Would you watch an anime about cute pregnant girls?

I would but only if they all have loving husbands.

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I'd watch an anime about cute housewives getting together for cute adventures.

I would if theya re rsina

Already saw it, including the part where the husband was raped in order to impregnate her.

10/10 would watch again.


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Pregnancy is legitimately disgusting in every dimension.

Only correct answer

>read Wombs
>hell yeah, sci-fi alien pregnancy shit
>none of it is fappable
>end up reading it for the story

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>Would you watch an anime
fuck no.

>Pregnancy is legitimately disgusting in every dimension.

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as long as they look like this, not like that

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Want this, too

This. Literal parasite growing inside a woman and feeding off her life essence.

As it should be. A pregnant belly is a good indication that one should keep it in their pants until the process is over. Thank God it looks unattractive.

So many mentally ill victims on Yea Forums..

Talho's pregnancy subplot in Eureka Seven was pretty good because of the changes it caused both in her and in Holland.

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Unironically Yes

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only if it doesn't involve worst girls/meme girls/trash like op pic.

>meguhater seething because the loli is popular

>autsistic personality

>Would you watch an anime about cute pregnant girls?
>but only if they all have loving husbands.

>seething and having tunnel vision because a girl is more popular than the one you like
top kek

So many people who aren't from Yea Forums, on Yea Forums..


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the whole series is shit, don't like any characters

I read a vn about cute pregnant girls. Does that count?

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As long as it doesn't end up like Spotted Flower

>This shit again

Yeah, so many pregnancy hating trannies and faggots crossposting from /lgbt/ I guess.

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>Hentai tagged pregnant
>It's only a 5 second shot at the end


Oh, time tobgovsee if any more visionaries been drawing the waifu pregnant.

Even though shes a android

God bless em, everyone

Now I just need some pregnant suika and I'll be golden

God yes. The other fetishists are getting their anime, when is it our turn? Pregnancy is the most erotic thing in the known universe. Anime pregnancy is that much better because it doesn't have to come with all the nasty side effects.

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>fap to it anyway out of desperation

>being a pedo
>letting your sick proclivities pick the worst girl

Going to need the source boss

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Only if the women are Japanese and men are either Korean or Chinese.

You have to go back.

Kuro chan Chi no Oshiire ga Tsukaenai Riyuu

Btw she isn't actually pregnant.

>Only if the women are Elves and the men are either Orcs or Goblins.

fixed that 4u m8

The only thing disgusting in every dimension here is you faggot.

Yes, goyim hate pregnancy, love immigrants.

>There will never be an anime about a very pregnant housewife and the shenanigans she gets into with her also pregnant friends while their husbands are at work.
Unless Okusan and her friends all get knocked up at the same time.

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Darling would have to have balls of steel for that.

pregnant housewives doesn't do anything, they lie down or sit down and can't fucking go anywhere.

You have to go dilate.

>Doujin tagged pregnant
>It's only lightly implied

A Eureka pregnancy would have been better.

Okusan anime when ?

The wives in Okusan already don’t do a whole lot, they could probably do similar things while pregnant. Except for going to the gym, they probably can’t do that.

They are already thick as hell, it wouldn't change that much.

I mean, that happened in Eureka Seven AO but we don't talk about it

I only watched a couple of episodes of that, how bad did it get? I remember seeing the ending clip of bad ass Renton.

>implying worst and best girl are not subjective to each individual and discussing about it will go nowhere
kek top

>rock baby

dont make me fucking remember that legit dumpster fire

>implying your subjective opinion isn't objectively wrong
>implying you aren't also a homosexual

Only if they are magical babies.

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What is this? How to make arguments by an edgy teen 101?
KEK. I really recommend you getting out of this skte before the mods know you are underage

Eureka Seven AO was a jumbled mess of plotlines that never really came together. As far as I recall, it had

-A whole Okinawa independence subplot
-Coralians have landed on an alternate dimension earth and people are using Trapar as a power source
-transdimensional aliens have been showing up for the past 400 years to keep the timelines from fucking up
-Eureka drops her son off in this dimension for some reason

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>I would but only if they all have loving husbands.
Last episode reveals that all of them got knocked up by their friendly neighborhood mail man. Of course their husband stays ignorant of that fact until the very end. And they all live happily ever after.

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That didn't happen. If there was a sequel, having Eureka become pregnant in it and possibly a few time skips after the birth would be a good idea, but always focused on Eureka and Renton.

Calm down,Abe

Miwa lost a bunch of weight. Which I guess she’d gain back if she got pregnant, especially if it was at the same time as Okusan who would definitely use it as an excuse to eat a lot.

Pregnant girls are only cute if you're the one who made them pregnant.

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I need an anime about mpreg.

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Damn now you are making me want pregnant reverse traps.

Womb was strange in all kinds of ways. And it didn't raise my fetish boner either.

>pregnant reverse trap lolis (shotas?)


>The one mangaka who likes to put pregnant women in all his series can't draw bellies for shit

a real monkey's paw situation, that one

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I'm grateful to Uma Musume for those

Hey that's a pretty cute tum tum.

I would like to see a cgdct show where the main girls go through their entire lives from lolis to old ladies.

Pregnancy leads to taking responsibility and marriage. Marriage is the last thing that will ever happen to a herbivore harem protagonist.


Watching shows about pregnancies is the ultimate form of cuckery.
Their viewer is no different than eunuchs of harems who are there to entertain women.
People who chastise JoJo are the ones who scorn masculinity.
Why would you give them an equal ground in discussion.
They are scum.

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>Anime of a couple that got married and after finally getting their own house she gets pregnant and the anime covers them dealing with the pregnancy and their joy as their child doesn't look like a clone of the parents and is healthy.
I'd watch it.
>Anime deals with teen getting pregnant and struggling in modern Japan in which that's frown upon
I don't want suffering.
>Emergence but only during the pregnancy part and a quick flashback of the shit she went through
I'd kill myself.

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Have sex.

Remember that hentai where MC raped a pregnant woman? Shit was cash.

On last years' Pretty Cure we had 2 births

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I have literally gotten erect at watching women give birth

Lol it's the "having children is the ultimate cuckuldry" incel. Don't go whining about how "children bad!" just because no woman wants to bare you any. Have sex, retard.

>hentai tagged gender bender
>it's futa
This genuinely makes me seethe

Only if they were constantly pregnant

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eh those anal mods at e-h also hate it

Only if the cute pregnant girl is a tsundere in high school.


I would watch a romcom in which a pervert MC gets his tsundere childhood friend pregnant in high school (on purpose).

>finds out she's pregnant a few episodes later

I need more female-on-male baby-making rape

Attached: shota gets raped by evil vampire twin sister for the sole purpose of procreation.webm (720x480, 2.49M)

With the pregnancies overlapping.

Does anyone have that hyper preg of megumim pic?

Jog my memory, user.

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Wasn't that "Rape! Rape! Rape!"?

I have this Megumin

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yeah, sure
most anime only give it an episode or two (exception being franxx, but it wasn't that much in focus anyway)
it could be an interesting topic to build upon

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Why stop at just her, and not his entire harem?

also, I asume such anime would exclusively be SoL type, I don't think that many people would enjoy it

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although now that I think about it you could perhaps pull some weird metaphorical plot where only pregnant women could pilot the mech
and then make a mecha anime centered around pregnancy and all the like

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If it's lewd enough they would. At least one sex scene where the girl gets pregnant too.

>make a mecha anime centered around pregnancy

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Well the tsundere can be the main girl he has (the most) pregnancy sex with and also is the last to get pregnant. Preferably she is the loli-like shana clone as well.
That’s some good editing.

It's alright.

Teen pregnancy is pretty devastating in Japan. It would probably work better if it was a romcom about a college age tsundere who accidentally gets knocked up after a casual hookup. Bonus points for a statistically unlikely amount of kids at once, like five.

A male MC with a harem all desperate to get pregnant so they can pilot mechs like they always wanted? Maybe starting with some already pregnant so mechs can be in use. Instead of having some people die for new girls to take their places, their children are born to remove them from combat temporarily and giving the others a chance,

I know an anime with a VN like that, but it wasn't a childhood friend.

>Bonus points for a statistically unlikely amount of kids at once, like five.
Bonus points if that was the result of some supernatural shit.

Just as long as she looks like a shana clone (flat chest, short body, ect.) and the person that knocked her up was a childhood friend of hers that is also a massive pervert with a pregnancy fetish. Also the maximum amount of babies a woman can be pregnant with is 11.

Name of it?

>Bonus points for a statistically unlikely amount of kids at once, like five.
Bonus points for getting ecchi scenes during the 9th month. Like struggling to get her newest bra or bikini top to fit over her swollen tits.

>Like struggling to get her newest bra or bikini top to fit over her swollen tits.
But what if she is flat Chested and is confused about why her breasts are still not growing even when her belly is super large.

Have her just not wear one then.
Especially if she is still flat chested.

That's 100% soft peen material. No bueno.

She’s gotta start developing some boobs especially if she’s carrying 5-10 kids. She can be confused about actually needing bras now.

Funnier if she one of those characters that looks like a loli/extremely young so people keep thinking her boyfriend is a pedophile that knocked up a kid. Imagine having to explain to the cops about that.

Bonus points if she lactates like crazy when she has sex in the later months of her pregnancy.

They had an entire episode devoted to having a healthy pregnancy as well. But I cannot forget my daughteru giving birth. It just seems so wrong.

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Do they show the character with a big belly at all?

only if it were yuri

Just like a real japanese man

>mecha anime centered around pregnancy
already a thing

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>Bonus points for a statistically unlikely amount of kids at once, like five.
Osomatsu-kun/san prequel about Matsuyo when she was pregnant with the sextuplets when

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Nah, lower to being middle school.

Hell yeah I would, literally my strongest fetish that blasts away all others. Can't stand that hyper inflation shit that effects pregnancy art alot though.
I can get down with that wholesome shit too. As far as I'm concerned people who fear pregnant bellies are louts with degenerated characters.
like this faggot.
Enjoy. Best doujin has actually has preg from start to finish thst I've ever seen.

Not that user but yes. They obscure it from view when she first appears as an adult in the epilogue, then it's revealed in a panning shot. Her bump's also there the whole time she's giving birth (and the OP music is played over it). I was a little shocked by how long it was.

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no no no you filth

>upbeat OP music playing over a drawn out birth scene
Just going by the fact I'm posting in this thread, I am clearly into all kinds of weird shit. But that sounds like it would be a weird scene.

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It was a little bizarre, yeah. Not the best quality but here: youtube.com/watch?v=z9m7oEjt2MI

Of course Blue and Yellow girls there are her best friends, and the man helping with the delivery is a reformed villain that Blue helped. I thought that aspect was sweet.

>pregnant lolis and JCs piloting mechas
>battle shounen about who gets the harem for breeding pregnant pilots
>MC is a hermaphrodite that can't impragnate nor get impregnated
>rape arc where girl wants to abort because she feels defiled but can't because she has to fight
>lesbian arc
>pregnant MILF undefeatble pilot gets defeated pregnant with her 12th kid
>twin rivalry arc, one twin gets preggo with other one's bf so she doesn't have to fight, other twin in blind rage fucks entire enemy platoon and fights her twin sister
the script just writes itself

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>>rape arc

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it can't be helped
it's such a staple cliche in sny pregnancy/abortion debate that it would be rude to leave it out
to pander female empowerment they can just
>give girl oportunity to demasculate the rapist
>get him to rethink his life choices and join MC in his struggle to beat the system
>give girl every choice to abort
>give girl the empowering speach why she will keep the baby
and everyone is happy

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>Pregnant Tag
>It's actually just inflation

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That would be pretty funny. Of course that can happen during her early pregnancy, if she’s having that many kids she’ll get much bigger earlier on. But towards the end when she starts getting huge, she’d fill out a lot more.

Quit imaging being pregnant and just make it happen. Except the horse obviously.

I wish a cute, sweet guy would do that to me


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Bitch if we can make Monogatari series, an anime where people literally only talk for hours, a massive success we surely can make an anime about pregnant women woes in the form of cute anime girls doing cute things.

ok, muhammad

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It's hard for a female centaur to rape a human male, only time I've seen it happen is
>[Ahobaka] Tadashii Uma no Shitsukekata | The Proper Way to Train a Horse (Girls forM Vol. 07)
>[Kuroshiki] Ja Ja Uma Sailor Fuku | Wild Horse In A School Uniform (Bessatsu Comic Unreal Monster Musume Paradise Vol. 2)

You disgust me.

>cute pregnant girls?

And I suppose this will take an airbrushed look at all the ills and ugly discomforts a pregnant woman faces in her daily tasks?

>morning sickness
>swollen ankles and other aches and pains from the extra weight
>constant need to pee
>unwanted lactation
>irrational mood swings
>decreased mobility because of the bulge

I'm sure some woman can chip in with other things they cry about during gestation but overall it really is not as 'cute' and pretty as some people think from all their naivety and overall santised view of the world.

I need a bit more context for this one.

>Early pregnancy
>flat as a board
>People think she’s a loli
>later pregnancy
>boobs make up for lost time
>grows some genuine cowtits
>people still think she’s a loli

>>morning sickness
>implying I don't get turned on by vomiting

>>swollen ankles and other aches and pains from the extra weight

>implying the extra weight wouldn't be hot

>>constant need to pee
>implying I wouldn't drink the piss

>>unwanted lactation
>implying I wouldn't drink the milk

>>irrational mood swings
this could be annoying in 3D, but would probably be fine in 2D

>>decreased mobility because of the bulge
also cute

>pregnant lolis


>Lina Medina, from the Ticrapo District of Peru, gave birth by cesarean section in Lima at age 5 12. The infant was a 2.64 kg (5.8 lb), 47.5 cm (18.7 in) boy named Gerardo. Medina's parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital in late March, where she was then found to be 7 months pregnant. By interrogating her parents, the doctors understood that Medina had entered into precocious puberty (when hormone glands are activated earlier than normal) very early after her birth.[1][2][3][4][5] Although Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse, he was later released due to lack of evidence, and the baby's biological father was never identified.[1][4]

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I rather her belly being always way larger the the breasts or she stays flat until after she gives birth. Also everything thinks her kids are her siblings.

Fun fact the son thought his mother was his older sister for a very long time.

Imagine how painfully and prolong the birth is with her having a loli body and being pregnant with 11 babies. Also imagine how horny she would be.

>>>irrational mood swings
Oh no, anything but that, no girl in the history of anime has ever had irrational mood swings.

when I said loli I was having something in mind of 8 or 9 (when most girls and boys actually start feeling arousal and begin their experimentation with masturbation)
make twin, triplet, quadruplet pregnancies exert more power into the mech
like other user said about max amount of babies in womb being 11, and that girl would achieve madoka-like godhood, a theorethical that scientists are experimenting on creating in order to bring forth actual god that will deliver a baby universe as means to prevent entropy heat death of the universe

>>MC is a hermaphrodite that can't impragnate nor get impregnated
Not making the MC into the guy that is knocking up the girls especially the main girl/loli.

I imagine tsunderes would become more stable and calm when pregnant
Or maybe they'll take that act upto murderous levels. I dont know

tsunderes tend to claim down after pregnancy unless their husband is a giant idiot.

Doesn't Japan have a single mother problem rising through the roof right now?

Why would Abe wanna ruin the family system.

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>Single mother problem
But that's because of the west and toxic feminism, not Abe. He's a pure soul

>His semen traveled from her horse pussy into a uterus in the human body.

This show is dumb on so many levels.

>your, virgin MC
self insert MC that reeks of male powerfantasy that none of us here could achieve
>my, chad MC
literally me and every other guy on this board
irl pussy that acts like a dick, the metaphor is perfect and complete
>that being said
your MC would bring in more shekels[yen], so yeah...

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>Fucking a horse pussy is not bestiality because the front has tits
>Dumb on so many levels that she gets pregnant with a half-horse that bulges out of her human stomach
You dont say

>But that's because of the west and toxic feminism,

I've seen this excuse many times user. But I would like to see a manga focus on single motherhood and finding through the ways to struggle in Japan.

May be the baby is so big it extends from the horse uterus up to the human one.

I think that was just some combination of her imagination with lack of intelligence and not knowing an easier way to show her pregnant.

Inflation, stuffing and hyper preg infuriates me so much

Your MC is a genetic dead end that cannot reproduce or breed. Also a real chad would choose just one girl to impregnate with over and over.(I prefer the tsundere lolis)

Actually wouldn't she have two wombs.

We need a separate tag for pregnancy sex.

I like the boyfriend dies in battle and leaves pregnant girlfriend trope. Is my favorite

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seeing how we are talking about pregnancy I am going to leave this here.

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Youre welcome

>I like the boyfriend dies in battle and leaves pregnant girlfriend trope.

That's a pretty dumb trope user.

my MC would have a morally superior objective than yours, but whatever
I'd personaly preffer kuudere lolis instead of tsuns
ya know, idea of shy and quiet lolis/JCs asking politely to get pegged while stuttering profusely gets my dick hard more than "baka user! I'm not fucking you because I like you or anything, I just want to become war machine that's all"

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Fucked up link, sorry

simple, requires "one person" with "two souls" aka while the umbilical cord is attached.

Is very romantic

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Only if it showed the men getting annoyed but reluctantly being forced to do the wife's bidding.


any MC I would write would only give a shit about his tsundere loli love interest (who would be a childhood friend as well) on a yandere level, he would be trying to knock her up her, even after getting her pregnant.

want to see the meme the AgK!fags made in response to this meme?

Come on, its just nigger behaviour with a 'but he dead!' excuse

It is but not really. It's just spells bad end for the mother and child.

>Birth episode
>it’s a tough process but eventually all 11 are born.
>That should be the end but the studio orders more seasons.
>Next season, she’s gotten a lot curvier from the pregnancy, wide hips proper boobs and the right amount of thicc.
>She’s still residually horny
>Inhuman fertility strikes again
>doctor says she must be made for pumping out as many kids as possible, because this time she’s having twelve.

Yuri pregnancy much superior than Vanilla pregnancy

Soon humanity will same sex pregnancies as the future.


It's Blood+ Episode 32.

Basically the shota has an immortal vampire adoptive sister (the MC), and the MC has an immortal vampire twin sister who's evil/crazy because of a shitty childhood (locked in a cage and experimented on for 50 years).

The way vampires work in this setting is that they always give birth to twin girls, and if one of the twins comes into internal contact with the blood of the other twin (e.g. through a cut or ingestion), their blood and body crystallizes and that twin shatters.

By feeding their blood to human males, a twin can create half-vampiric servants called chevaliers that carry their blood and have some type of power. They also die from the blood of the other twin, but they can't kill the other twin with their blood. To make babies, a twin mates with a chevalier of the other twin.

The twin sister for various reasons has a predatory obsession with the shota, to the point she finds him alone initially and kills him. The MC brings the shota back to life as a chevalier, but he's physically weak due to his age.

Later in the story, the twin sister through some chain of events decides she wants to have babies. This leads to her tracking down the MC and her shota brother on a boat. The shota tries to run away from her, but eventually she corners him in a cargo hold while the MC isn't there to protect him (that's where the webm starts). She then takes off her clothes, forcibly kisses him, tells him not to be afraid because she'll make him "her thing" and then rapes him off-screen until she's pregnant.

When the MC finds him, he's naked lying on the ground with a blank expression on his face crystallized and in the process of shattering. The twin tells the MC about how she's carrying his baby and how she fed him her blood afterwards to kill him.

>Yuri pregnancy

even better because she and her boyfriend were having pregnancy sex (because the pregnancy is making her uncontrollably horny to the point her body acts on it's own.) so she got knocked up even when while she was pregnant, so she is having overlapping pregnancies.

Female/female pregnancy is very possible in the near future. It will take a century where female can be able impregnate females. If animals can do it why not humans.

this is the kind of answer the people who can't see themselves impregnating someone give

not by just rubbing your vaginas together.

Am grill, user

you know the rules

I'm not that new. You're just gonna have to believe me.

I feel like although this whole topic is shitpost extravaganza it could easily spawn not only a series but also a spinoff (or two)
>I had a revelatory idea
hermaphrodite MC is one of test subjects whose semen in male phase (first half of the show) is being milked to create embryos without his knowledge, the irony being although not having a harem or participating in male duels for breeding rights he alone fathered more children than all other males combined
in second phase (second cour or season with moderate timeskip) when they transition him into a female with weak but miraculously functionong oovaries, is used to farm oova, after 17 months of farming (s)he gets implanted with 13 fertilised embryos from her oova and his semen
(s)he gets preggo with 11 kids, reaches godhood but instead of going through with generic evil scientist plans like reaching imortality, gives birth to new universe and reincarnates everyone into slugs
your plot could easily be an entire subplot, albeit I might preffer your MC being capable of fucking every other girl out of duty but can't for the life of him get the love of his life preggo because of her tsundere personality
your story, your decision

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It has worked believe me. The female mice and lizards have done so can humans.

Pregnancy would lead to so many new ecchi scenarios that I'm stunned no schmuck has done it already. We got the foot fetish manga and the smell manga and virtually everything else except wholesome couples starting wholesome families.

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female mice and lizards can autoimpregnate but can only give birth to more girls
we can already female/female pregnancies
take one's egg, take the other one's stem cell and differenciate it into sperm cell
stick one to another
badda bim badda bum you get a gay baby

Thanks good user. Blood+ is heck of a show.

Explain more continue.

She doesn't have a human pussy up front, just the horse pussy in back.

Attached: only a horse pussy.jpg (1920x1078, 344K)

To be honest My MC and his tsundere love interest are being saved for another story I want to write at some point that is basically will be a deconstruction of the very concept of an isekai, I am talking about the very concept of going to another world from Earth (in this case a very powerful cyperpunk Earth), though though what you said basically describes their relationship.

Also the tsundere is a massive prudish "wait until marriage" type and the only thing keeping the MC moral. She is also a bigot towards anything not human.

Just leave this here...


Do a little research and you might find that some kind anons have fully translated it and posted it somewhere easily accessible.

This doesn't seem wholesome enough for me

It's fine, there's no anal, can't make babies that way.

>Being dead is an excuse
I see your daddy never came back with those cigarettes.

>no cute pregnancy anime
>every hentai with pregnancy is either alien/non-human or rape
Abe can't revive the birth rate like this

Attached: cute.png (3116x1768, 2.07M)

>wants to wait till marriage

"okay, will you marry me?"

bam, what she gonna do?

But how can they have preggo sex if the boyfriend is dead.

lmao that is the most cuckold loving idea that I have ever heard


so do you plan to put pregnancy plot or?
I have no idea how people talk or think so writting an LN would be impossible for me and I'm just throwing shitposts all around but I'm really down for some pregnancy focused story that isn't the generic miracle of life deal

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You mean they can't have preggo sex? or how did the bf impregnate the girl

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.... what?
this is just stupid

And what is this, Burrito'd?

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>he doesn't know about Mexican halfbreeds

Attached: fucking pleb.png (398x307, 164K)

THat's a good idea, though they are in middle school when they get transported to the isekai world the and the tsundere is the grand daughter of the CEO of the most powerful mega corp. that makes profit from harvesting other universes for energy and matter to extend the life of the universe. There is also the problem with everyone in this earth using artificial wombs to grow children, though my MC and the his tsundere love interest will have their kids naturally.
possibly, also the MC's extreme urge to breed with the love of his life so early and his yandere behavior is because he is the result of a succubus demon fucking an elf king then escaping to the cyberpunk earth when the queen found out(because the queen found out she was being cucked and because races of both dark magic are not allowed to mix) also the MC has a shit ton of siblings.

Hey, a pic from pregfag.


no i get the what and why, but the way they are talking is just the most unnatural dialogue.

Such is the life of 3rd world race fetishists

Wow, what a waste

No, just good old trip to Mexico.

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He doesn't even make the belly large enough.

We can go bigger.

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>You mean they can't have preggo sex?
This one.

those are some strong ass unborn babies.

I just realized I've never seen this kind of pic with Tsuneki.

Attached: ironic.png (500x374, 191K)

I want to see more of Yukarin being bullied!

Amazing how this dumb meme still gets posted after all these years.

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Sorry, all the bigger ones I could think of already got posted.

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Sucks i know but you can always have your closest buddy do it to honor you

Attached: [golumpa] mobile suit gundam_ iron-blooded orphans s2 - 10 [funidub 720p x264 aac] [66e1f2be].mkv[20 (1366x768, 1013K)

Though when the Main character of my story does get his tsundere childhood freind love love interest pregnant, they are going to have LOTS of vaginal pregnancy sex thought the entire pregnancy.

>ITT: Some faggot who will never reproduce

Also the MC and his love interest are NEVER apart from each other, ever.

Exactly, none of these perverted virgins have a clue what they're talking about and hopefully never will. I could talk about common things like the feeling of losing control of your body and so on, but there's no point

How could someone have such a wrong opinion?

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>losing control of your body

Something like hips moving on their own?

No? Pregnancy is disgusting

Luckily it's becoming obsolete

I actually have a notebook full of drawings for my own stories.

The irony here will be this waste of air will get some local gutter turbocrust preggers.

Would Megumin survive childbirth?

Of course she would. Why, you're afraid that she would explode?

I heard that the artist for that book was actually pregnant when she drew it.

So it was a woman, that explains the bad anatomy.

Rubbing cute baby bumps!

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I'm sure she can handle it. Besides Aqua can just cast heal anyway.

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>no ecchi preggo anime with navel sucking
I've gone too deep.

Attached: 190.jpg (876x1278, 306K)

>>rape arc

Attached: get_out.gif (300x365, 40K)

>limbs inflate as well

Attached: qb_wrong.png (500x500, 77K)

>not liking enema inflation
It's godtier but you're just put off by the autism associated with the western style balloon shit.

And holding cute babies when they're born!

Attached: 006.png (797x1200, 228K)

More like not making the hermaphrodite twice as potent as the most alpha Chad.

>unless their husband is a giant idiot

Why do you think they married the tsundere in the first place?

>navel sucking

Where's my fucking ova by Hoods that has a scene of a innie navel being sucked into an outie. It's not fair only inverted nipples get to enjoy this type of stuff in anime.


>never show the girl heavily pregnant.
Why do manga authors do this.

Attached: mine.jpg (1280x1622, 161K)

>Futa pregnancy much superior than Vanilla pregnancy


>she corners him

BS! He had plenty of space to evade and run!

fuck off /u/

>a massive prudish "wait until marriage" type

That's not being a prude, that's just basic propriety. Not keeping it within wedlock = doing it WRAWNG!

>She is also a bigot towards anything not human.

Isn't she a bit young to be bigoted against her own kind?

Preg girl is best girl

a drawing I made for a commission

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SEETHING roastoid

glowing eyes, she was clearly using some vampire mojo on him.

Less talking more posting pregnant animé girls you fucks

Not him but that shit is disgusting


Attached: anime-gosick-pregnant-18.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Maybe not that, but she always seemed to be much better at anything physical that Saya, and he was young, weak and scared.

It's not cute, even in 2D. Inflated bellies with a creature feasting inside is just always going to be weird.

Besides, half the point of most anime we watch is to admire cute virgin females, and the cuteness and virginity kinda goes out the window if they're preggo.

Housewives who lost their virginity after marriage are just as cute as virgin girls.

The most important part is the impregnation itself.

>the feeling of losing control of your body

No wonder women hate men.

Yeah that stuff is amazing but you don't get to see that.

I'm an xx chromosome person and the thought of getting preg turns me on so fucking much. This shit is primal. It's been my fetish since before I even hit puberty.

If they were creative enough, we could have scenes with implied or tasteful sex then a more metaphorical race or battle shown after.

>It's not cute, even in 2D.

Hard disagree on that.

Spare me the rationalization!


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I can understand if it's your waifu but random preggos? No way, it's not even supposed to be attractive. Nature's letting you know you need to search out someone who's not already knocked up.

>It's been my fetish since before I even hit puberty.

Attached: wut.png (665x598, 92K)

You're not familiar with premature maturbation?
All it takes is one tingle and you realize that humping your cootchie against the door in a certain way can recreate that tingle.

She is a human herself though, in fact she is from Earth too, the bigotry is another reason why she is tsundere, because the main character isn't actually human himself (his mother is a demon and his father is an elf, his mother came to earth before she gave birth to him)

based jap poster

The sad part is the first time he saw Diva he originally thought she was Saya, but then she drank all his blood and nearly killed him. Then he gets raped by his sister look-a-like before getting perma-killed.

Check the wiki, the LN clarifies why he couldn't run away.
>In the light novel adaptation, it's explained that something in Diva's eyes causes the Chevalier blood in Riku to react with a "maddening desire" that causes him to be incapable of escaping or physically resisting Diva's actions.

So he was doomed to be raped the moment Diva laid eyes on him.

I don't care that this is fake, holy shit I want a woman like that.

>tl;dr the devil made him do it

An excuse as old as time itself, and it's just as BS now as it was back then.

That doesn't make your mind fixate on things.


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story ended up being shit too
>No I must fight the robots
>No mana you are the aliens
>and then mana was an alien

The only cool part was the basic training they went through it's just like fuckin "Full Metal Jacket" basic training part is more interesting than the actual "combat" part.

Is Yui secretly the most thirsty girl for Rito dick?

The irony is pregnancy is the process in which your dumbass got here, or maybe I could be wrong and you just fell out of your Dad's boyfriends ass you fucking obnoxious piece of shit.

Yes, but only if they all have loving husbands (female).

>high teen pregnancy
>extremely low birth rate
pick one


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Gas all purityfags.

So why aren't you getting bred right now, you little sow?

Is that a troll scanslation?

God I wish there was more wholesome pregnancy in hentai

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Considering it's a woman posting on Yea Forums it either means, she's already got kids or is to ugly or autistic to get any

All of those fat horses, and Cygames couldn't even bother to try to feature the one horse who explicitly enjoys giving everyone sweets. It's still a tragedy.

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All you can get is 1-page at the end for most of them.

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Tell me about it, it's all just rape, mindbreak, tentacles etc.

Only if it's yuri pregnancy. is the greatest piece of fiction ever created.

Thank You, shame that manga ended too soon. I hope more artists and manga continue to learn about yuri pregnancies in general.

Luckily it has a great sequel and the author says she wants to continue making manga set in the same setting, so there will probably be more.

What about an anime about women who were friends in highschool that ignore the forth friend who got knocked up and is struggling to support her little daughter alone.

>He didn't watch shinmai testament

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I knew she was a whore

What a disgusting testament to the latent evil in the universe that men can't actually ejaculate 5 liters worth of semen at once.

>want nothing more than to start a family
>current career path will provide enough to support one
>feels like I'm starting too late and that by the time I've hit a certain income threshold, I'll be "shopping for a mate" more than falling in love
>divorce rate nightmare
>just want to have a nice wife and raise children together
Yet I won't be broken. Suffering is my rain-soaked, thunder-rattled, mountainside path, but the summit is happiness. I will be the strong, doting MC of the pregnancy anime.

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Godspeed, user.

You do not suffer alone, our path is the same. Best of luck, we'll need it.

>Otaku friend invites you to sleepover
>Friend's dad rapes you
>Have rape baby
>Parents disown you
>Friends stop talking to you
>Have to drop out of school to work and support your daughter
>Have to pass off your daughter as your sister so the elementary school won't ask why you're so young.

Season 2 was dark as fuck.

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I'm the same way, I always been interested In pregnancy since I was young and have dreams about being pregnant.

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Both of my older brothers, my dad, and all the other male role models in my life had shit luck with relationships.

Shop away, man. Don't treat this as anything more than a business arrangement and you won't have to worry about getting stabbed in the back and having to drive 40 minutes in highway traffic just to see your 9 year old son for the weekends you're allowed.

You want to have sex with pregnant women, user? That’s what I was alluding to. Wait until the process is over. Don’t wanna disturb the babe, after all.

>Worked two jobs, both with a bunch of middle aged men
>Want to start looking for a girlfriend to seriously date
>They all tell me how lucky I am to be single and to never get married, tell me about how all their wives either hate them after a few years together or left them and took half their shit

Same thing happened to my own father. It just seems like getting married these days is a death trap for men. Maybe I'm better off just accumulating money, playing videogames, working out, and jerking off.
It just gets lonely sometimes.

Only if the pregnant girl had a miscarriage

Are females really interested in pregnancy? What exactly is it that appeals to them?
I've felt a pregnant acquaintance belly kick slightly before and I've since wanted a family. If I wasn't ugly I'd work on that dream

This manga has some the trashiest forced drama I've ever seen. A+ shoujo trash

Every girlfriend I've ever had was clamoring to get pregnant and start a family as soon as they were able, they just instinctually gravitate towards the motherly role.

>yuriniggers ITT
Is there a single thread that you fuckers don't shit up?

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Yuri will always be part of Yea Forums.

Get used to it.

You have your own board though, why do you need to shit up Yea Forums?

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sheesh, going straight for the M rating
now, you said you have a notebook full of drawings
what... kind of drawings are they?

Attached: Save7Be.jpg (700x1006, 542K)

Because they ruined their own board so hard they flee to Yea Forums, kind of like how Mexicans are jumping the border trying to escape the hellhole they've created.

>Edit her pregnant.
>Still flat

True enough, i haven't been to /u/ in a while but last time i checked it was trash.


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Name of the VN?

>sheesh, going straight for the M rating
To be honest the story is suppose to get darker and more fuck up the more the mega Corp invades the fantasy world and twist it into their own image, plus the main villain is suppose to massive spoiled asshole (she is also the mother of the tsundere character)
>you said you have a notebook full of drawings
what... kind of drawings are they?
Drawings of stuff like the robots, weapon, ships races, characters, locations and other stuff that will be in the story. I do not like show my p

Why do you come here Yea Forumstard to shit up on Yea Forums as well. Don't try to be a faggot thinking you own the place. You know Yea Forums has a place of yuri since it's conception.

>the feeling of losing control of your body
But that's the part that turns me on the most.

Seems like crossboarders like you are shitting up Yea Forums as well too. If you wanna play games about board rules we can do that.

>You have your own board though

Are you a retard or what?

If you're implying /pol/shit I've been there once or twice and never looked back. It was just an apt analogy.

>kind of like how liberals are fleeing blue states trying to escape the hellholes they've created



She had triplets.

wow, I managed to super-fuck up that post

Attached: 0RIsGY6.jpg (800x1146, 647K)

>edit her pregnant
>still flat
more like edit her flat, her character is a titty monster after getting cured of her original flatness, that is

huh, I was expecting a notebook filled with pregnancy tanks and preggo sex with tsundere loli in standard degener/a/cy
I bid you good luck with your project then

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Guys I wanna suck on a pregnant girl's navel so bad

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What about pregnant OLs and their younger futa husbands?

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How would you respond to your waifu if she asked you to impregnate her?

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Three children.

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I'd say she's losing her marbles because she's already pregnant

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Double pregnancy

I would but only if the MC is doing the impregnating and not their loving husbands.

>woman get stomach ache
>naw just kidding that never happens, she's preggers
Every fucking time. Its like clockwork and I always hate seeing it. Let a lady be late on her period, or fuck just let her actually get a stomach virus for once. Dropped.

Shinzo Abe need not respond

>liking Eureka Seven

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Abe will hear of this user...

I'm all for magical/impossible pregnancies too.

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Wasn't this the literal only instance of rapid pregnancy in anime?

If they are drawn by SugiG or Yokkora.

Great thread

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>anime where JC gets knocked up and blames it on her sensei (who was already on thin ice with molestation charges)
>but it was actually her brother

Attached: ZaDujKr.jpg (1200x900, 112K)

False and homosexual. It is true that birth is ugly business I'll give you that


No. Why would I watch an anime about a third world country?

> tfw huge 2d only pregnancy / impregnation fetish
> tfw absolutely fucking hate 3dpd and real children

Attached: [WhyNot] Tsuritama - 12 [BD 1080p FLAC][B1F0255C].mkv_snapshot_18.58_[2019.05.22_00.59.49].png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

>tfw user will never knock you up with 11 kids and give you bellyrubs and headpats

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I want to pamper my cute pregnant anime wife so much guys I'm going mental

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That's so cute and hot at the same time.

Attached: It happened, Charles!.png (538x600, 199K)

I wonder, can women develop an addiction to pregnancy? Like they NEED to be pregnant to be happy?

What about this?

A housewife who can't conceive with her husband finds a strange alien that makes it's place in her womb one night. She wakes up with a bigger belly and feels all the symptoms of pregnancy.

As the show progresses, her belly gets bigger and bigger and feels the alien kick inside her. The alien is actually sentient and actually helps the woman out, protecting her from criminals and what not.

It'll be a phantom pregnancy without needing to be actually pregnant.

Is there more art of that? Anime girls that suffer from the effects of pregnancy but aren't pregnant? Like being pregnant with a ghost or something.

There's only one way to find out, user~

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Babies for everyone! (except the otaku MC self-insert, even fat incel gets one. YEY!)

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It's why you don't grab women by their ears.

I would breed my waifu to death.

t. Tomoya

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I forget what anime those two are from.

Closest thing to that is turning baby crazy. Some of my normalfag friends are starting to deal with this, early to mid twenties some of their gfs, fiancees wives just have this switch flipped in their heads where they crave having children despite all logic. Like the original plans they had to become financially stable and get their academic/career plans completed just go out the window because they suddenly NEED to have children ASAP.

Women tend to become more baby crazed the closer they are to Menopause and infertility.

Yes, I need it, Abe please hear my pledges.

Abe will hear our wishes for sure!

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>you will never be raped by your loving wife

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A pregnant woman's body is the pinnacle of femininity

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I once heard from a pregnant girl with a pregnancy fetish that sex was much better when pregnant. I wonder if it’s true?


So will this ever happen again in Precure?

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 49 END.mkv_snapshot_19.14_[2019.03.10_07.41.54].jpg (1280x720, 176K)

I don't think doing that would be safe, Im pretty sure going through that many pregnancies/childbirths is how you get vaginal/uterine cancer. You don't want to kill your waifu do you?

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>Im pretty sure going through that many pregnancies/childbirths is how you get vaginal/uterine cancer

No, it's actually the opposite.

For breast cancer:
>Some pregnancy-related factors have been associated with a reduced risk of developing breast cancer later in life. These factors include:
>Early age at first full-term pregnancy.
>For example, in women who have a first full-term pregnancy before age 20, the risk of developing breast cancer is about half that of women whose first full-term pregnancy occurs after the age of 30.
>Increasing number of births.
>Women who have given birth to five or more children have half the breast cancer risk of women who have not given birth.
>Longer duration of breastfeeding.
>Breastfeeding for an extended period (at least a year) is associated with decreased risks of both hormone receptor–positive and hormone receptor–negative breast cancers.

For other cancers:
>Women who have had a full-term pregnancy have reduced risks of ovarian and endometrial cancers.
>Furthermore, the risks of these cancers decline with each additional full-term pregnancy.

For the effects of fertility drugs:
>Breast cancer: The bulk of the evidence is consistent with no increased risk of breast cancer associated with the use of fertility drugs.
>Ovarian cancer: A 2013 systematic review of 25 studies that included more than 180,000 women found, overall, no strong evidence of an increased risk of invasive ovarian cancer for women treated with fertility drugs.
>Endometrial cancer: Overall, the use of fertility drugs or IVF does not appear to increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

So you should most certainly pump ovulation-inducing drugs into Megumin and knock her up over and over to lower her cancer risk.

Attached: __megumin_kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo_drawn_by_m_da_s_tarou__4bcbf07405860c34fa6c6fc0ea5f6 (1266x1932, 1.83M)

Why bother with drugs at all? Just cast some super fertility spell on Megumin and have her get pregnant with however many kids you want all at once.

I would make it so I can knock her up while she is pregnant so everytime we have pregnancy sex she becomes even more pregnant (and we would have pregnancy sex every single day)

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Yes, but only if they were all very horny.

All anime girls are horny.

Good goy

only if they got pragnen from the other cute girls via stork
i.e. stork delivers uncooked baby and then comes back to deliver it maybe

Does the stork just phase through their body and implant the fetus into their womb? That's not healthy.

I want to keep femanon consistently impregnated for at least an entire decade filled with head pats.

Yes and with Lala since she is confirmed to be an adult

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A pregnant belly filled with headpats sounds terrifying I want to see it.

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Context check.

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So what happened after this?

Aww, that's sweet of you.

Because girls can't do that.

A body which not only produces healthy children, but also exudes the sensation of a warm, familial nade-nade to any persons within a meter radius. This was Abe's ultimate goal. Either that, or it's just an environment which produces children who are physically addicted to headpats from birth.

Meta pregnancy.

Attached: thefook.jpg (275x279, 16K)

I still wonder why Spotted Flower just didn't end as soon as the baby was born instead of going complete full retard.


13-episodes series.
Episodes 1-3 introduce one different couple each, and all end with a semi-explicit sex scene.
The nine following episodes follow the three now pregnant girls and their unborn children, with each episode representing a month of pregnancy. The final episode is about giving birth.

Please tell me the parents castrate and murder him

post more cute pregnant girls

Attached: miim.jpg (1579x1843, 661K)

What happened?

>and we would have pregnancy sex every single day
You're gonna need a bigger womb.

Attached: 3_months_only_by_marrazan-dc8lecv.jpg (1024x1525, 118K)

read it again

How is it legal to be this wrong?

I just want to give a cute pregnant 2D girl a consensual belly rub.

Your mom was pregnant for You, Miserable Bastard Shit

Galko is so disgusting in everything sense

No and Fuck You Miserable Slander Shit

>tfw you will never fall in mutual love with a beautiful, fertile woman
>tfw you will never watch tears of joy roll down her blushing cheeks when you say "I do"
>tfw you will never lay her down on the marital bed and look into her eyes as you sow the seeds of new life in her womb
>tfw you will never watch her grow bit by bit every day with your child
>tfw you will never help her stand up and sit down, feed her weird cravings, or feel the kicks in her belly that you helped create
>tfw you will never drop everything and rush to the hosptial and stay by her side for 7 hours until she gives birth
>tfw you will never see her exhausted face shine with maternal affection as she introduces you to the miracle you have brought into this world
>tfw you will never reach out to touch that tiny, fragile finger, and find new purpose in life
>tfw you will never protect that pure, innocent smile

>tfw you will never be a father

Attached: rain.jpg (500x350, 56K)

Anime girls with big bellies are hard to find

Attached: DuEzYJRU4AARIk_.jpg (895x1024, 93K)

Can do.

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>fertility drugs

Attached: Illya 1404431599950 Clomid.png (713x249, 406K)

Konata is obviously the father.

Attached: reaction_wut.png (726x590, 72K)

>ywn pump a girl so full of fertility drugs that she's ready to explode by the 2nd trimester

Attached: 1537245720968.jpg (2179x3121, 3.32M)

>but you have a pregnancy fetish so you keep fucking her causing her to become even more pregnant and you keep doing it even when she is trying to give birth.

konata has a dick?

it’s a magic stork

Hyperpreg is degenerate

The stork is a rapist.

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So every time we have sex she gets more pregnant and we have sex every day for 9 months, how pregnant will she be?

>user's wife, third trimester

Anywhere between 300 to 1000, depending on how many times a day you knock her up.

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Good work; keep it up

I thought she was supposed to be a hard domme.

Pregnant women can't be dominant

having sex with a peggo woman is pedophilia

Pregnant women are for bellyrubs and cuddles.

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and sex

And sucking on


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The ole keep the rape baby dilemma.

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oh god yes!

Fucked up pinky included?

How is the pregnant gal character not already a trope? It makes so much sense.

You commissioned a picture of the wrong sibling.


You'd think there would be more...

Generic High School Slice of Life about a new transferring into a new school...

...but the school is actually a special school for pregnant teens, so EVERY student is actually a mother to be (and maybe one or two of the teachers as well).

I wouldn't have the show come out and tell this immediately, though, but have the MC and the first characters she meets in Episode 1 be too early in their pregnancy to really be showing. The episode would play it straight like any other highschool slice of life, but hint at it all the way. The reveal would come at the end of the episode, and then things go from there, introducing the more obviously pregnant characters in Episode 2 and then showing them all as they progress over the course of the school year.

I can only imagine what the student council president would be like, and then maybe the leader of the delinquent girls.

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Junketsu Megami-sama anime when?

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Depends how it's done. If it's a CGDCT starring young housewives, discussing their weird cravings, comparing the names they're thinking of, trading tips on how to deal with things, etc, sure. A more soap opera-ish series full of I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF HE'S THE REAL FATHER and OH MY GOD WHAT IF I HAVE A MISCARRIAGE and all that, fuck no. Something somewhere in between but more towards the lighthearted CGDCT end of the scale, possibly.

Something like that could work. I'm assuming it's kind of like Gakkou Gurashi where the characters are all aware of what's actually going on, it's just the audience that (initially) isn't?

>176 posters
If there's so many people in this thread why is the supply for cute pregnancy material so low?

Yeah, that sort of twist. I've posted it before, but I might as well post it again:

Episode one: the new girl MC introduces herself to the rest of the class, going through the usual motions of a first day at school like any anime.
No obviously pregnant students get screentime (though maybe their homeroom teacher is pregnant and showing), but they give a couple hints. Like say...

The genki new best friend character will talk about how her and the MC should be friends because they're all 'nakama' now.

When they go to lunch, the other characters eat so much it initially surprises the MC but then she thinks "yeah, I need to eat like that, too."

After lunch, they'll be in a home-ec class and in the background the teacher will be talking about some topic related to childcare. Not necessarily out of place for Home-ec, but... peculiar. You'll have to listen careful to hear it, because the students themselves will be too busy telling the MC about some of the more famous/infamous students in the school that she'll end up meeting and/or befriending at some point.

School over, the MC goes home to parents that are very obviously worried about how everything went, more than they should be for a usual first-day-at-a-new-school anime scenario. She waves off their concerns saying that it was good and fine, and she wants to take a bath and rest a bit after school. They show the usual body-obscured shower scenes, and then skip to a close up of her lying on her bed and looking at her phone while reflecting on the days events.

She says the usual stuff about hoping everything goes well for here and wondering about the future, and that she's especially worried about the future "because..."

*camera zooms out to show her lying in her underwear face up on her bed, midsection fully exposed and showing a slight, but pronounced swelling*

"...I'm pregnant."

Roll happy theme song credits.

We truly live in a society...

Episode two will reveal the students that got mentioned in the home-ec class, and will all be pregnant and showing.

You'll have the kind but responsible student council president who's six~ months along (who the other cast members always make fun of for being so responsible, yet still somehow having managed to end up pregnant).

...The leader of the deliquents who's at eight months along and acts like as much of a badass now as she did before (but also shows extreme love, care, and concern for her unborn child).

...The 4 month along quiet girl who's shy and self conscious, but can't hide her growing belly any more.

...The sporty girl who wants to keep in good physical condition throughout her pregnancy so she can go back to playing as soon as possible, so as big as she's getting, she can always be seen stretching and exercising during scenes and in the background.

...Characters like that.

Every now and they there might be a short segment where they focus on the characters boyfriends/significant others and some of what they're going through and how they're helping, and maybe a bit on how it all happened for each of the characters. Kinda like the highschool girl segments from 'Daily Lives of Highschool Boys', though with more interaction with the main cast.

Sounds mostly good. The way I see it, the teachers should all be parents, if not pregnant. After all, if it's a school where you need to teach parenting as well as the usual curriculum, it should be teachers with relevant experience. Possibly even have one or two of them having been pregnant teens themselves who've since gotten teaching qualifications to get decent jobs to support themselves and their kids. I also think you could give some of the obviously pregnant students screen time in the first episode, but shown from behind.


>You'll have the kind but responsible student council president who's six~ months along (who the other cast members always make fun of for being so responsible, yet still somehow having managed to end up pregnant).
"Condoms break sometimes, okay!"
"Right, right. You sure you didn't just forget that time?"
"I always made sure!"

Love these threads because preg is the primortial kink the literal life giver the one kink to rule them all etc.

Hate these thread because too many anons giving way too many ideas to narrow down to what is a mostly consensus on what people like about pregnancy, makes it too hard to figure out what would be usable in creating pregnancy related content.

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>the thread is still alive
I see mods are being lazy dumbasses again

Personally I just love the romanticism in seeing your happy wife grow your child inside her and you getting to pamper and dote on her as her belly gets increasingly unwieldy. It's the natural highpoint of having opportunities to show your partner that you love them and I crave sappy shit like that

It's because nipon deep state hackers

>Thread about pregnancy in anime/manga
>disrespecting the mods

I hope you enjoy your extended Memorial Day vacay from Yea Forums kid.

They deleted the Strike Witches thread.
Fucking dumbasses.

>that one Obmas doujin where the dude knocks up the shrine maiden oni

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You have to be an adult to post here.

I'd have one or two of the teachers be currently pregnant, if only to have some mini-segments of their own featuring some of the more adult oriented concerns about pregnancy and to dispel some of the myths about them (like pregnant sex being dangerous for the baby, say?)

And yeah show some of the other students from behind and/or belly obscured. OR... during the lunch room scene, have one of the further along students (the delinquent girl, maybe?) be the biggest eater and show her sitting back after the meal, stomach fully exposed. Audience will think it's a visual joke about her eating so much he belly extended, but it's actually just how large she now is.

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Is that the one where he comes back and she's all
"congratulations it looks like you'll have to(take responsibility) give up your girlfriend now" or something like that?

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Also relevant to thread's interest:





Yes, these are all fully translated. Though I'm still working on fully revising Mamankyoushitsu...

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Might be cool pregnancy in HS earlier is frowned upon in japan and most girls get kicked out so the school can save face, I specialized school that someone opened to take in these girls (and boyfriends too if they wanted to join) actually legitimately makes sense. I know it's fiction but the irony is I don't think Japan has a problem with teen pregnancies since they have an overall pregnancy problem to begin with and the west doesn't care to much if highschool sluts get knocked up hell my senior year we had 3-4 of them waddling around 1 who was in one of my classes.

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Oh definitely have one or two of them currently pregnant, but the rest being all parents rather than a more usual mix of parents and childless. And yeah, I like that lunch room scene, in addition to showing a few from behind or otherwise obscured.

(source is Futari no Mama de)

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Oh well fuck, I guess Theterm just got some competition

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Unfortunately, it's a very short one shot comic. But don't forget to support the artist, Ritsu:

You can check out their pixiv here: pixiv.net/member.php?id=9642

Their twitter here: twitter.com/re2_defrost/

And their Booth here:

Attached: 10.png (1008x1434, 185K)

>yuri end
yikes, that's gonna be a solid no from me chief.

Good tastes, you have better tastes than ack.
Here comes the pathetic pol/ack/, harassing people calling them !akemi.

I'd be happy as long as there's a clumsy comic relief character with quintuplets and milktanks.

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What about pregnant lolis?

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NO ! you disgusting pedophile

Perfect breeding age

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Imagine sticking your penis between their bellies

Imagine being in the same room as these girls.

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I see this thread is still going strong

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They're so big it looks uncomfortable for them and I feel bad so I'd offer snacks and pillows and rubs and maybe looser clothing

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Artist tend to either make women FUCK HEUG even with 1 (one) kid or too small with like 3 kids or multiples, I would make a joke about maybe since Japanese men barely see pregnant women they don't know how to proportion them but based Kokanoki Nao exist

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Yeah, true that. Fetish artists in general are pretty bad at linking size to reality - you see hyperpreg artists drawing beachball bellies and saying there's only 6 kids in there, or a regular 3rd trimester belly supposedly carrying triplets.

Literally any size is cute, though.

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Let me increase that size.

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That's half the reason I can't enjoy pregnancy VNs. Almost none of them seem to have artists who know how to portray pregnancy anatomically correctly or in a non aggressively fetishistic way. I just want cute happy girls not balloons.

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Pregnant girls in highschool uniforms are GOAT


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Now this is a proper wholesome image please more

Were there only much more

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>anime where the MC gets bodyswapped into a pregnant girl
>turns out that the pregnancy is due to aliens or magic that also caused the bodyswap

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Very good thread thank you all