Why are males often drawn with a darker complextion than females, who are very pale, even though both are Japanese?

Why are males often drawn with a darker complextion than females, who are very pale, even though both are Japanese?

Attached: super interesting.gif (800x450, 1.62M)


males of all populations tend to be of darker complexion than the females from the same population

Araragi is an active guy outdoors while his sisters fuck inside all day and he has an actual vampire with him.

If you didn't know, skin color is affected by more than genetics.
If you actually go to East Asian countries, girls actually wear clothing accessories and products to keep their skin as pale as possible.

Because women often have a lighter complexion due to obsessive skin care product usage, working outside less, and lightening makeup.

Like this is a common sight in Vietnam even though it's hot as balls all year round.

Attached: despite-health-risks-skin-whitening-continues-to-be-a-beauty-trend-throughout-asia-hanoi-vietnam-shu (1500x1000, 217K)

Jewish plot to end Japan

What do budding JC imouto breasts feel like?

It's not that males are drawn with darker skin, it's that females are drawn with lighter skin.


That's how it is in real life too, men typically spend more time outside and typically have less makeup on. Unless you're in the office 25 hours a day (which happens) or a literal basement dweller (like a lot of Yea Forums is) I suppose.

because asian women want to be fair skinned

This. It's the result of a compromise between vitamin D production and UV protection. Women need more vitamin D during pregnancy and as a result they sacrifice melanin.
I'm surprised most people here don't know this already. It's observable even among white and black populations.

Attached: 1426485836012.jpg (670x800, 107K)

Dark skin is associated with physical labor and physical activities in general, as well as simply testosterone. An attractive male is usually of slightly darker complexion relative to the race of the girl.

THAT KEK K KEK DUUUUUUDE >File: super intering.gif (1.62 MB, 800x450)
>1.62 MB
>Anonymous 05/27/19(Mon)11:53:03 No.188689
> (OP)
> corruption

And what do you suggest they do? Put on a burka?
It's the fucking tropic, Icelander

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Have you never stepped outside in your life? This is true for white people too

Because japanese have better beauty standards. A fairer skin used to be thought as more beautiful for women in Europe long ago, because it was a symbol of wealth and nobility. Nowadays tanning is apparently more popular, and I'll never understand why women will stay for hours under the sun just to harm their skin.
Anime tanlines are hot though.

I can only assume its like heaven. Why the fuck couldnt i fuck my sister. I am such a fuckup

wh*te people love to get tanned

Let's just roll out the harsh fact: A lighter complexion for women is generally considered more attractive than a darker one. The contrast makes things even better.

I never said it was wrong for them to do it, just that it happens.
Not in the part of America I'm from. Pale girls are made fun of constantly in my experience. But keep trying bud.

All factors equal, white men are darker than white women. They have thicker skin and more melanin.

Males get more sunlight because they usually are more likely to work outdoors.

Japanese aren't white.

Same reason tomboys are usually darker. They take less care to avoid sun exposure. It's a masculine trait.

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>what is biology

I guess this is what happens when I don't go out for 20 years

This. I had a tomboy sister and she did more sports and ended up darker than many girls.

It's weird how the opposite is not the case for men, with most women preferring whiter men too.
People like white and shiny crap.

>b-b-but my anecdotal evidence of cultural trends rather than evolution!

You can wear PJ's outdoors?

Attached: your-name.png (1024x576, 514K)

They prefer white men, not whiter men. Pasty men who sit on Yea Forums all day and never go outside aren't attractive.

because pale skin is beautiful in japan.

I think you're confusing pasty shadows with "white glowing with radiance" men.

Why would you need to when it's mostly explained by cultural trends?
Go explain why most girls have longer hair than men. FUCKING EVOLUTION DUDE.
Actually dumb as shit.

White chicks love to get tanned.
Have fun in your third world country though.

Read a book you actual troglodyte. You're making yourself look retarded.

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I actually don't think you know what anthropology is without having to look it up. Whatever, have the last message you creep.

You do know that generally feminine traits are associate with health and fertility on the biological level, and wealth and status on the sociological level?

It's biology. And
What are you, a woman?

Because they grow their hair out? It's a choice that women make. I'm not sure what your point is. Are you arguing that female hair grows faster?
Men work in professions where long hair can be dangerous or simply a nuisance. Another thing is that male hair has the tendency to be considerably thicker than thick female hair. As someone with extremely thick hair who also went through various periods of my life with very long hair I can tell you that it's extremely annoying.

Japs know black men are made for jap and white women

Pale skin is considered a trait of beauty for women in Asian countries.

Hi Ninja Lead

This was exactly his point, that there are cultural differences between men and women, not everything is explained by evolution. It was an example of such thing against the uneducated spammers.

Except, again, see . Men who tan as much as women will be darker.
Educate yourself.

Thats what it is like in real life, user.

This is true but even more so in Japan where pale skin has traditionally been seen as feminine and desirable. Girls will walk around under umbrellas in the sun just to avoid tanning.

I was thinking that but I couldn't tell if it wasn't sarcasm.

Tanning is now in fashion because it implies you have the wealth to either go on a tropical vacation long enough to get tanned or you have enough time to laze in the sun rather than work.

Desirable in most countries except California.

These. Testosterone darkens skin. That's why your balls will have darker skin.

It's funny because tanned skin is fucking disgusting.

>and I'll never understand why women will stay for hours under the sun just to harm their skin.
Women do a lot of stupid shit.

t. basement dweller

> That's why your balls will have darker skin.
Uuuh..I think that's just you man. Go to a doctor.

>reasonably pale
>dark dick
It's my inner nigger, innit?

You keep telling yourself that your baby pale balls are normal mate.

Post pale girls.

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California likes them pale too?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu - Die Neue These - Kaikou - 03 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapsh (1280x720, 375K)

He's right though. You obviously haven't fapped enough, all Yea Forumsnons that aren't 14 like the rest the board have black cocks.

These. I'm a 1st gen chinese american, I remember when I last visited the extended senpai in china they told my sister "oh you've grown so pretty! If only you were lighter skinned..."

I've also noticed all the east asian international students at my university would use parasols in summer. In south carolina, that's quite rare to see.

to be fair, tans can make it a bit harder to spot that immediately. but if you pay attention to it you'll realize that the palest women have a lighter complexion than the palest men


Anime girls tend to be idealized representations of female beauty, and therefore have light and flawless skin
Men aren't as idealized and there's a broad range of how they can be portrayed as handsome or otherwise desirable which doesn't have much to do with skin tone.

Attached: shinobu.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

>real life/3DPD "discussion" bait thread

That's a super interesting gif.


you're probably a grower, but you have the same amount of melanin there as the rest of your body but when it's retracted the melanin are denser and it appears darker

>Girls will walk around under umbrellas in the sun just to avoid tanning.
As they should.

Why do white women tan and cause themselves to look 40 at 20?

Asian men are just darker. Don't know why. It just is.
t. Asian

I think you should post more super interesting examples OP.

I remember having this book in my home library ages ago about old Chinese erotic and pornographic art. And even in paintings that are hundreds of years old you often could see that males are typically depicted as having darker skin.
Why is that? Well, debatable. But these asian beauty standards and stereotypes are pretty old.

Attached: Capture.jpg (482x287, 31K)

Unless you wanna see my BLACKED webms I have nothing else.

Because pale skin looks more feminine, it should be obvious. And it helps to distinguish men and women more easily

Pretty good. My sister used to let me rub hers when I was in middle school.

women in Japan go to extreme lengths to avoid getting any sunlight on their skin, because they fear getting their skin damaged from exposure.
that's why you see women wearing long sleeve shirts, pants or long dresses, using umbrellas or wearing the "darth vader masks" out n around in the summer months.
it's also a beauty standards thing. pale skin is considered more attractive in japan, where in the west it's generally tanned skin that's considered to be better looking
t.lived in japan for 15 years.

You need to see a doctor. That's the first sign of testicular cancer.