Is this true?

Is this true?

Attached: 3r8jyqmrjk031.png (360x388, 410K)

Fuck off reddit

Only a retard or a person fearing some kind of time paradox/curse wouldn't press the button. I can change my gender right this second.

yes, preferably a loli

Eat shit, reddit.

Holy fuck kek

Yes. Not much for the genderswap, but because I want to reboot my life and do better.

>become female
>have to make an effort to look attractive
>working out
>dealing with period
yeah nah

only the eggs

>nu-Yea Forums unironically bumps reddit threads

Being a woman is a con, but knowing everything about my life and those years and acting accordingly? Id be rich in no time.

>the state of isekaifags on Yea Forums
Oh no no no no

>gotta keep bumping those jojo threads goy

Except if you're as ugly as you are now but youre a female instead you're absolutely fucked
But having all your memories makes up for it infinity fold

Yeah I would
>Buy bitcoin in 2009/2010
Set for life.

There is literally zero downside to this

let's be real, you'd all end up as teen moms

You forgot to mention that your current look will be converted, so you will still keep the ugly

You'd think newfags would learn by now that we don't like being called weebs.

As long as my mind is still guy-me, sure. I wouldn’t if it meant slowly gaining the sexuality of a female though.

Yeah I tough about that but what if I break the chain of actions that led to bitcoin price exploding if I buy and hoard a lot ? What if there is more than just be that went back in time and they all have the same ideas as me ?

What do you mean by switch? There are 96 genders

I'm ugly so I'll go with the former.

You must mean upvote...

all that estrogen will make you crave dick

This post is extremely low quality.

all you guys calling yourselves ugly
upload your Snapchat filter results

So like when I'm a baby would having my memories mean I could remember how to talk and control my bowels?