ITT: Overrated shows
ITT: Overrated shows
That's a pretty nice resolution, OP....
Thanks. Nice worst girl.
One man's trash... well you know.
Haitus x Hot Garbage
Shut the fuck up faggot HxH is unironically a masterpiece.
The aussie composer is complete garbage
Kevin Penkin is alright, but Evan Call is better
>outing yourself as having shit taste
hello shitposter
not cool mate
I agree
Not a show but pic related and let me tell you why. In the end it turns out Rumi was the murderer and believes herself to be Mima and thinks the real Mima is a fake. She gets caught and institutionalized. Fine. But that doesn't change the fact that Mima was completely detached from reality, unable to differentiate between stage and life, and at one point even believed that she had killed the victims herself. She's almost as fucked in the head as Rumi but apparently her mental illness only lasts as long as the plot demands. It neatly resolves itself and never tackles it's core issues.
I haven't watched Abyss but I kept hearing people going on and on about the OST, so I listed to it, and it's *definitely* overrated.
Don't try so hard to be a contrarian, it gives out your age
He’s right. Strip away the looks and it’s a bare bones episodic show with a boring MC.
> Strip away the looks
One of the best soundtracks in anime history as well, nice world with attention to details and good dialogs
Episodic shows are the best pleb filters desu
>One of the best soundtracks in anime history as well,
Not even close. No, I'm not giving examples since you are either ignorant or a troll and either way I'd be wasting my time.
>nice world with attention to details
True of countless anime. It's like saying this restaurant is great because they took the time to provide you with chairs.
>good dialogs
If you are over twelve and actually believe this I really can't help you.
>Episodic shows are the best pleb filters desu
I don't think you understand how filters work.
Beebob isn't 'bad,' simply overrated (the thread subject.) But it is not nearly as good as I remember.
Nothing you wrote is wrong, but is that really that big of a narrative flaw? A lot of her paranoia and psychosis is directly linked to the fansite and the stalker, both of which are directly related to Rumi. I don't think it's that hard to imagine she made a recovery at the end. I kinda agree that her being completely unrelated to the murders seems a bit contradictory to the way the movie portrays them, but I still think as a whole it's one of the best thrillers I've ever seen. Anime or not.
You try too hard lad
At least you are wise not to give examples, the cringe might actually kill some of the weakest lurkers of the threads
her creepy smile and "I'm the real Mima" quote at the very end in the car hints that things aren't quite so simple IMO
>incredibly naive protagonist
>the count is just a cunt
>rest of the cast is generally nothing special
>dated CG
I just don't get the appeal, outside the somewhat cool aesthetics
Full Shit Alchemist
Guaranteed you's for me because their fanbase is so insufferable.
Can't believe people actually defended this low effort garbage.
Fanbase of dumb as fuck manchildren meme-spouters
That show is only used to shitpost
No one really liked it
Bebop is like the Zelda of anime when it comes to hipster contrarianism.
>people like it at first
>time passes and contrarians shit on it
>shitting on it becomes popular opinion
>contrarians say they like it to be hipsters
rinse and repeat
>t. newfag that wasn't here when it aired
>plot is just a string of events that happen at random like MUH GRAIN
>total recall ripoff
>villain is a deviantart OC white-haired sociopath who cuts people with a razor blade
>is still supposedly deep and sympathetic because he's just tfw to intelligent to live in this society
>shoehorned entry-level Yea Forums quotes from Nietzsche and Camus
here's an actually pretentious show for once
agreed, I usually like Yuasa but this was really disappointing
>contrarian containment thread
>kyoani then: Fun things are fun!
>kyoani now: fun is dead
>total recall
shit, I meant minority report
I always confuse the Phil Dickman adaptations
It was summer cancer and contributed greatly to the decline of quality on this board.
It's probably the only acceptable thing Yuasa has done this decade after being involved in 2 of my top 5 from the 2000s.
Wouldn't get near my top 100 of this decade but it was still good.
Quoting literature is instant pseudo-intellectualism. While neither are bad shows both Ergo Proxy and GitS:SAC are guilty of this.
For something to be "Overrated" the general agreement has to be that it is indeed good and VEG it's not the case at all.
That shit will bore you to tears.
So boring, the only thing good was the chinese guy and the christmas song.
The slapstick humor, old man panty jokes and constant arguing gets old real fast.
It's a great sleep aid.
Just Clear Card or the whole thing? Because the original is great.
I liked the animal transformation episode. Are there any other fetish fuel episodes?
It was okay but most of the shit the creator does gets stale quickly because he's a bit of a one trick pony. We get it, you're all depressed and surreal and shit, and you don't like to clean up any of your artwork, so unique and not at all just lazy.
Also the fish and mushroom obsession is stupid.
y-yeah but SHINY THINGS bro!
Absolutely based and redpilled
(I didn't really like the anime desu) but the manga is 10/10
The bigger flaw is that it utterly fails at being thrilling, which is kinda it's selling point.
Your favorite anime
no one?
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahaha! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: Overrated shows - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
but everyone knows hxh is amazing
I always hear about this supposedly obnoxious fanbase of Gurren Lagann, but where are they? I haven't experienced this in Yea Forums. Is this some American anime convention or reddit thing?
This and FLCL are the most overrated shit ever.
>Plain characters.
>Muh nostalgia.
>Shit deformed animation.
goddamn that grain, looking at that pic transports me to the 90s
I dont give a fuck what anyone says even if the characters are stupid and 'reddit-tier' I'm not going to find another show so aesthetically comforting.
I'm on episode 7 and bored to death how did this show get so much praise
I love my wife Nanachi!
I agree completely.
I don't think I have ever seen a discussion of VE on this board that wasnt just falseflaggers and contriarians shitflinging at eachother.
It's so much worse in the 2nd GitS movie, that movie had way too much pseudo-intellectual crap going on.
One Piece
Imagine being that delusional
Just a moron trying to falseflag
MiA is breddy gud tho
Total contrarian faggots needs to fuck off
Nigga you are insane
Literally all Jojo seasions
Boku no Hero
Attack on Titan
Fuckin furry
These. Doesn't mean they're bad though, just really overrated.
>I love Nanachi
>He doesn't own the Nanachi plushie.
Jojo, and his autistbase is worse
It's just glorified Pokemon but only difference is that it's shit. I'd rather watch Pokemon than Jojo.
The truth hurts. MiA is abysmal.
WTF? Satoshi Kon is overrated? FLCL, Bebop, CCS, NGE, Ranma? I can kinda agree as everything is personal taste, but these are all above average. If these are your go to, you probably need to watch a lot more anime. Plus, stop posting on here, and go watch more.
No, I like it. I just thought that picture was funny.
Hellsing Ultimate sucks. It takes everything that was good about the old series and makes it shit.
Who the hell rates it highly anyways, literally the only times I hear anyone do so are in a few threads on this dead board, and I wouldn't call that overrated.
Anons are you seriously watching MiA instead of reading?
Ranma its fun at first, but it overstays its welcome and Happosai is insufferable
Do you think your clever punk
Mob Psycho. The sheer amount of wholesomeness disgusts me.
What's so good about this shitshow? I seriously don't get why it's so popular...
I enjoy it, but I couldn't stand when he forgave the sadistic bully girl who not only stabbed her but killed the cat in the manga. There's a difference from being a good person and not stirring shit and letting others walk on you.
More like underrated.
It's fun.
Really creative keikaku anime, it's fun.
Attack on Tight Anne
Read a fucking book.
You're also blind, Aruberu is cute
For me Madoka is the best anime of the 2010's
If you have other suggestions, i'm happy to listen(read)
Here's (You)r (You) because I think the same as (You).
Madoka is good, but not THAT good.
>all the amazing direction and expert use of the medium creating a surreal, unsettling atmosphere?
>yeah it was cool but...
>not enough explosions and car chases
>I mean MAL listed this as a thriller wtf is this
The animation for MIA is top tier though.
Manga sucks too
Zoomer taste=worst taste
No, it is just boring and uninspired shit with good style and graphics. If anything, Samurai Champloo was 10 times better.
but Samurai Champloo was almost the same thing, except set in feudal Japan and with hip-hop instead of Jazz
Zoomer. When you've don't have anything to criticize other than its new.
>set in feudal Japan and with hip-hop
Yep, and that is why it is better
>better than a Yoko Kanno soundtrack
space cowboys and jazz is fun as well
I don't get the fan wars between the two, surely if you loved one you will at least like the other
>106 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Not posted obligatory
Nu/a/ is shit.
girls are cute and the animation and ost were great , why wouldn't it get popular ?
I expected this to be the first reply. Once again, you have disappointed me Yea Forums.
I mean yeah the pacing is glacial and the story gets too convoluted, but it's still an inoffensive 7/10 at worst
all i see is your shit opinion with no backup
This anime just dragged on, and I couldn’t get into the characters.
i'm watching this anime now and the music alone is making me doubt this so called masterpiece
Kyoani peaked in the late 2000s and early 2010s, what we see now is the remnants of a once great studio + Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.
okay retard
Death Note
Dragon Maid is hardly a “Great” anime.
>ITT: Overrated shows
I can't think of any show more overrated.
Death Note.
Not overrated, especially TTGL.
Based. Unironically one of the worst anime I've ever seen.
Also overrated.
This. I like both Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo a lot, even though I like Samurai Champloo better.
pic relegated
Only retarded beta cucks who never read Plato's allegory of the cave can say TTGL is overrated.
TTGL is unironically the greatest anime ever made.
I remember how the show went unnoticed for quite some time and Yea Forums was praising it for being a hidden gem and underrated. Now, after the sudden popularity spike, it becomes shit and overrated of course. This board never changes.
>taking it seriously
You need to go back.
The circlejerk it has is fucking astounding. Unwatchable, boring garbage. Every single part.
both of these are overrated garbage. Both were fucking terrible
I'm gonna be that guy.
Came here to post this