Why the fuck is Eromanga-sensei thing so popular?

Why the fuck is Eromanga-sensei thing so popular?
Can't people see what a cold calculated soulless product it is?

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The show was funny, especially when they painted dick

The Girls are sexy

it's a cute and funny show and i liked it

It's popular? I hadn't noticed. I don't see many threads about it on Yea Forums.

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>can't people see what a cold calculated soulless product it is?
>isekai and harems as popular as ever
Gee I wonder

it has more soul than most isekai shit out there

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Also the fact it has a considerable amount of almost nude lolis thank you.

Wrong opinion.

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Because of Emily

Naked 12 years old girls.

People put their soul in all sorts of things.

Just because they choose to put their soul into something deranged and disgusting doesnt give you the right to deny them their heartfelt efforts.
Neither does them putting it into something thathappens to be popular for that matter. I know Yea Forums is eternally contrarian but there are people who genuinely like stuff that is liked by a lot of people, not just people who pretend to and engineer it for a quick buck.

I feel like the image is missing a bit of context.

Did the artist have a real life model pose in a bikini in front of him, and he painted her tying the string?

I liked it, it never tried to be more than it was and Sagiri is a miracle.

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>Can't people see what a cold calculated soulless product it is?
If you actually watched it you'd see that it was a bit of a passion project on the animation side, a lot of inexperienced animators were allowed to stretch their wings quite a bit. The concept is as pandering as pandering gets but the actual execution was great.

The only time you are ever truely justified in critiquing something is if you've actually experienced it fully. You're critiques will also never be taken seriously if you use nebulous buzzwords like "soul."

This is the reason.

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It wasn't that popular, it got some success sure but nothing stellar, not even the show of the season. I don't understand how it reap so much hate though. It isn't the first its kind or anything.

NBR wincest

Your little sister will never be this happy about doing the laundry.

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muramasa a cute