Episode 8 of autistic Nagoya catgirl is out npw.
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i love it
Time for weekly cute cat.
>wrong hole!
The cat is quite a reader, smart pussy.
Pretty /fa/.
extremely cute socks
very cute overalls
8/10 points, would give more if she color coordinated a bit better
What the fuck man, rip in peace soup stock.Probably isekai'd like that one vending machine.
Was expecting this, thanks.
cute nibbling
Still need an edit for this one from last week my man.
Max cute.
So that's what her hairstyle is supposed to be.
This lazy lobster can't even get out of bed.
dumb slut slept through the shopping trip, what a bad friend
Cat butt
His shirt has a cat design on it.
I want to ____ Yatogame
I really like the ED, does anyone know when we're getting the full version?
>this cat will never cling to you
6000 hours in paint.
You know what to do, visit nagoya.
I want to lick her legs.
Is it just me, or does that cyan silhouette look like a certain camp girl with a hair bun?
I am studying in Nagoya right now and this anime hits too close to home
Nothing in nagoya for her to camp.
Still I have to agree, just look at that voluminous scarf.
I tried.
Do cute catgirls really roam the streets of Nagoya?
I was just joking in spirit of the anime, but yeah, I agree she looks like shiburin.I wonder if she had her travels there and the director is just piling up characters from nagoya area.
I love the faces in this show.
i feel bad you made it transparent after i fucked up the crop (missed the top part of her hair)
but i'm too lazy to go back now so thank you
Literally me.
>tfw no Nagoya catgirl gf to go on dates to not!akiba
why even live
Got you senpai.
Overalls are the most advanced clothing for young females.
Deleted last post, full body. Off to sleep.
Soup stock vending machine sounds pretty convenient actually
>user you're such a virgin!
My girlfriend Tadakusa from Gifu would never say such a thing.
Nice catch. That's cute.
You've been playing too much Idolmaster, user.
I love how she just decided it's too late anyway and went back to sleep.
Wow, what did I ever do to her to deserve that?
Virgins are known exactly for doing nothing to girls to deserve this title.
Time to change this then.
Literally me.
Fucking bully.
Why does everyone hate virgins now?
What have they ever done to anyone?
Other than shitposting.
Dumb cat
We hate ourselves.
speak for yourself
my dick only gets hard to 2d , i wouldn't fuck any 3dpd if they offered
there is absolutely nothing wrong with being alone user and sex is not something anyone on this planet "needs"
>it's already tuesday
>ywn go to Nagoya
I would never find an autistic catgirl there anyway so there would be no point.
i'd tell you to go for the soup vending machine but even that is gone now
Do idols really perform in shopping malls?
if zombie land saga taught me anything it's that "guerrilla lives" are a thing
She made it so that he got to go on a date with the autistic catgirl hick. Total bro.
God this show is so cute, I wish it was longer.
How many nipples does Yatogame have? Are they like a humans or a cats nips?
she sure was hyped
a shame really, those sound pretty good, too. all I can get are shitty snacks which don't sate your hunger at all
I can't believe how great lobster girls are.
I wanna sniff cat ass!
You watched Locodol right?
Better not look at it again after you wake up.
Procreation is the main reason animals have for being, user.
> wanting to have children
gross and a massive drain on the planet
what other shows or characters have lesser used accents
Wrong. Procreation is the main reason animals continue to exist, it is not the reason they exist for. Unless they're used for animal husbandry.
what a dork