Do you like when irl series show anime in any way?

Do you like when irl series show anime in any way?

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Not particularly.

i don't care what mutts do

the office is an unfunny show

only when they are showing it in a way to make fun of somebody or in subtle ways like in the intro of malcom in the middle

So is every comedy anime. What's your point?

I don't like shows referencing other shows


Only if it isn't the out of touch writers going "DUDE DRAGON BALL / SAILOR MOON / POKEMON LMAO"

No. And the only time I ever hear about it is when you faggots mention it.

Wow what a looser


Where I can see that one? Just curious.

I've never seen it. I don't think anime is mainstream enough for that.

>I don't think anime is mainstream enough for that.

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What's to like?


are you... in denial or just living under a rock for the last 20 years?

"Muh references" are for Yea Forums and Yea Forums subhumans.

Let the normalfags see Anime like this, not that their opinions matter, they'd think ill of it anyway

I've never seen anybody saying anime in any media or irl. I wouldn't know the existence of anime if it weren't for the internet.

probably because you don't talk to anyone or care about media

Are you a hikki?

30 Rock's daki joke with Franco was funny.

Maybe it's only like this in where I live but I still don't think anime is something that everybody and their mothers know.

How am I supposed to know this?

this is objectively false

i can't tell if this is fake or not

Its not, in fact here’s a better one from the same show

Yeah because anime fans totally don't fall for that

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Shame that they got a cheap knockoff daki instead of a legit one

I don't watch TV but I know they're only going to use lame shit anyway.

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Is this a deleted scene or something?

Yes, blueray exclusive

> Watching westernshit
> watching muttshit in particular
Please leave normalfriend.

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nah it's pretty funny a lot of the time.


>silly character says something silly
>other character looks into the camera and makes this face

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Better question, what's the most obscure show you've seen referenced in western live-action media?

Then why are you on this board? Get out!

It shouldn't exist. Almost none of us watch shows like these. The normalfags who watch The Office will see an anime reference and cringe because "muh weebs".

>characters say funny shit
that's why it's funny user....
Fat jokes and inappropriate behavior will always be funny obviously it got pretty shit later but there are some genuinely funny scenes.

I don't like anime.

I watch it when I'm free. I don't go around saying shitty jap cartoons are better than actual quality shit. Don't be a fucking weeb.

Based 2016 newfriend.

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