How is your country represented in anime?

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usually at least mentioned in some historic ones since it was the first western country to contact them.
There is like ONE single portuguese character that I know (Azmaria from Chrono Crusade) and the university in Moyashimon is literally a Portuguese university (of Coimbra), see pic

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Has there ever been an anime character from Yorkshire? Every Brit seems to be some blonde-haired aristocrat who's probably never had a good Greggs in their life.

Usually tend to be loud, jovial, outgoing, and mildly to overtly obnoxiousl.

I dunno you tell me

The few ones, and like the only one i can think of right now it's the French team in the medabots world championship... And Remi, and somehow still blonde and tragic, but it would not surprise me that in a few years will become in black dudes.

>the French team in the medabots world championship
Good catch!

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that's wrong, the character is white

Polnareff is pretty gud

Australia just gets colony dropped all the time.

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From what I've seen, pretty accurate

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Girls look much better than in real life.

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literal chad

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with utter respect

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Why do Mexicans looks like Asians?

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We like bananas

Don't think it was _portrayed_ at all.
A few monuments show up in "Sky Crawlers", but that shit is all over the place and there was some Z-tier gundam. Can't remember anything else really.

Because they are mixed with natives from the Americas that originally came from east asia thousands of years ago.

zheng he lead a bunch of chinks there and they spent some years fucking the locals, and they ended up creating the pygmy creatures we know as mexicans

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Nhooooo that's cuuuute i love portugal

I didn't think a manga panel could completely encapsulate the "muh ancestor" pic so well

Get fucked kangaroos


Hey what's this?

Not so good.

I'm mexican and I'm white than most of /pol/

I obviously didn't include myself in the screencap because I don't want homos to tribute at my photo.

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>Also detest Anglos
wtf i love greeks now

Granted it's warranted to a degree due to some idiots. I keep my love for anime/manga fairly hidden but my cousin acts exactly like the one in the video.

Give me the source OP you faggot

If people really wanted to they could just find the thread in the archives

>South Africa
Legit don't think there's ever been an anime character from here

There was that Little Witch Academia parade film set in pseudo-Britain with an angry mob in it. I think that's the closest we'll get.

Then they deserve to fap at me.

Are you Boer, bantu or *ngl*

Never seen it mentioned in any anime. Maybe I haven't watched enough anime. It's probably mentioned in Castelvania, but I think that's it.

There's Polnareff from Jojo

I think we portrayed in a nice way which shows off our amazing relationship with Japan

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White but not boer

They even respect that you owned the world

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Only ever mentioned regarding military stuff or weapons, except for that one weeaboo in darker than black.
At least when they do mention us they mention we make top quality shit

Do Greeks really look like this?

Replace muh greeks with muh anglo and that's literally /pol/

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I know we are mentioned in Black Lagoon as well.

>I also detest anglo-saxons
how do you hate a character who says that ?

>fuck the anglos
This makes the /pol/tards seethe

You have to go back, tranny.


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Okay I guess I'll go back to .
Do you need help getting back to ? You might get lost when your seething this hard.



This is the only mention of my country I've ever seen in anime

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So, angloid? If so, disgusting.

you can't

everyone in the world but anglos (and amerimutts) hate anglos


>and amerimutts
Objectively wrong. Anglos are the retards who destroyed Rome then tried to convince everyone that they were the real Romans. It's pretty hard to find people that don't hate those ooga boogas. /pol/ doesn't count since they are a tiny minority of the world population and are basically the entirety of the ooga booga lovers.

The only other references to Spain in Anime I can think of involve Francis Xavier.

I'm pretty sure that's an edit.

Anglos were a tribe on the island of Britain that mixed with the Saxons when they conqured the Island.

The people who destroyed Rome were the Romans.

Wait is he from Chad or am I being retarded?

You're being retarded. He's Mexican/Japanese. His name is "Chad" because it sounds like his Japanese name.

Other spaniard here.
In Crayon Shin-Chan there was a chapter where they went to Spain and everything was paella and flamenco (and maybe some olé too) and also there was a woman called Carmen.

As an Jiujutsu practitioner who likes to rape pretty boys

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no, I love him because he puts his race before others.

How's Ă–sterreich depicted in manga? Don't dare mention hetalia or germany

I think its neat how the American representation in Manga can actually be pretty nuanced. Sure some times you just get Bad Gaijin trope, but other times it can be pretty fair, and sometimes there's even a sincere appreciation for American values and ideals. Which always makes me feel pretty nice.

The only time I ever felt like, "offended" by the American representation was that episode of pic related. Dude had like a bandoleer of hotdogs, come on.

What the fuck is Osterreich?

I don't know of any anime or manga where Argentina is represented in any way.

Let's not forget Dresrossa, which was a mixture of Spanish and Italian stereotypes.


I find it really hard to get offended at american stereotypes, especially shit like a bandoleer of hotdogs, it's always funnier than it is insulting

Where are you from that you don't know of the greatest country in the world?

gayer germany

Well, you have Hitler...

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>think its neat how the American representation in Manga can actually be pretty nuanced. Sure some times you just get Bad Gaijin trope, but other times it can be pretty fair, and sometimes there's even a sincere appreciation for American values and ideals. Which always makes me feel pretty nice.
What manga?


Theres that one Gundam where America blows up.

Amanda from LWA is Irish-American

I guess anything mythological counts like Celty from DRRR?

fate apocrypha

Kaneda is mexican?
What series isthis.