Learn the different, normalfag !

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ESL crying about normalfags is like piss crying about shit.

virgin chad
virgin virgin
chad chad
chad virgin

Only faggots cry

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virgin (have sex)


Why is it always the shounen toddlers who have these absolutely irredeemably shit threads?


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> doesnt know difference of crying out of happiness and cryng because one is a emtional faggot
Asta is to good for you fags.

Thanks user for Giving Tanjirou his rightful Chad status.

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>have sex

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shitposters want to start another Shounen shit fling

t. seething cloverc uck

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I've honestly never seen a fanbase as insecure as cloverfags.

Learn some English before you post.

>Learn the different
> !
Back to your village, plebnik.

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Speaking of which I think the only jojo who has never cried is Giorno.

Has Jotaro ever cried?

Super isn't canon

People that watch shonen are just the worst.

Nah, I thought he cried in part 6 but seems like he didn't.

Decuck is crying out of happiness in the OP so I guess that doesn't count either

I don't recall Jotaro crying ever not even in part 6

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Detective Conan has over 1000 chapters, and he cried maybe once. And he didn't even really cry. It's just one tear. Maybe he yawned, or he was bored.

Saitama is too based for any of these faggots.

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>almost all of tanjioru’s family just died
>he’s not allowed to cry
Why do people think like this?

who are those? I know:
Gon Midoria
Luffy Naruto
???? ????
Asta Saitama

I guess the one on the left is Conan right?

man I hate so much shonen. All these guys get handed and fed ridicilous garbage.I hope everyone of these gets put in a wheel chair or gets blinded. Fuck do something to these characters that isn't boring

*looks at bakugo*

Right is Tanjirou from "My Little Demon Can't Be This Cute" Actually called Kimetsu no Yaiba