They see your bank account

>they see your bank account

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.03_[2018.02.21_19.04.15].jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

Give me a break. I'm paying out of pocket to go back to school.

To be fair I didnt work for 7 months, been hospitalized and have $2500 in monthly expenses.

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is 500,000 USD enough?

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I don't work so I have basically no money, still doesn't stop me from buyfagging though

hell no. its bad enough if a girl earns more then you. would bring me too much shame.

I want to suck her titties but I don't want her treating me like a kid like that.


good slave

Good for you

Hey, I've got 10k in the bank. That's pretty good for people my age

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¥1000000 = $9128.5436

I could have funded her ticket/place on the boat to the Antarctic.

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>all the social insurance money

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I want to rape this richfag

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My bank account is ok, but only because I can currently save a lot by living at home, my income is kinda low and unstable. Which is why my bank account looks like it does, because I am deathly afraid of being shit out of luck and up the creek without a paddle being chased by japanese killer wasps so I collect my hard earned money so I could manage at least a year in a household of my own with no income so if things go south for me I have a piggy bank to mooch off.
Because I sure as fuck don't have a cute 2D-waifu to live on.

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Highest it's ever been.
Bout to go back down to normal with the deposits on this house, though.

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It's nice to know I could've sent all 4 of them along with me if that was how much it'd cost.
After getting a mortgage soon I won't be able to though and that'd be a much better use of my money.

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>have 150 buck in account
someone end my suffering

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~$140,000 in bank, own home (~$950,000, I live in an extremely expensive city) with no mortgage. I'm doing okay.
Granted, the majority of that is from my folks, but I make around 100k so I'm still fine.

everybody too pussy to post a ss of their bank account?

Not even enough for rent.

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>she sees an anime much worse than her own

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You're not allowed to save money on NEETbucks, so I'm encouraged to blow it.

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Whats your name and where do you live

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That's actually pretty cheap, compared to just the fees for climbing the Mt Everest, which is like 20k.

10.000 Yen?

>when your waifu sees how much you are wasting on anime figurines

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>He doesn't siphon away his NEET-bux

I don't want the federal government to kill me.

What, afraid of the N.E.E.T. squad breaking down your door?


Less than my rent..

I want to fuck this little girl.

I'm hoarding money because i'm deadly afraid of becoming homeless. I won't show it to those money hungry bitches though.

Umm. I pay only $690 for my house mortgage, insurance and property taxes. The thing is I am in a city of 100k within a hour drive a of more then 1 mil pop city. Ouch.

No Japanese wife for you.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.07_[2018.02.15_19.46.33].jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

>$2500 in monthly expenses.
What the fuck

My rent is $2600. My '''city''' only has a population of about 50k but is in the top 5 densest places in the US. You're living the dream my friend.

>29 yo with only 10k in bank, two 60k offices and a 350k house.

She will spit me in the face

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I just ordered a lot of stuff get off my back

Consider the following per month
>$700 in house/insurance/taxes
>$400 in car
>$70 phone
>$70 internet
>$200 food and water(ish)
>$500 HELOC (home loan to fix shit, think as second mortgage)
>$400 Credit cards (paying off medical shit thrown on cards)
>Misc other costs
It can add up.
See pic my friend, freedom is yours if you want to work for it. I'd honestly help but I have 0 trust in people posting in Yea Forums as you do.

Attached: Cheap winter home.png (1010x790, 559K)

>people with full careers still posting on Yea Forums
sad, but admirable, but also sad

And how are you supposed to make a living in fucking nowhere?

What's your age m8?

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Meh, Once I hit 40 I will go for a 20 year old women. What do I have to offer? Nothing besides a house, no debt, stability but hey, I am a crazy person on Yea Forums right?

>withdraw cash
>stash it at home

Living? hah, with enough money you can retire or work shit jobs after a few years of that over expensive rat race shit.

Living in fucking nowhere sucks.

>need to spend it
>paper trail of however much you saved magically appears out of nowhere

Reminder that IRL girls like that will grow bored of you after a couple years no matter how much of a good house-husband you are, and will unflinchingly drop you like a used rag for a new man just for the novelty.

>13k saved up
>Only worked for 10 months a year ago before going back to studying

Too bad Americains want their children to leave the house ASAP, it's a very good way to save up easily

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Don't bully.
Paying a house it's hard

I have only 90 bucks, making me the victor

Is that what your incel friends are telling?

It's just an insin who can't find one for herself.

No, it's what I know from first-hand experience.

>tfw 20k in bank

Gotta use it to live off of for the next 2 years to afford medical school....

Coming from who?

Unfortunately I trapped myself into the rat race, at least for the moment. One day.


>Reminder that IRL girls
Stopped reading.

That's the correct takeaway

>Total Deposit Accounts $21,798.83
>Credit score of 780

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cash inflow $0
savings $0
expenses $0

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Living the dream