware of the possibility this soon.

Finally. Sexy time soon?

It's a bit too early for that. But I can totally see Kashiwagi asking Kaguya for advice in one of the later chapters once her period is late.

Maybe Chapter 200 milestone?

Too soon unless we skip like three full weeks

>fuck like rabbits
>rubber bursts
>Nagisa is on her unsafe days
>panic makes them jump to conclusions
>they're on point anyway

If only user.

she did change from her "usual" personality
that was pretty obvious signal

>didn't kabedon

Attached: p11.png (861x1250, 367K)

He should've bought her moon property. Then said a bunch of poetic stuff referencing the folktale and also "the moon is beautiful tonight"

>She´s a huge *genius

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>takes her three fucking days to understand she may be killing her man through miscommunication

He doesn't have that kind of money

Remember that Kaguya's birthday and main house visit is only a week away though. The focus will be back on her very soon, and I doubt it'll be as unimportant as the summer visit.

>read the spoilers thread in the archive
>not even 50 replies to the reveal
You are losing your touch, Reddit.

It could just be a broken condom and he's nervous about it.
Obviously, she was the one who broke it

They're outside...

And Kags is scared of sudden, loud noises. it won't work on her.

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>Suddenly she drops all that character and the character flaws associated with it in order to be able to speak her mind of of nowhere perfectly, despite not being able to do it before out of embarrassment. And being able to speak her love openly and understand prez properly instead of being an autist like usual in order to force a development now that its time.
>user: "10/10, best story, Iceguya best ever girl!!"

He doesn't have 3k yen user.

>missing the moral of the chapter completely
I'm sorry you are denser than a Neutron Star.

>30 bucks
The Shirogane family´s life saving are probably like 5 bucks.

Attached: Pwez.jpg (198x289, 27K)

Kaguya is autistic, not retarded, she heard what she did to prez and fixed it.

Pitty (you)

She just really wanted that present

Is he getting paid slave wage or something? Minimum wage is 958/hr.

In 40 seconds

She already understood her damn flaws before that point, she said her flaws herself before Prez ever passed out, she admitted that she understood everything when talking to that one girl and just couldn't speak openly to Prez because she was embarassed and it always resulted in her acting more absusive, and couldn't fix them because that's how Iceguya works. She is all the flaws of Kaguya who can't fix herself and acts abrasive and cruel. If she changes then she's no longer Iceguya. You don't just get over all your flaws suddenly because you decide you do now. She lashes out and can't act openly about how she feels out of embarrassment, she doesn't get over that all of a sudden now just because "She's feeling it now". If she can get over her shit on a dime when its suddenly not convenient then she's not Iceguya anymore, that missed the point of her being Ice.

Suspension bridge and kabe don is versatile

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She trained with Hayasaka to speak to him properly. Also

Then who would be the best counter to Iceguya's cruelness and abrasiveness? Stargazing Prez?

Kill yourself faggot

It was ordinary, and set up a few chapters back, with Kaguya desiring something like this.

Kill yourself faggot

>Then said a bunch of poetic stuff referencing the folktale and also "the moon is beautiful tonight"

But Kaguya fucking hates the moon due the Princess Kaguya tale.

>That last one

Attached: 1555281108212.gif (720x534, 549K)

>muh true self
>muh facades
>muh masks
>muh personas

God, I hate these things. It's so unrealistic.

Speed de reader

I bet she'll move from crusher vids to electrified rat traps like youtu.be/PV0xUDIo6Ug

But what about the handcuffs?

wanna see j-hope irl

I honestly just thought she wanted ordinary as in the man isn't a spineless faggot and takes the initiative, not ordinary as in terrible bad and weak.

How is that unrealistic in any way ? Everybody has some kind of facade.

>a universe where Bamboo Cutter actually happened is unrealistic

So you completely skipped over the romantic advice chapter she had with Kashiwagi.

wow user you must be so fun at parties

She thinks an ordinary kiss is a movie kiss dude.

She would reflexively kick him in the nutsack, ending any hope of the baseball team

Her fear was that Prez wouldn't love her without her putting on a mask. He literally confessed that he had a crush on her before she even knew his name. The hospital helped directly address her insecurities AND she now knew that Prez was in massive need of her emotional support as well, not to mention her already feeling a huge need to make it up to him after the man had literally collapsed.

Also practicing in a very faithful simulation.

What she wants is the completely normal experience where a kiss is just a kiss, like in movies.
She was envious of Kashiwagi because their first kiss was the most normal thing you can imagine. And that's what she got, a completely mundane, everyday lovers kiss.

Translate it yourself then fag.

>this high class cooch/cock is the only one suitable for the extraordinary me!
>I just want to be average

All japanese fiction is tailored to prepare the youth of tomorrow for being a cog in the salaryperson mediocrity that awaits them in adult life.

Will she be envious of her teen pregnancy?

Are you the same party pooping permavirgin in real life as well then?

Why did she despair in this chapter then?

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inb4 president missed/bit her lip and we have another Fujiwara training arc

He got her hopes up that he would confess but pussied out at the last minute
Are you replying to the right post?

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Resurrection of St. Karen on Christmas when?

>bites Kaguya´s lip (softly)
>she likes it and whispers "Harder" in his ear

Attached: 1549754807938.webm (1092x1080, 2.96M)

I wonder how that one is going to play out. Is Prez secretly going to follow her?

I like how Aka gets the point across of tgis being a simplistic kiss by not making it a two page spread.

>bites clean through it and Dr Quack is called in on his holiday

Maybe her christmas present is travel expenses and an invitation to her birthday.

There's a good chance of Shirogane actually being murdered by her dad once she tells him about Stanford.

>Implying Erika isn't learning necromancy to revive her dead friend

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gotta agree, this stupid shit I hAve mORe tHAn OnE PerSonALity is so fucking stupid

>Stargazing Prez?

Pretty much. His powerlevel is maximum.

Jokes aside, he doesn't give a shit about her antics when in stargazing mode and takes action while being very caring. El Observador de Estrellas is pretty close to what Iceguya actually wants.

> Maybe her christmas present is travel expenses and an invitation to her birthday.

> an invitation to her birthday
How condescending is that as a present?
> travel expenses
Rubbing salt into the wound that he's poor?

Seriously, user, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>It's not special, but just another thing they do together now, shown by the panel being the same size as the ones before-
>but at the same time it totally is special for what it means to themshown by it getting a page to itself

Yea I tend to agree with myself sometimes too.

>How condescending is that as a present?
It's a full on party for rich people in Kyoto, you need to be invited.

>Miyuki Shirogane Wants to Shoot
Gunfight chapter between Prez and Kaguya against Ganon's shooters when

fucking finally

> Gan'an sends the Yakuza to kill Prez
> they're actually his bros due to Momo and don't do shit

Can the Iceguya mask even stay worn while El Observador de Estrellas is out?

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When will she return?

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Why didn't she get wet for his dad?

Because he is not pres.

She can´t deal with Papagane´s powerlevel, user. Actually, few ppl can.

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he is hotter by her metrics

I think the Shinomiya Group is rich enough to have their own PMC.
It would be Prez, Momo and the yakuza against Gan'an's operators in an abandoned industrial complex, culminating in a katana fight betwen Prez and Gan'an in a dilapidated helipad, in the rain.
Now pay me the big Hollywood bucks please.

Next chapter hopefully, I miss normal Kaguya, a lot.

I am currently writing my bachelors thesis on kaguya getting plowed. If someone could provide a source on this picture it would help me avoid a lot of research.

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Papagane x Hayasakas mom when

> Why didn't she get wet for his dad?

1) Scared shitless of father figures due her own dad.
2) He's her future father-in-law, so she doesn't want to mess it up before it has even begun.

She's spoken for
Hayasaka x Papagane instead

Papa Shirogane is gonna walk by them kissing in the park.

>implying Prez's IB wouldn't activate at the start of the fight

Attached: Witch.png (430x387, 67K)

She loves the tired yes because they're Prez's

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>fucking your father-in-law is "messing it up"
There's literally so much JAV about father-in-laws fucking the wife, I'm pretty sure its a cultural norm.

Be nice, user, he has DID.

>rubs her the wrong way

she always meant sexually.
btw why was he still sleep deprived when he wasn't trying? Or did he just have "I'll murder you fucks" eyes instead?

more like
>I will make the other one confess
>I'd rather confess myself than risk losing them

This is the reason they got Koyasu to voice him. No other VC had the resolve

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>Oh you´re finally kissing, that took a while. Need some condoms while you´re at it? You probably should find a bush or something though.
Also Kaguya blushing profusely, probably.

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Will Papagane ask Kaguya if they've kissed the next time they see each other?

My mistake. Thanks user.

I hope we can go back at them being huge idiots and not heavily depressed and messed up.

what do you mean was not trying?
he worked hard to become president

>Kaguya tells the truth

>All japanese fiction is tailored to prepare the youth of tomorrow for being a cog in the salaryperson mediocrity that awaits them in adult life.

okay now I understand the ending of TTGL

not samefagging delusional faggot

>Two genius who love each other makes the other confess

>Author is a hack and can't write genius characters.. gives them personality disorder instead to make them special. Just another shitty rom com now lol.

Kaguya and prez are at a point where they are openly talking about their relationship. I think they grew a lot during the entire festival arc, despite their best efforts to sabotage themselves.

That was this chapter. I expected them accepting each other's weak sides as somber and tear-jerking or some shit, but they were bickering and making fun of each the whole way through

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God damn, anyone have a full imgur link?

>Yeah, you're right, a bush is too uncomfortable. Come on, I'll clean up all that weird shit in your room so she doesn't think you're a sociopath

While literally confessing, don't forget that.
For the love of god, allow next chapter to have them admit to each other they are going out and not backtrack that single point.

that chapter was the chaddest miyuki ever was and ever will be. and he did it so effortlessly, just being himself, letting his mind go blank, talking about what he likes

Star trance prez isn't really fair, he stops being a mere mortal and ascends.

Starlord Miyuki > Treant Jun

Prez's plan during the cultural festival was unironically genius, but the story went out of his way to more or less shit on it, causein the end you don't need to rent a fucking boat to hold your girlfriend's hand

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Will he ever show up again?

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It'll be funny if she blurts it out herself in frustration as he teases her about something else.

Lupin Prez was that, that's how he handled his date with Kaguya so well.
Then it wore off.

Kaguya still loved it, it's just that's not what she wants, partially, because it made her stop thinking.

can't wait for the baby making arc

Kaguya's or Kashiwagi's?

>Kashiwagi is the first one
>Kaguya has the most

Nah, Maki will put a stop to that one.

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>first try


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She's an absolute genius after all.

Our girl did it! She got what she wanted.

Thank you, but I was lying all along about it being a bachelors thesis. It's a masters thesis.

>Pulling the ol' "Closer angle reveal they stop at two millimeters from each other's lips"

Until I see saliva trails I'm not buying it

Yeah, like they totally weren't kissing each other behind that balloon.

I mean a thesis on to autistic geniuses with mental issues that are too proud to admit they love each other could be a good thesis for something about human behavior or mental health

Goddamn Aka is based

He pulled an "how cute" to Shinomiya.

This manga is the thesis.

I'm specifically referring to the "" "" "" "" kiss"" "" "" "" of the latest chapter. Allegedly.

little earthquakes

She never said How cute. I am a bit disappointed.

They're not gonna solve all their traumas just like that. The point is that the ball's now rolling and it should be smooth sailing for them to be more open.

After intense study of the manga i realized that Kaguya sure has a nice butt.

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Well, both are still in part one of our masks.

She'll have to act like his mommy and celebrate them.

>she's preparing everything back at home while waiting for the two fucktards

God Kaguya is such a shitter.

Iceguya is the most realistic female in the manga
>kind of a bitch
>dont get my way?
>better throw a tantrum!
>time to play the victim!
>what do you mean you can't read my mind sorry excuse of a human being I happen to love?


What the fuck is this manga even about anymore, really.

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Love. They are literally debating on their respective views of love and romance.

She'll give them some red rice when they get back. And then their faces will be as red as the rice.

>Pres sucks at kissing
>Fujiwara training arc

make it happen

this is a kaguya that's tired of your shit

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4 pages sex next week?

They're alone in a dark park

make it happen hacka.

Nah son
KASHIWAGI training arc

I don't understand, is that like a rip-off version of the Prez's patented kabedaan?

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No, that's Kaguya after you confess to her but not really.


Geniuses war of love and wits.

Yeah, sorry.

do you mean 4 chapters?

Best development
>Pres becomes overconfident and kisses her too frequently to the point its annoying

Chances of it happening: 0.000001%

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Kaguya is the one obsessed with kisses.

# = magazine break
* = Aka (Kaguya author) himself taking a break

11-17 (7 chapters) # 18-24 (7 chapters)
25-30 (6 chapters) # 31-40 (10 chapters)
41-46 (6 chapters) # 47 (1 chapter) # 48-58 (11 chapters)
59-62 (4 chapters) # 63-67 (5 chapters)
68-74 (7 chapters) # 75-79 (5 chapters)
80-90 (11 chapters)
91 (1 chapter) # 92 (1 chapter) # 93-102 (10 chapters)
103-106 (4 chapters)
107-109 (3 chapters)
110-114 (5 chapters)
115-118 (4 chapters)
* #
119-123 (5 chapters)
124-126 (3 chapters)
127-131 (5 chapters)
132-133 (2 chapters) # 134 (1 chapter) # 135-141 (7 chapters)
* (literally couldn't a break before this cause he needed to release enough chapters for Volume 14)
142-145 (4 chapters)
146 (1 chapter) # 147-150 (4 chapters)

(cont.) You can see a clear schedule once the series hit Chapter 102. Outside of magazine breaks and other circumstances, Aka takes a break every 3-5 chapters.
You can also see that each time he takes a break after 3/5 chapters, his next break comes after 5/3 chapters
It is very apparent his intended schedule is supposed to be a break every 4 chapters, but sometimes he can mix it up by doing it one chapter earlier or later, which gets made up for next time.

so what you're saying is that death threats are in order?

Is the end near bros? Or will it go on forever?

Really enjoyed this entire arc.

Next arcs will probably be about Kaguya convincing her dad to let her go to Stanford and Pres' mom showing up out of nowhere. After that, it should be over.

Yes but the horny girl / blushing beta male combo is overplayed.

Him having such a strict schedule looks more like the magazine is MAKING him take those breaks


Next arc is Kaguya's fiancee. I can see the last page of 151 right now
>Miyuki and Kei hanging out around the apartment
>Miyuki gushing about getting a girlfriend
>Kei: Are you sure its okay to be this confident?
>Miyuki: What do you mean?
>Kei: For instance, like if her family objects to letting her to go to Stanford.
>Kei: You never know, a girl from a high class family like that might even have a fiancee.
>Miyuki: Haha there's no way such a convenient development could possibly happen in real life, Kei.
>Miyuki: Even so our love can whether any storm!
>smug face
>last panel
>shadowy figures, Kaguya's dad, Ice Kaguya
>Ice Kaguya: Mikado
>face submerged in shadow, smirk

There's like a 60% chance 152 would be a comic subversion though.

just for you user

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>this is what NTRfags actually believe

These are common romance manga tropes. Denial makes you more of a cuck than cucks.

I'm melting, so sweet

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I can see Mikado having no interest in Kaguya, having a gf or somethign himself and both having the full intention to break off any engagement, but pres would still get insecure and fret about it

>that fade to black

based, it's perfect now

I think it would be the other three student council members who would object to them going full makeout-couple. But I don't think any of them would know quite what to say.

I'm just afraid that El Hermano won't ever live up to the hype due to the constant shitposting

>otterfags btfo again

Good shit

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What are the odds Shirogane went for an "adult kiss" here as he expects that is what Kaguya wants

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Oh look faggots.

shit brehs

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If the last frame panned away along with the fade-to-black, the "implied sex" factor would be at least double.

I see no reason ganon would want to remarry his family into an inferior branch.

>not knowing what NTR is
I dont even know what an otterfag is you autistic sperg. Why are you talking about shredded hairy gay men?

>Writes a fan fiction about NTR
>Fuck off cuck
>Haha you are the cuck because of denial or something haha

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Keep the bloodline pure without making retard babies

Mikado is a prodigy foreshadowing the rise of the branch family toward equal footing of the main house. Also it a cultural thing to preserve the bloodline.

>Without making retard babies
>Marrying her to a Shitjo
This 2 thing don't mix well

And he has 2 sons and a nethew. I don't get it.

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>makes a prediction
>fan fiction
Well, you're not incorrect.
>doesn't know what NTR is

Shut up Maki is a genius.

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They are already subordinatea. If anything a fiancee might come from a politician family for more power, but Fujiwaras are girls only, opening up for yuri arranged marriage

Apparently you don't. The daughter being married to someone as a chess piece is literally her only job for these dynasty famlies

Wasn't there a heart in front of their mouths?

>They are already subordinatea
Things can change. If the branch's subsidiaries overshadow the decline in the main family's holdings especially

He has 2 sons and a nethew. I don't get it.

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Why didn't he just abort Kaguya as soon as he found out it was a girl then ?

Not even close, there is a lot more plot points that haven't been adressed yet and there is at least 4 key characters that haven't even been introduced yet including one student council member. I can easily see the manga having at least 150 more chapters

yes, so why would he want to exert more control over something he already controls instead of mating his daughter with the literal best person in the school who would clearly giver rise to superior children while expanding the family's size instead of mixing it.

He has. 2 sons and a nethew. I don't get it.

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We've known that for a while, but good job catching up user.

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People who unironically believe in that arranged marriage shit are probably 5toubun fans.
Just ignore them, it's not their fault being stupid.

because he already HAD two sons, therefor the 3rd child could have been ether and he wouldn't have minded. if the first child was a girl then he may have aborted.

>literal best person in the school
Do you think he gives a shit? He's be more likely to pimp her to some 100 billion net worth zuckster.
>clearly giver rise to superior children while expanding the family's size instead of mixing it
This is not how nobility works. Mixing genes with the outside rable is bad.

Is this shitty arc finally over?

I've literally never seen Kaguya's character type not have a fiancee.
Ojojojojo even had one. I don't know why you're so insecure that you scream NTR when someone lays out common sense plot progression. Maybe you're self-inserting now that the president is a confirmed loser?

It's an edit

That one manga with the love zombies that ended not long ago. You done?

>arranged marriage
Based retards.

>based aka subverter of expectations
>Hey guys here are my expectations

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I dropped that because it was awful. I don't remember the main girl was an ojou-character. She was either a volleyball tomboy or a crossdresser. Those supersede an "rich girl" secondary traits. Straight Ojousamas are almost almost betrothed if the manga makes it past the 10 tank milestone.
Maybe the girl from Hayate no Gotoku didn't? But I think her parent were nil

>your expectations have ever been subverted

Oh, thanks. That's too bad, in a way.

Keeping it in the family tree actually makes retards and defects.

>hayate no gotoku
Its author is an Abe pawn

Which is why Kaguya, Maki and Mikado are so dumb right?

This thread was fun while it lasted.

We needore kashiwagi and maki for fun bully threads

Wait. WAIT.

Did Hayasaka spend Christmas alone?

She probably spent it with her family... maybe... hopefully.

I want to believe she was with her mom

was there tongue?

Most likely

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Based. Tonikaku is comfy.

>"C-can I come to the p-party too...?"
>"Huh? Of course not, we can't let Fujiwara know your identity after all. Bye!"

She went to church like a good catholic

And I thought that Ice was a cool beauty.


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Didn't she already said it?

Most probably she was with her mother

Does this mean mind games are coming back?

Otters are now an endangered species.

She could have come as Haysaca-kun so Moeha would fall.in love with her and then Fuji would tell her he's gay

>Hayamom arrives at home late night
>flashback to when hayasaka was a kid and finds her sleeping/notebook with messages for her
>same scene happens but for Christmas

we need more mother complex hayasaka

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Wait, only Moeha, Kei, Prez and Kaguya were at F's party? And then those 2 ditched?

That's honestly kind of sad.

They'll come back, after a quickie of course

Church with Karen

>I'm sorry Ai-chan, i won't be able to hang out with you for christmas eve due to my work
>You can go and have fun with your friend tonight

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love isn't real and it only gets easier the sooner you accept it

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>Ishigami is having more fun this Christmas Eve than F

I think NUCLEAR soon boys.

Maybe Kei ditched other plans to make sure Moeha didn't rape her brother.

Love is just larping. "I love you" is the normie version of "Fireball! Fireball! Lightning!"

Hayasaka was out having a good time with her Gyaru friends.


What will her meltdown be like?

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I seriously doubt Chika is that dumb, we will be subverted by her already knowing. Even Maki ended up knowing, and she is the tsundere queen

She will have absolutely no idea.

>Pretending to be retard for almost 2 years
For what purpose?

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Shirogane went full EL OBSERVADOR DE ESTRELLAS, I told you!

>early Kaguya will never return
>we will continue the downward spiral into the clumsy teen drama

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she's the love detective, duh

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It's like you completely missed the entire point of Kaguya's conversation with Kashiwagi

This. All this "Muh dual personality, muh hidden side, muh what is the true meaning of love" bullshit is what I find in every shit romance out there. I really hoped I'd never find it in Kaguya.

>kiss for second time
>you thought kissing me again means I like you? how cute

The odd of president being a retarded kisser are 100% right? The reveal next chapter will be the incompetence that he displayed off screen.
Like he made a stupid face or bumped noses or some other nonsensical slight.

Honestly at some point i guess it was inevitable since the author also wrote that clumsy and angsty Hoshi no Samidare fanfic that got canned.

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We've never actually seen Kaguya reacting to any of Shirogane's inhuman incompetence.

I'm kind of expecting a situation to come up that makes Fujiwara and Hayasaka want to crawl out of their skin but for Kaguya to be sitting there totally unfazed, probably finding it endearing. Because as hopeless as he is with everything, she's just as hopeless about him.

Pretty good

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Balloon chapter

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She might be the love detective but Ishigami is the love master

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Hai, ishigami desu

He stopped being one though during the cultural festival. Instead he became the most love-autistic of them all.

>throws a tantrum
> still gets everything she ever wanted this arc

like womans irl

My money is on Kei finding out first and then throwing a gigantic freakout (good! but bad! But good! but bad! but really really bad! but good!)
Pic not related

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Most probably Fujiwara will set him right on tracks after all, because the dummy didn't realized that he declared his love

He hasn't realized yet right?
I can imagine Tsubame responding to his confession and Ishigami being oblivious as fuck

She kissed first though. They'd be at the status quo otherwise.

My money is on Kei finding out Kaguya's blood in President's bed sheets

That would be a huge problem and fuckup from his part if he ever asks about what she's talking about

>Missing the best ass panel.

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Reminder that Kaguya has practically had sex once now!
She is no longer a virgin!!

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2chan is on fucking FIRE!

Do (You), yes (You), have it in (You) to make both girls cry at the exact time in the exact same way?

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No i mean 4 volumes

>inb4 el hermano has the exact same reactions as Kaguya and Maki

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It seems more like a romaticized way to have them accept each other "true self".

Everyone is more skilled at recognizing and handling other people's problems than their own.

I bet El Hermano is in love with Hayasaca anyway. And is a super monster virgin.

Is this page missing the last bubble?

What happened to ottercucks?

That would imply that he has seen Hayasaka in the first place
She probably used a disguise like Haysaca-kun or something if they ever saw each other

No chapter next week?


Aka ran out of ideas

Mikado, El Hermano and MAsakado join in the battle. Who the winner?

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>And then they had sex in the middle of the park

He has three sons. Kaguya is the fourth child with three older brothers.

what the hell is this naming

The first kiss had all the excitement of jumping out of a plane.

This second kiss is the relief of the parachute opening.

You could have one without the other, but it wouldn't end well.

People sometimes forget that Haya actually have her own circle of gal friends

Aka's already mocked the idea of an arranged marriage arc. And even earlier in the series Iceguya expected to find her own husband eventually, she wouldn't be so ignorant of her family's methods that she wouldn't know she'd have an arranged marriage.

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So now how will Papagane tease Kaguya?

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Seriously why is her signals so subtle?
Like that page what the fuck is she trying to tell us?

I'm still waiting for the dinner chapter fujidad promised

She is taking a good bath to eliminate the stress

Attached: Bath.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

has there ever been a bad Papagane moment?

I remember '4' being an unlucky number because it sounds like death in Chinese/Japanese. Is it relevant to Kaguya in a way?

Forcing his son to be the breadwinner

is bad luck for her dad

that was his mom tho, wasn't that the whole point of the Doctor's visit aside from establishing that the Doctor's lineage is full of teenage pregancy?

You guys think Haysaka and pres will see more interaction for the inevitable Mamagane arc, considering Hayasaca is so attached to hers and Prez is so distant it might be interesting.

I ship Papagane and Hayamom!

Oh no! Pesu also ran away this night and got run over by truck!

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I guess his wiener got even more bent

>implying Fujiwara isn't going to end up with Pesu

But user, Pesu is dead

i really like it, is little, but special, for them and for us
so the waiting was worth it? the last couple of chapters were kind of a mess, but to me this was worth it

>people don't think that Mikado's going to steal Tsubasa from Kashiwagi and Maki

>Implying Kashiwagi wouldn't want to ride Mikado's dick too
It will be a threesome

Mikado will be handled comically but he'll still be fodder for Miyuki cuckvibes and inferiority complex.

With me of course

Mikado is actually gay for Shirogane but don't tell Aka I leaked this information

Wow it's like they're real people who don't change overnight or something

>Otters are now EXTINCT.

>you could have a second kiss without a first kiss
based retard

Baby making Arc when Aka you hack

Can someone remind me why on Earth did Moeha gave prez handcuffs as a Christmas gift

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She's an evil bubbly sadist who likes Prez. She has the opposite thing as Chika, where Chika always walks in on the Prez fucking up, but Moeha always sees him when he's in perfect form. The post chapter inserts whenever she appears indicate her fucked up personality

Go read the previous chapters with her

>Aka is more than willing to dip into the heavy serious shit that Prez is subjecting himself into (overwork, obsessions, insecurities) without jokes

Yet still nothing about the Shirogane household's supposed poverty. Why do I feel afraid about what he can potentially pull?

Because if they actually explored how the house is staying afloat suddenly some things would be in question. You got a dad who doesn't work, sister who keeps up with the latest fashions and buys new clothes, and the only thing keeping them going is President with his four or five part time jobs who sleeps like three hours a day.

its not the same

Imouto also works.

I feel like it would fit perfectly for when Mamagane comes back
You all know it's happening

Kei is also working jobs, unless I'm misremembering. And she's the one who manages the finances.

>Papagane has a "Prez' room"-style reveal
sounds fucking terrifying

Thanks user

She can also be an M.

Kaguya has bad chemistry with her in general

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She wants to imprison

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>I can’t believe they’re doing Cospla Se-
>It’s...really big...

They were in good terms not long ago
She is probably in her blacklist now

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She's into kinky shit, like fucking her best friend's brother then telling her about it.

Is se...x inevitable?

Kaguya flip flops a lot with this family

She goes from hating the shit out of Chika to loving her almost instnatly.

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>a sense of humanity
She probably wants to destroy it

What would have happened if her gift went to Kaguya, or Kei, or her sister?

I fucking knew it. Aka the heck was waiting for the right time. Waiting for christmas. Aka you fucking hack. I've waited this long for this kind of shitty payoff. You could have done better. A christmas date alone, where all of Prez planning goes to shit and he ran away. We could have the same conclusion without you fucking tacking on that shitty drama.

It wouldn't have, did you read the chapter?

Kaguya looks really intimidated by Moeha's presence

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>Kaguya is slowly learning to stop playing mindgames and open up to people
>Moeha was secretly plotting behind her back the whole time while pretending to be friendly
Chika is Chaos, Moeha is Sadism, Toyomi is Hedonism.
Tzeentch, Khorne, and Slaanesh. There's a fourth Fujiwara sister who died a sickly child for Nurgle.

>implying pesu isn't going to end up having uber-fleas

Yeah, every drama in this arc feels shallow.

Addressing their issues was necessary. Even if not for reader enjoyment, at least for long term character consistency.

That essentially would be the same as what happened though?

>"Getting all embarrassed, are we? How cute..."
>"Aren't you the one inviting me in?"
>"I'm sorry!"
>"What's with this cute side..."
>"I'm cumming, Shinomiya"

she‘d be sleeping RIGHT NEXT to them, getting turned on by the sounds, masturbating furiously

Exactly but in my canon, they would've been dating already and this is their first official romantic date. We don't need any of the previous iceguya chapters at all.

This chapter would have been way less satisfying if that was the case.

it's only satisfying because we're finally free of the development-stalling arc that aka chose to include for reasons that defy explanation.

What you're asking for is fanservice, not a properly written story that cares about the integrity of its characters. Go read smut instead.

No, it's satisfying because the President finally overcame his self destructive perfectionism and Kaguya obtained the normal love that she yearned for. And we only understand the true extent of both of these issues because of the "drama".

I don't personally see how this issue would be better if they were already dating instead of just being the same thing in a different situation but less impactful.

Like I don't like the first few chapters of this arc either but I do like this primary conflict of their characters needing to be addressed before they can properly begin dating. Changing that, as other user says would make this resolution less satisfying. I'm not only satisfied because we're done with this arc, I'm happy that these conflicts were given the proper time to be built up to (even if the beginning wasnt good) and this was a great way to wrap it up.

>implying implication
That isn't fanservice. That's called not stalling. Actually, I wouldn't even care if iceguya appears but saying that they're not dating is a stab in the face. The iceguya hate that most people have now is because of that exact reason. She saying that they weren't dating.
Let me tell you what exactly we have learned from this series of satlling chapters.
>prez is hiding his real self
>kaguya has many real self
Both of those we learnt in not more than 3 chapters.

Papagane was said to not have "consistent employment", so it's not like he doesn't work, it's just hard for him to keep a consistent workflow(probably because of his age).

>sister who keeps up with the latest fashions and buys new clothes
Kei is fashion conscious, but that doesn't mean she buys stuff every chance she gets. We've also seen her use coupons during the shopping trip. She also makes money delivering papers and looks after the family finances. She likely gets her clothes from sales and stuff.


Man, I love this manga.

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>Both of those we learnt in not more than 3 chapters.
You're kidding me right? You're not speedreading, you're literally skipping entire chapters.

That was a reminder that the otters are madder than shit that they keep getting swatted away, and will keep trying to bait as hard as possible.
They are inferior, therefore people should not talk to them.

Why are you so pre-occupied with "stalling" anyways? Did you just start reading this manga or something? You realize that there were 136 chapters before there was even a confession?

>The iceguya hate that most people have now is because of that exact reason
And the reason they are not dating is because of Shirogane being and going "lol so we are basically already dating right?" instead of properly asking her to date him, not because of Iceguya.


Going through this thread, I think half of you guys just look at the pictures each chapter instead of reading the words on the page.

Both of those issues have been built up to over the entire manga, just because it's being dealt with seriously doesn't mean it only came up in the last three chapters.

You're not wrong in that it is indeed stalling though it is for the purpose of developing the characters. Again I wouldn't be opposed to revising how the arc started, 142 and 143 in particular are the main issues, but the overall point of all this drama is a good one imo and I really don't think it would have the same effect if they were dating.

I mean a bunch of it is shitposting but some people are honestly just trying to find small things to be mad about at this point.

Anime adaptation bred retardation in these readers.

> some people are honestly just trying to find small things to be mad about at this point
Isn't that our favourite passtime in Yea Forums?

Manga is a visual medium you stupid fucking mong.

with words on those visuals, yes.
You would stop being called a speedreader if you tried your heart out to read the fucking manga.

A good manga can convey its meaning without words.

das ist good shit mane

Good shit


She's also her school's treasurer. She obviously isn't stupid with money.

Wait for Fuji's drama

In this case people don't get it even with words.

Every hype chapter always starts out like this with actual discussions later

Attached: 4.png (836x1200, 215K)

>Kaguya has breasts in that page
OH Nostalgia

Attached: 01.jpg (869x1300, 389K)

Attached: 02.jpg (860x1300, 380K)

That is all
Whoever released these spoilers is a cunt

Attached: 03.jpg (859x1300, 353K)


Isn't this that other doujin?


It's the 4koma.