What an utter miserable shitlhole. This is one of the places I would definitely not want to be in. It pars with fire punch in shittness although that at least had sex.
What an utter miserable shitlhole. This is one of the places I would definitely not want to be in...
You too
I mean there's almost no viable source of food for humans on the island, aside from snails and insects.
Why did people expect humanity from characters who not being human is a vital plot point?
You as a human would do fine there. You would be the most powerful being in the world.
>can't even jump 30m into the air
Nah I don't think so.
>Tell Sensei to protect you and keep you alive
It's that easy.
Still don't have any food or freshwater though.
It can probably be made, considering the slugs need food. You being human would also make Aechmea your bitch, and the moon definitely has food.
What about the lack of atmosphere/gravity on earth from the planet getting mooned half a dozen times?
how come the gems aren't all desperately suicidal? based moonies understand that their existence is pointless and they want to move on. gems are content just going through the motions over and over and over
The moon people say there's air on earth so I don't think it's an issue, and there's still at least enough gravity to prevent you from floating away in a strong breeze.
They're soc
The gems tend to keep themselves busy with tasks other than existential angst.
It represents how they are parts of humanity. The lunarians are souls, being aware of meaninglessness and how existence is suffering makes them want to pass on. Gems are bones, lacking substance and essence, and thus can exist for a long time without going insane.
>believing what moon people say
Good gemtile
But the gems are cute and you could have multiple wives
they are despicable self serving scum
>implying you would not immediately be Mengele'd by Rutile
Predictions for next chapter?
Phos gets btfo again
How low can Phos even go anymore?
Butchering his own values and ethos is the one thing Phos has never done.
Any harm he's done has always been to himself, and to peel back the insanity of his culture. The only way I see Phos as 'dying' is if he begins butchering Sensei or torturing others.
absorbs adamant and goes nuclear
Sensei tried to feed Red Dia some cherries though.
holy shit i just read the new chapter, i thought yellow was commiting suicide, but it's acutally even worse
>Gem goes for a high five
>Breaks your whole arm
Phos lifted like 500 kilos efortlessly at one point
>Gem goes for high five
>Sensei destroys gem to protect you
>no food
>no fresh water
>not immortal like the gems
>moonies will fuck you up if you are there before they stop raiding
>gems might accidentally kill you if you bump into one
>can't even fuck the gems
Things don't go her way, becomes evil Phos.
until very recently the gems had a form of death, being captured by moonies, and the war kept them all busy. If the moonies were to suddenly disappear gem society would crumble and after a few thousand years they would probably become just as suicidal
which is why reforming humanity is the only real endgame that results in a happy end for everyone
Who do you anons think is going to become the main antagonist?
>Yellow Diamond
I want it to be Bort, but it's probably going to be the Prince or Princess.
Reminder no chapter next month.
All the gems on the moon after sensei prays the moonies away, with an army of artificial gems powered by implanting fake memories into them, memory extraction was touched last chapter after all
at this point I don't think there will be a main antagonist and it will be phos against everyone
Genki Phos
If that happens I'd imagine they'd recognize Cairngorm as their leader.
SEA arc
Comfy winter with Sensei.
Are you going through tits withdrawal user?
This please. Phos taking care of the winter duties while he recovers mentally and lets go of everything that's hurting him. Then
Maybe not winter duties, but a few pages of her and sensei talking and planning about where to go from here. It would be very interesting to see Phos and Sensei talking as equals for the first time, instead of master/student.
I'm more of an ass guy myself
Wait, how the fuck did Sensei even find Phos's buried body parts scattered across the island?
by walking around
He's a big guy
He had 200 years to gather her pieces.
He had 220 years. Even then he couldn't find everything
I wonder if the moonie gems also forgot about Phosphophyllite. This last chapter was too depressing, Yellow struggling with dementia was a particularly hard one too. I wonder where the story is going with Phos. Has Cinnabar forgotten her too? I'm thinking that Yellow will remember her.
Do you think Yellow's condition is due to trauma, or a symptom of old age? Maybe inclusions become retarded after so many years. She's the oldest right?
She's the oldest but I don't think it's due to age. Amethyst said that it was about the long years of introspection, so trauma certainly does factor in.
About the moonie gems forgetting Phos, I think it's certain. Even Cringeworm forgot her name, only Yellow seemed to recall it, so it would be extremely appropriate for Yellow to be the only gem that remembers Phosphophyllite. And possibly Cinnabar too back on Earth.
About the moon gems wanting to shed their bodies, I think it was very meaningful for Cairngorm to volunteer, not only because it is very much within her character's motivation but because that sets up a possible confrontation with her Ghost.
This manga is a depressing read but dear me is it good.
Why is Shinsha so fucking retarded. Wants to get taken away by Lunarians, just for the chance of life being different or encountering the sweet release of death most likely. Then she finally gets a chance to go to the moon, with none of the negative potential outcomes. A whole array of options to choose from to give her life meaning, and she fucking declines. Shinsha is shit,
That part is basically when you realize you actually want to live the moment you jump off a building.
he is attentionwhore
Jesus fucking christ Ichikawa.
Just how long until Phos stops being the literal embodiment of SUFFERING?
He's a gemcel
>lack of atmosphere
>there's literally fucking oceans
I probably don't have to guess which country is responsible for your lack of education.
Shinsha is at first glance the "fated" one to end up with Phos, but in reality he's possibly the most unenlightened character in the series.
I thought the one-week delays between the original airing of Madoka were long, with endless-speculation threads.
One month. Two months. More. I'm graduating school and this stupid fucking manga has done nothing but sucker-punch its main character over and over.
which makes their finally-flipping-shit in this chapter very satisfying
>Shinsha is at first glance the "fated" one to end up with Phos
only really early on in the story. shinsha stopped being important after he found legless phos and is only a bit more relevant now because he joined the earth gems. I blame the anime for really hyping up the relationship between phos and shinsha in the op/ed but even there he isn't that important
Cinnabar feels like a dropped plotline.
You know nothing of suffering user.
Try reading something for 20-30 fucking years without any ending in sight. For the span of time that I read Berserk and JoJo I graduated 3 times, got PhD, found family and thinking about children.
Pretty much. But it's also a huge subversion of expectations every time we see something new about Shinsha.
>You think Shinsha is kind and empathetic
>Shinsha is cruel and doesn't see that others might be suffering just like him
>You think Shinsha is progressive and loyal
>Shinsha is the very definition of stagnation, and only allies with those who can help him
>You think Shinsha is unhappy because of his mercury
>Shinsha is only blaming all his mental issues on his mercury
And so on.
It still does feel like Shinsha will be important at the end of the story, but to be honest he was never a major player to begin with. His arc conclusion with Phos is something that can only really happen at the end of Phos' journey, so of course he'll be pretty irrelevant overall.
Shinsha is Phos' antithesis. But now, The World is their enemy. Shinsha is the epitome of "I cannot do anything". They take no risks, only do what is expected, and have no ethos beyond needing acceptance. They have no desire to become stronger, because that would threaten what they have, and while that's next-to-nothing, they have ownership over it, so it's priceless.
It's odd that this manga is about Buddhism when nobody seems to Want anything... isn't that supposed to be the end-goal of Buddhism?
Except Phos. They have desires. Thus they suffer. But that also makes them alive. I guess the manga asks a hard question: Would you rather feel alive and suffer immensely, or be sedated and numb, understanding nothing? But most of the gems don't actually make a concerted effort not-to-understand.
Why? Because Sensei inflicted Phos with understanding. He, the teacher, put Phos on the path that would make them suffer, but lead them to enlightenment. See this image? This is the first fucking chapter. Everything Sensei talks about has come true. See the final panel in this exchange? Sensei knows how this shit all goes down. Give someone the means to understand the world and they'll become a being-apart from most people. And that "I leave it to you"... he knows can't fix the current situation because he IS the situation.
So yes. It's horrible what's happened to Phos. But it's all part of the process. To be alive is to suffer. And damn does Phos feel alive.
Gems are incredibly forgetful, they lack any real substance, gems stick to a personaloty and just go with the flow, gems only get suicidal when they've actually gone through a significant amount of time and suffering like Yellow.
Otherwise they forget irrelevant things and adapt to new situations.
spotted the redditor
They're basically children.
Buddhist teachings say life is suffering, suffering is caused by desire, etc. The foir noble truths.
The point of the manga is that the gems are not human, they're only one part of three so of course on their own they do not have desire like a human would.
While I dislike theyfags too, he actually made a pretty good post while you didn't.
Also please refer to step 5.
Reminder Cinnabun has permanently killed Paparappa
The three poisons are "greed," "hate" and "ignorance."
The moon people are greedy, the slugs are hateful (of the moon people) and the gems are ignorant. Am I a smart master scholar now?
Is that Goshe or Dia without the thigh-highs?
>uses edition
>talks about post quality
I said "lack of atmosphere/gravity" implying a reduction, not a complete absence of either
>I probably don't have to guess which country is responsible for your lack of education.
Now that's just racism, man. I'll have you know I recieved the finest education the republic of the congo had to offer.
Too dumb to be suicidal
I guess Yellow's inclusions have started malfunctioning after all those years
So outside of the Earth having 6 moons instead of one. Does the solar system in Houseki have any other differences from our own?
How did the moonies get the human particle? I doubt they made it themselves, is it from the last human? How did they get it then?
Snails in spaaaaace
Maybe they actually used some of those snails and gems they have lying around for something other than dust.
>started reading OP when I was in middle school
>about to graduate university
>it's only been like 3 arcs since
Jesus fuck
Aechmea has been the main antagonist ever since this happened and that's unlikely to change, it's just that his antagonism comes about somewhat indirectly since Phos isn't important to him other than how Phos can be used to further his as yet unknown plans. Someone who appears to operate purely on what benefits him, which makes his wooing of Cairn stand out even more.
The fact that he doesn't seem to care about the prayer anymore makes me think he for sure had other plans now.
I want to guide the gems through the step of civilization, architecture and mass industrialization!
>Mass industrialization
>In a society of less than 40 individuals with a birth rate of 1 every couple of hundred years
>Cinnabun has an insane memory and never forgets anything
>we're supposed to believe she forgot Phossu
Nice try but no way.
Reminder that during the see arc every gem spent an entire night working themselves to the bone looking for Phos when cinnabar could have literally just shouted “I found Phos” and saved everyone the effort.
I don't care! I want them to cover the world with highways and industrial plants. They can enslave the slugs for cheap labor and live as engineer-aristocrats!
She's shy. A complex child.
I'm actually kind of surprised there aren't more trails crisscrossing the island. You'd think that patrolling gems, making the same exact rounds every single day, would eventually carve ruts into the turf, testament to their ignorant and mindless routine.
Fire Punch was a masterpiece
Because in most works of fiction people get shitty vampires going "oh no being a vampire is so hard I'm so pretty and immortal and can't walk in the sun except I can with an umbrella I guess and have to drink blood but it can be animal blood so that isn't so bad".
People have been spoiled by "non-humans" that are functionally no different than humans, so the idea of characters that are outright alien and do not conceive of the world as we do is outright strange to us.
And to Phos, since for Phos all the events of the story are contained within a 1-2 year period even though 320 years have passed so far and Phos is technically 620 years old.
I miss the earlier manga. When did everything get so terrible?
After Shinsha met Phos.
he's basically an ally at this point, they have similar goals, their methods might defer from now but if any of them asks for the help of the other one I doubt they would reject it
if sensei prays the moonies away before the moongems can transform into Lunarians this definitely will happen
also doubtful, he reconstructed Phos, when there was no reason to if he considered Phos a treat
too stupid and straightforward, not exactly main antagonist material
>Yellow Diamond
depending on the development in future chapters could be an interesting choice
she isn't exactly final antagonist material either, she is smart but too passive, I can see her being Phos' last partner near the end or the one sent to kill Phos, key word being sent
I personally think there won't be a final antagonist and Phos will sacrifice himself for the greater good even if everyone hates him forever at the end
because Phos misinterpreted Shinsha's intentions, the moon was the closest thing to death for the gems, meaning that Shinsha was suicidal, Phos painted it as some kind of research trip
>Gems are incredibly forgetful
Took 200+ years to forget someone though
for the closest thing to a Hitler that's incredibly fast, if it was a no one like Benito I would understand, but not the gem that took away 1/3 of your population to the moon
>people think Sensei literally means the gems forgot Phos
>not that they just don't think about Phos much anymore
Shinsha is still hidden in every volume cover, while her importance has taken a backseat for a good chunk of the manga she is far from irrelevant, after the moon raid the first thing in Phos' mind was how Shinsha attacked her, and Shinsha avoided eye contact at all cost after Bortz smashed Phos, this is one of the things I doubt Ichikawa would scrap along the way, Shinsha getting the spotlight will be the clear sign that we're near the ending
*after the night raid
I can't believe Variegatus is fuckin dead.
How many Admirabilis will die of old age by the ime the story ends?
I really thought Ichikawa was going to do more with her character, not just one scene and she fucks off then dies offscreen after a 200+ year timeskip.
Random lunarian mush + slug fleshy things + Antarc watery form
The disappointment when Phos returns to the moon and found that the gem restoring program was stopped or even failed.
I can't believe Aculeatus's fine ass is gone
Its Sensei saying the gems forgot. It may just be that they stopped talking about Phos that led him to think that they forgot completely. Since its pretty fucking clear that Euclase remembers Phos, since she's been asking Sensei to pray every day.
I bet Cairn stopped it because she was afraid of Ghost
He has a new bf now bro
I don't understand how the gems on the moon haven't caught on that the Lunarians are dirty lying scum after they stopped the gem restoration program. How could they possibly process this information and still think the Lunarians are the good guys?
nobody cares about Phos
>worst gem x dumbest gem
>redhaired gem gets blacked
Who is this phos character you guys keep talking about? Is phos a new lunarian character in June's leaks?
nice try doritos but you'll never be as cute as phos, you better quit while you're ahead
Rofl good one user
Based fashionposter
if she loves fashion so much then why didn't she go to the moon?
she's a faker
do you guys still believe this?
Will amethyst marry barbata?
Yes, but it could be shinsha instead, or takes something from the beach, like phos eats a newborn red gem that just got shat out of the rock.
It's been said that Ichikawa has always a clear ending in mind for the manga but it's sometimes painfully obvious she's making up the mid-point as she goes along. Nothing inherently wrong with that really, it just can get annoying when she seems to randomly drop characters/plot points or things change suddenly chapter-to-chapter or things meander too much.
Probably doesn't help that it's a monthly manga.
Yes. Keep in mind the Agate, Gold/Plat, Lapis, and Pearl all came out of fucking nowhere, so it being Parappa might not be a sure thing.
Imagine making all the gems your girlfriends, even bort!
We will have to wait until some info about Pad's current condition is revealed.