>they see your bank account
They see your bank account
Give me a break. I'm paying out of pocket to go back to school.
To be fair I didnt work for 7 months, been hospitalized and have $2500 in monthly expenses.
is 500,000 USD enough?
I don't work so I have basically no money, still doesn't stop me from buyfagging though
hell no. its bad enough if a girl earns more then you. would bring me too much shame.
I want to suck her titties but I don't want her treating me like a kid like that.
good slave
Good for you
Hey, I've got 10k in the bank. That's pretty good for people my age
¥1000000 = $9128.5436
I could have funded her ticket/place on the boat to the Antarctic.
>all the social insurance money
I want to rape this richfag
My bank account is ok, but only because I can currently save a lot by living at home, my income is kinda low and unstable. Which is why my bank account looks like it does, because I am deathly afraid of being shit out of luck and up the creek without a paddle being chased by japanese killer wasps so I collect my hard earned money so I could manage at least a year in a household of my own with no income so if things go south for me I have a piggy bank to mooch off.
Because I sure as fuck don't have a cute 2D-waifu to live on.
Highest it's ever been.
Bout to go back down to normal with the deposits on this house, though.
It's nice to know I could've sent all 4 of them along with me if that was how much it'd cost.
After getting a mortgage soon I won't be able to though and that'd be a much better use of my money.
>have 150 buck in account
someone end my suffering
~$140,000 in bank, own home (~$950,000, I live in an extremely expensive city) with no mortgage. I'm doing okay.
Granted, the majority of that is from my folks, but I make around 100k so I'm still fine.
everybody too pussy to post a ss of their bank account?
Not even enough for rent.
>she sees an anime much worse than her own
You're not allowed to save money on NEETbucks, so I'm encouraged to blow it.
Whats your name and where do you live
That's actually pretty cheap, compared to just the fees for climbing the Mt Everest, which is like 20k.
10.000 Yen?
>when your waifu sees how much you are wasting on anime figurines
>He doesn't siphon away his NEET-bux
I don't want the federal government to kill me.
What, afraid of the N.E.E.T. squad breaking down your door?
Less than my rent..
I want to fuck this little girl.
I'm hoarding money because i'm deadly afraid of becoming homeless. I won't show it to those money hungry bitches though.
Umm. I pay only $690 for my house mortgage, insurance and property taxes. The thing is I am in a city of 100k within a hour drive a of more then 1 mil pop city. Ouch.
No Japanese wife for you.
>$2500 in monthly expenses.
What the fuck
My rent is $2600. My '''city''' only has a population of about 50k but is in the top 5 densest places in the US. You're living the dream my friend.
>29 yo with only 10k in bank, two 60k offices and a 350k house.
She will spit me in the face
I just ordered a lot of stuff get off my back
Consider the following per month
>$700 in house/insurance/taxes
>$400 in car
>$70 phone
>$70 internet
>$200 food and water(ish)
>$500 HELOC (home loan to fix shit, think as second mortgage)
>$400 Credit cards (paying off medical shit thrown on cards)
>Misc other costs
It can add up.
See pic my friend, freedom is yours if you want to work for it. I'd honestly help but I have 0 trust in people posting in Yea Forums as you do.
>people with full careers still posting on Yea Forums
sad, but admirable, but also sad
And how are you supposed to make a living in fucking nowhere?
What's your age m8?
Meh, Once I hit 40 I will go for a 20 year old women. What do I have to offer? Nothing besides a house, no debt, stability but hey, I am a crazy person on Yea Forums right?
>withdraw cash
>stash it at home
Living? hah, with enough money you can retire or work shit jobs after a few years of that over expensive rat race shit.
Living in fucking nowhere sucks.
>need to spend it
>paper trail of however much you saved magically appears out of nowhere
Reminder that IRL girls like that will grow bored of you after a couple years no matter how much of a good house-husband you are, and will unflinchingly drop you like a used rag for a new man just for the novelty.
>13k saved up
>Only worked for 10 months a year ago before going back to studying
Too bad Americains want their children to leave the house ASAP, it's a very good way to save up easily
Don't bully.
Paying a house it's hard
I have only 90 bucks, making me the victor
Is that what your incel friends are telling?
It's just an insin who can't find one for herself.
No, it's what I know from first-hand experience.
>tfw 20k in bank
Gotta use it to live off of for the next 2 years to afford medical school....
Coming from who?
Unfortunately I trapped myself into the rat race, at least for the moment. One day.
>Reminder that IRL girls
Stopped reading.
That's the correct takeaway
>Total Deposit Accounts $21,798.83
>Credit score of 780
cash inflow $0
savings $0
expenses $0
Living the dream