I'm feeling hopeless, I've looked everywhere. Can someone give me the sauce of pic related?

I'm feeling hopeless, I've looked everywhere. Can someone give me the sauce of pic related?

Attached: sauce pls.png (333x504, 44K)


>she sees your dick

Try boku no pico

doesn't help.
This is the only board that would probably know

You fucking suck at this.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-27+at+09.23.35).jpg (303x243, 36K)

I tried google images, iqdb and saucenow. Teach me senpai

Try to using the archives.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-27+at+09.25.57).jpg (334x497, 80K)

the archives don't have a filename

They don't need to, check the replies on every instance the image has been posted and look to see if sauce had been given previously.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-27+at+09.28.53).jpg (563x616, 129K)

And that's exactly how I began the search, thanks for throwing hints here and there though

Did you also enable searching on all boards in the archive? Best results also tend to be threads that use it as the opening image.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-27+at+09.33.09).jpg (341x566, 88K)

I didn't find any thread with it as an opening image

Oh God she's from that garbage edgy manga, stay the fuck away from it OP.

its shit?

Yes, remembering what that manga was like she was probably brutally murdered by MC for power ups.

You don't remember the "I thought we were gonna get married" image that gets posted a lot?

Then you're not searching right. I found quite a few threads with it as the opening image.

teach me your magic senpai

>Search your own thread on fireden
>View Same
>Only opening threads

OP if you google reverse search any of the images that the other user posted for you you'd get the sauce.

Get a load of this guy.

Attached: 1436333472192.png (960x1408, 169K)

That's how I got it actually

I keked

Plot is crap and the edgy is crap
>MC get comrades
>MC kill comrade
>MC kill boss with stolen power
>rinse and repeat
Spending time on Yea Forums is more entertain than reading this shit

Not OP, but, it's that one? I can't believe there are actually more chapters out there.

Attached: Nope.jpg (329x480, 222K)

aren't you just mad because of its unique storyline?

If you'd use yandex with any of the images in this thread you'd find out it's Yakushoku Distpiari with the first search result.

Only retards think being unique is a measurement of quality.

Yakushoku distopiary.
Fags say it's edgy but it's an interesting dystopia, just as its name implies.
Not every story has to be a happy one.