Did you like her show?

Did you like her show?

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It's in the top 5 of best anime ever made, yes.

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Mawaru_Penguindrum_03_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[D445396B].mkv_snapshot_09.49_[2015.02.15_ (1280x720, 69K)


Some visually stunning stuff and a solid ending but otherwise a meandering mess of a narrative, too reliant on its own quirkiness and on repetition of its themes. Strong 6 to light 7.

Not even the best anime of its season (that was Yuru Yuri)

9/10. One of the best animes stylistically and thematically with a good overarching narrative.
Could've been better if they just remove Masako

This. The sister thing felt like a retcon.

I loved it. Liked the first half way more than the second though

What did they mean by this?

Attached: mpv-shot0003.jpg (1920x1080, 413K)

This. It was way more fun in the first half. Seizon Senryaku scenes were pure kinography. It also felt very wholesome while they still were a family. Didn't like the direction the plot took in the second half.

It's better than the boy love shit he has on now.

But worse than the girl love shit he had 4 years ago.

Great ost and visuals, story occasionally brilliant

Attached: seizon_Senryakuuuuuuuu.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

Yes, it was really good and one of my favorite shows i'ved watched.

This was by far my favorite scene. Brilliant comedy too. Occasionally.

I dropped it at episode 10 and cannot figure out wtf is happening when I try to restart it.

It needlessly repeated things because it thought the viewer would be too dumb to get it after one time, it shoehorned symbolism everywhere, even when it was unnecessary and spent more time trying to be deep and thought provoking instead of going for a coherent story first. So no, probably not.


This scene had me howling with laughter

Ikuhara's comedy scenes/episodes are often my favourites. Nanami comedy episodes were always great in Utena

Attached: nanami's egg.jpg (500x386, 57K)


this scene was comedy gold

I watched this over the course of two to three days last month and I have zero idea how any of you guys understood this when it aired as this seems like one of those shows where it makes more sense when watched as a whole (as opposed to watching each episode individually for 24 weeks).

Now that I think about it, the only part of the show that didn't really make any sense was why did Sanetoshi still exists but not Momoka? As far as I understood it, when the two confronted each other, Momoka's transferred failed, and she was split into the penguin hats, while Sanetoshi split into the rabbits. So why does everyone in the world see Sanetoshi but not Momoka?

Also, I'm not really a fan of how the Takakura's Penguins are essentially gag side characters that stopped interacting with the siblings (excluding Himari's)

What are you willing to do to save your cute imouto?

Attached: Bunmari.png (1920x1080, 3.3M)

Yes, one of the best anime of the 10s if not ever. One of the very few anime I've watched more than once.

Have sex with her.

What is the target audience of Ikuhara anime? Seem all his fans in the West are tumblr/LGBT types.

Most of his works have at least lesbian motive.

The penguins were fantastic.

>The sister thing felt like a retcon
what do you mean?

was that an intentional reference to doremi?

Probably that the whole sister thing came out of nowhere, lacking foreshadowing. And I agree with him, unless I missed something.

I think the entire show is a giant retcon in it of itself with the whole fate manipulation thing

i never understood this show, was the message about fate?
also was yuri molested by her dad?

I understood the UNMEI theme to be the idea that children's lives and futures so much depend on their parents' actions and past sins that it might as well be determinism (and it goes all the way back).

it's pretentious but it kept me entertained so yeah really enjoyed it

that's also something i also understood, children are destined to live under a fate that was set by their parents and in other cases are not planned to exist such was the case of himari who was abandoned but then it became confusing about all the sibling tree. was shouma and kanba in the cages representing the womb?


Attached: kys.jpg (1920x1080, 462K)

Attached: you.jpg (1920x1080, 454K)

We can't read chingchong here.

It's in my top 10 shows for sure. Utena will always be #1.

People who like good anime.

For me I always took the cages as representing the inherent aloneness people are born into as well as the suffocating nature of the child broiler's society. It's vague enough it could be a lot of things though.

>burn marks
>a piece of glass
It means that Sanetoshi was wrong

>We can't read chingchong here.
>in Yea Forums
>in the anime board
>doesn't know basic japanese
this site has gone to shit, but i'll spare you just this once
it means "kill yourself, please" because japanese are the masters of passive aggressiveness. also have exploitable himari holding something oc

Attached: himari.png (1920x1080, 981K)

learn to download fonts you dumbo

Also apply it to yourself

user did you seriously compare Yuri Yuri to Penguindrum?

Ringo means apple. Unmei means fate.

I want to 食べる 運命's 果実 with Yea Forums

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Where the fuck do I get the Triple-H version of Rock over Japan?

i-i-it's not like I wanted to 別ける my 果実 with you a-a-anyway user

I'm assuming you mean this? vimeo.com/86173246
The ost torrent is also up on nyaa if you need it.

Ringo should have fucking died

this scene is nothing, watch this:

>tfw i literally heard it in my head

>being a weeaboo
user, you don't belong here. Head on over to reddit.


The only funny thing about this scene is the fact that there are people who find it funny.

>using weeaboo as an insult on the mongolian basket weaving forum


I love Himari's strip tease. Just saying